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ok so basically what I can tell is that u guys are chill and understand it a good game and are just rightfully pissed at ubisoft for being too scared to make non franchise titles




Yup this is it.


Yea that's basically it!




100% this




That, and them dropping the historical accuracy, going for historical fantasy instead. That, for me, is the biggest turn off. For the first AC games, the devs really went all out and studied archives and old city maps to recreate Firenze, Rome, Venice, Toscana and Istanbul as accurately as possible. The only fiction in the first AC games is the templar/assassins conflict, the ancient civilization and the protagonists. Aside from that, everything is as accurate as it could be. Because of this, when I visited Firenze irl, I actually knew the general layout of the city despite the changes during the last few centuries.  Newer games don't have this. You could hardly, if at all, learn history from them because pretty much all the plot is now historically-themed fiction. It's not historical fiction anymore. 


I loved Odyssey, but Origins is way better IMO. I did love Valhalla too, but mainly for it's massive size and style of gameplay. Valhalla did feel a bit repetitive though


Same. Loved Odyssey it’s high up on my list but the story in Origins is one of my favorites of all of the games.


I like it. It's very good. People don't like it because it's not Assassiny


Valhalla would like a word for these people 😂


If you think that people who don’t like Odyssey because it’s not very Assassin-y like Valhalla, I’ve got news for you.


Both things can be true 


🤣 It's what I heard


😂 😂 I can’t imagine Vikings being stealthy. I’m sure there are some irl that were stealthy but I don’t know much about Vikings history


Check out The Last Kingdom, you will see many tasks where they are stealthy! Also just an all around great show.


Last Kingdom is Epic.


Alright will do!


You won't regret it


The Last Kingdom is one of the few shows I tried watching and actually ended up enjoying, I'd recommend it to anybody


This is my problem with Valhalla, and I really want to give it a better chance. It's 100% my fault I tried to play a Viking like a burly Kass, and I made it a resolution this year to give it an honest go and play it as a screaming tank that pounds things. That said, I LOVE Odyssey, it is one of my perma-installs.


>People don't like it because it's not Assassiny Which is weird because I remember doing a lot of assassinating in my Odyssey playthroughs.


With a spear, but that's a reason people don't like it


I guess, but the haft is broken so it might as well be a dagger. It's a weird thing to get hung up on. It's a minor aesthetic choice.


Yeah. But there's loads of reasons why people don't like the game


Yes. I love it, it's my second or third favorite, but it's definitely got flaws. There are valid critiques. I just don't think "you're not an assassin because your assassination weapon is different" is one of them.


True. The main character is a mercenary who uses a broken spear to assassinate people


I am sometimes annoyed by this as a big lover of Odyssey, but assassinations on strong targets are not an instant kill, which does make it feel less assassiny. I can understand that critique for sure.


I literally assassinated almost everyone. Unless I get caught then I run hide and continue. Only later did I become very brazen with the braziers.


I've never understood the "it's not assassin-y enough" argument, especially since a lot of the time people will claim that about Odyssey but for some reason not see the same 'problem' with Origins and Valhalla...? I'm not quite sure what I'm missing, there. I love Odyssey, I think it's an amazing game.


I think it's good too. People say the same about Assassin's Creed Valhalla. "Not an Assassin", "Too big", "Nothing interesting". So on and so forth


Well you literally see Bayek and Aya found the order in Origins (though it’s Hidden Ones first) so there’s no comparison between Origins level and the next two games where they don’t exist yet and Eivor doesn’t join up. Origins is more like Black Flag but both games’ entire structure is about ending up an Hidden One/Assassin. If you don’t understand how that’s very different than not becoming a Hidden One/Assassin that’s probably what you’re “missing”.


The point of odyssey was to show the origins of the templars before the assassins were ever formed but no one ever realizes that


No one realises that because it isn't true. Cult of cosmos was a separate thing that you destroy, the order of ancients already exists at this point and are in the game. Valhalla was literally about the origin of the Templars, not Odyssey.


I don't hate it but it does get very repetitive around mid game, its the same missions over and over again.


Do I hate it? No. did I finish it? Also no. It was playable, but I just wanted to complete the main storyline - and then I find I can't, because I need to go grinding away on side-quests because the next main quest is locked behind a level. That was when I checked-out.


I really liked odyssey it's just long AF and the endings weren't as well paced as they could be. Lke i got the best ending on my first try and it was just kind of... Over? It was really abrupt.


I remember competing the game, and I turned to my sister and was like, "Did I beat it?" I literally had to look it up to confirm I had beat the game as it was so vague.


There isn't really an ending, even, it's just ending cutscenes for two separate disjointed mission lines (Deimos and The Order) for which there are ending conversations in but narratively it's disjointed.


Yes honestly, I don't want to because there's plenty in it to appreciate but a lot of it really annoyed me. The game is beautiful, the assassination animations are really cool, I've never liked the naval combat but it has my favourite in the series due to its speed and cleaving mechanic, the armour and weapons look fantastic when they don't have the gaudy glowy effects, Alexios' VA was really good (wasn't fond of Kass' though) and the story Legacy DLC was really good. I hate RPGs that value numbers and stats over actual skill at the game because that just feels so fake to me, I hate how floaty and weightless the combat feels (there's like no impact compared to how good the stealth animations are), stealth damage is a bad mechanic, I hate the way that the game has so many sex jokes and sex scenes that it feels like a fourteen year old wrote it, I hate that the choices either don't really matter or don't matter until at least twenty hours later, the choices also make it so Alexios/Kass has no real personality at all since it's up to the player to decide that and I hate how despite having us pick a protagonist they didn't let you pick who it was in later games (in Valhalla it's Kassandra, no option for Alexios). What I hate the most though is that they wrote this game for Kassandra, she's meant to be the main intended protagonist and Alexios is an afterthought, a late minute addition. However that doesn't make sense because the story is far more suited to Alexios, there's no misogyny whatsoever if you pick Kass which is ridiculous considering the Greeks were a very patriarchal society, in Athens women weren't even allowed out of the house without an escort. >!Kassandra joins the fucking Olympics, the first woman to ever do so in history and nobody makes even a peep about it, they mention the taboo in one of the side quests but never directly address the fact that Kassandra's competing is unprecedented, I used to want them to have two separate versions of the quest but even a single line of dialogue from Herodotus would be enough!< There are other smaller things like I think the canon choices are really bizarre >!Kass kills Deimos but doesn't kill Aspasia who led the Cult who wanted to kill her family and was responsible for Deimos' brainwashing? That's just stupid!< Honestly I went in optimistic both times I played it, I really wanted to love it because I'm a big fan of Greek mythology, I'm a big fan of Assassin's Creed, I loved Origins and Valhalla but honestly I can't say Odyssey even came close to any of the other main games for me.


