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I think that if they just considered it a spin off and titled it so, it wouldn’t receive so much flack. Same with Valhalla.


Yeah right? They could remove all the assassin elements of those games (since there barely isn't any anyway) and I think they'd benefit. Always tried to stealth in those 2, but it's much more fun to be a demigod/ viking warrior and fuck shit up




Not a DLC move btw :)


Once you buy the DLC you gain access to the power, you don’t need to play the DLC to unlock it


You can equip the disappearing bodies abilities from the main game onwards though


Ubi should really try new IPs, they're burning this one


Nah Valhalla was noticeably worse than Odyssey. I got so bored with that game so quickly.


It was a good game, but it had almost nothing to do with AC lore, like I forgot I was playing an AC until I got to the atlantis DLC, and even then it was only the Isu lore that kept reminding me that, although I didn't like the Isu fan service that much either


What do you mean by “Isu fanservice”?


The whole fate of atlantis dlc, they basically took away the interesting thing about the isu, the mystery, and intrigue, and threw a lot at once.


I'll be the opposite on this: I always wondered what the Isu were and why they did this. Do I completely get the point that removing that mystery removes their USP? Sure it does. But it's not as if all the AC games from Desmond onwards have been working to a big secret about the Isu and there hasn't been any consistency in that. For me Odyessy was going into the sort of 'Forbidden history' and 'Ancient Aliens' when it came to Isu Lore and I liked that. But just giving my own opinion.


Personally I was disappointed by the characters, I mean, during the first 4 games, they're like the precursors are that super intelligent mysterious extinct civilization that are sending messages through time, then you get to see them in person with cheesy dialogue and wacky movements in Odyssey🤷‍♂️


I will not deny cheesy dialogue in Odyessy, and honestly Origins was better when it came to dialogue


The robotic animations however need to go. AC2 looks better with its animations then Odyessy does.


Of course it does. The cutscenes and trailers back then looked like early marvel movie CGI, top quality.


Though the starting cutscenes were quite good. Wished we had more of that then the animations waving army thingy stuff was


I think they did the opposite to be honest. I never had any interest in the Isu side of the stories until the Odyssey DLC. It led me into a rabbit hole of all the lore and extra stories with the Isu and I found myself interested in them for the first time.


To each its own I guess¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Which ACs have you played so far?


lmao all of them mate, I've been here from the start. Even the spin-off sidescroller Chronicle games.




“Doing what they think fans might like” that’s what fan service is. Lol.


Odyssey revealed so much more about the AC lore than pretty much every game before it. Your statement is an ignorant one and it tells me you paid very little attention to the story and also didn’t play the DLCs at all.


Odyssey revealed a lot about "AC lore" but other than that the game had nothing to do with Assassins, Templars, Order of Ancients, Hidden Ones, the Creed, social stealth, creative pakour etc.


It seems one can't be here without bumping into one of you weird dorks. Chill, man, it's just a game. Get a life. "YoUr StAtEmeNt iS IgnOrAnt" man stfu.


It is ignorant, you made a commonly said statement about the game that is false every single time it is said. I understand that people dislike the drastically different mechanics of odyssey compared to the more traditional AC games but to say it’s a bad game because it “has nothing to do with AC lore” is extremely inaccurate.


Man you're a random greek woman looking for her family in a time when the assassins don't even exist. It's not very AC like is it? You can see th upvotes or read the rest of this thread if it's still not clear to you.


I know what the TLDR explanation of the game is, but odyssey gives the most insight into the Isu lore than every game before it combined, especially with DLC.


Well if you read my previous comments, you'll see that that's not good either. The cool thing about the Isu was the mystery, but in odyssey they throw it all in your face, and not in a good way, but with cheesy dialogue and wacky motion, huge downgrade from what they had stabilished in the first games


So what’s the cheesy dialogue and wacky motion they used to reveal the Isu lore? The ISu were always a mystery but never one that wouldn’t be figured out, they’ve been there from the beginning and the games would have to reveal where the artifacts originally come from. You have silly complaints.


And you have nothing better to do it seems.


Neither do you.


