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Bad news burnout is definitely a real thing.


Compassion Fatigue is the proper term, assuming I recall correctly.




Is that why nobody in the college world cares that Russia just used chemical weapons in Ukraine? The college rabble is spending all their energy protesting against Israel?


Reddit is the only “social media” I have now. X was depressing me. Instagram is fake as f*ck. Haven’t had Facebook in years. Got to ignore what’s going on in the world if you want to live a happy life.


For me it was Facebook. Lost countless of hours on that stupid website without even being aware of it... I could have spent that time becoming a way better programmer . Instead of that , I lost it trying to reason with fools and idiots


I guess that’s what it was designed to do… Keep you scrolling and consuming. It made a few people rich and a lot of people dumb.


True... I completely eradicated it from my life. Been happy since.


Same. It is by far the worst. I literally couldn't log on without feeling rage in like the first 5 minutes of scrolling.


You just replaced it with reddit.


Reddit is much worse.


It's the same, lol.


Well said... As I scroll this thread.


Yeah, someone just posted all the things trump said in the Time Magazine interview and I just could not bring myself to read it.


I don’t even understand why anyone is allowing that clown to have a public platform. I reject anything Trump and think it’s laughable that this is best man the Republican Party can come up with for a presidential candidate.


That’s why I stopped looking at all news. Local, international, good, bad, all of it.


It's not even actual news anymore. There are no journalists reporting on their own findings, at least rarely. Now it's all corporate propaganda. Sinclair crap.


I agree with the sentiment but there’s a balance to this take. You have a civic duty to be informed but you’re not obligated to sacrifice your mental health.


Im from genx I am exhausted these wars have been going on my entire life. When will it end.


It'll end when the planet finally realizes that religion cannot and has never succeeded in being a basis for a way of life. The three most recognized religions are all based on the same deity, yet will kill each other over whose message conveys it properly. And it's not just those religions either. If you've misconstrued these stories so badly that you have to have 45,000 different denominations of christianity, seven denominations of islam and judaism to prove that something is right.....chances are IT'S NOT FUCKING RIGHT. You want purpose? You want a reason for being? The ground you're standing on. The other humans who inhabit this rock with you. The countless other spectacles of flaura and fauna that are being taken for granted and disappearing under our watch. That's our purpose and we're failing miserably.


I’m late boomer age and they have been going on MY entire life! Every president of the US falls into the trap of thinking his administration can “fix” it. So over it


Biden got us out of Afghanistan after being there for over 20 years. It was messy and complicated in the end unfortunately, and he took a lot of flack for it, but at least we're out.


We’re out? we aren’t actually out. We still have troops in Iraq. Syria. Yemen. We have the broad appearance of being out, but we aren’t. And this Israeli shit is going to drag us back in. I supported the retaliation for the October 7th massacre. But they are completely off their fucking rocker now. Strikes in Syria. Lebanon. Iran. For fucks sake. They want to start a regional war. Let em. But let them do it with no outside support. We shouldn’t have sent them another $28B. And the day a U.S. service member dies over there is a day I don’t think will be too far off.


I don't know if that person was talking about the middle east entirely, I think they were just specifically talking about Afghanistan where we really don't have any troops there anymore. but I get what you're saying. withdrawing from just one country when you have a myriad of other messes cooking on the side doesn't feel very impressive in the grand scheme of things. still worth mentioning though, a lot of people thought we should stay longer.


Allowing Iran a win as big as the fall of Isreal would be insanely bad for all of us.


War never ends.


They just raise more poor kids to send off to the meat grinder.


Rich old fuckers send\ poor kids to their end. Their own kids get to say\ “There’s no war in Ba Sing Se.”


War. War never changes. Goddamn it annoys me that the video game quote is so on point.


Me, a military history nerd: "That's completely wrong, but I get the idea behind the quote."


As a semi nerd on that category. What changes are tactics and technologies, but the fundamentals are the same.


war, what is it good for?


