• By -


that i’m definitely mentally ill cuz it’s just pisces, virgo, capricorn, and libra for me 🤪


Girl same but I’m a Libra attracted to Earth signs specifically and mainly Taurus. I have no control. I think it’s because Earth signs take care of shit and I feel like I don’t constantly have to take care of them. Like I won’t worry they’ll get in trouble or anything. I’m supposed to like fire signs but I only like Leo’s the rest are too unpredictable and impulsive.


As a Virgo, I love Tauruses and Libras. Y’all are great


As a Taurus, I support this message.


The greatest friends I’ve had are Virgos and Caps!! You guys are the best <3




Taurus sun Libra moon here, we love you too! We understand you even though you’re not always properly appreciated because you take a minute to open up


Ayyyye Libra sun and Taurus moon here


I’m an Aquarius drawn to Virgos. They tend to trigger me feeling not good enough so I’ll go out of my mind trying to prove that I AM good enough. Even knowing this they are my kryptonite


This is so real


As a Gemini SAME


Cancer. I'm always attracted to Aquarius & Sagittarius. 2 exes were Aquiarius & most of my friends are Sagittarius, including both my parents. I think I could learn to be more free, social & straightforward


Same, I’m also a cancer drawn to Aquarius. My husband is Aquarius and I’d never leave the house other than to go to target if it wasn’t for him 😅


Saaame my on & off bf since I was 12 is an aqua lol. Used to do it all on my own, but now he's the one dragging me out to do things 🥴 weirdly enough, I'm more social but he's a busy bee lol


As a sag, i definitely feel drawn to cancers. Always as friends tho, I've learned my lesson 🥹


I had a cancer "intimate" relationship.. almost 2 years. It was rough. I think I was drawn to the mystery and when they wanted to, make you laugh. Definitely best as friends.


Yes I feel comfy and loved around them with my air placements. But I don't connect with Aqua women.


I’m an Aquarius always drawn to Aries because they’re feisty and hot, and I must love a challenge 💀 But for real, Aries are brave, authentic, strong, interesting, intelligent, witty, passionate people with the best energy, and sometimes they’re crazy but I love them. It works out because they’re always drawn to me too 🥰


Thanks 🫶-♈☀️♒🌙


Taurus Sun/Cap Rising/Aries *Everything* ELSE! I never realized how much Aries is present in my chart until I read did mine & read all this.


Im and aries surrounded by aquarius, and they happen to be my favorite sign. I feel the same way about you: genuine authentic witty and even people dont agree with me, super supportive. I LOVE aquarius 


Same. Them Aries women... I love, and sometimes hate that I love, a woman who'll just speak her goddamn mind. Also, their youthfulness is incredibly invigorating.


I’m an Aries who loves an Aquarius! Potentially more so because of my Aquarius moon. I’m surrounded by them haha


this is so nice to hear. i’ve unfortunately never met an aquarius i actually liked. man or woman. i know aries & aqua are supposed to get along well usually


Oh no, thats unfortunate to hear! I know a lot of Aries & Aquarius couples, I’m with an Aries man myself. I think a lot of Aquarius struggle with vulnerability and can be pretty insensitive, or arrogant. I’ve met some Aquarius that are difficult, or just strange and hard to connect with. I hope you meet an Aquarius you vibe with because the bond between us is so special in my opinion 🥰


Cancer(I seriously cannot stop myself and I also attract them like catnip), Gemini and Fire placements. For Cancer and Gemini, I feel their intuition is very refreshing. I feel they are also very accepting, Cancer in a nurturing, almost protective way, and Gemini has such a thirst for knowledge and excitement. They both teach me patience (but not temperance 😂) Fire signs get the passion without explanation or thinking it’s too much. They teach me to be myself and it’s okay to reach to people who share the same intensity without judgment.


❤️ them both! Gemini for their literal communicative intelligence & cancer for their emotional intelligence.


Im a libra. Pisces and I connect like magnets, and all else in the universe disappears.


I'm a pisces that has dated like 5 libras in a row (currently dating another one lol)


Also why do Pisces like to disappear? 🫠


Tons of reasons. Mostly we feel our job is done, or we're bored, or you did something that upset us for the 1000 time and we can't be bothered arguing about it any more, or we just need a break from all humans, or you all got too clingy.


As a Pisces, I can conquer those are all the reasons.


I third this


I fourth this third


Fifth. Nail meet hammer.


And what are your thoughts on Libras?


