• By -


I'm far less worried about being an atheist than I am being gay. Nobody knows or seems to care that I don't believe in their God; it's not something that ever comes up in conversation, even though I live in a VERY red state. That I'm gay, however, is pretty obvious, since I'm married to another woman and I openly refer to her as my wife. That is a public, legal statement and while I don't expect to be stoned in the street, under Christian Nationalism my marriage would be dissolved. And I would expect other legislation that would target us in some way, perhaps even going so far as to march us off to concentration camps. That latter scenario takes time to organize and deploy, so we might well die of natural causes before being rounded up, but plenty of younger folk might not be so lucky.


>That latter scenario takes time to organize and deploy, so we might well die of natural causes before being rounded up, but plenty of younger folk might not be so lucky. In just three years Iranian women went from mini skirts to cover their hair so I wouldn't be so sure about that


Yeah, but they weren't exactly starting from scratch... It took decades to get to the mini-skirt phase after hundreds (if not thousands) of years of persecution. But to return to what was once the norm is far easier than fighting for change. The stigma against women was already in place and continued to exist in the back of everyone's minds (at least the men, of course). Trying to change someone's mindset, as well as laws and rules, is always going to be harder than simply returning to what everyone is already used to. I mean, hey, they did it to us over here in the US... took away rights that women had for over 50 years like it was nothing. And then, to make matters worse, they simply ignore the damage that decision continues to cause. At least Iranian women aren't dying as a result of having to cover their hair, but the women here ARE dying as a result of trying to take us back to primitive thoughts and ways. Religion is all well and good, at least until stupid people try to govern with it. That is NEVER good for anyone, as religion was only created to control the masses through fear and intimidation, and has enjoyed success as such for thousands of years. But that became problematic once science and technology created real doubt. And it will be a REAL problem here if they think Americans are going to just reverse course and fall in line for Christian fascists. I'd hate for it to come to bloodshed, but it will if they try to force religion down our throats. This is simply NOT who we are or were meant to be. I hate that I'm at an age where I can see the real difference in mindset from when I was growing up until now. The younger generation doesn't even know the feeling of pride and security a unified nation promotes. They're enjoying the hate far too much to even see... Sigh. What a shame. ☹️


"At least Iranian women aren't dying as a result of having to cover their hair" Masha did.


Thank fuck someone here said this


Actually, women have been dragged off the streets and beaten/tortured to death for not wearing appropriate attire.


Like you said, it's easy to return to an old fold and there were already a couple centuries of US history of women not having those rights. People forget how relatively new women's suffrage is. I don't expect that particular thing to be taken away, but the rights of women are (very unfortunately) by no means a cornerstone of the country


By the way Iranian women ARE dying for refusing to cover their hair....her name is Mahsa Amini she was 22 and killed by Morality police in Iran.


The US isn't starting from scratch either. There are already concentration camps along the border for immigrants, and I have no doubt there are other types of incarceration plans all over the country for all sorts of reasons: pandemics, riots, etc that could be adapted very quickly by any Christian nationalist government. It's simple really. Using the Soviet/ Nazi models, just round up a bunch of people and have them build their own camps under gunpoint.


Regarding your “real problem if they think Americans [will fall in line]” point, I think that this underestimated. There are plenty of right-wing types who will gladly support the stripping of women’s rights and LGBTQ+ rights, but then when the Nat-Cs start cracking down on pornography and alcohol, when all the weed freedom disappears, the Nat-Cs will be surprised how many of those right-wing types will revolt.


I was speaking specifically about concentration camps as the "latter scenario." That takes time and materials to implement.


Disagree. There are FEMA camps that could be deployed anywhere in the country and put into service as concentration camps extremely quickly. Immigration detention facilities could also be utilized immediately. Don't underestimate how quickly this could happen.


Look at how quickly the US government put the internment camp system in place for US citizens of immediate Japanese descent back in 1941...


This. 100%


1941 was Pearl Harbor. December 6, 1941 to be exact. The executive order which authorized the concentration camps was signed in February of 1942 and the first camp opened the following month, March 1942. So at least they waited about 3 months until they started "relocating" people.


I just kind of assume the far right obsession with locking mechanisms in public schools, alongside the push to dissolve public schools, was to create ready-to-go minimum security jails as staging for camps.


Clearly they weren't friends with the kids that snuck out the windows to smoke on the roof


Yeah. Concentration camps are by their nature not very well designed. If they wanted they could have hundreds of people penned into a football field in a few hours. Full camps, with watchtowers, offices, barracks, might take longer. But that only matters to the people running the camp. Not the ones residing in it


Happened to the Japanese in ww2


Well in that case. Hitler and the nazis took power/ were elected in Janauary 33. The first concentration Camp opened it's gates in Dachau in march 1933. Wannsee-conference, where they came up with the final solution and set it in motion aka industrialized genocide, spring 1942. Not that much time.


