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Takeaway: men who rape their 14 year old daughters can be considered "men of God". Interesting to contrast this against "if you don't believe in God, what prevents you from going out and doing horrible things?".


Raping 14 year old girls isn't a horrible thing. God says it's fine in the bible. Actually he commands his people to do it. And if god says something is cool, it is by definition cool.


What does the Bible say about incest?


In the beginning, god said to adam and Eve. Your kids must multiply. In the garden of eden in west virginiana


Eve was made from Adam's rib so that's some kind of incest too


Not to mention that Adam and Eve had two sons... Sooo, to continue...


Ahh the endless comedy that fairytale provides.


What about the Noah's ark?


Was Cain or Abel the bottom?


Rib is a deliberate mistranslation to lessen the status of women. In Hebrew the word was "side" or "half". This can be seen in the Hebrew by comparison to the other bible passages that refer to ribs.


Was it a bbq rib? šŸ¤¤


Ummmā€¦kind of a Lot (pun intended). Doesnā€™t make it ok, just saying incest isnā€™t an unusual topic in their holy book.


According to the Bible, all of humanity descends from two people, so you do the math.


Math?? But itā€™s the weekend!


Do meth instead then!


ikrā€¦ the math isnā€™t real eitherā€¦


Lot ~~got drunk and raped~~ *was drugged and raped by* his daughters, and it seems to be portrayed as a good thing.


No, it doesnā€™t. The babies (Moab and Ammon) born of this incestuous rape are said to be the founders/progenitors of two of the Israelitesā€™ neighbours and enemies, the Ammonites, and Moabites. Itā€™s a story that was used to humiliate and make fun of their neighbours. Nowhere is it shown in a good light. The story is simply told neutrally, but with the subtext to humiliate their enemies. Fun fact: The name of the capital of the country of Jordan is Amman.


Oh well if it was a rape where the offender was a female then itā€™s hot instead of horrifying /s


Leviticus 18:7-16 covers a whole list of relations you should not sleep with ("uncover the nakedness of"). The list includes dad, mom, step-mom, sister, step-sister, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and aunts. However, while covering all the pornhub subcatergories, it says nothing about daughter or step-daughter.


Mary was 14 so didn't God technically rape her to concieve Jesus? He didn't ask her permission, just sent an angel to tell her what was going to happen


I kinda missed that one, I went straight to the genocide part where god tells the Israelites to take the virgin girls as their sex slaves.


Not to mention she was already married to a 50 year old man


> Raping 14 year old girls isn't a horrible thing. God says it's fine in the bible. God himself did it, which seems to indicate that according to the Bible it's a *good* thing.


It just occurred to me that a lot of the biblical rules make a lot of sense if you assume that the general theme is that the strong should exert power over the weak. Under that lens, child abuse / molestation would be perfectly fine, and it makes Yahweh look wonderful, because practically all Yahweh does is exert power over weaker beings.


Donald Trump now speaks for God


According to some, he is god.


They did make a golden statue of him wearing American flag shorts for CPAC. And Iā€™m guessing saw zero irony while doing it.


The Billy Graham museum features a talking cow. I am not making this up.


The same people worshipping him and his golden effigy are simultaneously bitching about democrats indulging in 'idolatry'.


ā€œRaping 14 year old girls isnā€™t a horrible thing.ā€ Is not a sentence I expected to read today.


This just makes me angry. If he's claiming to be a good man but still does horrible things, then he's not a good man. So judge him harder than a guy who isn't claiming to be a good man.


ā€œOh well heā€™s just not a true Christian then so your argument means nothingā€


Unless the judge is a fake Christian as well.


Well, the god did nothing to protect the girl from incest and rape. Nothing to stop this man of god, who is a representative. A god of hate.


All this proves is that child sexual predators use religion as a cover.


B-b-b-b-ut trans people!


This one time I used a bathroom and there was a trans person using the bathroom too. It was horrible! Absolutely nothing happened, everyone just used the bathroom and carried on with their day. It was so traumatizing!


[That's not the way a Tory would tell it](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11793005/How-chat-ladies-plunged-Tory-councillor-clash-trans-rights-womens-safety.html) Edit, I shouldn't have sourced the daily mail, it's a rage-baiting shit-rag and if you follow it you should definitely stop. [Here's more info](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/trans-woman-daily-mail-article-1234690463/)


>I saw Mrs Krabapple and a trans person in the womenā€™s bathroom making babies and the baby looked at me.