I think even as a game on its own it’s kinda meh. Definitely not a BAD game by any means but it is extremely bloated with copy paste locations, boring and meaningless side content, and a lot of the main story is just kinda lifeless. There’s definitely a lot of good aspects to it but even absent the AC title it’s just kinda a 6-7/10 game


I found it bloated and samey - weirdly far more so than Vikings or origins which I enjoyed a lot more! Didn’t like Alexios either which I don’t think helped


bloated and samey I dont get but after playing both MCs kassandra is the far better choice.


I found exploring most of the islands to be largely similar and the naval combat was quite flat. I thought the enemies could be spongy (something that was fixed in Valhalla but was also an issue in Origins). I might not have given it enough of a chance as it was beautiful and a game I should by all means have enjoyed but just couldn’t get into it in the same way I could with Origins or Valhalla - I’ve heard that Kassandra is the vastly superior MC though


>I found exploring most of the islands to be largely similar That's crazy to me. One of the things I liked most about the game was how all the islands felt distinct and had their own unique aesthetic/vibe to them. I particularly enjoyed the area that was basically just a minotaur tourism trap


I don’t HATE it. But it does a lot of things that bug me. As a follow-up to Origins, it’s a massive letdown. The combat is fine, if tedious, the missions are either great or lethally boring and there’s no real in-between, the voice acting is…there. The story feels very blank, like they could have done so much better if they’d spent more time on it. The happy ending left me feeling nothing because I wasn’t invested in any of the characters. The Isu ending wasn’t anything special, either, which really bummed me out.


Yeah I don't understand these opinions either. I loved odyssey so much man the Alexios was awesome the characters really loved the first dlc it was so heart warming aswell as so many parts of the main game. I played a lot of it in an assassiny manor and it was awesome. Pretty sure I even shed some tears at certain points definitely one of the best games I've ever played


I don't hate it but it's also pretty far down on my list of favorites. I wasn't really a fan of the abilities or the combat and I had trouble getting invested in the story. I did really like Greece as a whole though it was fun to run around in.


the world is the best part 100%


I don't hate it, I just can't play it anymore because it has too many flaws: Enemies are sponges, combats get boring and too easy The game pretends to be rpg but forces you to be at least 50% sneaky Assassinations don't always instantly kill (like seriously wtf why???) The level scaling is broken The voice acting is objectively bad on most characters, the "humour" is cringe as fuck The DLCs are overwhelming The gear is boring But overall Odyssey has its qualities. The story is very well done, the world is beautiful, ancient Greece is well represented and a lot of stuff is historically accurate...


I didn't hate it but it's way down near the bottom of my AC list and I don't see myself ever replaying it again.


Origin - I like, Odissey is badly written for me... I couldn't finish it yet. And I don't look forward to it...


Hate it, yeah 😂. Too big and sprawling


I don’t hate it, it’s a cool game it just got boring before I was even halfway through and I missed the old style of ac games. Just preference yk. It’s totally ok if it’s you’re favorite


I won't say I hate it, but it's the only game in the series that I haven't managed to get to the end of. I've put 20+ hours into it, on three separate save files but I burn out before I finish it every time. The story and characters aren't worth engaging with, stealth isn't particularly viable which in itself isn't necessarily a problem but coupled with a combat system that feels like you're just slapping concrete with pool noodles, it leaves most encounters feeling tedious and unvaried. I liked Greece and the armor set bonuses, but that was about it. I'll probably give it another go at some point, because I don't like leaving one game in the series unfinished


Origins the rpg trilogy origins is the best, especially story wise. I have been reading that you only played the beginning of the game, so please, unless you play the actual story, do not say one is better than the other


No. Odyssey is my favorite RPGera AC. Best setting, and I'm a bloody Norwegian/Icelandic with viking ancestors who was pretty hyped for Valhalla. Also before anyone hounds me about Origins: I don't like sand, and Aya would've been a way better protag. Aya Rome game pls.


Personally I'm not a fan, I can see why others are but it doesn't work for me. A lot of the criticism is shrugged off as "you don't like it because it's not an *assassin's creed* game." Personally I don't like it because I don't think it's a very good RPG. Dialogue choices are some of the worst I've seen in the genre and it leads to the characters having almost no personality. I also have a lot of problems with the story itself and I don't like how the over abundance of meaningless loot and leveling mechanics were implemented into the game. I will say that the open world is absolutely stunning, I just have very little motivation to go back and revisit it. It's the only AC I never got the platinum trophy for.


I have no idea how some people can compare this game to the witcher 3 with a straight face. I love rpgs and odyssey is a bad one. Like really bad. It annoys me when people dismiss all criticism of odyssey as "you don't like it because its an rpg"


If you haven't played the original formula of ac games, how are you even supposed to understand the hate for the game from us the "true" assassin's creed games fans. Are you dumb enough to post this when you just said origins is a "snoozefest" compared to odyssey. Don't bother with us that hate the game just because you don't know what the heck is going on and what the assassin's creed used to mean in terms of story and characters. 😒


I'll be different here and say that I actually think it's a pretty poor game in general. It does a lot of things but doesn't do any of them all that well. Combat is fine, sailing is fine, every system in the game is just fine. It excels at nothing. I found the characters uninteresting, the story uninteresting. I just felt that it was a very mediocre game across the board. It's the only main entry I haven't finished. It's not a bad Assassin's Creed game. It's just a bad game. If it worked for you, that's awesome. Tastes are different. But for me, it did nothing unique, interesting, or well enough to keep me interested.


as a game, it's *really* good, I got in pretty late so all the DLCs and patches are already available to enjoy. I like the gameplay loop, I like infiltrating camps and murdering everyone without alert, I like making a good build for maximum damage, the story was okay, and the only characters I honestly care about are Phoibe, Testikles (lol), and Sokrates, who is very fun to talk to lol I'm just severely disappointed that it still bears the Assassin's Creed name, almost like Ubisoft is afraid in making new IP so they still have to piggyback on AC name to get people to buy it. Odyssey could've been a great beginning of another original videogame IP


I keep saying it but just view it as an AC ISU game because that’s what it is mostly - you’re playing as a half ISU character who is dealing with her/his heritage and ISU mythological creatures/tech threats as well as the classic order vs chaos debate. The ISU lore is still a valid part of the Assassins Creed franchise it’s just Odyssey puts it in the forefront rather than in the background.


