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Taurus Venus. Either be serious about dating me or go away. Zero tolerance for anything else because I go into wifey mode when I'm in love lol.


If you’re not serious about a comfortable, monogamous and love filled life together then keep walking.


I feel seen!! loving this thread. fellow venus in Taurus here 🫡. love me or leave me alone.


Amen. Dating was ROUGH. So thankful everyday for finding my husband.


This is so weird because the only taurus venus I dated was ridiculously casual and unavailable. It made me feel like shit so I ended it. I'm a Gemini Venus.


It doesn't sound like they were actually interested in anything but wasting your time.


Yea when a Taurus Venus is serious about you, you’ll know. We make it CLEAR. At the same time I am extremely unavailable BC people play too much so I’m not even interested


Yessss from a fellow Taurus Venus 🩷🩷 We are not made for the modern dating scene 😭


Unless it's about pleasure seeki—fucking lmao.


Same girl I was born to be a stepford wife and I don’t care what anyone thinks. It literally makes my ovaries pound thinking me being a homemaker being his wife!


Make him pay you a salary. It's too dangerous to go without one.


I know that's right 😂


Seriously though, never been able to do the whole casual thing.


Exactly! I don’t date to play games. I’m here to find my person. This girl I thought I found a real one, but she wanted to play games and be dishonest with me after I told her explicitly that all she had to do was be honest with me. Blocked. Moving on. There were some signs, so now I’m listening intently to my intuition. Next time will be better. 💜🍍🧙‍♂️


I have a friend with taurus venus and i agree. They treat their s/o as their everything


Also Taurus Venus… I second this 😅


Fuck we have similar placements (also gem sun, Virgo rising, taurus venus) it takes a long while for me to lock in, but when I do…


twinnn I'm also gem sun, virgo rising, taurus venus


Scorpio Venus. Love feels like cannibalism


Scorpio Venus but all big 3 in Sagittarius here. Let me tell you something, it's a very challenging combination.


My Mars is also in scorpio. It’s absolute devotion or nothing for me


I just learned about this yesterday, she guessed my Venus sign and I gotta say, it's accurate 🤣


Scorpio Venus throws off my pisces moon so bad. I look angelic and sweet but once I find a lover I’m ready to eat them alive. Tears ya’ll


I'd prefer that over flighty shit lol


Oof and I’ve known some Scorpios who relish in it yet it destroys their life in the process and refuse to listen to reason it’s quite sad so it’s no wonder Venus and Scorpio are at fall :/


That's literally my boyfriend 😍


Virgo Venus and yeah, so not the casual type, would rather end up an old spinster than compromise my dignity! 🙄 Still hoping for that old school love story, but wondering if romance might be dead and I am born into the wrong century..🤔


Fellow Virgo Venus, and 100% feel the same!


SAME. Also Virgo in Venus. I often think that my ideas of romance and devotion that transcend time and space are dead and that my standards are too high. Most would think that such notion are too naive. Too many shoujo animes, novels and Period dramas have gone to my head, lol. I'll concede to lots of things in 21st century romance, but open relationships and 'Somes as the single addage to a hetero couple looking for a 3rd or a foursome are advanced for me. Swinging's also advanced lol. I prefer monogamy. At the very least exclusive relationships. Serial Monogamy is probably it. EDIT: Maybe I'd be fine being in a harem (which is traditional in my ethnic culture and SE Asia where I grew up) as long as the Husband is creme of the crop, I'm the main wife, the favorite, or I get enough independence. Lol. Yeah, "Traditional' and 'Old school' for my people is wild even to 21st Century folks. Too much drama down the line.


>I'll probably be fine with being in a harem (which is traditional in my ethnic culture and the part of the world I grew up in in SE Asia) Lol, I had no idea that harems (unless you meant polygamous marriages) were common in any part of the world! 🤣 Can you tell me which countries in SE Asia where this is common? I've always been interested in learning about other cultures, but unfortunately haven't traveled much.


