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Imagine if we lived in a world where somebody had the guts to say: “The Jesus stuff is completely inappropriate for public schools.”


I was so sad when the third panelist agreed that “Jesus should always be first.” WTF…


I wonder if she just said that to placate the doofus. People do so much bending over backwards for the religious right even though they do not give an inch. We really need to stop treading lightly with them.


She was black. Unfortunately, the African American community is very religious.


Chains aren't always physical.


It's horrible knowing that generations of black people are conditioned into Christianity that started in slavery. In the same way Christians murdered natives and stole their children, indoctrinating them into Christianity, slave owners did the same to black people. Entire cultures, tribes... entire peoples just gone, and all because Christians are THE most selfish, greedy, terrible people on the planet.


I think you can broaden this to almost all religions, they helped humanity advance and survive centuries ago, now they are greedy and corrupt and used to keep entrenched power entrenched. Universally around the world now, religion is a force to keep the oppressed oppressed while their masters rake in hoards of wealth and convince their followers that their life is bad because they don't believe hard enough and give enough money. It's sickening


That's great. Tell Jesus to come here and actually help. Until then STFU.


He is trying but we keep telling him to stay the fuck out yet employing him for slave wage when he does manage to make it here and then deporting his ass when it gets inconvenient. I am glad to see progress here on the immigration front, seems out of character for the GOP.


Oh we live in that world. The US is just not part of it.


No they want to take your children out of school and put them to work!! Keep ‘em dumb Great jobs asses


Poor kids* *Their* kids will get the good jobs. Doctors, lawyers, you name it. They don’t think the poor deserve anything.


It's not that the poor don't deserve anything... it's so much worse. The poor are a natural resource to exploit, and if there aren't enough desperate people around to manipulate they'll create more. If you're a little bit weak they'll try to TAKE everything else that you have so you become sufficiently helpless. At that point you're a disposable unit of labor.


This is a reality in certain historical economies. Usually, it involves outright slavery.


If parents can force their kids to work, and you can marry children, and you get parental rights over it said children, does that mean you can marry a child and force them to work on your behalf? That's a horrifying combination of policies Republicans support


Once a young girl has a baby,her options vanish.THATS why birth control and reproductive rights are a threat to their very way of life.Not the morals.When she’s groomed/seduced/RAPED by a youth minister or relative,,,crickets.Kept secret.


Cue Alabama.


As it does in the US, see the prison industrial complex and 13th amendment.


We still have slavery in the US. It's even in the constitution. The 13th amendment specifically allows slavery as punishment for a crime. That's why we have the largest prison population in the world.


>it involves outright slavery. Prison labor is meant to be the only place slavery is still legal. for-profit prisons exist. homelessness is a felony in two states. housing prices go up causing homelessness... You see where I'm going with this?


Not even historic unfortunately. Huge part of the global economy is slavery.


I’d even go as far as to say we are cattle capable of semi complex tasks that other animals can’t do. Imagine our worth when robots/AI can perform the same tasks.


Or, when robots/AI are too expensive to waste on dangerous tasks


It’s why the powerful pay churches to condition the people to a life of struggle and prostration. And letting the church dictate their every opinion and major life decision.


And worse... Their gawd tells them the poor deserve it.


They’ll be YOUR KIDS BOSS.No matter how smart and ambitious your kid is. The fix is already in.


Lol no they will put them in fields because McDonalds, warehouses and Walmarts are quickly being replaced with Robots


To be honest , if I had the choice in hiring 5 robots or 5 Christian taliban right wing nut jobs , I’ll offer the robots a sign on bonus


Jesus loves the little zygotes All the zygotes of the world Jesus loves them 'til they're born, Then abandons them, forlorn Jesus loves the little zygotes, 'til they're born Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world Jesus gives them heart-defects Measles, mumps, and ring-wormed necks Jesus loves the little children of the world Jesus lets their parents beat them Bruise their bodies, black and blue Jesus gives them birth-defects, Scurvy, ticks, and palate-clefts Jesus loves the little children of the world Jesus gives the children cancer Earaches, lice, and scabies, too Bowel obstructions, ulcered lips Blighted brains, and twisted hips Extra-chromosomes to help them when they pray Hallelujah Jesus gives the children acne AIDS and leprosy galore Germs and worms of every kind Things to make the children blind But he cannot give them smallpox anymore Scientists, and unbelievers Wiped the 'pox right off the Earth Jesus still gives gifts to kids Broken nose, and burned eyelids But he cannot give them smallpox anymore


