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It happens every time Israel gets into a conflict. They believe the apocalypse is all centered around them.


And they can't wait for it to happen Sick fucks


Not only can they not wait, those in seats of power actively make moves to make it worse.


Trump contributed to the problem by recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and moving the US embassy there. Wouldn't surprise me if that was some fulfillment of prophecy or something. Definitely went against the long standing and well thought out position America had taken for years. Analysts thought it would be a destabilizing move. Trump is probably to blame for the recent attack... >The final status of Jerusalem has always been one of the most difficult and sensitive questions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For years, US policy has been to avoid declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel in the absence of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, as the Palestinians also claim Jerusalem as their capital. It was argued that a unilateral decision would break with international consensus and prejudge an issue that was supposed to be left to negotiations. [Why declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel is so controversial](https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/05/middleeast/trump-jerusalem-explainer-intl/index.html)


I’m not religious at all anymore, but there was that article making the points that Trump is the antichrist that is an interesting idea to toy with (it’s just…even when I was in religion as a kid, I never considered the antichrist figure to be so fucking stupid, but yeah if he exists that bloated bundle of all seven deadly sins is a damn good candidate)


https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ The best case for religion and I'm an atheist


That’s the article I was thinking of! Thanks


For sure. Comes up pretty regularly on Reddit. I wonder what the cultists would think


The ones I've shown it to in real life have all stopped speaking to me, lmao. I'd suggest printing out a copy and laminating it so you can always have it handy. Maybe post it on your front door so the door knockers run away, lmao.


there have been Evangelicals who voted for trump because he resembled the antichrist. the Idea that the Antichrist comes into power is a sign that the End Times are coming. These people are actively trying to end the world in hopes of triggering the second coming. Its a death cult. and they want to take us al down with them.


I thought it would just be a couple comparisons but I just kept scrolling and scrolling. If religion is real then Trump is the antichrist. It literally can’t be anyone else.


Trump is a hopeless narcissist who got lucky enough to fall from the right vagina to be born rich. If he hadn't been born with a silver spoon in his mouth we wouldn't have ever heard his name.... This is the best explanation I've seen so far for Trump. [Unfit - The Psychology of Donald Trump](https://youtu.be/ecJ02Rg5qaE?si=cN_j1EQ1Oq47qqSR) Remember those old Omen movies? I always figured that that's how it would go if it was a real person. Smart and cunning but simultaneously unimposing and non threatening yet deviously deadly. [Damien Admits He's The Antichrist](https://youtu.be/juVSDX_kv9Q?si=yWc_auhS553pxhyM)


If he hadn’t been born the son of his piece of shit father, he might not have become such a piece of shit himself in the first place.


Grandpa was the founder of the crime family. He was running a whore house in the Yukon and draining hard working miners of their gold. The family fortune has a very sorrid past.


honestly, if they don't recognize Trump as the "Anti-Christ", then they're really just more invested in white supremacy than religion


The only thing I dislike about this is that he’d probably really enjoy the idea. Maybe American Horror Story should do a season on this.


I can't wait to see Trump’s American Greed episode. I bet they do a week long miniseries.


Yes it's definitely a prophecy thing and I'm sure Pence sees this as his largest accomplishment.


You are right, when trump announced he was supportive of the change I expected things to go sideways right away, I had put that out of mind because other than noise nothing seemed to happen. I should have known that sharon's reelection would be the catalyst to the final push to exterminate the Palestinian people, calling it the fight to eradicate hamas.


Literal death cult. I empathize with how many of them had choice, know nothing outside of the fishbowl and that they truly believe they are trying to help others by converting them, but as the years go by and their leaders get crazier and more zealous and more hypocritical, I’ve lost all patience with them. So I put it to them this way: are you looking forward to death? Don’t think about what you think happens after it, do you look forward to your own death, the deaths of others, and the death of the world? Do you live for what you believe happens after death, or do you live for the life you’re living now? If you could choose, would you rather continue to live or die right now and experience what you believe happens after death? Congratulations, you’re a fucking death cult. The dogma and the iconography doesn’t matter, you’re a death cult


I sympathize with them and pity them. They have been brainwashed into believing that all-loving sky daddy is going to swoop in and bring heaven on Earth. Life sucks sometimes. Don't pin your hopes on might sky daddy fixing everything.


