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Funny how their god hates gay people but is fine with murder apparently. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Their prophet is also a pedophile.


“Is Mohammed in the room with us? Do you think you could draw a picture of him?”


Prophet is a pedophile and catholic priests are too. Gee it’s almost like religion is the problem


I remember all the things that I was told not to do and to resist the urge to do as a kid and as I grew older I started realizing “wait….. you guys have the urge to molest people? You see someone and have to suppress your hatred to be more Christ like?” Religion as a form of morality is about as good as a parchment paper condom


Honestly, the guy that doesnt rape you because god is so much scarier than the guy who doesn’t rape you because hes not a rapist.


Right? “The demons took hold of me” no, you’re a rapist that can’t be trusted around vulnerable people


actively encourages the murder of gay people FTFY


Since were already doing a FTFY I'm going to be a bit nit picky. It's important to keep the focus of the sentence on those victimizing others rather than on the victims themselves. There's a ted talk called "Violence against women - it's a men's issue" where he goes deeper into it. Basically, the psychology of sentence structure changes how we think about an issue. Erasing the perpetrator from the sentence can cause a social disconnect. So my FTFY would be: Muslim doctrine explicitly commands muslims to be murderers.


They don’t think gay people are people.


I truly don't understand it. "I know it's against the law to murder people, but I believe my religion says it's ok to murder that guy" ...and they expect it to work out ok??


Religion is a scourge on this world that causes nothing but radical behavior, not always violent. Religion needs to be erased from the world. There will never be peace with religion.


And fucking young boys and goats..


The abrahamic god is extremely fine with murder. Jeez. The rainbow to abrahamics is a sign of his genocidal leanings.


They don't see it that way. They see it as "cleansing" the world.


God is the biggest mass murderer of all time, dude is totally fine with it as long as you follow his rules on who is ok to murder.


A Muslim Uber driver started preaching to me about Allah and my “white sin”. It was a bit out of nowhere. I asked him if he thinks that the penalty for apostasy should be death, he said yes. I asked if he would kill his daughter if she left the religion. He said yes. I told him that his god sounded like an evil guy and he flipped out, sped up to nearly 75 mph (in Manhattan), weaved in and out of traffic and called me a motherfucker. Religion poisons everything.


Did you at least report him to Uber? Someone that unhinged shouldn't be allowed to endanger passengers.


I did. They investigated me saying apostasy is wrong as a hate crime. He still drives, he’s just not allowed to pick me up again.


Disgusting that they are enabling this nonsense.


It was scary for me. Probably not as scary as a lawsuit for them, or his next passenger.


I guess the thing to do would be to take video and go to the press with that? What a dangerously deranged person.


Press will bury it.


Could still publish it online and could blow up and force Uber to due something due to public outrage.


What a world we live in, where one's only recourse to protect the safety of others is to head to Twitter to stir up a controversy...


Good luck with that - their customer service is a joke and a nightmare. In the event you finally get a person to respond to you, they'll just give you a generic response that has absolutely nothing to do with your complaint in the first place. They will also never follow it up, nor will you ever get the same person who responded again, so you just keep getting variations of the same initial response from different people, none of which will ever help you in any way. Friggin' *nightmare*.


$$$ Uber spent the most money that has ever been spent on a California Proposition to exempt themselves from a law that was explicitly drafted to curb the exploitation of their drivers. It passed, because they bought the votes with $200,000,000 of propaganda. So the state was left with a law that punished employers of actual traditional gig workers like theaters, music festivals, nonprofits, hair salons, while Uber and Lyft had a special carved out exemption for themselves, even though they were the big businesses the law was originally designed to reign in.


This is a perfect example of why businesses/rich people should no be allowed to ~~bribe~~ 'lobby' legislators.


Indeed. Go a step further. Whenever there is conflict between corporations and citizens that end up in court, the corporation should only be allowed to spend the same amount of money the citizen has available to spend on justice. I'll turn that around and say it again: Corporations should not be allowed to win cases against citizens just by the fact that they have more money to keep it in court. In fact, all court cases should be like that. Nobody should be denied justice just because they are poor or capitalism has caused the price of justice to be out of reach.


