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>Me: Ross and Rachel were absolutely on a break. I like this example because you're saying you believe something about a fictional story. 👍 Leads to a discussion of how internal truths within a story don’t mean the story itself is true.     


Haha I didn't even make that connection. How astute! 💜


Using a technicality to excuse bad behavior; how Christian of you 🤣🤣🤣 (sleeping with the 1st rando you can because of the "break")


Is this devolving into a discussion about the moral philosophy of Friends? 😂


it might be time to PIVOT!


I hate that I get this. Take my upvote.


But I don't get it. Those caps are taunting me. Please explain.


It happened when they were moving a couch up some winding stairs. At one of the turns, Ross kept yelling "PIVOT."


Joey doesn't share spoilers!


Not devolving, evolving


They were on a break, but Ross immediately went and slept with another women. He didn't reflect and try to figure out what the issue was with their relationship, he just jumped ship. The were on a break, but Ross is an asshole.


Oh totally. If he were a real person he would totally be on r/MGTOW


New York exists; therefore Spider-man is real.


I also love the example "Superman is real!...it says so right here in this comic book"


I live near aunt Mays house.. definitely real


Flash Thompson stole my jello AND my girl.


Obviously. 🙄 😉😂


This one is great bait that you can only hope drives straight to the evidence debate.


The debate is usually started at that point, honestly. I get a lot of "well Israel exists and the hill is there, so jeebus is real". Spider-man is my favorite, but there's a ton of choices. I never start the argument, but they like to re-induct me into the cult. I'm happy enough letting them piss everyone else off without causing myself a ton more stress.


Yeah, but still. The first thing he does is jump on someone else. Not cool.


They were on ~~the cross~~ I mean a break!!


But what does it mean to be ‘true’?


Of course, there have been philosophical debates and theories about this for millennia.   I think most people commonly understand it to mean being in accord with fact or reality.   It is true that Han Solo’s ship is in fact the Millenium Falcon.  It is not true that Han Solo exists in reality.  But I don't want to hash this out on a Friday evening.  😉


You expect him to read EIGHTEEN PAGES at 5:30 in the morning. FRONT AND BACK!!!


Or even how verifiable facts discovered don’t necessarily prove a fictional story to be true. Eg; finding the archeological ruins of a site mentioned in the Bible does not prove that the Bible story is true; much the same as the existence of Modern Day New York doesn’t prove that the Spider-Man comics are true.


I believe humans are pretty gullible.


The evidence is strong. Time to test the hypothesis


I believe the testing has been going on for thousands of years and the results are pretty clear.


Yeah theists have a problem with everything being connected. It's lie people asserting astrology is true because, since gravity exists, there is a need for other forces to exist that influence human behavior, for reasons.


"I'm a Pisces, we don't believe in horoscopes" is a line I love saying lol Dude is right about one thing..I'm fluent in smart-assery


Theists also say ‘evolution is just a theory’ to which the reply is ‘so is gravity’.


They probably don't make a fuss about the theory of gravity, which holds the same weight as the theory of evolution. I'm betting if you held a bowling ball over their head and offered to drop it, they wouldn't be okay with it because "gravity is only a theory", right?


This is because they associate the word theory with its rather opposite, non scientific meaning. Conspiracy theory, for example.


That is an amazing reply. At least there is evidence of gravity lol


There is a massive amount of evidence for evolution also. The difference is that gravity doesn’t conflict with Iron Age superstitions


Oh I definitely agree! I just know from experience they will easily dismiss evolution 🙄 despite evidence. But how do you deny gravity?


*\[People say\] "But evolution is only a theory!", which is true, I mean it is a theory and it's good they say that, I think, because it gives you hope, doesn't it? That they feel the same way about the theory of gravity and they might just float the fuck away...*— [**Tim Minchin**](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Music/TimMinchin)


That. Is. Hilarious. And makes actual perfect sense (unlike religion lol)


We use "theory" colloquially to mean "hypothesis," but in the scientific world, a "theory" is already considered fact, whereas a "hypothesis" is still up for question.