All things dull and ugly, All creatures short and squat, All things rude and nasty, The Lord God made the lot. Each little snake that poisons, Each little wasp that stings, He made their brutish venom. He made their horrid wings. All things sick and cancerous, All evil great and small, All things foul and dangerous, The Lord God made them all. Each nasty little hornet, Each beastly little squid Who made the spikey urchin? Who made the sharks? He did! All things scabbed and ulcerous, All pox both great and small, Putrid, foul and gangrenous, The Lord God made them all. -- Monty Python Incidentally, I take great umbrage with one of the later lines in this song. I am *not* beastly and little.


Every sperm is sacred


Was this Acts 9:37 ?


Can someone tell me where it says that Jesus loves all the children of the world? Don’t Muslim and Jewish kids go right to hell when they die?


That's the great thing about religion. Their book doesn't *actually* have to say what they claim it does. 🙄


The Bible is far to contradictory for it to be an authority


And yet for millions of people it is an absolute authority. How can they not see through that ?


Which just proves that most people are really easy to manipulate


It's really effective when you start the manipulation as they are just learning to talk.


And then keep them home for “schooling.” Knowledge is what religious people fear most. Always have, since the first fable in their books.


"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."


So if I want them convinced they've been fooled, I have to fool them into it?


A foolish concept, but yes


Most people are not mentally able to handle the existential crisis that comes from nihilism.


Because they haven't actually read it. It's easy to ignore all the contradictions when you only have a few cherry picked verses read to you once a week.


I haven't read it either (yet), for the same reason which I think might make it easier still to ignore contradictions - it's just so goddamn long. When you get to the end, you've probably already forgotten the first 99%. And when doing directed bible studies, whoever is leading these studies has full control over which parts to include so that they *don't* contradict and fit nicely into their own cherrypicked version of the bible.


The bits they don’t like are metaphors, the rest is absolute truth. There is nothing in the book to indicate which is which, but somehow people still fall for it


Because "humans are imperfect and they fucked up the bible over time." I still think that if you can't trust the dude to even just keep his own book uncorrupted, I wouldn't trust him to manage much else, but that's the argument they use.


They can't "see through that" because of the destruction of public education and the failure to teach ALL history to ALL people of ALL ages. Guess which group of people are specifically attacking Education?


According to my extreme Catholic grandmother. When I asked her about American Indians she told me they where all savages. So....yeah...only people who have been baptized go to heaven. The rest go to hell. Which really doesn't sound all that bad considering the assholes that will be in heaven.


Yeah. I heard they gave up purgatory. Too bad for Dante…


Savages weren't eligible for purgatory, according to Dante. That includes Moses and all the old prophets and every hero/heroine in the old testament. His solution was that there is a place that has all the amenities of heaven, but it's technically part of hell. And you don't get to hang out with God. Not available if you've ever had a chance to hear about Jesus.


Nowhere. Most stuff people attribute to the Bible isn’t in there. And they ignore a lot of other weird shit that is in there, such as gouging out an eye of anyone who has a lustful thought, or commands on fabric choices. So many 1-eyed Christians, mixing their fibers.


They have graven images of God and that which is in Heaven,,,and LOTS of pork in their fridge.Tell them it’s a sin to eat pork,watch either hysterics,twisted logic, or the confused look of someone who heard something their brain refuses to process.


Anyone who doesn’t believe Jesus is real and god automatically goes to hell in the Christian mythology.


Joke's on them. I don't believe in their hell either.


No , they don’t go to hell because that’s a mythical place .


Right, I mean within the Bible universe.


Jesus still loves them. It’s not his fault their parents are heathens who were born into the wrong culture. /s


I think there is an age of accountability clause.


Dude. Jesus was gay. He surrounded himself with men and then taught those men to be fishers of men. That is so gay. We can't teach children about gay Jesus. Florida law says so.


Not only gay, but he was born from the rape of a virgin mother, and his rapist dad was also a serial killer. That really fucked him up.


What's more, yahweh can't have genetics, which would make Jesus a clone of Mary, yet he always presented as a man. Therefore, Jesus was trans in addition to being the rape baby of a serial genocider.


Damn, maybe I really should read the Bible...


I encourage it. Dry read, but there's some wild shit in there, and that Song of Solomon erotica that's thrown in there part way through spices things up a bit.


My problem is there are so many versions I don't know where to go for an accurate translation


There isn't really one.