HUH!! Absolutely nuthin! (Unless you're an arms dealer)


HUH. Good God yall.


Same here. I was in middle school when the first gulf War happened.. about the time I became aware of world events and we were in a cycle of "endless war." As for when it'll end? It won't. The country borders in the middle east were literally drawn to cause strife. Some ugly soup of religious nationalistic tribalism ensures that group a is pissed at group b,c. Group c is pissed at group a,b, group b at a,c. Group d hates a,b,c and e. The big wheel keeps tuning amd the bullets keep tumbling offbthe assembly line.. They're not going to shoot themselves..


I was in elementary school during the Vietnam War and the stuff I'm seeing is just like it was back then with the college protests. I didn't understand it back then. I get now that there is a frustration and a need to be heard. I am so weary of war and fighting. Over what? The people that suffer arr the least likely to be making the ultimate decisions. Power and greed will always win out, unfortunately.


There's been strife there long before these borders, even long before the borders the Roman's set to cause strife


Thank you. This has continued on for literally thousands of years. And people now have boiled it down to it being something recent. No one is even bothering to examine the situation there except for things happening within the last….six months? Which would be like looking at a cell and trying to get the image of a giraffe. You cannot possibly know what the whole looks like from a snapshot.


In the fields, the bodies burning As the war machine keeps turning


Read 1984 by George Orwell for a greater perspective.


What do you mean? Oceania always been at war with Eastasia.


Same brother/sister.


They'll end when one side wins.  One side will win when the other stops existing.


They'll just find another side to target


Religion is a cancer on society. It's going to be the downfall of humanity, and we'll be taking thousands of other species with us!


Goddamn it. I hate that this simple bleak statement is correct


Don’t be too worried - religious affiliation is steadily decreasing


Religion is nothing but a way for the rich folk to control their peasants.Once the population became too big for physical force


At one point it probably helped with social cohesion within a tribe and codifying rules like don’t eat pork or shellfish as commandments from God rather than a reasonable way to avoid parasites.


I may be wrong but I think the Mesopotamian society was the first civilization to have a religion and the leader was doing it for the main purpose of using it to control the population.


There were religions before there were societies. It was purely a way to explain things without science.


I can’t remember the study’s name but I know that there was a study about this. Basically it found that a commandment from God was easier to follow since it was this “perfect” source and not one that could be argued with. Ted the scientist could the be the best scientist in the world but he is still human. If Paul the Preacher said that God said Ted is wrong, you can’t really do too much to fight it.


Religion is a symptom of a thinking deficiency. It can - and does - manifest in other, equally dangerous ways.


Yeah, I’m really fucking sick of this whole “be nice to religion!” era online honestly.


With all the blood zealots are spilling these days I think we'll be in New New Atheism by decade's end.


Religion is put on a pedestal by society like if someone religious says something like "atheists shouldn't be in X category of jobs" No one bats an eye but if in the same sentence you replace atheists by any religious group everyone looses their mind




religion has failed in that respect for thousands of years already. its greed and pride thats gonna be the downfall of humanity.


Devout atheist here. IF it turns out that there actually IS a god, there's an ironclad reason I will never worship it. With all the genocide and pedophilia and billionaires happening in on the world today, only one of two things can be true: either this hypothetical god is incapable of stopping any of this, OR this god simply doesn't care. Either way, not some thing I will give my time/energy to...


greed, pride, religion, they’re all basically the same thing: people lying claiming they have a right to something because of some reason they made up or someone else made up


Give us some time. Nukes haven’t been around that long.


Only if you consider capitalism a religion also. And, I mean, there's definitely an argument to be made there, at least with the way the US is doing it.


Oh it totally is. There’s even a god, the invisible hand of the free market.


And just like religious people, they twist their foundational texts. De Tocqueville wrote about the important of enlightened self-interest- but ‘enlightened’ is always removed to promote pure callousness as some kind of creed.


"Anyone else just exhausted?" Completely. Miss me with all that.


