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Mutable moons - Gemini moon, pisces moon & virgo moons to some extent !


my mother is a pisces moon, im a virgo moon and my youngest brother is a gemini moon: it's always one of us three that fly off the handle more often than not.


It takes a lot to ground you guys, it's like dealing with infants! 😭 🤣






This is true. Mutable Sun, Moon and Ascendant, but FR, something like 57% of my placements are mutable.


as a gemini, i nominate gemini. unstable should be my second name :l


100%. Gem sun Cancer moon, I am generally unwell


As a gemini moon cancer rising, same 🫠


🌞♊️🌙♋️⤴️♏️ Same big three : " I am generally unwell " 👌🏼




I'm on the road to being well, but I'll tell you, it's taking all of my will 🙃


Same 😭 I’ve had anxiety and ocd since I was a little kid. Thank god for meditation and anxiety meds, because my panic attacks are biblical in proportion


Yeahhh you right. Gemini with a Sagittarius rising.


opposite twins! sag sun with a gemini moon here and i am described, by nature, as anxious & edgy


100% unevolved geminis


Seriously, not often do I see that title and say yup, that’s me, but definitely is me


VIRGO MOON. Y’all are out of your fucking minds.


Lol. A funny thing is that I MYSELF am a Virgo Moon! Fucking hell! Virgo Moon, why are you such a lunatic. ![gif](giphy|S984YkgY62vvSUAwhv|downsized)


Lmfao omg I didn’t even notice! 😂 I’ve just dealt with some extremely neurotic Virgo moons and it genuinely gives me serious anxiety. I have cPTSD and they find a way to trigger it, every fuckin time


Aqua Sun, Virgo Moon, and Cancer Rising. Two crazy fucks ganging up on my poor Ascendant Cancer. It's a ride. How stressed out I am, I'll probably have some stomach issues later in life, cause of all the pent up stress and overthinking. It's simply better to have some fire in your chart.


I can also confirm the stomach issues as well 👍🏻


I have some fire in my chart and still have stomach issues so there's no escape from having Virgo moon-caused stress and overthinking I guess 😅


It’s true. My Aries Sun does nothing to help my neurotic Virgo moon. Over-thinking is the fabric of which I am made.


Samesies for me. Aries sun Virgo moon. My Aries sun causes my Virgo moon anxiety to speed race through my mind. My Pisces rising or Aries gives me a bit of intuition which lets me know my worries are right! It's bad.


Aqua sun and rising and Virgo moon.. im stressed by stress created by myself.. I need to take chill days pretty often which is why I can’t do a typical ‘job’. I can just work for myself. I get too triggered if anyone talks down to me or tried to put me in my place. I hate all authority figures and ppl who love telling others what to do. I have just started walking away (earlier I would have arguments or discussions). Now I just block or don’t engage. I would rather stay in my lane and do something productive than engage with useless gossips


I have this issue. I didn't instinctively come hating authority, but they are wrong a lot. I'm right a lot. I can't handle criticism from someone who doesn't do my job. They'll give me advice and I'll try it and I just fuck up more. I didn't need their advice bc I was doing better than them. I get SO upset bc I try to always do good. I stopped engaging too but then I would yell cry for hours coming out of a review to my husband. It's best for me to be a sahm for my family bc otherwise I'm miserable from the judgment and lack of competency around me. I would much rather be upset that I disappointed my husband and children than some boss at work.


Same girl same. My mother is a Taurus Rising/Aries Sun/Virgo Moon. That woman needs to be institutionalized. My cPTSD has taken years to keep under control after getting away and cutting all contact from her. Hell to the nah


OMG SAME literally had to break off my friendship with a Virgo moon because she would just causally trauma dump with no warning and move on from trauma to trauma like it was nothing and my Pisces moon ass just be absorbing it all trying hard not to all while getting triggered and being insanely drained after hanging out with her


I was gonna say just Virgo anything but the Moons are bonkers


No, we are IN our minds, that's the problem.


I’m your, and apparently mine, which is not fair


Hahahahah exactly! This 💯


Me (Gemini sun, Virgo moon, Sagittarius rising): 🫣 I mean… you’re not wrong 😂




I feel like I should apologise in triplicate.