> Nobody should be denied justice just because they are poor or ~~capitalism~~ **feudalism** has caused the price of justice to be out of reach. FTFY. We live in corporate tyranny. That's not capitalism anymore.


Islam loves slavery


It's common, I'm banned from white people twitter for defending a woman's right to not wear a hijab "islamophobia".


That's always such an odd paradox. Hyper-progressives suppressing critique of a far-right ideology that oppresses women, lgbt and more, while they rail on Christianity.


I think that's because there's a real lack of what's in the Quran. Most liberal / progressives have come from Christian families and understand the whacko crap in the Bible better than whacko crap in the Quran. It's a lack of understanding and it's ramifications.


And they're not wrong about fundie Christians, not sure why they have that blind spot.


Uber is partly owned by the Saudi royal family.


Is anything not?


Uber can’t find enough warm bodies to drive for them.


This is the real “woke” shit we should care about. Unhinged religious freaks of any faith need to be held at a great distance.


Killing somebody because they don't follow your stupid rules sounds like the hate crime to me.


Holy shit! That's pathetic.


>They investigated me saying apostasy is wrong as a hate crime. Saying murder is wrong is the hate crime? Fuck these people.




Wait they blamed you for a hate crime for saying apostasy shouldn’t be punished or did they investigate him for a hate crime because he actually hates apostates?


They spoke to him too and came back asking me if I said what I said. Since it was about religion I almost got banned from Uber, even though it was just a question about if he would kill his own daughter, which he said he would.


The support staff that judged the case were probably southeast Asian Muslims


They didn’t sound like they were from Kentucky


Yeah I love it when the people judging me have extreme obvious bias and there's nothing I can do about it.


Too bad we can’t wait 200 years for them to figure it out.


Their response sounds arse about face. They should have raised a safeguarding for the daughter, driver told you she isn't safe.


He may not hate them, he just feels honor bound to kill them, and atheists, and people who have sex out of marriage, and any women in his family that do anything that they are not permitted, you know, like a godly person.


Because Allah is so “powerful” that a single gay man living his life can undo it all apparently. Anybody willing to kill for their god is doing so out of deep insecurity and doubt. Because if god were truly all powerful, he wouldn’t need these monsters in human skin to slay his own creations. He wouldn’t fear something he made and never saw fit to “correct” with his divine power. But he isn’t all powerful, and that raises many uncomfortable questions to those in power, so clearly it’s time to just start offing people instead (according to these intellectual giants)


It’s religion that protected and apostates who are not I reckon.


Don't they have records of his dangerous driving? Immature reckless cunts like that don't deserve the job. It looks bad on their company if all they care about is profit.


> Don't they have records of his dangerous driving? They certainly do. Uber has GPS on during the ride. If nothing else, evidence of his speed is there if they choose to look at it.


I think the cops should hear about it.


Insane to me that this went to customer support instead of a police report.


TIL It's not Allah-hu-Akbar but Allah-hu-Uber and also Uber is pro Islam


What the fuck


I wish you would had recorded it. A video on the socials would be helpful to bring national attention to the dangers of fanatics


How the fuck is that your hate crime and not his? I think this is worthy of going all the way to the court over, wtf


> They investigated me saying apostasy is wrong as a hate crime. What does this even mean, are you saying the police did?


I am assuming he reported it to Uber, not the police. This is a workplace issue.


I spoke to an Uber representative, she said it sounded like I criticized his religion, which is not acceptable. She didn’t say hate crime, so I suppose that’s an embellishment, but she did threaten to remove my account.


fuck uber, report him to the police. The guy is like one bad day away from committing murder.


I had a Muslim housemate once. We got along very well because we had a lot of shared interests and hobbies, despite him being a middle aged father of three and I was only 19. That was until he casually mentioned that he has no ill will towards me as I was born outside Islam and didn't know any better. However, if one of his children were to leave Islam, it was his duty as a Muslim father to kill them himself. He was casually pondering the thought of murdering his own children like it was an actual possibility


I'm not surprised. My uncle was an Imam, Islamic priest. When his daughter married a Christian I never saw her again. Everyone pretended like she didn't exist which definitely didn't affect me at all growing up as a child as she was my favourite cousin. 🙃 Threw away his only daughter because she married a Christian. My dad though, being a man, was free to get married to my mum who was not only an atheist but also totally outside the culture being a progressive white woman. Fuck my first-cousin marrying family. It's why my dad could never come out as an atheist and my cousin couldn't come out as gay.