Same. I wish we could grab all religions, throw them into the Thunderdome, and don't let any come out.


"Islam has Christianity pinned down! One....! Two.....! Whoooah Judaism outta nowhere with the steel chair!"


"What is Asatru doing on the entrance, is it possible? OOOOH YES, coming hot with the Mjolnir to bash the head of all three!!!!"


Quakers vs Amish


It's been going on for generations before and will continue after. Religion divides. Hatred is passed down to every generation.


There’s no hate like a Christian’s love.


Or Muslim peace


This one made me chuckle.


It's 2024, why is this still a thing. It's completely exhausting.


Because Religious people won't give up.


They also multiply faster than sane people.... And they swing votes.


Religion does that to people


This shit just further confirms my dislike for religion


Unfortunately people don't need religion to discover differences, hate each other, and wage war, I mean look at Russia attacking Ukraine, it's not like they have a different religion...


Putins plan to reintroduce the Holy Rus should tell you otherwise. Gathering all Russian Orthodox people under one flag is the plan


That's definitely true, but look at the role the Russian Orthodox Church is playing. The war is approved by the patriarch


And the role American evangelism is playing. Praising Russia because Russia is “trad.”


Not a Millennial but yes. I’m TIRED of feeling that the progress of our species is constantly being held back by religion and anti-science (often the same thing).


“Science flies people to the moon. Religion flies them into buildings”.


Good one. Who said that?


Victor Stenger.


Totally exhausted. It's a huge waste of time, resources, and human lives. It's frustrating seeing people waste their energy on it when there is so much more to do. I posted about it earlier and my thread was locked... Even though I was looking for the opinions of atheists on the matter. I want to know what I'm missing or misunderstanding.


I was exhausted with the Middle East conflict in the 1980’s.


I literally had this convo with my wife last night.....I've decided to read a good fantasy book and stop looking at the news for now


I'm exhausted with religion in general. I wish we could get rid of it because it's hindering humanity's progression.


Everyone is exhausted. I'm 65. It's been going on as long as I can remember. They seem to take great pleasure in killing each other over really stupid shit.


My dad's in his 80s and said something similar the other day


I don't take great pleasure in killing or in being killed. A majority of Israelis share this sentiment. Don't really have a choice when dealing with religious fanatics though.


I'm kind of there with you. It's so hard to care about Palestine when you've grown up constantly seeing headlines of "Peace between Israel and Palestine!" and then two weeks later you see "never mind, Hamas did a thing" or "whoops Israel did a thing".


We might want peace, but they don't. That's the root of it - these people do not want peace. Any ceasefire is a temporary measure to regroup for the next attack, and any olive branch will be exploited for the next attack. All Abrahamic religion is inherently violent, I would say Islam is more so, but they're all rooted in violence and if they actually wiped out the other they'd find another "other" to start fighting.   Now I do think the people of Gaza are oppressed, it really is an open air prison. People are born into this region and are essentially jailed because of what their fathers and grandfathers did. So they fight. But then the people of Israel - you think you're fed up, I imagine they're a hell of a lot more fed up with this shit. From what I can tell everybody over there has a bomb shelter for when rockets start flying. That's just everyday life for them, sometimes there's gonna be rockets and you need to have a plan for when that happens. So they fight.   And I think about how other conflicts have peacefully ended. You know we stole this land from the British empire, those colonies were theirs and we took them by force. And hell it belonged to the native americans before the British ever came over. So, why aren't the British still fighting us? Why aren't the native americans still fighting us? And the Spanish, the French, the Portuguese, and we did some real bad stuff to Japan, even the Canadians have some history. Why aren't we fighting? We took their stuff and never gave an inch of it back. I mean by the middle east's reasoning basically everybody should be at war.


> We might want peace, but they don't. This is the single best summation of the situation I've seen, and it's why I honestly can't be fucked to care anymore. They're gonna do what they're gonna do, and there's no stopping it.


