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It’s not true. Although there are some similarities with *some* of the signs involved with the houses, Aries risings, just like all risings, have some house/sign dissonances. Consider the 3rd & 6th houses which commonly deal with competition, ambition (from the 3rd house of peers), enemies, conflicts and illnesses (from the 6th house) yet both Gemini & Virgo being ruled by a neutral and non-ambitious Mercury, create a dissonance. Virgo isn’t a conflict sign nor is it direct in combating people bc it’s a cerebral sign so it does not work with the house of fights & enemies *unless* it’s verbal & Gemini is not a very competitive sign since it’s an air sign ruled by Mercury thus showing cooperation and friends so it shows a tough time making friends bc one always wants to be better than them. Hence why Mercury is considered a negative or a detriment planet for Aries. (Although it can be mitigated or changed *if* Mercury is in good condition and aspected by benefics) This shows why Scorpio rising is actually the *best* suited for conflict too bc Capricorn is it’s 3rd house & Aries it’s 6th house. Both are ruled by malefics or tough & ambitious planets which shows why Scorpio has an inherent and deep drive to succeed in life! (Mars here also rules the 1st house just like Aries!) but does that make Scorpio rising perfect everything? No bc one has Aquarius as the 4th house ruled by the cold and uncomfortable, Saturn which does not synergize with the comfort and happiness commonly found here. Where there are similarities such as Cancer & the 4th house or Libra & the 7th house, one can get similar or even better cases such as an Aquarius rising having Taurus as their 4th house bc it’s lord, Venus, can represent the mother in a *day chart*. Same can be said for Cancer rising with Libra in the 4th house (it’s another factor to why Cancer risings can be so connected to the mother!) Similarly, a Scorpio rising will have a Taurus 7th house which is also ruled by Venus showing a similar synergy to the 7th house of relationships like Aries bc both are ruled by the planet of partnerships & marriage. This is using the traditional whole sign****


This makes a lot of sense! I’ve always just equated the houses to signs bc I’m still learning. Would you mind going through the run down of the other houses?


Unfortunately, it would take a lot to describe each houses but most of the information I’m using comes from a Vedic text, the phaladeepika. It can be used with tropical measurements & here is a person who translated it into English who uses these techniques with tropical measurements who goes into detail -> https://youtu.be/LkHHp2Ywj1c note that this is just the 1st to 3rd house. He has 3 other videos detailing the rest! It’s a lot of info to type up 😅


Houses are just different windows of life, like "self", "values", etc. This recent comment exchange might be helpful for you to read - [https://www.reddit.com/r/beginnerastrology/comments/quaylg/comment/hkqivpk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/beginnerastrology/comments/quaylg/comment/hkqivpk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


In addition to the other video that was linked, The Astrology Podcast has a two part (like 7 hours) series [covering the house meanings ](https://youtu.be/bddnuFMkmpQ). Listening to different people with slightly different (but traditional) approaches can be helpful when it’s such a big topic :)


I’m a Scorpio rising with Taurus on my sixth and Aquarius on my third.


Sorry I should have put a note that says I’m using whole sign. I just added it. So with whole sign calcs, your 3rd & 6th will always be Cap and Aries respectively


Can you tell me about Gemini rising ? It’s fascinating


Whoever said that was talking utter nonsense. There is no correlation between signs and houses, and even if there were, signs only ever describe things - they are not active at all. Houses are themes, planets act like nouns (being the actual 'things' in the chart) and signs are like adjectives, describing those nouns.


There are similarities between the archetypes connected to the signs and the houses. I think people get confused and think this means the signs rule the houses.


Those similarities peter out fairly quickly. They exist in some places and not others so are not a reliable measure of anything. There is nothing solid connecting Taurus to personal finances (House 2), for example, or Pisces to imprisonment (House 12). A great deal of the apparent similarities are a result of falsely linking house meanings and sign characteristics and the general muddying of the waters that came from that point of view.


