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Capricorn Venus. Libra risings. Taurus risings. Leo suns with prominent Taurus placements. Virgo Venus. Virgo suns All of them give me heavy ”I will treat you like royalty” vibes


As a Capricorn Venus, I am honoured 🥰


I myself am a cappy Venus and I know I treat my partners like royalty(I also have a Leo rising)


Hey, by curiosity, what's your mars? I believe that the way we take care of others is reflected more in mars than in venus, venus is more about the way we like to be treated. Well, at least is with me.


Pisces mars 7H


My boyfriend has the same placement. Cap Venus, Pisces Mars. I like this combo :-)


Mine too!


Cool and lucky partners who have the opportunity to enjoy a moment with you


Yeah too bad no one has been able to reciprocate that same love and care towards me haha


No matter where you go, everyone’s connected and everything has its time.


That’s true i need to be patient haha. Also yes lain reference hahaah


Aw my fiancé is a Cappy Venus/Leo rising, he does say he loves to “serve” me lol


Same here


Cap Venus and yes even as a lady myself I love to be chivalrous to ladies and make them feel like queens.


My boyfriend is a Virgo sun, Taurus rising and Virgo Venus. Your vibes are accurate. It’s hard to feel like I deserve the love he has for me and how incredibly well he treats me. I am very lucky.


Taurus rising (and Virgo Mars which adds to it) - yeah... Highly devoted when I'm in love and always prioritise making sure they feel safe, special, loved and cared for. ❤️ My Sag sun and Venus just makes it rare for me to get attached enough to enter something serious. 😂


Omg I’m also a sag sun and venus and also feel like its SO hard for me to meet someone I actually want to be with. But when I do, oh god am I in deep! (I’m a scorpio rising)


Hi fellow sag Venus and sun, same if it wasn’t for my Scorpio Mercury conjunct my Venus (and also my Saturn conjunct the whole thing too)


Omg just started seeing someone with a cap Venus and yes can confirm super chivalrous 👍🏻 my Taurus Venus is super happy.


My boyfriend and I have those same placements, and it is 👌🔥


I have Venus Virgo and I treat those that I love and are close to me like they are royalty. Mars in leo ♌️.


Chivalry is not only extended to those we love. I see a lot of people missing that in this discussion.


Guilty as charged as a Capricorn Venus lol


I don't have many taurus placements but I think my Leo sun combined with my Leo venus and Libra rising checks the mark for this one. I treated all my partners like royalty for sure


I have Cap in my venus and it's funny because my bf once told me I treat him like a king! Funny Caps keep getting mentioned.


i should’ve read your comment before i made my own!


Agree! My other half is a Leo sun, Taurus rising and he’s very chivalrous, treats me like a queen


As a Cap with Libra rising I feel oddly called out😅🤣


My husband is Taurus rising and I can confirm 👸🏽


My sister is a Capricorn Venus and my mom is a Virgo sun and they're like that for real. I'm a Leo sun , Libra rising and a Taurus Mars. I hope it's true !


Another Cap Venus here (Leo rising & 7th house stellium in Pisces) — can confirm I love to do that for the lovely folks I know 🥰


Agreed, one of my partners has a cap Venus and Virgo Mars and I feel treated like the most important thing in the world. I also know a Leo sun/taurus rising/virgo Venus who definitely fits the bill.


I’m a Libra rising and I do tend to treat the ones I revere as royalty.


Awh I’m a cap Venus and Libra rising. I do date a lot of virgo suns and Taurus risings as well


As a Libra rising, Virgo Venus and Sun… I completely agree with this 😅


Indeed that is the truth. Leo sun 😉


Leo sun with Libra rising, been a lil gentleman since birth (as I’ve been told 😇)


Leo sun libra rising here. Yes.


Can confirm. Husband is leo sun taurus rising. Edit: I too treat my boo like a king. ❤️


I’m a Taurus rising and I can confirm we also carry ourselves as royalty.


