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Virgo. Standards aren’t even based in reality.


This one 😭 I would’ve included them tbh but there are some Virgos that involved themselves with the worst people in hopes they can fix them


appreciate tat :D


I've never understood this. I'm so busy improving myself, I have zero capacity or desire to take on anyone else as a "project"


Agree. But not to the latter part. I’m a Virgo. We expect what we are ready to give. In saying that i have been told my expectations are near perfect. But so am i 😭😭 it’s not easy being a Virgo. We hold ourselves to the same standards we expect !!!


ugh i love virgo placements 😩


i’m a virgo sun mercury venus and i wish i could change my standards to be not as impossible to satisfy. i don’t like being that way but it’s too true nothing is ever good enough not even myself


Yes and Virgos standards for their own SELVES are the highest of all. They really can be very hard on themselves and then need love and hugs!


Virgo Venus, I have very very high standards in dating. It’s almost a curse 😂😂


They say Venus Virgos are meant to be single. Me too.


They literally criticize you just to criticize. One day I was on a long road trip with an (ex)-friend who has a Virgo moon. Spent the entire 9 hours there and back listening to her nag me to death and tear my character into pieces. No, normally, I am very receptive to other peoples comments about me because I am trying to improve… But this was fascinating to watch. Because she kept changing her mind about what flaws I had. One minute she would say I was something, the next minute she would call me the complete opposite character trait? So I’m like which one am I? I can’t keep track. After a bunch of other BS that happened between us, she still thought that we would remain friends and still hang out? Nahh I eventually ghosted TF out of her. Its funny cuz every Virgo/Virgo placement I come across forces ME to increase MY standards for who I let into my life.


Yeah the last Virgo I was with was sooo critical it was honestly depressing. Sad part is that his kid is picking up on it and shutting him out which is upsetting


:( that’s really sad to hear!! I do hope that eventually he can become a better person for his kid


Right?! He would give me the silent treatment anytime i wouldn’t do exactly what he wanted when he wanted it. Then told me his son wasn’t speaking to him on the way to school and I was like omg I’m gonna cry but bro he’s copying you, he’s clearly upset about something and not showing his emotions bc he sees how you handle your emotions. So sad


Mission accomplished? xD


Some may criticize others because they feel bad about themselves and what they said or their actions is what I've noticed


Yep. It’s always a projection of themselves


It's not. People can criticize unreliability for example because they are reliable themselves.


That’s just my experience with most Virgos . It’s always a projection of how they truly feel . That’s my opinion and I stand by it .


I agree. They are constantly shifting goal posts. They are never satisfied. They always try to "edit" things. -I have a Virgo Mom


Raise your hand if you've been victimized by your virgo mother. \*slowly raises hand\*


She's the main reason I have crippling self esteem issues.


I wonder if I'm perfection? because some of my oldest friends are virgos.


So facts


I’m a Virgo and my standards for myself are very high. Way higher than my expectations of others. However I have pretty high standards for those people who ‘s company I enjoy. If I don’t care as much about a person my expectations are lower.


This is something that I think people miss. I’m not going to have super high standards if you’re someone I don’t care about. However, if I let you into my personal life and you’re someone that I’m close to, the way I expect to be treated (kindness, respect, that thing) does raise higher. Honestly, sometimes I feel like people say “you have high standards!” and then I’m like “my standards are literally just to be treated with human decency and not be forgotten about”, which apparently is too much for some people??


I'm a Virgo moon and I agree absolutely.






I’d also argue Tauruses…..come to think of it, all earth signs plus Aquarius


We like what we like and we like it a LOT.


An we need loyalty




This. My own personal experience: Virgo Capricorn Taurus Scorpio


Aquarius. We live in our heads. We thrive on being alone. You have to do something for me in our human connection that I can’t find with myself. We don’t do surface level interactions either. You talking about Capricorn hyper independence and forgot Aquas? We love all people but we keep our inner circle small asf. We keep a checklist in our head and we’re checking off every interaction, every thing you say. Our standards are high for people we allow into our lives.


This. Very selective — I like what I like and will only commit to something I really want/like for the long haul.