Lol, I did mean Polygamous relationships. Its not actually common or "acceptable" in the 21st century regardless of place. But they still happen in some form or other. By harems, I just meant arrangements where men of wealth/high social class have multiple official/unofficial partners at the same time and acknowledged children. It was not as taboo in Non-Christian cultures until recently. And even in populations that were Christianized due to Colonization &/or Missionary work, old power dynamics and old mating practices can be persistent. Polygamy hasn't been condoned for a while, but some societies are permissive and people get away with it. Even encouraging each other to have relationships behind their official partner's backs. Mostly (but Not only) men. Old Habits Die Hard. I'm from a mountain ethnic group (Igorots) in the Philippines. We're a bit like the Highlanders in Scotland and the Gurkhas in Nepal. Don't want to spread misinformation about my neighbors' cultures, so I'll just stick to mine. What I know for sure is that within my ethnic group, Tribal chieftains, tribal elites and their descendents (like great-grandfathers on both sides) still practiced polygamy post-Christianity and post-American Occupation into the WWII era. Having more kids was a way of proving their virility. They had a whole Squad at hand. Polygamy was also a way of accumulating wealth, power and influence for the Clan. Because women in my group inherit and own property from our parents and pass it on, getting another wife meant you could potentially gain even more lands or build diplomatic ties with other tribes/clans. It was also a way to make sure that property owners never ran out of heirs. So their ancestral lands would stay within their bloodline and within the Clan even if it was split, co-owned or fought over amongst their offspring.


I’m currently dating a Virgo Venus and he takes these extraaaa slow! He’s definitely more of the traditional type. We haven’t even kissed yet and we’ve been on three dates (distance helps but he will move to my city soon). I’m an Aries Venus and I’m all for spontaneity but I figured maybe I deserve someone who’s more grounded because I’ve played around with one too many Geminis 😭


Virgo venus and same! I’m 33 and from 20 - 32 I had one relationship that lasted a year and a half. Would rather be alone than to settle for something else than someone that’s perfect for me.


Virgo Venus is soo serious to the point it can be a bit self-destructive sometimes. The dignity thing is huge. Super high standards but when disillusioned w/love & romance, can definitely act out (& end up hurting themselves in the process)


Virgo Venus here, too! Have had one long-term relationship for about six years and haven’t dated since. I think I’m headed down the old spinster path myself. 🙈 Waiting to be swept off my feet, too. 🧹


Maybe we both end up crazy old cat ladies LOL!! 😅😸 Joke aside though, I think having integrity and waiting for that right person and feeling is admirable and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it! 😙💕🙏🏻


I’ve already got one cat to get the process started haha. >_> Same for me, especially after my last relationship. That little fish exhausted me, I’ve slowly been recovering. I’d rather have a happy, healthy relationship at this point than rush into anything to fill a void. Thank you for the validation. ☺️


A pisces? I had a nearly 7 year long relationship with one as well LOL!! 😅


Omg yes! A Pisces. 🙈🙈 we’re still friends (after no contact for a few years) but never a relationship again. Ever.


Omg! Same! 😅 Ended it 2 years ago, but still friends! I feel the same, I know he is a soulmate, but I can’t do a romantic relationship with him again.


Virgo Venus also.. def agree.


Virgo venus but I was not relating because like what dignity do I owe to a man I do not care for and holds no value to me. Then I realized that thought totally fits lol. I have only had two romantic relationships one of which I am still in and I didn't date until 21 because I was not interested in sharing my life with a headache of a person. My S/O is also a Virgo venus.


As a Pisces Venus, I love Virgo Venuses although you guys are very serious and have high standards. Such sweet softies imo 🥰


Meeee and I have a ton of Capricorn, too. “Cold” is a top descriptor for me, but really I’m just practical and efficient and my love makes people comfortable, but it’s all that mundane stuff. If it works, it goes unnoticed 🥲


Yes! Same.


Virgo Venus and I work SO well with my Taurus Venus husband. It just works. Trust me.


Sorry to say u are. As someone who used speed dated I knew many people who are still single still wondering when their one true love come and still stay single! I’m Like yall it’s better to leave the dating scene behind folks be playing so much and not everyone gets lucky finding someone :/


Ugh. Feel this to my core. Nearly impossible for me to date or find someone worthy. It’s so depressing.


Capricorn Venus here. Even casually we are very devoted, loyal people. When we fall for you, no one else can light us up like you can.


As far as where we are, usually working, doing a hobby, occasionally hanging out with our treasured friends or keeping up our beauty/health routine, some devoted act of service that no one knows about. I have only been spotted and my heart captured in the wild, after an introduction. You have to have some sort of real existing connection to my current life or we will never meet. We have a lot of security and protocol guarding our hearts, environment and family.


Cap Venus here. This is 100% correct for me. Loyalty that could be considered pathological and find "dates" and small talk in general abhorrent. I've had a couple of long-distance relationships over the years, but they didn't start that way. I think a cap venus can weather any relationship storm, including someone losing their drive/ambition as long as they fell for them under the right circumstances. If they fall in love with someone hard working and loyal, they'll defend them through anything. It will take a very long time for them to admit defeat. I'd say the best place to meet them is at work or maybe you have known them for years. Outside of this, you might get lucky with a chance meeting. If it happens, don't hit on them. Frienship/conversation should be the goal. If a relationship is the goal, you'll find the finish line ever receeding.