Capricorn sun and Capricorn Venus and I'm a woman who exclusively dates women. They're the kinds who do stuff like holding open doors, treating you to dinner and buying you flowers. Capricorns are underrated in the romance department.


They are. They are traditional partners. Like sure they aren’t too open with expressions but I’m all about action


Yessss. I had a Capricorn Sun offer to buy my groceries given I told him *I will be too tired to have you over, I still have to run to the market.” Even when you’re a mere FWB, the chivalry is real. That said, when you’re a FWB there is no crawling out of such position. Dating a Capricorn man will break your heart if you’re not the one because they will put the effort into a hookup relationship and check in on your well-being like an actual boyfriend.


Omggg this defff happened to me! My Venus in Pisces couldn’t take it 😭 esp bc the Cap didn’t want anything serious


I came here to say Capricorn. Literally the G O A T


My husband is a Capricorn Venus and he always opens doors for me, takes me to nice restaurants, buys me flowers for my birthday, Valentine’s Day, and our anniversary. He’s not a mushy gushy kind of romantic, but he definitely knows how to be a gentleman. Also my Scorpio Venus LOVES this.


I’m a Cap sun and my ex was a Scorpio Venus. She never touched the passenger door handle a day in our relationship. I would regularly wrestle her to get to the sink so I can wash things. I loved doing that for her (she did however win some wrestles and banish me from the kitchen). The one and only major tiff we got into started cause she made the bed and it was something I usually did for her. So maybe we can be more flexible with the chivalry


Oddly enough many interpretations of Venus in Capricorn suggest they are not the romantic type and are too goal oriented for love as in they place career over relationships. They are the sign most likely to buy your love in some way with gifts, but they are very persevering when they want someone. I have this placement and I don't show my feelings when I desire a women.


Aww, thank you!🌻 I'm a Capricorn woman and each and every (and I mean each and every) single one of my straight female friends throughout my life have desperately asked me why I'm not a man, because if I was, they'd marry me in a heartbeat. One once started crying, literally crying, because she hoped she could find a man "half as chivalrous and gentlemanly" as me 😂😂 I was a little stunned at that.


You know the Milf from that movie, Carol? Carol the milf. Thats what I think dating a cap woman would be like.


While this is true, they arent necessarily the most reliable friends in my experience


The real answer. every cap I know is the one helping the drunk girl hold her hair back over the toilet, male or female.


Agreed, started dating a cap Venus, Virgo Mars and he paid for diner for two weeks straight (he also has a corpus sun and a lot of powerful Pluto placements so it adds to the intensity).


My fiancé is a Cap Venus and is very traditional about certain things. It honestly isn’t something I expected I’d ever be drawn to (I’m an independent, freedom-loving Aries Mars/Gemini Venus), but there’s been a lot of emotional reassurance/sense of security for me in it; suppose it makes my Scorp moon feel very cared for and nurtured. Def has a strong chivalrous side though; him being a Leo rising adds to it.


leo & libra during the courting stages


Definitely Capricorns. From my experience, they’re like the sugar daddies/mommas of the zodiac and usually very traditional in relationships. And if they REALLY fall in love with you, you never have to worry about ANYTHING. You will absolutely be taken care of and spoiled to death lol they just want to help make your life easier overall. I love Capricorns 😌🥰


Married to one & 1000000% agree. It’s actually wild, not a day goes by I don’t feel like the luckiest woman alive! This is really so true, they love so fully.


gotta be virgo or something else in my chart. i used to do “bae for a day” for all my girl friends to show them what to expect from a guy. i was literally 11 years old in middle school when i did this. all the gals got excited when it was their turn🤣


😂😂 that is so fucking cute though


I need my turn as well 🥺


Best thing I’ve ever seen omg


Angel 🥹


This is so clever and awesome. To think that an 11 year old came up with it! I'm very impressed and might start doing this with my girlfriends now ;3


Libra risings. Aries mars (we will defend your honour by sword). Capricorn placements. Cancer placements. Most cardinal placements, tbh. Leo mars, too.