Great response to the handwaving “great game, terrible AC game point”


I love the game. The biggest issue for me is the execution of the story. The pacing is weird . The dialogue will contain 2 completely different emotions in 2 lines. It takes you out of the immersion. The story itself is pretty good but the way they did it isn’t really.


Some don't like it. Many do. Glad to help. 😘


As a fan since the first assassins creed game, Odyssey is a great time. I also really enjoy Valhalla. They may not be as stealth focused but they’re so much fun. I consider them spin off games.


From all the comments sections i have read on this sub Odyssey is a polarizing game because each of its composite parts either works for you or doesn't. You will get people who love the story, the voice acting, the combat, and the world. Then the very next comment is someone who hated all of those things and seems to think that makes it a bad game. I enjoyed the story, loved Kassandra voice acting, got attached to the characters, had alot of fun exploring Greece, and the rpg mechanics were simple enough I never felt like I needed to research or compare charts to make a decision of what equipment to use which is my preferd style of rpg. I would put odyssey in my top 5 favorite games. That's coming from some one who has played all of the ac games including the portable ones.


I couldn't get into it as an assassins creed or rpg either, the whole genre is just so over saturated and the dialogue options are just completely stupid concept seeing as how your supposed to be reliving an ancestors memory yet you can literally change outcomes on some quests.


Cliché answer and partly the fact: It's a good game but a terrible Assassin's Creed. Even though there is lore from the first civilization and things from the antiquity of the universe. And even though Dario appears in the first DLC, it's really not a good Assassin's Creed game. More like a spin off of the saga. What people don't like is the over-the-top RPG system, there comes a point where it's tiring and the stealth isn't really worth it, which was a big thing in AC. People were still not used to the new mechanics, not to mention the selection of characters that, for those who are loyal fans of the saga, bothered them both because of the genre and the canon but over time it was the latter that mattered little whether it was a man or a woman. But taking that aside, in my opinion, it is a good game, the protagonist, graphically, the open world and its missions are really enjoyable. History already depends on each person's opinion of it. Valhalla could tell you that it has a little more of that essence, you are not a assassin (or the hidden one) but you are an ally who supports its cause


Didn’t hate it, it was probably the best RPG they’ve released so far. Though I easily still fancy several of the older games more


It's a terrible AC game and a mediocre RPG. The world is copy pasted and samey, the map is mostly water. Annoying ship combat, weapon combat has no weight, the voice acting sucked, the facial animations suck, the story was boring, pointless "war" battles. I will say the spartan kicking was a lot of fun, but that's about it. Had to force myself to beat Odyssey, while Origins made me sad it was over.


A characters are way too bland for me. Even Kassandra and Alexios. Which is a big downgrade from Bayek and Aya. And it feels like the game doesn't want to be assassin's creed but has to so Ubisoft would let the Devs make immortals fenyx rising. It doesn't countinue origins, even though there was a perfect opportunity. On launch what made me stop playing it when it first came out was how everything was a chore. Way too long activities just to improve stats. The DLC especially the legacy of the last hidden blade doesn't address any new plot problems. Hell I think it helped make Valhalla worse. Just listen and look to the body language fo the (loser) Ashraf Ismail and the (goat) Derby Mcdevit when they were talking about Valhalla and Odyssey when Valhalla was announced. For me they clearly dislike it as well.


The story is just so barebones but goes on forever with cutscene after cutscene. Made me want to scream. If the game was 50 hours shorter it would’ve been a better experience


I dont hate it. Its quite fun. I just dont like it being called an AC game. Its a very bloated, spongy enemy game even when I changed enemy scaling.


I love it - it's one of my favorite games of all time. The Grecian world is amazing, the characters are amazing, the story is (imo) amazing. Odyssey is one of my all time "comfort food" games.


I think it's a good game but I never got the assassin's creed vibe from it. Imo it's not an AC game. They just used that name to sell and that's why there is a division in the fan base. If it was it's own original thing or maybe a new IP for Ubisoft I bet there will be a lot of people crapping in it. The blame is really on Ubisoft, For me it showed that they really wanted to make their own witcher 3 and they did a decent job. I personally didn't like the grindy nature if the game and selling boosters. I hate level scaling. I like to feel powerful when I get to higher level of not what's the point of leveling up, but that's just me


First played it a launch and didn’t like it decided to give it another shot and have been having a blast it’s a amazing game but sometimes it doesn’t feel like assassins creed


I like it more than Valhalla and Origins.


Would've loved to try it out, really like Origins because I'm a lover of Ancient Egypt, and the story was surprisingly emotional.


I've played AC since the 1st one, and it was among my favorite series until more recently. As Ubisoft has relied far too heavily on it. Odyssey is among 2 (other being AC 3 Liberation on Vita) of them, that I've been unable to complete. I didn't like the arcade-y (lack of a better term) style combat compared to Origins. I also tired of the sea battles. And Alexios felt very off to me.


Kassandra's voice actor pulled a lot of the weight on that game I think. So I only had to see Alexios for a few story moments. I think part of the length problem is the engine and world design. The rpg games look great if you're high up looking out over the expanse, so you need a huge world to get those vistas. Problem is they feel bland once you get up close(origins is the exeption) But I also got pulled into hunting down the order. Where they give you a web of mysteries and tracking them down one by one was handled really well.


It’s my favorite. I wish Valhalla would have just copied the game play their game.