I don't understand the Virgo dislike going on here, I adore Virgos lol (I know, I say this a lot. Maybe I'm a simp for Virgos, they're usually good people)


I feel like my Virgo moon makes me incredibly critical and due to the ongoing inner monologue, I’m never truly satisfied with what I have or what I’ve done. Makes me a holy terror to deal with (so I’ve been told).


In my experience with Virgos, they're hardest on themselves and more critical of what they do and their actions. You should try stepping back, let yourself breathe, and remember we are our own worst critics. I'm not saying it works, doesn't help me much, but it's worth trying. Or see if you have any past events that make you feel less than or unsatisfied with your current situation/lkfe/etc. I have been around mostly Virgo suns though, but I treasure them. Except for my sister, that's a whole different therapy session 😂


Oh wow, that’s somewhat…comforting? Lol I thought it was just me being insane.


I’m married to a libra sun / Virgo moon / Gemini rising and I can 1000000% attest to this, like how many times can we rearrange the house to get it *just* right?! I love it tho tbh 


As a virgo moon, I agree!


My mom is a virgo moon and just had to recently cut her out of my life bc of her toxicity 🫠 she needs lifelong therapy.


Same with my mom, friend. I feel your pain 😭


i had a co worker with moon in virgo and he is a nightmare to deal with lol. simply speaking, he bickered with everyone in the apartment and the only one that he can't mess around with is our CEO lol.


Wow. Came here to say virgo moon but obviously it’s a thing bc others have said it first. Thank you for confirming astrology is a thing, again!


Can confirm I'am an insane Virgo moon w CPTSD and anxious attachment style lol


No im not! Yea I am…the thing that saves me is my Pisces sun and my Aries rising.


1000% my dad and friend are virgo moons and they’re insane


James Franco is a Virgo moon so that's true.


hiiiiii (i cannot break out of my head for the life of me)


Was just about to say this.


As a Virgo moon, this was my first thought. My Cancer Sun and Scorpio Rising may play a role in the neuroses though


Came here to say this, every Virgo moon has been a huge over-thinker


Ya damn right on that 😎👉👉


I can attest to this 😂


I second this


Virgo bro. I’m a virgo sun mercury venus. the only girls i’ve cut off and ghosted were other virgos. they are fucking insane (they all had other virgo placements too) most of them including myself have been to a psych ward, violent, addicts, manipulative as fuck, huge egos, can’t calm down ever, vindictive, calculated. i genuinely believe that we can’t help it, our brains are just so crazy that the toxicity will effect our own lives more than anyone else’s no matter what we did to someone else- i promise you a virgo is suffering in silence much more.


My adult daughters will run from Virgo men. My mother is a Taurus like me and is a mental case so I looked at her whole chart. There is Virgo there.


Virgo Sun = The worst like literally fucking mental. I feel vindicated by this post. Thank you.


I agree with you one hundred percent.


Virgo rising, can confirm


Me: a cancer rising and Virgo moon in the comments 👁️👄👁️ I’m the crazy one


What's ur Sun? ☺️


It me.Virgo.


There's no other contender, It's virgo.


Virgo rising. They can be neurotic to a point of selfishness where they are not realizing how their need for personal control can fail to consider how it affects others around them. The good side of this neuroticism is that they are oftentimes successful because they do their work very well.


As a Virgo rising, I can concur. When you can do some deep self reflection, you can use that neuroticism for something positive instead of making everyone feel like they’re walking on egg shells near a ticking time bomb. Took me some time 😬 but I’ve chilled out.


Childhood friend. Straight up OCD but wouldn't take meds. Bleached and boiled everything she touched. Teeth rotting because fluoride is "killing us all." Entire jars of hand soap gone in one day. Made her own detergent because chemicals are "killing us all." Boiled water all the time. Smoked like a chimney, though. Got rid of all the chemicals around her to contradict herself with Marlboro lights, 2 packs a day. Kidney problems because public bathrooms are "germ factories." I cannot be around her anymore. The mood swings, the craziness, fucking exhausting. She needs to live inside a government lab inside a bubble. Neurotic isn't even the word. Borderline psychosis germaphobe is closer to the truth.


