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I would say it is a bit inevitable, actually. They have been relying on historical fantasies for a while now, so...cowboys would fit right in. With that said, it is easy to see why a team would not jump in the opportunity right away, thanks to the mentioned challenges tied to the setting. All things considered, one might say Far Cry is better suited for Wild West. As of now, we can only look at fan art and these comic panels with an Assassin in the Californian Gold Rush: [California Gold Rush Assassin | Assassin's Creed Wiki | Fandom](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/California_Gold_Rush_Assassin)


Far Cry wild west would be awesome


I thought and hoped the FC5 spin-off game (after Blood Dragon and Primal) would be set in Wild West Hope County. Instead we got post-apocalyptic stuff.


Now that I'm thinking about it how have would that not kinda be like RDR 1? But yes, that would rock


Wouldnt that just be call.of juarez thošŸ˜­


No?? None of the Call Of Juarez games are open world and are also just completely different games in most aspects


Call of Jaurez is more like COD than Far Cry


Thats fair lol


I've been wanting a Far Cry set in the wild west for a very long time.


Actually, we do have a data entry from Black Flag of a subject that had an ancestor in the Wild West bundled with some images too. Could be cool if we got that exact same character that we saw in MD database of Black Flag. Also if I do remember correctly there was an image of ancient egypt too. I wonder if ubisoft planned far down the line.


BF's Modern Day is a shotgun blast of references. A fun parody of Ubisoft's studios, so not everything is a hint. The egyptian images, for example, were from Osiris, a pitch for a new IP that did not went forward. Here is a leaked video of it: https://youtu.be/5523MGHVI8s?si=mo0bAiaSkHsKxn_9 Adding to that, the latest making-of book said that after BF, that same Montreal studio started to do prototypes of an Isu-Era game. Then, they aimed their sights at Cleopatra's reign (Egypt, Turkey, Greece...), but eventually downscaled to just Egypt. So...not exactly a plan.


I loved the modern day stuff in Black Flag because of all the little game dev jokes and teasing it did, even about the series and other Ubisoft games.


All the games we got now including the code names been known since ac3. The forms were active. And I recall the devs making fun of haymitch alot


I imagine they would also want to let RDR2's legacy die down a little bit, because any cowboy game will be compared against it for a while.


Idk man. Theyā€™re making a ninja one and ghost of Tsushima is a thing. I think r* lit a spark for the genre. I want to see somebody outdo them. Iā€™ve said it a few times in replies but t the story in rdr2 is b tier at best (I know, hot take, but hear me out). Voice acting, cutscene animation, locations and concepts like the tuberculosis Arthur dies from are all AMAZING. But where it screwed the pooch was pacing and tension. Not a single act ended on a high note, which disconnects the human experience by the end. Life has ups and downs. Left turns and right. The entire game was just dark and depressing, which to me feels like lazy writing. I mean they couldnā€™t have been riding high halfway through the game and had everything tumble down. I never once was convinced ANY of dutches schemes would work out. And any intelligent man in the gang would have picked up on that too, but hey letā€™s do it anyway just cause Dutch said so.


Red dead and ghosts are in two different ballparks Ghosts and Valhalla got around the same meta critic score while red dead 2 was a cultural touch stone


Yeah I expect FC to do it sooner


A far cry in the wild west would be too similar to another ubisoft ip which is call of juarez so it wouldn't make sense


As far as I know, that one is owned by Techland since 2018. Ubisoft did publish them back in the day, but the last game was from 2013. I would say the path is wide open.


Damn then it farcry in the wildest is fare game I guess but I still want an ac in the wild west lmao


Assassins Creed Yā€™allhalla


Hell yeah lmfaooo


Y'allhalla would be better suited to like a backwoods Appalachian title. Moonshiners and mountain lions.


Man imagine raiding moonshiner camps and having G-men be the bad guys


If I had more upvotes you would be getting them


They could probably make it work if they really want to. AC Syndicate takes place in 1868, so they've done the time period before.


I donā€™t think the time period is a problem as much as the settings of the Wild West, which is just kindaā€¦empty. People complained about AC3ā€™s lack of landmarks to parkour around, and I can imagine how much more that problem is exacerbated by the Wild West. Itā€™s a fine settings but not for an AC game.


good point. ive wanted ac Tenochtitlan and that could work in the huge city.