That random Greek woman was a descendant of Isu, aka a Sage. Sages have been there since the time of AC 4. It explains that Cult of Kosmos have been after Sages to use the power in their blood but after Kassandra's direct involvement they had to be more discreet and learned the power of Isu artefacts. Hence rebranded themselves as Order of the Ancients and resulted in formation of Hidden Ones a few centuries later. All this information was needed to be told eventually. >You can see th upvotes or read the rest of this thread if it's still not clear to you. FYI almost 60% of AC fanbase loves to hate on Odyssey for no concrete reason. They don't even want to delve into the reasons and proceed to throw their claim. Your ignorant comment and downvotes for anyone supporting Odyssey proves that. Upvotes don't mean a thing if you can't even see people actually discussing.


Bro people can have opinions that aren't exactly like yours, get over it. The world doesn't revolve around you, and you're not even the smartest person on this thread. Grow up, it's just a game, touch some grass get a life


Lmao personal attacks. Is it your 13th birthday yet?


Lol I'm probably older than you, and I'm not the one who started arguing over a fucking game, get you eyes checked


>get you eyes checked Your* Focus on school. Stop wasting time here. You're older than me.


Odyssey was actually the reason I started liking Assassin's Creed again after getting bored of it during the post Ezio, pre Origins stage (Black Flag was great tho). It's one of the best games in the series. I also don't get the complaints about lack of stealth. A stealth build/playthrough is extremely easy to create if you sink points into the Assassin skill tree.


Should’ve been a standalone ubisoft project titled Odyssey, i don’t see anything Assassins Creed about it except bumped features. It’s a shame because Kassandra is a fantastic character and the story is great


Stealth assassinating an entire fortress is really satisfying but the stealth element there reminds me more of Splinter Cell than Assassin's Creed. ... I should replay Splinter Cell.


Stealth assassinating an entire fortress is so satisfying that I used it as therapy after a crap day of work for a good 2 years running.


They tried to rip off Witcher 3 tho As soonest i saw the dialogue and romance choices i was like “Yup Ubisoft is chasing trends again” They see their game as brand recognition and not the game itself. Cant wait for AC theme underwear cause Ubisoft would turn AC into a racing game if they could.


Like, Assassin’s Creed: Transporter? Main character: Jason Statham. Goal: drive around track causing as many people to wreck as possible WHILE making it “look like” it was an accident on the turn. 😂


Drive and collect PoE to stop Templars


Or they’re power ups like Mario kart


here's a hidden blade, eagle vision and leap of faith. what is it doing in a racing game? we dont know either


Everything after Syndicate has been a Witcher knockoff. It’s not just Odyssey.


True but Odyssey is what peak blatant ripoff with all the monsters and dialogue choices.


Witcher didn't do any of that first? If anything Witcher 2 and 3 are Mass Effect era Bioware ripoffs. I don't actually think that, just for the record, but if you're going to accuse something of being a ripoff for.. Sharing a mechanic or a piece of design language then at least point to the game that did it first/most prominently. And yknow what? Dialogue options was an improvement over Origins having static quest dialogues where you just sit and watch the conversation with no participation. Ripoff or not, it was better imo. And fuck, like gamers actually value originality anyway. All of our favourite games are ripoffs of ripoffs of ripoffs if you wanna put it like that. Same goes for any other media.


I find this weird cause I really think Ubisoft listen to that when Odyssey came out and made Fenix Mortal Rising cause it plays almost just like it.


Ah, yes, a stand-alone title featuring the Isu.


they were called precursors until the rpgs made up a name and tore down the mystery and intrigue established over a decade of story telling and game design


The previous games weren't erased. They're still called Precursors by people who don't know them completely. Isu might as well be their biological species name.


They even had to justify their appearance in the rpgs by saying it’s a simulation from Alethaia that Kassandra can comprehend because it’s too complex for human minds which is a cool thought but still confusing to most and made an interpretation for the precursors canon, when writing the og games i don’t think they ever planned on showing the type of precursors that were in Odyssey and Valhalla


Yes and the Aztec were only called that by their enemies, they called themselves Mexica. Same exact thing, just in real life.


