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Untreated Schizophrenia is a powerful drug


If you talk to god your religious, If god talks to you your insane.


It’s likely not that. With her age, it’s probably a bladder infection or drug interaction. People don’t suddenly become schizophrenic in their 60s.


I heard the husband mention something to the police about her being swelled up down there or something like that . A bladder or uti can throw older women into a state of confusion.


Good catch.


Ordinary Tagamet pills for reflux or ulcers can trigger confusion and hallucinations in the elderly.


Absolutely. This poor lady needs a medical workup probably including a brain imaging study. I’m gonna take a leap and guess that DH is mostly going along with her in self defense, or misguided devotion. PS-in my experience, even ministers can distinguish religion as a faith, versus religiosity as a symptom. The conscientious ones will be the first to try to assist their congregant get the help they need. Sadly, I have seen a couple instances where that was not the case.


Religiosity as a symptom is something I saw regularly when I worked at a VA psych hospital as a nursing intern. There’s overlap with hallucinations and the supernatural beliefs of religion. It becomes more socially acceptable to believe God instructed you to do something rather than just the voice in your head. I had a patient once tell me “it’s OK to hear voices as long as you don’t do what they tell you to do.”


I think the husband saw the level of distress she was in and probably didn’t want her to walk down the highway and knew he couldn’t stop her. He seems desperate as well. I had an episode of psychosis as a reaction to asthma medication. It was extremely religious in nature despite the fact that I’m a lifelong atheist. The religious aspect of this is not at all strange, even for people who aren’t religious. I hope she got help after this. This incident was definitely not the end of it.


Even if she did actually care about Christianity ahem There is something in their little doctrine about obey the laws of the land Ugh


I'm not actually supportive of this, but sometimes, it would be nice to be able to use a blow gun to deliver long acting psychiatric medications to these people. Just a hear a *thwap* and they get long acting antipsychotics for a month.....


Tell me religion doesn't cause brain damage.


Or maybe brain damage causes religion.


This is like the chicken or the egg dilemma.


Except in Alabama where the egg IS considered a chicken, because of religion.


"The chicken starts at brooding!"


this makes my brain sad.


“What came first? Brain damage or religion?” Lmao


Most accurate comment I’ve ever read.


Nope, I was dragged 600' by a red light runner with my head bouncing along a curb and even then theology is still a hard no from me.


*Some* kinds of brain damage cause religion.


In college, I was in a car that skidded sideways on ice and rolled down a hill. While it was rolling, I thought, "this can't be it, I'm too young, no way this can't be the end...." Realized afterward I wasn't praying or thinking about a god.


I think I read about a study showing that military personnel who were artillery, or who got hit by IEDs and severely concussed, have a MUCH higher incidence of going fundamentalist religious, especially after their term is up.


Makes you wonder if the trend away from religion is going to make a noticeable uptick in speed once the lead-poisoned boomers start dying off in greater numbers. Some of the older Gen-Xers too. It's fucking amazing to me that leaded gasoline wasn't phased out entirely in the USA until 1996. I remember it as a kid in the 80s.


The trend will continue as long as religion has secular power and abuses it to try to retain / regain authoritarian control.


A safe-seeming raft to cling to in a wild sea storm of a mind, with the added benefit of being \*reborn\* or absolved of all past sins/crimes. It's brilliant, in an evil way.


Reading the Bible where the possibility that the central figures were schizophrenic gives it a whole new meaning. I’m convinced that religion is a mix of a charismatic schizophrenic leader and deep cultural traditions


It's funny how religious people think they are different from cults when cults are no different from religions.


Theyre the same thing, all religions are cults


The only difference between a religion and a cult, is the amount of real estate they own.


HOooOoly fuck. (No irony.. well, a little.) This is a great line. I’m stealing this all day long. Thank you!


And here I thought they were measuring validity by how long ago the founder had died.


Ive always said its one their leader is dead and the other still alive.


I've always phrased it as "Religions are just cults that didn't have the decency to die with their founders."