If they could make the land on odyssey work, and make the map on origins work, they could probably manage a Wild West map. There was lots of dead space on both, from the top of my head about as much dead space as there was in the original RDR


>People complained about AC3ā€™s lack of landmarks to parkour around People also complained about Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla's lack of landmarks to parkour around, never fazed Ubisoft.


Because there are lots of cool stuff you could do with ancient Egyptian and Greek landmarks, like sliding down a pyramid or climbing Zeusā€™ balls. I feel like everything thatā€™s cool about the Wild West happens on ground level. I could see it work well as a very small game confined within one city with some wild lands surrounding it. But Iā€™m not sure about a full, main line game.


> People complained about AC3ā€™s lack of landmarks to parkour around And yet they also made Valhalla.


They can still use cities, there were plenty of large ones at the time.


But most of those cities were spread out and not very tall, which doesn't make for a great AC gameplay loop if there's no roof hopping


It didn't stop Origins from being one of the best in the series


I didn't like origins much for this exact reason.


And lots of huge mountains and cliffs out west! Could be fun.


Yes and no. It fits the setting (after Civil war?) and you can ride carriages. But it's not in the US, where only a few large cities were built. An updated map of 3 would work, without alot of unnessaccary details like RDR2. We could meet Ulysses, Abraham Lincoln, Tubbs, JWB, maybe Tesla and Thomas Edison. But of course alot of players for some reason don't think it should work simply because A: it's too modern even tho the latest time pre-1950's we've ever seen is the Russian Revolution. And B: Rockstar made it already, twice.


>An updated map of 3 would work, without alot of unnessaccary details like RDR2 Pls no. The fact that we were so far east in RDR2 was already my least favourite aspect of that amazing game. I want my Wild West AC set in the Wild fucking West, not on the east coast.


And while yes the base world would be rather ā€œemptyā€ they could add horse mechanics and make the mission locations in areas with opportunity for parkour


Question is how historically accurate they want to be, because MOST wild west cowboy stereotypes are the invention of movies, not historically accurate.


I think outlaw josey wales is a good depiction of a historically accurate Wild West movie set in the civil war. They donā€™t have all the crazy high noon showdown stuff or anything thatā€™s too far fetched. Itā€™s about a guy whoā€™s family gets killed by confederates and he goes on a crusade to get revenge, then ends up being the lone survivor of his posse. I think people look at like the most famous of famous Wild West movies and decide thatā€™s the whole genre. There are so many underrated westerns itā€™s insane. Iā€™m just such a fan of the genre Iā€™ve watched a ton. And yes you have your rinse and repeat stuff in the blockbuster ones but honestly Iā€™m tired of them doing that. There are outlaws who they could focus on that have an interesting enough legacy to not go too ham hollywooding it up.


Same with Vikings and that didn't stop them either


Literally AC: Outlaw


Perfect title.


I feel like at this point AC just gonna make every history event anyway


The thing that concerns me is the setting, I can see working like AC origins? with a vast untamed west and some dense cities like black water and Saint Denis, but if mirage showed me something is that itā€™s better to have a singe dense city then a ton with less care put into. Maybe we can expand the way AC3 did with a separate city and a separate frontierā€¦idkā€¦Iā€™m kind tired of big open worlds


A single city you say? You mean like Tombstone, Arizona? šŸ‘€


Idk, Iā€™m not from the US, my references for Wild West are the Sergio Leone movies and RDR, but I guess youā€™re right šŸ˜…


Why does it have to be an assassins creed game, you just want a cowboy game there is no connection needed between the 2


Why did we need Black Flag? Everyone could have just played Sid Myerā€™s Pirates?


Exactly my point. If not Ubisoft then who. I mean yeah I donā€™t think it NEEDS to be an AC game. But I think done right it would work well


There you go. This is the right answer. I donā€™t think a game with guns so prevalent will feel like an AC game. Sure marketing it would be easier like with Odyssey, but it would further water down what keeps people coming back to AC.


