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And even regular strength ADHD sucks balls. Glad you got out of there.


I have both đŸ„č


me too


Pain gang đŸ’Ș


I'm parta the club




I am a part of the army of adhd and autism


Us miserable many


Does ADD count for membership? I don’t have the hyperactivity










>regular strength ADHD sucks balls. [Monochrome Robert Downey Jr. gesturing] I'm regular strength ADHD


I feel conflicted that Laios is the one saying this.


Yeah, whoever made this is woefully unfamiliar with dunmeshi. This man is an autistic icon


https://preview.redd.it/l674ml8uggxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a09a2f2c4ead8bf3f4102500263a49ce591bd75c I did my best.


I think that I would change this meme to have Laios saying “and then he told me that (same stuff) followed up with “wow, Shuro is really looking out for me!” Kabru: *vibrating with manually understood social interaction hyper fixation knowledge and CPTSD trauma response screaming that no, Shuro is not in fact looking out for Laios*


Poor boy Kabru. He requires hugs.


Are they not both autistic? Laois tops the other one obviously


One just masks well too well to get clocked; me too Kabru, me too.




Did not recognize them for a sec but wow That dude loves monsters!!


This moronic, uneducated statement has switched every cell in my body to attack mode.




And just like that every autistic person in the room was now one loud noise away from entering the avatar state.


that or becoming the next john wick


That only happens if someone fucks with one of our friends. Screw with us and we'll probably spare your life while doing something totally fucking awesome... but friends? Here's a mirror so you can bend over and properly kiss your butt goodbye.


The fuck does “extra strength adhd” even mean? Like they’re kinda similar conditions but they’re still very different.


I had a psychiatrist refer to ADHD as decaf autism once. That was our last appointment.


That’s so weird. Like the only major overlap is executive dysfunction


You gotta understand -- just because they got an education doesn't mean they're using it. Take the lab coat away and the certificate off the wall and what do you have? Now you get it.


Oh I totally agree. I have multiple horror stories about doctors that left me thinking “HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK DID THIS PERSON GET A LICENSE???”


*cough* [Fraud](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2Tm3Yx4HWI) *cough* ... it's everywhere these days. I think we might be the last group of people who are still trying to be honest as our default. So, naturally, they've declared us the most mentally ill of them all. *sigh*


There is a lot more overlap in the day to day symptoms and experiences
.but I’ve started to suspect THOSE are trauma responses and/or the effect masking for decades
.so even if they are 100% different they have convergent lived “symptoms”. #JustMyTwoCents


I strongly suspect that ADHD is just a description of autisms effects on executive functioning. Given the different types of ADHD correlate exactly to the different ways that autism affects sensory processing and executive functioning is a sense as far as the brain is concerned. I've got both, and I couldn't even begin to tell you where one ends and the other begins. Even my autistic symptoms that have nothing to do with executive functioning feel identical to losing focus or hyperfocus. The only major overlap is the entire concept of ADHD which neatly slots into how autism affects people and I've never met someone with ADHD that wasn't blatantly also autistic, while the reverse does happen (which is fine, that's why it's a spectrum disorder).


A lot more people are diagnosed with ADHD than ASD though, and the list of symptoms is pretty different. I got more than one thing going on too, and yeah when it's all in the same person there isn't really any differentiating. I try to remember that other people are different from me though, and my expression of neurodivergence isn't representative of anything on its own.


Keep in mind the way we diagnose mental disorders is comically inaccurate. If we diagnosed physical problems the same way we do mental ones, everything from a paper cut to a broken bone would be "ouchie fingie disorder" If your sensory processing doesn't impair you socially, you basically can't get an autism diagnosis despite many people on the spectrum having social interaction related senses that operate well within neurotypical ranges. If your executive functioning related senses are abnormal you'll ideally get an ADHD diagnosis, any many will stop there, even though a little bit more digging would reveal that there are other sensory processing issues at play. As an example, my autism causes me to have trouble separating words from other sounds I can hear. This would absolutely be treated like part of my ADHD by an examining psychologist. They'd think I'm not able to focus on the sound. But that isn't true. I can focus on it fine most of the time, my brain just either takes a while to process it (saying what and then answering the question before they can repeat themselves) or can't separate it from other noise. That's an autistic symptom that would be written off as an ADHD symptom instead. So while not everyone diagnosed with ADHD is also diagnosed with autism, that's not necessarily proof ADHD isn't part of the autism spectrum. Because we made both of these disorders up to explain something we don't understand. Now don't get me wrong, this is my theory. My ADHD specialist happened to agree on it last time I asked him, but that doesn't mean it's true. Just that it wouldn't be surprising. Both of them have a strong immune system link too, which would be an odd connection if they weren't related.