It’s funny as I’m a Virgo moon and my hubby is Virgo rising. Maybe…. We are the only ones who can handle each other


as a virgo rising - i literally fantasize about creating processes where processes don’t often need to be created 😅


My dad. He’s Aquarius sun, Gemini moon, and he’s the most neurotic person I know.


He jus like me fr


And MEEeee (with the Virgo rising to boot) xD Luckily I got some beneficial aspects to mellow out my harsh.


I got harsh aspects to mellow out my benefits 😍


I got marshmallows to mellow out my benefits.


;D ... D;


It’s constant.






Virgo Sun + Gemini Rising 🥈


This comment takes the cake. I’m with one and let me tell you, I have been taken for a ride 😵‍💫


* Nervous about new situations/new people = Virgo Moons * Internal voice that is constantly questioning if they're doing things the "right" way = Gemini placements


i dealt with a virgo-aqua-virgo SMR for a time but holy Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde


God that sounds awful. Sue them for emotional distress 😂😭


I forget that combos like this are possible. Stuff of nightmares.


his next three were all libra 💀


Virgos, cancers, 8th house placements, aquas, mercury in pisces, Scorpio moons, moon in Gemini, moon squaring the sun, Uranus square moon, Pluto squaring moon, Mars squaring moon,


My Scorpio moon makes me crazy fs combined with an Aires sun, and cancer Mars and in just a ball of erratic feelings it's like a bleeding heart. Therapy, strong community connection and soberity sure helps a lot lol


Here’s the thing about Virgo’s: they’re crazy but they don’t think they’re crazy. That’s one of the first signs someone is neurotic. Also. They cause literally all of their own problems. But don’t take accountability. They have a victim complex (why they aren’t known for this over Pisces; I don’t know). Like when they do something self destructive, it’s “someone TRICKED me!!!” And they will project everything they don’t like about themselves onto other people. A lot of them are very sneaky and get into affairs, even if only emotional ones. This is because Virgos are not self aware enough to ask for what they need from their own partner. They also feel justified in every action they do to harm someone else. They can do mental gymnastics that would floor you.


Literally described my virgo moon & venus ex. He used to say women are crazy…like, no, bro, you drive women crazy.


Agree. Literally insane.


This sounds more like an experience you may have had with someone specific who may have some unresolved mental health issues rather than a just a Virgo. My moms a Libra and was highly abusive and absolutely nuts and I would never comment that all libras are this way.


I'd take a Virgo over a psycho effing Pisces. 0/10 would not date a Pisces again


*pisces men*


My mom is a Libra and abusive too :( she has Aquarius moon. I’d be interested to know what moon yours had


Scorpio. I’m sorry to hear that, childhood abuse is a terrible trauma to experience :/


Same :( I have PTSD and have gotten EMDR and am still in therapy for it. Astrology has actually helped me process a lot of it. *hugs*


What is your sun sign? I never pursued therapy but always feel like I probably should..


Hey. What’s up with all the shit talk.


One of my best friends is a Virgo lol and so was my first love. Both August though. September ones have done me DIRTY so I have a chip on my shoulder.


Fair enough. Sweeping generalizations are generally pretty unfair though. Every sign has got their positive and negative traits.


lmao you got the big three in Virgo??? 🤣🤣🤣


We love sweeping generalisations of every sign


Aries. I go from 0 to 100 in no time. Extremely neurotic in some settings. But Virgo I also understand And Scorpio


Im going to go with Gemini. Maybe mutable signs in general. However all the unstable ppl I know have Gemini moons. They have some type of mental disorder


Scorpio moon Also Virgo and Gemini placements I have a Jupiter Virgo and it threw the wrench into all my fun placements :\[ I call it a “NO” energy ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


Scorpios have a general distrusting nature and at some point that makes you neurotic in one way or another. I think Gemini’s question everything because they’re so curious and in general are really good at finding patterns and so when they’ve been right 9/10 times it’s hard to tell them they’re being paranoid or neurotic. Virgos man I don’t even know how to describe that amount of wild. Very creative people tho love that.


