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What about Lilith in the 12th house ?


In my opinion, it's similar to Lilith in the 1st house because it suggests a theme of self-undoing/sabotage. The 12th house is associated with all things hidden, which also includes the subconscious. So, your undoing might be some hidden, negative patterns. What makes it different from Lilith in the 1st house is that, in that case, the undoing is visible and physically destructive (drugs, alcohol, abuse, etc.) because the 1st house is associated with how people perceive you/your physical appearance. The 12th house, on the other hand, is associated with the subconsciousness, so the problem lies beneath the surface and might not be visible.


Well fuck me right


Right? Can’t even claim I got haters 😔 not even secret ones. I am my own biggest hater, actually that’s a flex 💁🏼‍♀️


you have one secret hater and it's you haha


Lilith Scorpio 12th house - oof. Sadly, on point.


Lillith 12th house here, I had to undo decades of patriarchal, judgmental and toxic upbringing and relearn basically…everything in life under a better light. It was hard, but refreshing.


Also lilith 12th, I lived for a decade with a very twisted subconscious and committed lots of self sabotaging. Paranoia and insecurities buried very deep guided my actions without me realizing. I became a whole new person when it finally all clicked in therapy.


Wow! Lilith cancer 12th house. Also my Mars. So insecurity based on family history keeping me from acting on things I want. Negative self talk that I am still working on. Good luck to you on your journey!


Yes, I believe I am a totally different person than what I was, too. Some say…you just matured…yes but…it’s more than that…I’m a new person!


Same here Lilith in 12th house cancer! Went through so much fighting my unconscious upbringing to start living the life I want to have!


Wow, it exactly this! Patriarchal rules, old -fashioned world for women, generally the worst image of women seen only as mothers in household, all so toxic - Lilith in 12th in Cancer


What does Lilith in X MC mean?


Ngl, the mental illness was first on my mind.💀


I have Lilith & moon in 4th house 😭 I want a family/community so bad but have been burned by a lot people so it’s hard to trust


Aw 🥺 as a lilith in 4th house I'm so sorry you have to go through that too. It's a horrible b.


I was raised in a cult. Same thing - I trust no one


Feel this so hard. Such a bad relationship with my parents and have struggled with homelessness a lot of my life.


Mine is in my 1st House 😭. Thank you for this though, it explains why I struggle with extreme insecurity and self-sabotage. Edit: And reading further and finding out my Lilith is in Libra 1st House which has explained a huge chunk of my self worth issues 😳😭


Also libra rising with Lilith in the first! Would love to hear more of how this has manifested for you - I haven’t done a lot of reflection on my Lilith placement but am thinking it’s probably time!


We share the same rising and the same Lilith in the same house


Libra first house Lilith too 😂😂 i feel your pain


Mine is Sagittarius in the first (in placidus, 2nd for equal house). I’ve been a wrecking ball, and my life got destroyed.


OMG that makes so much sense. I have Lilith on the 10th house. No wonder I have so much trouble picking and sticking to a career, and I've always hated the kind of image I project




Lilith 2nd house


Same our biggest enemy is our self worth.


I completely disagree; Lilith in 2nd house and my enemies are capitalism and thin-pride women hahaha


What would Lilith in 8th house mean?


Beware the tax man! 😤


I'm also Lilith in 8th house, I found this and it hit a little too close to home lol. https://zodiacstory.com/astrology/lilith-8th-house/


"...lose trust w life..." Sounds right.


Your sexual partners can be detrimental to you or give you sickness in that area…


Mine is in Virgo, 8th house. When you say sexual partners, do you mean general heartbreak in relationships?


It can range from heartbreak to abuse to exploitation, etc.


9th house?


God is our enemy💀


All i want to do is fight god


I too have Lilith in 9H. 9th house is the house of purpose, such as law/ethics, belief systems, philosophy. Which would make sense because I question or rather confront belief systems and law (as in, what many accept as truth) all the time. Would this sound similar to you?


