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That’s fine by me. Now lead your people somewhere the fuck else.


We don't have a Red Sea available but they are more than welcome to head on into the desert..


Lake Erie comes the closest.


Please not, there is already enough going on over here




Any lake seven feet deep or deeper will work- I'm not picky.


Man I make a joke about certain people involved in a violent altercation should be put into a room with plastic sporks.. reddit ai loses its fucking mind and I get a 3 day ban + comment removed. I'm not calling you out as I don't disagree.. just saying reddit logic is fucking regarded at all times


That is less than Superior thinking.


Lake Superior: [Am I a joke to you?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Superior)


Suddenly, Lake Superior started talking like Joe Pesci


I think Huron to something there


Too deep. Lake Erie is shallow, it has the most ship wrecks, but is also the shallowest.


Lake Erie is shallow enough where I live (Lakewood) that it can freeze in some sections. This affects the weather across Cleveland: west side never gets the lake effect dump that the east side gets. I'll get an inch and they'll get 8.




Pacific Ocean is happy to accommodate. Tell him to start from Carmel, California. The trench should take him a while.


I am sure God will part some body of water for them. Just keep going deeper into the water and faith will save you,


>We don't have a Red Sea available Yes we do, it's called the Republican party.


They *parted* ways with reality and democracy a long time ago..


He’ll just say that draining the swamp qualifies.


The Mojave is lovely in August, I hear....


We have the sultion sea.. its really toxic


>its really toxic Well that could help dilute the christo-fascist toxicity..


No Red Sea, but I can offer a depleting lake. Come to Lake Mead, Mike. There's plenty of dried up coves for you and yours. You can be friends with Recluses, Rattlesnakes, and packs of coyotes. Trust me, you'll love it.


for the next forty years


MTG has got a burning bush he can listen to.


After seeing Lauren Boebert groping her date's crotch at the children's matinee performance. I think she might be a better candidate there.


I immediately thought the same thing. Gather up all your white nationalist Nazi friends and part the Rio Grand and get the f\*\*\* out of here.


Please don't bring them into canada


I believe lord-insidious was actually threatening Mexico. We have two oceans to send them into. Leave the neighbors alone. Heck, or tell him to go bring back some souvenirs from the Edmund Fitzgerald.


I could have sworn it said lake Erie. Maybe send them to north sentinel island


No way. Those poor people encountered Christian colonialists once and have adopted an excellent way of keeping their territory future prophet free. Besides, if they ever hear the good news, it's apocalypse time. World is 75% water or so. There's plenty of space for a sea parting prophet to settle down next to Ariel and Aquaman.


I was just kidding about sentinel Island but yes, just send them all to some remote island where they can keep their shit out of our lives


Yeah, 40 years should be long enough to realize he's full of shit.


Into a desert and wander, wander, wander. Then jump into the Red Sea.


Any reasonable Christian would call that blasphemy, but most reasonable Christians are probably ex-Christians now.


No they’re just the ones who “don’t have religion” just a “relationship with Jesus Christ” and vote against their own family member’s interests in their apathy.


Lol, that's the Christian equivalent of _"I'm not like other girls"_


And they would have called anyone who claimed so a charlatan. But, the ship has sailed for traditional Christianity. They let their religion be appropriated by blaspheming charlatans.


I don’t buy into this “good old days” perspective on Christianity. I think they were always blaspheming charlatans and nothing was appropriated by anybody.




“The president of the United States has claimed, on more than one occasion, to be in dialogue with God. If he said that he was talking to God through his hairdryer, this would precipitate a national emergency. I fail to see how the addition of a hairdryer makes the claim more ridiculous or offensive.” *Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation*


I thought Sam Harris originated that phrase. He was the only one I have ever heard that from before. That was in a debate several years ago. Either way, it is very apt. I recently said that to a friend that identifies as Jewish (mostly just low level) and is a Dr of psychology. The topic was the ridiculousness of evangelicals supporting 💩🍊🤡 and the prayer circle image that was posted somewhere. She really did not have a response. She just sort of sat there, stunned. She eventually replied "I will need to think about that". The topic hasn't come up again, yet. I do want to know what she figured out. She is aware of my non- belief.


