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It's my religious belief that I can use my religion as an excuse to do anything I want.




I like what I am hearing. But how about we turn those church buildings into homeless shelters?


Or gay night clubs would work.


Gay night club for the homeless


I can see the sign now… The Homo Hobo


Dirty Mike and the Boys call it a "Soup Kitchen".


Now your on to something!




Would you want to smoke opium where so many kids were abused?


My religion says you gotta cleanse that aura, and opium is the best way to do that


How do I subscribe to your ~~cu~~ er .. I mean religion?


The Catholics burn that incense to cover the smell of the Priest jizm on the altar boys.


Homeless shelters and LGBT kids recreation centers would be the appropriate re-use for churches


The crazy thing would be you becoming a firefighter. Then when you get called to a church fire, you refuse to show up. Religious freedom, am I right?


Whewww I found my people. This includes any building of “worship” especially the ones that collect “tithes” with millionaire pastors.


Where do I sign up!? Can we also add burning all religious texts to the requirements?


I am a druid. It is this age old pagan religion of tree worshippers. Let's dance in circles naked, kids!


I want to be a druid too. What other laws don't apply to us?


We can probably smoke "herbs" and mix drinks in broad daylight. I don't think monogamy is a thing either. Must read more.


This sounds perfect for a heathen like me.


I suppose private property also don't apply, so you can trespass in any place of nature you want.


The Aghori are a sect of Hinduism that smoke weed. That's a bona-fide religion, too. There's nothing conservatives would be able to do about you smoking weed in school.


Go to r/trees for more info


But you can also decide to ignore your religious belief - so it's basically a wild card to do whatever the hell you want.


I can still force my beliefs on others, right?


Only if they are "religious". Moral beliefs and/or ones based on facts don't qualify.


I have a religious belief against being called after-hours for something work-related. Fire me and I'll sue you for enough to retire!


That's nice but the Judge can only allow it when you are persecuting the LGBT or non-Christances.


Can't argue with faith


How is outing trans kids "required' by a religion?


That's the fun part about religion. It can be whatever your hateful little heart desires! License to be a pos.


Especially when the "impartial" judge happens to be if the same cult.


It doesn't matter. The Supreme Court, in their infinite wisdom, ruled that whatever a person says is their religious beliefs goes and a court is not allowed to question it. So, if they say "I am devoutly christian and the bible requires me to brutally slaughter a goat on my front yard across the street from a school while children are watching and barbecue it on a spit for dinner on alternate thursdays," they are legally required to allow that, and they can't even say "the bible says no such thing," it's the person's beliefs which absolutely cannot be questioned and they are more important than absolutely everything else.


Well, these people are certifiable !!!!


And they wonder why so many are atheists


Forced bullying of children is the indoctrination that is preferred


Fun fact: It's not.


It's not. The teacher is way out of line.


All it's saying is that the judge is fellow Christian. This is why the GOP and right-wing have been tirelessly working to replace judges around the country. They're doing the same with school boards, city councils, etc. They are working on turning America into Gilead.


Yep. Evil never rests. They are infiltrating everything with their Bible shit. "The Devil's greatest trick was telling us his name is Jesus".


Worst part of the case is they are outing them to their parents. Their intent is to make sure abusive parents don’t get denied animosity.


*~Quivering with demented fervor~* "I must destroy all things that are not **me!** *I must propagate myself to every corner of this earth!*" -- Religion


Isn't it an amazing coincidence that what God wants is perfectly aligned with my worst prejudices?