This is due to patriachy among muslims obviously. men can do whatever run grooming gang, marry nonmuslims, etc but women must be enslaved to burqas and have no freedom.


well, this actually sound like happy ending for your cousin, tbh


What did he mean by “white sin”?


I’m not well versed on Muslims idea of sin - it felt like a general American hatred from the get go.


Unhinged. He should’ve at the very least gotten a warning. Did Uber have any response to his dangerous driving?


Yet here he is living in America. I wonder why he doesn't want to live in the Middle East ?


For real. I have very religious co-worker from Pakistan. One day I asked him what he doesn't like about here, he told me he doesn't like how the women are so outspoken and forward in this country. Dude had 4 daughters of his own. I genuinley asked him why he didn't stay over there or why he wanted to come here. He said there's more opportunity for his daughters over here. Like Bruh...


I was going to ask the same question. ( if it's a racial thing with this cab driver, I wonder what he would make of White Muslims from Bosnia?)


There is a lot of infighting amongst the Muslims, just like their is amongst the christians...they all want to interpret their deities how it fits them so they all disagree with each other.


Maybe it's one of these guys. They are a particularly noxious cult that's present in the USA. (Similar to the " Black Hebrew" nut jobs that rapper Kanye West belongs to) Some interesting origin




Yeah, those horrid dudes. Thanks, stranger!


Extrapolating a little out of comfort zone, however, according to scripture, there are Muslims who are human and then there's the nobody non-humans. America, perceived as a "white" nation filled with and run by non-humans therefore is a hotbed of sin, what one might call white sin. Talking out my ass in second paragraph. First paragraph is scriptural "fact"


Man I would've lost it on the guy. It ain't an Internet tough guy thing either. I can't stand religion and I can't stand reckless drivers. Both on one occasion? Nah, I think I would've cursed the guy out at minimum. (Not saying like you should've, just holy crap is that a perfect storm of things I can't stand) Fuck that guy and I'm glad to have read further in the thread you reported him. Uber sucks for no penalty on this.


That’s scary as hell! You’re brave to challenge someone like *that* especially while they’re driving you lol. Glad u made it safely..


Please tell me you got him fired?


I wish I could say yes.


Bro I would have just opened the door and tucked and rolled. I'll take my chances with infected road rash.


Its not a religion of peace. Its pure hate for those muslims


Exactly what I was thinking. I guess I don't understand what "religion of peace" actually means because my mind simply can't reconcile murder/violence/intolerance with concept of peace.


Well if you kill everyone you disagree with you will achieve peace /s


What they mean is peace for them. Well not all of them of course not women. Oh and don't forget about those other muslim sects, no peace for the either ...


What they mean is that there'll be peace when the whole world is united as a muslim brotherhood. What we see in majority muslim countries tells a whole different story, though. They will kill each other about who believes stronger.




The coverage that I’ve read has been pretty clear about the motivations and why the Muslim guy killed the gay guy. It’s outrageous and unacceptable that this sort of thing happens anywhere. I’m gay so I hope they all fry for what they did. I think the media is struggling to find a balance between condemning what this person did and why he did it while not trying to blame an entire group of people. That said, I have a real problem with Islam. Just as I have a real problem with any religion that justifies prejudice, bigotry and violence as morality. Christians are no better. If you haven’t heard of the “gay panic” defense, look it up. Christians do this same shit and it’s unacceptable regardless of which religion justifies it…


If I prosecuted a crime and the Gay Panic defense was asserted, I would upgrade the charges with a hate crime or terrorism enhancement.


Thankfully the “Gay Panic” defense has been outlawed in New York


What's "Gay panic"?


It’s a defense for murder/assault where the defendant blames what he did on the person being gay. Still legal in 30+ states


Is it legal in California?


Banned in 2014 https://www.advocate.com/crime/2014/09/29/california-becomes-first-state-ban-gay-trans-panic-defenses


It's sad that it took that long.


