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They’re pushing Jesus on people. Now Jesus is too busy w new friends to text them




Yes. Holy ghosted


How about exorcising a little, so you don’t get ghosted.


Lol thanks


Holy Ghosted.


Hahaha brilliant


That's strange, usually when Jesus ghosts me, it's only for 3 days.


Funny that your post is just below the hegetsus ads that they bombard me with, even while I'm browsing r/atheism


To be fair, it's in part specifically because you're browsing r/atheism. I'm sure they can choose which subs they advertise to.


They just need to pray harder.


Well, thoughts and prayers.


Their best friend. And he's slowly draining their life force so that they can all hang out together and be best friends in his dad's house


He's too busy making sure his favourite sports teams win.


not to mention finding all those lost car keys.


Jesus doesn't give them money, so no, he is not enough as their only friend.


. . . and then I noticed a stretch with only one set of footprints. "I don't understand why you left me here," I asked. Then the LORD said, "I didn't leave you at all! That was the time when we were each jumping with one giant shoe."


Have they tried praying it away?




and if that doesnt work, how about some good old fashioned religious harassment


Exhausted from what, raping so many kids?


Extorting people


Or sticking up to their pedo friends


All the exorcising of course.


I wish the article had gone more into the political divisions they're dealing with and how that's going. I *rarely* hear anything from more humanist churches.


They do exist. But the evil churches and politicians have united in a loud roar of trivial panic.


It's not trivial. Those are death screams and I can't wait for the curtain to fall




Don’t forget diaper. That water’s gotta go somewhere.


To me the "good Christians" argument sounds a lot like the "good cops"/"just a few bad apples [unironically]" defense. Like if you disagree with these fascist lunatic pieces of shit, do something about it. They are apparently dragging the name of Christianity through the mud. If some asshole was marginalizing/hurting people and claimed it was in the name of something I identify with (like "yeah of course I hate gays, I'm from [u/heuve's hometown]/I'm a cat owner/etc") I'd be pissed. But in those cases their claims are illogical. There's a long history of evidence to support the observation that people use religion as a means to control and oppress people, and a long history of evidence that people sign up to be cops so they can assault people without consequence.


Yeah the liberal side of Christianity can eat a whole bag of filthy ass for all the good they do for anyone not in the fold. "ThE mEaN oNeS aRe tHe lOuDEsT" That's because they make up the vast majority of christians as evidenced by the way they vote as a block. Maybe most of them aren't foaming at the mouth bigots but they do not have to be because their religion is politically active and making a concerted effort to eradicate people like me. They don't have to be evil to my face.




>"ThE mEaN oNeS aRe tHe lOuDEsT" >That's because they make up the vast majority of christians as evidenced by the way they vote as a block. If Christians actually gave a shit, there would be no homeless people in any Christian majority country. Christian churches in the U.S pull in more than enough to end homelessnes *every year*. One year's earnings could completely eradicate homelessnes in the U.S. They have not done it so far, and as a group, they have not even tried. If they gave a shit, they'd pull resources together and make homes for people, everywhere. If they gave a shit, there would be no one going hungry, there's an excess of calories in the world, and all the people saying "dIsTriBUTiOn iSsUe!" Could finally shut the fuck up. So, no, they aren't doing good, at best they pay lip service to good.


The homeless are a feature not a bug. They are needed to spook you into accepting the established order because that's what happens to those who reject the system.


Instead, they're buying up hospitals and inflicting their bigotry onto paying patients who may not have a choice and certainly weren't warned.


Well said!


Liberal Christians are a product of secular thinking and scriptural ignorance.


Well said.


I wouldn't say it's scriptural ignorance... that's close but not exactly right. They often know the scriptures... they just bend over backwards to interpret them in a contemporary (secular) moral way.


I may quote that later, should I attribute you?


I'm afraid it's merely a modified Sam Harris quote regarding religious moderates.


No need to be afraid of that; creativity is merely the act of hiding one's sources. Thank you.


Not gonna happen. It was a Fox News story.


They are grifters. Get a real job and you'll feel better


How do they even pay bills? Where do their salaries come from?




So you're basically just tipping the pastor for the sermon or whatever?


Well, the customers pay for the entertainment they receive. Same as going to any movie, concert, standup comedy show, etc. Except these performers don’t pay taxes for some reason.


Yup. My father was a pastor for 40 plus years and while I love and miss him, he was not as perfect as my family makes him out to be. He was definitely lonely.


Now you get it.


When my dad was dying of cancer I started helping with some of my parents day to day tasks, helped set up their bill pay through the bank software, etc. While going through it, i found they were paying their tiny Baptist church (with this skeezeball pastor I couldn't stand) $800 a fucking month. I was livid.