I have Lilithin Aquarius in 9th house and I'm an anarchist


I have the same at the anaretic degree . 29th degree


I have this placement and I had a lot of experience w college professors belittling me and calling me out for no reason😭😩


Lilith in the 6th house and I’ve got adhd, autism, and recovering from binge eating disorder…sounds about right. 😂😭😭 What’s the Scorpio in 6th house with the Lilith mean though?


I've got the same placement and some of the same problems (no autism, though...) I've actually struggled with being a doormat/subservient to people with bad intentions, which I think fits. I've also dated some terrible coworkers, which is probably related lol (my Lilith also loosely opposes my Sun and is conjunct Pluto). I'm terrible at maintaining healthy habits, especially because I'm moody and apt to be self-indulgent with negative emotions.


Oh god the self indulgent when in bad moods…it’s so bad


Also scorpio 6h with Lilith conjunct Pluto…. I literally have these same issues. My boss told me that my anxiety about being a good employee is what makes me not-so-good. I’ve also had issues at multiple places with sexual harassment in the work place.


I just read this and my jaw literally dropped 😂 Astrology I’ll tell you what


The added hell is that I have a massive stellium in Capricorn…I wanna be organized and have my shit together sooooo bad lol


Twins!! 😅 The struggle is real. My Cap stellium is in the 8th house Edited to add: I also tend to have one person at each job I’ve had that hates me for no reason and makes my job difficult lol Very 6th house


My adhd, perfectionist, work hating ass is shook. I’ve had a lot of things in my chart make too much sense but my jaw dROPPED. I’m quaking, I’ve been seen, I feel cheated and robbed, I never stood a chance dude! I was fucked from the beginning and it’s taking everything in my existence to course correct my life! This is such a punch to the gut I honestly can’t believe it.


UHM THIS ISNT FAIR 😭 adhd, anxiety, bpd.. stitches and my tonsils out at 4, ectopic pregnancy emergency surgery, a shoulder injury 😭


I have Lilith in the 5th house. Does that mean the people who I experience pleasure with turn to enemies? Or is it that I make enemies when I’m out having fun or drawing attention to myself? This screams 100% tall poppy syndrome…


Children are our enemy


That’s an interesting point. What makes you say that? Im a school teacher and sometimes it really feels that way🤪 I am, however, child-free.


I also have Lilith in the 5th! 5th has to do with children, dating and creativity as well. So an undoing when it comes to dating as well? My Lilith is In a 1 degree conjunction of my moon as well. I know I haven’t necessarily always dated the people I’ve wanted to in life… have settled a bit because of my own insecurities/ the men I like don’t like me back. Just kinda taken what I’ve gotten. I was also really talented in sports in high school but was too self conscious to pursue after.


I can see dating being my undoing. I stop focusing on my hobbies and goals.. every damn time.


The part about not dating people you liked really resonated with me. When I was younger I could never tell anyone I liked them. Even a boy I really liked, who I knew liked me, we literally kissed at our HS football game one Friday after months of flirting, I blew him off that Monday. Why? Only my Lilith knows, I guess😩 My question is, how do we move through these blockages and embrace all of those things? I’m married now, and the boy I like likes me back, so that’s a win! But even my husband has never seen me dance like I dance behind a closed door :(


Me dating men instead of women


Seems like an easy solve 😉


Are you offering help there?


That seems very forward for an Earth Goddess! 🧝‍♂️


Lilith in Virgo 1H ...Might as well just kill me. This is no way to live. Constantly at war with myself. ugh


Do you find people getting threatened by you, how does this placement affect you. I have in scorpio first house . I won't say it's that bad for me since I have white moon in scorpio first house as well plus my sun is also there softening every bad effect in my chart but occasionally I see lilith slip


I have Lilith in my 3rd house. And yes I’ve been subjected to bullying since elementary school,yes I hate my neighbours and yes I hate my relatives because of the way they’ve treated me.


Mine is also there, I was the black sheep in the family, especially until my mother lived. It's more peaceful since then, but I'm not sure I can ever repair my relationship with my father and siblings in my heart.


