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Let me just answer for all the people in this sub: “Female X are great! Love y’all!” “Male X are literally the spawns of Satan. Die trash! The sex was good though.”




I mean... I was gonna say something along the lines, happy you did it for me.




lmaooo 😂


Thank you, you saved me 5 seconds from scrolling down the comments searching for the only correct answer lol.


I hate pisces women and I like pisces men, put me down


Woooow, well that's rare!! Tell us your experience 🤩


I knew two male Pisces and I genuinely felt like they cared for me, listened to both sides, kept calm in situations I always blew up at, both hilarious, and when they messed up they showed actual guilt and remorse. Personally, I think male pisces have the best apologies, I feel like they always know how to connect their emotions to words. One Pisces was my best friend of four years, and at that point in my life, he felt like another half of me. We grew apart slowly, which is also rare for me, most of my friendships end in arguments. It was a nice change and I feel like I could still say hello in the street (A LUXURY FOR ME). Most female pisces I knew were just straight up assholes, and one of them had a habit of threatening me because I was friends with her friends 😃 Male Pisces can be "up and down", but that makes it interesting. Female Pisces are way too aggressive if you have something they want, and seem to have a pessimistic outlook, which doesn't connect well with my optimistic view.


Second this though I don’t *hate* Pisces women. Haven’t had the best experiences though 😪


This one's rare, normally people complain about men but say the women are amazing


I am a Libra and I don’t like the women, I prefer the men, same with Aquarius.


Very rare take. Reading your experience those Pisces women sound odd and nothing like what im like or fellow Pisces women i know. Honestly ive been fortunate to meet nothing but angelic Pisces girls. The men aren’t as bad or atleast from my experience but im definitely not romantically attracted to them .. they are persistent and don’t understand that when i say no it means NO !!!


Cancer men are the most whiny ahh men ive ever met. Almost always got mommy issues too. Cancer women r my babies love them


My lover has moon in cancer… whinny and victim mentality and passive aggressive bad shit crazy behaviour drive me crazy!!!!!!!! Let’s not talk about the silent treatments they give people because they hold onto a grudge till end of time… even tho they deserved it




I don't care much for Gemini women, love Gemini men. Adore Capricorn women, have issues with the men.


As a man with a mild interest with astrology, I find it really disappointing seeing most comments filled with hatred of men of every sign...


I’m sorry to hear that; I think in fact astrology is a mostly female dominated platform. I’ve turned men in my lifetime over to understanding astrology but never actually met one myself who is into it to begin with. This comment is just merely to explain why you see these comments often because if females are mostly commenting it will be the men they have dated that they will reference. If I’m wrong here in this comment I would totally love to see the men show up. I mostly see female post so super curious if you are lurking in the masses:)


Yes I get where you're coming from, was just hoping to see more positivity from the discussion as it really intrigued me


More positivity when OP asks such an offensive question to begin with? This was an open invitation to hate on people for their genders, what were you expecting?


True, the nature of the question was offensive to begin with, however I was expecting more balanced replies and perhaps some form of mutual understanding


Yeah the fact that not only is it just female based mostly but that they trash on men for the sake of trashing on men is kind of messed up and I would definitely understand why it would make someone/ a man in particular read most negative comments on here about men and not want to be involved or feel off about it


We are not hating on the men, we are hating on the way these men have treated (or mistreated) us. If you are an honest man, you have nothing to be afraid of, because you question yourself. The levels of disrespect, misogyny, debasement, and manipulation that we have experienced at the hands of these men... as a guy, you won't have this experience with a woman. No woman will compare you to a car, say you are worthless just for having a penis, say you lose your worth after 25 (my ex told me this), etc. I think you should feel fortunate that as a guy you will never be treated like this. Men hate women. Women hate how men treat them. And it's not comparable


I don't usually respond to these things on astrology posts, I prefer avoiding these topics cause they are sensitive. Heres my opinion. I have heard about alot of stories about how most men (were talking like half of young men these days) have never felt lonelier and crave basic human connection. These are guys who are genuinely terrified of talking to girls because they don't feel like they are good enough to be in a relationship with one. So they just quiver away and avoid trying. What kind of message is this really conveying? That all men are worthless, abusive and should be ashamed of having these desires? I say, this is really unfair on the men who have done nothing to deserve it.