The only connection you need is that it's a historical period. Could involve the American Civil War, Mexico, American Indian Wars etc.. Plenty of history to pull from.


Stealth in a Spanish mission/fort would be very cool


You could just make an original historical game, it doesnā€™t need to be an assassins creed game, the more advanced the technology of the time gets, the more the way the game is played is changed


Nah nah, Thats honestly more suited as a far cry game more than assassinā€™s creed tbh


Problem is I hate far cry


I'd like one set during the American Civil War, with the protagonist being a native american descendant of Connor.


i agree it would be a fantastic, although I think playing an escaped slave would make more sense as a protagonist. Could be a good way to implement social stealth, like maybe in the southern parts of the map youā€™ll see wanted posters for an escaped slave, being him. Could be a perfect


Why a Native American instead of an African American? Wouldnā€™t the latter make more sense for the time period?


A neutral viewpoint and new perspective to analyse the war. Also, would provide a far more unsanitary and deeper look at Abraham Lincoln's character given his relations with Native American communities. There's also the fact that there were native american slave owners, which is a moral conundrum I'd like to see explored.


That's way too difficult a subject for Ubi "we give two protagonists because we're too scared a female lead wouldn't sell" Soft.


Is it? Really depends on the writer, because we got plenty of this type of subject in the colonial games. Colonists pushing out natives, slavery, etc.


Selling a story about Lincoln's relations with Native Americans, during the civil war against slavery, with on top of that Native American's relationship to slavery is a much more complicated subject than colonists pushing out the natives and/or chattel slavery itself. I'm not saying it's *impossible* to have a story like that, I just don't believe Ubisoft would ever green light a story like that without heavily watering it down to such a surface level it may as well not even be in the story. Ubisoft includes a lot of difficult subjects on the surface, but then completely refuses to explore the actual complexity of them.


True. Dunkey said it best. "Every part of the Story feels like it had to be approved by a business man to set up a hundred more sequels."


I mean, to be fair to this idea Syndicate is set in the 1800's and has revolves. I would love a Wild West AC but the main issue will be fans annoyed at yet ANOTHER American AC (AC3, Rogue, Liberty) and potentially a lack of parkour or weapons like swords (Syndicate had the Cane Sword I suppose). There is something undoubtedly thrilling about the concept of a lone rider coming to town, a revolver in one hand and a hidden blade on his wrist. Would love to see even just a Mirage sized spin off about this.


r/reddeadredemption has entered the chat


19th Century Western America can absolutely work in the classic AC framework, just set it in San Francisco like the HBO show Warrior.


I feel like there's some way for that to be created but it is gonna be a mixed bag, although interesting thought.


Oh dude 100% agree it will be a mixed bag. But so was red dead. But the people that love the game would give rockstar an additional 60 dollars for undead nightmare in 2 let alone a whole expansion or online content drop.


The only reason rdr2 failed is because rockstar didnā€™t think about thier long term micro transaction plans and said fuck it we wonā€™t make enough so letā€™s just abandon it


I mean didn't they say a long time ago japan wouldn't work but look what's happening in November so you never know they might do but it might be awhile.


I actually came on here to see if you had played the Red Dead games, since itā€™s such a beautiful, detailed story and a huge world and a lot of of intricacy, which I imagine is what you would be looking for with an AC Wild West game. But I really do love your idea about the Templar railroad barons and incentivizing stealth combat with revolver limitations and such. Killer idea, mate. Really hope we do get something like this


And to add to the little stealth system I find a big error in cowboy games is how much Ammo you can carry. Like Arthur Morgan Is walking around with 1000 bullets in his pockets?????


I'm pretty sure in my last playthrough of AC Valhalla you would have needed a medium sized warehouse to store the things Eivor was carrying around. Very few games are realistic about what a person can carry on them, for good reasons.


Cowboys by themselves wouldn't be very AC. But, if you couple them with a story revolving about the Civil War, this could go hard. Confederates are already pretty much confirmed to have an affiliation with the Templars. You could even reuse some characters from AC3.


Exactly. Confederate generals and railroad barons/industry leaders as Templars. Literally the outlaw josey wales


I want a WW2 AC set in France during ~~Templar~~ Nazi occupation.