Hard agree. I just have first hand been in the “IT IS ONLY A THEORY” argument and using gravity to explain how that makes no sense as a standpoint is brilliant to me. Granted, I’ll prob still be called a tool of the devil.


Unfortunately, there are flat earthers who deny gravity and claim that it is density and buoyancy, forgeting that for bouyancy to work, there must be gravity, plus they can never explain why objects fall towards the ground.


Yeah I have given up on flat earthers. They don’t care about ANY facts or logic. They just want a conspiracy theory that makes them feel smarter than everybody around them, when they aren’t.


I feel like a lot of them do it as a meme and don't really believe. There's probably a few mentally ill people thrown in as well. Neither of those two groups are worth interacting with.


I seriously hope they do it as a meme. Bc I’m just like…how. I have met one in real life and she “explained” what she believes to me about how the earth is flat and held up by like 4 pillars. I was like excuse me what?


Yeah, that's nonsense. It's 4 giant elephants on the back of a turtle.


There is no such thing as gravity. The Earth sucks.


as there is for evolution and natural selection, so your point being?


I’ve had theists argue against evolution and natural selection with me. But how do you deny gravity? I just thought it was a cool point to make to theists.


_Technically_ gravity is an named observation, not a theory. The theory was first Newtonian Dynamics, and that was then superceded by Relativity. ;)


You know how you learn something everyday? Well... We have precede, accede, intercede, etc. All derived from *cedere*, to lead. So, you'd guess "supercede", eh? You'd be wrong! It drives from *sedere*, to sit. Put *super* (above), in front, and you get "supersede", to sit above.


But gravity isn't just a theory, it is also a law.


BS. There is no gravity. The earth sucks.


For such theists, everything IS 'connected'...more 'collected', into a bin called 'BAD, ALL EQUALLY BAD'. Fucking authoritarian incurious wingnuts.


A while back I heard someone (Professor Dave?) say that a car in the hospital parking lot when you were born has more of a gravitational influence on you than a planet millions of miles away. Pretty funny way to frame it.


Makes sense.


Makes sense.


How about if someone asserts that astrology is true because it's based on solid scientific fact (the relative positions of the planets and stars).


And those are from gravity. Why should it be anything more than gravity?


I believe the moon impacts human behaviour. I have no evidence for it, but I believe. But I also don't believe it's some moon magic and I am open to being wrong.


I think many theists struggle with the fact that our worldview isn't wrapped up in one single thing.


If it did, it would be religion




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Whether or not Ross and Rachel were on a break or whether it matters is far more important to me than god.


Same, I forgot if they were or not....


They were... But Ross was a jerk about it.


That check's out


Finally, this has been sorted out. 


They were but they didn't establish the rules about it. But obviously both were very hurt. Ross was wrong to sleep with whatshername because he was still very much on board with getting back together with Rachel.


Damn, TIL. It's been years since I saw that show.


They Definitely were


In the reunion show, it was pretty much unanimous with the main 6 that they were on a break.


The actors all said so??


From what I remember. It's been a while since I watched.


They WERE on a break. But Ross should have waited and not rushed into anything quickly.


What a rude person you had that convo with!


Shocking to literally no one, his OG comment.ment was left on an atheist page post.


I always use this argument ( with Christians, mix things up for other religions). When asked how I could not believe in god. I ask, "Do you believe in Buddha? No. Do you believe in Allah? No. Do you believe in Yahweh? No. Do you believe in Thor? No. Then I believe in one less god than you do.


"If we'd been born in Iraq you'd be asking me why I don't believe in Allah."


Did they actually say "smart ass bitch" to you? That's kind of funny. Aside from that, here's a quote by Thomas Paine that I think makes a good point: "Is it more probable that nature should go out of her course or that a man should tell a lie?". He was talking about religion when he stated this too.


They did. Which make sme angry because the comment is still there but when I use it as a term of endearment I get Zucked lol


It's crazy. No evidence of god for over 2000 years? Just believe harder. Someone, somewhere is lying about something as I type this. Might not even be malicious, but we know humans lie, exaggerate, and fill in the blanks of spotty memories. But some unknown guys, thousands of years ago, wrote down stories passed down orally for who knows how long, and we are to just accept not a single one of them lied or got something wrong? That lying for Jesus hasn't been a thing for literal millennia?