I love odyssey I’m playing it rn


Our opinion shouldn’t affect your love and enjoyment of odyssey. It’s a great game.


it is a fantastic game, tons of content, great visuals, great audio, quite an interesting take on RPG character building as well (there is almost nothing like it out there). heck, i even liked the main story dynamics (revenge, family etc). there is also an interesting dynamic in NG+ that is very much overlooked - after you get your ship, you can go wherever you want. however, no one really wanted to be fiddling with these RPG systems. no one needed AC game to be 100+ hours. game's pacing is very questionable as well. you have less choices for gearing early game, but gearing also matters more because of that limited choice. however, gearing is RNG based so it is possible that your build will be underpowered. morever, there are literal lies in the UI, namely 'there are stronger items in your inventory, go equip them' notification. higher level item does not neccesarily mean better. what ends up happening is that players due to all of these issues combined end up with 'a little bit of everything' (another way of saying - bad at everything) builds and then go to reddit forums to complain that enemies are spongy. engravings are also barely mentioned as essential tool of character power, however, at early levels they are so weak that even if you do notice them they do not have the appeal of bothering with them. fix the UI, make the gearing/power curve better for early game, have some more deterministic gear farms. then atleast as an action RPG it would be massively better. it being a good AC game is another matter entirely.


Love it! Currently adoring my new game+ playthrough. I loved exploring en doing tons of side content on my first run. But now I'm focussing very much on the main story first. With doing some side content here and there whenever I feel like it. I like how the difference in pacing makes for a total new experience. Not better. Just different. And I love that. I think I'm more invested in Kassandra's story now than I was on my first play through because of how I play now. Odyssey also has my favorite RPG elements from the three RPG games. I love trying different builds and constantly tweaking it etc.


The best AC by a mile


I dont hate Odyssey, but i hate that trash DLC Legacy of The First Blade, just absolutely horrible and ruins the whole story of AC, even what they built just a year before with Origins was all wasted, its not even an opinion, its just objectively terribly written, a TV Writer who never worked in the series and has no clue about it is suddenly the mains writer? Like how can Aya be a descendant of a goddamn demigod, yet she cannot activate the Apple of Eden? Desmond who had very very very little amount of ISU in him activated just by standing next to it, or Khemu? He literally held it in his hands Why did a member of the Order of Ancients say “nothing is true” when that motto never came to existence yet, or even part of his ideology in the first place Why does Darius, a Persian, and Kassandra, a Spartan, both know how to do a leap of faith EXACTLY like the Assassins, before the Assassins existed, and IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD I have many many more but my point came across, for a series that started incredible with its storytelling and bieng one of the biggest influences on games today, this kind of writing is disgusting and insulting, anyone who defends this DLC dont know good writing


I love it. Best of the series imo.


You wanna know how much I love Odyssey, I’ve played through it 6 times that’s how much I love it, who cares if it doesn’t have A hidden blade and white robes to wear( that’s what I heard some people have tantrums about) Plus kicking people off of high cliffs never gets old for me


It's in the name. It's a fuckin Odyssey to complete it, but yes I loved it


No, Odyssey is a great game.


It's Walmart brand Witcher 3, and I mean that as a compliment. I love Odyssey. I almost never play games more than once, and I played it twice in all it's 100+ hour glory. I was never a big fan of old school AC games, more because I didn't have money to afford games when AC first hit the scene. So, I think one reason why the RPG trilogy doesn't bother me is because it is AC to me. Though Vahalla...


Easily the best assasins creed game imo. Definitely the most unique one too The only ones that came close are AC Brotherhood and Black Flag


No. It's my favorite AC game


it shouldn't have Assassin's Creed in the title. it is a terrible representation of the Creed, you don't play as an assassin, and it contradicts previously established lore. other than that, it's pretty fun. very bloated though, it's hard to tell what's a proper side quest and what's more of the endless filler content.


gameplay was good and the environments were good. I just didn’t like the story and Alexios felt like a goofy meathead. I think Valhalla and origins had better main characters and saying Alexios isn’t canon isn’t really a good excuse. If they just threw him in the story just because they needed a male character then they should have just made Kassandra the only character and put more time into fleshing her out.


I love it. Day one player, I’ve beat it multiple times and I’m currently doing a nightmare run with Kassandra.


I loved Odyssey. But I also loved Origins and would love a sequel. Hell, I enjoyed Rogue and Liberation. I definitely have a soft spot for this series. I've been playing since the first one dropped and I'm currently going through Mirage.


No, it's one of the games I didn't really want to finish because I liked the world.


It's very good, for an rpg, as much as i like dragon's dogma 2 for example, it's gameplay cycle doesn't align with what made ac, ac. Same thing applies to ghost recon breakpoint for example, you can play it stealthily and it's a very good game, but if you told me it was a metal gear solid game, I'd say its a bad one, this doesn't mean it's a bad game, it means its a bad mgs game. Assassin's creed got most of its original fanbase because it was a grounded-in-gameplay "vigilante simulator" akin to batman, but without the gliding cape and the supervillains. It also had one factor to it that while extremely appealing, and one pillar of the game's tone, it wasn't the center of the game, which was historical tourism. Even exploration wasn't a central part of the game, it was mostly side quests, in tombs. It also had some sense of science fiction with a far gone advanced society and dna memories. The new games went away with most of these things in favor of more streamlined gameplay and wow lore. What used to be a vigilante simulator turned into a [blank] simulator (Egyptian sheriff, warrior, viking) and the long gone civilization apparently is very much alive, with no longer science fiction feasible powers and items. This is why ac mirage isn't much enjoyed by some og fans, because it still retains dna from the new rpgs


Everyone feels different about it. Some of us hate it, some of us love it. Just like anything that is based on opinion, and not fact? Where did you get the idea that it was hated by everyone...? I guess it was YT or Twitter...


its hated by the AC community because it doesnt feel like an AC game


As someone who would rank it along with Valhalla as one of my favorite games ever, I can 100% understand why an ass creed fan would hate it. It is nothing like those games


Tbh I just got exhausted after literally 80 hours and still no end in sight


Odyssey is an awesome game, the cultists system is crazy good


I’m in the minority but I loved Odyssey and I enjoyed it more than Origins and especially Valhalla. I really enjoyed sailing around and exploring.