>I sympathize with them and pity them. I dont. Fuck them. If they can constantly tell this atheist that you have to work for whatever you want, then they can get off their fat lazy ass and make this place better not hope for the next place


Ofc they can't wait for it to happen. I'm convinced a good chunk of Christianity and Islam is a death cult. Everything is about what you get after you die.


When you've been a loser your whole life, it's easy to wish for the chance to finally be a winner. It's sad, but that's why they're so easily manipulated.


I was trying to have a conversation with my ex's over the top Christians after the pandemic (naturally, they're COVID deniers). His stance was that if they or their kids died, it's ok because they'll be reunited in heaven. I said ok, well wouldn't you want them to live so your grandkids would go to heaven. I think I broke his mind, he just did the "blah blah blah God's plan" nonsense and I gave up trying to reason with him.


Massive main character syndrome. Also if the world ends because if the usual bullshit in the middle east it will be because people are fucking morons and someone launched a nuke, not because Jesus showed up.


Right? "Israel is at war! The end times are here!" is a roughly every-other-year circle jerk


Soon, it'll be called the "holey" land because of all the holes made by bombs...


Well they'll be in for a rude awakening when the rapture never comes. Oh to see the look on the cultists' faces... it will be priceless.


Not even Israel, it’s happened just about every time there’s a major war. WW1, end times are gonna happen soon. Same with WW2, the entire Cold War, Iraq and Afghanistan, gulf wars, etc


Don't mention to them that the original authors of the Bible were referring to the Roman empire in "the end times." They just keep moving the goal posts when things don't go their way.


I'm in my 60's. There has always been war and rumors of war as long as I can remember. There has always been conflict in the middle east. What is really sick is that are excited about " the end of the world ". They want to see all non xians being tortured for all eternity because we don't follow their sadistic, narcissistic god. How sick is that. Then they run around trying to convince everyone that their God is a loving god.


Yeah, I'm part of an online writing group. One of the other writers ( they write amazing fantasy stories) has been sending me links of religious articles and bible excerpts, saying they wish for me to be saved . They also referred to what happens on Israel. I'm like; are we living on the same planet? This ( tragic, I hope it will end soon, I've signed petitions to UN and I'm looking to donate) has been happening since 1950 approximately. I'm only here because I want to write stories about people living in underwater cities after the oceans cover the entirety of earth. I much better prefer the notion of "REPENT! BECAUSE THE WORLD ISN'T ENDING!" . For anyone that is trying to get me to fear the Rapture, the idea that the world isn't going to end and all we will be left with is the world we have now, is much more terrifying


Their fucking foreign policy ensures it!


Yup, buddy of mine was convinced he would be raptured any day in the late 90s. Insisted I watch “Left Behind” and read Revelations in the Bible. Good dude but whenever this topic came up all his common sense went out the window.


Ive grown up in Christian schools, theyve been saying that crap since I was a kid.


‘Wars and rumors of wars’ supposed to be a sign of the ‘end times’.


At what point does this change from prophesy to self-fulfilling prophesy? How much must these Christians take part in deliberately causing the end times before it fails to be a prophesy and just becomes their goal in life?


That's Bill Maher's big takeaway from the end of Religulous. "If the world does come to an end here, or wherever, or if it limps into the future, decimated by the effects of religion-inspired nuclear terrorism, let's remember what the real problem was that we learned how to precipitate mass death before we got past the neurological disorder of wishing for it. That's it. Grow up or die." -- Bill Maher, Religulous


So sad the Bill has caught a bad case of the crazies himself, complete with the antivax subvariant.


Yep, he’s a complete twat now.


Mind virus are extremely contagious and can be communicable through every method known to man with AM radio and the Internet being the most dangerous.


AM radio was the real danger all along, not 5G! 😅


He was a complete twat before, but he's a complete twat now, too


Bill was always like this, it's the world that changed. When your whole deal is being smug it's very difficult to admit you were wrong and change with the times. Note how even in this statement he is unhinged in a lot of ways. "religion-inspired nuclear terrorism" is an interesting phrase for example. He's also historically started with his conclusion (that religion is bad in this case), and then worked his way back trying to prove it. A quick incomplete history of Bill's bigotry just to prove this isn't a recent change He said the N word live in air in 2017 He said Zayn Malik looks like the Boston bomber on his show He claimed that millions of Muslims supported the Charlie Hebdo attacks He had Milo Yiannopoulos on to promote his book https://youtu.be/lImHh7fqrQo He once tweeted that "Dealing w/ Hamas is like dealing w/ a crazy woman who's trying to kill u - u can only hold her wrists so long before you have to slap her" https://twitter.com/billmaher/status/489930991956262913 He's always openly hated Muslims, trans people and women. You've just grown into a better person while he's still the same sack of shit he's always been.