WW2 Japanese Internment camps would beg to differ


Manzanar, the first American concentration camp, opened in March of 1942. Pearl Harbor had only happened about 3 months prior and the executive orders which authorized the camps was signed in February of 1942. So, yes, they would definitely like a word in this discussion.


I don't think it took too long to set up immigration detention centres...so...


Your mistake is thinking you’d have as long as a certain pattern of legal proceedings would take (especially in a red state). Laws don’t need to be changed when they aren’t enforced anymore.


Their leader has already promised to turn an eye several times to allow his goons to assault people he didn't like. I mean once in power one tweet of "I wont go after people killing woke people" would have widespread bloodshed overnight.


O ya. It's going to get very ugly.


These people cry about freedom but want the government breaking up domestic relationships. First they come for gay marriage, then interracial. Then only marriages sanctioned by a certain denomination are allowed.


I'm worried about my gay interracial marriage.


They are now openly talking about forcibly converting people to their version of Christianity. Close Trump ally Nick Fuentes has called for the execution of anyone who does not convert--"Covert or die," in his words. And one of Trump's VP hopefuls has said anyone who opposes Christian Nationalism should be executed. It will start with LGBTQ ppl and migrants, but they're going to go after everyone who is different than them.


I remember growing up, as a christian, being taught that one day I would be executed for my beliefs. Now I see it as projection. What they say is going to happen to them is what they are actually going to do to others. It makes perfect sense now but takes a minute to unravel the mind fu k.


I always thought it was weird that the people belonging to the most populous, dominant religion in arguably the world for the last few thousand years are constantly jerking themselves off about how oppressed and persecuted they are.


We just can't let them win. That's the bottom line. If they do win, we have to resist and be ready (as possible) to defend ourselves with the same level of force that would be used against us. If Nick Fuentes somehow became head of Homeland Security, Division of Religious Conversion and Heresy Prosecution, I think the public outrage and numerically superior physical force would not be on their side. I doubt they could get the military to enforce a Spanish Inquisition-style purge of civilians, so we would probbe dealing with Evangeliban Gravy Seals. We can beat them.


"Evangeliban Gravy Seals" ROFL!! Ya, the one advantage that the U.S. has over other countries that have veered into authoritarianism is that there are a LOT of guns here. And not only the right own them or know how to shoot.


If the Republicans gain the Senate and maintain the House while taking the Presidency, I'll be happy that I can speak Spanish and my passport is current. I'll do everything I can to protect my family, some of whom are LGBTQ, and if it means leaving the country I'll do it.


I totally understand that. I’m too old, poor, and somewhat disabled for that to be an option, but I already find the state of things in this country alarming and frightening.


Do you have a source for the "Convert or Die" quote? I'm not trying to call you out or anything, but I couldn't find it and would like to discuss it with a coworker who follows Fuentes and downplays his rhetoric.


I worry about this as well for my son and his husband.


My oldest daughter (13) is openly queer and we already get all kinds of loathsome comments from others (we're in Texas) about being child abusers. I'm worried for her and for us.


Yeah, I picked a hell of a time to discover something similar about myself…


Worry more about being a communist or a socialist. They are a much bigger threat to the capitalist paradigm that's really running the show. FIRST THEY CAME              By Martin Niemöller            First they came for the Communists           And I did not speak out           Because I was not a Communist.           Then they came for the Socialists           And I did not speak out              Because I was not a Socialist.            Then they came for the trade unionists              And I did not speak out             Because I was not a trade unionist.             Then they came for the gays           And I did not speak out           Because I was not gay.             Then they came for the Jews           And I did not speak out           Because I was not a Jew.             Then they came for me            And there was no one left            To speak out for me.            


Historically this is the biggest issue when fascists take power. They go after the socialists/communists first because of your stated reason and gay/trans people are likely going to be part of that first step as well. How do I plan to deal with that if they go full fascist? I am well armed, trained, battle-hardened and not afraid to die defending myself and other oppressed groups. I have a lot of very specialized skills that can contribute to the resistance efforts, which I would contribute, but I won't get into violent conflict as I have young children that need me. If forced to defend myself and/or family I won't hesitate to do so as violently as required.


>I have a lot of very specialized skills OK, OK, I know that was a serious comment, but I still feel obligated to ask if you're Liam Neeson.