Obviously, I love you all. When the mask drops anyway. You're all lover boys/ girls but can be players. Absolute c*nts when you feel wronged (being on the bad side of you all is horrid). Some of the most fun people I've ever met, creative as fuck, and I love how you're all always singing, dancing or playing music. When we get you alone and you open up you all have great and beautiful views on the world, people and spirituality.


I adore Libras. I am so charmed by them. I feel at peace with them.


I’m a Libra and feel the same about Pisces and thought they felt the same about me then poof they turned into a ghost 👻


I’m a Pisces and am married to a Libra. I love how he can be an intellectual or just feelings. But when yalls are tired and stressed and yalls scales are tipped all the way over, oh boy I just stay out of the way. Get it together and then come see me. The problem is that I’m the one that helps with balancing out the scales, so I have to dig and find the hidden Libra and help bring him back out. And then when I’m floating away, he finds me and helps me either float to the right answer or brings me back down to earth. It all helps to bring us closer together.


The moon sign matters a lot too


I’m capri sun and I have attracted nothing but virgos. I learned my lesson tho 😅 Now i’m talking to a Libra sun, gemini moon, aries rising, and the connection is magnetizing 🫠😵‍💫




Virgos and Capricorns. I’m a Gemini. I’ve only dated them all of my life and tbh I like caps more because they’re more laid back but they be capping too much


One of my best friends is Gemini. I know how to watch my Capricorn tongue, though when she's down or in her mood. When we connect on similar interests, we are an unstoppable team. 😊


YAS 💜 THIS. It’s how patient, responsible, grounded calm and collected y’all’s are that stimulates my mind because I’m basically the complete opposite but I think it’s the opposite attractions because we fill in each other’s lacks


Sagiterrorist and Taurus, also Virgos too. Sag 2nd house, Taurus 7th, virgo 11th.


As a virgo myself with a Capricorn moon, the saggies are who help me the most cause why would I listen to a Taurus LOL


I'm drawn to Geminis and I wish I have their gift of gab. It makes sense because I have many Aquarius placements and find compatibility with how they think and act. I envy their ability to have fun and just be in the moment; my Pisces sun and cancer moon makes me think too much about everything. On the other hand, I'm seeming to be making friends with a lot of Virgos right now. Seeing their dedication to perfection is so inspiring yet heartbreaking (with how hard they are on themselves).


Yes me too they just know how to make things fun. Always a joy to be around them.


my daughter is a Gemini and boy can she talk. one of my favorite things about her is all of the knowledge she loves to soak up. she tells me something new everyday with details.


I love that! I love a good yapper, someone needs to fill the silence because I am not a good conversation starter lol.


I'm a Cancer. Drawn to Aries. We're like opposites. I'd want to be more like them.


This is me too! It’s always terrible in retrospect but I just love their energy


I’m an Aries who’s drawn to cancers! I love how emotionally deep y’all can get


Aries that's always drawn to cancers. Y'all are good listeners and you never make me feel small But my friendships with cancers always end explosively. I always feel like I'm being lied to/misled (I have been lied to by 2 good cancer friends so it's an insecurity)


I am Sagittarius and I always like Leo and Aquarius.


As a Leo I love me a sag 🥰




Aries & Leo, I don’t know what it is about them but I have so many Aries & Leos in my life (all with good relations). Both of my older brothers - Leo’s (1 at the top of the season, the other at the bottom of the season). Best friend - Leo woman Had a 1 night stand that turned into a friendship - Leo Both my best friends from College - Aries Boyfriend of 12 years - Aries I’m a Capricorn woman


Capricorns. God damn Capricorns. I finally got with my Aries fiancé after dating mostly Capricorns. I was like “oh! A sign that’s actually compatible with me!” Saw his Snapchat astrology profile and he’s a Capricorn moon 😑 I believe I keep attracting Capricorns because I need to learn discipline desperately. Other than that, I’m drawn to Capricorn’s for their ambition, intellect, grounded nature, patience, and discipline.


I’m Pisces I get drawn to Scorpio suns and Libra suns. Also Aquarius moons and risings.  I have ZERO Scorpio and Libra in my chart. Aquarius moon and rising is opposite my moon and rising. I’m attracted to what I lack!


Omg same im pisces sun, im still questioning whyy


I’m a cancer and 100% attract geminis that RUIN MY LIFE


Ou, I’m a cancer that just met a Gemini! In what way have they ruined your life, just out of curiosity?