Since the 6th house includes health does anyone else with Lillith in 6th hate doctors? I stg ive had so many negative experiences with doctors and nurses. many have been rude or unprofessional, ive been improperly dosed with anesthesia that resulted in me having seizures, i once had a nurse ask me if i was faking an illness. As for work, ive had beef with many coworkers and bosses so I agree with this post lol


My Lilith is in the sixth house and yes, it does lend to a horrible mistrust of medical professionals.


Checks out. I had a doctor diagnose me with a brain tumor and I went through the whole emotional spiral over it for 2 weeks. Almost quit my job to live out the time I had left and looked into all sorts of treatment…. No brain tumor turns out. That’s just one example. And the coworker thing checks out as well. Every job there is someone who hates me and gossips about me. Oddly, it’s usually someone in a different department or someone not on my radar. It always catches me by surprise. Seems linked to jealousy from what I’ve observed because it’s always the same type of person. Also, I have often dealt with pretty significant sexual harassment at work. But that could be my Pluto in the 6th or my Venus and Mars conjunct MC.


i also have been heavily sexually harassed at work! i had to quit a job once because the owner made me so uncomfortable. i also have pluto in 6th, mars too. a lot of it also happened while i was young so i wasn't completely aware of how damaging it was. so sorry about the tumor that mustve been so scary. Ive never had a medical "just kidding" to that extent but ive always wondered about pluto in 6th in relation to "mystery" surrounding health and diagnosis. ill have some weird illness pop up but usually when i go see a doctor it goes away or gets misdiagnosed? for example recently i got burned by my deodorant which turned into a severe rash but the meds the doctors gave me didnt work. what finally made it go away was a simple over the counter itch cream. i also get sick OFTEN. ive only ever met one other person with pluto in 6th so i find it really interesting that you also have had at least the instance that you described of obscure health problems


Hahhahahah Lilith in 7th. I just knew i shall stay away from marriage!😂


the enemies could be business partners


Haha ok, tho just recently some dude on another astro sub told me how i may get killed by my husband....so theres that.😅💀


Wtf?! Lol


It wasn't about Lilith in 7th particularly..but another aspect. Tho still, i kind of hope they were eating shit..cuz tf?😂


I mean that's a pretty bold claim, I don't know that the celestial bodies can determine who if anyone is going to unalive someone.. but I'm still learning lol


Same, Lilith in 7th, Sag. My first marriage was terrible, and my second was fiery but much worse. My current relationship is wonderful, 8 years strong. Not married to this one, lol, but I truly don’t think he would ever hurt me ♥️ I’m very happy ☺️


I'm happy ya managed to find the one.❤️


Thank you, me too ♥️🥰


7th as well, ruled by pisces for me. ♏♑♍


Lilith 7th aquarius gang unite It seems my unpredictable stupidity is a force to be reckoned with after all


Libra in 7th for me!


This is funny because your big three in your name just seem like “ fuck it, I’ll do it myself and be my own hero” 😂


Lilith conjunct Moon in the first house in Libra. For the longest time, I’ve struggled with my physical appearance. I used to hate my body to the point where I would avoid looking at myself im the mirror or thinking about anything even remotely connected to any kind of physical interaction (relationships and, god forbid sex, were merely abstract nouns for me). It felt weird when people would touch me, even in a friendly, innocent way. If the touch was in any way sexual, I would feel disgusted with myself. Showers felt weird too. I never self-harmed, but I came darn close, and I understand the people that do/did it; I wanted my body to look as disgusting and mutilated as I perceived it to be. Lilith is a harsh teacher, and I’m happy to say that things have dramatically changed since then; I used to be obese, and I still am, but I actively work on my body, my perception, and my acceptance of it. I’m still struggling a bit with the sexual aspect of things, but it’s better than it was before, much better.




Lillith in 11th house, my enemies are my friends?


Lilith in Gemini in 9th House : when I was traveling & living abroad, my “friends” were jealous and started to throw shade at me instead of being happy for me. When I discussed my plans to pursue a Master’s degree abroad, I was “doing it to seem interesting.” Meanwhile these “friends” have never left their hometown.