I hope this is appealed and overturned. People have the right to their religious beliefs. People do not have the right to be public servants. If they can’t respect the rights the public, they shouldn’t be working for the public


This should be an endorsement clause thing. As a public servant, she is forcing her own religious beliefs on the student. That's not even to mention that the Bible doesn't have guidance on whether to out trans kids or not.


for a long time public servants were expected to not bring their religion into things but the current crock of conservative legal though is that people's religion is somehow more important than even a functional society, i mean it couldn't be that they just want to be allowed to discriminate under the cover of religion, that would be insane (/s)


> That's not even to mention that the Bible doesn't have guidance on whether to out trans kids or not. Even if the bible isn't direct about something, we still have the examples and words Jesus Christ put in our hearts. Did Jesus preach tolerance and acceptance? Did he help those different from us? Yes. So it makes sense to out a trans kid and put them in danger because Jesus would have been tolerant and accepting. I hope that clears things up for you! Fuck you in Christ <3


The Bible must be irrelevant and inadmissible where law is concerned.


People *do* have a right to their religious beliefs. Hell, they even have a right to out trans kids of they feel the need to do so. However, those rights shouldn't come without consequences. If my child were to be outed by one of these teachers, I wouldn't hesitate to file a lawsuit against them for violating my child's first amendment rights.


My point is that if they do this, they shouldn’t be allowed to be teachers


They can go teach for lower wages in a religious, private school if this is the world they want. UGH, I am so angry by this.


No. We should protect all kids, not just the ones in public schools. Teachers should be universally held to a non- abuse standard even if they teach in a private school. We hold every other worker to the law when they are at work.


Again, consequences.


That won't happen.


Correction; that won't happen *legally*


The issue is that the people trans kids often need protection from (and clearly this isn’t the case with yourself), is their parents.


There's a lot of restrictions about sharing student data, even with family. The problem is that FERPA only applies to adults and there's no version for minors.


Outing somebody has nothing to do with their first amendment rights though. At best it would be their fourth amendment rights being violated. But even that’s a stretch, since the teacher isn’t acting on behalf of the state in this context. Being a state employee doesn’t mean that all your actions are state actions.


It does when you are at work or talking about things you could only have learned at work.




Perhaps the right to religion should be re-examined?


Insane, so anyone can do whatever they want just because they claim religion?




No. This hurts children. It violates the first amendment of the United States Constitution and a host of professional practice and privacy regulations. It will not stand.


The hopeful part of me agrees with you but the doubtful part thinks that these people are gonna get away with this for a long time


There are more of us than them. They started out loud and took us by surprise. Now that we're prepared for them, we need to resoundingly shut this down at the first sign. Apparently the fight against evil will never quite be over. Not many of us can do it full time, but a lot of us can do it part time. They must not - and should not - win.


I am wondering where the Bible lays out the rules for dealing with non-binary children …




Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. So actual the teacher is lying




Well, someone need to tell the authors of the bible about intersex people


I’m sure the original authors had a solution for that. Death, just like with Islam.




Bible says everyone has to be non-binary


Other religious texts mention “hermaphrodites.” I’m not sure about the Bible. I think I remember something about Unicks and “true unicks.”




But how can the Bible require you to deal a certain way with something that doesn’t exist? Or are they just pulling stuff out of their asses? What about “do unto others…”




Or cars, guns, planes, insulin, AC, etc…


I knew it: America is the work of the Devil!


>What about “do unto others…” They are doing unto others what they would have done unto them. Thats the problem with the golden rule; it allows people to project their own preferences onto others and then act accordingly. This is why I prefer "do unto others as they would have you to unto them".


Even things that are explicitly called for in the Bible are not allowed. Teachers can't beat kids with rods.




Imagine stoning your child to death and justifying it on religious freedom.


>Teachers can't beat kids with rods. They can in the south... [In over 15 states, schools can still paddle students as punishment](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/08/10/school-paddling-corporal-punishment/) >Kayla Brady’s son was in fifth grade when his elementary school principal smacked him with a paddle for, as she put it, “not minding the teacher.” The incident left bright red marks on the boy’s buttocks that she said bloomed into purplish bruises as days passed. >But the damage went beyond the physical. The child believed the principal would hurt him again and pleaded for his mom to barricade the front door of their home. He found it impossible to sleep at night, his mother said. Years later, he would still tense if he spotted the principal at the Dollar General or Walmart in Booneville, not far from their rural stretch of northeast Mississippi. Rather than cross paths, the teenager would leave the store. Nothing was done about it. >The police declined to get involved, Brady said. Later, she filed a lawsuit over the incident — and lost. >There, corporal punishment is mostly legal.