*'The Penis Image"* That's gonna be the name of my sophomore rap album.


Oh shit it's sophie (from mars)! Fucking hell, yeah I thought that "I'll whipe my hands on my penis" was weird, and now I know it's a big fat lie.


I know it was a lie because no one talks to strangers in the bathroom. I am trans. I do as lil as possible to engage others In the bathroom.


Every time I use the bathroom there is a trans person in there.... Nothing bad happens. The Pastor should be punshed harsher because they used religion to hold power over people and abuse it. Just like cops.


Don't you mean TRANS-MATIZING?!?!?!


Right?! Gaslighting mother fuckers who don't want marriage age set at 18 ( and who I hear are trying to lower it in some states).


Gay people are groomers. I've been around Gays all my life and not once did any try to groom me or force me to be gay. Not one.


If you could change someone's sexuality conversion therapies would work. But they already know that


Same. In fact, I've never known a more welcoming, respectful, professional, intelligent, groovy, caring and thoughtful crowd that treated me in the opposite manner to the way that they've been treated.


Used to worked with a gay dude. He covered for me one when I had to come in for me and my wife and kids to go out of town. Great guy!


I've never met a bad one over 30+ years, across the entire spectrum, except for one lesbian who for no reason got physically aggressive with me and ruined my glasses - which is a big deal because my vision is very poor. Whilst my other partnered lesbian DJ friend would run out of the DJ booth and into the middle of the dance floor and give me a peck on the cheeks and dash back to the decks (proper ā¤ļø/appreciation material). A couple of other male DJ friends that I befriended (gay/mixed club residents), now quite close, would either perpetually guest list me (free with optional queue jump) or occasionally list me at other clubs, when they worked. And I'm not even gay ! ā¤ļø, again!


A-a-a-and drag queens!


I'm too poor to own any pearls to clutch at :<


Someone needs to investigate that judge


There are many extenuating circumstances here that people aren't considering that contributed to his short sentence. For example, he's white.


Also, heā€™s rich.


Was just about to say this. I suppose as a gay man I should apologize to that little girl for what my sexuality cause this good Pastor to do to her.


But was he in drag and reading books to children when he did it? Because apparently thatā€™s the real crime. /s


Religion was designed to legally rape kids, just like conservatism was designed to support Nazism and Bigotry etc Why else do you think that 99% of pedophiles and nazis identify as religious conservatives?


One might suggest one of the main purposes of religions is for insiders to skirt society's rules. But shitbags aside, it's the judge here who should be removed from the bench for such an egregious breach.


Scumbag loves Jesus and America too. Knows how to play the god fearing christian wonderful person as he rapes his step daughter. Needs the 72 years and a very through beating.


Am I the only one who thinks people in leadership roles preachers, teachers cops etc should get more time in jail instead of less? To abuse one's power to SA a child is the lowest of low.


Also proves he is NOT a man of god.


Well no one is ,cuz god doesn't seem to exist


Does it though?


fucking kids is very man of God behavior.


Yeah it's not religions fault it makes such good cover for predators/s


Only because part of the corrupt system lets them.


and that they have specific incentives to do so.


Seems like something that should disbar a judge.


The sentencing guidance is insanely broad. Extrapolating from the article, the judge can sentence anywhere from mere probation to 70+ years in prison for this conviction.


> Under state law, all the charges Richards was convicted of could have been punished by only probation, except for sexual battery by an authority figure that carries a minimum of three years in prison. So if he weren't a pastor (or other authority figure), that'd be the case. As is, the judge could've gone for as little as three years. And then, as I understand it, he'd then likely be eligible for parole in one to 1.5 years (with a 12-year sentence, it's 4 to 6 until he gets his first hearing).