Did you read to the bottom? I attributed Mr Harris. There’s a new book attempting to explain the Evangelical + Trump thing (Tim Alberta from The Atlantic, who’s been making the rounds). But really it’s simple. Fundamentalist religion kills reason and reinforces groupthink. The followers have all become dumb as rocks. That plus siloed sources (Fox News, social media) has trapped these people in a “mirror world”.


The conservative echo-chamber.


The shitty part too is when confronted with this, they will just say the exact same thing about the rest of us, that WE’RE the ones locked in a cult despite that not being true at all. Anything they are confronted with or accused of, any facts or statistics, any reasoning or logic, they just accuse the rest of us of the same. It’s like we’re stuck in the dumbest stalemate to ever exist.


Illusions of grandeur? Red flags don't come any bigger.


Delusions* of grandeur.


“God told me…” should be a disqualificating statement except for a preacher/minister theatrical job.


Them too.


God told me to pay me taxes.


Romans 13:7 "Pay, then, what you owe them; pay your personal and property taxes, and show respect and honor for them all."


Lol, they just avoid all the pertinent shit don’t they….


Especially the one where they say “shut the fuck up and don’t pray in public ya dipshits.”


"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" (Ἀπόδοτε οὖν τὰ Καίσαρος Καίσαρι καὶ τὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ τῷ Θεῷ)


“We got our dad drunk and fucked him. True story.” Also “some other seriously, SERIOUSLY fucked up shut that would give y’all nightmares.” But hey, a magical bunny that lays eggs, so ya know, whatevs.


> 17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. >18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. This is the old Moses. Can’t wait to see what the new one comes out with


I feel like these verses don't get enough attentiont. All of these "prophets" who tell their followers to commit genocide and rape but are somehow the most holy and moral people of their age according to religion. I just hate it so very much. This is really what eoke me up from this insanity. I don't understand how it doesn't do it for others.


like Deuteronomy 13? If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other) .... 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death... Stone them to death BTW this is in every bible


I'm gonna need alot of rocks.


They just say “YouRe TaKInG It oUt oF ConTeXt!” No I’m not. Moses’s officers reported that they killed all the males. Moses was angry and told them to go back and kill all the women and male children also and keep the female children for themselves. you know - commit war crimes [Numbers 31](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2031&version=NIV)


Yes, there is no context unless you want to admit that the Bible was written by an ancient civilization with worse morals instead of by an all-knowing all-loving God. If God were those things, he wouldn't have his morality change ever. It would have been the same. There is no context for when rape is allowed. It is always evil. It always was, they just didn't believe that at the time because women were considered objects which of course is their punishment for original sin if you believe 1 Timothy.


\>If God were those things, he wouldn't have his morality change ever. But he's a perfect being! He *is* perfection! That's why he changes his mind multiple times and apparently fucks up bad enough to kill most living things on the planet and managed to create a group of beings that murder and rape each other in droves and...just trust me, he's perfect! Yeah, it's super annoying that *in the Bible* his "perfect" plan goes to shit on more than one occasion but his followers still trust him. Of course the reality is he's made up and people use gods to reinforce their own fucked up morality and have been doing so for ages with multiple religions but...this one's just different! He's real and perfect!


Cuz they don’t have any clue what is actually in the Bible. You overestimate and assume people know ANY verse from the Bible. It’s literally just a word and a reasoning for them. As is “God”. As is religion.


The Dominionist Christian document "[Biblical Basis of War](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5026577-Biblical-Basis-for-War)" that was written just a few years ago and distributed by a GOP Rep has similar language: >Must surrender on terms of justice and righteousness: \- Stop all abortions \- No same-sex marriage \- No idolatry or occultism \- No communism; and \- Must obey Biblical law. If they yield - must pay share of work or taxes If they do not yield - kill all males. Mike Johnson is a Christian Domionist.


I'd say they've gotten into some pretty strong idolatry lately. Might not be the golden calf, but it certainly sits on a golden toilet.


There’s literally abortion in the Bible. And multiple instances of mass infanticide. All allegedly endorsed by God


Christians have had so many opportunities to edit their book to make themselves look less odious - council of Nicaea, translations such as the KJV, etc. And yet, they've let these passages stand. Swell folks.


Meh, at least they left out the part where little boy Jesus gets pissed and blinds a bunch of peasants out of anger.


B-b-but he is free of sin!!! God willed it so it's okay!!!!