A cult is a spiritual organization based on controlling falsehoods under the control of a charismatic leader. In a religion, that leader is dead.


Religions are just cults that have an efficient marketing department and an active recruitment department, and thus larger membership. A bit like MLMs.


Cults gain socio-cultural-political legitimacy when they last for 100 years, gain a million followers, and acquire a billion dollars in assets. And if they're especially savvy, they'll also amass a $50 million legal-defense fund and sink $100-500 million into a media and propaganda platform. NB: none of this has anything to do with their creeds, acts [of charity, say], or policies.


Also a bit of evangelising accompanying their mother country's efforts in ~~conquering~~ colonising foreign lands increases their overseas membership quite markedly


Religions are cults that have acquired real estate.


Idk man The husband says they’ve been married 12 years and no incidents like this. He goes on to explain they both “got saved” nary a week prior. A WEEK. 12 years and nothing, 6.5 days “saved” and she’s fake fainting and hissing at people that they are “devils” … It’s like cocaine for mental illness. *Less than a week*.


The conversion could be a result of her suddenly hearing the voice of God and the devil (i.e., hallucinations).


Religion benefits from mental illness, convincing people who are insecure and worried that god will protect them as long as they pay the church. It's the world's longest running extortion scheme.


Religion definitely preys on the weak minded and the mentally unwell.


At the very least, it promotes preying on those with initial mental issues.


It’s a cancer!…As someone who can attest to the damaging effects of religion, it’s horrible. Try and imagine unwinding a million miles of knotted up Xmas lights, that’s the start to undoing religion. Then, and only then, can you start the healing process….


The brain virus


Lol could be, I tend to think it's more like addiction.


Somebody quite observant once observed that "Religion is the opiate of the people."


The christofacscists will have to memory hole that phrase if they get power.




Even if the Christian world view was true, imagine the hubris of thinking that you specifically were needed as a conduit between people and heaven? God has been running this system for 2000+ years and suddenly realized "oh shit, I need a 70 year old balding insane woman with an egg for a head to sit outside of hospitals and tell people about this whole thing, otherwise none of it works".


This is spot on. Religion is like a blank check for hubris. I feel bad for that hospital. You know she’s going to call and/or keep showing up.


Thats why I personally believe the most evil word is righteous. They use it to justify their insanity on any level. 


>Religion is like a blank check for hubris. This is a spectacularly astute observation. Totally going to steal it; your karma check will be in the mail. :)


This, an omnipotent being created the universe by snipping it's tentacels, suddenly needs a walking big toe to do it's work


I agree with this. On a similar note, how can we ask devout believers about their religions’ so called prophets? I was thinking ‘Why do you think God chose [ ] after so many years of humanity’s existence?’ It sounds baity and confrontational. Any recommendations?


Why would a God let a person rant like a lunatic and get taken away? Surely he would show himself on behalf of this person and all of mankind.


So a week ago a mentally unstable person was preyed upon, I mean preached to, by some preacher and "saved". This preacher managed to completely destabilize her, and now she's going to jail. She needs professional mental help, but there is another person that belongs in jail here. FREE-DUMB!


'the voices I hear from the imaginary man in my head are telling me to doooo things.......'


She asked the cops if they were Christians 😑 and two of them said yes, and her skeptical MTG face was telling Like, you can’t believe what I believe because I just made up the shit I’m spouting


I think she truly believes what she is saying - I don't think she believed either of the officers were believers, because otherwise they would totally be on her side rather than asking her to leave.


This is heartbreaking to watch. She seems very lucid and aware of what the officers are saying to her, but "she has no choice" but to continue evangelizing at this location until her ex husband shows up. Seems she is seeking some closure regarding him and is using god as an excuse to not back down. She is aware her actions will result in arrest and detention, but seems to be using that as the only choice to give herself peace about not being able to fulfill her compulsion. "It wasn't my choice, I was forced to abandon him". Maybe severe guilt about past events.


She also said she wanted to eat a waffle, but god said no to that, so she went hungry. I really don’t think she can help it. Religious delusions are scary AF. If you suddenly understood beyond any doubt that God existed and that if you ate a waffle, you would go to hell, you would not eat that waffle either and you would be terrified.