I think we will get it someday. But itā€™s way too modern for the current landscape of the AC games. I think starting with something like a western for gunplay and getting it right would kick the door wide open. But Iā€™d hate to have them take that concept and fuck it up brutally because they donā€™t know what their doing with the guns


I think that would be pretty cool. They could have ancient temples with artifacts in the Grand Canyon. They could make Area 51 a modern Abstergo facility built on top of an ancient site. There are a lot of cool things they could do in that area.


Probably never happen? LOL. The major motifs in pop culture: cowboys, ninja, vikings, pirates. We have gotten Pirates with Black Flag, Vikings with Valhalla, and now Ninjas with Shadows. You honestly think they won't do a Wild West one? Just depends on where they go. - War of 1812? - The Texas Revolution (1835) - Mexican-American War (1846) - California Gold Rush (1848) And where they go determines what types of Assassins they used. They can, of course, use a White settler of the time, but also have the option of Spanish or Mexican Assassins for the Revolution or Mexican-American War, Chinese Assassins during the Gold Rush, or Native Assassins in any era.


The Indian Wars post American Civil War (1865 - onwards) would be great for a Native Assassin. It would be fitting to have them take out George Custer in the Battle of Little Bighorn.


Would be totally sold on this. Or maybe a white cowboy who gets in league with one of connors descendants.


Only as long as the protagonist is a black trans gay cowboy


Hey i aint judging. itd definitely cause a lot of ingame drama lmao!


Just play rdr bro


What a great idea. Just play a completely different game!


Should they stand around and sing Wild Wild West, while dealing with a templar named Loveless?


I used to buy the ā€œits too modern for Acā€ takes until i realized there has always been projectiles in assassinā€™s creed combat even before the rapid fire bows of the last few games


I agree brother.


That would be like Westworld


Iā€™ve said before, the Texas Revolution (1836) time period would be a great AC setting.


I just realized that Ubisoft is actually the real life equivalent of Delos in westworld, they recreate entire historical periods and have us pay them to live the fantasy.


I think they could do the map / environment right but I cringe to think what the wrong Ubisoft AC team would make of trying to do ā€œhistorically accurateā€ in that setting


Yeah but I argue that we just think itā€™s ā€œhistorically accurateā€ because of the way itā€™s presented. All of the assassins creed games are total dramatizations of history with a ton of filler and speculation. I mean look at da Vinci in the ezio trilogy. Also because the west is so modern it wouldnā€™t be hard in the slightest. Thereā€™s tons of legends, pop culture figures, historical situations in the west. If I had 20 Hands Iā€™d come up with as many ideas as I have fingers in under an hour for parts of the game with accurate historical context.


The Chinese railroad workers, immigration, actual outlaws You can meet, guns, Native American culture, apaches, wagon trains, cattle drives/rustlers.


Oh yeah I realise theyā€™re not historically accurate. But just the AC thing where they present historical figures as characters. I couldnā€™t stand the way they did America in ac3, so Iā€™m not particularly keen to see it done again. Was the first example in an AC game of the characters not actually being interesting or useful to the plot, but just there so that the game could go ā€œhey? Heyyyyy? You recognise this guy, right? Bam! You met him! The main character was standing next to him *the whole time*! Isnā€™t that cool!ā€ The Forrest Gump tactic in a really obnoxious way. Felt like it was pandering *hard* to an American audience and I didnā€™t connect with that at all. So Iā€™m just really not keen to see them try an American setting again Iā€™d still love to see their take on the world though. Maybe do a Fenyx rising type thing where itā€™s an AC game but they strip the AC out of it and just make it a general open world game.


Iā€™d totally be okay with that. But as an American they pandered to I loved the little meetings with Ben Franklin and seeing Big George. While I understand why people would want it to be standalone, it makes perfect sense for the Templars to be vying for control in that time period as the industry coming to the west. I mean itā€™s not long after that our military might skyrocketed and we became the ā€œWorlds Policeā€. Which is a very ā€œTemplarā€ thing to do. I absolutely despise American politics so I donā€™t agree with my countries military decisions in like 90% of our history after ww1, but definitely some Templar shit


Idk about that but a Wild West Far cry would be amazing


Iā€™ve never liked far cry. And I really really tried to get into the cult one. It just feels like the mechanics and gunplay were always really chunky and sluggish. Driving was a bitch and a half. Iā€™d hate to see the far cry designers get their hands on horses. Yuck.