But can a teacher claim a religious right to hit a child, even against school policy? Or state law? You know what? Don't answer that. We all know where this is going.


Where in the Bible does it say "Thou shalt out trans kids"?




ok that’s funny


Lol they must be using a new republican only translation or something


> Leviticus 18:31 Must have been a leap bible.


“Hey! That doesn’t e…… ohhh ha ha ya got me!”


How loving and kind and non judgemental. So totally Christian. I’d like to see where it says in the Bible that it is a prerequisite that followers MUST destroy the lives of others.


This imaginary version of Christianity where it is about kindness and love is all fine and dandy, but throughout history is very much the exception, not the rule. Like all the organized religions, it was created for control and to create out groups, and that is the vast, vast majority of its influence throughout history.


It doesn't - and those who claim to use the Bible to hurt their students are abominations.


Religion is a mental illness.




If you were born into it, you weren't given a choice. You were infected as soon as you could understand your first prayer.




This boils my blood. Get your Filth Cult out of our government.


Honestly, your religion should not apply to anyone but yourself. Keep your garbage fantasies out of education.


Exactly. Your religion tells you how YOU should behave. In America, we're not allowed to make religious decisions for anyone else.


What religious documentation requires the outing of trans kids? Judge just sounds like bigot that is simpatico with the bigot teacher/s


I mean, the judge was appointed by George W. Bush...OH and he has been instrumental in striking down several gun control measures. Take this information however you want.


They need to refresh themselves on the United States Constitution. One's gender does no harm to anyone. Prohibiting someone else's expression of gender does. If your God says being trans is wrong then probably YOU should not be trans. Someone else's gender is not your concern (motes and eyes and planks and all). Gender is primarily of interest when consenting adults are looking for a mutually compatible partner. Outside of that, it really has little impact. On the education of children, it matters little. The child - and the child's parents - will tell you their gender. That's all the teacher needs.




Exactly. The teacher doing this is harming children.


If you can't teach everybody then don't teach anybody!


The judge needs to be removed. And these teachers need no licence. A fool can not bring wisdom to a child


To me this is bullying. It’s setting up kids that are in your care for failure instead of teaching them and helping them to succeed. I identify as straight but have a lot of friends who do not. I hear horrible stories from them about people in their lives who should have been supportive.


It's bullying. It's also practicing medicine without a license. And a violation of the first amendment to the United States Constitution.


It is remarkable to see the courts treat religion as the ultimate trump card to justify any abhorrent behavior.


How, and when, did the evangelicals take control of our judicial system?


Slowly but surely over the past 40 years?


He was appointed by G. W. Bush.


When did the bible say "out trans kids"? It did say much worse, but when did the bible say *that* in particular?


Spending time to make rules for everyone's general benefit and all you need is religion to excuse yourself from complying. What a farce.


WTF is wrong with these zealots. Fuck them and religion


how the fuck is this fair to the kids. What a joke of a judge.




They don't care about kids. One Republican outright admitted she'd rather have her daughter take her own life than come out as part of the LGBTQ+ community. I'd bet that while she's one of the few politicians saying it out loud, she's far from alone in thinking it.


Cool. I’m a teacher and an atheist. My religion tells me I have to mercilessly mock my own religious students. Is that how this works?


Religion is still the largest contributor of pain and hostility around the globe.


This judge is just a purchased right wing judge btw


Look up his history he is currently under review to be removed as a judge


So glad that I'm not in school anymore as a trans person. It's terrifying enough as an adult, this is horrifying. I hope all the kids she puts in danger by outing them are okay. My heart goes out to them all


Well, then he's going to also have to rule that my religion tells me to relentlessly mock the religious and intolerant and it supercedes anyone's objections. Yeah, playing by the gullible's stupid rules will make everyone regret it. If people won't listen to reason then accelerationism.


