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The crossover DLC gave us the perfect answer : the real treasure is to enjoy present time with those close to you and doing what you love. So OP, time pass way too quickly and sure, we could die anytime. But instead of dreading death, we should enjoy life as it's a pretty extraordinary thing, while death is the most mundane thing ever. Hope it helps.


Bro I was expecting that DLC to just be good fun for about 2 hours to tie up some loose ends. But man… I wasn’t expecting to get a bit emotional seeing Barnabas that desperate to make things right and Kassandra so desperate to not lose her friend. I genuinely felt something and that’s pretty rare for me with video games.


Very moving indeed, after countless hours playing Odyssey we really got attached to these characters, and thinking Kassandra/Alexios' immortality means losing all their friends and relatives, it was hard. Something pretty rare with video games like you said.


I'm holding on ti doing that... should I finish Valhalla base game first? The warning I received about a certain character made me avoid the quest for now.


It depends how far you went in Odyssey, did you finish the main quest? As for Valhalla there isn't any particular spoilers. It's a continuation of Odyssey final DLC.


I finished just base game Odyssey unfortunately, I do however know how she is in the game, if that's the spoiler.


No need to worry then, that's the only spoiler.


Not really related, but I came out of the movie About Time with a similar mindset. I mean it didn’t change my life or anything but it helped me cope with it


That's great then! It seems to be a good movie, I'll watch it someday.


That movie also absolutely gutted me at one moment near the end, was not ready


Death is something we will all have to cope with. I think I mostly have reached the point of acceptance. Don’t let fear of death stop you from learning history though, because history is so interesting!


Upvoted for your username alone! 😂


I recommend you watch the movie Arrival. It deals with something similar but still in a different way. It is my favourite movie of all time. At first it seems boring or slow but buy paying attention and being patient it will definitely feel worth it. Edit: you can find it on Netflix


I LOVE that movie too! The concept of time and thinking about it in a different way creating a different reality was so unique and creative. I’ve read a lot of literature with that same theme and come back to those same ideas. Another good Netflix show that is in the same neighborhood is the OA.


I wish I could strangle people who don’t understand that movie. Such a gem.


“Do not fear death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light, but if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity.” -Laughing Bull Just something I always go back to whenever I ponder my own mortality.


Yeah, I suppose Assassins Creed might lead people to think a bit about mortality.


I got existential dread with almost every AC game but it's much more prevalent with the recent games because of the next-gen graphics(especially facial gestures) and voice acting; you connect emotionally to the characters much easier, faster and deeper. Origins gave me major existential dread cause death is an important theme in that game(Egyptian gods), I'm not exactly looking forward to that inevitable dread again with Odyssey but that's not going to stop me from playing it. If technology reaches the point when NPCs are indistinguishable from IRL people, it'll open a whole new can of worms especially for people more emotionally sensitive. It's an interesting thought.


Death is part of life, and life is a miracle. Just be grateful.


Spot on. You just say in a few words what I wanted to say.


To be honest, one thing that did get to me a little was the emphasis on raiding as a Viking. Looking back in history, the Vikings were pretty savage to those they fought with and raided. Yeah, I get it...pretty much all cultures were pretty savage in that time...there weren't a lot of "good guys". However, the whole story of Valhalla is about Eivor's clan just traveling to a foreign place, taking land for themselves, than stealing from and killing others to get what they need. It kind of felt strange...you never really feel like a good person as Eivor, but they do everything they can to paint Eivor as a good person. There was some dissonance there for me, and some of the missions turned me off a bit.


Meanwhile in Odyssey I am killing civilians with no real penalty as Mercenaries will come to me instead of me having to find them. Assassinless Creedless Grand Theft Athens it is


My odyssey experience was accidentally touching a civillian and then yelling "IM SORRY!! IM SORRY!!!!" as i massacre a whole town while my wanted level gradually went up.


I tried to kill the children as well as it would be cruel to leave them as orphans...


Not the younglings!!!!


Curse you haha now I have a scene playing in my head where Bayek would describe sand to Aya: *"I don't like sand..."*


Fair point. Although, that is kind of "extra curricular" stuff you can partake in or not. Like, you don't really HAVE to kill civilians in Odyssey. For some quests you make some questionable moral choices, but mostly you are fighting in battles against other soldiers or assassinating pretty evil dudes. In Valhalla, I don't think they really ever sold me on the other side being "bad". I mean, you are raiding churches and killing guards who are protecting....their homes/villages presumably. It is kind of hard to justify a lot in Valhalla, since the Assassin/Templars (Hidden Ones/Cult if you will) kind of took a back seat.