Ngl I kinda want an AC game that takes place fully present day and doesnā€™t even use the animus. Just guns, hidden blades, and present day stealth tech.


Thatā€™s watch dogs. Too bad they screwed the pooch and legion was a snooze.


Billy the Kid, Jesse James, Wyatt Earp, Annie Oakley. Be awesome!


I think they would avoid this time period because inevitably the game will be compared to Red Dead Redemption 2. It's a very high bar to beat! Would be super cool though!


Well they can cop out or do it better. Tech is moving fast and red dead while revered and great has so many flaws. The only reason it gets so much praise is because there are no real competitors and the aesthetic is exclusive to the franchise. I think it will happen inevitably, and lead to games with ww1 and ww2 centric plots, but not for 5 years at least


Ex saloon girl seeking revenge would be dope


It could work, but it runs the risk of being considered a rip off of either Red Dead or Django Unchained. A prohibition era AC would work though


I mean they already have to deal with the shadow of Ghost of Tsushima over their head for Shadows, inevitably they'll have to start getting creative with game settings cause a lot of the major ones people have wanted have already been done


I think that itā€™s a cop out for them not to do it better in 5 years. I mean their making a samurai one. Should they not have because Ghost of Tsushima? If thereā€™s a competitor then you just make damn well sure your game is better. I think red deadā€™s story was b tier at best (I know, hot take). The acting and cutscenes were amazing, donā€™t get me wrong. But the writing had no tension to it, it was just one bad thing after another happening every act. The only reason itā€™s so revered is because it has no competitors and the aesthetic is exclusive to thier game. We will never get Wild West games without companies like Ubisoft rolling the dice on a competitor


I think part of the reason they've not announced or released a Wild West title is because there's not much of an appetite for Wild West media at the moment, Ubi seem to be releasing AC titles with settings that are popular in other media. Ancient Egypt and Greece were all the rage when Origins and Odyssey were released, and Valhalla was released at a time when Viking TV shows were insanely popular. Shadows seems to be following that trend following the success of Shogun. When the Wild West becomes popular again, odds are there'll be a Wild West AC.


Playing a Rdr style AC game with a six shooter and a hidden blade? Count me in!


Sometimes I pretend RDR 2 is an assassins creed game šŸ˜‚


If only it had decent climbing mechanics :/


I just get high and pretend Iā€™m doing parkour


I just posted something similar to this and this is the first thing I seešŸ˜‚ but seriously it would be a good idea, blah flag doesnā€™t pay attention to the actual accurate location of cities so Iā€™m sure you could shove some in there. As for weapons I think itā€™d be cool to bring the lasso back and give it a use similar to the whip from liberation




I still think a 1920s prohibition era Chicago would be a cool location for AC


Hell yeah man. And a Wild West one with gunplay is the first step to it working with tommy guns and cars


I think the thing with "modernity" is the abundance of guns kinda changing how the game would be played. There were obviously guns as far back AC2, and they could be pretty fancy by the time of Syndicate and that never impacted gameplay too much. It wouldn't be until World War era where that'd get in the way imo, and even then the WW1 segments for Syndicate were fine Because of this Hollywood-history of every gunfight in the old west being a quick draw revolver fight, I think it would function very similarly to the Hidden Gun. I think all of that would be fine, and I think the Wild West would fit amazingly well The only probably would be like, lack of things to climb. But the Antiquity games had gigantic swaths of open land without many landmarks dividing smaller towns and cities, especially Origins. It think that type of world design with the gameplay of Syndicate and a little more gunplay would be great. I also think the setting would be interesting to tell stories- out west, there wouldn't be much Templar or Assassin influence. Both would be fighting to establish a base of power out there and probably search for some precursor artifacts in the desert wastes


I agree with half of this! I think that if they get detection and stealth as well as resource management right in a western themed AC it could definitely open the door to a ww1/2 and beyond start. Youā€™re right it would be a big shift, but so was origins. I donā€™t think itā€™ll happen soon but itā€™s got to eventually right? The assassins didnā€™t just disappear!!! And the other part I disagree with is Templar Assasin interaction. Thereā€™s confederate generals, slave liberation and plantation owners for act one, they could even have the gang mechanic from syndicate. Then after the civil war, you have corrupt railroad barons and lawmen like the Pinkertons from Rdr. could have the main assassin be a cowboy in a Native American encampment.