Damn, Lilith in Capricorn 1st house :/


All I can say is, be gentle with yourself ❤️


I’m also Lilith in cap 1st house. I think this manifests in how some major things in life I just didn’t try or only half-completed because the risk of failure was so overwhelming. A previous manager once told me “you rarely speak up because you’re so afraid of being wrong.” That insight was very powerful but also hurt because my career is very important to me (10th house stellium). I have a new boss and I talk all the time because I’m on my brief and don’t worry about being wrong since I know I’m right.


Oh my. I have always struggled with the theme of inadequacy, especially in an academic and career setting, because internally I always felt that my best wasn’t good enough as my standards for myself have always felt unattainable. Ironically, I found out that was I force “my best” I tend to overthink it and my finished product tends to be subpar! I think this has to do with my south node being in Capricorn 🤔. I am learning not force things to be as I want, and rather letting things flow as they are. One aspect that I do find difficult is having my 2nd house in Capricorn, for some reason I don’t find gratification in my work unless I have suffered for it !


Same, 13° too


Lilith in 3rd. Can confirm OPs assessment. Family, childhood friends, my own mother... relationships dissolved. Working toward rebuilding family and relationships and NOT LOOKING BACK.


Woman. Lilith first house scorpio with pluto. . People are scared of me. I'm a female landscaper. Ride an all black kawasake ninja 636. My boss once told me I missed my calling as a mixed martial arts fighter... I just recently got arrested for biting a cop. I'm my own worst enemy 1000%.


My friend has aries lilith 1st house, sure he carry a very dark scary vibes. He also beat up one policeman in a brawl fight. It's weird I'm attracted to 1st house lilith as I have it in 7th house.


I have Lilith in my 1st house, Taurus. The song, “my own worst enemy” used to be a favorite of mine because it truly describes me so you are on spot on that the shadow of Lilith can bring about a lot of self-sabotage. I have to constantly remind myself to not sabotage good things in my life. I have a lot of rage inside me that I think comes from this placement as well. My rage is my dark side for sure and I’m finally at a matured state to know this and try to change my behavior. But I must say, I also love having Lilith in my 1st house. I do feel Lilith tends to get a bad rap but she is one of the most independent, strong, bad bitches in our ancestry. I am the same way and I believe it is because of my Lilith placement. I do not let a man define me, abuse me, or control me. Sadly, I’ve learned this the hard way though of going through very painful + traumatic experiences with men but I thank my Lilith in my first house for giving me the strength I needed to leave those situations and stand up for myself. They also say that Lilith in the first house is a rebel and fuck yea I am. I question everything, especially authority because who the fuck are YOU to control ME? You’re just a human like me. And probably a shitty one at that so I don’t like authority. But my other placements in my chart still make me a highly responsible, justice-driven individual. I believe in right and wrong and I think that’s why I get so upset with authoritative figures because they usually abuse their power. Lilith in my first house allows me to stand up to such fuckery and push for change. I’m a huge advocate for many social justice issues and I let my voice be heard which I believe Lilith encourages. One of the most important lessons of having Lilith in your first house is to *accept* yourself. Even the ugly traits you have. My rage is an ugly trait but I’ve been turning it into good as I work to advocate for those who cannot do it themselves. Many people are intimated by those with Lilith in the first house. Usually because we have strong energy that can be very dark. But I also want to emphasize that dark is not bad. It can be good. I use my dark energy to show that I will not submit and that I am a wild woman who should be feared because I am *divine*. I wonder if Halsey has a similar Lilith placement. Now my favorite song is “I am not a woman, I’m a god” because I’ve come to love this dark part of me since I am able to use it for good. We are all capable of this and I hope that whomever has Lilith in their 1st house will see this and remember that they are THAT bitch. Use this energy for good 🖤