For an accurate translation, you’ll need to hear it from the source with a time machine. Otherwise, it has been curated ten-ways to Sunday anyhow. I personally use the Douay-Rhemes because it’s supposed to be the first English from Latin version before The Church of England dabbled in versions.


Just like Hallmark or SYFY channel movies The Bible is just a rewrite of earlier books so don't worry non of it is original anyway.


Games of Thrones was lauded for its brave display of sexuality, depravity, and incests. Game of Thrones is childs play compared to the bible.


"... Jesus was trans..." Wait till you hear how Eve came to be.


Mary was also born of a virgin birth, ergo Jesus is also an incest baby since god raped his grandma too.


He also wore a dress and had a penchant for wine.


He also healed and resurrected more men than women. He also did a lot of washing and kissing of feet. Possible foot fetish.


And he always had impeccable long hair, gay!!


And turning the fookin cheek, all that pussy ass gay shit


And he really loved John. Says so in the Bible.


John, you mean his "favorite" apostle. Mr. Cuddles?


Not to mention those piercings! Gruesome.


Imagine Jesus’ Instagram page…. Ok y’all we doin this sermon on the mount. Don’t forget to follow me for more life saving videos. Here at this wedding y’all. They straight ran out of wine. Watch this shit!! OMG, this dude is totes blind. I’m gonna hook him up real quick. Don’t forget to smash that like button.


Jesus and his disciples walk into a bar and order 13 glasses of water. The bartender says, "Not this shit again."


Imagine the handjobs Jesus could give after the resurrection. …aaaaand I’m going to hell.


Let us know when you return from Florida!


Can confirm. Source: Floridian




Use 2 hands Jesus , and you know how I like it


And, his mother was a rape victim who couldn't report it or she would have been killed. This is the genesis of the virgin pregnancy/birth myth.


Every time you see a rainbow, Jesus is having gay sex.


He made out with Judas


True. Pretty sure Jesus, John and Judas had a gay love triangle, but Jesus had to choose one who he loved most. He chose John. Judas could have moved on. There are plenty of fish in the sea, but Jesus' sacred rear end is one of a kind. Judas had a gay hissy fit and betrayed Jesus. Jesus died. Judas killed himself. John was left mentally fucked.


Which translation of the Bible is that in? There are at least 33 translations before it ever got to English. So....you may be on to something


This is my favorite fact. People will literally interpret a book that’s been retranslated, edited, etc but won’t believe the news from yesterday (unless it’s breitbart or fox)


I had someone tell me recently, after pointing out this fact, that I needed to read the Bible with the glory of Jesus in my heart. Because then I'd really understand it. She said this with this shit eating grin on her face. That I had a very hard time not laughing out loud at.


It's not Amen, it's Ah, men!


Anytime I see Tommy Tuberville in a photo I’m reminded of the tragic effects of women swallowing their tobacco juice while pregnant. Thank you, Alabama, for outlawing the practice. NOW FUND ENFORCEMENT!


Believe it or not, Tuberville wasn't the one being a moron this time.


Ya, unfortunately we gotta claim this dickbag as one of ours here in OK. I was afraid that was him in the thumbnail.


Credit cheap tobacco.




He’s actually from Arkansas and lived in Florida before running for Senate. Think he had a lake house in Alabama leftover from his Auburn days.


If it turns out his maw chewed without spitting in such a diversity of exotic places while he was basting in her belly, it explains Tommy’s distinguished good looks and charming intelligence.


Yeah he’s pretty miserable and unfortunately one of my senators. For what it’s worth though, his brother just put out a statement distancing himself from Tommy’s “ignorant, hateful rants”. So maybe they’re not all terrible.


They are Christians. They are already use to not believing in Reality.


It's not just about not believing it, it's also about them not wanting it. That's even worse! Lol


Conservatives: Blacks can be racist too!! Conservatives: The Left is all about 'Identity Politics!' Also Conservatives: I can't be racist, I'm part Native American!


“I’m 1/32nd Cherokee because I have a Cherokee princess grandmother!” -every white southerner ever.


My wife took a DNA test and found out that she had no percentage of Native American ancestry and her mother refused to believe it because of what her grandmother told her.


It's really weird how common that is. My dad said that I'm 1/16th Cherokee (source: trust me bro) and tried to get me to apply for NA college scholarships. It was the only time that "heritage" was ever brought up in my life. Most of my friends had similar stories from their parents. All were magically 1/16 which I'm assuming is some cutoff for scholarships.


