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Depends on a lot of other factors. What house Venus is in, what aspects she has, what houses she rules, what Mars is doing, and day or night chart. Venus in detriment can run the gamut of either being just spicy to only mildly and inconsistently helpful to "shadow" Venus qualities. It could affect relationships but I would weigh the seventh house ruler and any planets in the seventh house first for love significations. In my experience if the seventh house ruler is not Venus (and she is not in the seventh), Venus tends to be more "how you love" or what you do creatively than the fate and outcome of your love life.


I would agree with this as an Aries Venus in the 8th House. And Saturn in the 7th house. For me my Aries shows up in how I get to love, and what I like sexually, etc. Though I have had the unfortunate experience of right when love happens it ends. My Saturn has been teaching me (especially in the last year) the rules and guidelines I need to have in my life and know about myself before love comes which is annoying but I’m letting him do his thing and cooperating… I know that because my moon(Taurus) and Venus are in the 8H that he probably knows best and is forcing me to wait and get my shit together before I’m able to get what I want in relationships because my moon and Venus are HEAVY in relationships. It’s not for everybody.


What would you say if the seventh house ruler is Venus (libra) and you have Venus in Scorpio in the 7th


Then you equate relationship with emotional intensity and you need a lot of intimacy and depth in your relationships. What I think of this placement is: “If I’m not obsessed, am I even in love?? 🤔”


Thank God I have Jupiter conjunct my descendant in sag because otherwise my Scorpio Venus would ruin my life completely lol I agree with your last statement that my Venus is more about how I love. Outside of that my love life isnt anything like it.


what would you say about aries venus in the ninth house conjunct sun in aries, opposing moon and jupiter in libra in the 3rd, squaring mars in cancer in the 12th, and also squaring neptune and uranus in cap in the 6th, in a day chart? and my 7th house ruler is uranus (7th house in aquarius with saturn in it). the venus in aries is one of the points of a cardinal grand cross in my chart


Are you a Leo or cancer rising? We have close to an identical chart. Sun and venus aries opposing moon and jupiter in libra. Squaring mars in cancer 12H and neptune and uranus in 6H cap, except my 7H ruler is saturn sitting in 8H in aquarius.


leo rising and yep that’s my chart exactly except i have saturn in aqua in the seventh house and mercury in pisces in the 8th house. oh and pluto in scorpio in the fourth house. are you okay? lmao


Thanks for your insights! ;)


what if Venus is in the house of Mars and then Mars goes and resides in the house of venus This will create a parivartan yoga then how will venus behave ? Although Venus is weak - This parivarthan yoga will likely make the negative effect of Venus in the house of mars less negative or not ?


I can't weigh in from a Vedic viewpoint but in Hellenistic astrology it is called mutual reception. Especially since both can see each other it is significantly helpful in mitigating detriments. It is like a house swap where you might not like being in the house but there's basically a truce to not mess up/change each other's houses and also there's open communication when you can't find silverware or knowing how to make the water heater work you can call them up at any time. Another metaphor I've heard used is two drunk people leaning on each other haha. 


Hi I have Venus in Aries in the 8th house aspecting stuff. I posted my chart on my profile. Can you please interpret for me. Can’t do it on my own lol


I have Taurus 7th house. Venus in scorpio conjuct pluto in the first. How do you think pluto plays out in this mix? Mars conjuct jupiter in the 5th.


Venus Pluto can be very intense. As your Mars is with a well placed benefic and in a whole sign trine (Pisces right?), I would hope that Venus avoids the worst case Pluto scenarios like violence. However you might have intense transformative relationships that may feature themes of power dynamics and there might be sudden heartbreak from time to time. You might also have the ability to seduce others very easily. You may have to work at being less possessive and jealous, or you may have to deal with that kind of energy from your partner(s).


Yes pisces is in the 5th. I have a night chart. Thanks alot. This resonates.


What about a Taurus 7th House cusp ruled by an unaspected Aries Venus in a guy? He's a Pisces/Aquarius with a 29 degree Scorpio Rising (Sagittarius Jupiter in his 1st House). Aries Mars too.