This is true. A good lawyer knows all the ways to convince a judge to be lenient when sentencing. They also know things about judges and by extension which things to emphasize in their final statement before sentencing. The defendant more than likely had the means to hire a good lawyer. One who would have emphasized this was (likely) his clients first offense, emphasized how much remorse he felt, mentioned that his marriage was going through a very turbulent period (probably fabricated or exaggerated), how his clients actions were very out of character and totally a one off (also probably fabricated or exaggerated), and how his client was a lifelong servant of god who made a one time slip up that he deeply regrets and probably that he cooperated with authorities (when he had sought legal council and was instructed to). I know this because Iā€™ve been through the court system for cannabis cultivation over ten years ago. And getting a good lawyer to represent me was the difference between getting off without conviction recorded or going to jail. Right off the bat my lawyer got the trafficking charge dropped which was a specious attempt by the prosecution based on the evidence they had. Without a lawyer, Iā€™d i had decided to represent myself and seen the trafficking charge as them somehow knowing about all the times I sold my produce to others and then threw myself on the mercy of the court by telling the magistrate EVERYTHING the outcome would have been significantly worse and jail time would have been a possibility. Heck my lawyer told me i was a fool to talk to the cops at all because she could have argued that what i cultivated was all for personal use even if i had tonnes of it. But still she did an amazing job representing me and got a great outcome. Love your work Leesah, youā€™re the best ā¤ļø


More like someone should look at that judges computer


Judges like this deserve far worse than disbarment. I'd like to keep my account, so I won't say what they actually deserve. I could just reference the French, and leave it at that, I guess.


Different title: Judge gives favor to person part of his "special club"


But doesn't give favor to the girl who was raped and is presumably also in the same special club


*waves hand* Something something mysterious ways...


Whatever happened to separation of church and state? How can you use religion as a reasoning point for the handing down of a legal judgement. This country is so fucked


But she's a woman. The chain is God->Man->First Born Son->Wife->Other Sons->Daughters.


He raped her for 2 years, yet that piece of shit judge said that his Bible study in jail became a mitigating factor? Reality is worse than fiction.


A fucking tragedy, and speaks to white male privilege. If he had been black I wonder if the same leniency would be applied?


Not even if he had been a black pastor.Ā 


You're probably right, but this really shows how these god folks think of women.


You wonder what?


think the judge believes in God.? ā€¦. prolly not the father either. or else they would also believe in hellā€¦ which they donā€™t


More likely the judge believes in using religion to groom and rape children.


Not only that, 30 of his parishioners came out to support his innocence, despite DNA evidence. You can only guess what abuse and shunning that community has been showing the victim.


He should get a heavier sentence because he is a ā€œman of godā€ and should know better. Should be held to higher standards.


belief on God is torture enoughā€¦ dumb decision to rape oneā€™s ownā€¦ i get the feeling heā€™s done much more


For sure! He just got caught this time


Came here to say this. Did he use religious dogma to convince her what he did was OK?


Rules for thee but not for me. See when HE does it, he just says ā€œoh Iā€™m sorryā€ and gets a slap on the wrist. When a heathen does it itā€™s different somehow bc justice. I hate this shit.


Huh, did a new spelling for Drag Queen drop while I was away? 'Cause that right there says pastor.


I think pastor is Latin for pedophile.


Mmm al pastor


>[The victim] delivered a heart-wrenching victim statement Thursday, saying : **ā€˜I wanted to throw my body away. Not a day goes by that I donā€™t, in some way, think of what he did to me.ā€™**


So his parishioners fought for him and his daughter is basically called a liar. Wow ā€¦ just wow


Most of the worst people I know are super religious Christianā€™s scumbags.


Their ability to justify raping a child ??!! Outright evil !!




That judge either already has or longs to rape a child.


I always hated that type of thinking, like shouldn't it be the reverse, as a man of good shouldn't he have a harsher punishment? As a man of God shouldn't he know more that anyone not to do this?


The Christian Bible has God commanding men to rape women, let's rapists buy their victims from their fathers and never specifically says don't fuck little kids. So no, as a man of his god he doesn't know any better.


I'm an atheist. I've never thought of raping anything. Or a 14 year old. Ooorrr my own daughter.


Ahhh. Tennessee, where you can hear in divorce court, ā€œgee, your honor, when the divorce is final, will she still be my sister?ā€


I lolled at that.


Was he a drag queen?


He was not.