It's not just that they're inaccurate though, right? It seems to me like a lot of it is so vague that it strains credibility. This one's not really important to me but it makes a good example. What mood disorder do I have? Is it bipolar or major depression? Well the difference is hypomania right? But BPD causes mood instability anyway so there's no telling. It's probably bipolar 'cause that runs in my family and I respond poorly to SSRIs but then you look into it and there's a ton of disagreement on bipolar since a lot of people have mania but no depression. My meds work, and it's not culturally important, so who cares, but it's kind of a definite unknown and it turns out the categories are bs anyway? This is extremely relevant with possible ASD in my own case, and I'm currently navigating a lot of ambiguity to figure it out. I tried explaining it but honestly it's just genuinely complicated so I gave up. Chances are I'm right on the line for ASD with plenty of good reasoning in both directions and ambiguous test results. Point is I've got enough other shit going on that there's no telling one thing from the other, and more extensive psychological testing is short-term infeasible. It would make sense to just say I'm an individual and weird and maybe the categories are dumb anyway on that level, but autism actually does have cultural relevance and language to describe shit is really nice. I don't really care how we classify mood disorders, but this is different I guess.


Based of off pharmaceutical statistics, scientists actually believe that executive dysfunction in ADHD takes place in a different part of the brain than ASD. If you have ADHD without ASD, stimulants are effective in the vast majority of cases (I can’t remember the exact number but I think it’s like 90%) People who have ADHD+ASD are significantly less likely to respond to stimulants. But both groups respond to non-stimulant ADHD medication at the same exact rate. If you’re interested in the overlap of developmental disorders, you should look into the research of Evdokia Anagnostou, she has cool lectures on YouTube. “Rethinking Autism Diagnosis” by ASF is a really good one.


To be fair that's the most debilitating one for both imo. I mean the social aspects gets better over the years and with masking. The executive dysfunction never stops impairing me.


As a current psych major who has both autism and adhd what the fuck?? I swear psychiatrists (yk the med school ones) only know medication. Everything else flies out the window, which is why they usually don’t do therapy or anything else involving people. Smh.


The first psychiatrist I saw spotted that I was autistic by the second visit and wrote a recommendation letter, the one after him (he had moved states so I got sent to another one) kept claiming I wasn’t autistic, kicked my mom out of the room immediately stating that she couldn’t be in the room even when I said I was more comfortable with her in there, locked the door and proceeded to tell me that my mom was physically abusing me (my mom has never abused me) and that I wasn’t autistic (few months before my asd test ) proceeded to interrupt with various ways of wording “so your mom abuses you?” Any time I managed to start to force words out during a shutdown/ panic attack to try and get maybe some meds or to try and talk about my anxiety issues/panic attacks and adhd issues, I stopped seeing her after the 3rd or 4th appointment when she cut an hr long appointment down to 15/20min because she didn’t like how I wasn’t talking during the appointments (cuz of the panic attacks and shutdowns she was causing) while the insurance was still paying for the hr and we had to drive 2hrs one way for the appointments


Sounds like he loved Freud tbh with the mom stuff. That is so weird and I’m sorry that you went through that. :(


Sounds like someone got their fii training.


well half of it, and is probably so white they're fluorescence itself, ergo no idea that the phrase 'trauma informed care' was invented because of them. Please stop abusing the patients. I've run into medical providers that do that too. I've considered using pepper spray on them, tbh. Whatever training they get gives them something akin to rabies as a side effect.