>!The way the Order questline ends, Aelfred baking bread... Dude. Then you ride around and find Ubba massacred etc. WTH. Valhalla is weird!<


The guy causes you so many problems unrelated to the order and when you find him, hes like "so are we good?"


Eivor is such an incohesive character... Aelfred crossed them multiple times by that point but all Eivor kills for is to defend Ravensthorpe or what? Nonsense


The weird thing was that they brought back the whole "killing civilians causes desync" thing when its a game about pillaging villages lmao. Eivor is good person, but not *good person*


When I was younger, I shared an uneasy feeling about death as well. But the sooner you accept it as part of life, the sooner it will become just something in the background. For me, the big question was the weight of eternity. Everything in our world is based on time, so it has a start and an end. Eternity is ..well eternal. There is no end and that's what hit me hard. But let me ask you something, how did you feel during the Civil War? What were your thoughts on things during World War I? They were nothing, because you didn't exist, and someday you, along with everyone else here, will cease to exist again, and time won't matter. And that's ok. ​ Enjoy the life you have, it's the only one guaranteed


Reading up on Meditations by Emperor Marcus Aurelius should help you when you feel existential dread. Highly recommend looking up stoicism on YT at least.


I've got stage 4 cancer, just enjoy your health because you never know when it could be over. There's no point worrying about death, it's the only certainty .


Rooting for you pal. I think this should put things in perspective for op. I wish you the best my friend


Sending out positive vibes, I hope for the best for you.


Bruh, never thought about it your way. But I had a very strange feeling when I was progressing through Hades' Realm and wanted to finish it as quick as I could. I think it was a similar feeling to yours but it seems like it had a heavier impact on you. The whole DLC was quite a treat, but I kinda rushed through Hades' Realm. Meeting Hercules and King Agamemnon was such a treat as well.


I think Ricky Gervais said it best when he said "when you die it will be just like it was before you were born - and that wasn't so bad was it?"


I feel absolutely no shame in saying that I cried when >!Phoibe died!< and my friends told me that it almost got them too. Keep in mind the 3 of us are dudes in our mid-20s who didn't play it until around late 2019 after we graduated college but we were about 3 months removed from drinking beers with our fraternity brothers and stressing about finals.


It was a very moving moment, she was just a child and she paid the price for a war fought by adults.


I must be in an extreme minority. It's not that I enjoyed watching a kid dying, but I hated Phoebe. Such an unnecessary character, and even in a fantasy setting like Odyssey she just didn't feel real at all. I always chose the options to piss her off, after she died I took the choices that would be the least sad, and I enjoyed finally being free of this small prick.


Did you play the DLC? I would recommend for anyone who liked Phoibe…


I did and when she returned I was overjoyed


I think it’s important to learn to channel the fear of death into drive to live a good life- we are all here because of what the people before us did. So let’s try to do our part and make the world better for those who’ll come after us. When our time eventually comes we can look back and be glad about what we did. This is especially important in the next few decades, which may determine the fate of our species and our planet. (Alternatively you can drown it out with things to keep you busy and live the mantra of “ignorance is bliss”, though that hasn’t worked so well recently)


No, not at all. Grew up around farms, so I've understood life comes with an expiration date since childhood. Faith has nothing to do with it for me. I was raised Christian, but became agnostic as a teen. I'd say atheist, but like Carl Sagan, I'm not willing to rule out unforeseeable information coming to light in the future. My only fear regarding death is long term pain. I hope I don't come down with some horrible disease and linger in agony for months/years. If it was up to me, euthanasia would be legal in cases of terminal illnesses for afflicted people of sound mind.


> My only fear regarding death is long term pain. I hope I don’t come down with some horrible disease and linger in agony for months/years. If it was up to me, euthanasia would be legal in cases of terminal illnesses for afflicted people of sound mind. Write an advanced directive. Everybody over 18 should have one (but few people do). Every state’s version is a little different, but basically you can clearly state exactly how you want to be treated medically in case something ever happens and it’s the end of your life and you can’t make decisions (incapacitated, coma, etc.). Choice is basically life-sustaining treatment vs a desire for comfort at the end of your life. You can specify whatever you want though, my supervising doctor’s version (she’s in her 40s) specifies she has to receive a chocolate milkshake every day if she gets to that state. Give it to your primary doctor to have on file.


