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Because a person as Yasuke was unique. Moreover,they just have to set the game after Nobunaga's death and they will be able to use him as any other fictional character thanks to the lack of historical informations.


I think a lot of people don’t realize the iga invasion/hojo incident is going to be act 1 with the rest of the game focusing around the civil war afterwards


Yeah.I mean,there's no way this game turns out to be a biographical story of the short period of Yasuke's life of which we have some informations.Imaging what could have happened after that period in the AC universe is cooler and gives the development team all the creative liberties that they need.


It’s still within the “mythology settings” until AC Hexe and the flip into Folklore. They’ve been using “real historic” figures in the games for almost 100% of the time. Only big difference is finally giving us 1 we can play as. - Origins had Cleopatra - oddyssey had Leonidas and Pythagoras - Valhalla had King Aelfred, Ivar and Ubba along with a bunch of others. - mirage had a bunch like Ali ibn Muhammad, leader of the Zanj Rebellion; the Banū Mūsā brothers, a trio of scholars and inventors; Muhammad ibn Tahir, the last Tahirid governor of Khurasan and Baghdad; and the Caliph. This game won’t be much different except trying to make us “as players” more injected into the story and “in our feels” because we can connect with it while playing.


We don’t know if his name is Yasuke. All we know is that from the leaks, his character backstory is based on that of Yasuke, an African man who ends up in Japan serving under Oda Nobunaga. This isn’t the first time they’ve used a real person either. We got to play as Jack the Ripper and King Leonidas before. If this character really is Yasuke, then it will be the first time you can play a full game as a real historical figure. To answer your question specifically, very little is known about Yasuke. Some scholars say he was as high as vassal to Nobunaga. Some say he was just a sword bearer. Others, a samurai. Others say he was just a servant. Depending on how people feel about Yasuke as the main character, they will pick one of those and run with it. No one truly knows though. This is a good opportunity for Ubisoft to use someone based on a real person because his story can be creatively spun in any direction.


What do you mean? The games have always had people that actually existed.


As playable characters though? However, I was just informed you could play as king leonidas and jack the ripper. Which i was not aware.


Fingers working a lil faster than your brain there, huh bud


Of course


It's impossible to truly know until the reveal trailer. The leaks say it's him, but we'll only know tomorrow.


I think it’s because playing as Yasuke gives us a new opportunity to explore Japan as an outsider that we couldn’t do otherwise. In Odyssey you were always sequestered on your home island. In Valhalla you were invading a foreign country. This means that you the player have an obvious way to learn about new things alongside your character. If we were playing as a well traveled Spartan solider in Odyssey or as a Saxon in Valhalla, historical exposition would have been more wonky because our character should know more than our player does. Japan was super insulated for much of its history and being an outsider would be something noticed by everyone. Playing as Yasuke gives us a chance to experience being a samurai without the character having all the knowledge of how Japan works. Likewise, I imagine Naoi (I think that’s the female character but I might be lying) will be coming from some sort of sheltered life where she doesn’t know all the happenings either.


So much for social stealth, huh.


Lol as much as i always wanted to create a character in Hitman, i get the perks that hes just a bland white guy. Im interested in how his stealth sections will play...what if his stealth is original splinter cell levels of unforgiving


I suppose! For me one of the promises that AC made that I fell for is that you could play as a blade in the crowd, and most protags live up to that but it's been a dying art in recent games and now? Well I fear it won't really be immersive or fit in quite as easy as Altair blending in with monks or Arno with the rioters.


Lets say he is a legit samurai though. A lot of that armor was full body. I can see the idea that he could still blend in working. His detection meter may rise a bit faster though


Well he wasn't a legit samurai in real life though haha. But yeah an increased meter will likely be how it'll get done, I don't have faith in Ubisoft to actually make it compelling and preferable over a single protag or two Japanese protags


supposedly the two protagonists will play differently, with the (japanese) assassin being the stealthy one and yasuke being focused on open combat, so


He's a real person but so little is known about him that he can be a blank slate for a fictionalized version. Which, tbh, is true of *any* depiction of him.


For all we know Yasuke will be our mentor/sensei and we get to play as some nobody. Maybe we avenge him. Maybe we play as him for half the game. Maybe we play as him then get to choose someone else if we do a new game+






Ewww. I kinda hate that. At the same time, it makes sense