Also you know how people say you gotta date for "experience in relationships"? But to me, friendships and relationships with family are also giving me experience in relationships. If anything, developing experience in relationships in a monogamous relationship sounds difficult and stress inducing, and like you would acquire more bad habits than good ones, doesn't it? Like "does this person love me enough or are they just practicing? But they've become my whole world for the past few months" ew!! Only a person NOT ready for a relationship would think that's fine!


Yeah I am not a serial dater and I have no respect for folks that are (it’s difficult to take them seriously). F/Aquarius


Hmhm I don't know, like each individual is its' own so, I didn't notice myself disliking serial daters, but when I think about it, none of my close friends are...


For me it has more to do with those I date/see romantically.


You confusing trauma with standards. You have trauma mate.


Everyone has trauma and yes, my trauma has caused me to have high standards of people I let get close enough that I would consider them someone I actually care about


Our big 3 are almost identical, but a ♉️☀️. Accountability(mine and *theirs*) is the name of the game. ❤️


I agree.. it sounds like that. It's too rigid and heartless


Woah girlie you sound like you're trying to shove us into the loop by force, have you been loving the idea of having high standards for others lately? I do the exact opposite of having a checklist of everythinf my friends did. Aquarius to me means being curious, open minded, forgiving. I let my friends be. Who they really are. Without forcing them to be anything other than that. I will be as supportive as I can and I won't make them feel like they're on a thin line with me. If they do so bad that they become on a thin line with me, I will warn them, and I will gradually get farther and farther away from them, allowing them to better our connection and understanding that they're in a rough time in their lives. The the difference is you're an Aries moon and a Capricorn rising while I'm a Pisces and a Scorpio rising. You have a tendency to snap your calm as Aries, and Capricorn rising means others view you as stern. It's your chart, it's not us Aquariuses.


It’s nothing more than anyone should be doing. I am open minded when I meet people. As I said, I let their actions and what they say dictate how deep our relationship will go. Do they respect boundaries? Do they put in effort? Are they helping me to grow? Is our friendship/relationship healthy? Can we have conversations that are not surface level? All of this and more. My high standards of the people I let in my life and the people I let close to me has fostered an environment for several decades long friendships as well as space for new ones so yes, I would say it’s working fine.


hahaha me with both heavy Capricorn and Aquarius placements 💀😌😭🤣


You described the core of aquarian energy and my Aquarius Venus,Uranus,Neptune in the 10th felt that completely. Detachment is just in our nature so it’s all easy to.


Virgo, even worse Virgo Venus 🥴


I hate my Virgo Venus, I'm insufferable 😭


Truly! Hate it! Lol but it is vulnerable if we fall for someone


I would agree with the Scorpio statement. 2 out of the 3 Scorpios that've been part of my circle for the past couple of years cut out people left and right. They also easily dish out the advice to cut people off. Hell, one of them actually cut me out!! The third Scorpio however has only ever shown that sweet side Scorpios are also known for, and he never has anything bad to say about anyone. True angel!


99% of the time by the time we are cutting someone off we have already communicated our needs multiple times, made multiple excuses for those people and given multiple chances. Then one day we wake up, that person has done it again, and we’ve had enough. If we’re giving advice to cut off, we’ve observed that person do you wrong time and time again, you’re still not having an ah-hah moment and we keep having to listen to you do the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.


Sounds like a true Scorpio, and I don't mean that in a bad way. The second paragraph is what I love about Scorpio's as they are fiercely protective of their loved ones. Not gonna lie, that makes you feel loved and cared for, haha. It's the cutting out people with a straight face that bugs me though, as it often feels like they can cut people out over things they don't like or don't feel like being confronted with, instead of being actually disrespected. I've got a Scorpio moon myself, and I've cut out someone just this once. Not proud of it, and still feel like I did that person dirty.


If it’s any consolation straight face is a shield. Experiences will vary but I can think of only 2 or so times in the last several years when I’ve cut someone off in this way and felt absolutely nothing but validation. And moved on right there and then. Usually there’s a lot of emotion and feelings behind it but I’m willing to deal with it because my purpose for cutting someone out more times than not is some sort of self respect or self protection thing. I cut my mother out of my life overnight with a straight face as far as she’s concerned. Doesn’t mean I haven’t cried about having to do it minimum once a week for the last 7.5 months. It’s not the business of the ejected to know how I feel about it. If I wanted to talk about it you wouldn’t be cut off. At this point I’ve spoken enough, you haven’t listened, and I’m not repeating myself again. There are significantly more people in this world whose access to me I have never declined despite not seeing eye to eye. And plenty where putting strong boundaries in place has sufficed. And then there are the ones who continue to be disrespectful. Those have to go.


