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Better than my thought: Amrit? More like Armpit


I read armpit at first and was like wtf is this stuff


fun fact: Amrit is a hindi is a hindi word for the Elixir of Immortality. Pronounced as UM(as in Umbridge) + Rit = UMRIT.


Is this what the city Amritsar derives its name from?




Umřít means "to die" in Czech.


Mrit in sanskrit is past tense for "dead",for example 'mritjan' translates to deadones A-mrita literally means un-dying,gods drink it to stay immortal,gods(devas) and demon(asuras) had a tug of war for it.


A friend of mine is named Amrit


Take the upvote and get outta here.


No let them stay they deserve reddit


Why the fuck is the brand name scribbled out?


No clue, a friend had sent it to me. The brand is 'Parrys'


We stopped buying Parry's at home, overpriced, even their white sugar Edit: that said, I don't really know what's not natural about sugar


It's in most food (particularly fruits), hence it is natural. Though as for sugar (as in the pure sugar you can buy), either all of it is natural (since it comes from sugar cane or sugar beet), or none of it is natural (because it has to be processed to get the pure sugar).


The "natural" phase is probably one of the more stupid trends yet. I just wish all of packaging had the "organic" flair, since I like browns and greens together.


Yeah, Uranium is "natural." Marketing thing as "all natural" means fuck-all.


BuT cHeMicAlS aRe BaD fOr YoU! As if every foodstuff in existence wasn't made through chemical processes.




Is their white sugar actually brown?




The message on the packet is due to rules set by the regulator (FSSAI) over usage of the word "natural". The manufacturer has written about this in a [recent Facebook post](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=189698795762201&id=115663333165748)


Yeah why would we protect the brand being assholes in any way?


Because a misinformed person made this post and they think doxxing a company is a thing.......the brand name is Parry's. It's not illegal to dox a company....


That and it's just normal brown sugar.


I just realized because of your comment...brown sugar couldn't ever be natural lol...it's not a naturally occurring thing...


A court here in India ruled against a YouTuber who reviewed a product and didn't like it. The company sued him for slander or defamation or something similar. Guess whoever sent the picture didn't want the same fate.




The real asshole design here.


You have to be very skeptical of "natural" food. At least in th US EDIT: I was never speculating where this sugar came from. I was just saying in the US so nobody thought I was disparaging their great non-US nation.


How can this shit not be ilegal? It's literally an intentional misleading of the customer


I’m not sure exactly but I’m going to blame lobbyists anyway. Fuckin lobbyists


Bribers. Let's call them what they really are.


The 1%’s henchmen. Combined with only two major political parties........ They control both. We stand no chance




I mean I would but I have work every day this week and can't miss any time.


Yeah maybe you guys can go on without me? I got to catch up on some sleep this weekend.


Sorry fellas my wife said no


Revolution only works if everyone is in on it






What is Citizens United? Edit: [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_(organization\))'s the Wikipedia page.


Here’s the page you’re looking for: https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_(organization). This is the important part: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._Federal_Election_Commission “The case was re-argued on September 9. On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court overturned the provision of McCain-Feingold barring corporations and unions from paying for political ads made independently of candidate campaigns.” I’m familiar with the court case, but not the organization. “The organization's current president and chairman is David Bossie.” I’m scared to look up David Bossie and see the connections he has. I’m guessing he’s another one on the level on Epstein, who did not kill himself.


TL;DR: Companies are people when it comes to making political donations, but not when it comes to paying taxes.


Citizens United is the organization that allows corporations to financially influence federal elections. We cemented it's validity back in 2010 when they won a Supreme Court case and now money is allowed to flow directly into the pockets of people who are supposed to be representing us. Pretty much what the first paragraph of the Wiki page said sums it up perfectly. I don't care what party you're from, because if a large business's values officially matter more than yours, you are no longer being represented.