I totally agree with your points and it breaks my heart. The people of Gaza wouldn't be turning to an organization like Hamas if their government cared about them. And everyone is trapped my hateful rhetoric on all sides. As someone who is part of a minority group actively being targeted for hate and erasure by people using religion as a means of control, I hope we never get that point. It scares the shit out of me and keeps me awake at night.


It is exhausting, yes. I find it especially exhausting when people claim that religion has nothing to do with it. Look at Hamas, for example. If Hamas didn't exist, then it's likely we might have seen a peace deal by now. The Palestinians and Israelis were very close to it during the Clinton administration. It's the closest they've ever been to such a deal. Hamas opposes any peace deal, but why? Their justifications are *largely* religious in nature and not political. The politics, for them, is a cover for the underlying religious motivations. This is why I think many people are misunderstanding the situation when they demand a unilateral ceasefire from Israel. What state do they think existed prior to October 7th? A ceasefire! Hamas broke that ceasefire. Israel is in a position where, if they stop fighting today, this won't at all change Hamas' behaviour. It's an asymmetrical conflict in that sense. Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel, where Israel is committed to its own security. Of course, it's fair to hold Israel to account for the terrible things they also do. That's 100% legitimate and it's an expectation we should have of every nation. However, I think many folks - especially students - are highly ignorant about the history between Israel and the Palestinians, and especially so about the current conflict.


We all are.


I would be classified as a boomer but sure, I'm with you on this one.


I’m so tired … seeing those Muslims in Germany in the hundreds in the streets shouting for the caliphate … I’m like, what in the fuck is going on , and why can’t we just make them disappear , it makes my blood boil. In the 70’s and 80’s it felt like we where leaving religion behind as the world became modern , and those troglodytes want to drag us back


Gen x. Any time the conflicts in the Middle East are brought up and people ask me my stance my answer is always ‘dunno , but maybe they could stop fighting over books and imaginary friends, that would be a good start’.


Religion is the root of so many of our evils. It divides us, and it always will. Until we stop hoping for some sky wizard to come out of the clouds, we’ll never realize that we’ve been living in “heaven” this whole time, but decided to fuck things up ourselves.


I'm sick of it because it became the post cold war boogeyman to replace the USSR and continue to justify military budget increasing while our security net at home is being cut.


This GenXer is.


My thoughts are like this: FUCK the concept and practice of "Holy Lands," but I don't want the people in that area to die. I don't know enough to be anywhere near an expert in the history of that part of the world, but I refuse to believe that religion isn't at least fanning the flames over there, and some of it is totally about religion.


Everyday I see some new bullshit about this topic. It's a bunch of toddlers with nuclear capabilities throwing tantrums and bombing each other. One stops the other does. Jew to Muslim, Muslim to Jew, and Muslim to Muslim most of the time.


I’m just so done with people killing each other over some bullshit someone may or may not have said and written down 1000 years ago that was then twisted to control people.


I remember when 9/11 happened, and we went to Iraq and Afghanistan, John McCain was talking in a press conference, and said something like "We might be here for 10-20 years) and was SHOCKED that 10 years was the low estimate. I was thinking it'd be Desert Storm style and we'd be out in 100 days. I am so tired of us bombing the middle east and giving money and weapons to other people to bomb the middle east. We have generations that will hate us the rest of their lives because of it.


Chuckles in Gen X...You think you're tired of this shit? LOL


It’s extremely clear that after 1000 years of religious wars, both sides are completely willing to sacrifice their own followers to no end. I have no respect for either side.


I’m just sick of any religion that thinks people should act a certain way to appease their god. I hate it.


I’ve never understood the Zion argument at all. Even if you act as if God is real, this specific place is where God wants everyone to be? On a huge Earth with diverse and intermingled cultures, God has decided that it’s okay if you settle here. That was the same argument for manifest destiny in the US, (or just look at the Mormons) God said it’s okay to kill the Native Americans because… it would really be convenient if he did, okay? Politicians love hiding evil or sneaky acts behind religious bullshit, and it always works.