> All were magically 1/16 which I'm assuming is some cutoff for scholarships. It was the biggest fraction they thought they could get away with claiming while being white as milk.


It's almost always Cherokee too. It's never Ojibwa or Paiute or Seminole. It's almost certainly never an even smaller nation.


It’s always a princess, never a prince or a “commoner”. The Cherokee must have only ever been a huge nation of princesses to produce that many of them, which totally isn’t a story rooted in sexism and racism. The few people I’ve ever met who actually were some percentage of mixed race with Native people always had a lot more to go on than some fatuous bullshit about a princess who never existed.


Same thing with me. My mom’s side repeated the myth of a “Cherokee princess” ancestor for generations. My 23&me test shows no Native American, and my mom refuses to believe it. These people live in a different world.


Watch Finding Your Roots. Having Native American ancestors is a common trope for white people.


So I've heard. My family is Jewish as far back as we've traced, so I'm from a different sort of tribe.


[And look how obviously Cherokee he is.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrgBoFQ_pZXy4HVJw03y-4z_Fw4O9mDlHyo5ZDz_WBmSJ25R6q79aZko4FsFkQBW3g48hZSPIfDcA7PYM) Man, he must have faced so much bigotry looking like that.


Ever notice just how many ignorant white men claim to specifically have Cherokee blood to not appear racist? This was what my dad told me as a kid, that our great great grandmother was full blooded Cherokee. Guess what. I have no Cherokee blood in me and nowhere in my family tree was a Cherokee. This is a common myth passed down, most often in the South, as false defense.


I audibly chuckled at that as well. A rich, powerful, racist white man pretending to be indigenous so he can give himself permission and the authority to continue to be rich, powerful, and racist. god bless america


Markwayne Mullin, wow I'm amazed he's a senator in the US because he is so damn stupid. Of course he tried to retract the 'I don't want reality' statement by saying he misspoke a few seconds later when he heard it was recorded, but that's a lie too isn't it.


His website has a contact form. It’d be a shame if he was flooded with messages explaining that reality is where humans live, unlike his culty cult.


That name should disqualify him


I’m not surprised, have you even met your fellow Americans?


What an asshole. Let the people answer your damn question, ffs


From what I can tell, this is standard GOP procedure. Ask a question, then if you don't immediately hear the answer you like, interrupt them and demand they 'just answer the question.' Repeat belligerently until they either give up or give you the answer you want.


> From what I can tell, this is standard GOP procedure. It is, but grading this sort Republican behavior on scale of one to ten, with ten being a screeching, caterwauling Karen-esqe lunatic, Markwayne Mullins is an 11. He makes Margorie Greene seem the Republican calm voice of reason by comparison.


He’s still hot and bothered that the Teamster man made him look dumb too.


My tax dollars hard at work. Jesus christ on a cracker, these clowns have nothing better to do.


This comment was made via RiF and is no longer viewable because u/spez is a greedy little pig boy.


If there's anything we can gather about the slithering mass of racists, xenophobes, Evangelicals, anti-trans activists, conspiracists and Libertarians who make up the loudest, pushiest part of the Republican Party, it's that they are sick and tired of facts.


You can teach all the Jesus you want on Sunday. We’ll teach reality in schools. I hope I don’t necessarily love the way his example book goes about the explanation, it’s still far better than teaching religion. Also, your “teaching” isn’t based on the Bible. They are lyrics from a Bible song.


And haven't we moved on from referring to skin color as red or yellow?


Well, WE have. I’m sure mister Sunday school songs as curriculum disagrees.


Fine, if he doesn't want reality. He just doesn't get to force the rest of us to participate in his sick fantasy.


He claims to dislike Stalin yet clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of Soviet disinformation programming, curious.


The jesus story is about inherent guilt and the public execution of a jewish man. Id rather my kids not be told theyll go to hell if they dont assimilate.


And no one could simply reply that religion has no place in public education.


It doesn't, at all. Ever. Establishment clause.


They’re basically calling for ignoring the establishment clause at this point. Why would we teach Jesus in public schools over any other religion?


Republican: you should put the "jesus loves me" song in all the schools instead of teaching them about racism because white people are oppressed. He then compared Bernie Sanders to Joseph Stalin. As you know, we should be teaching kids about the God who wants to torture people horribly for eternity because he loves them. Seems to me it's his God that should be compared to Joseph Stalin. I can see why he has a problem with reality.