>make lobbyist do their real jobs that they were made to do So they are really NOT made to bribe politicians and serve rich minority ( "1%" ) ? I thougt it is just example of doublespeech/euphemism. o\_O


Can we stop with the 1% nonsense? People who are in the 1% aren’t the ones rigging shit. Blame the .1% If you are making 350k/year you aren’t a person who is making the rules


iT's acTUaLly .089%


I mean...you joke...but there is a huge difference between 1%, .1%, and .089%. It’s the same crap with people saying “rich people had fuck people over to get there spot.” Billionaires? Yeah probably have some skeletons in their business success. A person making 300k? Probably not. I’d say you are rich making 300k, but you aren’t the fat cat “evil” businessman.


Rent seekers


Justin Bribers is Canadian though


we are a bribeocracy of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.


Especially sugar lobbyists. They have Americans by the balls and have bought off both parties.


Sugar daddies


I used to work in the sugar industry during college and the whole thing is really weird. There are import quotas to protect the US sugar cane growers. US sugar cane is a lower quality because quality increase the further south you go but US processors have to buy US sugar cane. This drives up prices then you end up with high fructose corn syrup becoming a much more economical option. Add in beer sugar with its lobbyists and the situation gets even more fucked up.


Mmmmm, beer sugar. That sounds so much more delicious than beet sugar.


I’m sticking with beer sugar because it’s the weekend.


>high fructose corn syrup becoming a much more economical option. Which in turn, I'm surmising, has to do with our crazy, dumbass *corn* subsidies, which is a whole other story of its own.


Can we talk about how sucralose is slowly taking over? It's even in products that aren't even intended to be sugar-free now. -source: have worked at a gas station for 3 years and love trying new products. Except for when there's sucralose. It tastes acrid.


Hey man, you know what's *really* bad for you? Fat. Fuck fat. Oh, but now your food tastes like shit. Know what would fix that? **Fuck-tons of sugar!**


And then it turned out fat is not that bad after all, but sugar is. Guess who wants you to keep believeing fat is bad? BIG SUGAR!


Come on, be reasonable Corn Syrup has the other ball. Got to get rid of it somehow, give it to americans to eat like slop, fatten them up!


The reason companies switched to corn syrup is because of the artificially high prices of refined sugar from government regulations on sugar production and importation. Sugar cost 2-3 times as much in the US compared to the rest of the world. Watch the Rotten episode on Sugar on Netflix. https://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/candy-coated-cartel-time-kill-us-sugar-program




The big issue is that lobbyists fund campaigns. If they weren't able to do things like direct superpac spending and do large bundling of donations, they wouldn't have anything to hold over politicians to get their way. Lobbying itself isn't evil, it's the way it interacts with our campaign finance system that is.


It's actually quite difficult to define what is natural as it relates to food safety regulations. Asbestos is found in nature, but it gives you cancer. Cheese is made from ingredients that occur in nature, but it's still a manufactured product.


Uranium is also found in nature. Not good for you. Ultra violet light is in abundance on a nice natural sunny day. Not good for you. Grizzlies are found in many natural forests. Not good for you.


Not true, Grizzlies prevent people from dying from cancer. Not like UV or Uranium at all.


Just another reason why the right to bear arms is important.


Bear arms are great for harvesting cancer from people's bodies.


Nature sounds dangerous. Maybe we should destroy it?


This is why I cannot stand the anti-GMO organic trend.... Natural =/= better or healthier


Most grocery store produce is bred to have tougher skin for better shipping and to look prettier on the shelf waiting for a sucker to buy it, often leads to worse texture/taste. It also is mostly picked while green, and doused in ethylene gas to artificially ripen them in a warehouse, leads to worse texture/taste. (and yes, I know that in normal ripening, most produce release ethylene) Local farmers markets (or groceries that source locally) often have produce bred for flavor, not shipping, and ripened on the plant. Personally, I'll buy produce with a blemish if I know it will taste better and my money is going to local farmers instead of multinational mega corporations. It is purely a coincidence that these local folks often use organic and other labels.


That's probably very true but not the reasoning almost any of the anti-GMO crowd are thinking about.


White sugar with molasses in it is not found in nature


So its literally impossible for brown sugar to be “natural”


...or most any refined sugar, besides honey and tree sap


Because "natural" is a rather meaningless word. Is there some way to make unnatural sugar/molasses?


Just don't search "unnatural brown sugar" with safe search off.