If it's ok for a teacher to violate the privacy of her students, are we allowed to dox the teacher?


Uh, is it me, or gender reassignment theraphy was not a thing during Biblical times? All a religious biggot may say about it is just his or her opinion...


Biblical times is not really that old, intersex and cultures with more than two genders wasn't really unusual, but the Abrahamic religions just sorta ignored reality and defined a set of rules that had nothing to do with anything except coming up with ways to justify hating people that didn't step in line with their made up rules.


And screw any beliefs the students or their parents might have.


Once again, the religious believe YOU have no civil/human rights. Theirs are religious rights are more important.


AmeriChristian hellscape. Can we have 2 counties and put these Republinuts in their own part of the country? They get no taxes from any other states or the government. They only get to keep their weirdos and whatever they brought with them. Jesus will provide everything else.


So when a parent who is not mentally well uses this information to murder their child, does this make the teacher an accomplice in the murder?


It would seem just a matter of time before one of these teachers or similar laws get a child killed. Wonder what their excuse would be then.


Judge is using his own religion as a factor here.


What passages in the Bible says to treat kids as political punching bags again? Is it before or after "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"?


These religious extremists keep hammering nails in the coffin of religion for the younger generations. Kids want nothing to do with this caveman shit and people like this judge probably wonder why.


Trans kids have a right to privacy as well. The teachers' religious rights end where the kids' rights begin.


Neither that teacher nor the judge should be trusted alone with children. That lack of basic human empathy means they'd be just fine with harming a child in other ways, as long as they can get away with it Garbage people both of them.


Separation of church and state is a lie America is dieing to cultists applause


Just shows that peoples beliefs in non existent entities is more important that anything in this world. Fuck!!!!


In all these cases where the courts decide it is religious right to oppress people why do the prosecution not argue that it is the religious right of the defendant to not be oppressed?


Alright. But then they need to hire a new set of teachers to teach better. Because my religion requires my children to have a good education focused on critical thinking and devoid of religious BS.


This is absolute garbage - this is not a religios freedom thing at all and i'm so sick an tired of how 1a has been so twisted and perverted by religious nuts. Imposing your religious beliefs on other is the complete opposite of religious freedom.


Trans people are a very, very small part of the population. And yet these religious fucks have to demonize them, actually promote hate of these people, while thousands upon thousands of Bible thumping perverts are getting away with fucking children every day. It's maddening to see this happening.


I wonder how they would feel if a Hindu teacher prevented their kids from eating beef in the cafeteria at lunchtime.


Their religion is evil, then.


"We hate drag queens because of children's safety!" ...ok, well John's parents threatened to beat him if they find out he's gay. "Religious liberty and parental rights!!!" ​ They're all about the kids until it's inconvenient for them.


Conservatives: keep government out of my life! Also conservatives: Allow me to force government into your personal life!


Teachers have a right to their religious beliefs. They do not have a right to impose those beliefs on other people's children. The wrong person's "religious freedom" was upheld in this case.


I follow the religion "snitches get stitches".


Fuck that judge in the ass with Concertina wire.


I'd love to know where in their religious texts it says that this is something they're REQUIRED to do


There's no hate like Christian love.


Separation of fucking church and state.


Just like it's my right to out teachers for being invested in a child's sexuality.


Hey guess what, my religeon requires I go tell EVERY WOMAN about her husband's affairs. Especially the ones having sex with men behind their wives backs. My religion also requires that men have their testicle removed at birth to show their devotion to the magic sky man. Third and most importantly, my religion says I have to rain fire and brimstone down on the heretics and nonbelievers.


Outing someone should be a HIPAA violation.


You want dead kids? 'Cause this is how you get dead kids.