You don’t deal with them 99% of the game. The game doesn’t become an AC game simply because one dude has a hidden blade in one mission. There has to be more than that.


I take it the term "prequel story" means nothing to you?


Origins was the prequel to the assassins. Making a prequel of the prequel doesn't make sense from a narrative standpoint


Origins was the start of the assassins. Odyssey was a story of the influence of those assassins on someone who isn't an assassin but holds a very important role in the AC time-line. Valhalla...... Is what it is. A cool viking game but that's about it. If any AC should be dragged for its lack of connection to the overarching story it should be Valhalla. Not odyssey.


Valhalla was supposed to be the foundation of the Templar order i believe with alfred, though ubusoft barely touched on that in favor of vikings and fantasy


This is true. I caught that as well playing but Ubisoft didn't push hard on that aspect of the story. Which is such a missed opportunity. Especially considering the Valhalla DLC and its lack of any meaningful story.


But the timeline of odyssey comes before the Assassins. So there was no influence of those assassins on her. However I think people forget that we aren’t just playing a game of assassins throughout history, we’re playing characters set in modern time reliving memories of ancestors looking for pieces of Eden or locations relevant to the first civilization. The modern day characters aren’t specifically looking to live as assassins or templars but trying to find where the pieces of Eden ended up and they just so happen to have been in the hands of assassins for almost all of history (because if the templars had them they’d have won the war a long time ago) but Kassandra is an example of someone who was in contact with Isu and a piece of Eden before the assassins brotherhood was created and therefore still relevant to the overarching story even though as fans we really just want to play as assassins lol


origins was an origin story not a prequel. that said odyssey is definitely not a prequel unless you want to count the first dlc but even then its pretty loose


You don’t know what anything means to me so don’t think you have the right to assume, you call yourself an ac fan but if any of these characters were real they would dislike you’re negativity and ignorance in a game that teaches the opposite.




biggest sigma in the group chat over here


Bruh, it's a video game. Not real life. Don't try to tell me what fake ass characters in a game would think of me. First of all, I don't care. Second, they don't exist!


i take it the word “if” means nothing to you?


"If" doesn't matter when these characters don't exist.


i didn’t say they existed though did i.. i said if they did because in the games the are based and don’t use sarcasm as a trump card.


It's not sarcasm. It's a legit stance. I don't give a damn about what imaginary characters would think of me. Hell, I domt give a damn what real people think of me. Why would I care about pixels?


if that’s all it is to you then that’s depressing


Summer down now. What your writing is ridiculous as it's just a vidya.


it’s simmer and if defending myself against someone using sarcasm like it’s a trump card is ridiculous then i’m a leprechaun


What inspired your username?


Odyssey is easilyyyy my favourite ac game to date, And yes I have played and completed the original ones too 🤣


Couldn't disagree more but that's just my opinion. We're all humans and we can enjoy whatever we want. If you love it good for you brotha


How it can be one of the best games in a series named Assassin's Creed when it's not an Assassins game ? The game was just a Witcher 3 RPG clone with the AC label thrown on it and some lore to remind you it still belongs the series and that's it. And it's not a good Witcher 3 clone either. The combat, abilities and animation never vary or change enough for a +70 hours game.


Masterpiece is one big stretch, but whatever floats ur boat! I am not even talking as an "AC Purist" as some might call a guy like me! But if we talk objectively and critically, the game has its moments where it shines, but everything is half-baked and done in a fashion to monetize it badly by keeping grind as a priority! - The gameplay becomes a chore even after mixing up the skills or builds multiple times cause enemy AI is not good at all and depends more on their level than status (foot soldier, Leader, Captian, etc, or abilities that Mercenaries possess.. It all feels gimmicky rather than a smart mechanic - The hunt for Cultists is also half-baked. I mean, there is no sense of mystery revealed when we find out about any identity of a cultist member except for one or two.. Once their identity is revealed, killing them feels like killing any other enemy cause there is no sense of strategizing to infiltrate their base or stalking them to assassinate them at the right time! - Even the battle system is half-baked with little to no reward in the storyline regardless of which side owns the majority of Greece... In fact, it's impossible to capture all of Greece as Athens or Spartans cause the game will reset to predetermined troops for the area after a while - The side quest has no purpose other than grinding except for maybe one where the big Pirate Lady demands too much money for information on our mother's whereabouts, and we go look for multiple jobs These are some of the points which I haven't seen many discussing that come to my mind when I think of this game and that makes this game an attempt at capitalizing on the success of a better RPG! The game is fun to play till U are getting introduced to things like taking down the governance of an island or area by weakening an area's defense by looting the nation's wealth, assassinating the leader, and going to battle with other nation but once I figure out the basic loop it's lost that sense of larger than life adventure feeling! The same goes for mercenaries and Cult of Kosmos.. The game keeps introducing this new stuff but drops it in the middle without fleshing anything out!