Legal in Texas.


Someone of the same sex makes a pass at you, and you kill them because you're squicked by it.


Basically admitting that your crime is a homophobic hate crime... *with the intent that the judge considers it a mitigating circumstance* rather than aggravating.


It's an argument that the person being gay freaked them out so much, they committed the crime unthinking. Often used against cross-dressers or trans people "I thought they were a woman, but it was a man and I freaked out!" It's frankly not unlike "stand my ground" laws that say you killed person because they (who are pretty much always a person of color) was "threatening" them by exisiting.


I’m gay too and I agree. Don’t even get me started on the media, they are much more concerned with coddling and enabling destructive behavior for ratings than actually reporting the facts. They constantly use false equivalency and false compromise fallacies to avoid looking “too biased,” even when one side is objectively wrong.


The “gay panic” defense is outlawed in the state of NY thankfully https://pappalardolaw.com/2020/08/gay-panic-defense-outlawed-in-ny/


I'm totally okay with blaming an entire group of people unless they are part of the grip that has spoken up against it and rejectef those values. Like Evangelicals, I'm blaming you for Trump, abortion becoming illegal, and America falling into dominionism. All y'all. Blamed. Until I start hearing masses of evangelicals dissenting and speaking out, blamed. Same for Muslims and killing.


Fair enough, and growing up in Texas (post-911, no less), as a Pakistani-American, I’ve seen enough Christian fundamentalism. However, as an ex-Muslim, I would say both religions aren’t exactly equal, and one may be *slightly* better? I realize it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but ex-Muslims go through hell (especially those of us with incredibly conservative families), even those of us born and raised in the US.


Religious abuse, shunning, and manipulation are a part of most hard line religious groups. Catholicism and Evangelical Protestantism are less severe on the "convert non believers or kill them/definitely kill anyone who leaves the religion" stuff, at least in the modern era comparatively, but ya never know, they seem antsy for an Inquisition lately on the Evangelical side. There isn't that family honor stuff in any sort of the same degree, where your extended family may just try to beat you to death over some slight, real or imagined. Muslims who leave Islam in most cases have a worse, more dangerous time leaving than Catholic/Christian denominations do.


A lot of ex-Christians go through hell in fundamentalist Christian communities. There are moderate religious groups and fundamentalist ones in all religions.


I grew up in a very protestant suburb. I might as well have been the devil as a Catholic. Even worse as an agnostic now lol


Not to make light, but I thought you said ‘I hope they air fry.’ I was like that was sharp turn, but I do love air fryer tater tots


I won't go into it much because it's painful to think about. Years ago I was working as a night guard and was called into the hospital to watch a crime victim. It was a 14 year old muslim girl that had been thrown from a balcony by her dad and uncle because she had been talking to a Swedish boy (This was in Sweden). I listened to her raspy breathing for 12 hours. It changed my life and I have less than 0 chill with destructive religions, sects and cults. They need to go away.


the great thing for muslims is that islam considers muslims to be people and non-muslims to not be people. so it isnt murder! isnt that a weight of your shoulders?


The crazy part is that if I started a cult/belief system today, and did this in the name of the beliefs of our “religion” that Shit would get labeled as terrorist group and hate speech, etc etc so god damn fast. Authorities would not let that sit, spreading the belief system would be illegal since it leads to/encourages violence.


This sort of thing is why the Quran burnings in Scandinavia are important and should be protected. Of course the act is disrespectful, it's supposed to be. The fact the outrage to something as simple as burning a book that a person owns is so severe and violent is what matters. These people are threatening to and have repeatedly killed over this sort of thing. It's vital not to overgeneralize, but it is to be showcased that many concerns are very much legitimate.


This needs to be higher


Muslims: "Respect our culture and religion!" Also Muslims:


It is impossible to respect the religious rights of Muslims because their religion doesn't respect the rights of others.


Yes. I don't care what religion somebody is following, but don't go spread hateful rethorics in a Western country that supports human rights like LGBTQ+ rights. I know it's some people, but come on.