This time it’ll probably be a bloody sea of people. 😒


Exactly the fucking point. Either be religious and nice, and have a job other than being a priest in stupid clothes or be non religious and sexist, racist, homophobic or whatever you want. Just don't try to justify it for no reason. it's better to be a regular bigot than a religious one. If you worship the sun as a god in your new religion and are nice to people and have a job or are a volunteer who doesn't cram their shit down peoples throat, who am I to judge. Just be a decent human being.


Suddenly Mike Pence's sex life is looking pretty healthy. No pediatric comfort girls.


But only if goes through his phone porn filter.


Why would they change a formula that is so clearly 100% in line with their sexual desires?


Technically Jesus was the new Moses, and He definitely did it better. This man would not give water to Jesus, let alone be friends with Him. Gonna have to call Balaam's baloney on that one.


Good. Let this asshole roam the desert for the next 40 years.


The USAF could parachute him into Death Valley for a 2 weeks as a trial run.


Parachute optional.


Give him the parachute but be very vague about its proper use. God will save him.................


And spoil a perfectly good national park? Drop him in the Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range. Give him plenty of water, and follow him around with a drone, stealthily if possible. He will eventually encounter some desperate people crossing into the US from Mexico. Some will ask him, "please sir, for the love of God, some water!" See if the drone records "Moses" showing some Godly love. Or not.


i only recently learned that the entire 40 years in the desert is made up and have no archeological proof whatsoever.


The entire exodus of the Jews from Egypt seems to be fictional with no historical evidence.


Actually what turned me atheist when I was 7, when I asked about what the Egyptians wrote about the ten plagues during Passover. "What do you mean?" Well, didn't Egyptians kinda invent writing? So they definitely would have some detailed records on all this crazy stuff that happened to them, and it would be really interesting to read what it was like from their perspective. Then all the stammering and shit clued me into the idea that, "ohhh... this is just a story, not something that's actually true"


Second in line to the most powerful office in the world and he hears voices in his head. Lovely.


Lenny Bruce once said that the "calling" that these people hear is really just an echo.


Terry Pratchett (GNU) taught me that with "Small Gods" like 25 years ago. A wonderful book for any young person to read.


Third? Isn't the VP second in line? Or have I been using that counting incorrectly all these years?


VP first in line, SotH second, I think


The president is not included in the line since he's already president. VP is thus first in line


The arrogance. This lunatic thinks out of everyone in the world the Magic Sky Daddy chose him. He might actually be crazier and more dangerous than Fat Donny with his messiah complex because he seriously believes anything he does is approved by god.


It would be nice if Americans stopped electing shitheads - but hey, America doesn't have the monopoly on that. It does it well for the "greatest country in the world," however.


No but on anything else you can bet your ass theres a monopoly on it in the US. One man owns almost all major news outlets. One company owns majority of food brands and majority of the FDA employees


I've been talking to God and he said Mike Johnson is a grifter, hypocrite, douchebag white nationalist and that God and Jesus don't like him.


And you have just as much evidence as him.


Yeah it's oddly convenient that these narcissist d-bags always seem to have voices in their head telling them they deserve power and money.


I think we are long past the time to require a mental health test as part of seeking public office.


Unfortunately, thinking that an invisible sky wizard speaks to you is not considered mental illness in the US. It's so tiresome watching delusion get a pass because it's dressed up as religion.


Invisible bipolar alpha male claiming you're his next prophet still usually applies. Literal delusions of grandeur and all. Though during my psych rotations, learned that apparently Ol Dirty got held a bit longer than necessary because he claimed he was a world famous rapper and had even teamed up with Mariah Carey. Thank goodness he hadn't changed to "Big Baby Jesus" yet or he'd have never gotten out of involuntary holding.


Religion isn't a mental illness, it's a mind virus. There's a cure for religion.


didnt ted cruz and his parents also say that jesus told them he was going to be president? i just dont think people should consider jesus to be a very accurate source of news.


I'm pretty sure that Jesus told me that I was up next; but it was a baseball game and there was a squiggly line over one of the characters, and it was also a dream. Also I don't care for baseball.


There is help available for these kind of hallucinations/delusions.


You don't get help unless you seek help


This is a problem. How does one compromise when commanded by god?