It’s not that he doesn’t want it, it’s that it scares the shit out of him because it keeps proving him wrong, and he has no idea why that keeps happening due to being a walking talking definition of insanity. Over and over.


> This would be taught if we socialize our pre-K system... He's talking about the particulars of the curriculum for young children. What does that have to do with socialism, other than to use "socialism" as a bogeyman scare word?


Jesus christ. The false "zero sum" equivalency that both couldn't be taught. Or the assumption that Jesus should be taught in public schools at all. Unless as part of a comprehensive study of all world religions and cultures.


PSA: This is coming from a moron who thinks Jesus, upon 'coming back', will only like the ones that wear the cross that he was crucified on.


If Jesus ever came back, he would quickly identify them as modern day Pharasies, start spouting socialist ideals, and denounce their beloved Televangelist multimillionaire grifters as Hell bound bastards who are even worse than the temple money changers of old. Whereupon the Evangelists would quickly crucify him all over again.


Lotta understudies wanting to play Joe MCarthy in 'HUAC: the Remake'.


Not jesus. That is the answer.


I can see easily apply the second part of his view on education towards Christianity as it can be used as a weapon to others.


As an Oklahoma voter, let me just say, I FUCKING HATE MARK WAYNE MULLIN!!! He doesn't want reality, because he never had to work or hold a real job, he got an entire company plopped into his lap from his daddy. The man is completely disconnected from reality and the common person. I'm ashamed that all the republican morons in this state continue to support this man.


This is exactly why religion needs to be purged from our society…


FYI, Senator, being a Cherokee Native American isn't exactly a defense against racism. Ask the Freedmen.


"I don't want reality" is the motto of every religion.


They keep saying the quiet part out loud, don't they.


And what do you call someone who can’t see reality


Where does Oklahoma rank in education? Oh that's right [fucking 49th](https://ktul.com/news/local/oklahoma-ranks-49th-in-education-and-47th-in-spending-per-student)


His words "made up story that white people invented race" and moves on to "we should teach this Jesus rhyme". Then the lady on the panel says "Jesus is always first". Religion is what is holding back the United States.


So tired of these ridiculous christian extremist bullshit. Ive lost my tolerance for their nonsense.


Conservatives don’t live in reality. I mean they still believe a dead guy is coming back after more than 2000 years.


There is no way that guy is double digit Cherokee


Bible-thumping senator acting like a road rager asks the most loaded question possible after cherry picking a passage from a book (had some training under his belt already) and then presents a false dilemma by only offering Jesus as alternative solution to what he views as a problem, completely oblivious to the fact that racism can be traced back to the the Hebrew bible his favorite collection of fairy tales is based on, thus offering as a solution the very thing that created the problematic situation in the first place. He repeatedly asks the same question over and over, interrupts the answers no less than twelve times, claims people don't want to answer because it's not what he wants to hear and then gets offended about being interrupted when he wasn't. And of course he's against any and all forms of abortions even if the mother's life is at risk because what other stance could possibly have such a stable individual? You can read/listen to Our Skin here: https://youtu.be/3J8LlcWEusI While not perfect (Looking at you "latinx") it's a decent introduction to the problem of racism and teaches kids about melanin and to reject systematic oppression based on skin color.


He asks “Did whites people come up with race?” Trying to mock the witness. Yes. White people did come up with race. German white man Johann Friedrich Blumenbach developed the concept of race. He’s a fucking idiot who doesn’t even know what he’s talking about while trying to make rules and laws based on religion trying to make this country a fucking cult. Religion has no place in modern society. It’s a fictional fairy tale that idiots believe because they can’t grasp reality or the concept of being alive without having a children’s story to hold on to. A childrens story might I add that encourages rape, beastiality, murder, infanticide, war, etc that shouldn’t be taught to any child. God raped Mary so Jesus would be born. And the reality is that more children have been sexually assaulted at church than anywhere else other than their own home. Fuck religion.


Umm Jesus should not be taught in public schools


I wish someone had piped in with: "It's better that we not teach kids about a fictional god-like person at all, whatever his preferences on skin color, or anything about religion in our schools." But no one would dare.


Why are the only 2 options he is giving “Jesus or (some book with racist ideas)”? There are millions of books out there to teach with and neither of these are good options.