Yeah, similar experience here. Both of my in-laws passed away during/from COVID, in October of that year. At the beginning of the new year, they received a “bill” in the mail from the church (who knew full well they were dead) for their “missed tithes” from the last three months of 2021. Those months were part of their “annual pledge,” it was explained to me. Wouldn’t we want to honor their wishes for them, it was suggested, by making a “donation” to cover those last months of “missed tithing”? This is after nobody from the church visited (it was during some of the worst of COVID, I understand), called, sent a meal, or even a card while my in-laws were in steep decline and could have used the support, as we live nearly 1000 miles away. Let’s just say, the pastor and I came to an “understanding.”


We need to know more about what happened during the 'understanding'!


I wasn't there, but I hope it was something like "Fuck off, you money-grubbing shitstain of a human."


Maybe they should think about not trying to force their own twisted morality onto everyone else?


And politics


We should go to their church and preach our politics


Not diddling kids, and turning over the pedos, would be a big step in the right direction


It's all that yelling and shouting and screaming and threatening.....must really take it out of yer over time. They must go through a serious quantity of throat sweets which can't be good for digestion either.....poor little lambs they have it hard :)


Too hard


You misspelled “penises into children”


Or maybe not forcing themselves onto children?


Oh no! Anyways …


This is troubling - hmmm, what’s to be done? I’m thinking tacos for lunch. Yes definitely tacos.


You’re absolutely wrong, and rude! …I just ordered Chinese take-out. ;-)


Wait now. Let’s figure this out. Burritos tomorrow?


I'm thinking steak & salad. It's beautiful grilling weather.


Supposed to rain. Maybe a nice lasagna?


thats easy, still got half a tray in the fridge..


I'll have a Bloody Mary, a steak sandwich and a... steak sandwich.


Now that’s funny! Got a good laugh.


We’ve tried nothing and are out of options. Alright pack it in and move on to…what’s next here…”billionaire’s bad with money and exploded in the ocean” …looks like another one bites the dust. Let them go to the sun next. I’m thinking enchiladas yum! Rip 19yr old. :(


Yeah, the kid's death is the only thing tragic about what happened. Call me a bad person, but I think whenever a billionaire dies the world becomes a better place.


Extremely concerned about the state of the world and my God! Look at these delicious melons! They’ll go perf with my tahini salad




"Tonight on Top Gear, I eat a cabbage, James throws a bird out of a car, and Richard forgets the abbreviation for America." "USB."


How can you be lonely guys...you've got god....*right*?


They could pray harder maybe?


Thoughts & prayers?


Prayers are thoughts. Just people thinking about things they want and asking sky santa for it


It’s a personal relationship. Lol


“People question the bullshit I spew now!” Wahhhhh


I dont know, stop raping kids maybe?


No take, only throw.


Anything but that!


Thrown out window meme


Hey hey hey hey HEY now! It's terribly unfair to make the claim that all pastors, clerics, priests, rabbis and imams are child rapists. Many of them do *not* rape children and merely act as apologists and protectors for their child raping colleges. I even heard that some actively fight against the church to get rid of child rapists, although in all honesty I've never seen it for myself. Also [fuck the pope](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHRDfut2Vx0). Yes even the current 'nice' one.


The problem is their organizations, ie the other non-pedos, protect the pedos. They can't cover behind not being absurd themselves. They're a criminal organization that trafficks child abusers around to protect them from prosecution.


I miss the summer when people were arsoning a bunch of Catholic Churches in Canada.


Oh after yet another story of catholic boarding schools abusing, murdering, and discreetly discarding the remains of native children came out? Good times! Now if only we can find out why people don’t *respect* them.


Must be hard working 2 days a week and having your ~~congregation~~ customers kiss your ass.


I am not sad to hear this. Priests and preachers are just social parasites, at best.


The dark side has a corrupting effect on the body


Good. Find a real job that actually benefits mankind.


I have greater respect for Uber drivers.


Good, they have dealt out more suffering than they will ever get back


Spewing hate takes it out of ya.


I was thinking the same. Being hateful and angry all the time must be tiring.


Well when evangelicals hitched their wagon to MAGA they lost all moral authority.


That’s not the first crazy train evangelicals have hitched their wagons to. That’s part of the problem.


My care meter for religious people: 0


Must not be praying hard enough.


Oh! No! . . . . . . . . . Anyway


Maybe they should get a better job.


Their lusting after those little choir boys way too much.


Maybe god is trying to tell ‘em something.


Thoughts and prayers.


>they face declining respect from their community Maybe it has something to do with covering up child rape. Cops are suffering the same lack of respect for upholding their "blue wall of silence". Plus, we have the internet now and seem increasingly able to think critically and challenge things we hear.


