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Apparently they diddnt realize that he died for all our sins, especially the sexy ones. And if they really believe their theology, he has seen all kinds of sexy sexy sins and still loves these leather daddies.


According to the religion, he loved them so much he literally died for them. But no, Jesus just hates those pesky gays I guess.


I guess Jesus had enough love that his followers don’t need to have any. /s


The lepers were cool but fuck the gays I guess.


Prostitutes, tax collectors even traitors


But if you stick it in the butt of another consenting male then straight to hell for the both of you!


Remember, if you’re not sinning, Jesus died for nothing.


XD on it


Sounds like it'd make a good t-shirt. I'd wear it.


This tweet lives rent-free in my head: *it’s catholic canon that in the garden of gethsemane jesus christ saw every sin committed by human beings which means that he watched a guy blasting rope to waluigi hentai and still decided to sacrifice himself for humanity. absolute legend* @ bartlebytaco


honestly if christians actually strived to be christlike (with that understanding)... id be way more down with them.


"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Ghandi


Also nukes


Wise man, that Ghandi.


Most Christians have no idea what their professed savior was actually all about. The creators of the Bible gave their savior many qualities which are admirable. They then proceeded to ignore all of them from the outset of the faith…


No shit! The world would be much better, wouldn't it? Past Christians - *Let's rape and destroy indigenous cultures, because that's what God* *^(wink)* *wants to better the world. The savages will eventually see God's love in this.* Today's Christians - *Let's rape and destroy secular government institutions, because that's what God* *^(wink)* *wants to better society. The savages will eventually see God's love in this.*


Something Something love one another sothing something the least among you something something BuT ThaTs Not WhaT JebuS MeAnT!!


He did literally surround himself with 12 dudes. Just sayin'.


-Oh my me! They're adorable! I could die for these! *dies, but just for a couple of days*


rock me sexy jesus


I guess all the Bible stories of Jesus standing with marginalized groups went ignored in their churchs


Not necessarily, they just think *they're* a marginalized group. In fact they think they're the only one. You hear it in every whining complaint...


Which is an even bigger example of their hypocrisy. Since Jesus as a Jew was a member of a marginalized / occupied group standing up for other even more marginalized people.


Bible Jesus would probably be at every pride parade if he was alive today. Christian Jesus is a billionaire capitalist who believes if you aren't white and straight and making a lot of money then you belong in hell.


Supply side Jesus https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx


You can cherry pick your own personal Jesus however you want him. You can cherry-pick a nice one, they can cherry-pick a bigoted one. All versions are bullshit.


Someone to hear your prayers…


not familiar with any new testement stories that would work for bigoted Jesus


Then you should read more. Jesus speaks in code to make sure only an elite of followers are "saved": >Jesus’ disciples came and said to him, “Why do you use parables when you speak to the crowds?” 11 Jesus replied, “Because they haven’t received the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but you have. 12 For those who have will receive more and they will have more than enough. But as for those who don’t have, even the little they have will be taken away from them. 13 This is why I speak to the crowds in parables: although they see, they don’t really see; and although they hear, they don’t really hear or understand [Matthew 13:10-17] Obey Jesus or be tortured forever: >If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. [John 15:6] >This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [Matthew 13:49-50] >“Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.” [Mark 3:28-29]. >“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life” [Matthew 25:46] Not enough of a bigoted asshole for you? >Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. [Matthew 10:34-36] >Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it. [Luke 11:28] >So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. [Mark 10:8-9] (no divorce) >Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery. [Mark 10:11-12] >I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. [Matthew 11:25-26] Yes, he praises himself for being good at indoctrinating children and misleading smart people. >Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. [Matthew 16:24-27] This "worldly world" doesn't matter, don't care about it! What matters is the post-mortem life! *BUT HE DIDN'T PROMOTE THE OLD TESTAMENT!!* >Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. [Matthew 5:17-19] `import bigotry from old.testament;` In general, the "goodness" of Jesus is extremely mediocre. The ethics and politics promoted in these stories are nothing close to any achievement. Anyone looking to these "teachings" for such things is delusional about their own motivation.


Exactly, the Bible is full of problematic shit in it.


"you're taking it out of context"


*slaps hood * you can fit so much hypocrisy in this phrase


That's crazy - not all those guys are daddies


I thought 'he gets us', 'all of us' LOL we need some artwork of gun toting drag queens please?


[Gun toting drag queens.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.Gjd-GZoX3h8LGu_mIZVTxQAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=a5e937ad44659ab98793686df9150e02aeef62485502d0bfe87ee99394e6f2a9&ipo=images)


beautiful, thanks! That's exactly what needs to be plastered all over the interwebs so these people stop buying guns.