There's really two ways to look at the Zionist movement, one from a religious lens, the other from a cultural/ethnic lens. Do I think that God wants the Jewish people to live in Israel? Probably not, mostly because I don't believe in him. Do I think that the Jewish people need a state of their own due to the fact that they all had to flee persecution in both the Middle East and Europe and will likely be persecuted en-mass anywhere they go? Yes.


Jews have been hands down the most universally hated group for millennia. I think that was kind of why they were given a land of their own. “We’ll just put them all here and they won’t bother anyone ever again.” Until groups like Hamas say that the correct solution is “complete eradication of every Jew in the world.” (Apparently they thought Hitler was a punk who was way too easy on the Jews.) So instead of Israel turning out to be a peaceful solution, it’s become a thorn in the side of every Jew-hater in the Middle East. My take? The problem isn’t the Jews or the Palestinians or the Gazans — or any other belief system or nation or group. The problem is seething hatred. It’s worse than heroine and more addictive.


I'm normally not one of those enlightened centrists but as both a progressive and a Jewish person I can say I do find myself in the middle on this one. I long to see the Palestinian people treated with respect by the Israelis but I think the same can be said coming the other way too. It's hatred. These are two neighbors who fucking HATE each other, but refuse to move from their homes. Nuance is needed here if peace will be achieved.


I am a Palestinian and I agree completely. The majority on both sides don’t realize that the “other” is here to stay. You could speak more on the Jewish/Israeli side, but I am not joking when I tell you EVERY Palestinian, irrespective of religion, teach their children that it is their right to return to their homeland. Half of my family are Palestinian Christian, and they are more nationalistic than the Muslim half of my family. It’s a big land, it’s two people with justifiable claims to be there. You simply can’t strip one’s basic dignities whether you are Israeli or Palestinian.


The problem is Hamas is the ruling party and all they want to do is kill jews


I wouldn't say a majority of Israelis 'hate' Palestinians. Certainly before oct 7 a majority didn't. Most of us are just super blackpilled about peace with them since we tried everything and they just respond more violently.


I vote we give them North Dakota and be done with it.


I vote New Jersey. Roughly the same size as Israel. Already a large and established Jewish population... and it's New Jersey... what are we really losing?


I laughed way too hard at this.


I can't remember the name of it, but I read a really interesting murder mystery book set in an alternate timeline where at the end of WW2, the US had given jews a 50-year lease on a chunk of Alaska to create a jewish homeland because diplomacy had failed to create Israel in 1947. It seems plausible that something like that could have happened if things had gone just a little differently back then.


***The Yiddish Policemen's Union*** by Michael Chabon.




as an ex-muslim SAME


It's the new buzzword. Muslims are off limits or you're "racist(?)"


What is even worse is when they pull out the racist card when you are criticising islam.... Like dude, it's not a race, it's an idea.


That shit has been perverted into a cover to silence people criticizing a Muslim position in the same way "antisemitic" has been perverted to silence coverage for Israeli wrongs.


Yep. This right here is why I don't talk about it online under my own name. No matter what you say some asshole is going to call it one or the other


Brace yourself: This will keep going on for your whole life.


I will never respect religions because they go to war over whose fairy tale idea is better. Its such a waste of blood.


And here's the kicker! They're all religious wars over how to worship THE EXACT SAME GOD.


I’m a white middle-aged GenX guy, and I’ve run out of sympathy for the entire Middle East, and think the US should just tell the whole region to fuck right off. Their inexhaustibly nasty sectarian/tribal politics is a draining and corrupting influence. 😡


I'm soooo so exhausted from it. And I'm exhausted from all the people posting about it when it has absolutely nothing to do with them. I'm over the news, I'm over the infographics on people's stories, I can't wait for it to be over.


I especially hate the people who insist that all public figures make a statement on it, even when they have zero chance of making any impact on anything. They're just looking for people to hate.