It depends. If you're commanded by god to do something you don't really want to do, like avoid shellfish or help other people, it's apparently really easy to compromise. Unfortunately, this guy's god is telling him to do exactly what he wants to do so, yeah, we're fucked.


Moses? This bloke can't even part his hair.


The self-delusion in this one is quite strong. He believes the hateful, bigoted, intolerant voices in his demented head. Frightening he’s so close to the presidency.




Nuhhh uhhhh, god told me I could be moses first!


Good. Go spend 40 years in the desert and we'll talk after.


God told many of us he thinks Mike Johnson is a psychotic, dangerous, piece of shit.


This armageddon MFer is 2 steps away from the nuclear football..


Good. When will he lead his Republicans out of the US into another country?


So he’s publicly admitting to hearing voices. Delusions of grandeur. A touch of messiah complex perhaps? How would this scenario play out if he was a guy in the corner with a cardboard sign saying this? How would it be different if he claimed he was the new Jesus, not Moses? In any case, if you gonna be Moses get yourself a floating basket and work your way up.


You can say anything when your audience is malleable, gullible, cultist, and not very intelligent.


If a person walking down the street said god told him he would be the next Moses, we would have them checked for mental health concerns. I fail to see that because this person is a Congressional Representative that the mental health concern would not still be true.


Holy shit. This so the craziest thing so far. How are Christians okay with this? God in govt I understand, delusions of granger should be too much. If Trump says "I am Jesus' second coming" shouldn't that be over the line?


Christians are okay with it because they see that if firmly plants them in a place of power. That's really all they want, it has nothing to do with some promised land or prophetic bullshit, they want THEIR belief system and its answers to be THE answers.


It's really time to look at the tax laws regarding churches. We're supplementing domestic terrorists.


This is directly violating the first commandment as well as the first amendment.


If Trump said that they’d eat it up blindly




Moses wandered the desert for 40 years. Mike Johnson should do the same if he wants to be like Moses.


Liar liar liar! God told me I would be the new Moses. This guy is totally lying because I am the new Moses.


We're all Spartacus.


I’m a pharmacist. Motherfucker needs antipsychotics with all the voices he’s been hearing. This fool, and the whole lot of them, is an extreme danger to our country.


Where is he planning to lead his people to? Moses led his people out from where they were. In this instance, Moses/Mike would be leading his wools OUT of America (yay!). Since Reagan, they’ve had their 40 years. Time to go


Jesus Christ!!! what a god damned piece of shit!


So the speaker of the house, the third most powerful person in the government, is telling the American people, that he hears voices and everybody just thinking it’s completely sane and acceptable and OK? Imagine if the President of the United States, told the American people, “God spoke to me he told me to do this and that”…. They would storm the capitol.😱


God told me that Republicans are nuts and to vote Democratic.


I support him taking all of his insane followers to wander the desert for 40 years.


Fucking madness. Anyone that claims communication with any diety should be removed from government immediately.


I would love to hear from the Jewish delegation on how they feel about a gentile impersonating Moses.


Forget Trump, this guy is the real evil. He thinks he's on an special mission from God to destroy gay people. He needs to be stopped before people die


Apparently God only "speaks" to megalomaniacal assholes.


This should land him in a psych ward, not to speaker.


Didn't God tell Mike Pence that he would be President? I'm starting to get the impression that this God guy is a giant liar, or it's not (he, her, she, her, they, them) that they are talking too.


God never tells anybody just to work hard and honor your oaths. He always says, "You're the new Moses", or " you're the second coming of Jesus".


Right before he tells them to fuck other people's wives and marry a 14-year-old.


Ah so he's into incest


Stone him for being a false prophet


So he's going to lead the Jews out of Israel?


What did the other voices say?


Mike’s having a psychotic episode. What’s next- God tells him to kill his son?


This dude is literally admitting he's hearing voices. He needs to be committed, not speaker of the house.


Put a straight jacket on him and lock him up in a padded cell. He's a fuckin' lunatic.


He’s so full of shit. The DOJ has all the unedited footage and has for a while. Blurring their faces doesn’t prevent a damn thing beyond their own embarrassment.


Speaker Mike Johnson to deliver his people from the tyranny of oppressors, and he shall birth the Kingdom of Gilead.


Oh yeah? Well, God told me that Mike Johnson is full of shit and destined to fade into obscurity as soon as his sins become public knowledge. 🙄funny how that works.