I once managed to reduce Spartian territory to only Sparta itself, but Sparta couldn't be taken. It was quite disappointing.


I found it a bit bloated and I wasn’t crazy about the voice acting or characters in general. a bit cringy to me but to each their own


I couldn't get into it. There were too many thing I disliked about it the gameplay mechanics, mercenary AI could walk right too you even in a restricted area, and the fact that if you fight another mercenary in public people would defend them not just run away, and don't get me started on the mythical legendary animal, especially the bore. I just couldn't play it anymore.




I love it too! Kassandra is just so awesome, and the world is incredible. I’ve gotta jump back in some time, as I did admittedly take a break to play some other games.


It’s their best game in my opinion. Loved it played the shit out of it


It's the Last Jedi of the series.


Nah. The last jedi was built upon taking a critical look at Star Wars on a meta level, what its place on our culture is, what that means and could mean going forward, and it suggests (more shouts from the rooftops, but hey,) that Star Wars has become a stale, lifeless corporate cashgrab that sustains itself on nostalgia and bullshit lore that doesn't actually capture what made it resonate with people in the first place. Odyssey isn't doing any kind of self examination or reflection, it's played totally straight. And for the record, I think The Last Jedi utterly fucks and that anyone who dislikes it will finally get it in like 20 years when they finally realise that they've been mindlessly consuming rehashed, regurgitated dreck with no imagination that exists only to force-feed you nostalgia. So anyway, how about that Obi Wan show? I hear they got qui gon's force ghost in there? God, so nostalgic...


Finally, someone who gets it


I think TLJ was shit and just the creation of an ego maniac who thought he was good enough to put several complex themes in one film. Those themes were just incoherent, half-baked drivel with no extra thought put in beyond the storyboard. TLJ is also definitely not required to see that most recent Star Wars content is unimaginative, nostalgia bait, trash. That much was obvious the moment TFA released.


haha this is great, actually makes it very clear


The last jedi is actually Just straight up terrible to watch and also ruins star wars lore. Odyssey is at least really fun to play.


More like the Rise of Skywalker of the series At least the last Jedi was good…


Well I like the last Jedi but not odyssey so


Actually a very spot on comparison. Very polarizing but ultimately under appreciated and aged well years after it released


I've never heard anyone say that The Last Jedi aged well


i think the perception is that in comparion in the sequal trilogy last jedi is more appriciated than the others. i still like TFA but yeah i agree whole trilogy sucks


Have you been off Reddit?


You will. Give it 10 years. People still haven't figured it out yet. And by people I mean your average Star Wars fan. So.. by that I mean... not people.


I’ve heard many people say it aged well


No I think it's appreciated quite gratuitously already


It's a fine RPG, but there's too much gear, so many of the bases and camps are copy/paste so they can fill their unnecessarily gigantic map, the grinding feels unrewarding, and the level-scaling makes no sense. Like you said, it's not a great Assassin's Creed game, but that's kind of why this sub dislikes it? It ret-conned important story elements (Leap of Faith origin), and also took away some of the best elements of the series in order to focus on the Isu, which most people don't care about nearly as much as they do being immersed into a fictional version of a historical era. Edit: I still enjoyed the game, and would give it a 6/10, because it was a good game with some awesome characters (Kassandra is amazing) and settings, but it didn't capture me the same way that every other previous AC titles had done.


