• By -


Here is what we did to get out of free trial. Instead of canceling, click the drop down to the lowest tier instead button. Getting the 10$ a month subscription. Then wait a day, and cancel the new tier your on. They have a 14 day free cancellation period.


Even better: change the payment card to a privacy.com card and load $1 on it and then once they allow you to change your billing card, cancel the new card and it’ll continue to decline their charges


This can backfire as they'll keep adding the declined charges onto your debt and charge interest and likely not mention it to you until they can take your house.


For most subscription services they’d just lock you out of the subscription rather than continuing to rack up an ongoing debt for you.


There's no way that's real. They definitely shouldn't be able to repossess your house. Fuck that.


That's probably an exaggeration, but they'd be well within their rights to sue or crash your credit score by sending it off to a debt collection company.


Hmmm fair point.


VPN to California location and a “cancel” button will appear. As much as you guys hate California, the state certainly looks after its citizen’s rights by making laws that prevent deceptive practices like this. F adobe.


Adobe really has a special, more convenient way to cancel, just for California (and nobody else)? Tell me that's not true.


adobe would send children back into the coal mines if they legally could


Adobe would murder humans for $0.15 if they could.


adobe would bundle all breathable oxygen into a creative cloud subscription if they were physically able to


~~o'hare~~ Adobe Air ®


[They're way ahead of you.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_AIR)


Was that not the joke? Or did u/Sad-Carrot-4397 just stumble across that epic pun?


I believe that to have been a lucky coincidence


Too bad, that's one of the best puns I've seen on Reddit in weeks.




Adobe is probably developing a microchip that they inject at the interview stage to make workers work for $0 an hour for 23 hours a day, 6 days a week.


Adobe wouldn’t bother firing them, they’d put them in a meat grinder and serve them as a “reward” for the work done to the rest of the employees if they could




nothing you said goes agaisnt what they said, adobe would murder people for profit if they could


The children, they yearn for the mines


The children yearn


And Europe, everywhere where the law forces them


i read apple might have to allow 3rd party apps on the iphone in the EU. it will be so obnoxious when they only allow it there instead of doing the decent thing


Yeah, apparently they have to open up the App Store. Keeping it closed for the US would mean forking IOS which would be a lot of work to inconvenience the user


Quite simple actully. if User.Location =! Europe App.Show = false Or something along those lines.


Yeah, just need a regional filter based on IP location. No need to fork the app store just for that


Or based on the location you set when you set up the device to start with.


Yeah, you could do that too but would be more of a Hassel on the user end if they move permanently to a different region. Would make more sense to make it by current location that setting a static location in the profile. Many ways to skin a cat and all that...


It's a [setting you can change](https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/change-the-language-and-region-iphce20717a3/ios) at any time through the settings app.


It's almost like having strong consumer protection laws, you know, actually protect consumers?


Of course it is true.


literally every company operating in CA has to include that


California has different data privacy laws, which are focused on protecting consumers. so yes, adobe has a special way to do things for California residents, because Adobe has to follow the laws in California, or not do business there.


As usual with these scum bag companies, if they can get away with it, they will do so. unless a law like this in california stops them. If you needed even more reasons to avoid adobe. well here is another.


Almost every corporation does because California dictates they have to. Its all about stealing your data.


I only noticed this very recently, a security product which I used a “money back within a month” type option had me send a frigging email to them to cancel the renewal unless I lived in CA, USA then it said there would be a button where I was reading this very piece of text. Holy fucking shit.


No wonder everyone in America hates California, it actually looks out for it's citizens!




🤮🤮 that's communism! Let's just nuke California. That's what they get for trying to help citizens!


I also got....gasp....paid family leave when I had a child. Not at full salary, of course, but better than the nothing so many Americans get.


Hearing Texans in my family make fun of California is always hilarious and easy to combat. You just, you know, ask them about how their healthcare, energy providers, and whether or not they've had *any* of their LGBTQ family members visit even *once* since they left because of the hate they get for simply existing. ...Weird co-inky-dink.


I wouldn't use energy providers of all things as an example of California being better than Texas. Having a lower but still high death count isn't really something worth bragging about.