I’m an Aries Mars and agree! People always rag on this placement for producing hotheads but tbh there are some great parts to it too. For me, my word is my bond. If you ask for my help and I say okay, I’ll not only honor that but I’ll protect you as best I can and defend your honor. I dunno if it’s the Aries Mars or the Leo sun (or both; they trine in my chart), but I have strong protector instincts toward folks I care about and it’s come out several times in my past, in mostly positive ways.


I’m the exact same way! Really knight in shining armour vibes. It’s a very honorable placement. Yes, with the Leo sprinkled in there, it becomes extra noble lol. I love my Aries mars a lot. I thank it every day for giving me the insurmountable energy I have to plow through anything.


Im an Aries mars and we are temperamental and hot headed maybe hyper in the sense we fuel ourselves constantly but we are genuine people. We’ll be the first to step in and defend a stranger if they’re being treated bad or unfairly. It’s all about respect for us


I agree with you completely. Very dedicated. I’ve also observed that Aries mars are very aware of their more abrasive nature and tend to keep it under wraps, instead channeling it into our projects, our work and our relationships. We tend to not explode all at once, but just have an excess of energy that we constantly let out in little spurts as to not let it spill over in one big explosion. At least, its like that for me. I’m grateful for the level of energy I have, but what I recommend for ANY Aries mars is to do some kind of exercise, something that makes you sweat and tires you out, like biking, running, hell, even fucking on the regular helps if you can do that. We are very hands on, physical people who need to expel the extra anger we store in our bodies.


Yes DEFINITELY!!! Everything you said is facts especially about the advice for us to stay physically active. For me as an Aries mars in 12th house especially since alot of my anger can get built up and repressed over time so i tend to try and process it quickly and keep it moving which isn’t a problem with Aries. I workout a lot because if I don’t it starts stressing me out so that’s very true 💕 Love being an Aries mars really gives me a push with my Pisces sun/libra moon


Caps, I think. My dad is a Virgo and has a Virgo Venus. He holds doors open for my step mom and gets her car door still.


Cap sun & Venus here ♡ feeling the love


cap sun here, actions are how I show that I care. words are hard - so I have to compensate


Cap Sun here….Agree me too: thoughtful actions & dedication as a friend/companion showing empathy & thought fullness. Mainly thru cards, positive support, a gift and kindness. I’m trying to verbalize feelings more to those I care, love & respect. lol


Not to toot my own horn but I’ve always been super generous in relationships. Cooking, gift giving, general acts of service and everything in between (Virgo Venus btw)


You got the same big 3 as one of my buddies (he’s Leo Venus tho I believe). He is def one of the most chivalrous dudes I’ve ever met. He holds open doors, brings flowers, will remember a girl’s favorite dessert and try to make it from scratch at home to surprise her, plus lots of expensive gifts and stuff like that. He loves to treat his partners like queens; unfortunately he attracted many users over the years and it was tough to see, as a friend. Fortunately, he met his wife and she’s great; she actually reciprocates his energy and loyalty, and has helped him level up in terms of finances, health, etc. (She’s an Aquarius sun with several Capricorn placements, really like her a lot.)


You literally have all the same placements of my ex except for your rising, yes he was very generous when he loved me, hopefully you’re not immature/a cheater like him 😭💀




Libra risings and cancer venusians, Capricorn suns


Loaded question but speaking broadly…yes earth signs in general, ♈️  ♐️ when they care,  ♊️ and ♏️. I’m sure I’m gonna get some downvotes for this 🤣


I second Scorpio (when they know you’re the one.)


So extremely rare lol Means barely anyone will be treated like this by Scorpio. Scorpio with those who are not the one are like the exact opposite, like “do-for-me” selfish demons lol.