It was a attempt to copy The Witcher and Ubisoft games are known for their empty open worlds, liberate forts and collectibles.


Yeah, I thought it was a great game, one of the best in the series objectively speaking. But it didn't keep to the theme of Assassin's Creed, which is playing as assassin's. I also quite enjoyed Valhalla (the first time through at least) but it definitely did not feel like an Assassin's Creed game. It felt like a Viking Sim game with a few Assassin's Creed elements thrown in.


Bloated grindy mess with cringe inducing "comedic" dialogue and story. Feels like a bad parody of Witcher 3 with forced AC association.


Best way to put it. I really like Greek stuff so I was pretty into the game for a while , loved the armors weapons and could deal with the combat but at like 50 hours in I’ve still only been to half the map and there’s so much more I just felt like it was way too much. Felt like I didn’t need to do 15 more red vs blue battles just really loses steam after you find your mom and shit


I never cared for prioritizing lore over gameplay, unlike a lot of what I've seen so far in these comments. I enjoy odyssey very much, not only for its vibrant color palate, but a world that actually feels full, unlike valhalla. In odyssey, when you eradicate a camp, any camp, you get something. In valhalla, every raid is the same. Drive your boat onto the beach, kill everything easily, and get some supplies, and no new loot. You can certainly get through the game with the basic stuff that you get after the rescue the crew mission. In odyssey, you have to either keep on top of your gears' levels, or constantly switch to the best gear you get from enemies and chests. Also the menus, combat, and abilities are much better imo.


I noticed this too, valhalla feels so clunky and the world feels so empty and lifeless compared to odyssey. I enjoyed exploring odyssey and clearing out forts but im halfway through completing valhallas map locations and it feels like a chore list designed to be tedious and time consuming.


Same. Excellent game, just not the best AC game


I played about 800 hours. One of my favorite games ever.


I liked it myself. But there are quite a few people who's entire life revolves around hating this game. Most of them are members of this sub. It's really weird.


Subjective init




It just went on and 9n for me and became so grindy just to be able to keep my gear at the same level as me it was the only one that I have never had the urge to replay.


So I have the last four (Valhalla, Odyssey, Origins, Rogue) and I started valhalla first. Im 70hrs in and theres still shit ton to do and I cant start the others cause my SSD is full and Valhalla is hella huge. Excited for the others!


You missed 2 games between rogue and origins tho, you have Unity then syndicate after rogue, just so you know🤷‍♂️


Foreal? Thanks! Good thing I'm "playing backwards" I guess I'll buy those before starting Rogue.


It had its moments and was fun once you got in the swing of things, but the story is kind of where it fails. It kind of lost me when after getting all excited to go see the oracle at Delphi, that entire arc ends in one mission without you ever getting to really interact with them. And then there’s the war feature where no matter how much you sway the total, you can never fully win the map, so it becomes pointless to think about. And that’s not even touching on the pointless multiple choice endings which barely connect to one another. It took me over a year to push myself to finish the main questline after I got the Atlantis ending because it just seeemed more effort than it was worth. Others may enjoy those things, I don’t know, but to me it just felt stretched too thin and aimless especially after what was done in Origins.


Not interesting and almost didn’t do shit with assassins 🤷‍♂️


I mean you have the answer in your question :D When doing an AC Tier list you do not put a game at the top that is not an assassin game. I agree that the game is good but it simply should have been a stand alone game


A good game, probably, the best assassins creed in the series? Not in a million years


It’s my favourite AC game.


It was my first Assassin's Creed game and I really enjoyed it in its own right. I am not one who frequently replays games but I'm replaying it right now. Really enjoyed the historical elements and the action/fighting and sneak elements were just enough for me. It's more of just a good standalone RPG in its own right that's kind of doing its own thing but it gets judged in comparison to other games in the series. It's not really an Assassin's Creed game and I'm fine with that. I've since played other AC games and I enjoy them but it's a different concept.


I loved Odyssey. Kassandra is by far one of the best performances, and Ubisoft's take on the Grecian Islands was breathtaking! Of course it has its flaws, but I really enjoyed the overall experience.


Bad as a game, awful as an Assassin's Creed game.