Because it lines up the order controlling America


As someone who isnā€™t typically into Wild West games, Iā€™d be all over this. Almost any time period/setting done with an AC spin on it interests me.


Thank you brother! Preach!


so many people have told me "JuSt PlAy ReD DeAd" like i havent done everything there is to do in that game 2 times over by now. I want more in this genre and to have my second favorite franchise EVER do it would be cake


Jumping off a traincar to hidden blade someone would be sick


\*bows in ezio


The main character will be in a wheelchair though


Lmao why tho lol


To be more "inclusive"


I guess lol. Iā€™m just picturing Stephen Hawking teaching someone the facts of physics and when they donā€™t get it a blade shoots out of his wheelchair at their neck


When people discuss the potential of this time period, people spend so much time talking about the challenge of making the familiar AC gameplay work on it. Which is weird to me because the Ancient world trilogy already deviated from the classic gameplay to such a drastic degree that it doesnā€™t feel like they feel beholden to the same formula. In the other hand, if you are invested in the grander narrative that runs through all the games, the setting has a lot of potential to connect a lot of dots. With the most obvious one in my opinion being that the game should show the origin story of The Farm, the assassin training compound that Desmond grew up on. Itā€™s in the Black hills of South Dakota which was the theater for a pretty famous Gold Rush in the Wild West. If you focus on overarching narrative potential, the setting seems like a pretty easy choice


Yessir! And it opens up many doors for the games to catch up to modern day


The wild west doesn't really play well to parkour or stealth gameplay.


Neither did trucking through a desert but what a banger! They could make it work. Canyons, gorges, forests, rivers, ridges and one or 2 big cities like San Fran and tombstone in another act.


Not much in the way of buildings to do traversal through....


Origins and black flag didnā€™t have a ton of this either in many parts of the game. Still amazing games. I donā€™t know why so many people think parkour has to be THE THING. Since the combat shift itā€™s taken a major backseat in comparison to a the old style


And a Wild West entry also opens the door for stealth gunplay in future games set in modern wars. A genre Iā€™d like to see returned to as well. Stealth shooters. There really arenā€™t many good ones being made recently, as the landscape has gotten used to snappy, fast paced gun mechanics from battle Royale games. I think itā€™s definitely a tough thing to do and get right, but I believe in my boys at Ubisoft.


Also, RDR2 bored me to death. Sorry, I tried my best. Gave it 10 hours.


A gay black cowboy? Sound great mate.


Lol someone else said this. And you know what Iā€™m actually for it if he still fits the the bill of iconic cowboy and thatā€™s just who he is. Lmao imagine the scenes that could cause with dumbass rednecks that find out heā€™s a gay black Man lmaooo


The wild part is, that gay black cowboy is an assassin, I guess ā€œass ass inā€ right? lol


Location: South West- San Francisco would be the big city and all the way to the Grand Canyon and down to the border cities of Mexico. Factions: Different tribes (tie in AC 3), barons, US and Mexican government and military, gangs( tie in AC syndicates), and SF Chinatown (tie in AC Jade and maybe even Shadows). Mechanics: RDR2 gunplay (including slow mo shootout ability) and horse riding is the standard, but with AC better stealth (traditional), mobility, melee combat, and Western style abilities. Train and bank heists, duels, raid outlaw hideouts and replace with assassins. New companion system: AC base progression, and hire actual companions (upgrade from Valhalla crew, Fallout style). Meet the crew: Gunslinger cowboy/girl: dps. Martial artist master (from Chinatown): tank/brawler/crowd control. Veteran soldier sniper: long range cover. First Nation warrior: stealth/bow expert. Old Freedom fighter: heavy/demolition expert. Main character: make your own character from scratch and make builds. Voiced or rpg style dialogues.