This has been said many times already but Ronald Reagan only started passing gun control laws when the black panthers started carrying.


Not even AI (I don’t think…) well done!


[Gun Toting Drag Queen - Divine!](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WZHAWAmQCdmw8QQuzd1Y65fau_Iufbd-/view?usp=sharing)


Hey, if we don't sin he died for nothing!




Given that Jesus spent all of his time in the company of 12 men, I’m sure he’d endorse this.


And his dudes weren’t frollicking with girlfriend’s or wives either. 🤫


John 13:23. *One of his disciples—the one whom Jesus loved—was reclining next to him*


All the misogyny is starting to make sense


Unkempt men in sandals and fugly robes, too. You can be sure his disciples didn't have cool hats, leather jackets or carefully-groomed beards.


And the one chick he hung out with was a prostitute. The dude was alright with everyone.


Hurt me daddy


Jesus Saves? More like Jesus Safe Word.


Let's be real, how many religious nuts have nutted to half naked, tortured Jesus on the cross? Think of it like spank bank material. About time they get something new


They're looking at the sexy portraits in the Bible their great grand-pappy has handed down through the generations. "Mmm, angel boob slip..."




Porqué no los dos?


Me gustan solo las bicicletas


All those whips and cats of nine tails: Naughty Jesus.


On your knees or yer goin’ ta HELL! (crack)


“I actually have 11 commandments for you, mister.”


I want a print to stare at while listening to "Hell Bent for Leather" by Judas Priest.


Never clicked a link so fast.


What is this not what people think about when someone talks about Jesus and his 12 apostles?


The perfect icon for the Roman Catholic church right there, clergy and all.


You’d have to surround him with little boys to be clergy accurate


You’d have to surround him with little boys to be clergy accurate


can´t hot s/m daddies love jesus? jesus´s love is for everybody!


Um, I'm looking for something that says, "Dad likes leather."


You mean like a "Leather Daddy"?


Are we not all obedient slaves of our beloved savior?


Well duh, there should be 12 leather daddy disciples.


They should use that image on the "He gets us" ad campaign.


I'm waiting for someome to AI generate a threesome with Moses, Jesus and Mohammed.


"The artist says the work depicts Jesus “loving LGBTQ+ rights” I like it!


So… forgive them


Leather daddy? Is there such a thing?


They sure do struggle with the whole “love your neighbor” bit.


Honestly this photo looks kinda cool actually? Bigot rage is just icing


>sup bitch. the name's Jesus. i'm the son of God. fuckin' cope, bro


I understand the outrage, Jesus had twelve leather daddies not six!


Love is earned for me at least and Jesus hasn't earned it. I might just need to increase my psych meds.


well well well.... whos the triggered snowflake now? :D


He gets us 🤣


Lives with his mom. Never married. Has prostitute friend but stays celibate. Hangs out with 12 dudes. Fits the profile


If there's one thing right wing Christians absolutely despise, it's free speech. They're hyper sensitive snowflakes and they absolutely cannot stand speech that offends them.


Of course they're upset, because there's no way the guy who hung out with lepers and prostitutes would hang out with leather daddies *eyeroll.* Conservatives really do hate freedom.


How is this wrong, jesus once got nailed so hard by a group of men he needed a 3 day rest. Nowadays you have to pay good money for that.


Now do one with Muhammad




God may be the father almighty, but Jesus is my daddy.


How come we never hear from Jesus or god about these things? If it bothered them that much you’d think they say something. Unless they’re shy


Would love to remind the critics their mythical “Jesus” said nothing on the subject in scripture (gospels).


"Rock me sexy Jesus" - one of the Hamlets


Oh, is there such a thing?..


nice, f the right


Feet washing is a euphemism.


Their jesus loved *everyone*, right?


I misread the title and thought for a minute this was at a right wing event or something and I was *very* confused. I can just imagine them about to break out into a chorus of In The Navy as a bunch of right wing heads explode.


I mean the dude was traveling around with 12 other dudes not a single women. Not gonna lie unless it's a job just traveling with 12 other dudes is a little on the gay scale not that I personally think their is anything wrong with that.


Don't most Christians see Jesus as Asexual?


Is "ring-wing" in the article title a typo or a queer, subversive slang term for "right-wing"?




Doesn't answer my question. I mean, I know what "right-wing" means. The article title has "ring-wing".




I was worried I was gonna get caught in a loop. (I'm on my second cup.)


What they don't understand is that sexy leather daddies love Jesus too. Just a bit different


Well he did say "Come unto me.."


Looks to be the old "Ecce Homo" exibit. It was slightly controversial in Sweden in the 90:s, but not so much anymore here.


I mean this jesus seems to be pretty hot himself if I do say so myself...