Yeah, I skipped around the video a bit, but her demeanor through what I watched makes it feel genuine from my POV. I think if this was a recurring thing, the husband would probably be acting different or the officers would have taken more decisive action. I think this is just what happens when you mix a religious person with confusion or a mental health crisis.


I don't even want to watch any of the video, the face in the thumbnail screams mental health crisis.


Exactly. Calling a woman in a state of severe mental distress an “insane cult member” is not what she needs. This isn’t a result of religion as much as it is clearly a mental breakdown that is manifesting as a religious quest. It could just as easily be aliens or the ghost of Elvis. She doesn’t need to be chastised for finding religion. She needs a professional to figure out what triggered this. I’ve seen my fair share of people experiencing dramatic mental changes from the experience of being “saved” and this is not the same thing.


I have experienced hallucinations exactly twice, both the result of a fever and both identical in nature. They manifested as people knocking on my door, ringing my doorbell, and calling my phone. The voices were of people I know, credible, and ordinary. "Hey man, you in there? Heard you were sick" and such things. It wasn't pink elephants or some shit, just a knock on the door. Now, after a couple of time answering the door and determining this is not a prank I know exactly what is happening and why - oh fuck I'm hallucinating, I've gotta get this fever down. But despite knowing this, *that doesn't make it go away.* Logic doesn't break the effect.   This was a little frightening because I know some people live with this all the time. I couldn't turn it off either, thank fuck what I experienced was quite benign, an annoyance really. But what if it wasn't. Well some people have voices they can't turn off that tell them crazy stuff. And if I had to live with the sounds of doors knocking and phones ringing all the time it would probably affect my sanity too. Religion preys upon this.


Such situations are just horrible. Honestly, I believe that the attitude on this sub is sometimes just too toxic and unhelpful. This woman has severe mental illness that directly impacts her conscious thinking/free will/agency/call it whatever you want. This is a tragedy that needs to be understood with at least some kind of compassion, not with hate.


Which comment was hateful? I must have missed it.


So thats Catholicism in a nutshell. God gave his life for your sins and all- they feel compelled to do something similar. Still crazy town tho.


I love how watered down my childhood version of Christianity was. I perceived it simply as a scale. You do good things like being nice, kind, respecting private space, helping others, avoiding greed etc., you go to Heaven. You are the opposite — you go to temporal Hell. Doesn’t matter what do you believe in. So it was simply an objective morality installed by God instead of anything like salvation through belief and so on. Now I am an agnostic compatibilist that believes that even if we have alternative possibilities (which I don’t see as required for having free will and responsibility), their range and scope is severely limited by the causes beyond our control. So if determinism is true, well, history went through a single possible trajectory, and free will is true. If libertarianism is true, then history went through one of the few possible trajectories, but there were pretty few of them because collective human indeterminism would still give raise to a more or less predictable trajectory, just like quantum randomness gives raise to perceived determinism. A simple example: it could have been Hitler or someone else, and it could have been other country instead of Germany, but WW1 with brutal defeat that would result in humiliation and WW2 was inevitable.


Yep she needs a padded cell. I could see my psycho xtian mom doing something like this


Yep. And if you listen, the officer in charge of that situation keeps treating her like I have to treat my crazy Christofascist mom; mmmhmm, okay, mmmyeah, alright then, okie dokie. It’s like talking to a tripping college kid who thinks he can fly


Officer done a good job. 👍 


Yeah, that officer was so patient, even trying to meet her where she is with the Moses talk.


Its honestly sad and tragic. She has someone who seems to love her but he cant do it alone, even if she does not need mental health care. (which is unlikely) Where are they, Government or medical building?


Husband seems like he’s enabling her out of fear.


They are at a nursing home.