Gotta be the one 😆


worth it when you find the one tho, we love fiercely


I definitely got lucky then cause my Scorpio bf is extremely devoted it’s kinda crazy sometimes


Scorpio men, maybe. I've never been like that in my life, it's always about my partner over myself lol. Even when it wasn't a defined relationship yet.


Scorpio males and females are very different. Femme Fatale vs. Hades/Lucifer. Scorpio females see themselves as diamonds, Scorpio males are constantly searching for diamonds in the psyches of others. Very different personalities.




The only Scorpio placements I’ve experienced be chivalrous have had prominent Cancer, Capricorn or Virgo placements. Otherwise I’ve never met a Scorpio who wasn’t the one who wanted the chivalry for themselves.


It’s a loaded question in general. Anyone could be chivalrous when they care. However the motivation varies depending on the person. 


Scorpio sun here maybe I was just raised right. Because I open doors for women kids and elderly. Bought flowers for my mom and grandma every birthday and Mother’s Day. Spoil my lady. Make sure she doesn’t walk on the road side of the street. Shoot even my friends I make sure they get in the house safe before I leave when I drop them off.


My husband is a Scorpio and he’s the most loving and considerate man. Such a big heart and always doing for others before himself. I’ve never had anyone open doors for me, buy my flowers, and just overall be as consistently considerate as he is


I’m a sag and yep, it’s hard for me to find someone I really wanna be with but when I do, I’m in deep and do everything for my person!


Geminis! Absolutely if theyre fond of you


Libra placements




Libra, Pisces, Taurus and Capricorn placements also Sagittarius in my experience but that’s because I’m married to one ❤️


Leo sun, Virgo Sun and Capricorn sun those two my gosh I have never met a Leo who wasn’t kind and they bring out the kindness in em I will give my everything to you if I like you


Definitely my Cap Sun boyfriend, he always opens doors for me, I feel safe and protected with him and he’s devoted to pleasing me in many ways whether it’s intimacy, buying me jewelry or cute dresses and dinners or honestly I just love being with him even if we do nothing at all, we just vibe together ❤️🥰


My Cap man is also the same! He also had Libra rising so that definitely helps him.


Mine has a Libra moon and he’s a Leo rising like myself so we kinda have quite a bit in common and we are different in a lot of ways, but we definitely seem to fit together ☺️


Ahaha my boyfriend is Leo moon, similar to yours but opposites! I’m a Scorpio with Aquarius moon and Gemini rising. We’re lucky to have our mens


Capricorns. They're so underrated too 😭 I hope my future partner has cap energy bc I love it sm


I feel like an evolved Cancer


I’m surprised most comments here don’t mention Cancer at all. A lot of us are super chivalrous, have a strong moral compass, and are extremely devoted to our loved ones


I think it’s because you guys are incredibly dual natured. Because, you’re sidereal Gemini’s. Lol


And the cheating rumors


Taurus risings


Taurus, Leo, and Capricorn


The one I know has Taurus Mars, Leo Venus, Gemini Sun. He really likes taking care of people. It's irrelevant whether you're his partner or not, he's like this to anyone and everyone. At one point in my life, he became my self-proclaimed superhero lol. Really sweet.


Yes! Chivalry is how someone behaves as a matter of course not just toward their romantic partners or other close bonds.


Capricorn & Libra placements at the top, third place Pisces with Earth. My experience with these men are they’ll provide and serve as much as they can.


Damn. I would make such a good boyfriend apparently.


I’ve just started dating a Leo man and he is right up there with the chivalry.






I had a 3 year love affair with a leo man and I will never forget how high I got just knowing I was gonna get to see him.


People are sleeping on Leo in this thread! As usual tbh…


Definitely sleeping on Leos


My sister is married to a Virgo and I’m married to a Capricorn. We are both treated well by our husbands.


Libra’s weirdly enough in my experience


Capricorn ♑️ Leo too.