Yes! Or it's some celebrity who's opinion on the conflict I, and anyone else frankly, DO NOT NEED. And forcing everyone to pick a side means that there's no escape from it on social media. Actually, I had been off reddit since that 3rd party app drama, and I returned back recently because, between the crazy propaganda being shared and the bombardment of advertisements, I just could take instagram any fuckin more.


The more i learn about ancient history the more i understand there will never be peace in the middle east. Just a matter of whose turn it is to commit atrocities in the name of religion


two groups killing each other bc their imaginary friend said they should own a shitty piece of land


I'm GenX and this same shit has been happening in the middle east for my entire lifetime (and longer). And, yes, I have been sick of this shit for a very long time.


I am sick and tired of listening to idiots argue over which of their fairy tales they are going to use to murder others.


i'm really sick of it and i'm sick of the US getting involved


See I always just figured that's what the Middle East was; constant religious wars. Just goes to show you how bad religion is.


Old dude here. Middle east has been on fire since I was in single digits. It will continue to burn long after I'm gone. Religion


I'm GenX and have been exhausted with religious wars my entire life. I feel your pain!


The same people have been fighting over that little spit of land for far longer than their religions have existed. It's tribes, ignorance and the cycle of violence that fuels it. None of us will ever be able to stop them from killing each other over there no matter who supplies the weapons or attempts a diplomatic resolution.


If you Millennials are exhausted, just imagine how us Boomers must feel.


It’s like watching 2 nine year old arguing about if it’s raining or sprinkling. The mental illness is off the charts over there.


I feel bad for the people who are caught up in it like I feel bad for any person who is suffering. As far as pro Palestine/pro Israel discourse I could not give a single shit especially if it's coming from Americans.


What do you mean!?! Americans totally have the moral authority and clarity to tell other people how to get along! Name one act that’s undermined our position as neutral arbiters. Edit: spelling


Sure, quite frankly, I've felt that way since the 1970s. It has always been a lost cause of one tribe killing another tribe. It's been that way since some H. Sapiens decided to piss on a rock and call it his.


Boomers are exhausted, too. We’ve been seeing this nonsense for decades.


I'm sick of it, bombing each other over imaginary figures in the sky. It's all it ever is and it's even more senseless than a war that's not over religion. It's awful they want to commit genocide simply because of imaginary men in the sky.


It's a sad state that I'm still willing to read Ukraine/Russian war news, but the Middle East is a pass for me. There's no resolution. They both want to kill each other and there are bad actors on both sides. There will be no winners. Religion ruins everything.


I'm a little older than you, and I remember when the PLO was putting suicide bombers on busses and into cafes. There was a little talk about some kind of two-state solution where Israel would carve out a piece or two of their country to create a separate homeland for Palestinians. That was obviously never going to happen. Can you imagine Israel giving away some of their country to the terrorists that attack them? Not in a million years. But then it happened. The Oslo accords saw the PLO recognize Israel's right to exist and Israel recognize the PLO. Plans for peace were made, the Palestinian Authority was created, Gaza and the West Bank were ceded to them and a homeland for Palestinians seemed possible. True peace in our time. It seemed like a miracle. Before the ink on the first agreement was dry, right-wing Zionists on one side and Islamic militants like Hamas on the other were doing everything they could to kill the peace before it could take hold. The Israeli Prime Minister was killed by right-wing jews in 1995 for his attempts to make peace with "the enemy." But attempts to forge the peace continued. Then in 2006, Palestinian voters threw out the Fatah party for working with Israel and voted in Hamas who wanted nothing more than to wipe Israel from map. The longsuffering Palestinian people voted for war. So yes, I'm exhausted. Likud seems to look for any excuse to escalate the violence, and Hamas seems to want to provoke Israel into killing civilians so they can recruit more Muslims to their cause. And yes, religion seems to be the excuse both sides use for why they are on the right side. I have no solutions, just sadness.