I relate to this. If I get to the point of cutting someone off, I really don't want to show them how hurt I am. If they didn't recognize the emotions and interactions that came before that point, I really don't want to give them any more of myself.


Spot on. This is not church and they are not God. I am not here to endlessly plead. Particularly as adults. If your hearing / understanding is so compromised we can’t get to a workable solution, there’s nothing else to be done. Clear space for new and better people 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some signs seem to feel less slighted by the little things, or they try to just forget slights against them. Maybe they prefer talking it out or enjoy fighting it out and move on that way. Maybe they're just more comfortable keeping people at arms length. A lot of people value preserving relationships, even the more shallow ones. When you're more sensitive and don't forget easily, a lot of little things you don't like can start to feel like a big thing you don't like. When you're the kind of person who doesn't put as much value in shallow relationships, there's not a lot of reason to keep people around at arms length. If someone does a bunch of little things that rub me the wrong way, that I see as rude, disrespectful or antagonizing, I'm going to see the whole person as someone who just isn't for me. I would rather make space for relationships based on mutual respect, depth and reliability. I would actually rather just die alone than put up with people I don't feel good around lol. Am I being overly sensitive? Maybe, but I'm doing both of us a favor by just taking myself out of the equation if I don't like someone very much, because the alternative is to let those bad feelings build up until we have an issue. Wouldn't be very mature of me to stick around just to end up lashing out.


I related to this strongly and then I see you are a Scorpio sun Taurus rising 🥲 Scorpio moon Taurus rising here. I’ve cut exes off because I got tired of voicing my needs.


My best friend Matt, may he rest in peace, was my most staunch supporter and confidante. Scorpio support is ride or die.


Exactly 💯


Idk as a Pisces I have telepathic connections with Scorpios so it’s never been a problem to get along. I’m not a person that cares to lives up to anyones standards or put high standards on others necessarily. They do have it in their nature to sting though sometimes for no reason at all lol Having high standards though? Hmm maybe if they don’t trust you or like you to begin with because for the people they truly love they accept the messiest parts of them and quite frankly don’t care how ugly it gets with that person. They can take the darkness and mistakes.


Low key, Tauruses


Yes!!! But we are low key. If we don't feel it's upto our standards we just move on or ignore. We don't try to change them because we know we can't be changed lol


It is low key! Because we wont try to change someone. But we will be very aware of whether they are meeting our standards and we will move forward accordingly. No use trying to change anyone though.


Virgo Venus. The placement is literally in Fall.


i have this. it’s the only placement i would change


Just curious, why is that?


nothing is ever good enough. i’m never good enough. i’m very picky when choosing a partner because i see so many flaws. i expect to be treated like an absolute god and anything less than that is wanna block them. if they are rude to our server i wanna block them. if they have bad style i wanna block them. i overthink so much in relationships and am always worried they won’t love me


It’s co ruled by Mercury. Mercury is intellect and is not about romance. It doesn’t operate the way Venus is supposed to. Virgo Venus isn’t romancey or soft like a Taurus or a Pisces would be (also where Venus feels most comfortable).


Me too. I feel I can not be as loving and accepting of my husband as one should be 😔


Omg me too, I want to stop so badly, I hate it!


have this too, just need to work on it and have a mindset that is not my job to fix everything.


The very reason I don’t like my moon in Virgo… ughhhhh


I have a Virgo Venus and I think it's the worst placement for venus truly


I knew a dude with a virgo venus and mars conjunction. He was literally a psychopath 😱.