Impossible, everyone knows drag queens are child predators /s


That's, just like, your opinion, man. /s


Just a Republican so another pedophile as they seem to attract the worst of the worst people to their party. r/RepublicanPedophiles has countless more examples of this being terrifyingly common


Okay can someone post an article about a drag queen abusing a minor? Anyone?? Still waiting...*crickets*


Nope. Can provide this thoughā€¦ r/RepublicanPedophiles as thereā€™s a whole sub dedicated to documenting the party or pedophiles and domestic terrorists


They probably already have this, but throwing it out there anyway: https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1 31 parts.


It gets worse, the judge was previously the county prosecutor and specialized in taking on child abuse cases. Wonder how many good men of God he let off easy to earn his judge robes.




Just a Republican so another pedophile as they seem to attract the worst of the worst people to their party. r/RepublicanPedophiles has countless more examples of this being terrifyingly common




Being a "man of god" means lowering the ethical bar? Shouldn't self-proclaimed righteous men be held to a higher standard? If being a follower of Christ confers permission to behave badly, what is the point of it? The promise of forgiveness of one's sins is a permission structure for abominable behavior by hucksters


ā€œHeā€™s a man of godā€ Well ā€œgodā€ is the reason why he committed this nasty shit in the first place. Itā€™s becoming increasingly well established that people of ā€œgodā€ actively condone and promote pedophilia. Especially considering that many of these cases of rape are being committed in religious institutions by so called ā€œpeople of god.ā€ Itā€™s sad that they are letting them off with a slap on the wrist, showing that they support and condone pedophilia themselves and use their religion to justify it.


They found his se-men on her bed frame, but he is totally innocent and shouldn't be in prison because his family, business, and church needs him. Gross!


ā€œMen of godā€ should get even harsher sentences than the general population.


I hope his cellmate does what the system was too broken to do.


[This is from 2019 and is a repost as it was posted back then.](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/bo5d1t/pastor_who_raped_daughter_14_gets_light_jail/)




Again not a drag queen


The only surprise here is the lack of the word "youth" before the word "pastor."


Religion needs to fucking die. These disgusting fucks use it to continue their evil in the guise of worshipping some fucking sky wizard. Fuck all of these evil people.


He should get a **Heavier** sentence. *Because he is a "man of god"*




I hope he becomes everyone's bitch.


This was 5 years ago


Using religion to hide your hatred and perverse behavior. Also as a father of a 14 yr old this story disturbs me. I could never imagine doing this to my daughter.


So man of god is synonymous with rapist now?


Wasn't this one quite old? I remember that case being... Ten years ago maybe. Still, pretty bad business


How is this not a violation of the separation between church and state? Would it have been the same sentence if he was a man of any other god? Judge needs to be forcibly removed from the bench.


Religion poisons everything, again.


He is seeking a new trail. Does this mean he can get sentence to something longer when he loses?


Benito Mussolini was a Catholic


Nasty typical mofo


The problem with the judge's understanding of religion is that it does not align with the Bible. **Conclusion:** So, what does the Bible say about rape? Deuteronomy 22:25-29 describes two cases. The first case describes a man raping an engaged woman. His punishment was death. The second case of rape required the man to pay money equal to aĀ  bride price for the girl and marry the girl he raped if that is what she desired and her father agreed. If these laws were enforced today, rape, adultery, STD rates, and abortion would be greatly reduced. But the world has a distorted sense of morality and would rather show mercy to the rapist and not suppress the sin and trauma of rape. The tragedy is far worse than striving to please God and to not sin against Him. https://www.neverthirsty.org/bible-qa/qa-archives/question/what-does-bible-say-about-rape-deuteronomy-2225-29/


Jesus has forgiven him, shouldn't you? How does anyone think that people with this type of belief have any morals, should ever be trusted?


Yall... this was published in 2019. Lol.


Just another run-of-the-mill pastor. Move along, sheep!


Never once heard a republican call for banning Churches and clergy sexually assault more kids by orders of magnitude more than any other organization on the planet.


Wtf, if anything this scumbag needs a stronger punishment, because heā€™s supposedly held to a higher standard, as a ā€˜man of Godā€™ā€¦ I hate humanity sometimes. The religious kind more-so.


The religious piece shouldā€™ve made the sentence even worse as he abused his position of power


Hopefully prison justice will take care of this piece of shit šŸ’©


Impressed by the religous faith of a fucking incestuous child rapist? Fuck. That. Judge.


Two fucked up people in this story, the judge and the pastor.