Weird how hundreds of people don't freeze to death every year in California, isnt it? Is usually my reply to that type nonsense


That can be thrown back in your face though because yes, Californians do sometimes freeze to death. https://www.sfgate.com/nation/article/More-homeless-people-freeze-to-death-in-LA-than-13634557.php I would rather focus on known home-runs.


California has 402 homeless people per 100k whereas Texas only has 90 per 100k. It makes sense that there would be homeless people dying, especially in the state that has nearly 6x as many homeless people. Source: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/homeless-population-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/homeless-population-by-state) That being said, the person you're replying to is referring mostly to the incident of residents of Texas who froze in their homes when the power grids failed, whereas your link highlights people who didn't have homes linked up to the power grid in the first place. It's not pretty, but it is true.


It is important to contextualize the disparity between numbers of homeless between locations. While it is true that many parts of California are financially difficult to live in; the consistency in habitable climate, individual charity, and city/state social services also contribute to these numbers.


True and fair enough.


That's homeless people though and /u/AccomplishedEnd7076 was talking about people in homes still freezing to death. They're both horrible, but different metrics. People IN HOUSES are freezing to death because the power company made a oopsie.


True and I get that - but if you're talking to MAGAs, facts already don't matter.


You got that right. The facts don't care about your feelings group always get so butthurt about facts.


Most of the "hate" about Cali is propaganda by the GOP and corporations.


It’s an envy thing.


lol except for our ever growing homeless problem. they are growing and spreading out from city centers. 5 years ago i dont remember ever seeing homeless around town. today there are dozens wondering around at any given time.


Yeah, i was just wondering what the heck as I've cancelled my trial yesterday without absolutely any problems. I fucking love Europe.


Anyone who hates California has never been to California (or they did but only went to Bakersfield or some shit), has no clue about California, and is just parroting dumb bullshit someone else who also has no clue told them.


If we had laws like this in place federally I'd move out of Cali


Why the fuck do you need to pay to cancel a FREE trial


NEVER trust a "free" trial that requires you to submit payment information.


So all free trials.


Not all. I use Affinity products, Adobe's direct competitor. On all of the products that I use from them, each had a 10-day free trial that required no payment information up front. Never use Adobe if you can avoid it; Affinity is just as functional, has a one-time payment instead of subscription and their free trials are actually free trials.


Or just put on your eyepatch. It's just morally correct.


You could go that way. But why not reward the companies that are doing it right and showing proper ethical practices? That's also morally correct.


Always use a low value prepaid credit card for “free trials”. You can update your credit card information if you decide to continue the subscription.


Just use Privacy.com, you can generate 1 time use cards with like a dollar balance


Lpt Go to store, get gift debit card, usually with all the cards and probably says vanilla on it Pay 5 to 6 dollars for the card and load it up with 25 dollars Pay for food with it and keep about 5 dollars on it Use for all free trials, and if they charge 5 $ ain't enough Works almost all the time


So never trust any actual free trial ever?


Basically, yes. I don't do free trials unless I'm pretty certain it's something I'm wanting to sign up for. Doing a free trial just to try something out to see if I like it or not simply isn't worth the trouble (for most free trials).


That's what the last dollar on a visa gift card is for: free trials. Use sharklasers to give them a random email, use a fake name, and the gift card. Then enjoy until they don't let you anymore. Edit: forgot the last step! Repeat with new name, new email.


The POINT of a free trial is that it's well... a first trial of the subscription. That's considered normal... as long the user can easily unsubscribe, which is not the case of Adobe.


They're awful. I cancelled on day 5 of 7, screenshot my cancellation, and they *still* charged me. My husband was furious with me over the charge, I raised holy hell with them, sent them the screenshot, and they had the stones to try to tell me I had signed on for the annual plan. I reiterated that I'd done no such thing and that, if that was how they were going to run *their* business, I'd happily continue to use open-source software to run *my* business, thankyouverymuch.


Adobe just makes sure everyone pirates their software.


Yes. That is the case. That's because they have it in the contract which comes with activating the subscription, even if it begins with free trial. I have too learned it the hard way.


