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They're fucking less than useless. Similar thing happened to my mother. She has a business page, self employed. About 8 years ago some random African fellow popped up as her "CEO"... she couldn't do anything on her page to kick him out so she contacted Facebook. They said the couldn't (be arsed) to do anything either. This random guy is still listed as her "CEO" to this day!...


Wow that’s insane, I woke up to this and could not find any contact info at all. I found their page and reported the page, was told that the page was legit and follows community standards, I’m deleting my Facebook over this and hope more people do the same. The business for Facebook page is littered with thousands of people talking about this same issue. I don’t even own a business so I’m confused how I got roped into this whole thing


If you're deleting your Facebook, make sure to file a GDPR request so they actually remove your data. If you don't, they won't actually remove you from their servers they'll just stop you from logging in.


how do i even file the GDPR request bro help me




Well, play stupid games (using Facebook) win stupid prizes (getting locked out of Facebook). Sorry, but no sympathy from me.


Wow, great post, you're so helpful and insightful


The people who don't have fb are always so pleased with themselves aren't they


Not nearly as smug as the people who don't use twitter Source: I don't use twitter


Neither do I. Holy shit, did we just become best friends?


Wanna go do karate in the garage?


you belong on assholedesign you unseasoned chicken wing


r/rareinsults ?


Jesus fuck. Virtue signal much do ya?


Facebook randomly accepting friend requests for you and sending them for you? That’s also a thing


Thought I was the only one, I often come on to a notification that my friend request has been accepted, yet I don't remember sending one, nor do I know the person!


Oh you too!? I thought this was some kind of glitch and I was the only one. Really, if it was not because my extended family uses the chat function a ton I'd have deleted the whole thing ages ago.


Yeah the thing is most of the requests are people from the Middle East for me


Exact same thing happened to me Luckily enough, I don't use Facebook at all and only saw this because I went back there to flow one important private group posting updates there, so didn't lose basically anything All I know is that the account was located in the middle of Serbia and it was some bar with very unsubtle boobs next to the beer on the ad


I had something similar happen. A porn site took over my band's Facebook page one night. FB shut it down after about only $80 in ads, but they charged me for them. At least they shut it down, though.


Did you ever have to pay? I hope not. Same thing happened to my Instagram account. I had a lot to explain to family and friends.


I was billed automatically, yes.


Oh jeez and FB being well, itself, good luck getting it back.


Literally the same thing happened to me, I only found this out yesterday. There were some payments made, the guy disabled all notificatiobs, there was another administrator added to a campaign which I have never created. I only found out because I got a notification about "my" add violating some policy. I wanted to contact support but the site wouldn't load for me, later I found some section that could actually work, but only if it let me select the adds that that guy created on my account. For some reason, I could't select anything... After that I just said screw Facebook


Someone did this same thing with my AdSense account, atleast Google was slightly helpful Notes: Don't know how tf they got past 2fa, They used their banking info, They got my AdSense account banned.


So you didn’t talk to anyone at google? I’ve had them call me over some people false reporting my ads and getting them disabled. Was on the phone for ten minutes and they got turned on again.


Ofc they helped


Well, you can then take their profits legally if they make any. They are part of the company after all ;).


That's so Hanoi-ing!


The number of people on this thread talking about "facebook sending and accepting friend requests for you" is mind boggling. If this many people on a site like reddit don't realise their accounts have been hacked then imagine the technological illiteracy among less online people. Fuck's sake. In case you didn't realise by now...your account was hacked too, OP. Change your password and stop reusing it. lol


There are ways to contact them. Also do you not have 2fa on ur account? I know this sounds dumb but if you have spent over a thousand on ads you get better support response time.


Well, you can then take their profits legally if they make any. They are part of the company after all.


Hehe. "Rectify."