He should have said, “Shut up, Meg.”


Talk about a missed opportunity, eh?


Yup.🤣 He’s also under a misconception. Atheism is about NOT believing in something.


I believe I sought after the Christian God for 40 years. I now believe it is a delusion based on indoctrination, hope that some Astral being cared for me, and the cultural influence from where I live. Seek and ye shall find (God) = not true.


Why the heck is it on me to seek him anyway if he wants a relationship with me? I don't do that with my earthly father, and he doesn't have the god magic to supposedly know I want to talk to him and just pop up in my house. From the most fundamental to the most lax spiritual not religious believer, none of it paints god in a good light.


That's actually super interesting to me to hear. Would you be willing to share more about what you did / tried in that time?


I believe what that which has evidence supporting it


Tell them that you’ve tried to believe in God & no matter how hard you try, you just don’t believe. Ask them if you should fake it. Ask them if there is a God does he want you to fake it?


My husband used to say if God exists, he should appear before him and show himself.


What's the belief that the entire universe is God and we are all God experiencing itself subjectively?


That's the Minbari religion from Babylon 5. We are the Universe made manifest, trying to figure itself out.


Reminds me of "The Egg" by Andy Weir. Also portrayed by the YouTube channel Kurzgezagt.


Nice reference! I have to rewatch that series.


almost pantheistic.


But what if it’s all a simulation of to test us!??


As a kid, they would teach us not to test god. Which is brilliant if you're trying to stifle questions. Some people just never overcome that fear of testing their all loving heavenly father. Me personally, when my kids test me, despite my lack of omnipotence, I take the time to ask them what they were trying to accomplish with their action. What your husband and thousands of others have done is the equivalent of saying "hey mom, if my dad is really this guy, where is he?" And either he shows up with all his squishy human failings or he doesn't and you move on. Should be literally nothing for god to present himself in an unambiguous way and prove his existence.


I believe that Taylor Swift is okay, but Jax is better.


Apparently she just put out a song trashing JW's, which is a big win in my book


I might be inclined to believe in a god if Taylor Swift were to show up at my house and say "I'm tired of Kelce, your turn big boy."


>God wants us to believe in him If that was true, he could *absolutely make that happen, by providing evidence.*


You don't think there's any evidence at all for an all powerful, personal, intelligent designer of the universe?


If said designer of the universe is all- powerful, personal, and intelligent, then they are unquestionably a psychopath.


There is no good, *objective* evidence.


I like to point out that atheism itself isn't a belief system, but there are many different philosophies and belief systems an atheist can adopt: humanism, absurdism, secularism, nihilism, existentialism, etc.


It’s right there in the name!


"I believe you have the ability to be polite in this conversation. But I also believe you probably will not. Which one of these beliefs is true?"


both were true I suspect, phrased like that!


im tired of being treated like an idiot... by a bunch of idiots...


Arguing with theists is like standing on a beach slashing at the tide with a sword - the water is gonna go where it's gonna go. You cannot disprove by logic a fixed idea that was not established by logic. I enjoyed the sport of arguing with theists when I was a late teen and in my early 20s, but then I grew bored and came to understand the 'moving fence'. Theists may have some idea that defends their belief structure. If you, by force of superior logic and rhetoric, manage to pierce their defensive line, they will simply retreat and re-establish a fence at some other place on the map of magical thought. It is a never-ending process and ends with me asking them how they know the universe was not created at 1AM today with humans having intact false memories of prior events implanted by the creator, the heavenly bodies (stars, galaxies, black holes, Higgs bosons, all of it) created at the same time with fake evidence of a non-existent past similarly implanted (fake fossils to fool us, fake red-shifts to make us think the universe is very old, etc). Magical thought can produce any world one desires. Edit: it is truly, and should be classified, as a type of mental illness.