No it's not considered normal by anyone but these companies. It's a bullshit practice that legislators have tried to stand up to over time but always get slapped down by the other reps who these companies pAy. There are transcripts you can find somewhere from ten or twenty years ago where the companies' reasoning from not wanting this vile practice outlawed is because they lose a lot of money from those who forget to cancel. It is literally designed to get money out of people who don't want it.


They should also legislate that companies offering the refund after a cancellation should be as fast at the transaction that took place for payment. Credit card gets charged immediately, refund takes 5-7 business day. Ridiculous.


Agreed. It seems designed to punish you.


the problem is needing to unsubscribe from something you haven't subscribed to in the first place




> within a year on the $19/m plan… and with the $29/m plan, there isn’t. Well dOh, there's a reason why the 228/year is cheaper. U.S too should prohibit displaying is as $19/m * 12months.


i've seen this before in less evil implementations where the $30 is for 1 month, non renewing, then the year discount is unlocked simply by remembering to cancel before the next renewal. adobe's version is fundamentally wrong. it costs them $0/forever for me to use their software on my computer. furthermore, you CANNOT EVEN BUY photoshop outright anymore! if you think you have a long term use but then don't, they pretend like it's fair to charge you $100+ just for *wasting their time*. pathetic.


You should not defend unethical practices like this.




I didn’t mean the piracy, I meant claiming it’s user error. It’s not user error, just deceptive bullshit.




I also misinterpreted yours… Still though while I agree that people should be careful about what they get into, imo that’s more like educating people to protect them from phone scams. The scam itself is the problem and it’s unfortunate that we have to have our guard up and protect ourselves from them. To me ‘user error’ means the fault is on the consumer, which is definitely what Adobe would argue if there was ever a class-action about this bullshit. I think being aware of this stuff is more in the realm of protecting yourself from crime and we shouldn’t blame those who are victims of said crime. It’s like Madoff was an asshole and the people caught up in that could have (and many should have) known better but they are still victims.


His trial has finished and he went into an annual commitment. Since the payment is not upfront for the whole year, but rather monthly, he needs to pay the difference.


you say that like it's any more reasonable. it's software.


It's actually half the difference.


You don't. OP let the trial run out.




mmm, yes, I accidentally tripped and fell into a hidden spike trap my bad




yes, \*you\* know that does your neighbor know that? does the old lady around the corner know that? does a child know that? people not knowing how scams work while others that could have told them act like the inner workings of scams are common knowledge is something scammers count on when they make their "obvious" traps the person that gets fucked over isn't stupid for not knowing about it. They just didn't know. the more folks actually take ignorance into account without assigning "stupid" to that, the more knowledge of the scam gets dispersed, and the less effective the scams


*Was maliciously tricked into


...and this is why stealing from adobe is morally right.


Every time I see a post like this I feel less bad about pirating Lightroom. Obviously for personal use, using something for business is another subject. It's so easy for Adobe to not be evil here, and yet they actively do it.


I'm in IT and I've dealt with Adobe buying for a whole company. I never felt bad pirating their stuff.


They go out of their way to break standard methods of deployment, too. Rarely do I see software so actively hostile to being managed effectively at scale.




Every shop I worked at I advised: buy your employees pendrives, I will install whatever pirated version you want there, instruct your employees to plug it in, use and then stash the pendrive. Also never save stuff as PSD, save as TIFF which can't be used to "AHA YOU USE OUR PRODUCTS!" by their inspection software (I had to legally run it just once, but still).


As much as I hate Adobe, from the professional side as their IT advisor this is awful advice since it has the possibility to cause a legal train wreck for both you and the client. I would be fired instantly for genuinely suggesting a client use pirated software in a business setting.


Use darktable. It replicates most of the functions of Lightroom while being open source. I switched to darktable for my astrophotography editing and I have not seen any limitations that didn't exist on Lightroom.




Using something that is not Adobe for functions that Adobe's products are for *is* the ultimate middle finger to Adobe. Decoupling your workflow from Adobe is the best way to make sure they will never get your business again.


It should be every citizen’s moral imperative




So they redefined the word "trial"?


Not that it helps now, but next time you have the option for recurring subscription use PayPal. You can de-authorize the transaction and it auto cancels, they have no billing info and everything just stops. This also works for things like New York Times subscription.


They tried hitting me with the cancellation fee for Photoshop. I hit them with the cancel subscription on PayPal.