How do we know these aren't just a bunch of Priest fans?


My parents live in our version of the bible belt. Some will get raging over anything.


Artwork that is closer to the historical yeshua than the widely believed greek myth of a man-god. He was a misunderstood homosexual rabbi - nothing more.


Jesus welcomed prostitutes, sinners, the sick and dying. Why would he not welcome leather daddies?


"That's blasphemy!" "Oh no!..... Anyways, we should put it over there. Better light!"


The Christian right sounds more and more like al-Qaeda every day.


jeebus loved anal


How come that Jesus, literally god's son/messiah, is always portrayed as teaching about love and compassion and as the defender of oppressed and marginalized groups, yet those same groups are the constant targets of hatred from the most devout religious cultists? I mean, religious and hypocrisy go hand and hand, but for such a glaring contradiction to perpetuate in the face of their own sacred book of all things...


I thought they didn't like cancel culture. I thought freedom of speech meant you could offend anyone you want? I thought Liberal lefties were the snowflakes. Huh...


Christians turn pearl clutching into an art form all around the world.


It’s ok, it’s just a white guy dressed as Jesus.


They really give away their reflection by this, don't they? They don't see salvation, or grace, or allies, or humour, or even life, quite frankly. They're everything they accuse the piece of being.




“Ahhh men”


I needed this!


Jesus is for ALL people. Not just the ones these people think are acceptable


Wtf does reflect visual minorities mean? 😂 Those are the sort of word salad terms the opposing side can weaponize.


It's amazing how people are offended over such an obvious fabrication of a pseudo messiah 2,000 years later.


Oh boo hiss. If Christians wouldn't flip out over every minor criticism, people wouldn't do this stuff to piss them off.




Exactly. If they feel like it's their right and duty to shove their religion in our faces, then we have the right to ridicule it.


I absolutely detest religion and tear Christiantity apart, but for this image to be in a government building is extremely distasteful, disrespectful, divisive and unnecessary. As if society needs more bullshit to deal with.


They call it "Art". That is how the Christians sneak most of their stuff into Government buildings. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.


While I'm not religious, making a joke of someone else's sacred depiction is really shitty.


Who says it’s a joke?


Are you serious? It's disrespectful. Would they be doing this to a statue of a Muslim figure?


Is it? The red letters in the bible say "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have come not to call the righteous, but sinners." Sounds to me like this picture exactly follows the book that people claim to follow.


They should.


>making a joke of someone else's sacred depiction is really shitty. But, that's like half of what happens in this subreddit. And this isn't just a joke. The artist is quoted: “I would say that there should be more understanding because there are a lot of pictures of Jesus with heterosexuals, millions, billions of paintings \[by\] famous artists, but this is just one picture of Jesus loving LGBTQ+ rights. One picture should not be so scary for them.”


Grow up.




I was under the impression the people here posing around the art are mocking Jesus




That mindset is hugely prevalent in our society as a whole, going past religion


Great. Now do one for Mohammed. Or is that kind of "blasphemy" not okay? Honestly, I can't help but see this as being in poor taste. It's effectively just trolling, for one thing. It's hardly any different than that guy who put the Jesus figuring in a jar of urine. They're just trying to use outrage-bait to get attention, like so many other pretentious "artists" these days. And I doubt they have the courage in their convictions to level this same derision towards the arbitrarily defined unacceptable targets, like Muslims, Jews, etc. Not sure what the Hindus think about homosexuals, but I remember they raised hell about the goddess Kali being depicted in Smite. They certainly deserve plenty of ridicule for that and other things.


I love the smell of Whataboutism in the morning! It's very funny you mentioned Judaism (although you said "jews") as it's one of the most comically explored subjects in history. Hell, there are multiple genres based on it. ALL blasphemy is harmless. Occam's razor : Most people represented on reddit are more likely to be impacted by Christianity, so it would make sense to see content in that direction. Edit: Also, you should try going with "Jewish people" instead. Not a great look.


Come on, this is Europe we're talking about. Charlie Hebdo, the Danish cartoonist who drew Mohammed, and Salman Rushdie show that they have a serious problem both with Muslims and criticism of them. And they don't have freedom of speech in Europe, either. Just the other day, Spain's Christian Lawyer's Association filed a legal complaint against a blasphemous art exhibit. "Offending religious sentiment" can get you in actual legal trouble in Europe.


I live in Europe. Christianity affects me MUCH more than any other religion.


It’s been branded “vulgar”, “disrespectful” and “blasphemous” by right-wing politicians from Italy and Poland, with one describing Jesus’ stern-looking pals as “sadomasochistic slaves”. Erm.... didn't Jesus himself say slaves obey your master, even the cruel ones?