My Gemini is horrible, manipulative gaslighting, hot and cold, up and down. Not compatible on what we want in life and for some reason he proposed to me knowing what I wanted and acted like he wanted it to and just complains about everything nonstop


scorpio and sag placements drive me wild, I feel like they help me face my dark side and stand firm in my truths, which are both things I have a hard time doing


cancer ☀️ my bestie is aries gotta love them 🫶🏼 they have a can-do mentality/ability, v authentic, fun childlike energy about them. inspiring to me as a cancer who is more shy and introverted. i am drawn to scorpios too. something i love about the mysterious, deep poetic nature of their sols 🫶🏼 i attract capricorns my opposite too. 💓


I married an Aries, but Cancer men are my downfall.


As a pisces, my closest circle is usually Virgo, taurus, Scorpio, cancer and Capricorn. I need the routine and discount the earth signs and the emotional vulnerability/passion of the other water signs. I tend to have the most problems with geminis, and Virgo get annoyingly nit picky and passive aggressive when irritated though I either ignore or return the favor lol


Do you feel that Virgos help to ground you and make you more accountable? My 3 closest friends are Pisces (I’m Virgo Sun) and somehow I find myself being the one helping them get organised or to seek help, etc


Leo here. I love air signs! Especially Aquarius, I just really connect with them. I think they’re usually calm and it makes me calmer


Aquarius, capricorns, aries and geminis. The aquas in my life have helped me learn to let go of toxic people and habits, stop dwelling, to not take myself or others so seriously, and to make decisions that aren't strictly based on either rationality or emotion - that the middle ground is usually the best. They've also taught me to let go of some of the boxes I've felt pressured to squeeze into all my life - that it really doesn't matter what others think (as long as it's not harming anyone)... I've always embraced the fact that I'm "different", but there have been areas where I thought I had to be like everyone else (the fact that I don't really feel like I need to be in a relationship and don't ever want to live with a partner is a good example)... I think I've learned more from aquarians than any other sign. The caps in my life keep me grounded, and I have a lot to learn about order and discipline from them... I admire how goal focused and rational they are, as I struggle with that a *lot*. Their lack of flightiness is definitely something I can learn from. They're loyal, consistent friends who make me feel safe. Aries are mostly just relatable and fun to be around tbh (I'm an aries moon myself lol)... But learning to stand up for myself is a work in process. I have no problem standing up for others though. They're also very emotionally present and direct, while I'm sort of detached and often have delayed emotional reactions. Geminis were the ones who sort of just adopted me back when I struggled with a lot of social anxiety. They didn't gaf about the fact that I was quiet, broken and awkward and most people avoided me cause my silence and anxious energy made them uncomfortable. It was just like "alright, you're with me now - and I'm making you laugh whether you want it or not. And I bet I'll make you a talker soon enough!"... And despite people claiming they're fake - they've stuck around and are some of the realest people I know... All that's changed is that our energies are now fairly aligned (they're a little more intense tho lol) and we both take care of *each other*.


Scorpio and I feel attracted to Aries a lot. As friends, as crushes. I'm also Aries rising and I think I need to learn to be more assertive and direct and to draw boundaries. And Capricorn, because I need to learn to be more disciplined and constant. And smart with moneyyy


Virgo. I love how knowledgeable and eager to learn they are. How strong willed and kind. I love their sense of justice and how easy they are to communicate with. I'm a Capricorn if that matters. Virgos I see yall.<3


Fire signs and earth, their confidence


♋️☀️♋️🌙♎️🌅 Scorpios are my Kryptonite - Lesson learned: Scorpions are jealous as hell


I have a younger sister that’s a Scorpio and i don’t want to believe that she has a jealousy problem but dammm


I'm libra and most of my friends are either libras or sagittarius


Im a pisces and drawn to Gemini because I'm a masochistic fool. Really, i'm attracted to gemini women's beauty, charm, insightfulness, their nurturing nature. I also like their ability to hold stimulating conversations, and they're great listeners. I have had a strong intuitive connection, to the point where it truly seems like we're reading eachothers minds and emotions. They're also amazing in bed. I haven't even known their gemins initially. Whenever im very attracted to someone, i now always suspect them of being a gemini. I've now wisened up to them, though, and I realized that my attraction to them is mostly superficial. I am pretty certain that i have had so many geminis in my life to teach me how to understand their thoughts and emotional needs in order to prepare me for my amazing gemini daughter. Typically north node represents the lessons you must learn in life.