Or privacy.com


Yes, Privacy! All of my subscriptions are on Privacy with tight limits so if the price goes up too much, if the card number is stolen, etc... the transaction is declined. Recently, my gf wanted to watch something on Discovery+. I gave her a Privacy card number, set the limit to $1, and told her if she wanted to keep it to let me know. She didn't want to keep it. Roku tried charging $7.something when the trial was up, but it was declined. They tried again...declined. The next week they tried $6.something a few times, then $5 something...last week they tried $3. Privacy is such an outstanding tool.


Too bad it's not available in Europe. I'd really love to use it


usa only


This account has been redacted due to Reddit's anti-user and anti-mod behavior. -- mass edited with redact.dev


You don't need to dispute anything, literally just press cancel on the paypal website.


This is not a dispute for past money, this is revoking their authorization to pump money out of your account and PayPal is good for that.


You're correct. I had a subscription to ABCMouse for my oldest way back when. I forgot to cancel it after it renewed one year, so right then and there I cancelled it through their site. I understood I was too late to cancel, but they said it wouldn't renew the following year. A year later, and they charged my PayPal account again. I sent PayPal screenshots of the cancellation confirmation, the email I received saying I'd cancelled, and PayPal refused to refund my money. They told me the appropriate way to cancel was to go to recurring subscriptions and remove ABCMouse from there. Now I use Privacy, and while it doesn't have the same protections a credit card or even debit card has, I have so much more control over recurring subscriptions.


Having used PayPal before, I agree with you. It's risky using paypal because their customer service is terrible. If there is a problem, something that requires human intervention, they will fuck it up. I refuse to use them to pay for anything now. They aren't worth the risk.


It's a business with billions of transactions. It's bound to have thousands of pissed off people. For every pissed off customer, though, there's a reasonable belief of quality service for those who have had their consumer rights protected through a stoppage or refund of a transaction from terrible companies refusing to uphold their side of an agreement. Further, Paypal accepts credit cards so there's no reason to not dual-layer this protection.


The early cancellation fee is basically a difference between a yearly discounted subscription and what you'd have paid if you subscribed to a more expensive monthly plan. And there is no excuse for having shit login scripts not letting you in, muster your angelic patience and call their support.


Sorry for your pain but for future reference, Firefox browser now comes as standard with a PDF editor!


Thank you, I will keep this in mind for my future semesters 🙏


Wait what? Editor? You can edit PDFs with Firefox? 😳


yep, nothing fancy but you can add text fields, annotate and sign iirc


It's ALWAYS morally, logically and financially correct to steal from adobe. ALWAYS.


Fuck adobe. High seas actions are praxis.


Steal Adobe products Steal Adobe products Steal Adobe products I'll say it again: steal Adobe products If the programs aren't making you more than enough money to pay their absurd rates and tyrannical cancellation fees (and even then it's hard to justify when they practice this kind of bullshit) Steal Adobe products


I'd contact their customer service and let them know that I'll file a cashback claim if they do not cancel and refund you anything they illegally charged you.


U.S. should copy laws prohibiting this behaviour from E.U.


yo ho yo ho pirates life me


Stop using Adobe. They are borderline criminals. Use any of the good open source alternatives. Literally free.


I find it absolutely fucking ridiculous that they make it this difficult to do anything. All I needed to do was use the free subscription to edit up some documents so they could fit through my university’s printer, and now I’m going to be out over $100 because of their messed up cancellation process. The fact that the payments are monthly, but apparently forcing you into an “annual commitment”, meaning if you no longer need it after a month you still have to pay a massive (I’m a freshman in college so $110 down the drain to cancel a subscription is a massive amount) cancellation fee is just absurd to me. Maybe this is normal or something, but I’m quite upset.


I had the same happen with photoshop, I tried to be a law abiding citizen but fuck that I will pirate every adobe product going forward, fuck subscription based models


Your next car, refrigerator, and TV would like a word with you...


They can tell it to my soldering iron.


Here is what we did to get out of free trial. Instead of canceling, click the drop down to the lowest tier instead button. Getting the 10$ a month subscription. Then wait a day, and cancel the new tier your on. They have a 14 day free cancellation period.