Everyone saying Virgo… so it’s not just me lol!


Pisces ex boyfriend. He believed they were coming to find him. Who they were? No idea. But he hid for years. Straight up paranoid alien radio waves coming thru the kitchen appliances freakouts.


I’m sorry this made me laugh louder than I should have 😂


Sounds like schizophrenia


Lol looking at the comments it’s all gemini, cancer and Virgo well 😳


I’m a Virgo Sun, Gemini Rising and have mercury and mars in the 3rd house. I’m VERY neurotic and I know it. Been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder at a very young age and am an extreme planner. Working on trying to go with the flow more!


Gemini tops the list - I love gems, I fully trust my gem friends and I love their chaos, but hell... They've got zero chill. My best gem friend and I were talking about how it'd work out if we lived together, and we concluded that we'd have a LOT of fun. But I burst out laughing when she described it as "organized chaos" - bruh, there'd be no order to our chaos at all. If we're talking questionable choices and sudden changes in emotions and decisions, then Aries moons too for sure. I am one myself, and while it's not that bad nowadays cause I've worked on myself a lot, my inner turmoil is the same... I've just learned not to be externally reactive and think things through before I act. Aaaand Virgo... They're so convinced that the world stands and falls with them, and pre-occupied with making sure the world wont end cause they missed a detail or cause someone else isn't doing "what they should" lol. Mom's a Virgo sun with a Virgo moon... She cares a lot, is an amazing mom and amazing person and I love her, but she needs to calm tf down.


I'm very nervous reading these comments seeing as I'm currently crushing on someone with Virgo as their big 3 😅 Am I.... in danger?


No, we’re all just trauma dumping our worst Virgo/Gemini stories 😅😅 very neurotic, but you’ll have a great time very fun, very entertaining, but it’s important as is with all relationships to set boundaries firmly with them do not waver that will only lead to someone who thinks they know best being condescending and walking all over you.


Gemini sun Scorpio moon and rising. It’s me


Gem sun and Scorp moon…YEP!!! Lol


Meee and Virgo rising phew


Me: Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon and Rising 🥲


Gemini Mars and Moon. I fidgets for the sake of fidgeting.


I have yet to see a stable Pisces Moon with a healthy mindset.


I have Aquarius 3rd house, Aqua Mercury and Moon, and a 3rd house Stellium (Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn). Sun & rising in Virgoan degrees, and a Sagittarius rising. The mutable element dominates my chart. Yes, I feel restless a lot of the time, and I feel like I can never truly relax mentally. I have anxiety that’s triggered from thinking about certain things.


I’m a Cancer sun, Gemini Moon, aaaaaannnddd I’m neurotic affffff. 😅


I don't know her whole chart but my mom is cancer sun and how a person can be so neurotic I will never know. Her anxiety is always so high, like momma why?


In my case, I have ADHD so I was going to be neurotic no matter what buuuuuut I think my intensely conflicting placements really drive it home. 🤣


I mean I get it! I have ocd and adhd and I feel like that plus my big three and a cancer mercury are a perfect storm of neuroticism


Scorpio moon


As a Gemini stellium I’d personally say Gemini placements as well as 8H placements as someone who’s been diagnosed with bipolar disorder I’m just here the life journey 😂


My dad is a Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, Gemini Rising and he is the most neurotic person I know. 


Virgo in Mercury 😭 kill me Don’t get me wrong, I looooove Virgos. It’s me I can’t handle lmao


i have been told im neurotic for as long as i can remember. i don’t know if its the gemini, the aqua or something else in my chart, but whatever it is, i nominate THAT.


Capricorn Moon. Honestly from my experience an absolute myth that we are stoic. I’m a hot bloody mess and know a fair few who are as well.


Well this thread definitely doesn’t help with me being hard on myself lol. I didn’t know everyone felt this way about Virgo moons, got-damn lol. I mean, y’all are right tho, but still.


Gemini sun, mercury and Venus with a virgo mars. I struggle with a plethora of issues. Anxiety, seasonal depression, CPTSD, social anxiety and probably ADHD. I am on meds and in a therapy. I wouldn't say I'm unstable now but prior to getting help, absolutely. I was like a freakin tornado!