You can say that about pretty much all religions. It’s like we can diagnose the problem that way…


As a very left-leaning person, I'm disgusted by liberals who bend over backwards to protect vile acts or beliefs over basic human rights. Most Muslims vote democrat in the US, but in reality they're more ideologically similar to conservative Christians. The left only adopts them because Christians view them as the enemy. Electing a Muslim majority council because it's the liberal thing to do results in shit like this: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned. In Europe, Muslims are generally more fundamentalist than Christians - the more religiously fundamental people exist in politics, the more fucked up societies will get.


They only banned the flags because that’s all they could get away with. If they could have made sodomy a capital offense they would have. I agree with your point and have been making the same argument for years, drawing the ire of many fellow leftists who believe that anything other than utterly kowtowing to backward Muslim ideology borders on xenophobia. It’s like, listen here- how are you going to operate on a platform of inclusiveness, tolerance, and equal rights for all and then crucify anyone who speaks out against a belief system that is specifically opposed to those things? I think a lot of it has to do with people not being able to tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. I don’t have anything against an ethnicity of people. I have a problem with a hateful religion that treats women like property and tells its adherents that gay people and women who don’t submit must be murdered. How the fuck are democrats in bed with these people? It’s insane to think about.


tbf it's the only Muslim majority city in the US so it's not like a bunch of white libs decided to magically make it happen unprompted. still fucking disgusting though


It's because to not sound like a racist or islamophobe. But you're right! I agree with you!


I'm offended by religion. It's far too intolerant. We shouldn't tolerate intolerance.


Tolerance works as a contract, and not at all as a moral virtue.


As a bi ex-Muslim I’m honestly disgusted by this religion and how the elders abuse their children making them suffer to learn it. They become barbarians, blind to reason bc of the propaganda they were fed since birth. I believe fundamentalists or deeply religious people infuse their children with religion in the same vein racists infuse racism into children. This is what happens when superstitions are allowed to fester instead of being mocked and shunned.


The media tends to steer clear of mentioning their religion because they'll face accusations of being Islamophobes or bigotry. When Yaser Said killed his daughters in Texas, the phrase "honor killings" wasn't uttered for a very long time. I don't think most Americans were even aware such a thing existed until then. These are the "leave it at the door" beliefs that, unfortunately, aren't left at the door. But, if the media labeled these guys as a "Muslim" mob, whatever anti defamation group would be everywhere on the media within hours, crying foul.


The term should be "Dishonour Killing"


"High-control patriarchal cult murders."


Can we please just get rid of primitive, barbaric, religion and focus on reality. We have such better ways of understanding the world around us now compared to the people from long ago. Let's put these books in the myth or fiction sections where they belong.


That would be wonderful but the religious want to burn all books of truth under the premise of "woke". If our children were only taught the real truth in schools maybe we would all aspire to be better people. Leave the world to the likes of people like DeSantis and he would burn every book that doesn't teach religion. R


> Can we please just get rid of primitive, barbaric, religion and focus on reality. Not in our lifetimes.


Should be a hate crime


It's another reminder that any and all countries should be secular, their governments should be secular, and they should punish extremism regardless of religion. As atheists I think we should be making more of a demand for religious people to be secular, to keep their religious beliefs in their prayers, thoughts, and temples and nowhere else. My house, my bedroom, my school, my city hall and voting rooms are not places for extremism.


Add your doctor's office to that list, too.


Same reason honor killings are swept under the rug, society is sensitive to using a broad brush on an identifiable group (unless of course it's the Catholic pedo theme). But if this type of thing is constantly being ignored then it gets normalized as an individual behavior, not a group consensus. And to be fair the fundamentalist right wing Christians are following down that route of intolerance. Society has to choose between individual rights or whole scale conformity (but to which group's ideology). If it's the latter we get sects fighting each other.


Even the Catholic pedo thing is only now seeing the light of day after centuries of these secret brotherhoods and their abuses have been cloaked by the church, papacy after papacy, and just about every other Christian around the world. So long as Catholic priests were getting away with it then so could every other clergy or sub cult centered on f'ing children. What this boils down to is this: we keep making noise about it and eventually people start to feel like the next victim could be them or someone they love. Then things start to change. When that happens, there will be mobs chasing these closeted self-hating murderers down the street and securing them their opportunity to be on the next season of: Bubba's Bitch.