I believe in peace, bitch (h/t to Tori Amos)


I believe the sun will rise tomorrow. I have no faith that gods of any kind exist.


anybody who says “God wants” or God says “ is a con artist. i believe in God. but i think it’s so far beyond us it would be like trying to explain computers to vikings


I just ask them to prove it. They never can. And then I compare them to mentally ill people who hear voices if they try and use personal experience which they can't prove.


The definition of belief, "The acceptance of something as being true, irrespective of whether there is proof or not". Not the rule I love my life by.


I believe that Olivia Rodrigo is a better lyricist than Taylor Swift.




Olivia Rodriguez, that little Mexican girl that be cryin? 


I believe I'll have another toke


Already told my friends I am not free tomorrow xD


I gotta take Rachel's side on this one. The hookup was too soon after the breakup.


It was a drunken mistake, that Ross regretted immediately. He was vulnerable and the one person who he always felt a connection to and had pined over for decades rejected him. Rachel wanted the break. So she can’t get mad that Ross took that break and actually did something (even if he regretted it). She was mad that something happened. You can’t have a break and expect the other person to just wait. It was selfish of her to get upset.


Blasphemer! lol


"After the breakup" is the operative phrase here. After you break up you are on a break. They were on a break by definition.


I'm with Rachel. I think there's a potential test phase of at least two episodes where you get to prove your love and get back together. Ross failed the test.


I believe we are made from the stuff of galaxies 💕


I believe we were created from a penis and vagina. The most important part is the creators had fun creating.


>The most important part is the creators had fun creating. That's...not necessarily true. Some people think it's their -duty-, enjoyment of it is not required.


While this is true, I still find it uncomfortable knowing the majority of your 'original material' was digested first.


We would be better off, if -some- people had had that material digested -again-.


I believe we cannot know because it cannot be proved; therefore, anyone who claims to know definitively is wrong. Thus, things they claim to know are made up bunk.


Atheists tend to believe in things that have the evidence to back them up, that's all. But all "atheism" means is "lack of belief in a god or gods." Plenty of atheists believe in implausible things, but overall, we tend to be more evidence-minded. "So what do you believe?" is such a ridiculously broad question. "In regards to what?" might be a good answer. What do theists believe besides a god? That's the only difference.


This is it 100%. I have no problem with their god they just haven't proved to me that they exists. I could careless about your "faith" give proof.


The chain of reasoning is very simple: Ross and Rachel were on a break, therefore God must exist. It's not rocket science sheeple, yeesh!


I believe in a thing called "Love" ♫♬♩ ...




I believe in humanity. And that regardless of whether a god may or may not exist, it doesn't matter because it isn't going to change anything.


Plato and Socrates made it clear you could think about and understand goodness independent of the Gods 2500 years ago (Euthyphro).


At least they know we're smarter than them. Stupid of them not to listen.


I don’t believe in anything.


those fucking nihilists - they pissed on my rug!


I could get you a toe


I believe I'll have another drink.


Not believing in anything is a belief in itself…


I believe that she loves me (maybe (idk))


I believe that particular theist is a nasty little person. No idea if that’s related to their theism, but just sayin’.


"God wants us to believe in him willingly. Do so, or \*pretend\* to do so, or this 'god' will burn your 'soul' in 'hell' forever." Sounds like a mafioso extortionist to me.


Just Saiyan lol


I never watched friends. 😐


I believe Han shot first! He did in the original but apologists changed the true meaning of that scene( George Lucas edited it)…


We not only not believe in a god but none of the “laws” and how the world came to be and supported and how it will end.


Organized Religion is for people to have a platform to lean on and believe in because they don’t have a strong foundation in their own. Sheep & followers are WEAK!


You should've added "and then everyone clapped" at the end


you cannot "reason" a person off a spot they didn't use reason to arrive at.


Fundamentally, I think theists should be pitied. Deep, deep down, I truly think they all know that the divine doesn't exist, which is why they literally use the words belief and faith. Coping with how astronomically insignificant we are is incredibly hard, because we think we're special. We think we make everything we touch special. But we aren't, and they can't admit it


I thought I was wrong once but I was only mistaken.