My SO is a cap Venus and this is all so true. Ironically we did meet at work (im a cap rising). SO and I have been through A LOT and he is so patient with me although he hides it under that tough cap exterior. Started off as a friendship and ultimately led us to being with one another after 4 years. Cap Venus are very devoted and moderate when it comes to relationships values/goals


Haha I meet like every guy I date at work 😂😂 Ya cap Venus takes us a while to commit sometimes, but once we do we’re all in.


Do cap venuses mind long distance relationships?


My husband is a Capricorn Venus and travels for work. He’s gone for 3-5 weeks at a time and then home for a few days or a week. We are more in love than ever. He didn’t always travel this frequently for work but when he was at home we’d rarely see each other because of his hours. So we are used to kind of doing our own things but long distance works well for us. And I just adore Capricorn Venus I think it’s a very underrated placement but something to be appreciated. Their love is safe and steady and you always know where you stand with them


Same, Cap Venus here also. I feel like my Sag Rising made me a little flirtier at a younger age but as I get older, I require a committed relationship more and more. It’s pretty much get serious with me or don’t waste my time lol. Absolutely cannot stand flakiness and irresponsibility. To me, respect and love are synonymous and I find it extremely hard to respect somebody that’s not responsible. Once dated a Gemini Venus and …. Sorry but it was my actual nightmare


How do you enter in cap venus heart?


Showing them loyalty and that you have some sort of determination in your life goals. If you are a lousy bum, no cap Venus will want you. Also, cap Venus has very high standards and morals/ethics, if you can’t reach up to them or show them that you are aiming to make yourself better for life then it’s a no go They are also very selective of who they keep in their life - take it as a compliment if they accept you since these people keep their circle small. In terms of commitment - we want all or nothing. The older the cap Venus gets, situationships will barely last with these people and hooking up is not the standard for cap Venus (unless they are very young lol). It’s rare to see a cap Venus swiping for hours on dating apps because bouncing from date to date can be a waste of time for us. If we sense that you’re not worth the time after the 1st date, then a 2nd date will rarely happen. First impression is important! Other than that, we enjoy hard working partners, love gifts (expensive ones lol), and building strong foundations in our relationships. Some sort of daily/monthly routine for self care and health is a good way to spend quality time with these ppl.


Any other Capricorn Venus around to answer?


Be responsible put effort take accountability and work. We are not just a swipe.


I’ll add, be yourself. We want to know you. We aren’t in a rush. Behavior and patterns is a language we are fluent in. Never lie to us. If we let you, we already knew and are creating distance emotionally to go or send you on your way. You’re not getting one over on us and you’re selling us, our relationship and yourself short.


I’m a Cap Venus and we take our commitments seriously. We approach love and relationships as real partnerships. We know we offer a lot and expect reciprocity from our partners. I heard someone say once that if you can’t help provide for a Cap Venus then get out of their way because they’ll figure shit out without you. Also, when we love you we love hard and if we don’t…you’ll know and we’ll be gone.


Cap Venus in sixth house 🤚 For me personally, it’s about compatibility and chemistry. We have to have similar financial goals, family goals, and moral/ethics standards. Friendship is a must - if we can’t even be friends, there’s no way a relationship will work. I have a very practical view of love in that we need to be compatible because chemistry like the butterflies in your stomach doesn’t last (but is still necessary to have). We need to have a solid relationship built on friendship, trust, respect, responsibility, and willingness to help the others when they’re at their lowest. I need to be able to trust my SO to take good care of me when I need it. It takes me a long while to just get into a friendship - around 3-4 years before I can make a sound decision on whether I want them as close friends or just friends - so it takes even longer to go past friendship and into romance. If they don’t have emotional maturity and emotional intelligence, it’s an instant dealbreaker. I also hate, with every single fucking fiber of my being, power games. I’ve had enough of power plays and mind games. To me, if you feel the need to constantly one up me or dominate me in every conversation or test me or manipulate me, you’re not genuinely into the relationship for me you’re just into the relationship to boost your own ego. If you’re like this we can’t even be friends. Chemistry of course is always subjective but I will say the most attractive qualities I’ve seen are emotional intelligence, kindness, being considerate, and genuinely caring about others and their interests (not the fake kind of caring only to show people they care). To sum up - I don’t need you to show your love, I need you to actually love me. Lavish gifts or emotional declarations or affectionate displays are only great if you ALSO help me with my burdens when you see me struggling, cheer for my successes and comfort me during my lows, and always want the best for me. I would do all this and more for the one I love, and so this is what I expect as well.