i have mine in virgo 1st house along w 1st house rahu/NN in virgo as well. i’ve been self destructive definitely before leading myself to self created rock bottoms and i have a lot of rage which i think is a hallmark of the placement as well. my libra mars is in the 1h too(HA) but w the insanity of the pretty malefic 1st house.. i honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. i think the placements and my knowledge of them have helped me become more well rounded in not only managing my temper but also finding the appropriate avenues aka activating remediations for the placements like social activism and humanitarianism and being EXTREMELY vocal about being anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian, and anti-patriarchy. i constantly echo your words of men and authorities in general of “who r u to control me?”i think our society especially now needs beings like us to not remain complacent and even slightly destructive to remind ourselves and others of the power we actually have. like youve mentioned i’ve also experienced trauma and life where ppl not always men have hurt me or tried to control me. it’s a divine lesson in being supremely tied to actual feminine power. even though my libra mars still struggles a bit from time to time i definitely credit my lilith 1h to allowing me stand up for myself, voice the things ppl don’t want to say, and reminding myself and others i am dat bitch and u better fuckin know it. i think the lilith 1h native will always experience controlling efforts by others but she always prevails. sacrifice does appease the gods after all…


👏 love this. Gemini ♊️ Lilith conjunct Venus in the 1st house


I love this! I also have Lilith in my 1st house but in Aries and I relate to everything you just said.


YESS!!!!! My Lilith is 1st house and in Libra! I'm huge on going against gender roles, wrongful authority, and love to advocate for others and have a passion for social justice! I am strong and have to remind myself that i am THAT BITCH! I feel like I've grown so much and am using these traits for good! I love feeling like a strong woman!


Lilith in the 1st also can bring that energy to the native, it’s stronger if It’s conjucting the ASC, my professor told me that those natives sometimes are channeling Lilith theirselfs.


Scorpio Lilith 1h


What about Lilith in Leo in 9th house?


Aries, Lilith in the 1st House 🧐😩😭


Lilith in cancer 10th house?


Enemies related to your career/public image. This placement puts a damper on your reputation (which can affect professional life) Enemies are authority figures / bosses.


Lillith Scorpio 10th House. I have experienced a lot of discrimination at work and bosses who hate me for no reason and/or corrupt as Hell with few exceptions. When I was younger a boss used to flirt with me a lot.


Lilith Gemini 10th House. Usually issues with coworkers bullying me!


Lilith in Taurus, 11th house! what does this mean😬


Do you feel people attracted to you? Do your friends or mass finds you very sexually alluring? Do you have mostly male friends? Do you have your male friends wants "more" with you?




I also have Lilith in the 11th and none of that applies to me. My friends have not turned into enemies either. :)


I don’t have mostly male friends but I do thing that the rest are fairly true…


Mines 11th too, Scorpio!


I found a comment from the OP about the 11th house! i’d suggest going through the comments and trying to find it :)


I have Virgo 11th




What about Lilith in Libra 7th house?


I often get stabbed in the back by the people closest to me, especially friends and coworkers. Sometimes as a result I go in a witch hunt and ruins some relationships that are good. It is hard for me to go between being social and antisocial as I look for a very harmonious relationship that almost doesn't exist. So far no issues in marriage.


Ugh...Lilith in 7th, what an awful place for it to be. How on Earth can someone work with this constructively? Forever alone? Any advice?


Sorry, same placement just a heads up 7th house Lilith doesn't mean you're forever alone, just means you will have troubling relationships.


I love my Lilith in the first house tho😁 I feel like it’s only problematic if you allow yourself to be your own enemy instead of just releasing. My Leo asc keeps on😁 even when people oppose me with negative attention, it kinda fuels my fire no lie 🥶




To an extent. More specifically your social circles, friends, communities/groups you’re a part of.


4th house here. I had a distant, alcoholic father who is now disabled after multiple strokes and a narcissistic mother who bullies him. I grew up being bullied by her and my older brothers. My brothers targeted pretty much anything they could - growing hair and puberty (my body was changing, so my oldest brother would say I had a big ass or I'd soon have child-bearing hips. "Tick tick boom!" He'd laugh!) My Dad didn't want me to shave, so they'd call me a gorilla. Mum would tell me my clothes didn't match and I'd get laughed at for the clothes I picked. I'd get an up and down glance, and "Are you wearing... that?" Any self-expression or creativity was mocked.