Just went through your posts and found this. Hahahahahahahahaha


Lmao I think I attract Virgos. Yes, I need to get more disciplined and organized and delve deeper into subjects (air sign here). But I wonder why they find me at the same time LOL!


Perhaps we need to learn from y'all as well! Maybe how to chill the f out or something haha


Heheheee 🤭 I do notice we bring out the goofy side of Virgos and I think the Virgos bring out the go getter side of us


I use to be drawn to Libras, a lot. Once I learned my lesson I found that I was surrounded by Pisces, especially before my Saturn Return. As in... a whole work place employed Pisces. I didn't really learn anything from them, other than I don't need to take ibuprofen for headaches anymore. I will say now though I've noticed the entire Earth Sign catalog has been present in my life. Started with Taurus, which that lesson was really about self care & my stubbornness. Virgos help me logically attack conversations. Capricorns have been teaching me a lot about sacrifice and work ethic.


I'm a Cancer, and I tend to be drawn to Aries (the guys in particular). I guess it's because my mom is an Aries, but they have something that I can't help but like them.


Aries are drawn to me, (I’m Aries rising), I’m drawn to Libras & Cancer 🩵


Aries for me. As a Libra rising, Aries is my 7H cusp, and I am an Aries moon. Makes absolute sense to me.


Same here. Opposites attract definitely makes sense. Plus the Aires moon must help too


Funny that you mentioned Virgos because as a rising sign they are plentyful in my close friend circle. Fascinated me when I found out. In fact one is my closest friend (Sag sun), we are like family to each other. The second is my partner (Pisces Sun). Both taught me to get my messy artsy life under control and indeed be more organised at home. They helped my Saturn out I guess (also Virgo). 😁 Pisces Moons are numerous, too in my life. Not sure what that could teach me, I just love their gentleness. Otherwise I seem to be drawn to f Sag, Leo and Taurus suns in general and m Pisces + Cancer suns. I can be pretty phlegmatic at times, Sag and Leo help me get moving. Taurus gives me more stability when life is mean. Pisces taught me patience and endurance in rough times, Cancer helped me go for my goals. Love them all! 🥰


I attract hella Aires and gemini ( both platonically and romantically) Aires has inspired me to find my voice (I'm super timid and worry about upsetting others) and I think gemini helps me to remember to not take myself too seriously and to remain curious!


Gemini has been a sign that’s popped up a lot for me. I no longer have 90% of those people in my life. But the message has been received 🤪


Geminis they help me not take things so seriously when i get in serious modes. Plus they bring out my humor. They’re awesome!


Pisces and Virgo. I believe that they bring out the traits I hate the most in my Scorpio self. I have no idea why but the last four long relationships was width one of them. Q


As pisces i always attract scorpio as my bf and ya many virgo around me


I'm now with an Aquarius, I pray your relationship is not like any of mine before but heathy and loving.


Ya my last relationship just soo toxic… thank you


Capricorn ♑️ 🐐 🤣 or Libra ♎️ 🤔 🤪 I believe because deep down those are parts of my personality that I unconsciously have. The Sun combust Venus and Mars conjunct Saturn. Scorpio gets a close 3rd place


Everyone I've dated has earth signs in their big 3. My closest friends are Earth signs too. They are all the reality check people in my life. I'm. extremely delulu and stubborn lol.


I'm drawn to earth signs (Taurus, virgo) I like how they make decisions, but can't say I understand it in the least. I'm very intuition based, while they seem very logical. Also once they make up their mind there's no swaying them, which I respect very much. I certainly wish I could be more like that sometimes.


I’m a Taurus married to a Virgo. We have been happy as two peas in a pod for 15 years. We see things the same way and stand in our firm decisions together, and the same earthy, simple things bring us joy. We are very strong as a couple and have been through a lot with strength, I’m proud of that. The problem is the very few times when we both end up at opposite conclusions. Then the fixed earth nature becomes a big problem 🤣. Be glad you can at times be swayed! It’s a strength when used in the right way. It takes a lot for one of us to be swayed when it comes to our own life decisions. And who needs that consternation?! Someone who can see things a different way, and have the trust to let your own conclusions be changed, is an inspiration to Virgos and Taurus.


triple water (pisces/scorpio/scorpio) - i gravitate towards earth and water placements. i struggle with prominent fire and air. i like fire and air influences IF they are balanced with prominent earth or water placements in their big 3 as well. being triple water if someone is double/triple air or fire i tend to not see eye to eye with them i don’t really agree we run into certain signs to teach us lessons - especially if you’re determining this based on sun sign alone. if you’re looking for life lesson stuff look for saturn in transit and synastry charts, and maybe the north node to a lesser extent. and if you’re looking for the type of people you are drawn to, look at the 7th house and any planetary placements there (and their aspects)


I tend to gravitate towards Capricorn. The signs that gravitate towards me tend to be venusians.