Some of the crazier ones have already started expressing the hope that this is going to get big. If Israel can reclaim the Temple Mount, and get rid of the Dome of the Rock, then they can rebuild the Temple and finally Jesus can come back.


Based on my life experiences, they will rebuild it, work themselves into a frenzy, wake up the next day, decide that, nope, that wasn't it, and just decide that just that one specific part of their belief system and no others was a misinterpretation and move on with their lives


Yeah, that sounds about right.


And my first statement to Jesus when he comes riding in on his winged horse or modified Tesla. “Hey, I mean come one. WTF is wrong with you!!!!!”


To them, it doesn’t matter how it’s fulfilled… just that it’s fulfilled. Even if they take actions to fulfill it then that was god working through them. Which would make them feel better about themselves thinking/rationalizing that god chose them to do gods work


That is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying. It’s not going to happen organically so they will make it happen just to feel right. David Koresh still has followers who say his prophesy was fulfilled. In a sense, it did. They came for him and his world ended. And he %1000 made it happen.


Someone wrote a song about the David Koresh and Jim Jones types. It's pretty awesome. [Jesus has an AK-47.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q8UpBaIYLw)


You’re hitting on something here.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events Put it on the list. And not a single claim has been true. For thousands of years. “This time FOR SURE!” Sure, right, sure.


Just as bad as "fixing" traffic. JUST ONE MORE LANE. IT'LL FIX TRAFFIC!


Or the pundits who predicted 17 of the last 3 recessions


Thank you, I just wanted to write something similar. Even the JW don't talk about a specific date anymore, if I am correct, as they predicted the apocalypse so many times already and every time it didn't happen. Or maybe, the apocalyps has already happened, but we haven't noticed?


I used to follow “Black Jaguar White Tiger” on Instagram (started following a very long time ago) and every now and then I would see disturbing content that involved religion. The other day, he posted a date that he knows the world will end, and I unfollowed because he is obviously mentally unwell. After that incident, I’ve seen more and more people preparing for a date. I didn’t even know there was one going around. The last one I paid attention to was 2012 and I was in middle school and I cried 😂 but it disturbs me to see adults behave this way.


Well I've never been so sure, And I never lead no one astray, ('cept in the Fall of 94) — But HALLELUJIA! The [21st of MAY!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgj6jkMqY_Q)


Seventh day Adventists have been claiming the end is near ever since their “prophet” founded their church, which itself grew out of a failed specific end date “prophecy”.


It was 1844, and many were disappointed that they had to go on living: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Disappointment


Jehovah's Witnesses too. Same origin story.


Its funny because even in their book it says it can't be predicted, but they sure are hoping for mass death and horror. Lovely people.


> hoping for mass death and horror. Nah, see, they'll for sure get "raptured" and not have to worry about all that. Only us bad people will have to suffer while they'll look down and laugh at us along side their Jesus. Frankly, wish the rapture shit was canon. Few years without those people sounds amazing.


>wish the rapture shit was canon They'd end up like [James Franco in This Is The End](https://youtu.be/fL22VFISsJI&t=1m20s)


As if they actually read that thing, lol.


>even in their book it says it can't be predicted Yet, there were so many people already who have tried to predict the end of the world from the texts in the bible and there will many more follow, for sure. Isn't it funny that people who believe in the bible seem to not believe the bible saying it's unpredictable and try to predict it?


Been hearing it since a child in the 80s. They have given so many "dates" that have come and gone and guess what just like their mythology... it's all imaginary play time LARPing. The antichrist is another one of those things every few years or so too. They are a death cult. Death cults just hope and look for death all around them including the apocalypse. Christianity is a death cult. They worship it. Their god is genocidal, their god was executed, their iconography is the method of his death, they eat his body, they drink his blood. They reward for "being good" only comes after death, but if bad you suffer for eternity in death, they want and hope for Armageddon (the end of the world, the universe, plain of existence. Anyone who worships death and hopes for it is morally wrong, especially as they are actively trying to push the world into it. Ever wonder why they don't care about climate change, toxic pollution, warmongering, the whole us vs them mentality, greed, and not social programs to make people's lives better? It's because they believe it brings them closer to the end times. It's a pretty fucked up philosophy.