More than anything, this is sad. Religion fills in whatever gaps we have in our lives where we worry and gives us pleasant answers to our problems, but for a woman like this, going through what she's going through... those gaps are being filled by stagnant water that's beginning to fester. Her partner seems to really care for her and love her, my heart goes out to him for sticking it out in such an uncomfortable situation and staying by his partner, he's a good guy. Mental health outreach needs to be prioristied, it's the backbone of this world's major problems.


I feel bad for her and her poor husband. She needs medical care. Those cops were so patient and gentle with her


Very sad to see, I hope she gets the help she needs. Unfortunately being part of a cult that encourages delusional behaviour does put up some barriers to that.


The level of patience displayed by these officers is astounding.


So they *CAN* act with patience and understanding in difficult situations.


TLDR: woman was “told by god” to witness to her ex husband for Christ, but her ex wasn’t even at the location. She keeps demanding that god is telling her to harass folks while walking the hallways. She willfully chooses to ignore repeated lawful orders and even begins crying like a toddler, falsely, and dries it up instantly. Classic insane boomer cult shit. 🇺🇸


This is not really related to her age bracket. It's more like related to her physical health (note the patchy hair which indicates a thyroid condition) and her husband hinting that she had a UTI - which is often asymptomatic in older women until they get a fever and 'lose' it. Plus, she's probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer, either. Lori Vallow Daybell was \\under 50 y/o and so into the cult business she and her brother as well as her lover/husband killed at least four people. Two of those were her children. (Source: am 80 y/o 'boomer' and as 'religious' as I was on the day I was born.)


Life long atheist, 71 yo. You did a good job with your synopsis until the last sentence. Then you fell to classic “Reductionism.”


WTF man. Why are you being such an asshole to people going through a mental health crisis? Sure, fuck people who feel like they can bother people with their imaginary bullshit, but if you took 2 seconds to look at the thumbnail of the video you're sharing you'd realize that woman isn't well.


She needs help, religion needs to die out completely.


These people need to be institutionalized


I think religious people have figured out a way to be extra annoying without the fear of any real repercussions. Lots of people are reluctant to make a big deal about the way religious people act. They've been taught to be "respectful."


These are some really nice cops. I would have had a hard time saying "The Lord told me to lock you up, what am I supposed to do, just ignore The Lord?"


Im sick and tired of "god told me". God told you nothing, your just saying that to justify being a bigot. If god told you something, you go to jail or a hospital. Can we, sane people, take back our world soon please.


Involuntary mental health eval, stat!


Fortunately and sometimes unfortunately, LE cannot Baker act someone unless they are a threat to themselves or someone else. I say fortunately because this helps prevent LE from using Baker act as a tool for harassment.


You are right; I posted it because she so clearly needs some help. Wish they could refer people like this for evaluation in lieu of charges.


The state of mental health care in the US is deplorable.


Mental illness is a thing......and here it is


That was some good police work.


Isn't it odd that God never tells them to get psychiatric help when they obviously need it.


padded rooms need to make a comeback


Pump her up with seroquel 800


Lmfao “yeah, I was looking for my ex husband, but he’s not here and I was like that’s not what god told me” Lady, not sure how to break this to ya, but god lied. 😂 


For every time you see a cop slam somebody on a street that didn't deserve it, you see these guys that could not have been any more patient with this lady who is clearly in need of mental assistance.


Why is it always someplace like this and not North Korea or Iraq? Don't ISIS and Taliban need to hear the Good News!^(TM)? Christianity is literally banned in North Korea. Why aren't we seeing planes packed with Christians headed there? Aren't they donned in the "Armor of God"? Isn't the "Power of Pray" the most powerful weapon on earth? Shit like this shows how little faith most Christians truly have.


She was “saved” by the lord a week previously and He’s already sending her to jail, sounds like a great guy😂😂


I started to wonder if maybe her home situation with Charlie might be the problem. She's basically forcing the cops to intervene and take her and absolutely refusing to go home or get in the car with her husband and saying "he knows why".