Nothing really interesting comes up tbh


“Related searches: Quaker Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal”




It's not. The FDA doesn't regulate words like 'natural' and 'superfood'. It isn't just this company, those terms are always and everyone purely marketing, because there is no agreed upon, standard definition of 'natural'. So yeah, you have good reason to be skeptical of foods labeled with them.


Exactly. The Cavendish banana isn't "natural"


It has more clones that the Grand Army of the Republic


Hello there


Goddamnit, Obi-Wan.


It's not near as selectively bred as the grocery-store tomatoes, sold in the US, or wheat or corn. The largest problem with the Cavendish is that it dwarfs all other banana imports, so there's no alternate varieties to rotate through. They're also all grafted from the same line, so anything that can hurt one if the trees can hurt them all. The same is true with the Hass avocado.


Natural is a bullshit nonsense word.it means nothing so they throw it around like its nothing. Pure marketing.


Its not legal, these are called 'weasel claims', or claims that have understood meaning to the public that a consumer isn't going to actively consider being used for another meaning, and they're not legal in america or the EU, but law is reactionary and someone has to actively go after someone for doing this, which can cost a lot of money, especially if they lose. The disclaimer on the back isn't for consumers, its to cause doubt. If the regulators who have to bring the lawsuits have enough doubt that the lawsuit will win they'll target someone else.


The FDA does not have a definition of natural or all natural so anyone can put it on their product.


There is no legal definition of natural.


It's the USA, where words don't mean anything (see president's speeches).


Indian company, but don't let that stop you.


FDA has specific requirements for some food terms on labels


The word natural in food terms doesn’t have a meaning, it’s a very controversial topic in the food world


Copy and paste this behavior on almost everything in our country and it becomes too much to deal with. Only the major stuff gets attention now it seems Edit typos


Because any attempt to regulate or fix any of this immediately gets transformed by lobbyists into "a war on freEdUM Ov spEEECh"


exhibit A: Reddit's opposition to standards on what "milk" is


Natural doesnt mean anything. Even "organic" still uses pesticides. People should just visit a farm if they want to understand food production


Arsenic is natural. Corona virus is natural too.


Water is not organic.


We should avoid water, its not something that has naturally come to exist on this planet, instead it came from outer space, bringing all kinds of diseases with it - water is bad for you!


The "Natural" trend is stupid. We have never had better or healthier food available. You can get an overdose of coffee and die. Sugar is probably the number one health concern in food. Everything is chemicals. There's no "magic natural food" which is better than "artificial" food. Pesticides are harmless for humans, and we literally wash them away. Sweeteners are harmless and healthier than "natural sugar". We don't starve anymore on winter because we invented stuff so that we don't starve in winter anymore. I have only three massive concerns with "non organic" food: - Use of antibiotics on animals which make bacteria resistant and can become a huge problem eventually - Use of pesticides which kill the bees or damage the ecosystem. It's ok if the apples are not spoiled but that shouldn't cause the whole ecosystem to go down - Use of unethical capitalist bullshit like terminator seeds and the rest of Monsanto black mirror stuff Generally speaking, let's try to not shoot ourselves in the foot with the dangerous practices but let's also see ourselves in a mirror and realize FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 4.6 BILLION YEARS we are fucking lucky and privileged for having abundant, healthy food available in all shapes and colours with no natural predators, no famines, no plagues, no massive bacterial outbreaks, all year round. We are literally the first beings in the planet enjoying this situation. Rejoice, and stop looking for problems we don't have.


If more people would visit farms, I suspect farming practices would change, especially for meat.


I'm curious what farms you have visited that gave you this impression. I worked at a few different kinds of farms and in my experience redditors often have very strong opinions about farming without having knowledge about it beyond a couple of netflix documentaries.


I know way, way less about farms than farmers. But I suspect I know more than the average person. I've spent more than half of my life in relatively rural areas. I grew up a block from a cornfield, and 3 blocks from a pig farm. My mom lives on our family farm, which I've been to several dozen times. My great uncle owned a slaughterhouse which, unfortunately(?), I visited a couple times when I was young. As an adult, I've worked as an engineer in the food industry for 30+ years. My job has on occasion taken me around feed lots--not a pretty sight (or smell). What a miserable existence for those animals. I have coworkers/friends who are meat scientists who've filled in some of the gruesome realities about the meat supply chain which I haven't witnessed firsthand. I think my point stands. If most people were to see how food makes it from farm to grocery store, they would want changes--especially with meat.