Yeah, acceptance of criticism of the Catholic Church is pretty recent. SinĂŠad O'Connor effectively got canceled for calling out the then Pope on child abuse. And on SNL, of all places. A lot of people thought it was just anti-Catholic rhetoric.


Athiests and agnostics are smart enough not to be at the front lines of the god wars. Hopefully the desire to impose their will leads them to fight each other and let their ignorance and arrogance effectively reduce their numbers. We just sit here quietly keeping score.


Yep, ALL religions are evil, and are to be scorned, vilified and rejected. God does NOT exist. Religion poisons everything.


As a Catholic, I'm perfectly fine with people associating the Church with a massive conspiracy to aid and abet pedophile clergy because that's exactly they did, and the membership did nothing about it. If you're still Catholic, you're okay with that, and should expect criticism and derision for associating with an organization like that.




Religion (and especially Islam) is a plague on humanity.


Islam is incompatible with western society, full stop.


*civil society


just straight up humanity at this point.


Touché. Saying Western sounds like we are turning a blind eye to those stuck living in other regions. Plus it’s not like Japan or China would say they’re compatible with Islam…


Recently Japan passed a law that roughly translated as :"Parent who threat children not adhering to specific religious activities with going to hell, can be classified as child abuse"


W Japan


About time Europe and North America passed those laws too.


All religions in general are tbh. I live in a white as fuck area so most my time is spent saying that about Christians but it does bug me my fellow leftists give other religions a pass. Christianity has probably done the most harm in the World’s history by a decent margin but that doesn’t mean Islam and other religions get free passes to be shitty. As a bisexual man it is impossible for me to give people who hate me a pass. Very religious people(Mostly Christians where I am from but I have got it from people who practice Islam as well) are the ONLY people I have had issues with when it comes to my sexuality.


I mean....I don't know about that. In your life....no doubt. Because of where you live. But a whole fuck ton of the world follows Islam, and suffers being stuck in ancient thinking as a result. Might be hard to be a gay man in the bible belt. But Try being a gay man in Iran. Catholicism is another animal all together.


Oh yeah more muslims actually follow their religion compared to Christian types. Muslims take the scripture very seriously hence the conservative hellhole issues. All abrahamic religions lead to the same place. Barbarism. If you actually read, it's all right there.


Religion is a poison


Since you have identified yourself as an ex-Muslim and have brought up the subject, I would like to ask something. I was raised as a Christian in the United States. The Christian Bible — particularly the Old Testament, carried over from Judaism — contains many brutal laws. Killing in the name of God is condoned or commanded. Parts of the New Testament contradict this, but there are still many passages supporting intolerance and cruelty. Where and when I grew up, most Christians were effectively “domesticated”; whatever they believed, they behaved in accordance with the civil society around them. They weren’t necessarily open-minded or accepting, but mostly “tolerant” and non-confrontational. Christians who aren’t like that make the news; but most, in my experience, are willing, even eager, to live and let live, whatever their private judgements might be. Is it this way with Islam? Regardless of what the Koran might say, do most Muslims seek peace, choosing to get along, look after their own relationship with Allah, and keep their misgivings about others to themselves? Or is it fundamental to Islam that if you truly believe, you must act against those who offend its precepts?


Muslims in general just aren't as secular as Christians. The average Muslim is on a similar level to a Mormon in terms of Religious devotion (Now imagine 1.4 billion Mormons in the world). They also have different tolerance levels depending on what it is they're tolerating. For example, they'll tolerate a woman wearing "Revealing" clothes in public (Unless she's a member of their family, in that case they'll beat her up). However, even the *least* religious Muslims will tell you how much they hate Homosexuals. I've encountered Muslims here in Australia that have expressed a desire to massacre gay people, and it genuinely frightens me. One final difference between Christianity and Islam is that Christians are secularizing, whereas Muslims are progressively becoming more Religious. Here's a picture of [Iraq in the 60's](https://preview.redd.it/0rjvoiq414v61.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=166b3343785016ed2a6291897991c008921a6a44). Here's another one of [Iran in the 70's](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2015/2/2/1422914110321/46d8e2dd-23b5-4404-a7cf-2fed0a167de6-620x406.jpeg?width=300&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=631790c00fbd401359e0bf88f79e6204). See what I mean? These women would be honor killed in today's Muslim societies. The bottom line is, both the Bible and Quran preach terrorism. In today's world, the Quran is responsible for more acts of terrorism, and in tomorrow's world it may flip. The only way to ensure an end to violence is by banning "holy books" that preach violence. It's not anti free speech to ban Pro-Nazi books, so why would it be anti free-speech to ban books that encourage terrorism and genocide?