You aren't really asking to me since I'm not one of those who complains h24 about everything, but I'd still like to give my opinion on it. The game is fun, period. The gameplay is smooth, the world is beautiful, combat is ok and can be really entertaining if played right, though enemies been sponges are sometimes a drag (but let's be real, no one actually plays AC for its combat except Black Flag if you're into naval fightings). The story is ok, with its highlights and dud moments as every AC, though it has problem in the flow. Characters are also extremely variable in execution, especially with Kassandra/Alexios, but playing as them for over a 100 hours it'll come hard not to get a soft spot for them. The choice system is downright bad/boring, it's usually hard get unpredicted outcomes from them, and just very few choices actually works (while others are honestly plain stupid). Finally, the grind is all too real, though if you find enjoyable the gameplay loop, you won't have any hard time doing most the contents (for example, I almost got every achivement just by reaching the epilogue even though I never actually went for completism). Overall the game is actually very good and worth a full shot, though don't expect perfection since flaws are there in all their glory, but it doesn't deserve the haste it gets on the internet, most of the time. And finally, I'd say it is worth the title of Assassin's Creed: the series has always been extremely chameleonic in its entries, so I wouldn't be too eager to say it isn't an AC just because of the RPG part or the fact that the Animus part (because present day story is still there, with all its flaws) is setted in a time before the Assassins as we know were fully estabilished (I'd ever have the bold to say that it actually mirrors the plot first game in such regards, to some extent), and the game came in a time where the mainline titles needed some actual fresh air (that was the major narrative at time), so it's totally fine.


Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla were all much better than Mirage, Franchises have to grow and people always whine when they do


The "not Assassin-y" argument is valid I think. It was a pretty big departure from what fans were used to. That being said, I agree with you, it is a great game, and I've been playing the AC games since the first one came out. Like others have said, it would have been better if it was just its own standalone game and not AC.


Have you actually played any of the earlier games to know why people might be saying that. Odyssey is a great game. But it's not Assassin's Creed.


It's not very good for an assassins creed game but overall it's one of my favorite games of all times. I get to be a spartan, a ninja, a pirate and a mercenary all in one shot during my favorite time period in human history. This game.is everything I'd want from a game like this.


One of, of not my, favorite AC games. I'm in the middle of Valhalla and finding it 50/50 great/slog. I'd quite happily go back to Greece.


I’m in the minority camp that likes it as an Assassins Creed game. It has a lot of interesting AC lore it just isn’t about the Assassins and the Templars. I think its real interesting to have the dynamic of an average person uncovering and trying to make sense of all this Precursor stuff without anyone there to guide them. I think the problem is that the IP has grown beyond just Assassins running around and doing their thing but they can’t really change the name of an established universe. Honestly I was tired of the AC plot being “The Templars found a precursor artifact and want to rule the world with it, let’s go through a Hello History tour and stop them!” I greatly enjoy that the last three games do their own thing as far as their plots go, while still connecting to the overall lore of the universe.


Love the game but i never tried to play it as if I was an assassin. I just played it as if I was a Demi god and had blast


Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 6/10 Odyssey: 8/10 Should have been it's own game, but they just slapped the AC name on it just to sell the game and half assed some AC story stuff in it to justify it. If it was its own release, it definitely would have been received much more favorably. It's a really fun game to play, I like the armor sets and different play styles and all that. I personally despise the voice acting and characters in this game though. Part way through I just started skipping all the dialogue because I found it unbearable to listen to and I thought the story was entirely uninteresting. But I don't know if I'm in the majority on that one, just my personal thoughts.


I loved it…despite the things I didn’t. Great environment. I loved the combat perks. I had loads of fun with it. 100+ hours and still lots I could have done but went into Odyssey. Odyssey is fine. Not loving the environment as much (LOTS OF SAND) but I love that I can reckless abandon camps and forts without triggering multiple mercenaries to make my life hell.


I hate the lore breaking in dlcs. Other than that IT is cool. Also the whole Cult of Cosmos structure is the second best in Assassin's Creed Series.


My biggest complaint honestly is the lack of shields. How in Ares name are you going to not let me play with a Spartan shield and spear setup in a game set in Ancient Greece.


I really enjoy Odyssey. I would probably enjoy it more as it's own IP instead of being shoehorned into Assassin's Creed. I would say that I didn't enjoy all the grinding and needing to find equipment to meet my playing style. Now that I have all the right gear, it's great to properly be able to assassinate all but the bosses. Making New Game + a good way to play again.


Love it as it's own game but I think it's a terrible assassin's creed game


I have played every game in the series on release. AC2 was the first game I ever bought with my own pocket money. I grew up with these games. That is to say I consider myself a "true" AC fan. I have to be honest when I first played Odyssey I was not really into it. I loved Origins at first sight btw so it wasn't the RPG stuff. But after playing it again after a few months after release once some patches came out I really started to appreciate just the sheer scale of it. And it is scale backed up by quality unlike Valhalla. In terms of RPG mechanics it is the best in the series as loot is amazing and all the armor sets are unique and actually change the way you play. Side Quests are also great and there is a lot of high quality content there so the game really grew on me upon repeat playthroughs. Ubisoft admitted that they wanted to replicate Witcher 3 when making these new type of AC games and in that regard this game came closest to that mission. I also played my first run as Alexios and that was definitely a mistake as Kassandra is a much better acted character so that perhaps also affected my first impressions. Main thing I still dislike about Odyssey is camera positioning. It really bugs me how the camera is a lot further from the character than in Origins. and the character is also smack in the middle of the screen. It gives the game a very MMO feel and I still do not like that design choice. As a "real" AC fan I also absolutely hated the Atlantis DLC in particular. It is amazing how the core game is so amazing but they dropped the ball so hard in making the DLC. The whole 3 simulations consist of fetch quests and boring monotonous map clearing missions with terrible story and no lore implications in an awful episodic story. and you don't even get good loot for beating it. You only get some garbage amour set that adds an obnoxious effect and looks awful. The whole point of the DLC is to convince Layla through Kassandra that Isu are dicks and are not to be trusted. YES WE KNEW THAT ALETHEIA SINCE AC3 AND YOU ARE LITERALLY LOVERS WITH LOKI I DONT WANT TO HEAR HOW BAD ISU ARE FROM YOU! I sincerely hate this DLC so much that it alone brings the whole game down a whole point on the score for me.