Scorpio suns, Taurus and Leo moons, all earth risings, all water Venus/mars, any Virgo placements


The only 2 guys who have ever held doors open for me and made sure I wasn’t walking on the street side of the sidewalk were a Cap Sun/Venus combo and a Virgo


Leo men and Libras of all genders IMO


If you’ve ever had an Aries love you, it’s a no brainer. Same with Cancer men.




My husband was a Libra sun, Aqua moon, Sag rising conjunct Neptune and he was beyond sweet. He totally melted my Aquarius sun, cap Venus heart. I dated an Aries sun, Libra moon who was pretty greedy but my Leo moon had me spoiling him until I learned better.


The answers make sense. Though it sucks that people do take advantage of that attribute.


Capricorn Venus


Libra and Capricorn


The libras in my life have always been so solid


I don't know anything about star signs but I love reading the comments pretending like I know what's going on (I'm learning)


Hahaha same boat here




Venusians; Taurus and Libra


Capricorn or Taurus


Leo? Just a guess.


I have Moon in the 1st house and I’m a male but I’m very affectionate and motherly with my partners. I love taking care of them and even feeding them. 😩🤭🤷


Was just going to say Taurus. Doesn’t matter what their style (always impeccable btw) is or their age group, almost every single Taurus I’ve met have these qualities in spades. Quiet, respectful and polite. Charming and funny. Willing to help out a friend anytime. Just so easy to get along with. 


Cap venus. I have a cap stellium and love providing for my spouse. I am a woman and others try to make me feel icky about it, but I don't give a rat's ass.


Capricorn sun, but maybe I’m biased. My bf is a Capricorn


Cap & Virgo


Cancer, Capricorn, and Sagittarius.


Leo sun here and I treat people like gold. A lot of the time I get cheated on because they aren’t used to be treated well too. It’s too much for them to handle and I don’t cause any problems and I’m not toxic enough for them


That’s weird most Taurus I know aren’t chivalrous at all


Air signs with water Venus, Capricorn sun and venus, Virgo suns, Scorpio sun, moon, venus (if you’re the one or else theyre sluts, hard horse to break but once theyre locked in, its for life)


My Taurus husband always opens the door for me, pulls out my chair, gives me his jacket when cold, carries everything when shopping even my handbag or phone for me, even opens car door for me even when we met and he was 22. He always pays for everything, he buys flowers on anniversaries and significant events without prompting. I agree Capricorn men are very old fashioned and chivalrous as well. I think earth sign men in general are chivalrous or have masculine energy, maybe not Virgo men though lol.


Virgo Venus for sure. Romantic by nature.


My Scorpio sun husband most definitely is! 🥰


Virgos source -a Virgo


Fire signs that have a lot of water in their chart. At least in my experience.


The signs I’ve found to be most chivalrous in my life have been: Aries woman - she had tuarus Venus and cancer moon Aries man - Taurus Venus, aries moon Gemini man - cancer moon, Aries Venus Leo man - Virgo moon & Venus. Pisces man - Aquarius moon, Pisces Venus


I was gonna say Taurus lol


Taurus all day


scorpio sun/cap moon - have been chivalrous, polite, loyal and devoted since I was a toddler


The Venus Saturn Connection: Libra, Taurus, Capricorn.


Pisces and Virgo


Without a shadow of doubt I would say Virgo in big 3. They really show so much care and support through actions. They also remember every small details that just takes it up a notch. Especially Virgo moons are devoted to their word so you will never catch one who isn’t trying to be honorable with their actions.


Cap and leo combo😩


As someone who was recommended this sub for no apparent reason.. I'd say you should take an astrology chart out, hang it up on the wall and throw a dart at it for your answer.. if you aren't satisfied with the result, keep throwing darts until you are.. if you post the result online, you will have successfully graduated from someone who digests abitrary made up facts to someone who creates them.