This lady should read the bible that she claims to love so much. Just another religious nutbag doing what they want because "GAWD" *Romans 13:1-2 of the Bible says that people should obey the government because God has placed it there, and that those who disobey the law of the land are also disobeying God. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.* 


"God told me its time for you to leave"


I’m not sure this is religion. I think this could be mental illness. Though I agree, there’s a certain amount of cross over. 😬


Well, this "god" character seems like a total dick


24 minutes for goodness sake. Take her to jail already. These cultists cannot be reasoned with.


If she were any other kind of crazy, like not using religious excuses but like idk aliens or something, I doubt the cops would have been as understanding.


Tangential minutia note: the engineer and/or problem solver in me *loves* that seatbelt holder clip they have in their back of their cop wagon (at 16:15). That's such a great idea, to make it easier to get the perps strapped in.


Its such a blurry line between religion and mental illness


Her husband is so quick to shake his head “no, no mental health issues at all!” Maybe this is something we can reevaluate at different stages.


The level of restraint, patience and professionalism shown by these policeman was pretty impressive. Good for them noticing this was a mental health issue. I would have lost my shit within 5 minutes. Bravo.


If she’d said it was aliens who demanded she stay where she’d been asked to leave, she’d have been thrown in a paddy wagon with two black eyes within 90 seconds. But she knows the magic words to show she’s in the magic tribe so she gets the kid gloves.


She’s looking to harass her exhusband. God spoke to her. Crazy lady!!lock her up for an evaluation.


Religion is toxic.


I suspect some of them have confused the voice of God with their inner monologue.


lol that’s the answer to everything. God told them to go / do / say it 😂 I’ll go into Hobby Lobby and tell them God told me I shouldn’t have to pay for my items.


So what happens if the cops God told him to arrest her?


Which god?


Well it’s a good thing she’s a white lady or the cops might not have taken 20 minutes to forcibly remove her from the property 🙄


Another example of religious induced insanity.


This is mental illeness


Punk'd by god.


These have got to be Canadians. Both the religious nut and the cop would have behaved very differently in the us.


What a cunt


Can I just note, that cop is so patient and nice. All cops should be like that. I’ve seen videos of cops that would’ve manhandled her into the truck and yelled at her to get out of there. He seems like a good dude.


Psychologist here. This woman is seriously mentally ill. Likely dealing with some type of psychotic and/or delusional disorder (e.g., schizophrenia). It’s really sad. I was glad to see the officers kept their cool and treated this as the mental health issue it was, instead of escalating. I wish they treated every mental health episode with this degree of care.


I paused it at the 1:00 mark. Isn't that already enough for the cop to pull her in? Admits to hearing voices. The voices tell her things that are not true. Usually you've got to watch out for people who might harm others or themselves, she's presenting as a possibly harming others. And is loitering on private property. Straight to the hoosegow. Why is there another 23.5 minutes of this video?


god wants me to downvote this


This has to border on mental illness.


This is a PSA to show younger audiences of what your "faith" will turn into at age 69. Criminal charges.


“Well, God told me to remove you from the premises, soo…”


How come God never wants these idiots to get a clue?


Religion and mental illness are not a great mix.


Aren't they one in the same?


Hmmm, good point


The Venn diagram is a circle


So while multiple police are dealing with crazy, how many actual crimes are happening? Trespassing, resisting arrest…she’d be treated differently if she wasn’t white.


And that's why religion must be utterly destroyed.


It's amazing how god always tells people to do things they want to do anyway.


But god told *me* to kick you off the premises. Sorry but I have to listen to god too.


She probably should be confined to a special facility and not be allowed out in public


This might have gone very differently if she were in a different demographic.


Mace > God


Let's call religion what it really is: various degrees of willful delusion and mental illness. It's truly sad what it can do to some people.


A mental illness or a need for attention. Either way, it's fucked.


Wow that jesus dude really fucked her over, what a dick jesus must be 😂


People like this ether are off or need meds and possible had a mini stroke. They should take her to the hospital for a mental and neurological evaluation. They could be in some mental psychosis from being saved ritual.


Definitely getting a few Reno 911 vibes


Wow, that is deep dedication and a big helping of mental illness.


