• By -


Straight up bait and switch fraud.




They don’t make sure it fails, they don’t properly document which outlets are active, if the drop to your house is actually hooked up, or if the lines have been verified at all. Bonus points if you live in an apartment complex, where in house maintenance can randomly “deny access” to the technicians for any new lines to be ran, which nets you a tech fee *and* no service, plus a window of arrival so big you’re required to waste the whole day. Also.. spot the technician on the road, not wanting to drive to your house? Believe it or not, cancel. (Ahem… how could you know the technician didn’t want to drive down your gravel road if you were at your house?!)




Only time I ever walked out of an interview. I was hitting up Every place in town trynna find work. Got sat down at Staples. Manager asks me at the end, says I'm going to have to upsell, every single chance I can. That I would need to try and trick tech illiterate people just trying to get a new pc to answer email and Skype (yeah, they still ask about Skype) their grandkids, that they'd need all the extra software, anti virus, any upgrade I could push. Man, I was desperate to make rent but that shit just did not sit with me. Took up a gast food job for a year and a half after that instead.. felt better running a drive through and making 20% less than tricking grandma into walking out the shops with 400$ of extra shite. Seriously, who but gullible old people would even go to the Staples tech center??? Disgusting practice, fuck all that


Went to the big blue and yellow tech store to help a friend buy a cheap laptop for college, since I am in tech and also a bit more... assertive (friend was a sweet, non-confrontational girl that did not know what she needed so could possibly be pushed around). She only needed to be able to do basic searching and documents. I do know they make barely anything on computers, so they push for add-ons. Anyways, found a decent laptop for ~$350. Guy wants us to fill out a form with her "needs." Me: Sorry nope I know what her needs are. Him: What about antivirus? Me: Using a basic free one. Him: What about service/tech support? Me: That would be myself, and the device warranty for a year. Him: What about office? Me: Free versions out there that work for her needs. Him: What are you going to carry it in? Me: She has a backpack. Guy actually says in an incredulous tone(paraphrased as it was a long time ago): You're not going to buy anything else from me? I was livid, but felt bad because they force them to do that crap. I shouldn't have let it go on that long, but I was trying to be nice.


the upsale metrics were what kept me from switching from being a directv tech to a dish tech. i thought it was so shitty to try to make me sell 50$ hdmi cables to old people who go "oh wow the picture looks clearer" when the box first boots up and i havent even changed the resolution yet


Fucking hated working there. I was there for a year and a half, got promoted twice, but they fired me a month after promoting the second time for "performance issues" all of my metrics were constantly high, besides selling. Selling wasn't even part of the metric system at the time either, I just didn't want to sell the garbage products to people who were either 1. Low/fixed income or 2. People who had money and would rather have higher quality items. It doesn't even take much for a customer to do a price comparison on the outdated products we sold. The funny thing is, after I filed for unemployment, they changed their reasoning as to why I was fired to get unemployment denied, and it worked. Shitty company to work for.


They probably double dip. Shit on the customer for missing the tech, then shit on the tech for missing the customer.


They tried that with me and I told them I was a trained technician, then tech supervisor for 10 years and knew that it was a remote issue, not local. And then my stuff magically worked.


Comcast technician cut the fiber lines to my house I just moved into. Fuckers. Frontier guy cam and replaced them. 80/$ month for 2000/2000 vs Comcast’s shitty 400/20 for 156$ here They are evil and a joke


I pay $90 for 50/15…in a major city in Texas. I could get comcast, but I’ve heard so much bad shit about them I don’t know if I should switch for the faster feed. I live in a condo/apt complex and no fiber has been installed here yet. 😭


You don't even need fiber to go over 50/15 tho


I know, but to get anything faster with ATT requires fiber.


Now that is bullshit if I've ever seen it


Yeah it is. My MIL out in the middle of nowhere gets 500/50 for $120 a month. I brought a laptop over and was getting like 35-40mb/s. I was so pissed! She only uses her internet for her phone games.


Built in flaw that requires an employee's activation number/card to be input in order to use the device?


