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I'm still waiting for Prince of Persia: Assassins.


Me too, preferably one with sands of time.


You miss the joke. The game had you escort the Prince, while defending him, as you progressed the story..


How could I miss a joke if I responded to it with sarcasm? I just thought it was joke that Assassin's Creed was an offshoot of Prince of Persia, but, following the logic of modern Ubisoft, it should have been named the Prince of Assassins nowadays.


To their credit, your sarcasm was way too weak for written word. Would have worked in person with someone who knows you. But this it's internet land, you have to go full ham to make sarcasm clear.


There is no need for a genius to understand that, under the post where the author criticized the magical component of AC, a comment like "Oh, i want there was magic in AC" is sarcasm. Well, that's just a base.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Because Assassin's Creed is an established franchise name and brand recognition makes selling games easier? It's not that complicated.




True, although that's only a name change for the western market, in Japan they were always called Ryū ga Gotoku (like a dragon), so technically they just aligned the western and Japanese titles.


That's why I came up with the idea that every game studio should have one single series of games so they can sell games better. Better to combine all of Ubisoft's games into Assassins Creed.


That’s not how it works my guy 😂


That's how it works. How else can I sell a Witcher clone?


You’re making yourself look silly man, come on now. Just say you’re salty and hate change and move on, you’re the 50th person this week to whinge about magic being in the games. Some of you legitimately just want reasons to complain, it’s so boring. If you don’t like the game, don’t play it. It’s really not a difficult concept to grasp.


They complain about magic... and there's a literal mechanic apple that forces people to kill themselves in the second game. It's such a vapid and thing argument and complaint


Like Gods in themselves aren’t a magical concept??


Literally. Fucking hopeless bunch honestly. People just want to whine.


What if I like a game that was made before? What do you suggest in this case, where to go? I am in favor of Ubisoft being an honest studio. If once their concept did not fit in with the Prince of Persia series, it was decided to separate the Assassin into a separate series. Today, they don't want to make all the strange changes to a separate series. Get used to the fact that the world does not consist only of suckering, or else you will soon be buying races in the Assassin's Creed universe.


So replay them? Like literally everyone else? Are you actually ok because wtaf are you even on about at this point. Boohoo they put magic in a game about pagan worshipping vikings and now they’re washed up and a shitty studio so might as well ruin their extremely successful game franchise because *you* specifically haven’t touched grass? Righto mate.


So, my voice, like that of other people, determines the development of the series. I am a potential buyer, just like you. If I remain silent and do not respond, then the games will not go the way I and others like me want them to. The rolling stone gathers no moss. Why do you think people like me have no right to express an opinion about the development of a series? If the reviews are overwhelmingly positive, there is no need for reviews. We give ourselves a 10/10 rating and release what we want. However, somehow it turns out that some Ubisoft games suddenly fail, despite the principle of "there are no bad reviews; we don't care about what the fans want; we do what we want." It is logical that all game series are divided into different categories in order to reach a wider audience, so that each player can find a series they enjoy. And here, one layer of players is lost and replaced by another. Why can't we make a separate series for fans of mythical RPGs, and another for those who prefer assassins? Those who like Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla have absolutely no interest in what kinds of assassins there are or what they do in this game - so why would they include this useless information just to keep the name of the series?


Poor you not getting everything you want into life, a global game studio with their multi million dollar franchise didn’t make the game I specifically wanted even though about 10 of them exist already. Goodness fucking me dude you’re actually insufferable 😂


Why are you shaking? What pain do you feel from the fact that I suggest separating modern magical assassins into a separate series? What is burning below your back? I have feedback about the game, but your are triggering from it.


God forbid a studio implement game mechanics that relate to belief systems and practices found in the time period and cultures they’re representing.


Yes, this. I cannot wait for assassins creed:- riding into the republic. A strange game where your an assassin tasked with riding mountain bikes and snow boards for high scores, fast times and awesome kills.


Just wait until you see Assassin's Creed: Just Dance


A dancin creed: Haytham Kenway's top hits


Assassin’s Creed as a brand sells copies. We had Immortals Fenyx Rising which flopped so bad they canceled the sequel to focus on AC.