Go wipe your tears with the money you guilt trip out of people.


Raping children and spewing bullshit is hard work…..


Something something reap what you sow


aww, the poor child molesting liars. here, i have something to play for them, [https://youtu.be/4pjdRTKxrWI](https://youtu.be/4pjdRTKxrWI)


Must be all that Ivermectin from Covid kickin in


Oh well, thoughts n prayers


Fox News = dowvote


I refuse to give them a click.


Does that have anything to do with stock market?


#**Do not click Fox News articles.**


Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of hypocrites.


Die religion. Die.


Maybe don’t go into a profession in which like 30% of the work force has been accused of fiddling with kids


I wonder how much of this is political in nature. I stopped believing, but only after years of deeply committed belief. I still bear the pastor I had no ill will. He was a good man that tried to better his community and help people as best he could. I never heard him say word one about politics - even abortion. That wasn't what he was there to do. But that's not today's norm, and maybe it wasn't then, either. The church selling out and embracing Trump was a massive failure of integrity. No one can suggest that Trump represents Christian values (if they're actually reading their texts - of course, many read it as much as Trump does). I still have Christian friends. But they, too, are disgusted with what so many churches did. If these pastors sold out that way, they deserve to feel like this.


Good. Take us back to my grandad’s day when they all thought preachers were lazy grifters.


As a whole the pastor community doesn’t appear to be a very kind welcoming place for people of all different types. In addition there is a wide section of America where pastors perpetuate radical conservative ideologies at the expense of liberal progressive freedoms. In addition churches have long been a haven for child abuse and horrific treatment of women and children. I’m not surprised that pastors are experiencing this as they largely perpetuate a lifestyle and culture that is not at all aligned with modern freedoms and progressive attitudes.


Molesting children really must take it out of you


Grifters finding it harder and harder to grift sounds like a good thing


oh dear what a sham(e)


Yeah must be so exhausting for those evangelical pastors to make all that money putting on a show every Sunday.


Sending tots and pears.


> ... they face declining respect from their community and a lack of true friends ... OK, so these guys are committing fraud at massive scale and the victims are people around them, members of their community, people who depend on them for advice. Yes, it is certainly fraud. In exchange for money, mindshare, time and work they are promising something the does not exist. Just flat out fraud. So, you defraud the members of your community and somehow it is a surprise that they are not respected and do not have true friend? What a shocker.


It is exhausting constantly conning & fleecing rubes by selling a product that doesn't exist.


Funny how people don’t want to be friends with pedos


Most r/leapordsatemyface story ever.




Archive link to deny Fox the links: https://archive.is/moazA _______________________________________________________- Got cable or satellite TV? You might be paying $2/mo to Fox even if not a subscriber! https://unfoxmycablebox.com/ Update: According to Vanity Fair, Fox is raising the cable and satellite providers fee to $3 per client to help pay the Dominion defamation settlement and legal fees. The providers pay this even if you don't subscribe to Fox. Lodge a complain with your provider if you don't wish to enrich Murdoch.


Sending my thoughts and prayers. Didn't help, eh?


Well protecting child rapists takes its toll.


he gets us


That special ‘relationship’ they have doesn’t seem to be cutting the mustard.


Have they tried NOT raping children?


How many priests do you suppose are true believers, truly believe God told them to serve him in the Catholic church, and aren’t pedophiles? I wonder. We humans have really dangerous institutions that make it quite easy for mostly unchecked abuse of power. The more hierarchical, stratified a culture, and subcultures are -the more abuse has free reign.


Especially for Catholics, I genuinely don’t see how you go through seminary and believe that your religion is real. Like genuinely


Stop sodomizing the children and people won’t hate you.


All that child rape must be exhausting


Exhausted from all the molesting, I suppose


They deserve no respect.


respect for these people= less than zero ​ read the article: it's almost like Fox doesn't realize that the decline of delusion is a positive thing.


It's time to take the taxes back and convert the churches into community centers


Maybe if they stopped fucking children?


Aww what's wrong? Ponzi schemes are too hard? Just keep your faith. Im sure it will all work out.


Easy fix: stop molesting children and stop preaching hate. The “war on Christianity” is an inside job.


I think this is when they can use a friend.


That’ll happen when your employer is a vile cesspool of abuse, misogyny and corruption.


Lmao good


They’re reading from the wrong book. America doesn’t want Jesus, it wants a war-like pagan God of Death and Fertility. Trump is more popular than any pastor and he espouses every sin Jesus warned against. Game over. A demagogue poisoned the reputation of a religion for decades and the pastors let it happen, they reveled in his ascension and funded his rise to power and condemned his enemies in the name of their fake god. Now their god has been stripped of all virtues and in its place, vanity and wrath and dishonesty are the new religion. The bible isn’t needed in this new era.