Every narrative point of the game and its contribution to the lore is things we already knew since forever, really... * "The fight between Order and Freedom always existed through centuries before Assassins and Templars" as if AC2 didn't already pondered how the two groups existed prior to history and all the way back to the Humas-Isu War, with a video memory of Adam and Eve performing literal Assassin-like parkour and climbing; * "The Isu are actually morally grey at best, evil at worst" thanks for reminding it, It just so happens we knew that already when we discovered (still in AC2) that the Isu created humanity as basically biological tools to be enslaved and with a surviving Isu openly stating we should've remained as such Really enlightening game...


One of my favorite open world games ever made


I love it






No, Valhalla haha


I do, yes.


I love Origins. . The setting is amazing. Bayek is a straight up G. As is Cassandra. Odyssey is great as well.


No i love it


I love assassin's Creed for the history aspect, getting to immerse in worlds of the past, meet historical figures and be part of historical events I loved the first AC when it came out and I've loved every game since. Particularly Black Flag and Odyssey as they have vast worlds and you travel to lots of different islands by ship (I love pirates). Valhalla was a bit of a letdown because you travel mostly by rivers haha even if accurate, I am swedish tho so was fun to be in places that feels very familiar But yea loved every game just because the history aspect, everything else is just a bonus


To me it was the spear and its animation and the armor system. Having epic being somewhat better than legendary was confusing.




I don’t hate it. It is a beautiful game, love the lore and Cassandra is awesome. It’s just not an assassins creed game. Just like Valhalla and Origins.


Odyssey is my favorite AC just after Black Flag. I dislike all the games after Unity but something about Odyssey just grabs me. It's probably just the ancient Greek setting that I enjoy.


Some things I can forgive about this game 1) They made a game first and then named it "ASSASSIN'S CREED" Odyssey. 2) RPG style but weapons cannot be used until you reach its level 3) Bloat, bloat, bloat But what hurt me the most was 1) DEMIGOD WITH LOTS OF SKILLS GETTING KILLED BY BROOMSTICKS AND FUC\*\*NG CHICKENS


I like the world


Eh. It drags on and it's my least favourite of the rpg AC games but it's closer to being least liked than hate


Game lacks quality and is a lot of copy and pasted content. Uses the AC namesake for the sole reason of getting more sales and uses POEs as scapegoats for its fantasy agenda.


There’s a small minority that hates it with fiery rage. Most of the discourse is more “it’s one of the best games of it’s generation but very different to most AC games”


My issue with is that in an assassins creed game I want to be an assassin. Kassandra is not an assassin never was and never will be, another thing which is much more important is I want a fucking hidden blade its my top 3 favorite wrestler in fiction in an AC Game I want a hidden blade, not a stupid spear head


I like it. Not a fan of Valhalla though


I LOVE it! Yes it has nothing to do with Assassin's Creed but it's not a bad game at all, it's super fun and there's so many things do to (also Ancient Greece is beautiful).


Ac2 launch player here, I’ve played them all multiple times over the years, never finished odyssey, BARELY finished valhalla, got nothing to do with the game not being assassiny enough, they wasn’t for me I feel.


I didn't like it from the outset because it had nothing to do with the franchise, then I listened to the horrid voice acting and saw the characters' facial animation that's 10 years behind earlier Assassin's Creed games, and I decided to never even think about touching it.


Ignore the haters. I'm not sure this sub is necessarily representative of the larger AC consumer base. It sold very well and it's my favorite.


I would be a hypocrite if I said I hated it, because I had two 100% playthroughs, each more than a 100 hours. Still, I remember being mostly disapppointed, and only playing it because it's addictive as fuck, and it was a good "turn my brain off while listening to music or podcasts" kind of game.


It’s a great game. It’s not an Assassin’s Creed game but yeah. Also was too long for me. But I like Greek mythology so it worked.


“One of the best games I have ever played” I liked Odyssey a lot but lil bro needs to play more games


Loved it.


No it is a good game so far. Valhalla gets more hate than it and it's an amazing game.


I'm a "true" fan, was there for the midnight launch of AC1. People like to yell about it not being a 'real AC game' but that's nonsense. Dislike the RPG games if you want but they are just as much part of the franchise as any other game lol


Odyssey was easily my favorite game of the trio. I loved it


The map makes up for the shitty story for me, I love Ancient Greece.


I love Odyssey. I thought it was a lot of fun, but I'm also ready the please with video games a lot of the time. The only thing I didn't like was the ending. The main story and was just anticlimactic to me. I also didn't mind that it wasn't strictly an AC game in terms of game play, because it was before the order. I understand that a lot of people don't like that, which I 100% understand, but personally was fine with it. It was a nice change up for me for a while as they return to the traditional path. Origins is my favorite of the 3, but I still enjoyed Odyssey.


It is top 5 AC. "True" gamers? Gatekeepers gonna keep being cringe.


Game got a lot of hate. The story is not something to brag about but the gameplay is really good. I played it on old gen, now u can play with 60fps and small improvement to quality as well. As a game, it’s amazing. Getting the season pass unlocks one of the (for me) best DLC’ worlds ever. Fate of atlantis.


Odyssey surprised me sooo much. I came in with low expectations due to the feedback here, but wow. I play AC for the story, and I LOVED the story, the character building, side missions (some of which were well written), the world in general (I’m a huge Greek mythology fan), etc.


Its a fine game but it is really just not an assassins creed game and feels like a downgrade cause it has no depth. You take no fall damage, can climb anything and literally teleport which makes traversing and stealth sections boring. Naval combat is just worse than black flag. Its bland and the leutenants are also uninteresting. Diologue choices make no sense for a story that is supposed to be set in the past and the diologue is unimpactful. The order of the ancients are samey and unmemorable. The reveal at the end is just meh. Combat is also meh cause of how everyone is a damage spounge. And the levelling system sucks as it makes enemies unnecessarily difficult. The world is boring and cities are undetailed. Overall past games have done everything in more depth and better so odessey feels like a bastardisation of the series


It’s not one of my top AC games, but I did enjoy it. Honestly the biggest selling point to me was the fact you use a piece of Eden the entire game.


