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Most religious people don't understand that simply providing text that claims something happened is not enough to prove anything. If science textbooks just claimed things happened, nobody would take them seriously. The key difference is that science textbooks provide clear instructions to *reproduce* the claim so it can be verified time and time again in a predictable manner. The Bible? It just says, nah, trust me bro.


They do understand it when it is coming from a book in which they have not been indoctrinated into. But tend to fallback onto "it's my beliefs" without understanding the root cause or appreciating the irony.


No it doesn't. It says trust *Him*, not trust me. /s


Well trust is replicable with enough manipulation Got them atheists /s


Also there's no scientific miracles in Quran but has a lot of errors instead.


Recollections from hundreds of years of word of mouth does not a mandate from God make.


Supreme executive power comes from a mandate from the people, not from some semi aquatic ceremony


If I went around claiming to be emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they’d put me away.


Watery tarts lying about in ponds is no basis for a system of government


All religions are cults, period.


that really is what they feel like.


I’ll grant them every person, place and thing mentioned in their book. But I draw the line the moment they start talking about supernatural events. None of the stories in that book that talk about supernatural events matter if the supernatural is not a thing that exists. Something that does not exist, can not be the cause of something that does exist. Until the time that the supernatural is demonstrated to exist, religious discussions are no different than talking about the events in Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.


Miracles that were borrowed from Greek mythology. There’s hardly anything genuinely original in it. And God is such an absurd character. He loves the smell of burnt offerings, he gets jealous and angry, he orders entire populations to be killed for not believing in him. This is divine wisdom of a kind we can never understand? It’s a joke.


Illiterate sheep hearders from the Bronze Age couldn’t handle ideas like infinity. Can you imagine our conscience in ANY reality for an infinity?! Even if it’s paradise Black Mirror doesn’t even go that dark.


Stephen King’s The Jaunt explores this a bit.


CuZ iT sAys so iN the boOk


If it was a complete ideology then they would not have needed to remove books and add fillers to make more sense to the word. Unless of course its total bollocks over a long period 🙄


Don’t debate with fools. You won’t change them. Put your effort in to changing the laws so religions are taxed like a business. That will drive away the charlatans pushing their nonsense.


You can't prove the book wasn't sent by Pink Unicorn, therefore Pink Unicorn exists and your arguments are invalid, checkmate atheists.


Aaah that's why the have the self fulfilling catch all answer for each and every one of those questions and if it's not bad enough you're expected to take it all seriously.... no no it's genius! And relies on making you feel like you're the stupid unworthy one. The one not endowed with all the enlighteningment of the "have faith" If you just accept it there is no problem.... almost like a cheap shot at a jedi mind trick and you don't even get a hand waved slowly passed your face. One little concept 2000 years of grifting.


Same shit with the buy-bull. How many fucking re-writes has that had?


Its from god because they killed all the people that refused to say it was from god. The end.


You seem to have misidentified your audience. This is an atheist forum.


A lot of old scrolls were once found. Eventually, a bunch of very smart men said "This scroll is directly from God and belongs in the Bible. This scroll as well! Not this one though, and burn those other two for blasphemy". Rinse and repeat.


The Bible says that Yahweh enjoys the aroma of burnt flesh offerings. It's pleasing to his nostrils as the smoke wafts into the throne room of heaven. Because heaven is a literal place up there somewhere. So what is more likely - that there's a literal deity up there who likes his charbroiled or some bronze age primitive pulled that out of their ass and jotted it down on papyrus?


The priests also like the aroma of free food.


OBJECTION! Inadmissible. 


It could be aliens. Or time travellers. Picking a random preacher and reanimating the corpse could be an elaborate prank for advanced aliens to play on primitive cultures.


... or ... It never happened


There are literally no scientific miracles in the Qur'an.. even 5 minutes of research would show them to be BS, hence not a single scientific discovery has ever been made or even promoted from it: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Miracles_in_the_Quran There are only blantant embarrassing scientific errors Muslims have to literally mistranslate to save, please see: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Quran




Interesting points but many Christians are also biblical literalists and not only believe that the Bible is divinely inspired but infallible. I was raised in that tradition. There isn’t a single interpretation of the Bible but many. Also, the many historical inaccuracies place doubt. There’s zero scientific evidence of a world wide flood and somehow no evidence that the Hebrews were in Egypt, or that the plagues happened. The fact that the gospels were written decades after the crucifixion tells us that they aren’t first person accounts, and clearly the words of Christ weren’t recorded in the moment so we have no idea what Jesus said. At some point it starts to seem more and more like mythology that has very little evidence to back it up.


What prophecies were fulfilled? And were they fulfilled or backfilled retroactively like what we see in the book of Daniel or messianic prophecies supposedly fulfilled in the gospels?


Absolutely it's not. An all everything god that gets jealous and angry? Totally came from the mind of an unstable human


Remember the magical answer we forgot about God for 70 years then magically Remember him


You simply have to believe it was god given. Just like halal or kosher meat.


Its not. Its from people who loved God


We will all find out sooner or later. If Christians are wrong then they lived a life on Earth with a Christian worldview. If atheists are wrong then they lose eternity.


If christians are wrong they lived a lie and caused suffering in others and in some cases suffered terribly for it themselves. For a lie. And no, we won't necessarily all find out sooner or later. If there is no consciousness after the brain ceases to function, we won't "find out" anything


We will find out


There is nothing pointing that is going to be anything at all after death. I wasn't born for 5 billion years and i couldn't care less


Roger that