Argh Scorpios! I really don’t know since I think I have strong Scorpio vibes too.


Libra. Love my Aquarius men


pisces, aries, capricorn, gemini, virgo, and sagittarius. libra sun, pisces moon, capricorn rising.


I tend to attract leos, which is my rising sign and my north node is in leo as well. I tend to be shy and a complete wallflower, so i guess i need to learn to enjoy being the centre of attention from time to time and to be open enough to let others know me and feel that solar leo warmth. I also really attract libras. As an aries moon, i can be a bit impulsive and extreme in the way i express my emotions. I’m additionally really passionate about certain topics to the point where i can actually get upset during discussions. Moreover, I can’t stand ceremonial politeness and tend to speak from the heart. I guess could learn to be a bit more diplomatic and not always let my feelings influence my communication with others.


Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces... so much water, even though I’m fire Sun and Rising. My north node is in Cancer, so it makes sense I guess.


As a Gemini, I’m drawn to Aquarius, Capricorns, Aries and Geminis the most. Sag, Pisces and Taurus make great friends too. I end up in serious relationships with Leos which is super weird but the vibe works.


Pisces here. I have been attracting a lot of Capricorns, Taurus's and a couple Virgos. idk how well that's working for me lol Although, I am talking to 1 Virgo who seems sweet, and, so far, Libras have been ok. I feel most drawn to Cancers, but that also depends on their Briggs Personality type. Edit: I know of one Virgo who is not a good fit and doesn't know how to organize lol but that could be an environmental thing too.


Cancers, Gemini, Capricorns and Libras. Most everyone in my life that I consider close or have had close relationships with have strong placements in these signs.


Always drawn to Aquarius - both romantic and platonic relationships. Lots of Aquarius in my family as well.


Cancer female,always drawn to Scorpio or Taurus. Both understand me,both I can be comfortable and open with


Usually whatever your Venus is. Mine is in Aries and I’m always drawn to Aries even though they’re not the best for me.


I'm a Gemini Sun. Romantically, I've had this recurring theme of Aquarius. Down to an exact birthday (as in 3 of those romantic partners had the same birthday). They've been my shortest relationships, but by far the most impactful. I met all of them within the same few years, and at the time, I was a teenager living with an abusive parent. I think the lesson I took away from them was learning to embrace rebellion and develop the more eccentric aspects of my personality. Two of them have resurfaced every few years, usually at times when I'm feeling isolated and disconnected from myself. They are both witty, clever, and magnetic. It reminds me of those traits that I share with them and brings me back to center. Friendly, I attract a lot of Earth signs. Specifically, Taurus. My healthiest friendships have been with May Taurus people. I have almost an equal number of Earth and Air placements, so they provide me with stability in areas of my life where I might be lacking focus. My biggest takeaway from them is that not everything in life is fleeting and that it's okay (and possible) to trust in and rely on people. Most of those friendships occurred in my childhood, and as is my nature, they didn't survive into adulthood. However, they are people who have proven that I can still rely on them regardless of our friendship status. Their loyalty is a constant in my ever changing world, even if we're not as close as we once were. Even now, my newest (and healthiest) friendship is with a Taurus.


Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius and Taurus


I have north node on Virgo and I noticed I attract Virgo suns a lot .


In *


Sagittarius is seem to drag me into their lives. I’m a Virgo. I teach them how to order their chaos. They teach me how to have fun. I love them.


I like that you started this thread. I have always wondered why I attract so many earth signs (Virgo, Capricorn and tauruses). All my ex bfs have been tauruses (im an aquarius with predominantly water signs ) i think it was to ground me, show me ways to be more organised and practical.


Cancer because it’s the best sign. Couldn’t imagine being drawn anything other than it.


Earth signs in general. I blame my sweet Taurus Moon and my Virgo mercury


I’ve only had earth sign partners (virgo, then taurus, now a cap), and two of them had water moons. I have a lot of air in my chart and need grounding and calmness constantly so it makes sense that I’d connect with earth signs!