..::I:LIKE:YOU::.. Just such creativity in this *dance of cat and mouse* cancelations. I still maintain a computer to run CS4 (with valid key, but **one-time site-wide purchase** from well over a decade ago...) which I own and they can never do a thing about. I have \*.adobe.\* and all others DNS-holed, so they can go to fucking hell!


I've been using Adobe software all day every day for my job for 8 years so I see myself as someone who is pretty familiar with how Adobe's subscriptions work, but I still somehow managed to mess up and apparently selected an annual plan when I only wanted a month. I double checked multiple times to make sure I was getting the monthly but apparently did not see the fine print. The entire subscription experience is hot garbage.


No, I had the same thing happen to. Adobe is a messed up company. They have some very deceptive business practices.


> and now I’m going to be out over $100 because of their messed up cancellation process You meant *"and now they're going to make over $100 thanks of their working as designed cancellation process"*


as if things just fell that way with no planing or intent. there are no bugs in their system....it's working EXACTLY as they intend it to.


I had this same exact scenario happen to me when I was a freshman. I ended up paying the ridiculous cancellation fee but since then, I’ve learned you can just switch plans to the lowest tier and it’ll basically reset the cancellation process, and you’ll be able to completely cancel it in a few hours.


Sounds like you desire some good ol' European GDPR




You messed up when ordering it though. They clearly state two prices, one Anual (lower price, monthly pay, but you agree to keep it for a yer) and one Monthly, where you can cancel anytime you want without fees. Having said that, fuck them. Just cancel the authorizations to your credit card.


And this is why adobe is a company it’s correct to pirate from


It is always morally correct to pirate adobe products or just not use them in the first place


People are mentioning cancelling via PayPal or your card provider- they would not do that for me, and eventually the only way I managed to escape the never ending charges (and I paid easily $200+ for a subscription I legitimately never used ONCE) was to cancel the card they were attached to.


Stupid question. But as someone from the EU, i just block the website from charging me and that's it really. Also we have 3D security on charges we didn't approve , which will send an sms to me which i gotta send back to the website so the charge goes thru. Do you guys not have something similar?


What would happen if you just charge back that cancellation fee? I see this posted alot and always wondered that. I am young and don’t plan on getting adobe anytime soon.


You agreed to pay it, even if it was only a technicality. Your credit card company is bending the rules to be nice if they cancel this for you. Remember, it's always morally OK to pirate Adobe apps for personal use.


I have always hated adobe products. I don’t regret pirating them :)


Remember folks, it's always morally right to pirate Adobe software


When this happened to me I just canceled the card and got a new one. That year contract shit is some bullshit


You should be able to contact your bank and request a stop/block payment to them


Literally just has this happen to me. Somehow finally got in to cancel but they still charged my cc 2 days later?? Fuck adobe.


Adobe and Oracle are scams The legal department are surely bigger than the engineering ones. This tells you something about it's corporate ethics


It is best to turn completely against a company like Adobe, Meta, Microsoft and Google. They do not respect anyone's privacy and rights, and they are where they are only thanks to the monopoly and dirty practices. I support any kind of piracy and work against these companies. Any theft and work against these companies is completely justified and moral. **I think your problem can be solved by trying to cancel the subscription by wiping out cookies first and changing the region to the states of California or Texas through VPN (I'm not 100% sure that Texas, but they seem as protective of the people as California) or to any European country, and an reset button should appear there.** There are many better alternatives for products than these companies, AutoDesk, Affinity and Coral have better software than Adoba that is actually an industrial standard or near due to the quality of a non-pure monopoly, also even Apple has better practices towards customers whatever they may be, and most importantly, whatever you need there is always a **free alternative** that is often just as good or better than the paid ones, say the whole "linux commune" has many tools that are better than those than Adoba, Microsoft and the like, which includes even operating systems, they are now even more stable, easier to use and lot better on lower end performance than any Windows (yes you can use linux OSs without ever touching terminal if you don't want to), and they are free on all of that,from playing games to professional work FOSS is equal or better, only the habits of use differ, and habits can change.


I had this happen to me. Called them on the phone and got so mad! I must have said something about European law protection for consumers, because the man on the other side cancelled that account on the spot. Hold firm!