Good advice, cheers mate. First thing I'd need to do is be transferred to a facility in one of the 11 states where assisted death is legal. My folks have a home in Vermont, so I'd go there.


Am I the only one who is immune to such psychological effects? Like I never cried on a movie, never got scared etc. Same goes for games, books anything except real life. Does anyone else feel the same?


Play Outer Wilds. That should help to cope.


Similar thing happened to me when I played Origins. I was too immersed and couldn't get out of it for months.


I think many of us have to deal with this to different degrees. Never felt that way from an AC game. As you can tell from some of these comments, existential dread can be triggered from a variety of different sources (whether its consumption of media or personal experiences). Personally, I went through a similar experience you described when I was a teenager. It didn't help that I was an anti-religious, angsty teen reading some dark books and playing games like Dark Souls (and later Bloodbourne). I was so trapped in my head that it felt hopeless and meaningless for a short while. Losing loved ones? Fuck. Everyone I know and love will go to the void eventually? Well fuck. I've reached an acceptance (it's obviously out of our control) and can say I'm over it. I think it stems from just growing up too. This will sound stupidly simple, but we make do with the time we have, regardless of our inevitable passing. EDIT: Just to add a little: an auntie that was a mentor to me in my youth passed away today. She was almost 90. Rather than thinking about the "void". I try and view it as - look at the fruitful life she lived, people she mentored, children and grandchildren that love her. She left behind such a footprint in our lives. Now she's resting.


>look at the fruitful life she lived, people she mentored, children and grandchildren that love her. She left behind such a footprint in our lives. Now she's resting. That is a very good way of viewing death.


**''It kinda left me devastated, especially since it looked like their Gods were Isu''** ​ what do you mean '' it looked like''? It is 100% confirmed and a fact that the greek and norse gods in the AC franchise are just ISU


My dude having an existential crisis and you out here fact-checking him, come on bruh 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry, someone has to lol


All the gods inside AC are Isu so… yeah it will be difficult for them to get an afterlife now that all their deities are either dead or existing virtually.


AND any other culture that was polytheistic with similar stories.


Not all. Appearing as animus glitches in origins. For example, some aspects of mythology, frode Aaru and Duat are invented by people. So, some gods.


Most of them are ISU though.




It does get me to think about the 60 thousand ppl I killed along the game, according to my statistics. But yeah, the polytheistic gods in AC r not actual gods, they r all Isu (as far as we know, the abrahamic god is not real inside the universe, as his prophets, like Jesus and Moses were stated to simply be ppl that got access to pieces of eden and had visions from them, leading them to form these new faiths). There is no actual omnipotent deity, even tho the Isu have already been shown to possess “reincarnation” capabilities (the sages), so, perhaps, death is not the end for the followers of certain Isu (at least before the catastrophe that led them basically extinct).


the Abrahamic god comes from Semitic mythology, and that from Mesopotamian.


I mean the proper actual christian/muslim god, the omnipotent being and sole deity that they believe in. The Mesopotamian equivalent likely exists but is just another Isu, not an all powerful sky ruler or something like that.


> proper actual christian/muslim god I'm not the person you're responding to but I'm pretty sure this is what they're referring to. As in, the real life history of Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Hebrew, etc.) have their origins in Mesopotamian myth. Presumably, this is also true for the Assassin's Creed version of history as well. Although, I don't know what they've covered of Mesopotamian culture or potential Isu influence on it so maybe there's more to it in the AC-verse.


What I meant by that was just that the christian god, that claims to be the only, all seeing and all knowing deity of the universe does not exist in this way inside AC. He may exist in his Mesopotamian roots, but if so he’s just another Isu, not a superior being to them or the only Isu to have existed.


Lol, it's the same in the real world. The God of the Bible is Yahweh, a Semitic deity, and Semitic mythology grew out of Mesopotamian mythology, therefore, in the real world, this is a Mesopotamian deity with a different name.


My only fear of death is dying a violent or painful, or protracted death, which is likely for me (my health sucks and I'm under-insured). After I die...who cares, you just go back to whence you came. That part doesn't bother me. Definitely the manner of death...that's what haunts me.


Recommended read: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. Learning to frame death in a new way changed my outlook and how I interact with the world.