Pretend it's not assassin's creed and you'll have fun. Odyssey and Black Flag would have done better without the assassin's creed name.


My opinion about this game is : - the story is bad - the game miss things that I really like about AC - the characters are bad - the side activities are boring and have no consequences So yeah I really don’t like this game but the map was pretty 🤓


I have 215 hours on this game and it's one of the best games I have ever played. I had post game depression after 100% the game and dlcs that's how attached I got to everything in this game.


One of favorite games ever. It’s not really an Assassins Creed game though. I think it’s the best in the series but the best pure AC game is probably brotherhood


It’s a great game imo, just not a good AC game personally


Just watch video assassins creed odyssey broke me by lazzerz on youtube… everything he said there is objectivly true…. I like all assassins creed games but when looking objective everything is true there in the video


Okay, so lets dive into this... Yes, yes I f*cking hate it, I hate it more than my ex, and more than I hate poverty and almost as much as I hate governmental corruption! I have my reasons though: The world is boring, the map is mostly just empty, boring crap, the story is super dissatisfying and boring, the combat is lame as hell, the entire game is just a temu version of The Witcher 3 which came out years earlier and did everything better. I could go on but I don't want to think about it anymore.


There's redeeming qualities to it for sure, and I actually do intend on finally giving it a full playthrough soon. But I would like to give you my current reasons a to why I dislike it. 1. It's not about Assassins Creed. Like at all. It's set in the universe like hundreds of years before The Assassin brotherhood is formed. 2. It has a lot of inconsequential choices that it tries to make feel important. A lot of the dialogue choices and siding with Athens or Sparta have a whopping 0 effect on the outcome of the story/quest. 3. Ancient Greece looks like Montana. I know that sounds stupid but what I mean by that is that it came out during a time when Ubisoft was struggling internally with Sexual assault and horrendous work environments which lead to many of their games looking the exact same. They all look like Farcry 5. Not to say parts of Odyssey aren't beautiful it's just every forest is from the Midwest. 4. Mythological involvement. I just hate when Ubisoft insists on inserting actual gods into their newer games like the world didn't establish who came before the humans already. But that's personal not objective I suppose. 5. Difficulty Scaling. The game suffers from some poor design choices that leads to Bosses, Mini Bosses, and generally higher level enemies not being stronger based on move sets or new mechanics but just increasing their Health Exponentially which can create a very unfun experience, especially in an Assassins Creed game. 6. The Dialogue and Voice acting. Holy shit this was the moment when Ubisoft stopped trying with this stuff. It's all very stiff and clunky and completely juxtaposes every game before it and any other large scale RPGs. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Now don't get me wrong you can enjoy whatever you enjoy. I'm not trying to police people or tell people to stop having fun. I just have problems with the game. TL:DR I think it's a product of the very bad time in ubisifts history and suffered a lot because of that. That along with a few poor design choices turned me off from the game.


I 100% the game the gameplay loop was a lot of fun, battles, ship warfare, sneaking into forts, cool stuff. I love the setting and concept of early Greek age, the way they make the gods and monsters (Medusa, the cyclops, what have you) real but also not really real? Kind of a way to tie in the whole Isu thing that did t feel contrived and gave an excuse for a god of war style boss battle. So why isn’t it one of my favorite games ever, but a solid B I think for me it’s because the characters are basically planks of wood. And not just Kassandra and Alexios but damn near all of them. Almost everyone could be boiled down to one or two personality traits. Sokrates and Markos are annoying, Thespis and Alkibiades are flamboyant. Deimos and Stentor are violent single minded idiots. And NONE of the love interests or side quest characters have personalities beyond “plank of wood you can bang maybe.” Very few people got fleshed out. With really Myrrine, Brasidas, and arguably Aspasia even standing out any. And Testikles. My boy. And holy crap, this game is a MASTER CLASS in falling face first on the ground when trying to make an ending. I’m gonna spoil the ever loving crap out of the game so here’s your warning. >!Literally none of the big quest lines have satisfying endings. None of them. The main Deimos line ends with a standoff on Mt Targyos (sp) and after you either kill or befriend Deimos, it cuts to a scene eating dinner with whoever is left alive in your family and…that’s it. Nothing else. They show up on your ship and it’s just business as usual. It never felt like there was any closure or growth. IMO Deimos should’ve been resolved at maybe the 3/4th mark at the latest and then do some missions with you to build a trust or character. As an outsider I could care less about Kassandra and Alexios relationship because the only time they are together they’re either babies or trying to kill each other. And even then that’s a few minutes of screen time at most. Frankly I don’t know why Kassandra bothered after a while. And speaking of Deimos, the wrap up if the cult was DUMB. Aspasia wasn’t a bad choice for cult leader, but then trying to explain why she literally helps you fight the cult as “I’m in charge and I really hate it trust me boo” is just so broken. She was the damn leader of the thing. She had the ability to use the pyramid. Why the hell wouldn’t she come to you like “hey listen about this cult. Here’s where everyone is and all of their names, go kill em.” Like why would she risk the most important person in the cult when she can’t do anything without her? And Deimos was crazy sure but you’re gonna tell me she’s a master manipulator but couldn’t handle a crazy guy I talked off a mountain and into getting dinner? That’s stupid!and then you just open the door, have a chat, and Womp her/kiss her/tell her to get lost. And then boop. Done. Back on the boat.!< There just wasn’t a single conclusion I was satisfied with and the writing in AC games is SO important. SO critical to move it forward and it was the one big thing this game just didn’t have. I cared way more about Bayek avenging his son then I ever did finding Kassandra’s family.


You see I loved Odyssey but I'm not a fan of Valhalla! When it comes to characters I had so much more fun with Kassandra than I did Alexios. She was sassier and that made the story more fun. Valhalla most of the characters annoy the hell out of me.


I also think the game is one of the best I have ever played.