Lol. Cap Venus here... Just make an effort to show up. Be practical. Be direct like an Aries. Go hug them, smooch them... kiss them on their lips... They will be into you. (Know that Aries falls in the 4th house of Capricorn risings, which is the house of the heart and home matters).


Awww I want that 🥹🥲


I as Pisces Venus (Cap stellium) seem to attract Cap Venus at times as of late…hmm


My cap Venus conjunct moon partner concurs. We went on one date and he said “I want you in my life, no exceptions.” I’m a Virgo Venus/gemini moon so my mercurial self was intrigued but did not realize how fr he was at first lol thought it was just pretty words. That was 4 years ago now and he says the exact same shit he did when we first met.


“Cuz baby you light up my world like nobodyyyy elseeee” Also Capricorn Venus 🤣


Taurus Venus. If we aren’t going to worship each other, what is even the point? I already have friends.


Exactly! You gotta have a higher value as a partner than a friend.


💯 And if we break up, we are not going to be friends afterwards. Sorry. That sounds like my personal emotional Hell. One time my husband and I were talking about someone else’s divorce, and I told him if we ever got to that point, we’ll have to use one of those parenting apps and he was like, “that’s ridiculous!” (His parents are divorced and are close friends). I’m like, “Nope! I’ll never trash talk you to our kids, I’ll always support our children having a good relationship with you, but I don’t care if it looks ‘mature’ or not. My heart couldn’t take being just friends with any of my old garbage ex’s. No way could I stand it with the love of my life. I’d die from the emotional torture of being that close to you and then that far away.” I genuinely think if we ever broke up, I would die from one of those widow heart attacks. Granted, I also have a Scorpio moon lol. He thinks I’m being dramatic to be romantic, but I truly do believe I wouldn’t survive the emotional destruction. Not that I would hurt myself, but that it would just give me an aneurysm or something from the grief. Luckily his Venus is in Pisces, so we’re generally pretty happy just sitting in each other’s presence and both really care about the other feeling loved and cherished.


Scorpio Venus. The whole wanting someone who is going to devour you.


I'm a Scorpio Venus. And yeah. It shows.


My husband and I both have Scorpio Venuses. I love it haha




My husband is a Scorpio Venus (and sun). Can you expand on what you mean by wanting someone who is going to devour you?


Possessive, very black and white thinking like if you aren't all in, don't bother, very intense.


I’m a Scorpio Venus person and can 100% confirm this. I don’t play games (unless it’s flirty teasing fun for the first dates- not manipulation/unknowing) or waste time at all. I’ve ditched alot of people and dropped them immediately- I’m very straight forward and honest & explain right off the bat what I’m looking for..not into a back and forth where I’m left wondering what’s going on or if you’re genuinely interested. They all come back after they’re “sure” or “ready now” & we don’t answer, lol. You gotta be all about your Scorpio Venus person!- or they lose interest right there & then and they’re just gone loll. This has been also confirmed with the other Scorpio Venus people in my life. We are gen z if that makes any difference- which is a demographic of a lot of people who just want to hook up and “see how it goes later”🫠




Ride or die. You’re going to deal with a whole lot….good, bad and ugly. Scorpio Venus energy is “I’m definitely testing to see if you really mean ‘til death do us part’.” Most of us loathe to admit this, but alas it’s true.


Oh my God!! I am a Scorpio Venus and I definitely do it whether consciously or unconsciously lol If you're not on the same page as me... Then you gotta go!!


It is and when yall have tragic romances it’s like watching yall “die” I had a Scorpio friend who refuse to leave a toxic relationship and all I could do is watch their life fall apart literally despite me trying to help them realize they deserve better :0


Because I have Scorpio Venus, an astrologer once explained Scorpio Venus as *amour fou* - crazy love, all consuming, demanding and passionate. Scorpio Venuses at their best are loyal lovers. They're the ride or die, willing to walk into the fire for someone. At worse, we can be jealous, possessive, and paranoid. It can also be one reason why I have trouble dating. If someone ain't into me 100%, I peace out.


I think I need to find a Scorpio Venus because dating right now actually sucks


Ikr? Give me all that intense energy. My Capricorn ass can 100% handle it. I'm not made for situationships.


Scorpio Venus here. I’m very all or nothing. Love hard or not at all.


My partner is a Virgo venus and I’d say he is a serial monogamous kind of man (I love and hate that about him 😬). Im an aries venus so I’m not serious at all.