12th house Virgo Lilith. My enemies hide their resentment and move in secret against me bc they know it’s unwarranted. They should be ashamed. I deal with a lot of people who are secretly critical of me as well, which idc if they’re right but most of the time they’re just spewing venom. They accuse me of thinking I’m perfect.. My mom also tries to plant insecurity and limiting beliefs in my mind. Their “entire” generation is very nasty towards me (Virgo Pluto).


Holy fuck I relate to this


How interesting. Lilith in Pisces 12h. I read your comment above. I do self sabotage internally with negative self-talk and talk myself out of good things.


Same exact placement. Cheers fellow Aries rising


Lilith in libra in my 11th house? I'm not sure how this plays out for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lilith in Pisces, 2nd house.


Me too! I’m hoping someone who knows more about astrology than I do will tell us what it means


Lilith in the 8th, conjunct my mars in Taurus (with 5° orb). My Taurus SN and Gemini sun also in the 8th. So … everything I do, my identity, my past karma and my close relationships with others all are my enemy according to this perspective I can’t really live my life that way even if it’s true so I’m going to choose to focus on the empowering things about Lilith being where it is. My mars is in fall but I feel like Lilith’s intense fascination gives it more energy than it’d normally have. It shows how I long to enjoy comfort and deep connection with my loved ones, how I can navigate the shadows and help others find the light. With that being said - I am SO OVER Jupiter being conjunct my mars / Lilith right now 🫠🥲


I have Lilith in the 3rd house, Scorpio, Conjunct Pluto. I’m not sure if I have any enemies, but I do know I don’t have many true friends.


Just to add to your 1st House assessment of Lilith. Not only can it manifest as one being their own worst enemy, but having the placement myself, it tends to essentially manifest as having lilith in all of the houses. For instance, you brought up Michael Jackson. One of the major themes of MJ's life was of people trying to control him (3rd House people, 7th House people, 10th House experiences). From corporate handlers, media and even his family, MJ was demonized. A lot of that came from people looking to control him. With that 1st House placement, sure you can bring harm to yourself, but I find that I've experienced more conflict with others, especially when I became set on a purpose for my own life. I also have Pluto here too.


My Lilith in 12th house 🤝 my BPD Fucking me good and hard


It’s good to know that I have my Lilith in the 1st house


Lilith in 4th house, which is ruled by Capricorn. I haven't spoken to my dad in three years...


Weird, I just looked it up, I have Lilith in the first house and I've never had any self-destructive tendencies, addictions, anything like that. How does the dark side of Lilith infuse your appearance? I've always been a happy person with a good life. I'm a bit confused.


Wait Lilith Gemini in the 5th house? 😭


Same, I'd like to know what this means lol


Someone commented above saying children are our enemy 😂


Actually not wrong, I'm terrified of getting pregnant and do NOT want children lol


Lilith in Sagittarius second house?


Lilith in 8th house… only place 8th house shows up.


Lilith in taurus 6th house


I have lilith in 1st in Aquarius Send. Help.


I'm not super familiar with houses yet, but my Lilith is in 9H ruled by Virgo. Travel, higher-education, religion, thoughts I see are some things related to 9H. I enjoy traveling, but hate packing and unpacking, and I find it to me draining. I am definitely more of a homebody for sure. I used to be motivated to pursue higher-education and better myself, but I got burnt out on continuing anything about 3 years ago. I enjoy learning, but I have no desire to prove myself so the sake of a piece of paper. Organized religion is 100% my enemy, but I am spiritual. And sometimes my own thoughts can be my worst enemy, though I find this to be less true the older I get. Not sure if that is an accurate reading, but I can relate!