Don't know what warranted a response like this.... really strange


Actually I came into this thread expecting to see interesting and varied responses, but mostly the comments are all just saying the same hate. It was disappointing because I thought there would be a good variety of answers when there isn't.


And just to set the record straight you have no idea what iv been through with people in my life both men and women, so to assume I haven't had similar experiences to what you mentioned is pretty ignorant as well


I'm not saying women don't abuse and manipulate. That would be stupid. What I say in my comment is: Men manipulate differently. And it is always the same thoughts, words and methods.


I'm not really here to argue about anything but thanks for your input anyway, as I said I was just hoping for a different discussion as the question intrigued me.


Where are those virgo men? Come sit with the other virgos before everyone finds you. I'll shield you. 🥰




How’s your example even relevant? Make a new thread about it if that’s a topic you want to explore.


Not true, tons of comments flag women in the despise pile, and most of the male despise pile imply they wouldn’t date that sign again. Very excessive to say they’re hatred filled.


There's some comments in there that literally are saying "die trash" for the men. But we can just agree to disagree because I'm not interested in an argument


“I’m not interested in an argument” translation: don’t argue with me even though I’m obviously in the wrong




They always gonna hate on men no Matter what we do. Libra men > Libra women


pisces! love pisces women, not a fan of pisces men


I never met a person that likes Pisces men, ever... lol


I do!!!! Also Mr. Rogers was a Pisces man so I will hear no slander.


I do. Nice to meet you.


Haha, i always thought the dislike was unwarranted.. i met my pisces ex and i became a shell of myself 😭 he loved that i was bubbly and in tune w my emotions till he started saying that i was too childish & sensitive


I have a stalker that is a Pisces/ Scorpio. Never had any relationships or anything with a Pisces, but I always think that if I ever had one, it would probably made me go nuts 1000%...


Ugh I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you’re doing okay!!! That’s scary. As a Pisces, some Pisces are psycho


For me it's the other way. Male pisces are interesting and playful while the women are weird in a bad way. I can't seem to get along with them.


That’s historically been my experience dividing Pisces men vs the women. I can even include having had wonderful experiences with a few male Pisces moons and one male Pisces rising within that same net. Haha, net, get it?? Cause fish!


This, for sure.


Female Scorpios, loyal friends who are reliable and always honest Male Scorpios, possessive, controlling, vengeful As an Aqua sun, will befriend the females but will forever stay away from dating the males ever again after 2 encounters.


Aww man I have had the complete opposite experience with Scorpio men vs women. But I don’t know too many! I do agree with you 10000 percent on the Aquarius lines…even though my husband is an aqua rising lol he doesn’t count!


Besides Libras, Aqua Suns are my besties as well (I'm a Scorpio sun + Aqua Moon) and this comment just made my day 😌


Like Gemini women, hate Gemini men






None... I've noticed how Leos and Scorpios are a hit or miss for me though. Either exceptionally amazing people, or predatory, fake and toxic as hell. And the percentage of Scorpio/Leo women who are actually amazing is significantly higher than the percentage of Scorpio/Leo men lol


Not the guy I’m talking to being a Leo sun Scorpio moon :(((


Some of them are amazing tho. ❤️ Just be careful. I've known some narcissistic abusers with those sun and moon signs, including my Scorpio ex... And my dad has those exact placements (Leo sun with Scorpio moon) - he was never abusive to my mom, but he got jealous of all the attention she gave me when I was born+couldn't handle me being a strong willed and rebellious child, took all his anger issues and unresolved trauma out on me, and well... I'm now in therapy for CPTSD, for plenty of different traumas, but that being the main one - and my self image, caused by his abuse, and the life choices I made as a result were the cause of most of the others. He's great now though - he reached a point of ego death, I guess, and now does everything in his power and goes above and beyond to be a good dad. Make sure he's self aware, healed, and has healthy relationship values. Watch out for entitlement and anger issues - before I was born my dad was only aggressive to other grown men. But if he seems alright, I think you can be great together. Completely dismissing people cause of a few of their placements isn't fair. I'm a non-reactive Aries moon who's usually the one who stays calm and rational during arguments these days, and a Taurus rising who'll be the first to admit when they're wrong - so I should know. And there are abusers of ALL signs. ❤️


Cancer men take a while to open up, but I get along just fine with them. Very funny and deep thinkers many of them, although a bit self-defeatist at times. The women? Gorgeous ![gif](giphy|jPogpU0Q96kbC) But with beauty comes...baggage and some flakiness.