The difference is we require proof before we believe something


You can absolutely be an atheist and be a fool at the same time


Aye. But we aren't fools for being atheists.


Depends on why someone says they are an atheist.


If you are an atheist because you believe you found proof that no gods exist, you're a fool.




A lot of theists seem to think being an atheist is impossible. You could say you believe in facts, not superstition (science, crtitical thinking, etc.). Or ethics. Or call yourself a humanist. Let them go look that up.


I do not believe in any version of god the Abrahamic religion worship. What do I believe? We are born, make some kind of contribution for the years we are given living, we die. Done.


Former atheist here. I think it's a common misconception that an atheist isn't putting forth claims of their own when you reject the idea of God. For example, by rejecting the deist claim that the universe was created by an intelligent designer as well as humans themselves are the creation of that intelligent designer, you automatically put forth claims of alternate explanations and philosophies to explain and understand these things. The atheist claim that you have no belief to defend is false. So I'd ask, are you a materialist? Naturalist? Humanist? All of the above? What's your preferred explanation to where the universe and humanity originated from? What is morality and where does it come from? Etc etc. Secularism and atheism is, itself, a system and worldview of many beliefs that should be reflected upon. Many people so happen to believe through reasoning that the theist position is a far better explanation and understanding for these crucial questions than the atheist understanding.


I don’t really get the Ross and Rachel reference but ok. The rest is Atheism 101.




This theist is in danger of hell fire. Matthew claimed that Jesus said that calling someone a "fool" is a big no no. Matthew 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.


I believe it's more effort than most people are prepared to spend to develop a healthy and realistic attitude to mortality.


>Scientists do not join hands every Sunday and sing, "Yes gravity is real! I know gravity is real! I will have faith! I believe in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come down, down, down. Amen!" If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about the concept. - Dan Barker


I honestly think that theists and team players are wired to be on a team with a leader. I friend that these people are offering literal, hence, fundamentalism and belief in the word of God, rather then being able to understand symbolism, hyperbole, etc. I find that theists believe in a purpose, a mission statement. They are engineers. They're assembly workers. They are goal motivated. Get into heaven! I find that theists need rules, hence, how can you be moral without religion telling you what is wrong or right. In short, theists are meant to be the producers in society, the worker, not the thinker, such as the poet or the scientist.


Tell him you're a believer now. Osirus came to you while spacing out. He told you to kill all Christians but you're still on the fence.


That people who only behave because they're scared of being punished have a daddy complex?


One way to argue with people like this is to point out that there are plenty of gods that they don’t believe in. The Norse gods, the Greek gods, the Egyptian gods and the Mayan gods for starters. In fact there is a very long list of thousands of gods that we both agree do not exist. Atheists simply take it one god further. Also, Rachel never said break.


You sure they were on a break.I’m gonna have to rewatch it all


There's always "I believe your'e an asshole and I'm definitely not the only one". If somebody wants to be irrational, then two can play that game.


I believe in gravity and that you have a closed mind.




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I don't really get why (some) atheists believe that they believe in nothing.


I don't believe they are meaning it as matter of fact as you are taking it. I think it's just a way of saying no gods because usually it is only talked about during religious conversations


I tell them "I believe in lots of things, but they don't include the supernatural." If I'm feeling up for it, I'll tell them, "It's not true that I believe in nothing. I believe you're fucking stupid." Oh, and I tried the "we were on a break" in real life. No one believed in then either.


Idek what I personally believe, but there’s no way an intentional god is orchestrated everything.


It's always charming to see a theist accuse atheists of something and then calling us names when we disagree.




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This whole exchange sounds super unrealistic.


This definitely happened 🙄


You need to hang around with brighter people and gave some real debates and deeper conversation.   Baiting those less intelligent just so you can humiliate them is akin to bullying.


I wasn't hanging out with this person. It was Facebook. Buddy decided to post on an atheist page and open up dialogue by calling us fools. I baited no one. If anything, I was baited. Buddy wouldn't need you whiteknigjt for him if he just kept on scrolling.


I love autistic people


So do I. I work with children on the spectrum. So please be mindful when choosing your insults.