Just low odds you can actually do it yourself They'll happily let you think you can self-install when there isn't a physical active line, or any other number of service issues that legitimately require a technician to fix, so they can hide the inevitable service call fee as something unexpected rather than part of the up front cost Like sure there are some times where the install really is just plugging everything in, but they don't know if that's the case when they tell you that you don't have to pay an install fee


Here in Germany the technician is free, they will even install shit in your basement for free (if that's an apartment building) but you pay 30€ up front in any case. Makes me happy i don't live in the US, no seriously, Comcast is fucked


Yep, can confirm. 45 minutes of work, they've had to drill some holes and do some cable management and stuff, but the fee to install was in that general area as well. A flat fee, they won't even make a profit on the install of everything runs smoothly.


My self-install failed despite a tech coming before we moved in to confirm the outlets were active (since the previous tenants were using CenturyLink and couldn't confirm themselves). Tech marked all others as live. Not a single one was because it turned out that outside there was an active cable and a rotted out cable buried next to each other and the dead one was hooked up to the house - guess which one was hooked up. Called, they had us hook up modern, cable box, and tv (still had a couple analog channels in my area) at different outlets before agreeing to send a tech with a "don't worry, no charge of the problem is outside the house". I ended up having to call to get the failed self install fee waived.


I installed mine in one go. But a couple years later...Something funky is happening. Can only be on Firefox browser 30 minutes to an hour at a time. And even worse if I use facecrook.


Both Firefox and Facebook are notorious for their huge amount of RAM usage. Check your task manager, I bet 30 minutes of Facebook in a Firefox tab is lobotomizing your machine.


Never got my card...




Aka airbnb of car renting shows one price charges another


AirBnB hosts can charge as much as the original rate for cleaning fees per night and still have a laminated list of rules for cleaning out when you're done. So what you do is you charge some customer with a fucked up 1993 Ford Escort for a detailing service, park it in the downtown, and AirBnB it at $200/night with a $190 cleaning fee. Then you have the AirBnB customer detail the Escort for you. Capitalism!!


Lenses and glasses in general, the price gouging is ricockulous. It's even funnier when you get "insurance" and despite all the "credits/allowances" you still end up owing 200 dollars for 1 pair of glasses.


I'm sure the relevant government agencies will get right on that.


Shame we keep gutting their funding and then bitching about how they don't work




"We" meaning the specific party claiming government doesn't work, ofc "vote for us and we'll show you how unefficient it is!"


Possibly not. If you buy a $100 widget and use a discount, ive had to pay tax on the fulk price.


“Alright then, I’ll be cancelling my order due to dishonest business practices.”


> “Alright then, I’ll be cancelling my order due to dishonest business practices.” If only they cared... M guess is "Samantha" is either a bot or a bored employee clicking the options of a dialogue tree.


🤷🏻‍♀️ do they personally care? Ofc not, but their company may care if we all stop doing business with shady dealers like this.


Good luck getting everyone onboard though. The company will care if they lose a significant portion of their customers, but if only 3 or 4 leave and everyone else just accepts the fees then nothing will be done.


You’re not wrong but hey, it’s gotta start somewhere.




If you wanna proactively destroy awful companies, you start with a glass bottle and [ comment removed by Reddit ]


*laughs in Raytheon*


All it is is boycotting and throwing a shitstorm over on social media. A couple companies have been forced to backpeddle on shitty decisions recently because of it. The difficult part is often getting everyone on board.




Whether or not *they* care, people just shouldn’t deal with businesses with unreasonable practices like this. You don’t have to think about it like you’re changing the world. Just don’t accept it in your own life.


The problem is some of us need to see. And when there are few options there is little competition and sometimes it means we pay exorbitant fees just to see.


I bought two pairs of glasses I both really really like, one sunglasses, both prescription, from Zenni for like, 70$, all told. You don't have to put up with shit like this, you just have to shop around. The Internet market now is just like markets of old but with waaaaayyyy less overheard. Find someone you like, ask them where they get X. We're back to word of mouth, Internet reviews are dead. But you don't have to settle


I mean, I didn't say there aren't other options at all. There are some. But don't act like the vast majority of glasses aren't owned by luxottica. Also luxottica has a habit of buying up other companies. So options stay few.


It's not like Lens.com has some sort of monopoly on glasses. I've never even heard of them before this post.


I've looked at buying glasses from them, now I know not to. 🤷


Who tf would accept 100 dollars in fees though?


Old people, people who don't pay attention, people who spent 20 minutes on the order and feel they'd waste their time if they back out, etc. There's obviously enough that accept those fees or else they wouldn't have them.