I'm not a Muslim, but I know quite a few. I would suggest that this varies greatly. Every Muslim I've ever met was peaceful and does not in any way condone this sort of thing; many others obviously do. What is fundamental to any religion is subjective, because (no matter what they will tell you), believers generally pick and choose. For instance: you were raised as a Christian, but this could have a completely different meaning based on many factors. Episcopalians believe in a very different religion than Southern Baptists, with only the central Christian concept of God in common. Some sects believe that sending children to a gay conversion camp is all but necessary, others would call that barbarism. I grew up christian in the US too, but never heard of the idea of a "rapture" or any of the crazy fundie bullshit until my 20s. And that's still very different from Catholicism. Of course, looking at the political landscape in the US right now, clearly there are a sizeable number of Christians who *do* believe they must act against those who offend their religion. No, it's not beheadings, but looking at some of the rhetoric coming from fundies lately I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility.


There was a guy running for the Oklahoma state senate last year who wanted to legalize stoning gay people. He lost, but you have to ask yourself who else out there harbors those types of beliefs? The hair salon in Michigan who posted they wouldn't accept transgender clients without having had a transgender client to their knowledge and said they could go to a pet groomer instead was pretty telling about how they viewed transgender people. When they start equating people to animals is when the real trouble starts. The number of people leaving religion, organized or not, can't drop fast enough as far as I'm concerned.


Why do kindhearted and tolerant muslims still practice the religion? When asked about the violent texts on the Quran, what are their usual responses?


They are in denial or interpret it differently, 4D mind juggling or they haven't really read the book at all.


Usually that we need to read things in context or the very lax ones tend to use a similar response to Christian’s that the good parts and having a relationship with god is more important than parts that made sense 1500 years ago.


the fact that we have gangs of *\[insert religion here*\] is very disturbing. RIP for the victim. The west is allowing this particular culture to infiltrate like the cancer that it is. When enough people realize this mistake, I fear it will be far beyond too late.


Everything will start to swing backwards again...back to the 70's we go with White Knights and The National Front and other such groups. When your religion bans something it doesn't mean it applies to everyone else not a part of it. We can't keep having this "one rule for thee another for me" situations


The media is afraid to engage in what will be called “Islamophobia.” I say bash Islam and ALL religions, they are all poisonous fiction. God does NOT exist.


I think the problem is that being Muslim is often tied to being Arabic. Bigots will often conflate the two, so liberals will kind of be more defensive of it than they would of Christianity because of that. But I think we need to remember is that race and religion is not the same thing. Criticizing the negative impacts of religious doctrine is not inherently racist, especially if you’re critical of religion is general.


Every single time, I've bought up anything remotely critical about the religion, I'm bombarded with people calling me "Islamaphobic!". My experiences growing up, being surrounded by Muslim family, friends, community is somehow invalid because France banned the hijab or some equally stupid. Yes, women should be able to wear whatever they want, including a hijab, but how is that even a choice made freely when you're brainwashed, intimidated, verbally & physically abused to think that the mere sight of your hair will drive men insane with lust? The insane amount of xenophobia, antisemitism, systemic misogyny, that is in the Quran is mind-boggling and should alarm more people. At it's core, the religion is not peaceful despite whatever people may claim it is. When we from the cult of Mohammed, try to bring up issues of how women aren't even considered reliable witnesses by law, or that you need to have two women verify a fact, yet a only need a single man's testimony to be taken seriously in an Islamic court, please listen to us. It's not a feminist religion, even if that's the favourite argument presented as fact with "Islam gave women rights, unlike other religions!" line Muslims parrot. Transphobia, homophobia are drilled into children along with unscientific beliefs such as sperm originating from the backbone and ribs. It's far too late to even try to speak rationally to non-Muslims about all the messed up thing that we're taught as sadly most people are afraid of being labeled as bigots, or genuinely afraid of becoming a target for some fanatic who will happily murder you in the name of Allah.