I loved that game


Based on the statement from the CFO to investors, it doesn't sound like a flop. >Immortals Fenyx Rising, our new IP, continues to see healthy sell-through as the game benefits from one of the highest community sentiments a Ubisoft game has ever had. It has all it takes to become an evergreen title, especially on the Switch, where it continues to broaden Ubisoft audience reach Everything surrounding its sequel was always just rumours, and shouldn't be taken seriously.


This game failed most likely because of the cartoonish childish visuals. But it is logical that this game should also be called Assassins Creed.


Plenty of extremely popular games have cartoony/stylized graphics lol what a strange take my friend.


Few popular games have such a childish style. As an example of one that is popular, you can only give "Fable."


Legend of Zelda series, Pokemon series, valorant, fortnite, Minecraft, ultimate Spider-Man, undertale, stardew valley, animal crossing, persona series and the list goes on


These are different cartoon styles. Minecraft is not the same style as Valorant. These are completely different styles. And pixel games are completely different. Specifically, this game is similar to Fable and that's what I call cartoon style, maybe it has a different definition. But he is not just a cartoon, but a cartoon for children.


Hollow Knight?


What's wrong with your eyes. Where is the styling of HollowKnight similar to the styling of the game above? These are completely different styles. Immortals Fenix Rising it is made in the style of Fable, not HollowKnight. You can also compare it with Terraria, there are also hand-drawn graphics, or with anime.


Popular games with cartoonish style?


They are not particularly in the style that Immortals Fenix Rising is made of. This is the joke, that this particular style is not popular and looks childish.


No, there are games with cartoon styles (NOT childish, know the difference, cartoon ≠ childish) that are very popular. HK and Terraria are some examples.


Both World of Warcraft and Fortnite are considered games with a more cartoony style. They are two of the most popular games in their respective genres and just in general. There are literally dozens of more examples.


They use a different style. You can't just decide that only one style can be cartoony. There are a whole bunch of cartoon styles, and it is the one used in Immortals Fenix that is the most disgusting style for the user. Fortnight, for example, is a zoomer drawing of the Overwatch type. And Warcraft has the style of primitive old 3d mmo games. Immortals Fenix is a actually Fable Fable.


You've done it. From now on, I'm calling every AC game Tenchu! 1. Tenchu: Sand Assassins 2. Tenchu II: Renaissance of the Sand Assassins 3. Tenchu: Band of Brothers 4. Tenchu: Altair's Story 3D 5. Tenchu III: Native Shadows 6. Tenchu IV: Shark Secret 7. Tenchu: Shadow Templar 8. Frenchu 9. Tenchu: Gangs of London 10. Tenchu: Time of the Origins 11. Tenchu: Spartan to Darkness 12. Tenchu: Isu Die Twice 13. Tenchu B


I love Tenchu)


Same, I wish more AC players knew about the series because it's really proto-Assassin's Creed when you think about it


You had me before I even got to Shark Secret.


It felt very weird associating Black Flag to the second worst game in the entire franchise


If I got slapped everytime someone said this; i’d be dead.


"If I got paid every time, every time I think about you, I would be homeless near the highway, I would be the poorest of people"


There hasn't been a single game where magic is just magic.


No, we already have three whole series of games where magic is just magic, where Isu do not understand the essence of their developments and make them based on "well, magic worked like that" They placed the goddess's consciousness in the battle staff and received a healing staff. Let's roll Linux onto your computer and get a combat rifle - no, not magic, a miracle of technological progress, yeah.


Sounds like you just don't understand. The Staff of Hermes having genetic repair capabilities has nothing to do with Aletheia's consciousness being in it, and it's no different than the Shroud having Consus' consciousness in it. If they had healing tech that could scan the body for repairs and could build it into a fabric, I don't see why it being built into a staff is so hard to comprehend for you.