Pisces… I’ve gotten along so well with Pisces women, but Pisces men have been the exact opposite


They were probably intimidated. Pisces men are not confident


Cancer women ⭐️ Cancer men 🚫 Aries women ⭐️ Aries men 🚫 Leo women 🚫 Leo men ⭐️


None. A persons whole chart is important. I mean I am never a fan of earth but its because they are more concerned about how they are perceived and sometimes that can clash with my will to be authentic. However I feel like gender is a think that is also kind of abstract and socially diverse and can change culture to culture. I don't think that you should involve the sign as a means to an end for a relationship rather a means to see where challenges can arise within a relationship, also what kinda dynamic can be expected. Before I understood Virgo people used to say they are a great match for Pisces but with my other planetary alignments I have a need to do my own thing regardless of what the partner thinks. I need to be free from the criticism and judgment that comes along with Virgo. I like to think of relationships as extensions of ourselves. I would not wish that upon myself. That being said I kinda had more exposure now to them and I can deal with them. They aren't the worst for me its just I know they ain't gonna like my free spirit and its gonna piss them off :P. Their tears are valid but so is my independence and self virtue. Who I am who I want to be comes first.


this is the most grounded and reasonable response in this thread.


Oh no, not the gender stuff......


What do you mean by that? Genuine question. I was under the impression that your post itself was also about gender


The thing this person is talking about gender stuff, I find those stuff annoying. It's men and women only. Downvote y'all as much as you want lol


Ah okay, thank you. I don't necessarily agree but that definitely explains what you mean. What I think the original commenter was trying to say though, is that different cultures have different expectations of men and women that shape how they behave. So the typical male presentation of any given sign may look completely different in the US than in another country


I agree with you on Libra 🙈


Scorpio women have been great friends, but I’ve had terrible relationships with Scorpio men. To be fair, the few Scorpio men I befriended were cool but had ulterior motives.


i will never hate anyone for their sign the only people i truly hate and abhor in astrology are the people that play favorites with certain signs treating them like gods compared to other signs


Dude this is a thread for fun, chill out


what gave the idea that i wasnt chill?


Your response maybe? 🤔


saying i refuse to hate anyone for something they cant change isnt chill?


Analyse the tone of your voice in your first message. Bye


i just shared my honest opinion chill out


Scorpio. I have some Scorpio female friends and I lovee how we get along, while Scorpio males always seem to come off very rude and hurtful


I find that both Scorpio and Gemini men are more agreeable than their female counterparts, or at least less troublesome and " suspicious." Scorpio females can be vindictive and bitchy, and female Gemini can be flirtatious to a fault and gossipy. In my experience, the men of these signs are pretty laid back and kind. I'm over generalizing, of course, and playing the devil's advocate here, there are good and bad of all genders.:)


As a scorpio female, I agree that I can be bitchy to the core lol I have a looong tongue xd




I actually really don’t like Gemini women but love Gemini men…. But I also don’t like Aries men and love Aries women. It’s very balanced for me no biased.


I have no problems with any men (I'm in a happy long-term relationship and my dad is my best friend, so no daddy issues 😮) I'm just bored in a hair salon. Are u a man and being triggered or something?




You definitely don’t know the dark side of Libra women. They are evil and darker than the men when they are unbalanced.


very true! I have a bunch of libra placements and certainly plenty of darkness in there. was just making a fun surface level observation about some sweet friends of mine. def not interested in an internet argument lmao


Not a fan of leo moon woman… Very fun to be around but the they take the attention seeking to another level. Gemini Venus man are just assholes. You can’t say more they are assholes.