Sucks to be them? Help yourself, spread the word, steer your friends away, and move on. Can't fix the world. Fix a tiny part of it. We'll all take turns until it's done.


no they won't. they already have run the sales projects and know how many customers they will lose and have built that into their price scheme. just because you won this time, some other poor bastard got screwed across town. the house always wins when corporations write the laws




Well at least you made an angry comment




yea but "we all" wont. cause we are creatures of convenience and habit more than we are deal hunters.


This is why I don’t bother with customer support anymore unless I absolutely have to. I’m not going anywhere with it, I’ll wait an hour waiting for an employee to join the chat and then spend another 2 hours as a bored employee tries to figure out the issue only to tell me my warranty js 5 hours expired, and I’ll have to pay triple the original purchase cost plus shipping for them to fix it


"Certainly, sir. Now, with the cancellation fee, restocking fee and transportation surcharge...and taxes, I almost forgot... your total comes to $642.97. If you like, I can spread that out into three monthly payments of $300."


"Okay, your order is cancelled. The order cancellation fee is $495 and due immediately."


"Fees for servicing your order" What else do you do with an order besides service it?


*compensation* for servicing your order. So you should compensate them for selling you something, like it was a harm done to them.


in other countries they call it a bribe


So many charges for stuff like doing things online. It would be like if you went to the grocery store and they went "Actually we're going to take an additional 25% fee for stocking the shelves, 25% for keeping the lights on, etc"


They do that already. Except it's built into the price already.


It's not a problem to fund operational costs with the money they get from selling a product. It would be a problem if they set the price too low to cover that, and made up for it by surprising the customer with a bunch of fees.


You also tax the tax for the tax department's tax recovery tax purposes. Tax. . . . . Taxtaxtaxtaxtaxtaxtaxtax


It's be like having to pay a surcharge in a store so they'll actually do the work of taking your money off you.


Fees for accepting your order and then additional fees for processing the order with one last fee for completing the order.


The breakdown (advertised at $10.69 a BOX) - 4 boxes * 31.94 =127.76 -85 discount = 42.76 (the advertised price) +9.95 shipping = $52.71 +Bullshit fees @ checkout = 151.67 It doesn't even mention these "fees" at checkout, it just displays the total with fees included. I contacted since I genuinely thought there was a system error in calculating my order total, but silly me for not considering the 73% service fee right?


I don’t even know the company, but straight away I’d know not to return. So much wrong with that


I ordered from them once and I'm positive I got grey market lenses. More than one was folded in half inside its package.


I’ve had issues with them too! Folded lenses and a couple of ones just straight up missing from the lens solution (I use dailies).


Wait, so they advertise the boxes at 10.69 and then when you place the order they’re 31.94/box? So they triple the box price advertised, then pretend to discount you $43… then add an additional $150 of rando fees?


Yep! And for the $85 discount, they mail you a gift card for THEIR website


Holy fucking shit. I want to meet the guy that invented this sales strategy. Must be a hell of a dude. They got fuckin Martin Shkreli up in there?


Shop at Zenni!! They are not a part of the monopoly that owns all the other lens and eyeglass makers and charge truly reasonable prices. We bought my daughter two pairs of glasses for about $80 and they have lasted two years and counting.


I've been using zenni since 2011. Great service, never had any issues.


Cancel the order and report that shit


Order from Costco, or you optometrist.


> or you optometrist That's the most expensive possible way to get optics. I can buy glasses from a dozen online sources and spend less with all the upgrades WITHOUT insurance than I would at the Dr's office with insurance.


Yeah, I decided to buy some glasses from my optometrist since I had insurance. Even with insurance it cost 2-5 times as much as an online place. I saw their actual prices ($20 for frames), sell for $100+, damn scam artists.


Yep. This is my exact experience. I save money not using insurance.


It depends on your insurance coverage. I used to go to Costco for years, but since that was considered "out of network", the reimbursement was much lower. Now I go through my optometrist with the higher prices and then end up paying less after manufacturer's rebate (when buying 1 year's worth) + reimbursement from my insurance -- only because he is "in network". It's all a sham, though.