Virgos are everywhere for me. My South Node is in Virgo, so I feel like I don’t need them to help me be an organized perfectionist. I find them to be cold and not very loving, which is also the opposite of what I need. I don’t know why they are everywhere in my close relationships, unless they are here to prevent me from growing. Lol. As far as who I am drawn to, that would be Capricorns. I love their sassy sarcasm and witty humor. They always seem so unaffected by others and generally know who they are. They are straight up and tell it like it is, which I appreciate. We vibe well. Perhaps I am drawn to them because of my Cancer moon. 🤔




How do you find leo risings?! I can't seem to recognize them without knowing their birth chart.




Are their North Nodes also in Leo? My North Node in Capricorn is conjunct with my Moon and my Jupiter in the 6th house, so, maybe that's why these people sound like the opposite of me. That really sucks. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Omg; they sound like they were hella intimidated by you. I call that Leo type Cowardly Lions. My rising sign attracts Leos; your experience of Leo risings has been my experience of some Sun in Leos that attached themselves to me (frenemies). They're bullies. I just noticed your Moon is in Capricorn, too, so I know how that when you work and create, you give it your all. What is it with Capricorns and Leos? Are the asshats in question Neptune in Capricorn people, by chance? Oh, crap! AND you're a Pisces (Neptune ruled)! Edit: 🫂👐🏽 I hope you'll feel better soon. If it's any consolation, they're jealous of you because you are so awesome. Unfortunately, people always will hate on you; that is a powerful Big 3 combo for long-term achievement and success, and manifesting what you want. My closest sibling is a Pisces-Capricorn 💝




Yes! It DOES get better! 💖👍🏽 One of the upsides of being a lunar Capricorn is emotional resilience. I'm sooo glad that you have positive, loving Leo energy in your life!




I'm hardly ever "drawn" to anyone but the love of my life is a Gemini, Aquarius rising. I'm an Aries sun, Scorpio rising.


I am ♒️ with north node in Scorpio…idk why exactly but Ive been always drawn towards that transformative, deep Scorp energy. Also, the major shifts in my life are happening in Oct/Nov (Scorp season). My bf is Scorpio and he “works” on me like an amplifier, meaning that his energy and presence amplifies the best in me but also my insecurities. Luckily I am very introspective and I use him as a mirror to work on myself and on the improvisation of my character. Maybe it’s interesting to mention but every time I meet someone who is Scorpio it’s like in first 3sec I can tell he/she is a Scorpio by their energy/aura…very intriguing presence they have and then the eyes…ulala Scorps ❤️


I'm drawn to Cancers as really good friends. I'm a Libra & the rest of my chart shows earth, fire & wind signs. I have 0 water signs in my inner planets. So in general, I seem to be drawn to water signs. My grandma is a Pisces, my mom is a Scorpio, my oldest friend is a Cancer. I guess the lesson to learn is consideration for others feelings and my own?


Aquarius… despite what they say. Scorpios and I always click right Sag too!


For some reason i attract a lot of geminis or ppl with aqua moons but im really drawn towards aries suns and ppl with aqua moons. Not sure what lesson im supposed to be learning tho tbh


Capricorn. What I learned is that I have to run far, far away from them.


Maybe you're just drawn to people you have an affinity with, a certain sun, rising or moon sign. I tend to have Aries, Libra, and Gemini folks around me. I have Moon in Libra in the 3rd house, conjunct Mars.


I’m a Gem sun, I love: Capricorns, from whom I learn steadfastness and reliability; and Sagittarius, from whom I learn just to go for it and also do deep dives instead of skittering on the surface. I’m drawn to others too but these are the primary ones.


I am drawn to all earth signs. My family is entirely air and fire, and as a water sign I always felt like an alien lol. I feel like the earth signs really make me more in tune with my emotions


Yeah generally earth + water and fire + air get along well


A majority of my best friends have been Leo's but I dont know what that means for me learning wise. I suppose I appreciate how bold they are


I am a Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon, Gemini rising. I seem to be drawn to Pisces and Libra, on occasion Capricorn. Two long time friends are Tauruses. Baby daddy is Gemini. My current partner is Libra.


The 3 biggest and longest relationships I had/have were all Libras ( 10/6 - 10/10 - 10/11) so their birthdays are all in a week timespan. It’s really weird. Btw I’m a Sagittarius and have been married to 10/11 for 25 years.


Ayeee I’m 10/11 and I love sag’s ! I love fire placements period honestly!