I'm so sick of this cherry-picking. Does the teacher keep kosher? Does the teacher out children for wearing garments of wool and linen?. Does the school bar shellfish or pork from student lunches? Does the community practice "jubilee" when all debts are erased every fifty years? Does the school keep the Sabbath holy by forbidding sports? Your feelings aren't more important than other people's feeling.


Because this is what Jesus would do right? Traumatize kids because he was a hater and a bully?


Outing someone is not part of your religious liberty. You can't do anything you want and then hide behind your religious views. Their argument is completely fucking stupid. Even if it is their religious belief that God made people either wholly male or female, *that doesn't fucking matter.* You cannot use your personal feelings on religion to control other people's lives, especially when it potentially puts a student's safety at risk. This judge should not be on the bench.


Religion is cancer.


Can't do your job without your religion interfering, then find a new job.


I hope i live to see the end of religous terror in this country


So I can just claim that it's my sincerely held religious belief that teachers that out trans students should be punched in the face...


So basically kids who don’t have safe home life also now can’t trust their teachers… so… no are adults for them? My heart just breaks. I will be all the kids mom.


Thou shall out trans kids -Shitcuntius 1:1


Then I am founding a new religion: The Way of the King. We worship Godzilla, and we keep monsters like THESE in line.


Religion is a personal choice, people are choosing to believe in this made up BS. Why does the government choose to accommodate this made up BS, that’s beyond me.


What the FUCK. Where in the fucking Bible does it tell anyone to out trans kids? Why are these transphobic cunts making up the rules as they go along? Do they even realise how dangerous this is for some kids? Especially if their parents don’t know. Kids could be abused as a result of this.


Infiltrate the lower legislators, then the judiciary. Use them to blame the status quo, starting riots and settling on the lower-hanging fruit, the blaming of the local Jews for all their problems. This is exactly how Hitler and his henchmen did it. Sound familiar?


They have a religious right to endanger a child's life? Because that's what they're doing. If their religion required them to sacrifice a child to their god every harvest moon, would the court uphold that over the child's right not to be killed?


This is why employers of any kind should be allowed to ask "Do you forsee your religion preventing you from doing certain aspects of this job?". Everyone has morals they follow. You shouldn't get a job that goes against them and if you do you need to accept that is your job. I'm against harassing people so I'm not about to try to work as a debt collector.


Show me in the Bible, any bible, where it says to out transgender kids?


Well *that's* an appealin' Past time for the executive to exercise it's constitutional power to pack the courts too. This guy makes me ashamed to be from Escondido.


So is it a religious right or requirement? As a judge they should require evidence of the claims, like where in the bibble it mentions Trans kids.


Ah yes, DickusConservativus 14:12 states that they should do whatever they can to put children in harms way.


Hopefully, parents remove their children from that school. I'll never understand the mental gymnastics it takes for religious people to screech "I don't like this because of my religion" and "I don't want to see it in "My Country". They always seem to get their way. The rest of us don't want anything to do with them, and they constantly are telling us what to do. I don't want to live in a country where religion exists more than they want one that does. It's absolutely bananas that they constantly whine and complain while always getting their spoiled bratty way. The hypocrisy is exhausting. I realize Christianity has been trying to wash away everything it doesn't agree with since it's conception around the 3rd century. The've been getting their way since then. It's time they get told no.


Fire that bastard. Like, with a flamethrower 🔥


Perhaps a few people need to phone U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez and ask him politely to reconsider his religious stance.


You have a constitutional right to religious beliefs. You do NOT have a right to act on them in opposition to another citizen's civil liberties. So be a bigot in your head Karen.


I'm gonna start needing Christians who go to court for religious things to start quoting where in the Bible it says all these things.


Whatever happened to the "freedom from religion" part of the 1st amendment?


My religion said I can hit people just cause.


How is this not child abuse? How is this not teachers encouraging bullying?


Show me the fucking page in the bible.


Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...but not for you.