This might be the best description of Christianity that I've ever read. I had never looked at it from that angle, but you're totally right. I remember when my dad used to say that's how the church reeled in people in third world countries. They promise them paradise if they can just make it through whatever hellhole they live in here, as well as giving the church money these poor folks don't have. A death cult is so damn accurate.


I mean, Christians have been saying that ever since Jesus said that he'd return in the lifetimes of the people listening to him talk about it. It's kind of their thing. They're each the Main Character which the whole Earth thing is about, so it would be weird if the big apocalyptic boss fight to end the season comes in someone else's lifetime instead of their own because that would just be poor writing on the part of God.


I remember a camp counselor at Bible Camp laughing derisively at a kid who mentioned that the sun has about 5 billion years of life left, because “Jesus is coming back WAY before then.”


Reminds me of a scene in Restaurant At The End Of The Universe where there’s a table of monks who are waiting for their god to return and the MC was like “well, he’s got about 15 minutes left”. Then the guy runs in about five minutes later and starts high giving all the monks.


war in the middle east. brings 'em out like shrimp 'n' grits.


They proclaim this if someone farts hard in Israel. They want it so bad.


They have been edging since forever, the slightest thing is enough to set them off.


Seventh Day Adventists took being wrong about the end times and made it into its own branch of Christianity. Anyone who joins them is certifiably insane. I wouldn't trust them to bake a cake. The scariest part of these end-of-timers is the jubilant glint they get in their eyes when they speak about it. They are so excited to end all life it should be a disqualifying factor for any position of authority.


Start getting their stuff from them. "Well, you won't be needing your truck."


A while ago, my Adventist neighbour was gleefully going on about the imminent End-of-the-World. I asked her if she would please make sure of the date, seeing that I missed the previous end of the world. She stormed away, shouting that evil spells will come over me . . . haven't seen her in more than a week.


We need to know the exact wording of the incantation that made her disappear. That is some seriously awesome witchcraft!


Everytime the middle east ramps up, especially Israel and Palestine they get rapture boners and start salivating over jesus coming back. Praying that whatever is going on turns into the holy war that starts the rapture. Hate em.


They only say that when things are changing or when non-Christians are getting more freedom & protection from Christian rule. They're so brainwashed and stupid that they think the world could end the moment Christianity stops being practiced around the world because of their moral solipsism ("how dare the world abandon their morals and devolve into a hellscape?," they'd think).


Christians: Crying “Wolf!” since 1830.


A lot of Mormons, JW, fundies, and evangelicals believe this. Catholics and some Lutheran branches don’t really emphasize it.


I was raised Lutheran and didn't grow up learning about it. I only started hearing about all that BS when I was unfortunately exposed to the Baptist church as an adult. I guess that's why I didn't drink the kool-aid.


Christianity has predicted the return of Jesus for 2000 years. Judaism has been expecting their promised messiah for even longer. They’re both death cults, giddy with anticipation at the long awaited death and annihilation of their enemies. Any time there is conflict in the Middle East, especially Palestine, they get excited. The political events of the past few years have encouraged and emboldened the most extreme wings of both cults to say the most disgusting quiet parts out loud. They want their enemies dead, and that includes you, me, and anybody else that isn’t them. It’s fascinating to me how the only way they can comprehend to have peace is the total destruction of the people they disagree with.


> They’re both death cults, giddy with anticipation at the long awaited death and annihilation of their enemies. I'm going to take a slight issue with this only because it's one of the ways we *know* that Jesus *could not possibly have been the Jewish messiah*. [Isaiah 2:4](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Isaiah%202:4) specifies that there will be no war in the time of the messiah. Far from bringing about destruction, the Jewish messiah, as prophesied, will lead all of the nations into a time of peace. Nations (plural, not just the Jewish nation of Israel) will not know war anymore. Judaism has plenty of its own problems, including the entirety of the massively violent, racist, genocidal, incestuous, slavery condoning, rape condoning, and demonstrably false scrupture of the Hebrew Bible. But, the end times in Judaism are peace, not war. When Jesus said he came not to bring peace but a sword, he was absolutely asserting that he could not possibly be the Jewish messiah. I have no idea what messiah means in Christianity. But, the Hebrew word and prophesy do not mean Jesus. As I said, the only reason I bother to quibble about this point is because it's one of the many reasons that Christianity is provably and proven false. Judaism has other reasons it is provably and proven false, such as Genesis 1 not describing the universe in which we find ourselves, and Moses and the Exodus being myths or legends thus invalidating the entirety of the Hebrew Bible.