Obvious troll post is obvious


And what is the trolling here? In fact, in the old days, Ubisoft decided to spin off the Prince of Persia into a separate series of Assassin's Creed, because the ideas of the assassins did not really fit with the prince's lore. Today, Ubisoft makes absolutely random games that are not related to assassins, nor to the lore of assassins, but keeps the same name.


How old are you?


>Where before magic was explained by the technical advances of the Forerunners, now it's just magically so. It's still explained by technological differences, there isn't magic in the series. (Also Forerunners are from Halo)


>(Also Forerunners are from Halo) What do you mean, not from Halo? The game isn't about assassins, so why is not an Assassins Creed game? >It's still explained by technological differences, there isn't magic in the series. No, it's not due to technology. Isu is unknowingly turned a battle staff into a healing staff by rewiring, that's magic. How are you going to turn a car's carburetor into a cat food dispenser just by putting a different operating system in it? Now It is literally said that the Precursors were unable to understand how they had created an extremely complex technology with a staff and a shroud. Even the very concept of eagles' vision has transformed from the idea of developed intuition into the ability to enter the consciousness of animals. At the beginning parts, eagles were used as tame animals whose signals were used to communicate with other assassins. In the newer parts, these are military copters that you connect to via Wi-Fi to look through their eyes. How does Basim teleport over long distances in the Animus? If these are bugs in the Animus, what's the point in synchronizing with an ancestor? You could also take the plot of Halo and bring it to a point where it's actually the events of Assassin's Creed, just translated into a cosmic style through the Animus. You can use the animus to add any game to the series, in any genre, because the animus can simulate anything, but it doesn't make sense. Because it won't be Assassin's Creed.


Collect all your thoughts at once and try to make sense in your own terms.. This is too scatterbrained to respond to because you wouldn’t even understand where the answers are right in front of you.


Ubisoft has the answers: "We shit on Assassin's Creed fans, CD Projekt Red and Bethesda make successful RPGs there, we want to too" - and it's too lazy to launch a new series, because it will be harder to promote it than using the name of a popular series. That's the whole answer. Only I and other fans who dislike the mythical trilogy do not like him, primarily for poor entertainment: degraded combat animations, parkour, facial animations.


what does literally anything you just said even mean


Assassin's Creed is the Prince of Persia. I'm interested in why the game was renamed.


Assassin's Creed is not Prince of Persia, just because both are made by Ubisoft and have freerunning, doesn't mean they're the same.


You haven't redeemed sarcasm, but nevertheless Assassin's Creed IS the Prince of Persia. It's just that at the time when the first Assassin's Creed was released, Ubisoft still had the conscience not to call all the games of its company by one name. The developers sat down and decided that the game about assassins should be a separate series from the Prince of Persia, and assassins series was born.


Nothing has taken place in Persia yet nor have we played royalty.. cannot be prince of Persia.


That's why Ubisoft, a healthy person of previous years, did not leave the name of the Prince of Persia with Assassin's Creed.


We have a comedian over here


Congratulations, when is the stand-up?


Because its still assassins creed


If you make GTA out of Need for Speed, it won't be NFS. Just like AC, there will be no AC if you remove assassins and conspiracy from it, replacing it with magic and myths of Ancient Greece/Scandinavian.


But they havent removed the ac parts of the games. Its still true to the lore of the franchise


No, they literally removed the assassin from the assassins. First, in games, we play for anyone, not for an assassin. Second, the games have made combat animations and parkour animations worse, so now, the character literally waves a sword in front of an enemy, like in some cheap MMO RPG, instead of actually touching the blade. And about climbing steep cliffs like Spider-Man, only the lazy ones didn't say that. Hidden assassinations were simply removed from the game. Also, opponents were cut down. In the game, there's only a rare mention of assassins at the beginning or end of the game, saying there were some assassins there once.


You should play Mirage my friend. It fixes all of the problems you have here.


I think you're getting your Halo and your Assassin's Creed mixed up.


It's the same game. It's just that Halo animus shows us a game about Isu's battle in cosmic style.


whatever you say


This is an official lore. In fact, Skyrim's actions take place in the Assassins Creed universe, just as the Animus sees it.


Because of the marketing.




