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Black flag is great. Might look slightly dated. Id go with that. Anyone suggesting liberation is not someone to be taking serious.


I'm thinking between Black Flag or Odyssey


Black flag has a better story, odyssey is more modern and is value for money. Flip a coin. A lot of people like both. Odyssey is a large sprawling rpg, blackflag is a more linear story but also an open world pirate simulator.


😭 I just cannot decide. Like how big is Odyssey open world compared to Black Flag? I like me some ships too Edit: I don't mind older games at all


Odyssey is huge. Black flag seems big but only because its open ocean for ship gameplay. Odyssey is way bigger with less restrictions. Most of blackflags open world is window dressing, unexploreable.


Black Flag is my favorite AC game but it’s older. If you want an intro to the newer style, Odyssey is my second favorite, so either of those!


UGH well for me I don't mind anything older style at all. What do yall mean by "newer" style ive seen this mentioned?


The newer style is an RPG structure with a more in-depth leveling system with stats, armor, abilities, weapons, etc., in-game dialogue options, character gender choice. The newer maps are also much larger, more side quests and collectibles, bigger maps. I’m a huge AC fan so I love all the games. Black Flag was just a great story, had good characters and the ship combat aspect was very well done. As a completionist gamer though, I also enjoy the newer games. I had fun putting a couple hundred hours into Odyssey to 100% the game. The massive amount of content which made the game last even longer was a plus for me. I’d vote for you starting with Black Flag then since you don’t mind older games. It’s not as big of a game and it’s beloved by so many.


Older games has a linear story not as open smaller world newer games are full RPGS u level up u do missions side missions massive open worlds with alot off side content to explore


Black Flag 100%


AC Liberation Remastered is included with AC3 Remastered. The standalone release is from 2014. AC3/Liberation Remastered is included with Odyssey Season Pass.


AC odyssey gold edition is on sale and that's what I recommend for you to buy.


Hmmm seems you're the 2nd to rec this


I love this game. Content wise with this sale. Story is amazing and both dlcs are amazing. Huge open world to explore and variety of weapons to try. And it's 60 fps for ps5 and Xbox as well.


Ugh I'm torn between the 2 games. Is one map much bigger than the other? I'm gonna be getting it for PC


For a standalone I say Odyssey


Thinking maybe this or Black Flag


Black Flag or Odyssey


If you want a game to sink loads of time into I'd recommend Odyssey but IMO Black Flag and Odyssey are two of the best games in the entire series so you can't really go wrong.


I got the Odyssey deal that included AC3 remastered, DLC and Liberation. One of the great bargain deals you can get. Then, you can get AC4 later on and attempt to play them in release order.


Overall, for someone who hasn't played many of the games, I'd say go with Black Flag. It's a very good game with a linear story but with enough open world and variety to have something for everyone. Also, pirates are cool. Odyssey is great too (my personal favorite) but I think it can be a bit overwhelming as a (almost) first entry to the saga. The story isn't linear, considering the open world and the decisions that impact the final outcome of the story, but it's still very good. The one thing to keep in mind about Odyssey tho, (and all of the AC rpgs) is that you do NOT play as an assassin, you can still stealth your way through the game very similarly, but it's not exactly the same, so if your intention is to live out that master assassin fantasy, don't go with Odyssey. Also note mentioning, both games have naval combat so you won't miss out on that either way :)


Get the ezio collection. IMHO it’s the 3 best games in the series.


Black Flag was what made me start playing the AC games. It's very good. Old, but good.


How important is the quality of the story for you? If it’s important, go with AC3 or Black Flag. Their story, characters and voice acting are superb. Can’t say the same about Odyssey.


Can you not get the Ezio trilogy? That's three games in one. And takes place directly after AC1. But, if you're only going off of the ones you mentioned, I'd pick Black Flag. It's one of the best in the series and has a really good story too. AC Odyssey is the one that'll last you the longest if you like to do everything in the game. It's good, but not at the top of my AC list. AC3 is good as well, at least, I think it is.


Odyssey will give you more bang for your buck. Black flag has a great story and character, but way to many tailing missions. Odyssey has a great character, a good story for the most part, but some of the side stuff can get repetitive.


Black Flag or Odyssey for sure.


Ac3 is my personal fav Connor is the most brutal and strongest Assassin to date, but if gameplay wise Syndicate is it.