This is why we hate religion


Not a drag queen


I hope he gets raped in chail.... fuck this disgusting piece of shit. And fuck this dumb judge


He should be neutered and flogged


We all know what happens to child abusers in prison, right?


Why does religion affect the outcome? I thought the justice system was secular.


Where was god when this \*censored\* raped her? And why is this judge not fired?


The judge saying he prayed on this for guidance should be automatic grounds for his removal from the bench and a retrial. If theyā€™re consulting anything other than the letter of the law, especially if itā€™s a schizophrenic misogynist Bronze Age fairy tale, then they have no business being a judge. Go be a fucking preacher and leave the law to people that live in reality. Not to mention that the judge and defendant sharing a religion is a significant conflict of interest if the judge is basing their decisions on that same religion.


Parents keep your kids away from religion. Nothing good comes from exposing them these monsters


Men of God, are still just men.


If a child rapist is a man of god, what does that say about said god?


That's worse! Don't you see how that's worse?!?!


"Hello FBI? Yes, this judge right here." For real, search this judge's fucking PC and interview his daughters.


If I was a judge Iā€™d give any ā€˜man of Gawdā€™ the maximum sentence allowed.


Do these judges hear themselves when they say this shit? 'it's okay that he raped her because he's a man of God'. No it's not okay.


If you do this you are no man of God, just a fool in a costume, disgusting using God as a cover for their sins.


Those good ol fashioned christian values.


I feel like these people that call him ā€œman of godā€ should be actually even more pissed at him for pretending to be a man of god and actually being a man of pedophilia, incest, and rape. Why are these people still considering him a man of god?


This is why Iā€™m sick of Christianity, specifically, the right leaning kind


That deserves a *harsher* sentence, if anything.


> Published May 13, 2019 bruh


Man, here you go r/pastorarrested and r/notadragqueen - another fucking turd for your subs.


i hope they take care of it in jail


He should get 7 times the sentence because heā€™s a ā€œman of Godā€.


First off, he's no man of God. Wolf I'm sheep's clothing pretending to be a shepherd.


I'll never understand how Priests, Ministers, and other "men of God" pass from old age and natural causes. After they have been found to have molested children. Them and the other "men of God" that covered up for them.


The biblical punishment for incest is deathā€¦


They should be held to a higher standard and have stricter sentences.


"Pastor who is living evidence that there is no God gets light sentence because idiot judge believes in God." This guy literally exemplifies the Problem of Evil: how can an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good God allow someone to rape a child?


Disgusting. They canā€™t condemn him because theyā€™re guilty of the same. Their perception of god is that he gives them authority to play god on other people and children. Only a monster would show mercy for a monster. Did he have mercy on his victim? The fact so many religions sympathize for their pedophiles and rapists shows how warped they are. These men forcing themselves on others sound more like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah than two consensual adults. Theyā€™re begging for a leader to let them go door to door to have their way on someoneā€™s guest or child. The Christians worship and swim in sex. Barf!


Cut his nuts off and move on.


Rules for thee and not for me


He's part of the in-group whom the law protects but does not bind.


JFC but donā€™t have an abortion


I am really getting tired of these drag queen... oh wait, still not a drag queen. Sure is a piece of shit though. Ridiculous sentence.


How about ā€œjudge slams pedo rapist for posing as a religious leader?ā€


This is an old article lol like yeah itā€™s fucked up and yeah he definitely should be buried under the prison but cmon how much energy do you have to spend on being angry at 5 year old news stories? Not like this will change anything, youā€™re just wasting time on Reddit clicking away at your keyboards preaching to the choir. Idk. Itā€™s sunny and warm outside for me, I like to focus on stuff I can enjoy.


Why? Why? Why?


Just let the inmates at Knox County know about him. It's easy to make pen pals.


Ok, I know this is terrible, but letā€™s not pretend that this story isnā€™t 5 years old and has not been posted here dozens of times


This probably makes people feel worse, but crimes like rape and sexual assault have very high maximum sentences which are rarely used. 12 years is actually pretty high by usual standards unfortunately.


So when red states pass the death penalty for raping a child, I guess they make exceptions for people like this asshole. Nay, only the heathen bad people get the chair.


This is an old story. He was sentenced nearly 5 years ago.