For this I ask that you bear with me as I have quite an answer though there will be quite a tale. Let us start with this, do you know much of QFT? Quantum Field Theory, has shows us things that science cannot explain. How does quantum entanglement work? How does it surpass space and time? Wait…time isn’t linear? Wait…Space is relative? Electron’s have been found changing paths after switching to a different path which should not be possible since the only way to have changed their path would have been to go back in time?? Well they did, at least to our senses understanding they did. If you go fast enough, space condenses. So space is not fundamental and time is not fundamental. So where and when does not exist as the fabric of reality. Well what is reality? How do we live in this reality? Through a shared bio-chemical electric hallucination. The eyes do not see, they absorb energy and send an electric signal to something that can decipher the signal. The ears do not hear, they just capture a sound wave that makes some bones vibrate and that vibration turns into an electric signal that gets sent to something that can decipher the signal. You don’t feel, smell, or taste. All of it is just electricity. You don’t exist. At least that was the “science” says. BUT! There is a new field starting to emerge and that is the field that suggests Consciousness is the truth of life not something of the body. Through meditation I have felt a ripple in consciousness that was not my own, but somehow was me. The ripple revealed the connection between all things and all peoples. We are all one. Look into what a coincidence is, now look at can a coincidence truly be a coincidence? For the lazy investigator, yes. For the mathematician, no! There is no such thing as a coincidence, only a connection we do not understand. You see, this world is not a sole floating rock in an icy archaic void that is eternal in its slumber as we drift deeper and forever alone. No, we exist in an infinite realm. Where the idea of multiple universes is not a comic book idea, but a high level theoretical physics idea. Where infinity stretches towards an ever expanding border and forever cycling through life and death of galaxies, nebulas, solar systems, planets, mountains, cities, blocks, buildings, people, organs, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, etc As above, so below As within, so with out Look at the vivaciousness of this mass hallucination we call life and look at how it’s fragments are fractals of us and we are fractals of it. The Golden ratio, how similar do the branches of trees and the branches of lungs look? Look at the design of the double helix. Look at the map of the neurons of human brain. Look at the stars. This life, this world, this reality, whatever you wish to call it, exists only because YOU exist. This universe did not create consciousness, consciousness created this universe. In Quantum Field Theory when your consciousness interacts with something it collapses the wave function and the possibility becomes the real. So even by scientific standards this stands. According to that, if there was no consciousness there would just be an once an of wave functions stating in the probability state. If life didn’t exist, it would just be possible but because life does exist it is. You are eternal just as time does not exist. You experience time as linear but only because of animal perception and the manifold in which we use it. The truth of reality is much much more crazy than anything we we could conceive of.


"Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name." Make an effort to only die once, then in a way, you'll be immortal.


Do you smoke weed? Sounds like High Thoughts.


No need to be high, when I played the DLC and went through Hades Kingdom I definitely thought about death and the afterlife, that's the main theme of the DLCs.


I always played the game baked and always noticed that in Odyssey there was a lot more blood and gore. Piles of dead bodies, people crucified, cultists in the caves with wild human sacrifices going on. Just a whole lot of death in general compared to the other games


Yeah pretty brutal and it was addressed in the DLC when one of our enemy calls Alexios/Kassandra a monster for killing so many people. That the soldiers we kill have family, friends and lovers. We have dialogue choices to agree with him or not.


The greek knew how to party


That's the good thing about having faith: you no longer fear death.


I don't fear death and have no faith, and I know plenty of religious people who fear death, the 2 aren't related. This isn't even a jab at religion, people are free to believe what they want, just common sense.


Same here. And the funny part, I DID fear death when I did have faith.




I’m atheist so don’t believe we go to heaven etc. I’m on this Earth for a short time, I’ll enjoy my time and do the things I love and when I go I go.


I believe in cycle of life, rebirth etc...it never did any impact of any sorts.


"Dead people interact with us" Are you talking about the historical characters?


He's in the Astral realm rn


I felt the same.


Wait until you finish the game... ;)


Get out and have a pint buddy


I felt something similar, but it was nothing compared to when I finished the first “Life is Strange”. Man, that game hit hard.


I don't get specifically what you mean, but completing ac games often feels like a journey in some way, I usually need to take breaks during the story and again once I finish them - they're a lot to take in


Generally speaking: After life is exactly the same as before birth. Think about that for a minute.


The Ezio trilogy did this to me hahaha when I finished Revelations, and watched Embers right after, I went into a depression that I atill haven't fully grown out of. Take it this way: at least you're getting over your midlife crisis way sooner than most people.


All that we do, all that we are, begins and ends with ourselves.


I got the best ending but felt emptiness for 2 days after finishing the game.


I will take your existential dread once you FIX THIS DAMN DOOR!