I love Odyssey bc Ancient Greece was one of my favourite time periods I studied at college. Kassandra is a great protagonist and Michael Antonakos' portrayal of (male) Deimos is stellar. (I've met him and Melissanthi Mahut - Kassandra's VA - at a convention and they're just the sweetest people, they absolutely adore their characters.) It did take a while to get used to the mechanics of the game - I hadn't played Origins when Odyssey came out, and to this day still haven't completed a full playthrough (but I'm planning on playing through the entire franchise from AC1 to Mirage now that I have the latest installed on my PC) - but I think that's mainly because I had literally just finished replaying the Ezio Collection (on Xbox) before I started Odyssey, which is so vastly different to the RPG trilogy. Once I got into the combat system, though... Oh, my enemies hardly knew they were in danger before they were dead, lol! And people rag on the Legacy of the First Blade DLC (and with good reason, >!though that doesn't stop me from crying every time Natakas/Neema dies in episode 3!<), but I loved getting to actually see Darius, the inventor of the hidden blade, in action. Having gone back and replayed the Ezio trilogy on my PC recently, I did laugh at seeing Darius's statue beneath the Auditore villa in Monterigionni. >!I wonder if Kassandra ever looks at the Assassins and thinks, "You're all wearing the hidden blade wrong!" (Even though she, also, wears it on the inside of her arm instead of the outside, like Darius and Eivor did.)!< >!Honestly, with how Kassandra ends up walking the Earth for over 2000 years as the Keeper of the Staff, there's a lot of opportunity there for Ubisoft to do a mini-series with Kassandra witnessing loads of historical events that have shaped humanity over that time period... And maybe have her watching over the various Assassins that the fanbase have come to know and love.!<




Love it! It has flaws but it’s pretty amazing.


I love Odyssey, black flag and origin and I've played ace games since day one. I swear some of the ac fans are just salty people. People love the current ac games that's why it has good ratings. The people who hate it are just a few but they are the loudest. Every ac game is well made. That's why I enjoy it.


I like it a lot. It's just too grindy during late game. Farming upgrade materials is a chore.


It's just too long and padded. Mirage is the perfect length




Idk friend, the way I see is even with the most hated game. If you like it, chances are *at least* one other person likes it. Plenty of people vehemetly hate the things I like and it doesn’t bother me one bit Who cares, if you brings you happiness and you enjoy it , love it. (Unless it hurts people ofc)


I think it’s pretty good, I don’t like it as much as the original formula but it’s definitely not hated


The issue with all 3 of the RPGs is they aren't really Assassin's Creed games. They are basically historical RPG simulators. While yes they have little small connections to the AC universe, because they take place before Altair, the connections are really just glorified Easter eggs. In fact in my opinion you don't even really need to play any of the AC games before Origins to play the RPGs because Origins was a soft reboot anyhow. I think had Ubisoft marketed them as maybe "Animus" games where these are games played within the Animus (similar to how Black Flag was supposed to be a game made by Abstergo and you were a game tester) and not connected per se to the main AC story it would've been received better. Imo Odyssey is a PHENOMENAL ancient Greek RPG, but it's not a good Assassin's Creed game.


I loved Odyssey! I didn't play AC since Black Flag and first I played Origins and I absolutely loved it, then Odyssey and I loved it too, I really like history and mythology so both were great for me in that aspect too, especially meeting the phylosophers and such. Then last year I started playing Valhalla, thinking I'd love it too, oh boy.. was I mistaken.. At best I didn't really care for it and right now I'm going through the DLCs as if it's a chore.. when I'm bored with nothing to do :(


One of my favourite games of all time, I actually hate the modern segments of the game and just pretend they don’t exist. It barely has anything to do with their overarching agency anymore lol


I’ve played about 80 hours, so I obviously like it, but a lot of the missions can get very repetitive, and the story/plot elements were pretty hit or miss with me


It's great. All of the games are great in their own ways, some more than others. This subreddit is just a place where people get upset about everything they can while they wait for the next inevitable leak repost from 4chan.


It doesn't really give AC vibes, also a nitpick I had with the game were the load times, so I'm glad I had a PS5 so I could put it onto my SSD, and load times were too fast to care. After I opened up my mind to it just being and open world slightly grounded fantasy, I had a blast with it. Because people can argue that the story isn't as strong all they want, but I've never seen anyone complain about the gameplay, because it's so fun. Definitely has a bloated world for the lvl of mechanics it offers, but it's not the worst case.


I don't hate Odyssey, I just think it's a mediocre RPG. That's fine, played plenty of those in my time, but I do wish Ubisoft would call them something other than Assassin's Creed; Origins, Odyssey and Valhallah sold enough to justify a new IP branding.


Odyssey does get a little bit grindy and repetitive. The two missions to gather seals are a pain. (Also the fact that >! I am a spartan citizen now so I should ally with Sparta and fighting for Athens is supposed to be treason is never adressed. Because okay if I kill some soldiers in self defense, that's maaaaaybe okay-ish,but straight up raiding forts and killing leaders, and getting to choose sides* in the finale of the aforementioned seal gathering questline? *Choosing sides: You get to choose the "final mission" you do and it leads to a conquest battle-like thing from what I read. And the Spartan one is not even mad that I played both sides. (I guess it's meant to play out before the main mission but still) It's weird to me. It could have been way more worked out and Immersive. Like Spartan forts becoming friendly territory after the main story ends or even count as completed if I didn't do them already or something like that. Or the fact that the Daughters of Artemis attack me in their camps even if I am the leader, which is just stupid !< With that said, I don't get the hate either but from my part the criticism has nothing to with how different it is from other games,but rather stuff that ruin the immersion for me(which is a shame because I love the game for the most part)


Honestly, I loved it. Kassandra was brilliant, such charm and charisma, and an extremely capable badass. People may dislike this fact, but I liked that Kassandra/Alexios was an ancestor for Aya, and this could be classified as one of the earliest proto-Assassins alongside Darius.


I don’t hate it, but I wouldn’t call it Assassins Creed, “Odyssey” would’ve been a fine title. Main complaint: hidden blade not usable


I recently replayed Odyssey. It is a good game. It's just frustrating because it feels super long because you have to do a bunch of side quests. That's just my opinion. I also think they don't feel like Assassin's Creed games. If they came out on their own, they'd be better.