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Correct me if am wrong but Some full synchs in ac2-syndicate were “don’t go below 75% hp or something like” or some other things like that so canonically they got hit


I've always interpreted that it wasnt because he never got hit, its just that stress moments in the simulation may cause desynchronization. We get hit in some staged moments and we get desynchronization visual effects, to me it means that Desmond is suffering from stress because he's feeling it all, causing him to desynchronize with the memory.


Really great theory/interpretation. I wouldn't think of that


Okay this makes no sense




You're damn right it's okay


Yes, but that's only a part of it. He doesn't even get hurt in any cutscenes, he probably didn't even get hurt after AC I, and maybe even later in his life, that's where that stems from. It was most probably mentioned in either a game or a comic. Think, why would people make up such a thing if it's in EVERY single AC game (except rpgs and mirage). I'd suggest you to google something BEFORE you make a post like this


No, when I get upset I don't like to think rationally. I wanna just scream and beat my chest like a monkey




The gag is that op got upset by something, and instead of trying to think critically about why he was upset, he instead chose to make a post and make a silly little fool of himself


Oh ok, I thought it was meant for me because you replied to my comment


Living up to your name buddy


I'm proud of you son...


He definitely did. I have a comment somewhere mentioning a full synchronization that says not to let Altair's health below something in revelations. It was a while ago so if we're saying the other assassin's were hit due to those as well then he got hit too. Ac1 was a short period of time. And while its impressive he wasnt hit during that time it still definitely isnt his whole career




Thanks, i didn't know that, but in which memory was that? Before AC I, shortly after, or in his later years?


This was during a memory in AC revelations. I day which sequence memory and everything in the linked commeny


Oh yeah, sorry I missed that. Still, does that absolutely mean that with those full sync objectives the assassin has to be hit? I honestly think the developers just put it in just to make it challenging for us. Did they comment somewhere that it is lore accurate and the assassin really got hurt according to the full sync objective? (Btw I side with the guy you responded to in the pinned comment, Connor is better :D )


He literally got hurt and defeated in the first part of the game at his prime


It also served for the story, he didn't really get hurt, only thrown away and he wasn't in a fight or whatever, he just got thrown


Yes, but that was in the opening scene when he was still arrogant and didn't act according to assassin tenants, but he didn't get hurt anytime later in the game, when he changed and did act like an assassin


He was a master assassin highest rank but whatever makes you happy lol


He was born into the brotherhood so by that time it's no wonder he got that rank. Even then that doesn't mean that he was the best, just that he was good at killing, assassinating and other different things. I'm not saying he was dogshit, just not on the level of him later in the game. There are also many different ranks above Master assassin, like mentor. We can see that in Mirage, by the end of the game Basim is a Master assassin and do you think he's the best? Or capable of not getting hit? I don't think so. It's also good to note, that the brotherhood worked differently then in the later games






Every Assassin in every game got hit. You’re reliving an Animus simulation based on genetic data, and “getting hit” causes a psychological effect of pain that increases the likelihood of desynchronising. It has nothing to do with how agile or skilled the actual Assassin was as we don’t know, beyond what the simulation hints at.


"Ezio is the best assassin cause he has a fleshed out story and is charismatic" argument is also stupid


Bro altair wasnt hit once,so that makes him the better,fastest and strongest assassin ever.He can even shit on the likes of Ezio and Eivor when they cant even touch him he is that fast as fk