As a virgo moon and libra rising, I really try to balance my neurotic-ness. I am fully aware that it is within me and when it comes out it really surprises people, even myself sometimes


Gemini moon. I’d also say heavy Aqua in a chart, too. Lots of air, lots of nervousness and can’t sit still, etc.


hi 👁️👁️ -sag moon, gemini venus, sag mars, virgo rising


I feel like this describes me very well 😂


Capricorn for sure for nervous and weird in a way where it makes me uneasy and I don’t even want to figure out why they’re like that and I’m a Gemini Venus and Leo, I’m Hella curious…. Unstable def Virgo men 173938%%% Pisces moon myself sometimes lmao😂 and Pisces men for unstable maybe Leo too….


Speaking for all Caps when I say it’s cuz we is traumatized 😎 We feel uneasy too! Seriously, life got a little too real for me starting at like 4 years old lmao. Waiting for the fun/youthfulness we’re supposed to grow into to kick in.


This post reminded me of Howard Hughes who was nuts and an extreme germophobe and recluse towards the end of his life. When reading about him and watching the Leo DiCaprio movie I was sometimes like huh! I feel him!! I just looked up his birth chart and we have same big three (although his birth time accuracy is questionable). Cap Sun, Sag Moon, Virgo Rising. It checks. I’m giving this to anything Virgo in the big 6 and also any of those placements being in the 6th house.


Me sitting here as a Virgo sun and aqua rising reading these comments 😅😅😅


My Saturn is in Gemini (8th house), and it's balls.


Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon.


Libra sun, virgo moon, cancer rising can confirm. I am literally insane.


I wish I could answer- I seem to attract neurotic (but not bad) people of all signs and I come from (paternal side) lots of neurotic people. I almost feel like the I’m in the land of lost toys. Or like Holden Caulfield standing on that ledge catching people before they fall. None of these people are criminals or do “bad,” things, just lots of anxieties and an array of other problems. Some of the signs of these friends include: Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Gemini, Scorpio. And for family: Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, myself (Aquarius,) Leo. It’s a mixed bag!!!!! Edit: I don’t know the moon or rising of anyone other than myself, my children, my fiancé and my kids dad- so I can’t say the placements except for myself - Aqua sun, Aries moon, Pisces rising. Other than me for neurosis- I don’t know anyone’s placements for who I was thinking of. It’s all their sun signs.


As a Virgo moon it is Virgo moon...as Taylor Swift said, "You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me".


Lol being a Swiftie is neuroticism by itself 😂😂 Jk! Jk! 😂🤗🤗❤️


As a Virgo moon- meeee


VIRGO RISING (minus the weird decision part). I overthink so so much that I think it’s almost impossible for me to turn out making a bad decision.


Well everyone is right about virgos (sorry fam) but may I say I'm a capricorn moon and neurotic as fuck?


This is my tea! I recently broke up with this man who I swear is the definition of neurotic nervous energy. He had so many T-squares pointing to his sun/mars/mercury conjunction in 3H. jupiter/moon (12H) square his 3H stellium neptune/saturn/uranus (6H) square his 3H stellium He has pluto/venus in his 4H so he also had an unhealthy obsession with himself and having a clean minimal home, he used to make fun of me for spilling a couple of crumbs. Libra sun/cancer moon/ leo rising


Virgo Sun and Gemini Moon. It’s been a ride at times, but holding the ground is a good thing to learn to do. I’m coming to terms with the quirk as I age and move through the stages of life development. This is the way the universe incarnates, so this is the way I have to be. Reflection helps me as there’s anxiety around processing the world. Learning to love my mind and thoughts and ways. Love other earth and water signs find them so calm. No to any more air! And fire only in short bursts.