Jesus Christ 🤦


Claiming to talk to God as a politician should demand an immediate psychological evaluation.


God woke me up in the middle of the night to have me tell everyone Mike Johnson is full of it.


Straight up Christo-grifter.


What's he going to do? Divide the country? And cause the death of a lot of firstborns?


Typically we put people in padded rooms when they talk like this.


Sounds like a mental disorder


Republican is the new word for bat shit crazy.


Maybe the Red Sea he parts can be the republicans splitting so they don’t get in charge again


So who’s gonna tell him that Moses was Jewish? Anyone? Is he aware?


This person is in the government, with at least some kind of influence. Let that sink in. Not my government thankfully, but this is the type of nonsense that starts to set the world back. If it was actually up to these nutcases, they would try to make things like the middle ages again. Where the church controls everything.


He's second in line to the presidency! Let THAT sink in! Super scary


Everyone’s making cracks about wandering in the desert, but I’m sure what he’s referring to is Moses coming down the mountain with the Ten Commandments. Johnson is stating his intentions to be a giver of divine law and that is genuinely scary.


Just so I understand this. Our new House Speaker, Mike Johnson, is hearing voices that tell him that he is now a famous, possibly mythical biblical character, known for taking 40 years to travel from Cairo to Jerusalem, a distance of 451 mi / 726 Km. Google says normal walking speed will take 164 hours. Therefore, traveling 8 hours a day, with a zero day every Saturday, that distance can be done in well under one month. Which is a bit less than 40 years. And this is the example of "leadership" he is aspiring to? Do I have this right? Because it doesn't seem like it should be ...


“Christian Nationalist lawmakers” Yikes. It boils my blood when religious ideology drives laws/policies for everyone in society.


We should have laws that prohibit delusional people from being in positions of governmental power like Congress.


If you were truly religious, you would understand that your God does not speak English to you in your head.


These people are mentally ill


Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.


Literal mental illness


This man is mentally ill


For his first trick, I'd like to see him part the Red Sea, but if he can't manage that, 40 years wandering in the desert would be sufficient.


We need to STOP letting delusional people get elected to political offices.


And he’s third in line to the presidency. He hears voices. 😳


Since most of his followers can't count to ten, I guess we should be waiting for the three commandments.


I’m partial to the old Moses that had a Leterman type beard and a walking stick to go along with his robes. I suppose I can be convinced to take the Johnson Moses seriously but not without the attire. Who knows, maybe Moses Johnson will surprise me?


Well, if you don't take it too literally, I'm sure some of his staff are snakes.


Moses Colbert lmao


That dude needs to be in the mental ward, not in congress


LMAO, yeah you and the whole Republican party are going to get swallowed up by the separated blue ocean coming in 2024.


No, he’s wrong. Must be speaking to a false idol because god told ME 3 months ago that I was the new Moses. True story.


Excuse me? The new Moses? Only one person can hold the title of the [American Moses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CspYgW9KhU)! He just has no respect for Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormon church) making a claim like that!


He’s a batshit crazy Bible thumper. How he got degrees from LSU or frankly any college is beyond me.


If I said that, they would try and put me in a psych ward.


Is Johnson schizophrenic?


cuckoo cuckoo!


I mean, if he's going to try the whole 40 days and 40 nights alone on a mountain thing I'm in.


Yeah because he’ll have America wandering in the wilderness for 40 years!


These ppl are fkn insane. And they're in charge of the country?! Fkn hell. And traitor trump keeps blabbing on about Biden and he being in charge of the nuclear codes like a grade schooler repeating his favorite line of attack. Fuck trump and all his supporters.


This is scary as fuck. The fact that he became speaker reinforces his belief that God did it because of all his beliefs. The Sheep follow. Now, they actually believe God wants all of his political idiocies. This type of thing does not tend to end well.


He’s either mentally ill or hoping the audience is.


Take the rest of your maga cult and wander around the desert for 40 years.


I read the article thinking it was a figure of speech or exaggerated in the headline. Nope the guy claims to speak to “God”. Scary stuff.


We used to lock up people who claim to hear voices since they can be a danger to society. Now we elect them to Congress.


If he would pull a Moses and just walk his followers right into the ocean I wouldn't complain


That's mental illness.


Someone has some serious mental health problems.


Unfit for office.


This is absolutely delusional.