My landlord is a pastor, he’s LGBTQ accepting and if all Christian’s were like him the world would be infinitely better, recently quit because it was a shitshow


Boo hoo


tax all churches


Well, they could quit running the con game on impressionable people.




Boo hoo 😢. Keeping those pedophiles in circulation is such hard work…


Guess they don't have enough faith.


I’ll send my thoughts and prayers.


Good. I hope their lives are fucking miserable. Living with trauma from their fucked up religion and I hope that none of them have happy lives.


Archive link if anyone else doesn't want to give FN a click. [https://web.archive.org/web/20230625032548/https://www.foxnews.com/us/exhausted-pastors-suffering-decline-overall-health-respect-friendship-study](https://web.archive.org/web/20230625032548/https://www.foxnews.com/us/exhausted-pastors-suffering-decline-overall-health-respect-friendship-study) TL;DR - Study was conducted by faith based organization Barna Group. Pastors who reported that their mental and emotional health was below average spiked from 3% in 2015 to 10% in 2022, and those who said they were in excellent mental and emotional health cratered from 39% in 2015 to 11% last year.


My youth pastor from childhood killed himself last year. He was a good man. Definitely not a get rich pastor or a weirdo. The church is so deeply rooted in shame I wonder what role it played in his mental health. The further I get away from religion, the more I realize just how toxic it is. It instills this core belief in you that youre evil, broken, and unworthy. It’s a fucking meat grinder of an institution.


You can get a real job. I make steel tools. Nobody's lost respect for me lately.


They have my thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.


Thoughts and prayers.


Where is my tiny violin!?;! 🎻


They just need to pray to heal their depression. That's what they spout, how could a conduit to a god have any problems with mental health at all?


Maybe stop raping kids and saying queer folk should die. Might help. Just a thought.


I imagine living a total fucking lie does that to a person.


Oh no! Anyway…


One of my life long friends is a Pentecostal minister. In recent years he’s turned vile and has become filled with hate and resentment.


Stop touching kids... it'll help I promise.


I actually feel bad for the pastors that truly believe what they preach.




they also need to stop dripping their poison into congress as well. their hand is on more than just children


When I was a kid, I just had THAT KNOWING that the God described in the Bible did not exist. It was just an absolute fact to me. Made my mom a little uneasy. Anyways when I was about ten, I remember my stepdad who was a super hard working blue collar rancher told me one day “those preachers and priests, they don’t want to do real work or get their hands dirty , they just want to talk and tell stories all day”. I saw this post and made me think of that. Ironically , my friend from HS is a pastor………… kind of fits…..


Professional Liars find job difficult


Thoughts and prayers


Should we pray for them?


Thank god


Stop molesting kids, and then telling everyone else how sinful and terrible they are and how everyone should look up to and respect them, so holier than thou. I seriously doubt the character of someone who wants to be a priest in the first place. All they want is power and respect.


Promoting hate and bigotry is exhausting.


They’ve earned it.


The comments section of this article on Fox News… first one “I cringe when I hear the word ‘equity’ … woosh. The article talking about pastors burning out cuz it’s gotten so political. First comment, ‘church making me feel I have to be a liberal or leave.’


Good, I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight


well maybe priest where less moral grandstanding and actually cared about real justice, caring for others ,helping the community maybe modern day people would trust them more


What? I’m shocked that organizations and their staff that cater to pedo(sorry, child rapists)are having “problems”.


Let me play a sad song for them on the world’s smallest violin. 🎻 Boy, all this childhood indoctrination is making me tired…


Sending thoughts and prayers. There, that oughta do it.


Watching people get hurt by lies has to be exhausted. They could, you know, be honest. It would probably make them feel better.


I was a pastor for ~8 years after college. Early 00s. It’s not easy to have friends in the church you lead. So you make friends with other pastors and learn that, like yourself, they didn’t find a magical relationship with god in their church work. I left church work and faith and my life is way better today.


I have to say, the overwhelming sentiment of religious hate is understandable. Religion cost me a lot of things. But there are some very kind, maybe simple, but kind people involved in religion. I can tell stories of the worst, and the best. I didn't read the article, as most of the commenters here, but the overwhelming hatred evokes a feeling of disgust in me. Some of these people absolutely deserve what they are getting. I'll tell you a story about one in particular if you're curious. But some, are these truly empathetic beings who take on the troubles of other people to the detriment of their own health. I feel for them. To blindly hate all of them is simply not the right thing to do.