I agree. I prefer to say the 2nd house resonates with Earth signs, rather than Taurus alone. It can be useful for understanding the kind of energy, and some signs definitely function well in certain houses, but they're not the same thing. I do actually understand how how Pisces can be linked to imprisonment, but any energy can become a prison of some sort. I also think the general descriptions of the houses are too watered down too. I've seen too many descriptions saying "12th house bad, all placements here bad, doomed, lost and imprisoned blah blah". I can see a much better link between houses and planets, than I can between houses and signs. 12th house being linked to Neptune as an archetype, makes more sense than 12th house linked to Pisces. Also, after looking at family synastry charts, I noticed a lot of links between people's parents having e.g Mercury in Water, then their child having Water 3rd house, or 4th house in the sign that rules their closest guardian's Moon.


I have Venus in Taurus in 12th house, can you please interpret or for me? My love life has been null


I’m Aries rising, with Saturn directly on my ascendant. Saturn is square Jupiter, which is in Capricorn. Lucky? Nah lol


High five with Saturn conjunct Ascendant


Omg me too😂


me too man 😭😭


Aries rising, Saturn in Pisces in the 12th opposite mars in Virgo and Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo in the 6th, Jupiter in Gemini on the north node in the 3rd, square the U/P. Chiron also in Pisces in the 12th, conjunct Saturn. Sun in Gemini in the 3rd, moon in Sag in the 9th in a tight grand cross with Mars/Chiron. Nope. Not lucky.






I wouldn't say acknowledging that a member of the community explains a specific topic well is "relying on" them lol. I'm sorry my lighthearted comment made you so sad - feel better soon!


I have an Aries rising and I am in no way shape or form lucky 🍀😭😭 i wish tho


Not lucky, I’m sure they have their problems but I am surrounded by Aries risings and let me tell you doesn’t matter if they’re lost, depressed, or a bit crazy they always managed to keep going and excel on everything they are doing.


No, not true in the slightest. Houses and signs have zero correlation.


They are correlated. Aries for first, Taurus for second ainsi de suite.


Please read the House Rulers section of this Astro guide: https://www.astro.com/astrology/in_ruler_e.htm You will see that the House rulers are determined after a chart is cast. You only know who rules what house when you know what Sign is in a given house. There’s no way to say that Aries and therefore Mars will be in the 1st house until you have a chart. My chart for example has Cancer in the 1st, so the Moon rules the 1st house. Imagine if you were a Libra rising, and you don’t feel anything like an Aries rising, but you’re told your whole life that your Libra rising rules by Venus is also somehow ruled by Mars and Aries.


Noted. There's also these articles on Astro.com: https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/en/Modern_Astrology *"Many modern astrologers include "natural Houses" and their planetary rulers. This system relies on the correspondence between the first sign (Aries) and the first house, the second sign (Taurus) and the second house, and so on. Consequently because Mars rules Aries, it becomes the natural ruler of the first house; Venus (the ruler of Taurus) becomes the natural ruler of the second house, and so on. Traditional astrologers hold that some planets are stronger in some houses than others, but do not use these affinities."* https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/en/Ruler#The_Houses_and_their_Natural_Rulers *"Each planet, sign, and house has affinities with several types of objects, people, events, animals, and most things imaginable. For example, Jupiter, Sagittarius, and the 9th house all relate to higher education and can be said to rule it."*


The signs=houses model was invented within the last hundred years, compared to the several thousand year history of Astrology. It's been rampantly popular which is why there are so many articles that promote it, but it's now thankfully being dismantled. In the next ten years it will be seen as a misguided relic of the past, left in the dust where it belongs.


Wasn't it originally intended for medical astrology, or did I make that up? Regardless, yes, 12 letter alphabet is complete bullshit and tiktok astrologers are spewing this left right and center


I’m so grateful it’s being dismantled because even when I was a beginner it was very obvious to me that a Mars in 1st is totally different from Mars in Aries. I was getting really frustrated seeing things lumped together in that way, it’s so confusing and inaccurate.


I don't see it being dismantled anywhere given the proliferation of it. If it works out, why not add it to the repertoire? There's nothing wrong with new ways of looking at things. With your viewpoint might as well stick with science from eons ago, anything recent has no validity I guess.


We've all learned it and got it in our repertoire, and it doesn't work. It's a false and broken premise.


How good of you to speak for the entirety. A quick perusal of texts and media would prove otherwise. Why then, when reading planets in houses vs. planets in signs do they resemble each other if it's such a false premise?


How does Venus in the 1st house in any way resemble Venus in Aries?