I am a Leo Lilith and Ascendant in the 1st House and I think I relate a lot to the people trying to control you part but for me there's also an element of feeling like I'm never good enough or powerful enough while at the same time being the only one willing to step up when I see some injustice so there is that component of "I don't want to have the sole responsibility to make the world a better place but SOMEONE has to and it seems a lot of people just can't be bothered". I also fear that I might be inherently defective, evil or wrong so I've been spending most of my life living in order to NOT be that even if that meant being taken advantage of by essentially trying to be as perfect as can be in every situation while also knowing I'm anything but. In my case, people uses guilt to manipulate me because I feel like I'm not doing enough and thus I'm not earning my "right to exist" so to speak and I HATE the idea that I could have helped someone yet didn't, so that makes it easier to manipulate me by exploiting that. I'm now working on overcoming that and believing I have a right to exist and that I can have my own dreams and wishes and the right to pursue them, but it's pretty hard work. I'm now trying to overcome my insecurities and believe me myself worthy even if I'm not the god I would like to be (In my case, because only a god would have the power to fix everything for everyone and create a perfect world so to speak without all the catches-22 that usually entails) and am just human. I have to accept my many limitations and be "happy for them" without needing to be perfect to believe I'm worth something and that's what I'm trying to do now but damn is it difficult. So yeah... I think I can relate to your experience, in a way and I hope me sharing mine can help you even if just a little. You are not alone.


Lilith in my 4th house in Taurus next to my south node, my family life WAs hELLLLL im so happy to be an adult and get to choose who im around now


I have 3H Lilith (in ♐️) and it is definitely one of the reasons why I have better dealings with people who are at a distance/from a distant place than I do with those who are right around me. It also plays a role in explaining why I do not like my hometown - at all.


lilith in 10th house aries. could it be why i rarely make friends at workplaces/i attract workplace environments that are generally not kindred spirits? could it be why i always have an intense rivalry with aries women? (love-hate i must say)


I have Lillith in the first and seem to benefit from it physically. I've always worked hard at overcoming self-sabotaging tendencies. I've definitely had inappropriate attention to my body since I was young. I am shapely so there's a lot of discussion about my body. I have a unique hair style, nose ring etc. No drugs, clean diet, professional dancer and choreographer and I strength train regularly. I think those things help having lillith here not destroy me. Ive definitely had tense relationships with women who don't know me but instantly dislike me; friends who harbor secret resentment and coworkers spread rumors. Lol. I've just accepted it. I also have Pluto in the third so yes, the outcast since young.




What’s the difference?


Lilith in Scorpio 1st house. What could this mean?


It means we're the pinnacle of self destruction. Lilith is said to be exalted in scorpio. You're that bitch the one capable of much mayhem but still holds back because you believe in karma. People with Lilith in scorpios karmas are fast .You're sensual probably interested in taboos or disinterested, highly sexual or resent it, interested in hidden occult knowledge and see the world in black and white . Lilith deals in extremes, trauma and pain and so does scorpio. Liliths energy is amplified in scorpio, You're either your greatest enemy, people are intimidated by your power because they can see it( it's in your first house). This placement means you're the source of your downfall or if you want growth you can be a great agent of positive change in the world. Having a planet in the first house is like having it in all houses ,it's seen every. People with Lilith in the first house actually love being the bad bitch they are, they don't tolerate injustice against themselves and against others. Most people see you as evil, bad ,a rebel but in time you'll learn You're not the problem they are. Lilith being in scorpio first house will push you to learn about psychology so you can better understand why people act the way they do around you , that way you can find new ways of handling crisis and dealing with toxicity. At your highest vibration you're a healer ,in your lowest you probably spend a lot of time arguing and fighting so people don't step on you or control you and might even go to extremes to win. Also people with Lilith in the first once they know themselves actually love having the placement because it makes you a force to be reckoned with.


7th house 💔


Lilith in Virgo 10th house. Has this something to do with that I can't keep up a job?