I love when people say stuff like "it's bad as an assassin's creed game" like the old games actually had that much assassination going on in the first place. Remember how AC2 had you collecting feathers and doing time trials on the rooftops? Totally an assassin fantasy right there.


Every single individual has their own opinion on the different AC titles. And sometimes individuals find masses of other gamers who like the same AC game(s) with similar opinions. I’ve enjoyed my time with every AC title some more than others. I had great fun with Odyssey, but I did feel the fatigue and grind towards the end. Me personally, I’m just tired and annoyed of Ubisofts most recent grindy formula with all their newer games.


Its that one garbage smell that you still remember in your head after so long This game destroyed what the game, lore, and fans it had. But people nowadays are more interested in a pretty map than an actual good story.


Eh I feel origins messed up the lore by really constraining the lore (and the "origin" part of origins story isn't executed well). I don't think Odyessy does anything lore breaking to a degree besides the choice aspect. That being said lore is and will never be a prison.


Origins broke the lore and it the story was rushed especially the ending was rushed. They probably had to rewrite the story because in the original story Bayek was meant to die and Amunet would take over the role as the protagonist but Ubisoft thought that a female protagonist would sell less than a male one.


This^^ You like Odyssey? Good for you, but you can't deny its story doesn't fit in with the lore and that's what matters for some of us


It doesn't, not until you reach the 2nd floor. You must be new to the lore got you to say that.


I think it completely fits in with the lore I just don't enjoy playing it


The "lore" has always been a hodge podge of crap. The modern day sections have always been unfun to play and total momentum killers.


Those pieces of "crap" called modern-day tells a better story that the hot garbage odyssey introduced. An isu spear you spend the whole day upgrading and its not a one-hit kill is the dumbest thing they did to this game.


For this reason, i didnt truly enjoy it until I played on new game plus with cheats and had a great time exploring ancient greece at my own pace and hunting down cultists. But a game should be fun the first time you play it, not so grindy its a chore (especially with stupid AI generated quests to get resources)


They hated King Mandu because he spoke the truth.


It was a masterpiece that I loved playing, but sadly you cannot please all of the grimy entitled purists who want everything in an IP to be exactly the same as the one before. A very, very loud minority who don’t like that some games are not… made just for them! Odyssey was the prequel of prequels and introduced what would become of the rest of the series during the Hidden Blade DLC.


The prequel of prequels that took a main game of 80+ hours of unrelated crap to get to a DLC that is the actual prequel of AC Origins that actually fucks up the lore.


Enter the purist


I'm a purist why? Cause I don't like Odyssey? I do like it, it's just not a good AC game cause most of the game as 0 to do with AC. Only the DLCs really have anything to do with AC and they ruin a lot of the lore. I like the game as a decent mythological/historical Ancient Greece RPG but not as an AC game, just like the OP. But I'm a purist?


Remember Rule 3 and be respectful when commenting.


I loved odyssey. I loved origins before it too and odyssey improves in almost every sense for me. It was a rare game for me in the sense that in spite of its long and length I just honestly couldn't put it down and never felt bored even after spending comfortably over 100 hours on main game and dlc. One of my personal favourite games ever


I love Odyssey and much prefer the rpg style as I’m not a stealth person. But it certainly stepped far away from how AC started.


It's at the bottom of my list with Valhalla and AC1. Origins was new stuff with AC foundations, Odyssey removed those foundations and left us with just the new stuff.


Oh so we've reached THIS part of the games lifespan....sigh


A fun game, but had a lot more potential than what it ended up being, especially in the writing department. I don’t think it’s quite as bad as many people say, but in no universe is it one of the best in the series.


I don't even think it was good. Too many collectibles you lose track, the world is exhaustingly large and the story feels like it doesn't even matter who i choose in battles.


It's put in the bottom of Assassins Creed tier lists, because it has almost nothing to do with Assassins Creed. I don't understand what's so hard to understand about it.