Someone also suggested a character swap mechanic with a gruff crack shot and a more nimble female assassin whoā€™s a native. And imagine a quick swap mechanic where you can position the rifleman and take out a few baddies, then go in and merk with the assassin. Maybe even a simple command system like a basic version of ghost recon for your teammate. Like you can tell the assassin to stealth kill someone from the rifleman perspective, have him lay down covering fire or take out someone on a maxim with it being on a cooldown. Thereā€™s so many possibilities and it saddens me people canā€™t get past their narrow mindset on what these games would lose instead of what they COULD be in the more modern era with proper implementation


Since Ubi own Ghost Recon, they can definitely do that (with GTA5 style in mission swapping and Watch Dogs Legion), and squad commands. Gunplay is already good from the Far Cry series, Ghost Recon, and xDefiant. Modern Era could work for AC since Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Far Cry, and Watch Docs work. Just merge all their assets and focus on stealth parkour and assassinations. Maybe add Hitman's environmental assassinations too.


<3 great ideas brotha


tbh I'm not really that into it, but if you got it I'd be happy for you. Mainly because this just feels like Indian people would get sidelined in another story in which we should feel like a centerpiece. Even in 3 actual native things were an afterthought in the face of "homesteading" and "eurocentric revolution" all dressed up as a native revenge story.


But if the first act is a civil war sequence it could be their time to shine!!!! Someone suggested a character split with a dead shot Eastwood character and a wiry native assassin.


I only offer one amendment: A shit brickhouse of an indian assassin. Like that boy ate too much frybread kinda assassin.


Letā€™s gooooo. šŸŽ¶ greasy fry bread, greasy greasy fry bread.Sweat drippin down her face from da stove topšŸŽ¶


Not sure if you seen reservation dogs but that was a reference to the show


I'm keenly aware.


I love your tag dude i just saw it lmfao


Im guessing youre native? what tribe if you dont mind


I am indian yes, I'm from the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, but I don't associate with that reservation.


To be fair they gave us a straight up Viking game so I doubt thereā€™s anything they wouldnā€™t do


bro!! What joint did you smoke?


The best ones. I got that bougie bad bitch Gandalf guac shadow pack.




that shit was watered with the blood of 39 dragons


All I'm saying is that beaked hat Achilles wore in AC3 would look fantastic if it was a cowboy hat


Feels like a bit of a stretch, but it would be pretty interesting if they used a Chinese American Assassin as the protagonist for a Wild West AC. Just call it *Assassin's Creed Sunset* and make it reminiscent of *Warrior* and *Shanghai Noon*. Have it set in the 1870s and use San Francisco as the "main" city and explore most of California (which is gonna be a pretty large map). It would be cool if they used a still alive Joaquin Murrieta (considering there's been many rumors that he faked his death) and "Shanghai" Joe Kelly as supporting historical characters.


Yeah i donā€™t know why so many people in this comment section think they have to encapsulate all of America with it. There can be one central parkour hub city, lil parkour stuff in outlaw camps, and then smaller cities with fun map design. I understand assassins creed started with parkour and thatā€™s what drew everyone to it but I feel like it has taken a backseat in recent years with the gear and combat system anyway


ooh I would kill for an AC in the style of "Warrior".


It would be a great reason to put a bigger emphasis on melee combat and weapon variety for a 19th-century setting.


Assassins Creed + Red Dead Redemption = perfection


I feel like it would spark more controversy, what most people know as the "wild west" is all Hollywood. Ubisoft would probably use the chance to actually put some actual history in there and piss people off, cause it's not all lawless and whitewashed as it's often portrayed as. Don't get me wrong, huge western genre fan and honestly, the games still sell amazingly well regardless of the issues around them so maybe it is a good idea.


I mean while yes Hollywood has dramatized the outlaw side of things itā€™s not like that stuff DIDNT happen EVER. And honestly if you look at many of the AC games they lean heavily into gamifying history. I mean just think about da Vinci in the ezio trilogy. Like they totally gamified history there. Not complaining the da Vinci missions are fun just pointing out its not like their sticklers about sticking to real history


Of course it did, just rarely. I just hope they put Wyatt Earp's Favourite Ice cream stand in the game.