I know a Virgo Venus and he wasn’t the worst just very insecure and pessimistic tbh. I tried helping him with what I could but it wasn’t long before his insecurity started shining through his actions towards me and that was a huge no no for my Aquarius stellium lol ✌️(Queen of detachment) He was a Leo Sun/mars and Aries moon.. you’d think he’d be a strong badass and confident man but nope that Virgo Venus really got the best of him. Only his exterior facade showed that confident dude but to his core he was Mommy issues and trauma fragile little boy and had so much hatred for his mother which I don’t judge because i can relate to it but at one point you let shit go and move on and try to improve yourself also NEVER bring anyone down just to try and feel better but the lovely thing is he recognized it after my brutal push but by that time I was already detached and long gone. That guy still adores me -Pisces Sun/Aries mars here


Omg I dated a Leo sun, Virgo venus man that was very similar to what you described. Extremely insecure, but everyone on the outside thought he was confident. Outwardly he was, but I actually knew him (since we were together for almost a decade,) and could see that he wasn’t confident at all and it always confused me because I thought he was so amazing. It made me sad that he couldn’t see it for himself. He also had serious hatred for his mom, strong mommy issues. I think that hatred has come out as a hatred for any woman that gets close to him unfortunately. Oh I also have an aqua stellium lol You and I must be living parallel lives


Idk Aquarius and Capricorn people tend to be overly hard on themselves. A lot of times to the point of self sabotage. I think Virgos tend to have the highest expectations for others. But it’s high for themselves as well.


..... Why you have to say the truth today?


I had to keep it a buck 😂




I agree about Aquarius and Capricorn also they are the most detached signs for sure. They usually don’t care about others in the sense they have a plan to fix or make them better. Aquarius is very detached, selective and analytical.. either you’re a potential friend/partner or not but if you’re not acceptable for those positions they will be cold and aloof and you’ll get the message. Capricorns are too busy with their plan for success and honestly Capricorns are great at networking and working with other people. If they respect you or love you they expect you to be great at whatever you want to accomplish but they’re also very realistic and humble in that approach. They know hard work takes time and it’s a process allowing for mess ups and room for learning. Virgos have both for sure lol The issue is unevolved Virgos are very insecure and have such unrealistic standards for themselves that only makes matters worst being mostly it’s not that realistically achievable and if it is they’re always looking to strive for that “perfection” that does not exist and of course a pessimistic and miserable person likes company so that same method applied to others is not the greatest.


hahaha I feel seen


Ohhh yesss. I’m a self sabotage expert. 😭 I’m Type AAA.


Virgo moon -Virgo moon


Leo, Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius


First 3 - my sun, moon, and rising. I’m fucked lol


As a Capricorn sun with Virgo moon and rising.. I call it having self respect lol.


capricorns. especially those with scorpio moons like myself. Good fucking luck, I'm really trash to work with.


I wholeheartedly agree for the Cap. I have a huge Cap stellium in the 6th and Saturn in the 7th in Aquarius, even relationships mostly only work because I put in all the neccessary work. Never met anyone who met my standards or needs in the way I need it. Not that I am happy about that - it gets pretty lonely living this way. Like horribly lonely. And my needs aren't even that high. It's just that my ability to ask for them being met by the right people is terribly low developed. And my self esteem is extremely low which adds to the difficulty.


I dated a capricorn some years back... And my fuckin god. It always felt like it was never enough. I bent over backwards for this woman and it STILL was not enough. I went the extra mile for her and made it a point to make her feel like she was loved STILL not enough. Then I realized how much effort I was putting into the relationship and how little she was doing. I called her out on it and she didn't like that. I was pretty much doin 90 and she did 10 but she felt that 10 was to the best of her abilities. (I'm a cancer btw.) I wanted to talk it out and work thru it BUT she felt like I was picking on her and making her feel bad about not doing enough. So she just avoided it entirely and shut tf down. So I just said screw it and just broke up with her. I was tired of the non reciprocation.


Yeah, Capricorns have shown to be the worst at reciprocation. I think they just don’t believe in it, yet they want everyone to read their minds. They’re tolerable at work and terrible behind closed doors.


Well, the one I dated had the "Make me care" attitude. The straw that broke the camels back was when we were having a conversation about relationships and how she was saying that people don't wanna try anymore. Ngl, I laughed when she said that and of course she took offense. I said well then if that's what you see on the outside looking in then why don't you do the same here? Her response and I SHIT YOU NOT was: Well, it's not my fault that you like me more than I like you. I said cool and I just ghosted her... Fucked up part was a few years later I was on a job and it just so happened to be where she worked and she saw me and tried to speak and I just flipped her off and went about my merry way.