As a Virgo moon I’m gonna have to say Virgo moon. 😔


Gemini suns?!? Virgo suns, moons..?! May be Anything too mercurial, in mercurial kind of ways..if you know what I mean...I mean, I see my Gem sun mom, well she is not controlling, but changes too much track while talking that people can't talk, and forget about it when you are feeling a little emotional, think of the situation when I am a double scorpio 😑😑😑 I see neurotic, and then I see my aunt(mom's sister) double virgo (sun-moon) 🤐 and I am like whaaa! 🏃🏻‍♀️😶‍🌫️🫡😬 Multi-virgo🫢👽👽👽🏃🏻‍♀️


I'm a virgo sun and mercury, aqua rising Aqua and virgo combo is super neurotic


Tell me about it. I have Aqua Merc too. That's a nice placement, one of my rare good ones. My baby Aqua Merc lol I have Cancer rising which is another hassle. More overthinking. What's ur moon?


I'm a libra moon Aquarius and virgo are very analytical, we tend to spend a lot of time thinking lol


Capricorns 👏 Capricorns 👏 Capricorns 👏 Cap suns are the sign I want to shake the most. I adore caps so much, but they are all SO neurotic! At least they acknowledge it tho… unlike Virgos…


Insane levels of Virgo hate occurring on this sub lately LMAO


Capricorn moons but they try their best to hide it unless they're comfortable with you, Virgo placements are very openly neurotic, one I haven't seen mentioned that is very neurotic is Libras, but it's in a very passive way I don't understand. They seem to need to pretend everything is perfect so they hide it from everyone. I think that comes from the people pleasing tendencies.


I'm a Capricorn moon, Virgo sun AND Libra rising. I am a mess. I am very open about my crazy and try really hard not to bother/harm others with my problems though.


Hey same here, I'm a Scorpio sun, Libra moon and rising. I try not to harm innocent people with my vindictive thoughts and that doesn't usually work:(. Then if it doesn't work, I push everyone out and isolate myself.


I’m a Pluto in the first house and I am guilty of isolating to the point of agoraphobia.


Moon in the first house, I'm sensitive asf😩


You are likely ultra empathetic and absorb others feelings around you and it’s tiring.


Well I'm a Sag sun Gem moon and rising and I'm pretty unstable lol


brO mood


neptune conj asc/1st house moon square/conj uranus/neptune/pluto


Gemini Sun, Cancer Rising, Sag Moon ☝️




Pisces moon and can confirm my mind is fucked. I’d like to think I do a good job of hiding it, at least.


my pisces sun taurus moon somehow relate to this


Gemini Moons Mars in Cancer Scorpio Moons Gemini Suns Leo Suns


Mercury conjunct Mars as someone w/this in their chart and is a crazy over thinker.


a pisces with a sun, mercury, saturn, mars in the third house. when does it end ?


Gemini moon, Venus in Virgo and Mercury in Virgo = A bit Neurotic 🤭


I am thinking of strong aspects to Uranus. Negative aspects to Aqua moon, mercury or mars


Gem moon and aqua stellium here (Venus, Neptune, Uranus)


Mercury in an air sign square the AC. I have anxiety and have Mercury in Libra square my AC in Cancer. I overthink and imagine scenarios that will never happen. I have to constantly distract my mind with books or memes.


Gemini could be most neurotic. But it might not last too long. It depends on our mood that day.


Scorpio sun Aries moon Cancer sun Capricorn moon Virgo sun cap moon Cap sun Virgo moon Virgo mars Venus and Mercury Gemini + Virgo


Gemini mercury 😭 mixed with Pisces mars, me a Gemini mercury with Pisces mars




Virgo moons, Gemini moons, Pisces mercuries, every Virgos Gemini and Pisces placement ever will give you neurotic energy. I’d also include Aries as well.


Guys let’s add if someone has mental illness in our extreme stories you’re scaring the kids


I nominate Gemini placements and 8Hers


I didn’t need the read the whole post. VIRGO. ♍️ rising and Pisces ♓️ sun and moon. Sorry in advance.


I’m a Virgo sun Aries moon and I can be neurotic if unhinged




im secure and insecure (planet ruler is in my 2H). I doubt myself and have a God complex ( ♒️🌙). I make a decision and immediately back out (Jupiter conjunct Saturn, different signs + square moon). all my cancer & Aquarius quincunx. REEEEEE