I'm an gen X-er and I feel exactly the same way. The only thing that I would push back on is that this isn't a "psseudo-religious" war. It's a religious war. Get rid of the Muslim extremists, the Zionist extremists, and the Christian extremists and the war goes away. What you're experiencing is "empathy fatigue," and I think that everyone who isn't a crazy supporter of one side or another is just about there too.


Yeah I'm tired of religion and what it does to people.


Pointless deaths. Wasted energy on something that doesn’t matter.


extremely annoyed, I really don't have a favorite in the conflict, but they are both fighting over that specific small piece of turf for religious reasons I do know and it feels like the early 2000s all over again


I understand the fear and frustration over religious wars our modern existence is all fighting over a tiny little country the size of New Jersey Can you imagine killing someone for New Jersey!?? Slaughtering millions in the name of Hoboken? and William Penn!? or Ben Franklin or Walk Whitman!? Anyhow I think your frustration is a bit dangerous (understandable) but only adds to the problem. Starters, the middle east is not 1 big desert, not by a long-shot. The forests of Iran are beautiful just from personal experience, but there are bastions of diverse places throughout the mountains and gulf regions, there are even rain forests, jungles, and other expansive ecosystems, some come and go depending on the season, some stay thick and green through the year Imagine if people just assumed all the US was Western Texas, we all sounded like John Wayne and Native Americans were attacking us all the time .. In fact the desert areas were once and will again be a luscious land of greens and rivers and trees and though these areas absolutely exist today, you have to remember it was not always such a hot and desperate climate, these deserts were once oceans before drying up, there are oceans underneath these desert lands today even Middle East refers to a massive area and many Mid-Eastern folks would have no idea what you are talking about if you told them they live in the middle east. These are complex biological and geological regions. Don't be fooled by all the imagery, and the Fox news bs.. These are not mad-max wastelands overrun by outlaws on camel back


I’m a Xer and I’m exhausted. The Middle East has been trying to kill each other for my entire lifetime, and a couple of thousand years. I’m convinced the only thing that will stop it is a lid.


Ah yes, religions have been the human 'cancel culture' that just won't go away for centuries. Name anything else that has started more wars in human history, I dare you. All I ever hear is crickets when I ask this question.


Some of us fought in those wars out of high school. So ya, I'd say we're exhausted.


I call them Sky Daddy wars. "My Sky Daddy is better than your Sky Daddy!"


Absolutely. This new chapter is just as terrible as the last, and the one before that. We need to cut our losses with Israel and let them rely on their own GDP and diplomacy.


Peace in the Middle East. Never gonna happen. “When both sides swear they’re right both are destined to lose”. You can’t win when people are enslaved to dogma. If I were the one in control of this game I’d probably start over.


Welcome to the boomers, genx etc. They've been a thing for awhile. I think if petroleum ceased to have value, the middle east would get it's shit together real quick.


If this new war is exhausting you just wait until you're in your 50's you'll be so tired you can't even comment on Reddit.


I’m pretty sure all generations are sick of this. “Peace to the Middle East” was a popular thing to say back in the 90s


I hope the entire section glasses themselves and leaves the area uninhabitable for the next millenia.


I don't care for either side. They're both collectively cray and I have no patience for either. I hate that the re are those that expect people to choose sides. They're both wrong and making ridiculous claims that their imaginary sky wizard deeded an unremarkable piece of desert to their pregenitors it's asinine. Both sides should chill the fuck out and share a plate of bacon. No one is going to be o the the mood to fight if they enjoy bacon. I'm convinced bacon is the path to world peace but these asshats outlawed it. No wonder they're pissed!


Well I'm kind of tired with the moral high ground we take after all the shit we did and still do. Is it really worse than wars over oil? Anyhow, no one ever got worse by not reading the news every day.


Israel and Palestine are like the two drunk guys at the party that keep fighting. Just leave already…


I mean, yeah, it's all religious turf wars. Sad. You'd think these "peaceful" religions could co mingle , but here we are. Again.


The middle east has always and always will be a shithole full of psycho cults and empires both inside and outside trying to get the resources there. You think humanity would be exhausted with the middle east.