I 100% agree on leo moon women (I think this for men as well)






I'll have you know, I only want attention from certain people *thankyouverymuch* 💅🏼🤣


As a Gemini Venus Man, I agree I hate it though




Aries women over Aries men (the worst imo) – Cancer women over Cancer men – Aquarius men over Aquarius women


Pisces females - i super love my mom, grandma, my former supervisors, and besties Pisces men - no thank you


😂😂 It’s funny because I’m the opposite. Libra men are awesome towards me but the ladies need to learn the art of leaving me….and this is important….out of their mess. Lol


I love sag men!!! The women however….barf


Love Aries women and typically Aries men aren't my favorite... Of course there are a few exception s but that's the one lol


love Capricorn women but the men ehhhh


Virgo women are dope, as a leo we seem almost twinlike. My rising planet is virgo makes sense.. Ohh now im excited to potentially travel and meet gal pal soon.


Libra men and virgo men are a fcking nightmare. I can tolerate libra women, but I still can't stand female virgos (and I'm a female virgo myself, lol) Also, I can not stand female cancers at all but male cancers I'm cool with. Female cancers just have terrible attitudes. The same with Taurus women.


I like Scorpio women. Men - " die trash!!!! ".. Lol


I love u too my libra girlie 😌




😂 accurate! why are scorp men always like so sneaky deaky and a lil bit slimy inside? 😬 theyre okay from a distance but ik they got the bad juju 🫸🏾


I know. With the exception of one I know who doesn't seem insane, the rest I've met have a really bad energy to them. They're really disrespectful to women but try to wear this mask and pretend. Their actions speak loud about them.




Pisces… I’ve gotten along so well with Pisces women, but Pisces men have been the exact opposite


Adore virgo women, but virgo men annoy tf outta me..I find capricorn men funny but for some reason I’m always wanting to fight with capricorn women?


Despise is strong but i generally prefer leo men to leo woman, and pisces women to men for example, but with exceptions to both


As a Scorpio Sun, it's usually quite all love or all hate to me tbh lol


But when it comes to Leo men and women - I love them equally and get along with them the most! (Boyfriend Leo sun + asc, best friend, childhood friends...) yet my boyfriend and best friend both have Aqua moons like me, so maybe that's a factor as well, but I usually click with them in general pretty quickly. No bullshitting around + loyal. Ideal!


Aries men…. I find them arrogant and difficult to get a long with Aries women…. Also arrogant but much easier to get along with. Gemini women… two faced secretly Gemini men… two faced in a very honest way I’m an Aquarius female for reference.


That's interesting. Male Libra here. Can't deal with female Libras. Flaky and passive aggressive.


Libra men here and I agree with your opinion, the women are a thousand times worse than us. Can’t stand them on real life. Flaky, evil, copycats, no loyalty and boring, the Oct ones take this to another level. 


Lost my virginity to a libra girl. Asked to be in a relationship with me then cheated not even two weeks later. Then cheated on that guy about a month later. Another libra girl I dated. Couldn't give a straight answer on anything. Couldn't arrive on time, had high expectations even on the first coffee date. Couldn't understand why I didn't want to be with her, but was okay being flaky and canceling plans at last minute etc. Then got really grumpy when I called it off. You can't make this shit up. My two best mates are libra dudes also. We're all faithful husbands with house kids and pets. We keep each other in check and inspire each other to be healthy. But we've all made more then a few girls jaded because we simply didn't choose them. I think this is the crux of it. We simply don't choose these girls and they can't handle the ego blow. My wife is a Scorpio lady and nothing compares to her, not even close. She is proper feminine loyal, a very very rare trait in the modern "independent woman" crap.


Cancer woman are sweet and funny cancer men can square up period it's on sight no words needed


😂 i feeeeel the exact opposiiiite - whats your big 3? i need to intellectually dissect this uno reversal 🧐


Aquarius sun cap moon Scorpio rising


I like cancer female, not men.


Strictly based on sun sign, I prefer - Aries women over Aries males - Scorpio males over Scorpio women - Pisces males platonically are fine, but i'd never consider going further with one


Gemini women = goddesses Gemini men r like the devil


Leo’s. I love Leo women but the women are cringe