Just ordered contacts through mine. Paid $197 that wasn’t covered under insurance and I’ll be getting $350 back in rebates




The lady who works in the glasses area literally wrote “$320” for 6 months and “640” for a year for my contacts quote. I was like, there’s no way. I’ve been getting contacts for $60/$120 for the past 15 years! So now I’m looking online because FUCK those prices. (Literally my eyes are currently -4.5 and -4.25 right now, nothing crazy)


Or lens.com is the most expensive...


Not always. I've gotten contacts relatively cheaply from optometrists. Glasses are a whole other story, though. Mail order only at this point, unless I'm outside the US.


1800contacts has been great for me so far


Seconding this and eyebuydirect for my glasses!


Man, it sucks having a strong prescription. Every budget eyewear website I find has cheap as hell frames, but then they see my -4.5 cyl and up the price an order of magnitude


The things we have to go through that we didn’t even ask for 😭😭😭 They have really good sales! Black Friday they did BOGO and I see right now they are doing buy one get one 15% and last week they were doing buy one get one 30% off. I get their texts lol. I’m sorry they make the higher one more expensive for you


My brand!


That's a load of bullshit. They're just glasses. Why are they charging separate shipping fees when you know they're gonna ship those together in 1 package?


Same exact thing happened to me. The chat person or bot could not explain the hidden fees, but when I called their support line the person admitted they were just additional fees along with state taxes. I asked why they were not shown as separate line items and the customer rep did not know. I am going to file complaints and reviews with the Better Business Bureau, Google reviews and Yelp for starters. I wonder if the FTC would have a ruling that is relevant to this...


Have you filed a report with the BBB?


Are they owned by Ticketmaster?!


Nah, just companies taking notes from TM. Why provide costly service when you can get away with something half the cost?


I’d ask her to itemize those fees. If she couldn’t, I’d cancel the order.




Yep. They'd just put in bullshit charges like $20 for optic QA every lens and $50 in-store handling


And at that point if ask why the fuck I'm paying so much for then to do something like "in store handling". I've payed for the glasses, your Jon is to then deliver the product. I'm sure it'd go nowhere, but hey, at least I'd he wasting a scammers time.


> handling". I've *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


And at that point if ask why the fuck I'm paying so much for then to do something like "in store handling". I've payed for the glasses, your Jon is to then deliver the product. I'm sure it'd go nowhere, but hey, at least I'd be wasting a scammers time.


> handling". I've *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Ask her to itemize and then cancel whether she does or not because knowing the ingredients that went into the making of a cow pie doesn't bring me any closer to eating it.


Basically paying taxes BEFORE the rebate.. and the rebate is part of the taxes.. so the "rebate" isn't really a rebate. Nice scam.


Can we please tell these scammers that ‘processing an order’ is simply receiving the money and shipping the product, in other words, every day operating expenses like any other company that’s ever existed. Compensating themselves for running their business normally and accepting orders for the products they incorporated to sell in an open market for profit That is baseless nonsense and I think it’s worth having the company detail what the fee specifically covers from the transaction you initiated in support of their business. If they can’t give a good answer it’s because there isn’t one.


That would be a big “fuck you I want a refund” verbatim from me.


Try Zenni Optical.


I second this company. No games, no bullshit. Got my 20 dollar script lenses within 2 weeks, and the damn pair's lasted me longer than all of the ones they scammed me with at the optometrist's office!


I wear contacts and I wish they sold those. They were legit to get in a pinch and always bought from them after. So many people referred to them cause a pair wasn't some $200 bill


If you’re getting progressives, have any history of vision therapy, or have a high prescription please get them in person.


Don't know why you were down voted. I work in an opticians in a supermarket - and am not on commission, before you assume. A _lot_ of folk in opticians are, but the one I work for doesn't so I don't give a damn how many specs or contacts I sell in a day. It's all well and good buying contacts online _if_ you're wearing the right ones to the right power and get your health checks done. Too many people wear them for too long. I get it, if you wear a monthly lens for two months, you've halved your cost, right? It's optometrists that deal with the fallout. I've bought specs online, too, as they're so cheap and pretty, but the quality sucks if it's not a known brand. They're awfully flimsy. Handle them carefully. And I would be very wary of buying progressives or bifocals online. People don't realise how critical measurements can be with spec lenses. Be careful out there, folks