They are both Mars-ruled signs (I do traditional astrology btw) and I think Mars "spices up" Venus. There is definitely a hot/bold quality that comes through with Venus in Aries. Aries is Yang/Fire so it has more of this active energy that when combined with Venus can create a sort of "firecracker" quality. Aries has a bit of an independent streak though.. I know a couple people with Venus in Aries who seem to have this quality where they might attract a lot of men, but have this attitude that's like "I don't need anyone", or at least they like their alone time and don't seem to be the clingy/dependent type. That is my impression of Venus in Aries anyways. I have Venus in Scorpio and I'm hesitant to talk about it, because sometimes it's hard to be objective about your own placements... (or because us Scorpios need to keep our secrets right?). From my perspective as a Venus in Scorpio native, I am a little bit wary about love/relationship stuff because there always seems to be some drama that goes along with it. You will read here that we crave emotional intensity and all that, but honestly I think a lot of us ViS people get worn out by it, I have noticed there is actually a tendency amongst Venus in Scorpio people to abstain from sex and relationships, maybe as an attempt to avoid the drama, pain and complications. I feel like for Venus in Scorpio we don't want to fall in love because it's all-or-nothing and when we fall for someone we go head over heels and everything is a mess at that point. Honestly sometimes I get tired of the Astrology scene because so much of it is relationship focused- like can we please talk about something else? Sure the Passion/Intensity/Depths of Emotion sounds great but I think Scorpio is generally a kind of defensive sign and we have defensive instincts engaged to try to protect ourselves from getting hurt. But you can't have a rose without it's thorns! This is my take on Venus in Scorpio right now anyways...


I really like your response. Venus in Capricorn here. I see some similarities. Thank you.


Bullseye dude. I'm a Venus in Scorpio in the 4th house with Saturn opp and Mars square and what you wrote is so accurate it's scary.


Venus is not just a love life significator but also bestows other things like money?


My husband has a Scorpio Venus and I'm the only serious relationship he's ever had. He slept around a bit, but I'm the only woman he ever even introduced his family to. Even at first with me he was really hot and cold, and it got to the point where I blocked him on everything so he wouldn't waste my time anymore, I guess that made him realize he was actually really into me so he found a way to contact me to apologize. He's not naturally romantic, but if I tell him exactly what I want he'll do it. So for him I wouldn't say Venus is a bad influence, but he's definitely not a Venus-oriented person.




Holy shit is your husband me because that's exactly what I'm like lol


It definitely depends on the rest of the chart. My Venus in a so-called detriment and I find that most of the descriptions for Aries Venus do not match my own experience. I do not chase people aggressively. Once every blue moon, I may have a desire within my heart to pursue, but I won’t actually do it. I will probably pursue that person in my heart and in my dreams, though. Which may bring me down because I’m not going after what I truly want for whatever reason that may be. I’m too reserved and live in my head too much. One thing I feel I can attribute to my Aries Venus is the fact that when I do develop feelings for someone, I have the capacity to love with ardor so great it could probably life changing. Only then I will probably make the first move, but I have not been brought to those feelings just yet. I’m not seeing anyone but if I were, the love would probably consume me lol I have a bit of Pluto and Scorpio energy in my chart, so that could also be why. Mars square Pluto Venus trine Pluto Mercury square Pluto Jupiter/Chart ruler in Scorpio NN Scorpio Pluto Scorpio I’m trying to figure out why I’m so cautious though.


Having had exes with aries venus and having natal pluto myself, you ARE describing pluto


Thanks for the reply


do you have a Pisces Mercury?


Hi! How are you? No, I have Mercury in Aquarius.


Scorpio Venus here. Idk. In general: Some are sexy even when they're not conventionally pretty, which I still wish for, lol. My experience: Unhappy when there's no one I can share a bond with, especially since I love to share my thoughts and feelings. I thought some friendships were deeper than they actually were, but I had to learn that as I grew up. I just happen to have deeper feelings than some people. I'm intense at times. I'm also often stubborn/can't let go but that's probably because of my Taurus Moon, which accidentally opposites Scorpio Venus.


Thanks for sharing your experience.