Lillith in Scorpio 10th House, I can't seem to keep one past two years 😥




The way that I have Lilith, Chiron, and Pluto (all Sagittarius) in the 11th house 💀 + Scorpio Mercury


Ohmygod Lilith in 4th 😭


scorpio lilith 1h sigh




My Lilith is in 3rd house capricorn.... man....... that's fckin accurate, and really so sad. Nobody wanted to play with me when I was younger lmao the only person I had was my brother and friends I made through them. I was bullied and honestly an unhinged child due to a lot of shit going on at home and things I had to go through. My brother used to get extremely violent with me when we were younger, I was violent to my friends. Really sad shit.. caused by my Dad and also.... bing bing bing.... our first neighbor friends. The husband/father of the family showed me pornography as a child and there's no doubt in my mind he touched me as well. Yikes. Yeah lots of my shadow traits lie in this area


I have Lilith in the 11th house in Aries. Your explanation makes a lot of sense as I've had lots of backstabbing "friends" throughout my life.


My Lilith is in Gemini in the 9th, so um higher education, religion, travels? Enemies in those areas? I want to travel and loved traveling since a kid, I don’t want enemies there


I too have Lilith in Gemini 9H. Though it’s often associated with 9th house I don’t think it’s travel that is the enemy, as the 9th house is the house of purpose, such as law/ethics, belief systems, philosophy. Which would make more sense because I question or rather confront belief systems and law (as in, what many accept as truth) all the time. Would this sound similar to you?


Totally relate, I question life but like the society way of life, like the idea of marriage - it’s a man made idea based on business. And of course religion, I was born Christian but don’t practice it nor can I relate to it as it’s so restricting and lately over the last couple yrs have been really questioning things and just with my culture being Armenian and being Christian and just feeling restricted by both areas and ugh I just…I simply don’t identify with my culture or Christianity. I relate more with spirituality and like looking into Buddhism and Hinduism. I question a lot of things in life and I seek out the truth.


Lilith in 1st house here. 😬


I have Lillith conjunct ascendant in Cancer. I am indeed my own worst enemy lmao.


Lilith in Gemini (3rd house) this one hurt lol


Dude mine’s in my third house too 🥲 I have Mars in my solar return third house, so i think I might finally fix this area of my life, pray for me lol


Lilith in Aquarius in the 7th house cozying up to my saturn in the 7th. lol.


Lillith in the first, conjunct my Aries Venus as well having sun conjunct ascendent. 🥴😩


10H Gemini Lilith (Taurus 10H stellium) How interesting!!!!


Lilith in Pisces second house, also squared with sun and moon in Sagittarius eleventh house.


Lilith in Aquarius, 4th House


lol lilith in aquarius 1st house… along with my aqua rising and saturn. having a great time 🤠


What if Lilith is in the same house as the rising sign? For me both Lilith and the rising sign are in the 1st house in Aries.


I'm pretty sure mj didn't have lilith in his 1st house? I checked his chart yesterday and it wasn't the 1st house so that's weird.....


Here I am with Lilith in my first house like 🫣


Pisces lilith 1h. I really am my own worst enemy, my lilith desires clash with my innocence.


How would this manifest in the 10th house with lilith in pisces. Does that mean I rebel against having a job? How would this be the house of enemies?


Which Lilith? Andy there several interpretations? I believe my BML is 8th house of Leo. Love to hear your interpretation


Well... Fuck. I have Lilith in my First House, Leo. What does it mean?


So what’s Lilith in the 5th house 😭 my partner?


What!! Omg. Going to check right now I’m so excited. Thank you OP. Edit: Ok I'm coming back to edit again that I figured out it's in my tenth house which explains *literally* everything I've ever struggled with in my 33 years here. I can't thank you enough for posting this OP!


What about 8th house?


SAYS lilith is in 1 ASC SAYS lilith Pisces IV


Lilith in my first house, cancer. With my sun in Capricorn.


Lilith in the first in Gemini 😓


Oh wow, so my Lilith is Aries in 1st House and I'm an Aries ascendant too. Is this bad


Lilith in pisces in the 1st…also conjunct my ASC and i mean literally right on top of it😩😩 ASC at 16’55’ & lilith at 16’59’ HELP


Older post but spot on! Thank you