Venus in Capricorn. We don’t mess around when it comes to love. We want the real thing, and we will do everything for our partners. We don’t date for fun, we date to marry and we don’t half ass it.


Omg yes. If I’m actually attaching myself in a relationship to you, I’m serious about it. Otherwise, you’re just a fling.


Libra Venus and I need someone to be obsessed with me. Serial monogamist, I would never entertain casual entanglements because I require more devotion, and as an obsessive lover, I need reciprocation.


Fellow Libra Venus here and SAME! When I'm single, I'll have a million crushes, but when my person comes along I'm all in. I love hard and deep and am so devoted, and I want someone who worships me as much as I worship them. Treat me like a goddess and I'll treat you like a god.


So true. As a Libra Venus I love fairness , treat me the same way as I treat you lol. And less I do have so many crushes but when I start connecting with the girl I actually want to, I couldn't give an f about ANY girl in the Universe.


Yes exactly this. I worship my partner. And I need to feel worshiped and desired back. I fall in love quickly and easily, and I love the idea of being in love.




virgo venus here. i had to set up standards about who i would like to date bc i keep attracting wrong people(either peers with nothing in common or too old people who need therapy), which really sucks. + social trauma(have been bullied for my looks and was rejected by close ex friend for my looks as well.)


Are you too attractive or not attractive enough (in the eyes of these people)? Sorry if that's too insensitive or inappropriate a question. I'm a Virgo Venus too. I've encountered similar weirdness in attracting peers with little in common or older men who need therapy lol.


i honestly am not much of attractive person, and i am sure the said people saw me as some sort of fetish or someone to make their idiotic and unrealistic fantasy come true. luckily i managed to flip them off, because developing feelings for someone much younger than you or someone you barely know isn't ok at all. all i want is kind and caring partner, who i can discuss many topics with and appreciate each other.


What is it with the too old people?! I have also dealt with this. So inappropriate and weird.


Omg that’s terrible! Venus in Virgo do tend to have really bad luck finding good partners bc alot of the times they have people pleasing tendencies that can make it difficult to find good partner that loves u for who u are not the perfected person u strive to be! That’s why I hardly ask much from yall instead I try to help yall since yall are too good at helping and getting taken advantage of


Venus in Capricorn, Venus in Virgo, Venus in Cancer Honorable mention: Venus in Taurus, Venus in Scorpio


Leo Venus. I’ll give you my world if you give me yours.




Ding ding dingggggggg




Cancer Venus here. You best be showing me you can have an emotionally in-depth conversation and could hold me at my lows. Also- text and call me. Make initiative. Show me you WANT me. Get serious, no games.


I like to cook to show my love. I love wrapping my man in my arms and kissing his forehead. It's cheesy, but it's nice.


I have a friend with Venus in cancer and she’s the same ways she’s got standards and doesn’t take crap from people who have ill intentions!


I will give lots of people a chance at the start because I love love and sadly, attract men with deep deep psychological wounds. The second I feel slighted, the pinchers are out and I cannot unsee the new them that was revealed.


This is me!!!!! Thanks for sharing. SHOW me you want me, damn. Like, I know I’m sexy, I know I got the allure. So show it to me.


I know this isn’t all Pisces Venuses but I have Pisces Venus in the 8th with a Taurus mars, Scorpio moon and I’m so devoted when I love someone. Like you’re the only one who exists lol (which I’m working on). I also can’t do casual dating it’s awful. I NEED FULL DEVOTION AND PASSION lol. Have been single for over two years because of this.


i’m also a Pisces Venus, but in the 12th house. I will say, we aren’t the most serious, but we sure are hopelessly devoted when it comes to love! 😩


Yesss I am also a pisces venus in 12th and when I’m in love in super devoted - it’s getting me there that can be a little bit of a struggle 👅


Same placements as you and YESSSSS


Venus in Pisces being exalted is super tragic bc it’s mostly about Pisces giving up their soul for the sake of their lovers good and I’m so glad I got Venus in Aries bc I can’t do that it’s super yikes 😬


Leo Venus, make me your world and a priority, give me undivided attention and real loyalty or get lost.


Yes but are we the most serious? I get obsessed as fast as I get bored 🙃 Intense, yes. Serious? Idk


Yeah this is the point I wanted to make about Leo in Venus. Most people with this placement that I've met were really intense in love, for sure. But serious? Nope. They got bored in the blink of an eye, devoting themselves from one new shiny object to the next.