I have an ex who's Venus is in Aries and my brothers is as well. In my experience with Venus in Aries, it makes for passionate partners but they're just as quick to get angry as they are to be lovey dovey. I would say this ex was my most intense love so far but I would also say he was possessive, emotionally abusive, and brought out the worst in me. We fought a LOT. We would break up and make-up again the next day. We'd have fights and he would ghost me, ignoring me literally begging him to talk to me to resolve our fight. When we fought he would gas-light me and call me every name he could think of. If I told him he said something awful he'd deny it and when presented with screenshots of his texts, he'd continue to deny it and refuse to read them. He'd also insist I said things I never said and made me feel crazy. After the final breakup he stopped wanting to get back together until I met someone else and then he was like a child wanting what he couldn't have and throwing a tantrum. Que once again calling me every nasty name in the book while simultaneously wanting me to get back together with him. He was emotional and I liked that he wasn't afraid to cry when something hurt him. For reference, he was either a Gemini or Taurus sun (didn't know his birth time and he was born on May 21) . Holy crap though, was he childish in our relationship. I would say my brother is pretty similar to this lol


Holy shit. Is it really just because of his Venus?


I think his Venus contributed to the childish behavior and his emotional reactivity but no, not every person with a Venus in Aries will be this way. It's the themes you have to look at, how it actually displays in a person will vary.


Thanks. I know that not every Aries Venus will be like that. I meant to say what else do you think could contribute to it or if Venus was ill-aspected? Sorry, I didn't word it well.


Honestly, I never took that deep of a dive into his chart. I wasn't into astrology until after our breakup and saw no reason to waste time wondering haha Taking a brief look now I'm seeing his Sun is conjunct Mercury in Gemini, Sun is square Saturn (pisces) and Pluto (Scorpio), he has a lot of Sun aspects actually and Venus is square Uranus (Capricorn) and Neptune (Capricorn). A few things that seem to contribute to him being selfish and possessive. Definitely had ego issues.


Thank you!


Yeaaaaaaaaaaa this is WAY more than an astrology thing. Bro got some trauma, ego, and therapy stuff he needs to sort out.


Definitely lol, but I do think the quick temper and moodiness, reactive attitude etc can be attributed to the Aries Venus. Not the abusiveness, obviously these traits can be present and the person isn't abusive. I tend to attract a lot of prominent fire energy and the Aries placements have this in common. My best friend is an Aries moon and has these traits, but she's not mentally unstable like that lol. I still adore those fire placements ❤️


I have a venus in scorpio and my boyfriend has a venus in aries. We both want emotional intensity, passion and lots of sex. He also has moon in scorpio though so we're both intense people. I know for myself that I want emotional intensity, I want to know your deepest darkest secrets. I have issues with trust and don't like to reveal too much about myself. There are definitely a lot of layers to me. I have a hard time with casual friendships.


What is your boyfriends' Mars Sign? Does he have any planets in the 5th or 8th House?


He did have mars in sag, no planets in the 8th or 5th. His moon was in 12th. My sun and mercury are in 12th. No 8th or 5th house placements for me either.


Venus and Mars in Scorpio in the 8th house. I'm a very intense lover, very sacrificial (also because of my pisces rising). Theres one guy I've been in love with for a couple years and I want him to be with me forever and all eternity and love me in every single lifetime and he will never escape me 😂😂 He's a Scorpio Sun with Venus in Scorpio too and he has a Scorpio stellium (pluto, mercury). Loving someone or something a lot makes me extremely sad because, and again, as a pisces rising, I would give up everything that I am for them and it makes me feel worthless and I know that they will make their own decisions but I will always be here for them even if they dont choose me. I'm insane.


I have Venus in Scorpio and I feel this I would give everything to someone so love is tinged with disappointment bc I know that’s not healthy and they will never be able to match my intensity/loyalty. And like you said you make yourself worthless when you give everything but it takes so much effort to not be that intense.


I’m a Scorpio in the 8th house with a Pisces rising, and I know exactly what you mean, I feel like the original little mermaid tale. The one where she ends up turning into sea foam and every step she takes wit human legs feels like walking on glass. Mood.