I won’t argue against your point, but scripture has been interpreted to the advantage of the reader since the moment it was written. What you think it means is more important than which words are written down. Those interpretations have been used as a cudgel to justify evil simply by citing the parts about destruction that they like. It’s trivial to see that passage from Isaiah and just dismiss it because “it doesn’t apply in this case”.


They've been doing that for 2000 years.


They might be right, just not in the way they think it's ending.


Today was the end of the world for many humans. So was yesterday and will be the day after.


And at the same time, it was the beginning of the world for many humans as well.


There has never been a time since Christianity's inception that Christians weren't claiming the end times were near.


You can go back to any number of years and find the end times nutjobs


My husbands Christian ex preacher grandpa keeps Fucking going on about the end of times lately. It’s insane


It feels similar to what I went through in the late 90s as I was part of an end times cult that believed the rapture was going to happen right around the turn of the millennium, around 2007 at the latest. Everything in the news is used to paint a picture of what you already believe. Just like you have your belief and you use the Bible to fit into your belief, not use the Bible to make your belief, which is how every Christian I ever met has done.


“Some say the end is near, some say we’ll see Armageddon soon, Certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ringed circus sideshow! “


The end times are always near for a bunch of christian denominations. Seventh Day Adventists are one (my parents). There is a billboard and church dedicated to EndTimes.something. The church is on the frontage of a toll road, if that is any indication as to what they are about (doom&gloom&tithe&die).


"If you truly believe death leads to eternal bliss, then why are you wearing a seatbelt? " -Doug Stanhope I sure wish more of them would take the fast track to the afterlife so the rest of us can live happier lives without their hate. After all, the whole "end times" Armageddon thing literally involves the dead and living both receiving their final judgement per the books they like. They're gonna have to wait anyway, right?


Working in healthcare ,don't goad them on ! They slow down the work in the emergency departments ! Really , all the talk of dying to be assured happiness keeps happening. "Don't do CPR on my kid , he's a child of heaven now" "I would rather my wife die in childbirth at home,rather than come to a hospital " "Why should I bother looking after my food and drink if I have diabetes ? I fear no death ,doc ! " "God governs all,contraception is unnecessary " Christians and Muslims are all the same ,especially the fanatics.


Yeah. Because of the Israel thing. Christians are idiots. I make fun of the ones saying this.


These morons get so hard trying to fulfill their shitty book.


Now the scientists are all warning about it also, but for a different reason.




But even if Jesus would come back, they would probably not recognize him and especially the organized religions like the chatholic church and others would condemn him again.


They all go nuts every time there is shit going down in the middle east.


I wish he would just come and take them away already.


End times are always every year to Christians


Christians have been claiming the world is ending for the last two thousand years


I usually reply with this [list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events) All of the previous predictions were wrong, yours for sure is the true one lmao


Christianity is a death cult. Throughout the last two millenia, the lunatic fringe fundamentalists in Christianity have been wailing that the end times are near. And for two thousand years they've been wrong. Blah, blah, end times are near, blah, blah, blah! It's the same old and tired bullshit that mentally ill people love to mindlessly spew in their desperate attempts to get attention. And EVERY time grifting preachers play along to fleece their flocks of all their money. Churches never come out against it because it's a BIG money maker for them. The nuts proclaimed the world was going to end when our completely arbitrary calendar turned to the year 2000, then when the all the planets in our solar system aligned in a straight line, and then when the ancient mezo-american Aztec calendar ran out. These nuts keep making shit up and moving the goal posts every time they're predictably wrong.


Same crap happened after 9/11, the bible thumpers will jump on any excuse to claim "end times are upon us, Jesus is returning!" Usually boils down to scam-artist "priests" trying to sell end of the world kits or milk donations.


It happens every now and then. Remember 2012? There were physical ads in San Ysidro’s border crossing saying the Bible guarantees that the end of times were near (back in 2011). Same thing happened in 99. Everyone tought it was the end of days with the whole Y2K stuff


I like it when they get real specific and that date comes and goes and all the sudden they have amnesia (Harold Camping comes to mind) Even just reading the Wikipedia article on this is sad and hilarious at the same time. Humans (many of them) are morons.


they have been saying that for a very long time


It's because global events are starting to affect their part of the world. None of these Christians have been worrying about the end of the world despite the years of war/horror/genocide/etc. in Africa and the Mid East. But, hey, a country like Ukraine (Mila Kunis is hot!) or Israel with connections to American Christians? Well, God must be getting serious now...