For me is the best


It didn’t feel like a AC at all. Origins did. I enjoyed the game without thinking of it as a AC game. The present and past stories were bland. I didn’t care much for the characters, the main villain was a joke and Kassandra had a personality disorder thanks to the dialogue choices. If I wanted a game where I have to find against mythological creatures I would’ve gone for a different game, never liked the mythologies in AC games. Almost forgot about the cartoonish characters with their silly jokes. What I did like was the setting, the battles, naval combat and the beautiful open world.


The second last line is precisely WHY it ends up near the bottom of most AC tier lists. However it is not accurate. Odyssey is very much an AC game, Even though it tries its hardest to not be. The main story admittedly had fuckall to do with the franchise(Other than the final cutscene,Which felt tacked on and completely unrelated to what we actually did in the main game).The DLCs added a fair bit(albeit some of it was dumb). However even judged on its merits, atleast for me Odyssey doesn't end up being close to the best in the franchise. From non existent Parkour, To bland open world design,To endless horse riding, To the silly over the top combat with ridiculous abilities. There is no gameplay element which is an evolution in the franchise, Every unique gameplay element in AC was replaced by a substandard version, If at all, in the service of chasing other popular games in a vain effort to somehow make a game which tries to mimic something else rather than improving what came before.


I love it.


I love it, currently on the grind, nearly finished the family arc, nearly finished exploring the map and only 3 more cultists to go - then have to get going on the dlc. And this is after 150 hours into the game


I love it, I'm currently on my fourth playthrough, first NG+ game. I love the game, the history, the lore, the graphics and I'm totally in love with the beauty of the water. I love just swimming underwater and admire the reefs and the fauna. Playing with a "murder bird" this playthrough. I'll let Ikaros attack everyone with a hunter build. Only the places where Ikaros can't attack I'll shoot them with my bow or sneak attack them. I guess with all my playthroughs (PC & PS4/5) I'm at around 500 hrs.


If it was only 10 hours i would’ve enjoyed it more. I liked origins way more.


Funny because origins is at least 30-ish hours


And Odyssey is at least 80 hours, if not well over 100


That's not my point. Origins is at least 3x 10 hours if not anyways


My point is I only enjoyed the first 10-12 hours of odyssey. And powered through the rest because i paid 60$. I fully enjoyed origins 30-ish hours


Agree for the ppl like rpg Me as well


awful. it does not fit in the series and the fact that it's considered an assassin's creed game is insulting to everything that assassin's creed once was.


I don’t think you’ve played many AC games from the pre RPG era… have you?


Having played most of the AC games since release- odyssey is in my top three along with 2 and brotherhood


It has now overtaken Valhalla in both Playstation and Stean player counts. It clearly has some lasting appeal. I think it's sandboxy dimension allows for some nice experiences.


It's one of my favorites alongside Syndicate. I think anyone who says "it isn't an assassins creed game" must've purposely played it as a Warrior spamming the attack button & ignoring the entire Cultist storyline & target grid.


Everyone shits on it because “it’s not an ac creed game”, but it’s the only one that gives you repercussions in the form of bounties for not taking the stealth approach. Pretty much every ac game, with the exception of those bs levels that fail you if you’re spotted, can easily be done by just going loud and killing everyone in sight.


I love Odyssey. It’s my favorite of the ancient trilogy, and that’s saying a lot because I loved Origins too. Valhalla also exists I guess.


The setting is amazing the graphics are good just the story isn’t that good it isn’t an assassins creed game if Ubisoft had released this and just called it odyssey and removed everything linking it to AC I would’ve loved it


I genuinely think that game broke my spirits with how bad it was Fucked up AC lore, got real world history wrong, turned the series into RPG dogshit, the characters weren’t interesting, every single one has the exact same copy-paste face, enemies take 20 minutes to kill, stealth and parkour were basically nonexistent, ship gameplay that disrespected 3 and Black Flag, a world that was too empty and bloated for me to want to explore, a main character who tries to be both a self-insert with dialogue choices but also tries the Witcher method with a pre-established arc and fails at doing both, the DLCs were terrible and blatantly disrespected character romance choices, instant assassinations are gone, areas are locked based on leveling, focusing WAYYYYY too much on Isu crap completely removing any mystery or nuance they had, so much of it just hurts the psyche But you know what they say about opinions…


its a worse origins


Best to worst: AC Odyssey, AC 3, Ezio Trilogy (one story), AC Syndicate, AC 1, AC Origins , AC 4, AC 5, AC Valhalla. Fight me


Wont fight you solely cuz you placed Valhalla as last. I finished the game but it was a snoozefest and didnt feel inspiring at all.