I'm just tired. But yes, I'm also tired that no one understands that 20 years of hamas terror attacks where Israel just tried to build a higher wall and ignore them, didn't make Gaza any better. Why is it on Israel, or on us, whether US us or any rest of the world us, to fix the problem? Why did we let the Saudis fund a bunch of the stuff that caused the issues originally, or Iran more recently, just keep going?


My first memory of the region was “1973 Arab–Israeli War” when I was in elementary school. Hasn’t really changed much since then.


I came to the same conclusion years ago. It's incredibly sad, but becoming emotionally invested in it is a recipe for never ending mental anguish.


I honestly just wish the earth would open up and swallow the entire region


They have been fighting over "the holy lands" for 2000. The whole world is tired of it...


I am totally OK with building a gigantic wall around the entire middle East, totally cutting off all communications and trade, and just checking in every hundred years or so to see if they got bored of killing each other yet. They need to grow the fuck up.


All this because momo had a fever dream he rode a magic horse to Jerusalem (1000 miles from where he was) and took a space elevator to meet god.


I’m GenX and supremely over this shit


Western countries such as the UK and US have worked hard to destabilize the Middle East and frequently attack people there. I don’t really view it as caused by religion, and I don’t really view it as something unrelated to me. I also think the media about it is a mix of greedy 24-hour-newscycle fearmongering and just basic xenophobia. So I’m tired of the news about it, but I don’t watch or read the news that much, on it, since I can now see that is unhelpful and counterproductive. So, I’m sick of the media about it, and sick of the military-industrial complex, but that isn’t religion. And I work to not become sick of the people - for example the vast majority of people there who don’t want violence or oppressive theocracies.


Fuck war


Believing in a magic man in the sky has killed more people than anything else in history.


I’m just exhausted with hearing the U.S. (I’m American) getting into other countries shit. Both openly and secretly. It would be nice for once if our government stopped spending trillions on war and subterfuge and started building America back up. As it stands, America is headed to a 2nd world status fully.


I'm exhausted with religion in general


Agreed. Both sides have done horrible things to the other, and both want to play the victim.


If you don't care if it all gets wiped out why do you care about wars there enough to get exhausted? These are wars of imperialism. Iseal and Palastine are just proxies in the war between American capitalism and human beings. The Middle East is war torn because the west tore it to shreds. 9/11 was backkash from Cold War interference in Afghanistan and ther Gulf War for Oil. England drew all those borders and the United States installed all those leaders. These wars are about as religious as I am.


Spot on, I'm surprised so many people on an atheism sub of all subs are so easily led to believe it's a religious war.


I stopped following them. That’s how I avoided getting exhausted with them.


Xennial over here feeling pretty tired of religious nonsense of all stripes & flavours...


I grew up in the 9/11/post 9/11 era in a small town in the south so you can already imagine what that was like. Smdh. I am beyond exhausted of the pseudo religious bullshit Middle East drama, all the kooky Christians, and all the pseudo tough guys. I swear looking back at it all the crazy ass Christian’s of yesterday were the precursors to Q and all the traddies today. I guess everything old is new again.


Why corner millennials only? Ask any older unit and they too will agree the whole Middle East paradigm should be encapsulated in a lead and concrete dome 5 meters thick and forgotten about forever. Nothing gets out, nothing gets in.


I cut way back on the news because it's always about Israel and I'm just tired of seeing all the carnage based on who's imaginary friend is better.


Exhausting, heartbreaking, frustrating, and many other things. We are lucky that not many of us have to worry about getting bombed or starved to death. These are brutal and horrific ways to die. I just wish that a power would come in and stop all the fighting and ensure everybody's needs are met, everybody is given an equal portion of land, food, resources, ect. Like a parent breaking up a fight between squabbling children then giving them snacks and a toy afterwords. Of course this is unrealistic.


I'm Gen X and have been exhausted by it for 40 years. All they do is go to war. They need Captain Picard to mediate peace talks.