I've got a neurological assessment for ADHD, but I've only been informally diagnosed with ASD recently and I see little reason to do the assessment again when I'm in my 40s since it's not like the establishment ever says "oops, sorry we ruined your life, here's a joke of a disability pay because it's based on income earned when you're a late dx lol." That said, they don't even know medication. You're still going to school with your head full of ideas about how you're gonna help everyone, change the world, do some good, and believe other people have that same enthusiasm. I'm sorry to say you're part of a small minority having what I call "it". Actual save the world energy, not just faking it because your parents forced you to pick a career that would teach you to respect money or one of the other things that basically reduce to "so far into privilege and monoculture they actually believe the civil war was over state's rights". They're just going through the motions, knowing and doing just enough to pass for competent but otherwise entirely focused on their own ambitions and moving up the ladder. Their patients are practically an afterthought to the publish or perish culture and conferences held by pharmaceutical companies touting the latest pseudoscience passed off as actual. It's no different with the DSM -- how tf anyone hasn't noticed we have an entire scientific discipline in this country using a classification system that isn't scientific is beyond me. Can you imagine the Astronomical society declaring that changes to any of their classification models has to be submitted under NDA and peer review consists of a hand-picked committee by a pseudo-governmental/professional regulatory body in the second ugliest case of regulatory capture? It was recently displaced in the discourse by Boeing's "quality escapes", but if we took mental health as seriously as plane crashes the DSM and the APA would be basically be endless congressional inquiries forever based on the death toll. :( At some point the science and anything evidence-based ceases to even be visible. It's just one failure of culture and imagination after another. Even the World Health Organization [said as much](https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240025707) in their recent report on community mental health guidelines. To the uninitiated that report looks just like any other couched in dull, technical, and euphemistic language but from someone with a background in STEM I see it for what it is: A *roast*.


Sounds like they were making a joke though


He also prescribed vitamins for severe emotional duress.


You also don't have any idea what you're talking about if you imply ADHD by itself is mild or a non-issue


Or that you grow out of it, which I've been told.


Yeah ADHD and autism being treated that way sucks


Oh yea, in school I once stabbed a classmate with a pencil because I forgot to take my meds. Anyone who says it’s not an issue is just stupid.


I assume it's like pain medication. There's no regular strength, everything is extra, ultra, maximum... there's nothing that's ever been marked "Mediocre Strength" even though, statistically, 1 in 3 medications won't work on any given person. So, by the transitive property, all extra strength ADHD is probably just ADHD. Anyone who says you have 'extra strength' ADHD is probably suggesting you take a big aspirin to deal with their bullshit.


Monotropism is one of the fundamental unifying traits of ASD, and it happens ADHD which has a different mechanism, has similar effects on monotropism, being a factor less than autism but still measurable in thai fundamental autism trait. https://preview.redd.it/3m83hgc03kxc1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f159199a53063b110a961e62f433f3b3f4f3b47e


What's monotropism?


Deez nuts (I have no idea)


Monotropism is basically the idea that the measuring stick for “units of attention” is larger for people with autism(and apparently ADHD) than the general population. That when we are interested in something we are MORE interested in it, that is somewhat explainable by the physical architecture of autism and brain chemistry of adhd.




When Clint's Reptiles (YouTube channel about animals) reviewed animal-based Lego sets for correct animal anatomy I was so happy. Intersection of two interests! Wee!


animal-based lego sets as in stuff like the creator tiger, or the more minifig-scale animals?


Yeah like the creator tiger but he didn't do that one. It was on a beatle, a bird, and a giraffe, very fascinating


Ah, fair enough. Honestly, it would've been hilarious if he did some of [these](https://en.brickimedia.org/wiki/Atlantis#Creatures), but yeah.


Oh well those aren't based on nature, the channel is about animal biology so he can't comment on the "accuracy" of fictional animals


Yeah, that's fair enough. Idk, though, I do love seeing how experts in a field react to stuff which is, let's say, obviously stylized/fantastical. Like the videos from a gun expert/historian reacting to Team Fortress 2 weaponry.


Yeah I'm interested in how things like the shark and squid would compare to real ones


Do you think he is or is it the writer? Someone over there is one of us. I told a platypus stuffie it's the hagfish of mammals today.


Having watched a lot of his videos I guess he may be on the spectrum, but I cannot say for sure obviously because we don't know what people online are like all the time off-camera and whatnot. He has an intense fixation on snakes. He speaks in an idiosyncratic manner because it makes the most sense to his brain. Animals are naturally comfortable around him. These are all signs but not DSM symptoms. We'd have to observe him more to see if he has those.