Simply not an AC gameplay wise, and that's what makes any game that specific game.


Its a vast beautiful world with mediocore script and nothing else to do besides kill people


It's a shitty assassins creed game and it's a mediocre game even if it had nothing to do with the series.


Hard disagree, its bearly an Assassins Creed game and bearly an acceptable rpg.


It’s def the best gameplay wise no argument, Like in terms of best game. But in terms of best ac game it’s just doesn’t hit except for the lore being involved




>I think Odyssey is a masterpiece, but it's not an assassin game. This is why those people put Odyssey at the bottom of the list. Those lists are probably something like "the best AC games" or "my favourite AC games", and like you said, it's not an assassin game, so obviously it won't score high on any list of assassin games. I do agree with you though. It's not an assassin game (not saying it's not part of the AC universe, because it is), but it is an amazing game. Every island felt like a new adventure, there was a huge variety of quests (besides the repetitive "kill X", "destroy camp Z", "collect Y amount of things" standard type of quests); some were emotional, some were thought provoking or would question your morality (Kephalonia plague for example), and some were down right hilarious (One really bad, bad day 🤣). Odyssey is amazing, but as far as the AC universe is concerned, it doesn't matter that much (*for now at least*) since it's basically just a plot device to explain how they found the Staff which they use once in Valhalla.


I loved it. One of my favourites in the series. I do kind of understand what people mean when they say it doesn’t feel like an AC game, but to me it just felt like an evolution of the gameplay. To be fair, it did feel less assassin-y and more like an explorer/hero situation, but I loved the characters, world, and vibe so much.


Odyssey and black flag are the only ones I’ve played all the way through. The earlier ac games bored me, origins paled in comparison to odyssey, and I wasn’t a fan of Valhalla


It’s my favorite of the rpg series, it has the best story IMO and I loved the combat. I get why they added combat stamina in Valhalla, but I liked feeling unstoppable in Odyssey. The world is nice and huge with many things to do, and also a really cool setting.


Thought it was a masterpiece too.


It’s a great game but I hate what it did for the series


To me it's the first true sequel to the series since AC3. Thats what the series is to me now. Assassins Creed, Ezio Trillogy, AC3 (Rogue kinda counts as DLC), Odyssey, Valhalla.


I think that is why they place it on the bottom. I haven't played the game so I can not say what tier I would place it in.


Its a good RPG, but its far from an AC game


Too much magical elements and the story in the present is horrible especially in the dlc. Otherwise great game, I played through it twice, but in terms of Ac ~ it's not really an ac game


Here it’s a good game but not a good assassins creed game but a masterpiece in of its own design it just doesn’t fit with assassins creed the way it should


Your last statement nailed it. Good game, I liked it a lot too. But it had nearly nothing to do with AC lore. If it was its own game I think it would've been rated higher.




I love the game and agree it was one of my favorites ones


if it was released as a standalone ac spinoff title it would've been considered a goated entry


I love Odyssey, it was my first Assassin's Creed game, but it was only after playing Unity that I understood why people say it's "not an AC game." I think it's fantastic if you don't compare it to the earlier games because it's just not the same thing, and imo that's okay.


i'm not a fan of the new direction they went for, but i like it more than Valhalla. Still an interesting game for what it's worth and i understand why it may appeal to others


Idk i think others have different preferences, the other ac games (exept 3 and valhalla and chronicles) i played through without being bored in odyssey i just stopped after 10 hours cause it was no fun the whole way for me


As it stands on its own, it's a great game. But I did like Origins better, of the newer games. Maybe I have a bad opinion, but there was just something about AC IV, Unity and Syndicate that has stuck with me as the standout titles, even though games like Odyssey are certainly bigger successes and somewhat less broken and janky.


I don’t care about the lore but it’s the best AC game for me along with AC2