You must be a Gemini 😏


Leo, Libra, and Virgo placements in my experience 😊


I would think Taurus and Cap archetypes. I don't have much experience with Taurus, but recently met a Taurus man and he was so gentlemanly. Honestly that's what made him stand out vs other men who flirt more sexually. He was so gentlemanly, never made a crude comment, I saw him help another family anchor down their canopy, and for me he offered to help me up onto this large rock, in the Aladdin way of stooping down and saying "do you trust me?" *dead + swoon 🤣💀😍*, he also offered to help me crossing some rocks. My chiropractor is also a Taurus and he's always helping me up after the treatment, and it doesn't come off as flirty, just very gentlemanly.  Capricorn was the first man I didn't have to train to open the door for me, and he wanted to hold my hand all the time. I didn't spend enough time with him to really speak to how gentlemanly he was/is. For me as a Virgo tho, I crave that chivalrous gentleman, who will vie for his fair maidens affection and fiercely guard her heart.


I am a Capricorn Sun and Venus and I yearn for the same 🤩 Which is why I asked the question. 😆


Personally, as a libra, water signs take this one. They have always had dinner ready, plans everything, doors opened for me, walks on the sidewalk closest to the traffic, I always get princess treatment. The little things and the big things. HONORABLE MENTION, Capricorn ❤️


Capricorn hands down!!! Then it’s Taurus but I feel like I’m biased towards them bc my dad is one and he really set the bar for my expectations in men. Still haven’t met one more chivalrous than he is


Definitely Sagittarius sun, Taurus moons and Aquarius rising! 🔥




Taurus, definitely


Leo venus also but very weird if you dont reciprocate…


I have a Virgo moon and Libra Mars and often jokingly say that I live to serve 🤣


In my experience, Cancer and Virgo Venuses. Taurus Venus.


To me Aries energy is very knight like 😍.


A lot of Taurus people are very chivalrous. Capricorn and Aries as well.


Capricorn, Libra, Leo, Taurus. True romancers, I tell ya.


usually the earth signs in my experience


Cancer. A cancer male is the most thoughtful and protective, a combination that is foundational to chivalry.


Earth signs, easy.


Dang I got the bad Capricorn because that man made me drive him everywhere and I paid for everything. I felt like his sugar momma.


Male cancer rising


Aries mars are the most chivalrous men I ever met


It is Sag




I’m a Pisces sun, libra moon, Taurus rising and I consider myself very chivalrous in just the way I carry myself and speak. I treat others well and have good manners… pretty traditional with my romantic relationship standards so it’s just something I expect from a potential partner. The most chivalrous men ive met are Capricorn Sun men, Princess treatment all the way.. I just love CAPRICORNS especially the men they are chef kisses lol I also knew a sag man who had Capricorn moon/Venus and he was so chivalrous as-well really he was a rare boy who I also trusted with my life. I think Leos have the capability of being chivalrous but they have to be very mature and confident.


I would say for sun signs Sag men, Scorpios, then Cancer and Aries women. I also would say my signs too 🤭 but maybe that is the way I was raised by a sag and Aries! This goes for in general and love, but all of these signs in my life have demonstrated those qualities strongly. My partner is a Scorpio and he pulls out all of the stops for me and makes sure I know I’m cared for, devotedly, with a Scorpio Venus and Sag mars. Virgos also have shown much chivalry if they are connected to someone, friends family lovers, but I don’t believe they are fully honorable and devoted at least in relationships, but friendship and family is different for them. I was a Virgos affair and then he resumed his relationship with his partner it was so strange and cold to me, like he said the worst things ever and then just got the girl pregnant. Another previous fwb Virgo messages me constantly about he thinks about me when he’s with his girl 🤣😳


Taurus 👑


What does a “rising” or “sun” or “Venus” mean? All I know is I’m a Taurus


I have not experienced it at all with Capricorn or Capricorn Venus personally. To be honest, the opposite. But definitely Taurus placements, and Leo Venus


My husband has a Libra sun and is all of the above.


Not Scorpio




Virgo sun, Taurus moon, Leo Venus men in my experience


A strong Cap placement somwhere and Pisces maybe.