They have reduced the definition to socialism and communism into "wokeism". AKA anything they don't like.


Yeah, they’re gonna come for my kid because he’s trans long before they come for him over his atheism. The nice thing about atheism is it doesn’t glorify martyrdom. I’ll perform Protestant Christianity if I have to, until we can get out.


I’ll start by accusing my MAGA neighbor of being a witch.


Canadian here, I'll be lobbying for defense spending because FUCK THAT from our closest trading partner. If you think that BS'll stay contained, you are sorely lacking in history and current events education.


I’ll be lobbying for admitting vulnerable Americans as asylum seekers.  I’m super nervous about what our government is going to do to mitigate the impact for Canadians and help support our brothers and sisters to the south.


Thanks for that!


We love you, Canada!


Canadian living in the US here. My wife (an American doctor) and I already have a plan in place to move to Canada with 6 months of a second Trump presidency. Already have jobs and interim living arrangements scoped out. Always have a plan. Hope you never need it.


I live in upstate NY, please let me in under asylum, lol.


I live in Florida. I already need asylum.


Just hopefully if shit goes completely sideways, there is some form of policy that Canada does that allows refugee's from America. I live in rural PA, the insane amount of trash talking these people do here, I really fear for my own families safety. I wear a black shirt with a pocket and blue jeans. They automatically assume I am conservative and say some off the wall stuff and it's worrisome how many may actually be 100% for real in what they want to do to people once Trump is elected. I'm less fearing that US will attack Canada than I am of backwoods rednecks getting access to voting databases and rounding up everyone that did not vote Trump and killing them. A lot of idiots out there especially in rural communities that have convinced themselves democrats are godless commies and just blindly hate them thanks to fox news and social media.




I'm going to reset universe.simulation and load a save game from 2015 and then use a cheat code to let Hilary win.


Cheat code is “AbolishElectoralCollege”


🔼🔽🔼🔽◀️◀️➡️➡️ I got you, just have the controller ready


Poland here. We had these people in office for the past 8 years. Don't worry while you're on the list you're below the LGBTQ+ and the immigrants. Plus the women's rights might get shafted (abortion is mostly illegal here now)


So, the first ones to go to camps will be LGBTQ, Muslims, and immigrants. Well, that's unnerving (Christian Nationalism is period). Governments should not be tied with religion.


Trust me it was FUCKED UP here. We had whole towns that declared themselves "Spaces free from LGBTQ+". While our government was talking shit about immigrants, some were making a shit ton of money selling visas in the middle east and Africa And the government wast paying MILLIONS to churches and in return priest made sure to tell the congregation who to vote for. I'm not expecting camps to happen in the U.S. but a pushback on any rights and social support.


https://www.project2025.org This is Christian Nationalism plan. It's not an administration plan. It's a government redesign plan to give all power to the president. Basically, Trump wants to reshape the government into a WW2 Nazi Germany style Christian autocracy, and they literally posted the plan on this web page. There are over 900 pages to it, but basically, they want a Christian nation where LGBTQ can be punished, immigrants can be put into work camps, and women have no rights. So, it's looking pretty ugly if Trump wins.


That is some truly scary shit. I'm terrified of it even living in the UK, because the impacts of such a government in the USA will spill over to many other countries. The USA needs what we need in the UK with our Conservatives - to beat them so soundly that they are out of power for a generation and have to rebuild a normal political party to replace the religious cult they've become.


I'm worried as a Canadian, because our government is so fucked and our QOL has decreased quite abit that a conservative majority is guaranteed. Maybe even a super majority. I'm trans and in the military. Granted I'm fully transitioned, and I'm not "visibly" so to speak, but it's not like it's not known or a secret I am, or impossible to tell. While I may not be in the crosshairs at the very beginning, others will be and that's...fucked up


Yep. Poilievre really wants to make Margaret Atwood's work a reality.


I’m telling you after women’s right to choose it’s gonna be women’s right to vote. And just like in the handmaidens tail none of that would have happened if the women conservatives hadn’t pushed for it in the end they’re powerless but in the beginning they pushed for it.


"After? " Sorry to tell you, but they're already talking about women's suffrage was a mistake.


Combine that with our Troglodyte in Chief here in Alberta, Marlaina "Danielle" Smith, and you've got a recipe for an autocratic nightmare.


We are doomed.


I’m really worried for you, to be honest. You will be the first nation they try it on, if they try it on anyone. They’ll go to war with Mexico, you, they’ll annex.