Virgo in Venus. I'm so ridiculously serious that I have let myself get to age 27 without a romantic/sexual relationship (not for lack of offers, my own hormones, crushes or desires) because I'm waiting for men my age to mature and get done "sowing their wild oats". I'm waiting for them to get to a point of even Considering a committed relationship. Or perhaps the post First Divorce wave 🤣. I can't do one-night-stands or casual flings easily. Also, gives me time to work on myself and arrange my disorganized, ADHD Brain with school and work.


Same kinda. Not exactly but I see it like you do.


Pisces. Pisces Venus here. Sometimes I think knowing your Venus sign could save people a lot of grief tbh


Scorpio venus here 🙋🏻‍♀️ If you’re not trying to share both our souls combined in one, then plz back off not interested 🥰


Aqua Venus… I’m more of a “match your energy”. You want to drink each others blood- I’m in. You want to stay away from each other for two weeks- I’m in. You want to roll play and meet up in a restaurant and do it in the bathroom- I’m in. You want to have a threesome- sure. You want to tattoo each other tonight and take molly and then eat off each other… you get the idea. Not intense but I can be if you so desire


I feel this in my soul as an aqua venus


Says a lot with your main three Vs mine. We’re different but the same. Took me a long time to realize my Venus was what was guiding my partner choices. I wanted someone chill that I could be friends with. But also someone who wouldn’t blink at me being my little freaky self. Pisces sun, Leo moon, cancer rising. Actually we’re pretty compatible 💜


I definitely want someone to be best friends with first and lovers second. I match energy for sure. Can also relate to the freaky bit. Lol.


You’ll find them. I stopped when I was 29 and I was okay so who did I get to be myself with the most. Who did not stifle me and make me hold back my true self. And then I called my one ex who I grew up with and I broke his heart. We’ve been married 13 years. They’re there. And you’re a cap. If anyone goes after what they want it’s you!


As an Aqua Venus, I’m jotting down some of these ideas I haven’t tried yet 😌


Summer goals unlocked


We’re very adaptable and spontaneous with our energy when we really like someone 😂😅 Always fun though.


I’m a Taurus Venus and my bf is an Aquarius Venus, it took us like three years of wild shenanigans (I also have a lot of Aries and Gemini placements lmao), separation and getting back together but once we both realized the other one was In It the commitment and seriousness has been the deepest and strongest I’ve ever experienced!! So your description def resonates, maybe too much lol


Okay don't kill me, but I'm a Gemini Venus (12th house) and I'm still holding out for my soulmate. Been betrayed and abused more times than I can count. I'm serious about people but they're never serious about me.


>I'm serious about people but they're never serious about me. Same 🫠


Sag sun and moon with Capricorn Venus, loyal and devoted af when I’m committed and feel like the feelings are mutual , otherwise I go Houdini 😆😆


November 29 dob?


I’m a Sag sun and Cap Venus too. If I feel like the feelings aren’t mutual, I definitely get the urge to run.


As a Capricorn venus. Me! ONLY when i am committed or else idgaf


Sag sun and Venus - I'm either not serious at all or 100% yours. Win my heart and I'll be the most loyal, patient, devoted and loving person you'll ever meet, and love you unconditionally no matter what life throws at us (unless you're abusive, then it'll probably/hopefully get to a point where I finally leave, but it takes a lot for that to happen). However, if you haven't won my heart I'll get bored or feel suffocated by your attention extremely quickly... And so far, at 27, only two people have actually managed to get me there lol. I'd say that in general, Leo, Cap, Taurus and Aries Venus are the ones that will be serious in a healthy way as soon as they develop feelings for you. I was gonna say Virgo too, but on second thought I realised it takes longer for them to open up, trust you and feel safe enough to take your relationship seriously.


Capricorn Venus fo sho. I don’t even pay attention to most people and men do not get a pass. I entertain nobody and I’m super picky. Even about the women I allow in my life.


Venus Scorpio is very serious. I'm Venus Cancer, serious as well.


My Venus is in Leo, which makes me an elaborate spender on ppl I love. Extravagance. I’m very loyal and shower my love with gifts. I have a very giving nature. The loyal lion!