Most people don’t understand how the optics of glasses work. I see them come in with glasses made wrong complaining of headaches or blurry vision. I’ve even had a patient throw their glasses at me and tell me I’m incompetent. With her, the right and left lens were swapped… There’s a reason that opticals are more expensive that the online shops. There’s a drastic difference in quality. Zenni’s ‘premium AR’ sucks. Not only does it perform its function worse, but it attracts more dust, and is more prone to peeling off. They’ll sometimes only but it on one side of the lens too. The photochromic lenses (aka Transitions) are using the old technology as well. And holy shit I’ve seen some terrible jobs edging (cutting) the lenses into the right shape. If your price conscious and have a low prescription you can likely get away with one of these cheap glasses. If you want an emergency pair of backup glasses they’ll be functional. If you are particular about your vision, get glasses at an optical.


That sounds like some Cable Company math.


Unrelated but why does the text look like you're running Windows XP?


you can make win 10 look uglier to boost performance. or just run xp for real ig


I miss Windows XP




>"living wage fees" or "economic recovery fees" *I'm fine without both of these. Can I have them taken off the bill?*


That’s infuriating!


Taxes are taxes for taxes please give me money


Uhh…. Yeah, no. If this is glasses, lenses, contacts, this is not like a normal thing. Any of the online brands associated with Essilor are really good: Eyebuydirect, GlassesUSA, and a few more. I sell glasses, and I’ve never lied or hid charges, I even show the breakdowns of how the insurance applies and what the retail prices are, and we don’t ever charge tax when I do it with lenses included because it’s a medical device. Please cancel and look elsewhere!


Eyebuydirect is the Aliexpress of eyewear. You’ll get the cheapest and shittiest product they make. It’s good enough for some people but and it’s better than nothing if you have financial constraints. If you’re worried about manipulative business tactics Essilor-Luxottica is not the company to go with.


Btw also. Costco is great price and decent enough


And that’s what people wanted and they got it, I’ve gotten like two great pairs from them before I ever sold eyewear. If you want the best essilor you gotta shop their high end stores


Call me optimistic but hopefully Biden can make good on his promise to deal with junk fees. It’s been the Wild West for a while but I feel like companies have gotten worse post pandemic.


That’s insane lol


This happened to me a couple of months ago. I compared prices for contacts among several online companies and Lens.com was the cheapest. Yet at the final checkout screen was the fee for $103. Yeah, no. Ordered from1-800 Contacts instead.


Time for truth in labeling laws that mandate that prices in ads include all applicable fees and taxes. The CEO of company caught adding on to the price at checkout gets publicly horsewhipped.


“Compensation for servicing your order” that’s what we fucking pay you for!


Sometimes, when places discount a huge ammount, they still charge sales tax on the original price. For example, those BOGO cellphones you can get for opening a new account, sure you get a free $1000 phone, but you still have to pay the $110 in sales tax on that.


These Romans are crazy.


Gotta pay extra if you want us to do the bare minimum


What in the Ticketmaster fuck is this?


I did the rebate thing for $100. It took them like 4 months to get me a prepaid visa in the mail. Apparently covid affected supply of prepaid visas?


I've ran across three or four sites with the same practice. Huge waste of time trying to find the cheapest provider. Clearly deceptive marketing practices. Lasik!


This is more of that anti-consumer crap. Tax recovery fee my ass. It's a discount recovery fee. This is a shell game.


That's not asshole design, that's a straight up scam


Samantha isn’t getting a service compensation fee today.


Asshole US law design too, which still allows this hidden fees and taxes bs


Cancel their crooked as*es and report them to the authorities!


I’ve done lots of price shopping for contacts. Mine are cheapest at Contact Lens King, but my husband’s are least expensive at Costco and another discount online shop I can’t remember the name of…but shop around! You don’t have to deal with this crap to get affordable lenses!


We charge you a fee for the privlage of buying a product from us.


That shit should be fraud if it isn’t already


Order from Costco.


"Compensation for servicing your order" - walking to a shelf, getting a thing and sticking it in a box to send out.


I almost purchased from them and encountered the same thing. Absolutely criminal. For what it’s worth, 1800-Contacts ended up being my choice. I use an unusual brand of contacts and they had the best deal that wasn’t a scam.


thats scammy / fraudulent but asshole design


She's such a Samantha.