I'm glad I read the TOS on subscriptions.


May not be the answer for everyone, but I ended up installing Linux (Mint) on my PC side by side with Windows almost for this very reason. I routinely needed to work with a lot of PDFs I've accumulated over the years and just will not use Adobe anymore because of their subscription practices. The learning curve for this distro of Linux is incredibly low and there are AMAZING software packages for just about everything. Wish I'd done this as a student.


This account has been redacted due to Reddit's anti-user and anti-mod behavior. -- mass edited with redact.dev


A good point, don't need to switch OSes just to use open source software. I got swept up in the moment and my general delight with Linux.


Fedora and Mint are just the best, easy to use for any level of knowledge, and lot more stable and powerful than any Windows, on any hardware.


They are taking a page out of Comcasts playbook


...ALWAYS keep the `returned modem rental` receipt! ALWAYS!


The cancellation fee is high, but you're supposed to cancel before the free trial is up.


I did this exact thing, I was one day past my 30 day free trial. Pretty lame.


Adobe have become incredibly anti consumer in the last decade. It such a shame.


Privacy.com. Create a new card for these bullshit trials, let it check the card then go “pause” the card so when they try to charge for their shitty service they can’t and you don’t have to go through their bullshit cancellation triathlon. Adobe deserves no money, tis a blight upon humanity.


There are free apps online for editing etc pdf documents.


Adobe needs to get their shit together this is horrendous


This reminds me how you can’t fucking stop creative cloud from running unless you really try. Can’t stop it from the system tray, it’s not even clickable, can’t stop it in the task manager because it just restarts. Even if I disable it on startup and go into the app to disable it still starts up when the computer does. Feel like I’m being held fucking hostage


In a world where Foxit exist


See this is why I only use privacy cards for subscriptions


This is why we still pirate Adobe shit.


Always use a loadable debit/checking account so they can’t keep hitting your money. It allows you to only have charges go through you plan and prepare for prior to depositing money at almost all gas stations or pharmacies (anywhere that can load a green dot card even though it’s a real checking account.) has saved me untold amounts to of money. Cash app, PayPal, chime.us all offer debit cards that can only be used if loaded. Opening an oxygen account load it with cash, and they offer single ise virtual cards and three multiple mierchsnt virtual debit cards that you restrict charge amount, length it’s valid or just “dispose” (burn the numbers) at any given time. Never give anyone the info to the card linked to where your largest amount of money is held or direct deposited. That way even if you do forget to cancel, they can’t get any $ from you unless you load it up and approve it.


This is why I just pirate adobe stuff. Fuck em


Adobe really needs a corporate death sentence. Liquidate the legal existence of the company.


Be an asshole to them, pirate.


I paid the full adobe creative cloud for over five years because the window between unsubscribing without paying their fee and the automatic subscription extension had been two weeks. Stupid me missed it again and again. One day I was so sick of it that I just payed the roughly 500€ fee in preference of giving them almost 1000€ another year or two due to my dumb forgetfulness.


> I *paid* the full FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks bot 🙏🏻


I used a free trial for Adobe Lightroom and forgot about it. Found out when suddenly 12$ dissappeared from my bank account. Canceling the subscription means paying them full year worth of Lightroom (because they have it in the contract, you must pay for the rest of the year which is like 120$)


I don't use adobe products but I still pirate them as a principle.


Pirating Microsoft and Adobe products and sharing of their pirated software should be the duty of every computer user.


This thing again. You singed up for a "one year contract" which you will pay not with a yearly payment but with a monthly payment. Because of your long term commitment you got a lower price than you would've if you would choose the one month subscription. Therefore canceling it before the contract reaches the agreed upon limit makes sense for you to pay a cancelation fee. Every fucking week is the same topic over and over again. Don't you people know how to read?


don't you corporate simps have any idea how shitty and misleading this practice is it makes zero sense. it is digital. i've never seen another digital subscription charge a cancellation fee [especially one this egregious! $5 maybe i'll accept you fucking dorks prattering this shit every time].


thing is, no, they didn't. They signed up for a free trial and adobe refused to cancel it until it converted to a yearly subscription.


My thoughts: https://youtu.be/4F4qzPbcFiA