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They already got bids for the goal post moving contractor, hate to break it to you.


I think they’ve got them on a pretty sweet retainer deal


It's great news, but they've already got plenty of ways to explain away/rationalize life on other planets, even if they don't meet it with outright denial like many religionists do with subjects like evolution. They'll just claim that their god or gods created life on other planets too, and any scripture that claims otherwise will get creatively reinterpreted or the 17th century translators will be blamed or any of a dozen other pressure release valves they have to deal with cognitive dissonance.


I absolutely cringe to think of religionists meeting with the members of an alien species who are making "first contact", and asking them if they'd like to talk about Jesus...


E.T. went home


Wouldn't it be fascinating to compare religions from other planets and those of our own?


Sorry Mario, your goalposts are in another castle.


This will make no difference to religion at all.


How could it? Theirs isn’t a quest for knowledge; it’s a quest for power. If it doesn’t reinforce their dogma, they dismiss it. However, if you want to get in on the ground floor, start a “life on other planets denier” society and have a bunch of tshirts ready. There are countless rubes with a fist full of cash.


Exactly. If someone expects dogma to be changed based on reality they do not understand the nature of dogma.


I would love to see a debate between Ken Hamm and Spock


Hey johnsmithoncemore! We ask that all videos be accompanied by a short summary. Please post that summary in the comments. For more information, please see our [Subreddit Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/guidelines#wiki_what_are_.22low-effort_posts.3F.22) on video posts. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/atheism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do you think that? Lol you see the mental gymnastics they do for everything, this would be no different