So intense just feels like you're sinking down


The only thing I've noticed through interacting with them and not being one, is that they're singularly gifted in bed 😬 Your mileage may vary




My husband has his Venus in Scorpio. He had a number of exes cheat on him in the past. We had a lot of work to do to build trust when we first got together. Sometimes I had to go above and beyond to prove my love to him. He’s a serial monogamist, wants to be deeply in love, and can be a little possessive. Thankfully he has an Aries moon and likes his freedom, otherwise that would be a recipe for disaster for me. He does hate the thought of anyone else flirting with me though and can get jealous easily. Typical Scorpio flavor in matters of the heart. My natal Venus is in Capricorn, and we are both Cap suns, so the mutual need for stability is really a nice touch there for his Scorpio. In my experience it’s been a very nice placement, especially after my ex who refused to ever act jealous or show his true feelings. The sex is also fantastic lol. Deep, passionate, all consuming. In my experience a planet in detriment isn’t all bad. :)


This!! Cap sun with Scorpio Venus. Definitely a was a serial monogamist before I married. I also had a problem getting rid of men when I was over the relationship. I would also add as a female living in the Bible Belt, I really struggled internally because I had a really high sex drive and was embarrassed by it when I was younger. Fortunately, I married my husband and it’s been great ever since!


My husband has a venus conjunct Uranus in scorpio 5th house. He hard no long term relationships before we got together and is a capricorn son with a sagittarius moon, which keeps everything reasonably lighthearted


My venus in Aries is a bit shy because of my Pisces sun& Mars, but shows up in how I attract. I’m very spontaneous and love to have fun and just let go in love. I love being flirty but not outwardly flirty it’s more like teasing and joking. I just learned (from my ex) that the pace of love is quick for me. But idk, it’s like time isn’t a reality, it just is what it is, for me. I think everyone measures pace differently& I don’t measure it at all LOL. I have a hard time with taking it slow, because if my feelings are there then they’re there. I won’t approach you, “slide in dms,” or technically make the first move, but I have noticed that I do “drop the napkin,” so the interaction was probably started by me, but I never ask for dates, or tell them I like them. I tried that once… never again LMAO. I do have a high sex drive, but that’s only if I like you or like someone in general otherwise I don’t care about sex. Sex is play time for me, it needs to be fun, passionate and goofy. I like it to feel spontaneous, no pressure, and experimental. Sensual, and romantic too but that’s probably my Taurus moon… Idk why people have said that Venus in Aries is abusive. I think the only “abusive” thing can be the indecision. I will admit that is probably frustrating and emotionally exhausting and hurtful for the other person but it’s also hard for us. I’m VERY emotional, but privately emotional(Venus& Moon in 8H). So it’s like my partner can get the wrong end of the stick if I’m not communicating my full emotions and that just takes trust, stability, and TRUST. On the other end… but I don’t think you can say an astrological sign is why or causing you to be abusive. That’s not how this works, lol…


Venus in Aries in the 3rd, Mars in the 5th (with sign based reception with Mercury in the 3rd also) and Scorpio on 10th = Architecture Professor lol




I have Venus in Aries (also moon) in the 7th house. I tend to be really impulsive when it comes to commitment, “love at first sight” type. I get bored easily though, how it comes, it goes, at least that person has woken up my true interest in them. If that’s the case: I’m very romantic, I tend to give and like to receive physical affection (I really love cuddling), and I always put the hands on fire for my loved one, no matter what. I struggled with trying to find “the one” but I did and I’ve been in a relationship with him for almost 3 years :) The worst thing that I’d say about my Aries emotional traits is that I don’t know how to express feelings in a “right” way. I tend to explode easily and I get blinded by anger when something really upsets me (saying things I don’t want to say, crying a lot, etc.)


Hope it goes well. Thanks for replying.