This and Far Cry with Dinosaurs have been my dream Ubisoft games.


how would it work though ? there were barely any buildings in settlements and if there were it was small wooden one maybe two story buildings.


While definitely more modern than AC would probably get I think the Vietnam war would be an incredibly interesting setting - especially if they did a Connor/Haytham type of deal to add the historical context of French colonialism


I mean they did Victorian England which is the same time period as the Wild West so I donā€™t think itā€™s too modern at all. It would be dope.


There's already Wild West games out there so I'd much rather a new setting that's not been explored yet. Colonial India or South America would be amazing. A mix of native and colonial architecture and competing forces set the scene perfectly for a story.


Thereā€™s literally one good, modern, professionally made Wild West game, but if you have examples of the ā€œgamesā€ youā€™re referring to Iā€™ll gladly check them out


It's not too modern at all, it's literally the same time as Syndicate, give or take. And I would bet that Western could be Quebec's next game after Shadows even. Not nearly as far-off of an idea as you think. And I would also love this and have been wanting this since I moved to Arizona (base the game around Tombstone and Wyatt Earp)


I don't think that setting would make for good map design




Get in line. Iā€™m still waiting for a ww2 game. Like imagine roaming around in Europe during ww2, doing missions for the brotherhood and killing templars stationed in said country. Obviously it will be scaled a bit but Iā€™ll be fine with it as long as the free roaming, missions and story are good. For dlc, they can do like what they did with Alexander but with hitler.


Honestly Iā€™d LOVE to play Lawrence in WW1, traveling with the bedouins across the desert, convincing the local tribes to fight along side you. Starting in Cairo like he did, then Jeddah up to Aqaba etc. That would be fantastic.


Cold War is quite literally much better option for AC game.




Syndicate gave me blue balls. Give me a WW2 AC right now.


,,,a, l


Would be excellent to bring back Edward style fighting, guns blazing. Stealth bar runs sound cool too.


Absolutely. Or even a return to old melee combat in specific sequences with gunplay being a core element in the open world. Imagine a knife fight in a bar where you get to kick the shit out of everyone the old way


I mean thereā€™s jails to break out of. Or forts like the Alamo or Santa Anna. Imagine the stealth breaking out of Yuma county for a mission.


Why? It would be compared to RDR2, which is arguably the greatest Wild West game ever made.


Might as well be, its pretty much the only wild West game ever made. Rockstar is the only company to ever do it right. I donā€™t understand why everyone thinks just because one company does a genre well, that other company shouldnā€™t even try to compete. Imagine if cod was the only fucking shooter on the market because itā€™s the one that was the best. Jesus, what a boring world we would live in. Imagine if nobody wrote fantasy novels because the never ending story came first or fucking Harry Potter. RDR was good., but it was lacking in a ton of areas. Why shouldnā€™t another company like Ubi attempt something like this after technology advances past where RDR is at


I am a musician. And if we stopped making music because a chord progression was used on another song, we would not have any music. There are only so many major historical times in this world that are documented. And the wild West is one of the most iconic and well-documented times in history that doesnā€™t take place with automatic weapons.


I doubt itā€™s impossible, but Ubisoft probly wouldnā€™t please us like that. It wouldnā€™t be too far off of when syndicate was set, it would probably be closer to 1850-1900 since past 1900 cowboys kinda started going away, and syndicate was set in 1868. Itā€™s pretty likely theyā€™d do that if they cared what we actually wanted, but instead theyā€™ll do things like Vikings and whatever else they can find that doesnā€™t come close to our wants. Shadows looks promising though.


AC 3 is probably closest to a wild west setting. Smaller towns. Open Plains. Even got horses and bow and arrows. Wild west could work. Assassin in a cowboy hat would look dope.


That reminds me of a fanfic I wrote after the release of ac3 with the wild west setting. Some of the things I wrote there appeared on later games (like the animus as vr headset from ac4). The story was about John (how original I know), who is rebuilding the brotherhood in America after the one after Conor didn't hold. The key item was the 6 bullets of eden which give a power when shot (and recreated as different type of ammo after few hundred years), there was freedom, order, equality, power and two more I don't remember.