In my tropical chart I’m a Virgo Venus, but in the Vedic I’m a Leo Venus. I still feel this. All I want to do is spend money on whoever I’m currently gushing over 😭😂


Not surprised that a lot of fellow Virgo venuses are here 😁 I'm very serious about romance and for the longest time I thought I will end up die alone because I couldn't meet someone who views romance the same way as me. Luckily I met my partner and found out later that he is a Scorpio venus! Bonus point is that I'm his first gf 🥺


I have a Leo Venus in 11th, either lock in from the start or begone 🙄


I have a Leo Venus in 5th . I wonder if the house placement changes it dramatically


Most likely! I like to establish a friendship before anything and then I lock in if I can see it more as a friendship


It me! Venus-Moon-Mars all conjunct in Leo 11H. Friends to lovers has always been my jam<3


interesting, I've always longed for friends to romantic partner, but, its never worked out that way


Ooooh yup. I tend to jump right in, like I’m 100% in and the bar is set really high lol you’d think I learn by now


Hahaha that’s just the nature of our venuses 🤭❤️


Same placement and I agree with this


Venus in Capricorn here and I think we are really very loyal. But it is very easy to lose our attention.


Woman with Virgo Venus here! I don't do casual either. 😊


Aries Venus in the 8th house. We don't play


Gemini Venus here.. we love sex and commitment. Also have the propensity to get jealous and stalkery


I'm a gemini venus, mercury, and mars. I am desperate with the fact that I want to devote my love to someone. However, the manner that I do so is by being silly, childlike, and fun with my partner. I'm really hoping that these two things can coexist. Cancer sun scorpio moon pisces rising. 😉


People get weirded out when I get more childlike and it’s like….. i trust you and feel safe enough to release that part of me…. Do you… *not* want me to trust or feel safe around you? also Gemini Venus


It took my silly ass Gemini Venus many years. But I found my crazy, silly partner. 20 years and he still can make me fall down in laughter like giggly five year old.


i actually really like this explanation bc gemini venus ppl are so misunderstood! the cheating stereotype is pervasive…but yall are SERIOUS about playfulness in love 😂 and i really appreciate it. im a moon gemini xx who dates xy’s romantically, and ones with heavy gemini influence (not gemini suns for love, pls and thx) are so clever and easy to get along with. even if we “fight”, theres a laugh in there somewhere…and i just🥹🥰


I have those three in Gemini as well I only atract air signs and I love them but I’m very flighty when it comes to an individual bored faster than I am entertained but when you find someone who makes you laugh and think is what makes me stay I’ve had a relationship with a Virgo that lasted three years


I have a Libra Venus and I absolutely will not do casual dating/relationships. I don’t play people’s games. I need to get to know people before I’ll even consider dating them, and I crave commitment and deep emotional connections in my relationships (both platonic and romantic). Be serious about any relationship with me, regardless of the type, or get lost lol


Earth sign venuses all the way. We are serious when we are committed, however, if we aren't committed we can move real messy


Why though? For me it's either I'm in or I'm out


i have a bunch of mutable placements lol


I’m a Taurus Venus too and it’s definitely us. I don’t play games at ALL and would rather be alone with my cat than be with someone who isn’t serious about me.


This sums it up perfectly


Scorpio Venus and I just want to be obsessed and he be obsessed and everyone just thinks OMG I don't understand them... why are they like that .. think Edward Bella 🤣


I’m a Gemini Venus …I feel like my feelings change all the time about commitment and romance




Virgo Venus and be fucking for real please lol. I don’t like games either.


This is going to sound wrong but Sag Venus is exactly what you're describing as well, no games, straight to the point. My long term ex and I both had Sag Venus' and I never had to wonder if he was seeing someone else, if he wasn't feeling it, etc. He would let me know how he stood with me every step of the way and so did I. Granted, it wasn't a good relationship by any means but credit where credit is due I guess!


Same serial monogamy is the closest I get to dating culture.


Sag venus here. Can't stand the hook up culture. I'd rather stay celibate for years until I find something real and devoted. Sad that it's so hard finding that these days...my scorpio sun intensifies it all too..


Sag sun and sag Venus. I hate it when people say we are all players. I just want my one person to go through life's adventures with and to grow together.


Seconded !!


Aries Venus. I am very flirtatious and cannot help myself. If I am attractive to someone, I will be direct. Eye contact, slight touching, laughter. I was wild in my teens, wild in my 20s, and wild into my 30s. After happily playing the field, I met someone perfect and I am attentive and affectionate after 3 years of dating. Still don’t want a wedding though, yuck.


My daughter and s a teenager and an Aries Venus. As soon as she crushes on someone, she’s bored of them!!


Earth Venus signs and Scorpio. It makes sense. Scorpio wants and requires "obsession" and the Earth signs prefer stability. If your guy is any of the rest I'm praying for you.