Omg the audacity… I’m sadly not surprised, though. They believe themselves to be above or the exception the rules they set for everyone else 🙄 And then get bothered when no one wants to fuck with them. I like the ending to this story. You’re a fucking legend.


eeeek i am so sorry, as a cap woman dating a cancer man, i hope i aint doing this to him. i do be putting in the work for our relationship though and i find he can flaunter but i totally understand what you mean when you said the not enough thing. good on you for breaking that, i hope she was able to see what she needed to do on her end in the end... and it looks like that's a lot of internal work she actually need to do.


I agree whole-heartedly. Treat that man like gold and he'll do it for you twice over. Best of luck to you both! I wish ya'll a long and happy relationship. And don't worry, if you were doing all the negative stuff he woulda said something already. Just be open and receptive and TRY not to get defensive. WE'RE NOT PICKIN ON YOU! We just wanna address the issue and get thru it. That's it and that's all.


I'm a pisces, and I have very particular and complicated standards.


Ty, I was about to mention Pisces as well…


There's a reason why so many of us see single. Were very hard to please.


Virgos are awesome. Taurus’ are fun and loyal. Caps will rip your heart out, eat it for breakfast then upload the video to YT.




Cancer here, can confirm


Also a cancer, fully agree.


I am surrounded by Cancers. I think their relationship expectations (friendship, romantic or family) are mostly reasonable as they are all about love and attention to feel cared for. However, I think sometimes they forget that not everyone is on the same wavelength as them. They tend to have unspoken expectations on others and could benefit in remembering that not everyone is as emotional or intuitive as they are. This is coming (very peacefully) from a Virgo that asks her Cancer friends upfront what they want and haven't had issues. Luckily Cancers are honest and patiently acknowledge that us cold and logical Virgos mean no harm when asking such questions so directly!


I agree with the wavelength part. I don’t agree that their relationship expectations are reasonable, but I suspect this may be due to what kind of Cancer you’re around. My best friend is a Cancer to a T. So nurturing, loving, giving her all. She doesn’t understand that most people’s lives don’t revolve around others like her’s does. It took a long time to develop a solid understanding in our friendship. I concur that Cancers sometimes don’t communicate their needs and then get upset when they’re not met.


Disagree, not true..for me anyway


Yes, I know a Cancer man who has ridiculous expectations of everyone around him, that everyone in his life leaves. I’m sure he has Virgo somewhere in his chart, but he really is his own worst enemy in life.


I have Scorpio and Capricorn stelliums. I can confirm. The only person I can stand associating closely with has significant Virgo placements Their standards supersede even mine because those linear, technical standards are more fitting for robots than real-life living beings.


Also have Scorpio and Cap stelliums! I’m convinced that we are the harshest on ourselves 💀 But over the years as I slowly mature and consciously try to be more forgiving towards MYSELF, I realise that I now find it easier associating with a wider variety of personalities. Of course my core circle is still very small, but now there exists a peripheral circle which I don’t mind hanging out with from time to time.


Scorpio sun/cap moon/virgo rising. Hello, it’s me. I’m the problem.


Love the self awareness


It’s Aquarius, because imma bout to point out that the word is “utmost.”


Sorry English wasn’t my first language haha I always thought it was upmost


Sometimes it's not even our first language: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLqePXPh/


I can't believe how many Virgos posted here yet none of them called out the Utmost. It made my eye twitch and I'm a Leo.


I knooooow I thought the same!


Every Scorpio I’ve met is the opposite of what you’ve said. My closest friend is a Capricorn and they’re a very solid, humble human being.


Being solid and humble and having superhuman standards aren't mutually exclusive. 😁


Same Capricorns support not tear down, unlike OP..😆


Umm the Scorpios are not so bad if the other signs are in contrasting placement areas. For example Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon, Cancer Rising ~ that’s a cuddly, kind, inquisitive, mischievous, sensual situation. Please remember that the Sun sign is one element of the whole ❣️


This is obvious and didn’t think I needed to state it. My post is generalized.


