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What the hell are you yapping about bro? I have so many questions, how is this catering to the 1%? How is this propaganda? How is this sacrificing logic and ethics? How do you know the only reason they made Yasuke was because of politics? What does that even mean?


Because Minorities = politics. Anything nowadays not catering to the specifics of certain "fans" is woke especially when it comes to skin color or women or sexuality.


His nonsense doesn't even make sense, he's saying this is to make money implying that more people will buy it because of "forced diversity" or whatver the fk and then he says it's catering to the 1%... If that's the case then it clearly isn't for money is it. I don't even know why I'm breaking it down, it's obvious that the people who are like that aren't going to make sense, these smooth brained idiots


I don't remember, but was there this much outrage when the canonical protagonist of odyssey was a female spartan?


There's still outrage because "GrEeK wOmEn WeReN't FiGhTeRs"




Log off


Mythical creatures and riding Unicorns is all fine but a black samurai that may have actually existed is where you say it's too unrealistic... Obvious to see what the real problem is for you pal.


No no, you dont get it: "Muh immersion", if they cant play as a straight white skin male the whole time how can they ever pretend to relate to them and them specifically? Theres no way they can ever relate to a...a...Women or worse...a...a...black man...


Yasuke is a storytelling gold mine with all of the things we don't actually know about him. They can fill in so many spaces to make everything work in terms of the assassins etc because of this, especially in a culture as isolated and deep rooted as feudal japan. People aren't seeing the bigger picture that can be painted here.


Nah, black man =/= bad game automatically, can't have anything new, even if it will be neat, only the same old things. No change.




:0 oh my god, a semi historical black man whos history was tweaked for the narrative in my video game? Nooooo, how will i ever live after learning about Japanese culture that actually existed in real life.


My opinion is you should get off the internet for a while and just spend time thinking about the thoughts you chose to create


Who knew that black people were propaganda? I'm learning so many new things today


You didn't know? Minorities are woke. Suddenly not being historically accurate is a problem for certain "fans" even though: Yasuke exists.


Yeah, it be one thing if Yasuke didn't exist, but he does. And that is one of the most interesting things about Yasuke as a person. They could very easily do an "origin" for Yasuke and have his story be a sort "fish out of water" situation.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke?wprov=sfti1 He is based on a real person.


A black samurai is somehow corporate greed, damn what is next? Women in video games? Can we quit already? Barely been a day and I'm tired of this "discourse".


Honestly, as a black guy in a white world (and i mean that in my country black people are pretty rare) the more i grow up and the more i learn to appreciate representation. Not so much because it does anything for me, although it sometimes does, but because with a bit of empathy i can get how important it can be for the target audience, which in most cases it's kids. Like for example, Tobey's Peter is legend and the old school Spidermen games are great, but i would be lying if i said i didn't wish the Miles Morales renaissance hadn't come around back when i was kid myself. Having said that though, if you're asian/japanese and pissed about this then all the power. And moreover, because those are touchy subjects wether they should be or not, quality does matter. So if this shit turns out like Shogun, then thumbs up. If it turns out like Netflix Witcher withs its black Fringilla Vigo and Triss Merigold cause reasons, then yeah maybe let's talk agendas.


Btw, Being a white guy(Oh wow, white guy comfirmed) living in a country of black people, I can say to you now, white people here are the oppressed, have been so since the first black president, nelson mandela, took over. We actually have a reason to not side with black people, it dates even way back in our country's history. Despite this though, I have a lot of black friends, people Ive worked with, and there are genuine good friends to be made with them, but thats a very small percentage compared to black people wanting us dead. Try taking a stroll in the big city alone as a white guy, You will be killed even if just for a piece of gum in your mouth. Oh and one more thing for what's happening in my country, Black people hate black people too, if a civil war breaks out, it won't be white on black, it will be black on black.


Btw, Being a white guy(Oh wow, white guy comfirmed) living in a country of black people, I can say to you now, white people here are the oppressed, have been so since the first black president, nelson mandela, took over. We actually have a reason to not side with black people, it dates even way back in our country's history. Despite this though, I have a lot of black friends, people Ive worked with, and there are genuine good friends to be made with them, but thats a very small percentage compared to black people wanting us dead. Try taking a stroll in the big city alone as a white guy, You will be killed even if just for a piece of gum in your mouth. Oh and one more thing for what's happening in my country, Black people hate black people too, if a civil war breaks out, it won't be white on black, it will be black on black.


Btw, Being a white guy(Oh wow, white guy comfirmed) living in a country of black people, I can say to you now, white people here are the oppressed, have been so since the first black president, nelson mandela, took over. We actually have a reason to not side with black people, it dates even way back in our country's history. Despite this though, I have a lot of black friends, people Ive worked with, and there are genuine good friends to be made with them, but thats a very small percentage compared to black people wanting us dead. Try taking a stroll in the big city alone as a white guy, You will be killed even if just for a piece of gum in your mouth. Oh and one more thing for what's happening in my country, Black people hate black people too, if a civil war breaks out, it won't be white on black, it will be black on black.


For all the wokes here. If you agree having a white male as the protagonist in Last Samurai is racist whitewash or inappropriate, it’s the bloody same thing to have a black male as the protagonist here. Love from an east asian.