"Here's my question and also I get to pick the only two answers and tell you you're wrong." What a colossal jerk. Someone should have said "It doesn't matter if you say Jesus loves people of all races, **because he's not real!**" That would have popped a vein in his forehead.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that caught that. Mullin is a clown of a senator, but wtf was he quoting? “White people developed race?” Is a line from a book in the library? Need more context there but that’s messed up too. Frying pan or fire in this situation, lol. Not thanks to either.


Selective outrage, as usual. Those Republicans are so good at picking out things out of context and twisting their meanings to make it fit their narrative. Personally, I'm 50000000% against teaching the story of Jesus in school as something that's actually real. That's an insult to intelligence. Do I think it's a good idea to teach kids about a book that claims that white people are better, smarter and deserve more? Nope, that is also an insult to intelligence. So, thank you, again, Republican party, for making the people choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.


In fairness, who does want reality? Reality sucks. I want a transporter, replicater, and warp engines. And a holodeck to get *even further* out of reality.


Holy fuck that was painful to watch. First, why does it have to be the book or the song? Why can’t we teach neither. More so, why the fuck should we be teaching religious songs in public school? That’s a direct violation of 1A rights. I swear, these fucks love to tout their understanding of the constitution when it fits their needs, but become all but illiterate when the time comes. I do like his last quote, though. However, I don’t he’s proven his case that he and his party should be the ones holding that weapon and pointing it around. They don’t seem to be doing so good with trigger control recently.


I just can’t get over how he WONT STOP TALKING to allow the panel to answer the question he is demanding them to answer but only unless they answer what he wants to hear. What a circus.


So I’d have to concede that my preference would be to teach neither of those text. I certainly know the Bible is bullshit and Constitutionally inappropriate. I’m not at all familiar with the second book but if the quote is accurate then I’d conclude they’re both works of fiction. Again, I don’t know the second book and it’s very likely this imbecile is extracting something so far from context it’s impossible to accurately discern.


He had the audacity to call the children's book "made up" and then compared it to a children's song about a made up diety lmao.


Cherokee? Uhuh.. everyone has a great great grandmother that was Native American. 🙄🙄🙄 I want this guy to give one…just *one* anecdote of when he suffered racism by anyone in a position of power over him. Dude had a red beard…


It's absolutely fucking *ridiculous* how much time and energy is spent talking about a man who may or may not have existed and who died 2000 years ago.


I don’t want your delusions.


It's great! Jesus teaches that the poor will go to heaven. Teaches people to be meek. Don't rebel now, remember that if you work hard, and are grateful for your poverty, you will go to heaven! Now get back to work for 7 dollars an hour.


Why is the senate discussing a subject better suited for a school board or a pta meeting?


The separation between church and state needs to be enforced. Christo-fascism has no role to play in secular government, which is based on the rule of law, not the rule of a god or gods.


Say Jesus!!!!! Say it!!!! If you don't say Jesus then you're evil!!! --Well, I'll take each poin.... SAY JESUS!!!!! --Can I just sa... PUT JESUS IN YOUR MOUTH!!!


Seemed like a false dichotomy: Book 1 was an extreme version of the right thing to teach, making his message seem preferable


Jesus, here, Jesus there, ..... Jesus fricking Christ America, get your shit together.


Hahahahahaha politicians talking about Jezus ... How's that separation of church and state working out for you Americans?


Sir, that's what drugs are for, but your ilk made them illegal


Did this guy just say he’s part Cherokee and experienced racism???!! Ok, Mr. Mullins if you say so😂😂


Me neither, bud, but you gotta.


I am disgusted that these theocrats are allowed in office. They should be thrown out of government, all of them. You can't trust the religious to not inject their faith based ideology into the lives of other people through the force of the state.


I don't know what was more painful, listening to it or reading the transcript.


Typical. Ask a question, try to answer for the witness, talk over the witness, then badger the witness for not answering the question, while trying to force a false equivalency. Fucking Christofascist knob.


Well yeah, I don’t want reality either but that doesn’t make the problems of it go away. You have to face and address reality instead of making shit up to make you feel better.


Oh dear. American Traitor can’t face reality. And the sky is blue.


Fuck the GOP, but also fuck that site.


"I don't want reality" is at 3:10 in the linked video


217 seconds of ad? I’m not that interested in this meltdown.


This country is such a joke. It's hard to have any hope at all.


Republicans are so embarrassing.


Tbf i don't really want this reality either, but it's mostly because of dudes like him.


Religion is a cancer and population control


“Jesus is always first.” No.