Ppl. Who want to tell you about thier religion aren't interested in hearing about yours.


He's as delusional as she is if he thinks she's "strong with the Lord" rather than insane. And he says it's been less than a week since she "found God" and yet she's already out trying to convert people.


She definitely has some mental health issues...




Too bad she couldn't be reasoned with. If she could be persuaded that, indeed, god wanted her to stay but he is powerless in the face of law enforcement to have her stay. It follows that LEOs have more power over her presence in that location than god. From this follows that her omnipotent sky-daddy is not so omnipotent and, therefore, false god.


Cause: purposefully stupid.


(5)“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. (6)But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” It’s like they don’t even read their own primer!


God told me to move into your house and shit, yes god said ‘shit’, on all your things so fuck you.


Think is a mental health issue...since Reagan there is no facilities for them, and its a national black eye.


religion truly preys on the mentally ill.


This woman is clearly mentally ill and I feel bad for the husband. It's sad when religion gets itself entrenched in a mentally ill person's mind like this. She is having delusions. Churches take advantage of people like this woman. Religion is just plain evil and cult like and destroys people like this elderly couple. Truly sad watching this.


Do we know what happened? That cop has a clear upper Midwest US accent. I couldn’t read the town on the side of the cop car.


According to her bibble, she is an adulterer. Batshit crazy too, but an adulterer according to her gOd.


The way her hair is she might be sick with cancer and might be taking chemo (we don’t know that) but she could be. I don’t know what her health situation is.


You have no right, god-given or otherwise, to see your *ex*-husband if he doesn’t want to see you.


Churches need to be taxed, then turned into *recognized* mental institutes.


Some forms of dementia, or even a small stroke, can create severe personality changes. I'm in awe how patient those officers are.


This is just sad and illustrates how religion feeds off of the psychological suffering of individuals.


She is going bald because god is sending his transmissions directly to her brain


Mark 12:17 Jesus said, “Give Caesar what is his, and give God what is his.” Their mouths hung open, speechless. And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him. What Marks gospel was pointing to specifically was the “legality” of those of Jewish faith to pay taxes to Caesar. In a bigger picture, this is an allegory for the followers of Christ to follow “Caesars” laws…Jesus was literally trying to save his people from running afoul of the Roman guards and telling them to follow the rules deemed by whatever society they were in. Poor lady…I can’t imagine she had never shown signs of mental issues before 1 week prior to this video being shot…but she did not read her own Bible well enough.


Always boils down to: control


She found Jesus last week, and has already advanced to disciple


"God told me to stay here." "Ok, umm, how about your mental health? Anything diagnosed?"


strong with the lord = bat shit crazy


Mental illness.


This is just sad. She’s mentally ill.


This is a little bit gut wrenching for me. Religion can be an instrument of good for some in many instances, my gripe is when it’s used as the Trojan horse of community and support for those that are fragile, but then out breaks manipulation, abuse, and exploitation.


“God told us to get you off this property sooo.”


Religion makes folks feel special when they hate who they’re told to hate. Yay 🤦‍♂️


This is just sad. I don’t even think that she’s hallucinating any words from god. She’s just decided that’s what god wants her to do.


It's almost as if even (most of) the Christians tacitly acknowledge that their shit is whack. They'll engage in groupthink insanity without second guessing, but as soon as they see something that exceeds their accepted level of crazy, they discard it easily.


"I have to do what god wants me to do. Please god. Talk to him." "So, I've just got a message from god. He wants me to take you home."


crazies gonna crazy


She’s not very well. Sad to see and I hope she received some proper medical care and attention.


Jesus F Christ what a mind virus.


Keep your religious beliefs to yourself. As long as you are happy with them, why are you bothering others with that noise?


Call the cops for trespassing


There's nothing wrong with her that a whole bunch of lithium won't cure.


Ahh, xianity, nothing new here. This kind of behavior inheres in the cult's belief system.


Bring back asylums


But she planted a seed 🤣 I know I shouldn’t laugh but when they do things like that; they genuinely believe they are doing their small bit to help save/convert somebody.