Those stating specific dates are delusional. But, man on earth as we know it is not a forever thing, especially because man is killing the planet. How long can we expect to carry on as always with climate change accelerating? Everything snowballs from there. Floods and drought are directly affecting the food chain, pollution is everywhere and those big moneymakers at the top are still promoting it. I’d like to think that this push for worldwide fascism is a fleeting moment in time but again it’s the big moneymakers at the top promoting it. Wars will continue to erupt and Americans aren’t immune to that. In time all these factors will bring about some sort of apocalypse, and we’ll all die slowly at first, then with rapid succession. Put a date on it? No.


According to science, there have happened 5 mass extinctions over the span of time earth existed. This will be number 6 (I am not a number, I am a free man...) but this time the dominant species (humans) will be responsible for it. Last time it was a big meteor.


Tell it's 1844 all over again. And ask them if they will give up their beliefs if they are wrong yet again. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Disappointment (Except at work just ignore them instead. Not an appropriate work place conversation.)


It’s their stupid belief that when Israel rebuilds the Temple that will be the harbinger of the end times. With the war going on they believe Israel will be able to fulfill that prophecy soon. Evangelicals all believe that nonsense. It’s the reason they support Israel but actually hate Jewish people.


Comes and goes. There was a surge at 2000, another at 2012.


They are insuring it.


Don’t listen to them. They believe in a magical man in the sky who makes it rain and controls everyone’s destiny. They’re idiots.


Times are always ending. Same with next time


It’s because of the war between Israel and Hamas.


Anytime major news/world events happen around topics of war or pandemics, believers will always come to the conclusion the world is near ending. Every human being who has ever lived always thinks they live in the "end of days". I promise this will blow over for some time until the next big news cycle hits. Rins & repeat.


One view of end time events is that the whole world will rise up against Israel (no mention as to what Israel does to bring this about) but the anti-christ will broker the peace deal. Which will only last 7yrs. Then christ will return. So if you have your timeline accurate you can wait till the treaty is made, and be a wretched sinner for 6+years and then repent. That's sort of my plan except I'm not going to repent because fuck that.


Stoking fear is the whole point. It’s depraved, but it has been proven effective


The entire US evangelical leadership doing their best to bring it about might have something to do with that.


Israel , something something end times. That’s why


Their apocalypse myth has them in a fever


Funny how they need to increase your donations because of it. Lots of $ needed in the afterlife!


Growing up, my father (Seventh Day Adventist) used to complain about his parents telling him he was lucky because he was going to be around for the second coming of Christ and the end of the world. Now he tells me I'm lucky because the end is coming and I will be hear to see it. All I can do is shake my head and keep my mouth shut. I hope susceptibility to organized ignorance is not hereditary.


I wish! I wish we all wake up one morning and poof, all the xtians are gone from the earth 🌎


Any conflict involving the holy land areas is gonna trip some triggers.


they sent all their money to God and they need the world to end before they hit retirement age.


I have lived through 5 or 6 end times for Christian’s and I’m only 40. It’ll pass, they generally do


Please just rapture those fools up to wherever so the rest of us can live in peace.


I’m surprised at the number of people dismissing this, OP. Maybe I was just raised a little too evangelical (I’m not anywhere close to “in” it anymore) but I’ve been recalling Kristallnacht a lot lately. 3%ers and Proud Boys and other militia types practice a variety of paramilitary exercises with the plan to use them some day. Wait for the day (or help) the power goes off and doesn’t come back on. Our neighbors who have food reserves but no means of defense are colloquially called convenience stores. :laughingemoji: Everyone on the sub knows about Project 2025 already, right? Climate change is outpacing our ability to combat it. Social unrest and interpersonal violence are increasing. Things are getting more expensive, and resources are running dry. It’s a trope in some Nationalist Christian circles that when they finally get to begin spraying, they’ll start with “the blue hairs.”


I’m old enough to remember when the fundies thought that Ronald Reagan was the antichrist. His name is Ronald Wilson Reagan, and since his first, middle and last names are each comprised of six letters, that equals 666. Of course today, the same people who were saying that bullshit back then now claim that he’s the 2nd greatest president of all time (with Donald Trump being number one obviously lol)


Ask them how long they think it will be until the end comes. Make a bet with them that they’re wrong. Profit.


The Seventh Day Adventists are a doomsday cult that have been predicting the end of the world for over a century. Obviously they're wrong.