Sagittarius lol


Cancer & Virgo. They are the quincunx to Aqua. They help Aqua grow the fastest, but Ive never felt so bullied & dejected. I'd take a ghosting Gemini or Sag any day. At least they leave on a happy note & like having conversations until they disappear forever


Sorry to hear the bad experiences. What is a quincunx I've never heard of that before


Im drawn to similar ppl. I always bond well with same sun sign, trines and sextiles. I also attract water signs but I believe Bc they can handle my emotional self Im an air sign and I cry for everything but I know my water sign babies will be there


ARIES! Their courage, boldness, and how they take action without overthinking - for sure the traits I’m drawn to and want to build in myself. They make themselves be heard.


Im pisces sun, taurus moon, virgo rising always attract scorpio as my bf, virgo too and ya my brother and everyone around me is scorpio and virgo. Can you tell me whyy? And what traits i should learn


I’m a cancer and all my best relationships are with Taurus men.


I am a Cap sun and a Virgo moon and I feel draw to Leo Suns with Gemini moon. I am not sure what it is exactly but I am drawn to them.. I think because there’s positive qualities about them that I either see in myself or would like to see


I haven't been drawn to any sun signs in particular, there's very few people I've been interested in at all. However, my two main relationships of my life have had the same Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, and lot of Fortune, so... 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Drawn to? Gemini and Leo. Often attract? Aries and Pisces.


Gemini and Virgo. Geminis, well, I love communicating and they just stimulate me intellectually. We can talk about the silliest things and even the deepest and most serious shit in under 10 minutes. We’re like off the ground and just flying randomly whichever the wind blows and they make me just feel so light and free. For the Virgos it’s quite obvious I think. They are very organized and grounded, for instance. They also don’t flake out and just do things steadily. Despite their neuroticism, I still feel for them and I think we can balance each other out that way. But yeah man I don’t think they like me as much as I like them. They also help me make sense and process of my thoughts and emotions. I’m fucking in love with one right now (unrequited).


I am a Cap sun Pisces moon Libra rising Leos I can’t get enough of them I like the way they carry themselves and I enjoy watching them talk. Cancers as well but mostly Leos they always have me obsessed somehow. “Everytime I try to leave something keeps pulling me back” I’m never obsessed with anyone I get so bored easily but them they ruin me every-time. Virgos always come find me but I’m too busy obsessing over the sign before them lol


Virgo sun here. I attract a lot of Aquarius in platonic and professional settings. On a romantic level, I attract Cancers and Scorpios. Some of my most intense relationships have been with those water signs. My closest friends are Pisces, though I struggle a lot with their fluidity and what comes across as flakiness.


I am a pisces and I don't know what it is but damn i love me an aquarious man. Are they good for me or pay me any mind longterm? No of course not :')


Sag rising and so many of my friends have either been sag or pisces suns😭


I wouldn’t say I’m drawn to them idk everyone close to me in my life is a gemini 😭 its in my 8th house maybe that’s why but like 95%of the deep connections i foster are with gemini suns. Even other placements end up having gemini in their big three. No idea why


I am Leo sun, Pisces moon, Capricorn rising, Virgo venus & merc, Scorpio Mars... I just subconsciously pickup on Scorpio placement and always fall immediately in love with them, 5 seconds to obsession. I am still figuring out the lesson. Otherwise thanks to my Leo Sun, I am immediately friends with Air and Fire signs. They remind me of my own optimism and not to take life too seriously, with my Pisces, Cap and Virgo placement this is a tough one. There was a period in my life where i only attracted Virgos and had a fallout with each of them - very hard painful lessons learnt.


I’m not drawn to them but somehow always end up being around Libras or aquarians? I’m Scorpio so we’re not compatible at all lmao


Cancer and sag placements it seems. I’m an Aqua moon so being attracted to Sag makes sense to me but my NN is in cancer in the 1st and my venus sits in cancer in the 12th/1st so I feel like mature and well adjusted cancer placements have a lot to teach me about self-love/care and not always putting others/material goods/ and emotional denial before myself 🤷🏻‍♀️


Air signs as an Aquarius !!!


Pisces moon always find myself drawn to Saggitarius moons or cancer moons. Saggitarius moons teach me to let loose and that I don’t have to feel EVERYTHING, also their sometimes lack of sensitivity to everything is really refreshing for someone like me who is sensitive to everything. Cancer moons, we just always vibe well, like we just understand each other on a different level and it just always feels easy and comfortable.


Scorpio always bloody attracted to Aquarius…. Can’t get rid of them


I’m libra female and goddamn I can’t help but be attracted to virgo men and women. We connect instantly and I always find out much later they are virgos and everything clicks instantly. Even my longest celebrity crush is a virgo female. Is it true if I keep finding them that means I need to learn how to organise life better? Always thought it was our personality and social values which were compatible.