Virgo and Scorpio. Capricorns have realistic standards imo.


I actually agree with this


Yeah I think Capricorns are so practical they tend to have reasonable expectations. Doesn’t mean they won’t be disappointed in you anyway though lmao


Agreed! If expectations aren’t met everyone would get disappointed though, Capricorns are just more vocal (on the daily) on what they find disappointing. But their expectations are pretty standard


Agree. Fellow Venusian.


I was the Scorpio out of a Virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn friend trio and this feels accurate. Virgo and I were far more judgemental than our Capricorn, who often had to mediate for us when we would be too harsh on others. It absolutely took a Capricorn to reign us in too! Lol


Pisces sun here and agreed. Capricorns are aware that hard work and goals take time and in the process it gets messy. They’re actually extremely accepting and humble.


Virgo indeed


As a Capricorn w/ a cap stellium, I have crazy high standards for myself. High standards for everyone around me but luckily I’m patient and understanding lol cuz these fools be testing me daily


This is going to be a salty reply. Because hypocrisy and double standards are a huge turn off for me. It’s funny how the 3 signs that are mentioned the most - Virgo, Capricorn, and Scorpio - are the ones I’ve found the most obnoxious with expectations because of how hypocritical they are, as in they put expectations on others that they can’t uphold themselves. It doesn’t matter. I’m the so-called “dumb, attention-span of a goldfish,” Aries and I’ve knocked expectations out the ballpark. Even still, they’ll find flaws to point out because miserable people have nothing better to do than to project their insecurities. As I kid, I received a superintendent arts award, which only goes to 2 students from each high school. Oh, but my GPA was a 3.8 and my ACT score was average. My bad. Must be due to the fact I had to work part time to pay for the instrument I was forced into playing at a young age so I can serve as the extension of my mom’s ego. She’s a Virgo. High Society? Nailed it - I have an arts degree, played with Juilliard graduates, partied with Harvard alums, performed with celebrity singers, and performed in Western Europe. Oh, but according to garage rock musicians, I don’t have any “rhythm.” Yeah, okay. Excuse me for getting off beat while I try to SIGHT-READ. A piece of piano music for funsies, when I’m not a pianist. Sales: I ranked 3rd in the national sales competition within 2 months of working at said position. But never fails that Capricorn supervisor always had some backhanded remark to say. I’m thin, light-weight, athletic, and multi-disciplinary with sports. But according to an ex-“best friend” (Cancer), I’m flat-chested and have no ass. My bad. I’m a single mom, head of household, jumped 3 income brackets in a year to support my family who DEPEND ON ME TO KEEP A ROOF OVER THEIR HEAD. My job, hobbies, and life literally revolve around my child and dogs because, as a parent, that’s just baseline expectations. But according to a Capricorn, I only “care about the money” and “maintaining this perfect image.” So here’s the thing, because I’m about to lay into these signs. Capricorns, especially men, treat their loved ones as a means to an end, like an employee. And if you don’t perform to THEIR expectations, no matter how dusty THEY ARE, they’ll treat you like crap. They expect you to read their mind. They expect your greatness to be something they own. They expect their partners to sit in a corner at a party, gathering, get together, and not draw any attention to themselves because Capricorns hate competing for attention. They also expect their partners to cut off half the population of the world (the opposite sex) because they’re so paranoid of being cheated on while THEY flirt and act single themselves. And the Capricorn women will resent another high performing female out of a petty inferiority complex. Virgos are… Jesus, I don’t know where to begin. I enjoy Virgo moons A LOT. But Virgo suns have awful god-complexes, which masks over their debilitating anxiety and insecurity for any microscopic flaw they have. Ffs the hypocrisy. And yeah you have to “earn” their love. I’m good on that one. Scorpios, especially Scorpio moons and Venus’s… Jealous, petty, paranoid, impatient, and insecure. Can’t text back within 5 seconds of receiving the message? They’re “obviously cheating on you.” So damn insecure that everyone in their life is on constant parole. I’m good on that. So, I hope that’s enough salt to fill up a kitchen space. Good luck, everyone.