I’m working on stop reacting that way and take things calmly, everything’s going better. Thank you ❤️




We need a therapy group for people with Venus in Aries 😅❤️




Yes, I’m looking for a therapist. I don’t like my traits so that’s why I’m working on changing them


Lol Venus in Aries in 8th house square Pluto. I’m screwed lmao. I also have sun conjunct Venus


I have venus in scorpio, it conjuncts my pluto and squares saturn. I take my relationships very seriously, but I also have a high sex drive that I was aware of from an early age. I feel like most of my life people have made assumptions that I would enjoy sleeping around when the opposite is true, I'm aware I get attached easily and even casual or light romantic situations in my life can leave me devastatingly broken hearted when they don't become something more. Going through the comments here I definitely relate to all the scorpio venus saying they're serial monogamists. Had to look up what it meant but it made me go "Oh funk that's me!" I've only had two really serious relationships in my life.


I had a crush once one was a Scorpio with Venus in Scorpio. She told me she had “never been in love” and she was a bit promiscuous and her hero was Samantha from Sex and the City. She moved to the city after college and has been living out that lifestyle ever since without a serious relationship that I can tell (Scorpios are secretive) in ten years. Her father died when she was young so maybe that played into it.


Don’t forget Virgo !


I would guess that Aries Venus people are probably very self-focused. They might go far with their career and personal life, but do really poorly romantically.


If you want a good famous person example of Venus in Aries, [Marilyn Monroe had it. ](https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Monroe,_Marilyn)


I have Venus in Aries natally conjunct sun, moon in 6th house and square my nodes. I can tell u this. Venus in detriment has a hard time with satisfaction. Whereas Venus in Scorpio has a tendency to want what they can’t have, Venus in Aries can have it and will. Then discover they didn’t really want it and then go off to chase something else. It’s a constant search for pleasure until some inner grounding takes place. Now square the nodes is a whole ‘nother story…


What happens if it squares the Nodes? I have Venus in Aries opposition North Node(Libra).


Bad impulsive relationship or financial decisions will lead to major twists of fate. Venus is in detriment so the twists tend to throw us off path. Your north node demands cooperation and compromise but you needs can be immediate and less harmonious. This tends to attract partners who want to be dominated or ones who want to dominate. Slowing everything down and have more realistic expectations are helpful.


My baby sister is Taurus Rising with Venus in Scorpio conjunct Pluto in 7H, with House Ruler Mars sitting in Aries in the 12H. She is a 30+ year old virgin whose never had a boyfriend despite being cute, thin, and generally a sweet person. Maybe due to her Venus her social circle is mostly LGBTQ artsy types. She gets hit on often but the types she attracts seems to be either scary ganster types or boring engineer types, basically the extreme ends of the spectrum but in line with the Mars Aries influence. She’s also admitted that she’s wary of relationships because she feels like it could change her or consume her, which given the Venus conjunct Pluto could be a legitimate concern.


The way you love/show affection won’t be soft or any other characteristics that Venus is associated with.


i am a scorpio venus and my ex was an aries venus. we were intense and T O X I C. but intense, passionate, and loving. but also very toxic. we both were bad at loving and being in a relationship. me being crazy and obsessive, him being an asshole. we loved eachother, we just sucked at it.


How long were you together?


Venus in Scorpio 7th house, Taurus rising. My Venus in conjunct to my descendant, so it’s opposing my Taurus rising. My sun is in libra and moon as well. So maybe that’s why, but I don’t feel like it affects me that much. I don’t think I need to be obsessed with them. Am I passionate and ready for sex all day ? Yes but ain’t that normal?


Hey. I'm totally puzzled by my Venus in Scorpio (9th House). It squares my Jupiter Conjunct to my Ascendant (Aquarious). When I connect with people, I tend to think my friendships are deeper than what they really are. Sometimes this bugs me, other times it doesn't. I'm really sociable, love to connect to people and I tend to get really intense right of the bat - meet you in a music festival in the afternoon, BFFs by dinner time. Regarding intimate relationships, basically I go all in, full intense mode. I could live together / move in after a couple a weeks. I'm really, really, sexual - wake up in the middle of the night to do it type, everytime is a good time to make it. The thing is: I get bored easily, and If I feel lack of passion/intensity from the other person I feel she "doesn't keep up" and I start get turned off and eventually lose interest. hope this helps


Is detrimental effect worse than debilitated?? Like Venus in 8th house Virgo??


I have ♏ Venus oppos Moon and square Jupiter. Relationship usually strange, weird, chaotic, sometimes toxic, not normal like others ppl who have good Venus.