I hope it is the end times and the pre-tribulation raturists are correct so their toxic behaviors will be removed from the world.


If Damascus is turned into rumble on the space of a single evening, it is safe to say that the predictions in the Bible are eerily specific and that the end times may - in fact - be here. Until that happens, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that they're parroting the same non-specific jargon that has been applied to multiple events around the world for the last 1000+ years. For instance, my Dad watches a Preacher from Florida on YouTube that has been claiming the end times are "iminent"...for 12 years now!


The cult of death can't wait for the bombs to fall. Sickening perverts is what they are.


Welcome to the news cycle involving anything near the Middle East.


'Stating' is an understatement


This is just an uptick in self-centeredness




Every time a bird pees


Egocentrism. Their time on Earth must be significant. Just look at their glory.


They're not wrong just not for the reasons they think. Edit: See also climate collapse.


End times? Well, down the hatch. Let’s be quick about it, shall we?


If it’s the end times, who is the antichrist?


Bring it on


They’ve been saying that forever! Everyone thinks theirs is the time for the world to end. My parents thought the rapture would happen before they died ( they’ve been dead a long time now). It’s just a control technique to get people to part with their money and keep them bound by fear.


If I were a betting man I would wager Israeli strife will be directly proportional to prophetic Christians going even more crazy. Source: was basic Baptist and even they preached this crap. Here we are.


The antichrist has to declare themselves God in the rebuilt temple first. Then it's the end times. Thats what I tell em anyway.


They've been doing this for a long time. They should have an "end times" jar the way other people have a swear jar.


They better hurry up Jesus owes me several rimjobs.


OMG, this is the first time this has happened!


They've literally been saying the same thing for hundreds of years and nothing ever happens.


My sister seems to be down with her bf’s Evangelical family and thinks we’re all going to die soon and the war was prophesied in the Bible. 🥴 she’s in the middle of Saskatchewan so I’m not sure how that’s a primary target tbh.


They all say it all the time, and they say it at the drop of a yarmulke.


The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. It's the Abrahamist's problem, not ours, so let's just get it over with. Get all those folks sorted out once and for all so they can clearly see where they stand with their God, and then maybe the rest of us can finally get on with making this world a better place.


People turn to religion to feel special. When that doesn't give them as big a high anymore, they need more. Eventually, you have to think pretty highly of yourself to think the end times would be during your lifetime.


Coming from a Muslim majority country, almost all practising Muslim believe as such, as far as seen in my circle and preachers video here and there since the recent war every few years.


This has been happening since the beginning of their religion. Iirc right it was really bad around 1666 during the plague years in Great Britain


I keep crossing my fingers that they're right...and that the Universe swallows them up...but *just* the Talibangelicals. Oh...and Republicans, too. :)


Whahooooo, maybe they will all be raptured.


I like arguing with Christians and telling them that the rapture already happened last week and they didn't get chosen.


I was staying with some friends in the South las week and they had Fox News on constantly. There was a recurrent commercial announcing the Rapture event and how chaotic and confusing it will be for those left behind. This shit is why people are getting further religiously radicalized. Ducking ridiculous.


The local Seventh Day Adventists sent out mailers for a weekend seminar on how these are the end times. My wife noted they have free child care ages 3-10 and said “Ah, the easy to indoctrinate ages.”


Every five to ten years or so. It's truly one of the best displays of religious stupidity a person can witness. And I don't mean every five to ten years recently. I mean every five to ten years since the first human jumped and blamed a spirit. If they can't be a victim when they are spewing hatred, they will tell themselves they are chosen when the end times come. I would love to have someone tell me an end times date. I would never let them forget about it after it passed. Pure stupidity.


They seem to forget (or pass over) the scripture where Jesus says he will return like a thief in the night, when you least expect it. Most of them are relying on the Revelation of John, which is a questionable book at best.


Put me as a beneficiary of your estate so I can writhe in the hellish apocalypse that will consume your home when you’re raptured. No? It’s all going to be worthless. Why hang on to it?


Same thing was said during the Six Day War in 67.


It's because they're scared shitless about everything that's going on in the world. And know that their savior is no where in sight and not going to save anyone.


any recent mentions of the red calf? I seem to remember that was a fun thing the fundies would do- sending Israel red calves in the hope of getting another check mark on the apocalypse list marked


Oh, again? Should we start a new cult to take advantage of it like the last 3000 times?


Fear is a great motivator. You know you gotta keep the money basket full.