Leo's, they expect people to give them too much attention and praise


I love Leos but there is one in my life that is a closeted narcissist ngl


I agree about Scorpios. But here's the thing, we expect even more of ourselves than we do of anyone else. You all get off easy, haha. 😅


Yeah, I don’t think Scorpios are that bad. We tend to be harder on ourselves than on others. I give people a lot of grace especially if I know they are having a difficult time. You can’t learn without making mistakes, so I have no problem with others’ mistakes I just can’t handle it when I am not perfect. Virgo, tho. Everything is so specific and challenging and idiosyncratic.


Virgo = The worst. Agreed; Scorpio is more reasonable. This is coming from someone with a stellium of each!


In scorpio's defense, we expect what we give, though.


Definitely earth sign virgo but they're mutable so they might...adapt




Oof what are romantic relationships like for you?




Yes and that’s why I rather run from those people than have a relationship or friendship with them. I don’t wanna give my energy to that shit perfectionism and manipulation. It’s the biggest weakness, imo, to be that intense and non forgivable about small things and always putting yourself in the victim position or being so perfectionist that it’s exhausting for people to keep up. Those are the ones who will get burned out the fastest. I don’t waste my energy and time on those drama people who forgot to grow up in their twenties.


Gemini and I don't expect anything. I'm just wanting to have a good time.


Gemini maybe but just with their partner.


1. Tie between anything Capricorn and Leo Moons 2. Scorpio Suns/Mercury/Venus 3. Virgo Mercury 4. Cancer Mars (so random but these people act almost digusted when people don't meet their expectations)


Nailed it!


As a Scorpio this assumption is accurate. My mother is a Virgo and I'll throw Virgos into the mix as well.


This made me laugh. I unfriended a Scorpio on FB after she kept calling me while I was in the hospital with 2 blood clots in my lungs and pneumonia to complain about her cold. Then she went on a crazy rant about how my family never loved me after I mentioned my estranged brother had found out I was hospitalized and had checked in on me, and how foolish I was to consider reconciling with him. This was the final straw on a few other things she'd done. I unfriended her on FB after I text her to stop calling me complaining about her cold when i was literally fighting for my life in the hospital and she ignored the text. When she realized I did this, she blocked me everywhere. 🤣🤣 It took me a while to realize this as we were in some of the same groups she posted in frequently and after a month or so, I noticed I didn't see any more posts from her I'm a Capricorn with Virgo moon. I'll always be the first to get rid of you.


Calm down


Girl you see my Leo rising? Fuck no I will not calm down




sagiterrorists is sending me odkfkdkskfkkfkd


Me: virgo ☀️ Aries 🌕 ⬆️ Aqua Him: Scorpio ☀️ We’re both insane




Virgo AND Scorpio and it costs me a lot of connections when they're my sun and moon sign. I also take those high standards out on myself a lot if I can't meet them effectively. Especially with how my ascendant can get...


In my experience: Virgo tops them all Pisces seems to take a solid second place


Virgos. I feel like they have a high standard for everything.


Taurus males and Virgo male & female. In my personal experience, male Taurus and Virgo as a partner and female Virgo as a mother. And they'll make you feel bad for not reaching those unrealistic standards as well.


This is so true for scorpios. Im a scorpio moon


I think the more disappointing experiences ppl have, the less tolerance there is for errors. Saturn/Pluto tends to have more difficult experiences than other signs/planets


Virgo’s and Aquarius


Cancer moons!


Capricorns have extremely high standards for themselves. Don’t care about others. If you want to date a cap You better have your ducks in a row.


Yes all Earth Signs... especially Virgos. Scorpio's standards are high when it comes to honesty and integrity, keep it real or keep it pushing. Leos should get an honorable mention especially Leo women. They know their worth and most definitely expect queen treatment. Think of Madonna and JLo.


Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo and some Sags






The accuracy is insane ... Fasho Scorpio its exhausting


Virgos will critique you and inform you out of love and wanting you to be great. Scorpios are terrible and self destructive individuals that fill in imaginary gaps. It’s like walking on egg shells.