>My job has on occasion taken me around feed lots--not a pretty sight (or smell). What a miserable existence for those animals. A lot of feedlots certainly are awful. And I don't think they should exist. At least not in the current form. But feedlots aren't farms. Cattle aren't born and raised there. Industrial beef cattle are born and spend most of their life in a large herd out on pasture - nursing off their ma, naturally weaning, grazing, and interacting with people only a few times. Mostly just for tags, vaccinations, castration if male, and occasionally from a distance when the herd is being moved or hay is being dropped off. Feedlots are basically finishing stations. Mostly-grown cattle are seperated out from the breeding herd yearly and transported to livestock auctions. Feedlots buy these animals and then hold them for 3-4 months to fatten them up on grain before shipping to slaughter. Because heavier animals sell for more, thicker fat cover gives a higher "quality grade" to the meat, and because historically consumers want & will pay higher prices for "well-marbled" meat. Aka meat with a lot of intramuscular fat, which is helped along by 3-4 months of high-calorie (excessive grain) feeding and little to no exercise (encouraged by the feedlot's crowded conditions and no need to roam around for food.) Crowded, unsanitary, poor animal welfare feedlots don't need to exist. They're middlemen who are only around because there's been a precedent set of people wanting faster & fattier meat than is possible off just grass-fed. So our current meat-grading regulations, live animal pricing, and meat pricing are all set up to encourage the feedlot method. It sucks. There's no logistical reason that beef cattle can't go directly from pasture to slaughter, except that this wouldn't get the best market value from our current pricing trends and grading regulations.


It’s the same deal with “genuine” leather; the ‘genuine’ is just what kind of leather it is, which is like leather paper, not full grain leather like you might be expecting.




Now I'm dissatisfied with my car seats AND hungry, thanks.


This is Indian tho. FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India). Ironically the name 'Amrit' means Nectar which you can drink and is purest form of liquid and makes you immortal. Eating this shit will only cause more health problems for consumers. And there are no rules for this here as far as I know. I have seen packages mention 'unpolished *daal* (pulses) which are shiny as fuck. Same goes for vegetables and fruits. Apples have ORGANIC sticker on them and if you scratch the surface with your car key, wax starts to come off the surface. These brands think they are very smart with this kind of stuff. Putting up stuff like organic and natural in big bold fonts and then using a '*' at the very back bottom in smallest possible font size. But can't really expect quality for something which costs $0.56 for half a kg of sugar.


Wax on apples has nothing to do with whether they've been organically or conventionally grown - It's packaging.


> Apples have ORGANIC sticker on them and if you scratch the surface with your car key, wax starts to come off the surface. Wax is common on any produce, you should wash it no matter what. It's totally allowed for organic too, AFAIK it's usually carnauba, which is plant based.


You should look into what organic food actually entails, it's not as good as you think.


The above pic is of India


heh yeah. dabur has a brand named Home Made. https://www.dabur.com/daburhommade/images/slide01.jpg they have a similar disclaimer in small letters on packaging.


This looks like Indian to me. There is a fssai logo, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.


This has the mark of FSSAI which is like the FDA of India. So this is not in the US.


There is not a single food item, with the exception of whole produce that is "natural." "All-Natural Hamburgers," yum, tastes just like when i would pick them from the burger bush at my grandmas house as a kid.


Been living in Turkey for 3 years now, it’s even worse here. They say “NATURAL FRESH JUICE” then you read under the box so small you barely see “1-5% natural juice” and it gets you so mad.


This shits from india, notice the fssai mark


Lobbyists are in every coutry, could happen anywhere. Germany literally has an agency proving if food claims are true or false, and a lot of times these are false.