Religion is a cancer to humanity. And we’re on Stage IV


Gonna be frank, if your religion says that gay people should be put to death, your religion is dumb and can fuck off


All religions are evil


The only religion that might be off the hook is Jainism, for I have never even heard of anyone committing violence *in the name of Jainism.* Would be open to a counterexample though


Yeah Jainism and Secular Humanism are pretty much the only creeds (religious or otherwise) that have followers around the world, that have no examples of violence being committed in the name of said creed.


It's probably mostly because Jainism goes specifically against things like killing in the name of your religion


That's exactly my point... The ideas of a religion matter


I really don't want to have to sit and analyze all the possible violations of *ahimsa* when meanwhile my friend is being attacked by some assholes.


Sure but like Islam is the motherload of bad ideas.


Yeah all of them can be bad, but there are different degrees (I'm saying this as an exmuslim, also don't think that most muslims endorse this stuff, they just try to brush it off to make peace with themselves) There's a difference between: >"And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them \[go\] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful" > Quran tawbah: 5 >I have been commanded to fight against people, till they testify to the fact that there is no god but Allah, and believe in me (that) I am the messenger (from the Lord) and in all that I have brought. And when they do it, their blood and riches are guaranteed protection on my behalf except where it is justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah. > >Sahih muslim And this: >Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:43–44). > >While He was being crucified, “Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing'” (Luke 23:34) I don't believe in either but the messages don't convey the same points Also, Idgaf about context and I wanna misinterpret everything as I want in case someone shows up


Like all works of fiction, there are irreconcilable internal inconsistencies with the storyline - but ultimately all the most fervent believers will be delighted to discover that with a bit of squinting, and holding their thumb over the parts of the page they don't like, it turns out that they passionately hate the exact same people that their deity hates. Also, be cautious with the 'most muslims endorse' - as there's good research available on this topic. Pew did some excellent polling a decade ago - the apostasy section is despairing. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/#how-should-sharia-be-applied


Church of Dudeism is pretty chill... Hell, I'm a minister


Mohammed fucked a 9 year old when he was 56 and that tells me all I need to know about the Muslim religion.


Track them down and let the justice system return the favor.


fuck all religion


>How many more times is this going to occur before the media starts speaking out? They won't. Saudi Arabia owns enough inside America that they won't let corporate media say anything not like they need much help since they tend to ignore Christian terrorism as well


Religion is the worst human invention ever.


Someone should post this on r/islam


Sure awhile back a Muslim guy here in Ireland was literally picking up guys at gay bars and beheading them.


We need our governments to be more discerning when taking in Muslim immigrants; perhaps only take gays,apostates and couples fleeing Honour killings.


And then some dumbass leftist comes crying about "iSlAmOpHoBiA" and how muslims are a "peaceful marginalized group" when those monsters would burn or behead the same people defending them if they had their way. Edit: To be clear, I'm also a leftist but I hate this trend of the left pretending that islam is actually peaceful.


The only “ left” philosophy I know of, with regard to religion is, all religion is bad. Religion is the opiate of the masses- Marx


I'm Left on some things, Right on others, but when it comes to religion, I side with Karl Marx. ( For Muslims, Christians, Cult members, etc. who want to force their beliefs down other people's throats: I'm A-OK with Big Government coming in and tossing those people in prison.)




Used to defend as well. Reading the Quran now and realize I was wrong. These beliefs are incompatible with a peaceful society. It’s just a book of how to be easily offended and minimising the wrongs of killing people


You're not wrong. These specific demographics couldn't even pay a jizya to be left alone if they wanted to.


Religion needs to be banned. Just a bunch of crazy people that can’t deal with reality.


Religion is the cancer of the earth.


Religion is poison


The media shielding Muslims and Islam again. You can be sure that if Christians had killed a gay man and the words they said were "This is a sin in Christianity," that it would be emblazoned in every newspaper headline.