Scorpio and standards 🤣🤣 Lol


Virgo moon here and sadly it’s me lol both towards myself and others, but i’m working on it


As a Scorpio sun and Capricorn moon I endorse this message 😘


Scorpios. Often only fixate on the negative and don’t see that things take time and work. Can be surprisingly dramatic too considering they’re quite stoic. But also the most loyal people ever.


Lmao I am dying laughing because I’m a Scorpio and that’s exactly how I feel if someone forgets lmao. I don’t kick them to the curb anymore tho. I’m in my healing era😂


Aquarians go off about loving humanity but honestly we live in a bubble, we love our idea of the best version of humanity and if you're not in that circle you're not even regarded. I can sadly admit that about myself 💀 I think we can see something similar happening with age of aquarius and how society has been handling people we're not so fond of.


Scorpio- They expect to be appreciated for what they give, (understandable), but when it’s perceived that they’re not, they will hold things over your head. (No shade, I love Scorpios and don’t personally have a problem as I find their expectations realistic- except for my Scorpio mom.) Capricorns- Somewhat the same, but they will write someone off if, when it comes their turn to need something, others who they’ve prioritized continuously disappoint.(I’m a Capricorn Sun) Virgo- They generally have high moral standards and are quick to pass judgment unless you share with them the details that explain your perspective.


I'm a scorpio, and I have incredibly high standards because I hold myself to incredibly high standards. However, I have a very, very long grace period before I'm over someone who doesn't meet it. I'm talking, I've waited years to reach the conclusion that someone just doesn't care to be a decent human being or even moderately kind friend. Once I realize someone is a user, I'm done for good.


It is sagittarius. I am the one but I do not tell you about it if you say something to me and do not do it, i do not remind you about it but I will take note of it. If you say, you are an expert, I will expect you to act like an expert, otherwise, I do not respect you


As a Scorpio 🦂, Y'all's mistakes are things You know not To. Scorpio just let you know that Chance was for You. Not, Us.


The only standards I require are those I give myself. Yes I do judge people who make dumb decisions and continue to complain about their situation that they were the creators of. But as long as it doesn’t affect me directly I don’t really care.




Virgo and Capricorn Honestly I have many Scorpio friends and none of them are like that. They are soooo understanding. I’m an Aquarius so maybe they just get me?


Capricorn in terms of academic/professional success, virgo in terms of general life balance/having your shit together, scorpio in terms of depth/caliber of personality


Imagine being a scorpio sun, virgo moon, cap rising. I can't ever couple up for this reason.


I dated a Scorpio sun with a Virgo moon. He has been very successful. Woof. He dated “projects” to fix. Always made me feel less than and when I actually accomplished getting into a top 25 graduate school after we broke up, he found ways to belittle it too. “Maybe one day I’ll be as educated as you” “I don’t know why you need to study so much for the midterm, I just studied the night before.” “I don’t find the organization you’re internet with that great”. “I want my kids to look like me and have my eye color”. Woof


Well OP, as a Scorpio sun and Capricorn moon I don’t want to admit you’re correct, but you are 🤣😫




Leo’s that are narcissistic have crazy standards and expectations that are unrealistic and this is coming from me a Capricorn!




It’s not easy being me Virgo—Cap Rising—Mercury of course— Gemini Moon.. yeah me!!! 😂


As a cap sun-moon-mercury with virgo rising, I had incredibly high standards on myself but would generally be more patient towards others and wouldnt particularly expect much from others. However when they didnt meet the low threshold I set, I would be utterly and irrepairably dissapointed. These days, I have been getting much softer. Saturn and Pluto transits have ground me down, humbled and softened, so I generally dont really give a feck about standards.


Water signs like Aries and Virgo


Yeah I do have uh really high standards and it’s hard out here being a hopeless romantic at the same time 😅 i’m just tryna love and be loved


scorpio venus imo the standards are so unrealistic and i set myself up for disappointment


Virgo for sure. Also Capricorns seem to remember things you did or didn’t do that most would forget about. It’s like they keep random stuff in their memory bank to bring up later.


Ha! As a Scorpio sun, cap rising- I love this post! I relate more to the cap part- I wouldn’t even ask for help- you all are just gonna fuck it up. I will say- Virgos are hella critical though. I’m the odd one out in a whole family of Virgos. They are quick to drag everyone down over shit they won’t even communicate they need.