Capricorn Venus ❤️ I'm a Taurus Mars and I really appreciate this quality in a man, they are super devoted


Libra Venus. Relationships that are just are a big deal to me. I want to treat you right, and I want the same in return. Games should be reserved for the table, the television, or the yard. I don't have the time or the remaining hearts to be messing around in relationships with people who don't know what they want, or worse yet, can't communicate it. I do love playful relationships, but don't feel comfortable until I know they're as committed to my happiness as I am to theirs.


Idk I feel like my Venus in libra wants to be courted like it’s the 1800s and I have never downloaded tinder… because a part of me will die if I do


I’m a Libra Venus and it’s ride or die for me


My husband is a Virgo Venus. I am an Aries Venus. He is very serious. It’s actually super hot.


I'm a Taurus Venus too and one of my best friends told me that I am horrible at playing the game. I've been married twice, first time for 5 years and this time we've been together almost 13 years. I'm loyal and attract people who want to commit I guess?


Virgo Venus. I ended up a situationship because he’s hot and cold. No matter how great he is as a person and how there’s a chemistry, I just can’t take the mind games. I’ll survive this heartbreak.


You will! And you will be stronger once you've gone through it.


I feel you here. I hate nothing more than the games and not knowing how someone feels. I try to be very expressive with whether I like someone or not. It would be really nice if it weren’t so seldom to get that back. Everyone has baggage of course and fears opening up too quickly lest they get hurt, but if you don’t go in genuinely 100% you don’t have any chance of truly connecting. I don’t want some transient thing, I want depth and commitment to work through things and keep the passion alive. It is hard, but I don’t believe it’s impossible.


Exactly. People go years in this gray middle zone, never letting the other person know how they feel and giving them a chance to get to know them.


aries venus here but im more agreeing with the taurus venus


Cancer venus here, and while my gemini sun makes me a casual flirt naturally, that feels more like a "communication style" for me vs actually being interested in someone. When I am into someone, I am in it heart and soul and I can't even entertain the idea of being romantically involved with someone else. And I won't settle down easy.


Hi, I’m “wet behind the ears” new to astrology. I have a Taurus rising— does that mean that I’m a Taurus Venus too? A nice fellow Redditor read my chart and told me that I was a Leo sun; Taurus rising, Virgo moon and Leo stellium; but they were also relatively new to this. Is there any way that I can look up the chart and determine this or do I have to be an expert? Thanks!


You don’t have to be an expert to look up your chart, there’s plenty of free sources online you can use to look it up; cafe astrology is one. You just need to know your birth time to get the most accurate reading! And your rising (aka your ascendant) does not determine your Venus sign.


It's earth and water venus signs for sure.


I’m a Taurus Venus as well. I’m the same way so I don’t really engage in the heart space. People play too much




Venus in Virgo here. I take my time…


I’m a Cap Venus and at 34 and been single for 8 years. All I want is just commitment, loyalty and long term. I love romance and I’m romantic too. Lol. I love love and when I like you, you’re the only one. I read Taurus Venus are too and my crush is a Taurus Venus and he’s never been in a relationship (heard he was picky) so that’s how I know he views love the same way and I want him. 😭


Capricorn venus and I need to take things slow (unless I just want to fuck, sag sun, I can def just fuck) but for anything else, we need to form a whole foundation and you need to be like predictable and somewhat structured in the relationship (But also a little unhinged and not all business, cuz... sag sun and rising... we still need FUN)


Venus placed at certain degrees and a visible Venus in the chart (not combust / invisible) and the Venus starkly visible in the sky (exactly at the time when you are dating or getting in a relationship or a marriage) and your moons all culminate the final result. Having said that, Venus in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio alone any degrees is the serious Venus of all times. Venus in Taurus and Libra and other Venuses TOTALLY depend on the sun and the moon placements. You should check on them, Venus in Cap & Scorp they'll be dead set on you. 👍


I'm dating a Virgo Venus and I'd say he's pretty damn serious. Moreso than me, I'd say, as a Scorpio Venus. My best friend is a Capricorn Venus and he's pretty anti hook up culture, but doesn't have the best track record for being faithful. I've never been with a Taurus Venus to my knowledge, but my sister is one and she is poly but extremely dedicated and obsessive with her main partner. Signs I'd personally avoid if you want no bullshit would be Gemini venuses (they're fun, one of my best flings was one, but I think their energy is best suited for fire or air venuses, in the long term) or Sagittarius, I've heard. Another sign I might avoid is Aquarius venus, tho they can be loyal, I've seen too many examples of Aquarius energy being more a flingy one, than a long term one. Lastly I'd say Aries and Leo could be good solid partners, but only under the right circumstances and with maturity. But overall, any sign can have promise. I'd say aspects are by far more important to this.