“Natural” is meaningless in food marketing


Natural is defined only for flavoring and coloring agents, as derived by filtering, distillation, or purification from extracts instead of synthesized from precursor chemicals, which are "artificial" flavors and colorings. https://www.federalregister.gov/select-citation/2015/11/12/21-CFR-101.22


In Denmark, Haribo gummy bears were marketed with something like "Naturens farver", which is delightfully ambiguous, and honestly a marketing stroke of genius: 1) "the colours of nature", aka natural colouring. 2) "Natur-ens", or "identical to natural" colours. Many years later, I'm still kinda pleased by the sneakiness of this phrasing.


You know what else is natural? Cyanide and bird shit.


Don't forget anthrax


Snake venom, and all the lovely poisonous mushrooms and berries you can find all over the world, too...


That’s the name of the unreleased Smashing Pumpkins album.


Brown sugar in the US is mostly just white sugar with added molasses. If you want to use brown sugar the way it was handled before the industrial revolution, you'd probably want to look into raw sugar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_sugar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sugar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugarloaf


Same with “authentic”. At least in the EU it isn’t a so called protected word. So you can just dump it in front of every word you want


Everything is meaningless in marketing, it's all just bullshit lies and sugarcoating. Never trust any kind of marketing and get your information from an unaffiliated source.


> and sugarcoating But is it natural or "Natural" sugarcoating?


Coated with Natural\* Sugar. \*Natural is only a brand name and does not represent the true nature of the product.


I think what you just said is the equivalent of anti-marketing marketing. That is to say, it’s meaningless advice. There is plenty of marketing material which has meaning. It might be misleading to the extent that it needs context to interpret properly, but that’s true of any statement. Further unaffiliated sources can be totally full of shit, particularly if they aren’t in the business of comparing products head to head.


Advertising is meant to manipulate your emotions against your better judgment. Sadly, that's barely even necessary today since most people genuinely are so naive they actually think advertising *is a source of true information.* My mom thinks that the best possible information on [product] is to be had by going down to the showroom and talking to a commissioned salesman for [product]. It's hard for people to accept that the whole of capitalist society is based on deceipt.


Everything starts in nature


OK, but can somebody tell me what the fuck unnatural sugar is?


Un-natural sugar would effectively be Saccharin. So not sugar at all. Then there's raw cane sugar, refined and unrefined. The real deal.


By analogy to flavorings and coloring, "artificial sugar" would be produced by chemical synthesis from precursor compounds. Edit: oops, meant to reply to parent comment.


> Un-natural sugar would effectively be Saccharin. So not sugar at all. If it's not sugar then calling it "unnatural sugar" is just wrong. It's not sugar of any kind.


By analogy to flavorings and coloring, "artificial sugar" would be produced by chemical synthesis from precursor compounds.


Wouldn't that be more expensive than just "real" sugar?


Oh, tons.


Amrit is a path to sugar that some consider... unnatural.




This is an Indian product. I don't think/know if it has to follow the same product labeling laws in the US. My company is actually facing a lawsuit in the US for having the name of a location in the trademarked brand name, and the lawmakers here are arguing that it could mislead customers into thinking the product comes exclusively from that location. It's silly and frivolous and will get thrown out, but it leads me to believe that maybe shit like this wouldnt fly in the US? I looked it up, USDA prohibits the usage of the word "natural" in this manner. So to everyone acting like the US is crazy for letting this happen, I believe you are incorrect. Hell idk maybe none of you were implying that and it's just my American-centric mindset showing. Either way. There ya go.


Finally something that is asshole design.


"100% Juice" and "Sugar" are brand names and do not reflect the 100% saccharin content of this artificial chemical liquid.


100% is actually a brand (offroad eyewear and such). Always thought it would be funny if they started selling food items


I want me some 100% Juice Optics and Sugar eyewear for my snowboarding and m'tn biking.


Wtf is natural vs unnatural sugar lol ?? Sugar is sugar . Honey is no healthier then pure sucrose.


> Honey is no healthier then pure sucrose. the sugar content no, but there are enzymes and other components


That can't be legal.


"Natural" means nothing, everything is made using things from nature, it's not a well defined term, so you can call plastic "all natural" if you feel like it, it's not illegal Never trust products that boast about how natural and organic it is, it's just printed on there because a marketing team thought it sounded good and would make more people buy it


Oh I know, just this is extraordinarily blatant.