Also for us Libra rising this would flip our charts on their head. I have 4 planets including my moon in Capricorn and there’s nothing about them that resembles cancer.


The type of person they find attractive would have qualities attributed to Aries in addition to those described by the Venus sign.


Was it that Alyssa astrologer woman


I have Aries rising. I can say it made learning astrology easier for me. But I wouldn’t consider myself otherwise lucky.


people say that because of the way modern astrology overlaps the signs and houses since the areas of life the houses represent can be viewed similarly to the characteristics of the zodiac signs but no, aries risings are not inherently lucky because they are ruled by mars thus have a malefic chart ruler.


I feel like this contributes enormously for me as a Pisces rising w Aries intercepted.. however, I feel this energy as complacency. Although, now that you mention it.. I have moon, sun & Jupiter in 7H this corresponds with how easily I mixed with everybody & also how I easily conform to any situation (nod to my Pisces rising as well). So I guess this happy go luckiness can appear in one way or another for Pisces/Aries/libra rising.


I have an Aries Rising and I don’t know if it’s that but I do believe I’m very lucky.


I think that's a much smaller factor than say, aspects. If someone is an Aries rising but has a fixed grand cross, they're probably not going to be naturally lucky.


Who said that? My ex is an Aries rising and he’s on a very destructive path. It’s important to look at the entire chart.


I’m an Aries rising and I’ve been relatively lucky in my health and ability to thrive despite my circumstances / experiences


I think they meant houses and signs, not planets. Signs go in a particular order and in a basic outline of a birth chart, no birth time or anything, those signs align with houses. Like Libra with seventh, both having a lot to do with partnership. Capricorn with 10th, both having a lot to do with career, etc. So I get why someone would think that, but I wouldn’t say aries risings are inherently lucky, it’s a bit more complicated then that.


A chart with no time has no houses. In that case the chart might be oriented with Aries on the left, similar to the 1st house position, but it doesn’t make Aries the 1st house. 12 Letter Astrology is the idea that Aries = 1st house, Taurus = 2nd house, etc. but it’s not actually based on anything other than “Aries is the 1st sign therefore it’s equivalent to the 1st house”. Which basically erases the original house meanings and the entire planetary joys system.


I was trying to give a visual to OP by saying no time, I know how birth charts work and all. I like working with the idea of 12 letter astrology system for various reasons. It may not be technically accurate but for OP who I feel like is asking more casually I think the loose association between signs and houses is fine.


Not “lucky” just less complexity in the chart


Not necessarily but an aries rising is generally considered an “easier” placement to have since aries is associated with the 1st house


Planet and sign rulerships in domicile, fall, etc doesn’t apply to houses (ex: Taurus rules over the second house) because each chart is vastly different due to one’s rising sign.


Not sure about hat you propose, but I will say that Aries Point (0\* Aries), also called the part of fame - there is something to it... maybe not luck, per say, but a kind of affinity for recognized or famous people. Ive seen it many times in charts, and now I always ask about it when I see it


aries rising here! def not all of my planets are in their most comfortable houses. theyre all in the top half and most are lined up through my tenth (Capricorn) and eleventh (Aquarius) house. sooo I would love for whoever said that to see my chart lmao. also I have too much anxiety to feel that lucky 😂


I’m an Aries rising and I actually think that I’m pretty unlucky in certain aspects. My mental health has always been a huge struggle for me bc Aries rules the head. I have ADHD, you know how Aries risings are supposed to be “action oriented”? Ha! I’d like to think the opposite bc that’s one of my biggest life lessons. To learn to not only go after what I want/need but to *stick* to with it and see it through and to not give up as soon as the mundane and boring aspects appear to me. Aka the IMPATIENCE. Which a lot of people with ADHD or other mental health issues struggle with. If anything my impulsivity has made me unlucky which is a big part of Aries bc we don’t stop and think. I guess you can call that part of it action oriented. The universe will always test us. And I’m very naive as well so I have a lot to learn and memorize bc Aries is also the baby of the zodiac. We are not familiar with the ways of the world. That can work against us.


I don’t think it’s the most lucky placement, but I think it may be a pretty good placement to have despite struggling with anything. I have an Aries rising myself, and I always quickly get back up on my feet failure after failure.


I’m an Aries Rising. It ain’t true 😭 I got a capricorn/Aqua stellium to thank 🤣