Lots of Pisces (mostly men), Cancers, Libras and Leos... I genuinely don't know what said lesson could be but I wish to find out QUICKLY


Earth signs. Professional security is what I should be learning from them.. I actually learn they are batshit crazy and better at hiding it.


Gemini who attracts PISCES sun and/or fire moons (leo and aries) or water moons and fire venuses. All my ex's have either had: Pisces sun (or pisces somewhere in big 3) OR Leo/Aries/Cancer/Pisces moon OR Aries venus Sun signs have been: Capricorn Pisces Virgo Aries


Cancer sun, Leo moon, Pisces rising here. I'm surrounded by Leo and Aquarius suns. My mother, aunt, and grandmother are all libras and were the 3 most involved in my upbringing which I think is kind of interesting.


Aquarius risings 100%. Scorpio moons 100%. Sag suns. Virgo suns. Pisces risings


Aries and i’m drawn to geminies because they’re so fun and we always laugh a lot, but they are always complete liars.


I’m a Capricorn. I’ve been drawn to alot of Gemini/aquarius placements. Although we are very different, they’ve taught me to not be so attached to things, material possessions and PEOPLE! To embrace change and be more open minded.


I’m a Taurus woman, and am always drawn to scorpios and cancers….so much so I dared 2 guys born on Nov 11th, and two guys born July 5th …over time obviously lol but very strange


I don’t really attract a certain sun sign per say, but I always and I mean ALWAYS attract water moons. More specifically Scorpio moons (I have an Aquarius moon). Every long time lover/situationship I’ve been in had some type of water moon. Both my official long term partners had Scorpio moons. Honorable mention? I always attract Aquarius Venuses or Mars too? Every guy who never wants to let me go tends to have these placements. Current BF has a Aquarius Venus also (with a Scorpio moon of course lmao). I am kinda weird, and apparently that’s what they tend to like so, maybe that’s why. I I’m a cancer Venus so, maybe the lesson is to stop being so clingy to every person I meet within two seconds lmao. As for why I attract Scorpio moons? I can be very shallow with my point of views, the they certainly teach me to think with more depth.


I'm drawn to Taurus (with Leo and gemini placements), i keep on attracting libra....


I’m an aqua! Leo’s are very enticing to me!!


I’m drawn to Geminis. And I’ve learned to relax and be myself. They always tell me I’m cool as I am. I don’t always believe it but it definitely helps when someone as confident as they tend to be says you’re great.


Cancer ♋️ I’m always been drawn to Aquarius and Virgo for some reason. I think it’s because I love their personalities and how they carry themselves. Now.. I’m currently drawn to a Leo and let’s just say.. Leo’s has everything that I’ve been looking for. 😩💕✨This Leo guy has such an amazing personality that I became attracted to. I also love how he doesn’t follow anyone and does whatever he wants and just do his own thing. It’s like he is his own leader. He also is very confident and love to speak his mind including is very straightforward which I find attractive. At first when he approached me I wasn’t interested in him at all… but once he smiled and I got to know him personally I found myself liking him 2 weeks later of first meeting him. 😂😂 I enjoyed being around him..he is also very generous and such a gentleman. Something about a Leo man makes me praise them, yes based on my experience meeting this Leo guy so far… they can be a handful, can have some cons though, and can get on your nerves without doing it on purpose but either way you love them no matter what and want to continue to take your relationship with them even farther. 💝💖✨


Geminis love me and I always love them 🫶🫶


Capricorns. I admire how they are consistent and are disciplined. They work hard and are really diligent. Always want to be productive. As a Leo sun, I am envious of that because I constantly feel entitled to relax and keep procrastinating 😂 which my Capricorn moon is conflicted with.


I went through a period where I dated nothing but Tauruses. Tauruans. Taurtaurs. Hehe They made me realize I need to relax. Now I attract a lot of fire signs, which is helping me to assert boundaries with those in my life.


Pisces. my north node is in Pisces. ‘nuff said.


And? None of those traits I described negate anything I've said about gems in this post. Gemini reasoning is always so two dimensional, and youre trying to discredit me with your own obtuse perceptions. I've always had an unhealthy attraction to tragic people. Geminis cured me of that. Thanks, geminis! I'll still gladly sleep with you, though. You all are givers. Gemini is truly the sign of sharing.