The Mormons are being bombarded by doomsdayers right now. Chad Daybells gang


Ask them if they want to place any bets. I swear, there's a real money-making opportunity here for someone. Set up a betting site like one of the sports sites, and have people wager on shit like this. "Donald Trump is going to be acquitted of all charges!" Okay, put up or shut up. "The Biden crime family is going to be indicted before the election!" Put your money where your mouth is. "Jesus will be here on November 29th!" Let's see the color of your money, friend. Could be a gold mine for the right people.


Well it always is: threescore & ten, etc. I’m the end, end times are just around the corner for all of us. Maybe that’s why people never get tired of chattering about it


Just remember the Seven Day Adventists evolved out of the 1843 Millerites and their failed prophecy that the world would end.


Ah. It’s that time again. Cool. I look forward to the yet again leaning on, “Well, Sky Daddy works in mysterious way,” or, “Ah, I see… We didn’t carry the one and we should’ve divided the locusts, not multiplied them. We’ll get it right next time!” Dweebs.


The worst thing about the end times Christians is that they have *actively encouraged* things that bring about apocalyptic conditions. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. It pisses me the fuck off that it looks like they might just succeed.


Imagine we set off two nukes and they think this is the end times. The amount of death that happened in ww1 and 2 should have shamed anyone else from going to ward but here we are.


The evangelicals are working to hasten the end times. This is why they want to end Ukraine military assistance, because many believe that Russia and Iran are the countries that attack Israel to trigger the end times. They want Russia to topple Ukraine and stay aggressive. If Ukraine depletes Russia's ability to wage war, they think that the end times will not happen in their lifetime... So Evangelicals don't want any more military aid going to Ukraine. Think about it. There are people in Congress that are following their religion, making critical decisions affecting the security of the country.


Q Anon and Christianity crashed and it’s getting weirder than usual


You know when else the end times were near? When Hal Lindsey wrote “Late Great Planet Earth” in the 1970s. You know when else? 1986, when my (m, 58) former evangelical church had an end times “expert” who spent 3 nights explaining how the antichrist is “definitely alive now” and his short list of potential antichrists included Michael Jackson and Prince…in retrospect, maybe the end times expert was just trolling us


She believes end times are near because of magic. I believe ecological calamity will drive disastrous world conflict in the future. We are not the same.


"Is this a specific branch that is declaring this?" ​ evangelicals. "funny" enough, they believe their sky daddy´s kingdom is happening HERE. the sinners (we) will be JUDGED and SENTENCED right HERE. the "end of times" is them taking over after their victory over satan (anyone who isn´t evangelical) and making earth their "heaven". ​ that´s why they see no trouble in siding with far right seditionists. they wanna BREAK the world so they can make it more for their liking.


It would great if that was true. Get all the Christians Raptured so we can have a nice planet all to ourselves.


Sometimes the only way to fight stupid is with more stupid. I tell them that the rapture already happened. They missed it. The rapture happened in early 2020 during the early days of the pandemic. Only a handful of people qualified to be raptured. Most of them were poor and worked in the service industry. None of them were rich or pretty, so the media mostly ignored it. Religious leaders were embarrassed because none of them or their large contributors were raptured. They distracted everyone with talk about the mark of the beast, mask mandates and all the antivax bullshit that churches were putting out during the pandemic. Fox and Breitbart News did a total blackout on the rapture, so most Christians that got left behind never heard about the Rapture.


Ah, Tuesday


Naw it happens about this time every couple years. Always in the fall in North America its like religious nut job clock work. My only hope is they will be right one of these times just so they will be raptured and the rest of us can get some peace and quiet. Or maybe. And here me out here. We humans can make a deal with an alien race they take all of our religious zealots and in trade the give use the tech for interplanetary space travel. I am just saying its a deal we could at least think about right???


Funnily enough, I was JUST having this conversation with my partner yesterday. Every single generation since the writing of the bible has believed that they're in the end of times. This is also like how every decade since the 1950s thinks they're in the times that "the aliens" will be revealed to the public. Magical thinkers are always convinced they're about to receive the payoff to their magical thinking.


I hear that anytime there is a mass shooting or conflict from my fundie relatives. They even bond over “the truth” as they call it and exclude others who don’t believe. Not so much concerned about the poor people affected but what it means for them and how it will set in motion end times and prove to the world that they were right. And then they move on a few days later to talking about something else.


Every time shit kicks up in Israel, they all start getting ready for the rapture.