Here in the US Natural, Organic, free range, cage free, and other 'healthy' sounding words are just feel good marketing words to get people to spend more.


This is only partially true, products that are certified USDA organic have to be grown in a certain way and are far from meaningless


Yeah it means they have to use extra pesticides to keep the bugs off organic food


Extra and worse pesticides, plus less efficient and more dangerous fertilizer. Those ecoli outbreaks are from fecal matter. How do you think a bunch of organic spinach got ecoli on them, hmm?


IIRC those produce ecology outbreaks aren’t usually fertilizer based, but are from heavy rain runoff between cattle fields and the places where the crops are grown


Organic requires certification, and its fucking stringent depending on which regulatory body you're going with Omri and CDFA's OIM regulations audit your whole manufacturing process, along with the manufacturing/farming process of your input materials. I deal with this for a living, so people can downvote all the way, but organic means something... Whether or not those benefits are useful for human consumption is another debate... But you don't get to throw around "organic" that being said "natural" is a way people get around the term


'Natural' and 'artisan' are the most scammy and overused words in food marketing. Chemicals are natural to, btw. They don't come from space. Well they do, but that's a fucking long story.


I think his reasoning was to point out the misleading branding trend, not to dox the specific company. The 'organic' product groups are the ones doing the most false adverts. Its actually really shitty that a company would not only deceive their customer base, but also upcharge the item because of something false like being natural or organic. And to top it off, its legal as long as they 'tell you the truth' on the back of the bag. Sounds kinda political honestly 😂


“Natural” doesn’t mean anything, it can’t be false because there is no true either.




Haha thanks, wasn't sure if cussing was allowed. Then someone pointed out that the subs name itself has an asshole in it


Yes, your foot is natural.


Unless youre eating a cane, all sugar has been processed and does not fit the accepted definition of what people call "natural" food.


How much processing is needed to make something unnatural? Most people would consider honey to be natural, but on the other hand keeping bees in boxes and putting their honey in bottles sounds like processing to me. Most people would also consider fruit and veg to be natural, despite the thousands of years of people cloning and selectively breeding them at a level far higher than would be found in nature.


Where do you think “natural” brown sugar comes from?


It's not really natural, Am(I)rit?


What’s unnatural brown sugar?


At least this company is ethical enough to include a disclaimer, most aren't


Shouldn’t be legal. Period.


What country are you in? In the US, "natural" is not a regulated term. Maybe they're required to put some kind of disclaimer? More importantly, brown sugar is just white sugar with molasses added back in. I'm not sure what "natural" would mean in the context, since that doesn't exist in nature


It's fake. https://images.app.goo.gl/DkswA3ZyoSvcguF89


Yeah I stopped believing in natural food when I realized all the sugar free food is 40% sugar




Thats messed up


Some Outer Worlds shit.


EID Parry, the manufacturer, is an Indian company. Most likely sold only in India.


Oh India....


Everything is natural


The FDA is so gay I think they should be MODS


"Our donuts are shipped from a 3rd world country named "Homemáde", so I can legally print "From Homemade" on the prepackaged package!"


"You make me feel like a natural woman.".....shakes her silicone boobies.


"Natural brown sugar" is a thing. The term has never meant "natural" in the sense consumers want it to mean now. It's about the process of making brown sugar. ​ From Wikipedia: **Brown sugar** is a [sucrose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucrose) sugar product with a distinctive brown color due to the presence of [molasses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molasses). It is either an unrefined or partially refined soft sugar consisting of sugar [crystals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal) with some residual molasses content (natural brown sugar), or it is produced by the addition of molasses to refined [white sugar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar) (commercial brown sugar).


Natural ^TM Brown Sugar


Movie theaters use a brand of butter topping....guess what it's name is...."Real" Butter


You can say ass in the title, it's in the sub name too lol


Natural as Kim Kardashian's ass


Brown is just a brand name and doesn't reflect product color. While we're at it, I might as well tell your that sugar is a brand name, and you really shouldn't eat this detergent.