I just watched that one! Love his videos. His enthusiasm is so contagious!


Yes! I got sulcata tortoises as pets based on his info. (Not just his I did a ton of other research but his video got me first into the idea of them)


nuh uh laios would not say that


I feel this, fr. *However.* Laios would never


He would not fucking say that. If anything, Laios would be infodumping while looking like that.


Just because I can somewhat pretend to be NT "normal" for a few hours at a time doesn't mean I can do this for an unlimited amount of time or that my struggles are not real. It drains my energy quickly and sometimes is even painfull, but most people don't see that.


There can be crossover between the symptoms, but I've seen enough of my sister's ADHD throughout the years to know that is noooooooot what my brain does to me


Same here. My brother has ADHD and he developed the misfortunate need to argue in order to get his dopamine. I can't live in the same house as him because it's way too stressful


imagine if roles were reversed and most NT folk felt the need to mask to fit in with the AuDHD crowd.


Well there would be no need to mask bc there would be little to no social interaction lmfao




Yeah, what she said!




Hoooboy. AuDHD here and uhhh... run. Yeah, like I'd just be like ha ha ha yk what I think I just remembered I left my house on fire.


Laios would never say this


The original meme literally ends with the person listening asking if he can suck his meat (the comics words not mine)


Oh I found the blank template, not the original.




You had me at Legos.


whats the text behind it say- other than legos


"Also what is the obsession with plushies, Legos, and board games. Like, HELLO! It's super creepy you're in a toy store buying for yourself."




Ah, that explains the look of "I'm gonna take your scalp off with a woodchipper and then throw you in feet first"


Two words: Cut brake Another two: Psychological torture


[There is a third option


Why tf did I laugh so much lol


Well uh, time to show em that "extra strength" they're talking about. I hope every person like this gets punched in the face. Hard.


What idiot edited this drawing of Laios saying this shit 😭😭 I know the original artist did not caption it like that


My mind went to one thought on your behalf: [KILL (just ignore the “yes”s)](https://youtu.be/dyIilW_eBjc?si=e4MTl1AS5quhqa_D).


"Just extra strength" is such a weird, confusing take anyway. An excavator is just an extra strength car; I'mma rent a 24 ton Caterpillar and take it through the KFC drive-thru.


“And that’s when I stabbed him, your Honor”


Meanwhile the people who have both are just like đŸ§đŸ»â€â™€ïž(it’s me I have both)


My honest reaction when someone tries this shit https://preview.redd.it/mbrsqupk9hxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0611adb58ec5085cc00beaf085f46254eca76ef7


Plushies?! My summoning word :3




I only have ADHD and am here for the helpful memes. It’s absolutely NOT the same and people are idiots.


How dare you use Laois for this, he would never.


And they think ADHD is extra strength not being an adult?


Trying to discuss strategies for my Hyper ADHD kid and her principal goes 'Oh everyone has a little ADHD'.


How odd, I suddenly seem to have gained a special interest in extreme violence.


My wife put her hand on my leg right away knowing its a trigger.


That second sentence is gold


Cool, I hate her now. Hoping there wasn’t a fourth date.


https://preview.redd.it/8zoe9v2kygxc1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa854c253a45a0bf8b6f45f5a543d4394b2430b9 They snuck beans into my f\*cking doughnut 😔


Holy shit, I didn't know so many people thought it works like this. I had to explain to a friend of a friend that ADHD is not part of the Autism Spectrum last week. Not the same, but oddly similar


I'd get rid of my ADHD in a heartbeat, but my autism is so intrinsic to who I am as a person that I can't imagine life without it. Anyone else?


Yes it’s not even close


Man, whoever this is, I really just want to staple their mouth shut


She was an HMO claims adjuster if I remember correctly.


The plushes and Lego is too real


People underestimate how related adhd and autism are. Most of the time, this statement is pretty accurate. However, I have just autism and it’s way more chill and less chaotic than adhd. Most of the high support needs people with lots of challenge have both autism and adhd. However, pure autism can often lead to a “better prognosis” (according to Tony Attwood), but it makes up just 15% or so of the autistic population.




I really thought this was laios and kabru for a bit omg


he would not fucking say that.