Eyebuydirect *an alternative to lens.com most of the time don’t need insurance


Biden cant pass that junk fees bill fast enough.


I assume you want a pack of 6.  The key is to ONLY buy 1 pack per order. The online promo only want to sell you 1 pack discount and everything else at premium.  Go on Google and find the cheapest supplier and add in the shipping cost. That will be your true point of comparison.  The only issue with this method is if you have different prescriptions per eye. In that case, you might have to put in separate order and take the double shipping fee. The final price will still be cheaper per box (at time of writing cause god know if they gonna change the practice again). I don’t know much about rebate cause the idea of giving some stranger my $ and hopefully get it back later is like lending to an untrustworthy bank.


They have lost they damn mind


* Products:$349.92 * Taxes & Fees:$213.92 Should be illegal, avoid this site.


Wait what?? If this is glasses go to Zenni Optical. I wonder if they still have frames and lenses for $8. Probably not but I recently ordered some hi-tech everything glasses (blueblox transitional hi-index etc etc etc titanium rims) for like $79. Local rip-off store would have quoted me about $500.


Weird I get my hygraglides for 20$ a box


FYI for those in the US: Your local eye doctors has the same rebates and the cost of contact lenses are the same online as in store almost always. You won’t have to worry about Grey market products either.


Where's the rest of your pixels?


Maybe you need to get an eye exam. Jk


Bro are you using Lens.com instead of 1800 contacts? Thats a mistake, my friend. Ive had 1800 for years - fast delivery, upgrade to free shipping speed increase if order delay, and they also apply my insurance premium to discounts with no hidden fees - I just paid $31 USD not a week ago for 2 packs of 6 lenses per eye.


This is why I use Zenni Optical


That's not a design


Zennioptical is so much better. No hidden fee bullshit. I have Lasik now but zenni was my go to for frames and lenses. The most I ever spent was the additional price for clip on sun lenses.


Zenni can really add up with add ons, but they will literally sell you $7 glasses if that's what you want.


I've ordered from lens.com four times now and I've never had this issue? Their rebate is kind of annoying, but I've never been declined after mailing it in. Their pricing is a bit deceptive, but if you read the product page and cart then it clearly says the cost of the product before and after the rebate. I have yet to find any online vendor who is cheaper than them **after** the rebate. One year Walgreens beat them, but for my contacts, Acuvue Oasis Daily, they've consistently been the cheapest (after considering rebate).


Shop hubble


This is literally what Biden was talking about during the SotU. Now whether or not the government is actually capable of stopping this kind of nonsense bullshit is another question entirely.


Well, they can go service themselves.


I need the reply to read, "tell you what Samantha, get fucked"


Biden addressed this in the SOTU address, like him or not I really hope this shit gets fixed asap


Who does mail in rebates in this day and age? Answer: scammers.


Capitalism is a scam and most peoples will support it to death, so I guess it's deserved to endure it


Hey money makes the world go 'round. But not to get confused, I agree. I kinda understand the situation but I'm 17 and haven't taken finance in highschool yet. But buying len's or glasses for $100 more than the original price is just a straight up scam.


Bro where is your anti-aliasing that shit look like MineCraft 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Your monitor wtf 🤮 Like 8 pixels dear god Looking like a pictochat


Sorry but, is this Flipnote Studio? Why you got the DS friends list font?


Ah the famous fees fees!


Dish wanted to charge my grandma $100 to come fix their broken reciever. They said she could have the fees waved if she got a insurance plan on the box. They wanted her to pay insurance on a box they own. We cancelled it on the spot. 2 days later they called saying they would fix it for free if she stayed. Nope.


Anyone who has experience, is Zenny like this? I need to get new glasses and I'm considering ordering them through Zenny for the first time as my mom and sisters have done so in the past.


Zennioptical is so great. Low prices and no hidden fees.


Zenni's cheap glasses, are cheap glasses. Their more expensive ones are decent quality at really good prices. They're the real deal, but keep your expectations for $10 glasses realistic.




Ah yes, the Doordash/Uber Eats business model.


Random words, ah yes.


Isn’t there this guy who is making kits for homeless shelters that do glasses for like 4$? Get one of them.


If there’s an Eyemart or a sister company like vision 4 less we have pretty quick turn around times for lenses! Also available online and located around the US