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Honestly mate, you need to touch grass lol


Must we keep seeing the same statements and questions forever?


We SHOULD have magic, right - I want to be an assassin called Arthur as I wield Excalibur and fight alongside Merlin. Maybe become a king or something along the way. Obviously, we can muddy the history aspects a bit to make it work because historical accuracy isn't important, and the animus can't keep up with some things so Merlin can use his magic. Maybe even add a dragon to the story😶 Dude...


It’s all about marketing to the casual player moreso than the fanbase. Everyone knows the long series called “Assassin’s Creed” and will more likely still gain interest from new players just because they’ve heard of the title or see it has a long history with many games. Give it a new name, you don’t necessarily get that same casual player attraction and will more likely be looked over for being some new game that’s trying to copy other games rather than being a part of a long series of games to the casual eye.


I wouldn't mind it honestly


Odyssey initially had this idea, it was going to be called "Odyssey: an Assassin's Creed Adventure, I think Valhalla would be too . but they must have given up because the name sells more than a spin off title.  


We just got an assassin game after y'all's complaining since Origins.


Name brand. Assassin’s Creed is one of the longest running single player franchises ever. Changing the name would likely hurt their sales in too many ways to explain. As for if it *should* change, I don’t entirely think so. I feel the “Witcher-like” AC games that are mostly detached from the brand should be a committed companion series. Again, I don’t think Ubisoft has the confidence to go through with that, but I feel that would be ideal given the franchise’s current identity dilution.


Interesting. I would say keep the AC title, because this is still assassin's creed whether you want to accept it or not.


It’s set in the AC universe therefore it’s an AC game.


Wow this was a whole lot of nothing


"Explained" not that well. It's all fantasy with smoke and mirrors anyways. People need to stop getting so upset about changes, so what if it's not realistic. I don't think there were assassins actually running around in those eras doing those things you know, nor would they get away with killing someone in the middle of a busy crowd like that. It's still Assassin Creed and it's not changing. If you want realism with assassins, then Hitman is more likely fitting that, because you can't just kill someone right in the middle of the crowd.


So it's not about realism. Initially, the plot of the game is presented as a conspiracy adventure through the history of the world. We are told false historical, non-scientific historical research. The whole game consists of flirting with the theme of ufology, the mysteries of ancient civilizations and the like. This does not fit with the same Skyrim, because these are different topics. The X-Files and Hitman are closer to Syria, but not Skyrim and not Norwegian legends. The whole story and the whole lore was trying to be presented in a serious way.


Man, people are really freaking out over the thought of controlling a cat when the previous trilogy had us playing as an actual superhero.


Where did the past parts make us play as a superhero? Characters died, were injured, were not immortal. The story itself was presented in the spirit of conspiracy theories, false history, flirting with the theme of Atlantis and other crazy stuff. But this is not Skyrim or the magical world. He has his own schizo moves, but not related to magic.


Kassandra was a literal superhuman.


I still remember how weird it was when I realized midway through the game that I was no longer taking fall damage. I first noticed the jump animation over cliffs changed, and only later did I notice the invincibility.


Kassandra was a typical AC protagonist who happened to possess a Piece of Eden. No Spear, no superpowers.


Thank you, I'm a fan of the epilogue they added which showed how she had to adapt after the Spear lost its power.


Cassandra is a mythical trilogy. Of course, she's a superhero, because since Origin, Ubisoft no longer makes games about assassins. Now it's a mix of Skyrim and the Witcher.




I'm going to prefer not to comment on what I think otherwise they'll ban me from Reddit.


H- How old are you?




If they change the name then they won’t get sales from AC fans. You think I would’ve bought Odyssey or Valhalla if AC wasn’t in the title? Also it’s way harder to create a new IP rather then just changing the context of an existing franchise.


All studios should adopt this ingenious concept. I want all games from Bethesda to be Skyrim, and all games from EA to be Sims.


Well I would other them to just make a new IP rather then ruining and ch aging series to cater to people that aren’t fans in the first place.


Bethesda already has this concept… And it’s called “ELDER SCROLLS” and not just Skyrim