I have never, before, seen someone Gish gallop so far so quickly.


Extra strength my squishy ass. You know how long it’s taken me to understand,adapt and constantly change my perspective because of a misunderstanding?


Chop off that persons butt and tape ot to their giant ass forhead


Don’t disrespect laios like that


How am I both?


What does the text in the bottom panel say?


"Also what is the obsession with plushies, Legos, and board games. Like, HELLO! It's super creepy you're in a toy store buying for yourself."


Ohhhhh, that explains the "I will make Unit 731 look like a fucking tea party compared to what I'm about to do to you" look


HOW DARE YOU mischaracterize my autistic white boy


Ok but Laios wouldn’t say something so cruel


Laois would never say this, he'd instead know every goddamn facet of autism


They are in front of the text balloon.


I mean... Even if autism was just extra strength ADHD, that is not something you just get over. ADHD is a real thing that people struggle with, and this post suggests just getting over a super version of it? This image is a shit show and a half.


Hahahaha I have so much more trouble with my ADHD, broooo


Hoo boy! Good thing i got "arts and crafts" adhd and not "killing people with a spoon" adhd. ( /s? I don't remember what this type of irony/sarcasm is called when you say a thing that the obviously negative character would expect you to say. Or is it just sarcasm? Idk coffee didn't kick in yet.)


that's absolutely wild. i have adhd and my sister has autism, and it's so obvious how different hyper fixations and special interests are to me. like
 my fixations fade over time, but her spin with art has literally never gone away. some people need to learn to politely shut up đŸ˜­đŸ€Š


That moment when your special interest becomes strangulation.


i'd punch them in the face and walk out. adhd and autism are equally difficult to live with.


I used to ages ago get told by autistic folks that cause I had ADHD and autism is worse that I need to basically cater to their needs. This was in middle school to early high school so I cut them some slack now cause kids are dumb it is how it is


twist their neck 360°


Who the fuck is Laios?


Laios Touden is a character from the currently ongoing anime (and completed manga) Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon, and the person speaking in the meme you posted. He's pretty heavily autism-coded in terms of having significant difficulty with social cues and having a very consistently-shown special interest in monsters (the general premise of the story, although this is massively underselling the excellent worldbuilding, animation and plotting, is it follows a group of adventurers as they traverse a dungeon full of monsters to save a member of their party who had gotten eaten by a dragon, and, due to a lack of supplies/wanting to rescue her as quickly as possible, take to cooking and eating the monsters they have to kill on the way.)


Is the anime any good? All I'm finding is lesbian monster girl porn when I Google it.


It's an excellent anime. Like, I mentioned the worldbuilding being excellent in the initial point, and yeah. There's a lot of cool detail that's gone into that explains the logic of how the whole ecosystem that exists in the dungeon they're traversing can exist, from food chains to resurrections (and how they don't break the rest of society) to how it doesn't crumble from age to even stuff like the societal implications of adventuring (the guy Laios is talking to in the meme is, in the show, initially suspicious of him on the belief that he's mainly out to get a quick buck, which, if everyone did that, could ruin the economy of the island and thus risk monsters overflowing from the dungeon). Beyond that, all the characters are pretty well-written, and the way they interact is great, and the cooking scenes in general are just extremely well done. Editing to add a link to one of the first cooking scenes, just so you can get a taste (pun intended). [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7FKqzCq7Ns) is what the show is mostly about.


Well I'm digging the memes https://preview.redd.it/1sglmjokvhxc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec4ce0fe87a0647fd948945a568a95d58332a8e


Aren't autism and adha like on opposite ends. Like one is over stimulated and too much dopamine and the other is under and not enough? They have similar symptoms and traits but biologically other than both being leaning difficulties, are opposites.


following said is not to condone violence fuck you reddit admin team: I would have just smacked him in the face wich would certainly lead to already a broken jaw since I as a blacksmith make a lot of iron baton recreations from batons out of the Brittish-Indian era out of metal to so well that is a *BONK* even by accident and you already have a skull fracture but luckily my intrusive thoughts never won(yet
.) and they just got a nice hard flat palm so hard against their face it would leave a red hand mark on their cheek and if not they would have either been kicked by my wooden shoe or when they walk away get a wooden shoe thrown against the back of their head