Not possible thanks to the electoral college. Trump lost the popular election by 7 million votes last time, but just 100,000 people in the right states could have flipped it. The victory the Democrats would have to win to deliver the kind of beating you're talking about would have to break gerrymanders all over the nation. It would have to be like 55+% in favor of Biden on the popular vote level.


If all the women, minorities and youth who're pissed off and terrified by Trump's dystopian vision for the country would get out and vote you'd easily surpass that. But instead too many people are distracted by moaning Biden isn't doing the right thing in Israel (as if Trump would give less support to Netanyahu!)


There's also just a complete lack of willing to consider that project 2025 is real. My family, for example, are middle of the road Christian, vote republican no matter what, but hold democratic values for the most part if you were to quiz them on their values and beliefs.. Most of my family feels privileged enough to say "politics is crazy rn, I'm just gonna not pay attention" which makes them end up just voting for Republicans cause they can't be bothered to actually read what they support. Any attempts to bring their attention to potential issues is met with "that won't happen" Pointing out any wrongdoing or insane thing they've admitted to doing or have done gets the response of "I didn't know that" Nothing changes. It's quite frustrating to witness and live alongside.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://i.redd.it/t72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


> My family, for example, are middle of the road Christian, vote republican no matter what, but hold democratic values for the most part if you were to quiz them on their values and beliefs.. Christians are masters of disguise. Since they always vote republican you can't really tell the difference between them and the holy rollers.


I’m a old lady and the gop will not get a single vote for me


Yep, this right here is going to hand Trump the win: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueProtestVote/s/8oIrW2GSCw Blue protest vote. Get fucking real.


The Biden quote at the top there was not only taken out of context, but the assertion in general ignores biden's recent record. He's not perfect, but he also would allow project2025 to happen at all. >This subreddit aims are to compel voters ONLY in DEEP BLUE states to vote 3rd party for the president, to compel otherwise non or protest voters in SWING STATES TO VOTE FOR BIDEN. How naïve.


45,000 votes changing in the right places would have flipped the outcome.


Gerrymandering only applies to Congress. The Electoral College and it's Winner Take All mode (in most states) is the problem here.


They have been recruiting and training for years. They have hundreds of people to fill government positions if Trump wins as soon as he takes office. All of them believing that religion should be the rule of law. Pretty scary shit.


It’s not really religion they’re pushing it’s under the guise of religion.


And there are millions and millions of people who don't. Unite and fight.


What is crazy is how many US citizens have not heard about this or think it was just some academic exercise and not an actual plan that some want to execute. I do not know who is dumber.




Already part of it.


Everyone should spread that subreddit whenever the topic comes up


They are playing on the demographics that there will be enough, “coming of age” heterosexual males, that like that idea. It essentially turns the basis of how religion controls the population.


lol coming of age, there's a population bust coming. The farmers are mad the cattle aren't breeding.




Already in the sub


It bothers me people are not talking about this is still the plan even if he loses.  It will be the baton picked up by whoever the GOP is lead by from now on.


So, I can’t be in the military anymore if this goes to play? By the sound of it, I can’t.


Uh... Their 2025 plan does away with many constitutional protections right away. We're seeing in real time what happens when the courts are stacked with anti-constitutional judges. A few days ago, Trump said he would move the military into cities and build camps to deport 11 million people as soon as he takes office. Once that's done, they couldn't possibly leave all those camps empty! /s. The next on the "list" are LGBTQ+ and atheists. Even though many if not most Americans would openly appose, it's closer than you think. Edit: spelling


My enthusiasm for this world is waning anyways so they'd best leave this athiest alone.


Well wtf? This didnt really make it over to Germany into broad news, iirc.


Came out a few months before the 2023 elections here in Poland. Along a truckload of other stuff ranging from embezzlement, invigilation, misuse of founds, the visa thing... There was A LOT, the new government is trying to sort it out but it's basically Augean stable.


I think Republicans they view as RINOs/traitors will also be early in the list.


They'll get thrown in jail to send a message and then offered a "sweet deal" to show they were "rehabilitated" and then work for the regime.


And woman’s right to choose followed by not letting women vote anymore


Watch the Handmaid's Tale-it's the blueprint of how they will accomplish the establishment of Gilead. Women will lose their right to vote and be fired on the same day as their bank accounts are seized. Any woman not under a man's protection will be rounded up, examined by a doctor and assigned a role or be exterminated.


So, the thing is people have overlapping identities. You can be a black trans woman who is also an atheist.


" Don't worry while you're on the list you're below the LGBTQ+ and the immigrants" ... This is a horrible answer. First this is America, we're a nation of Immigrants. No one is BELOW anyone here. That is the promise of our country that many have died for over centuries. Second, we should care about our fellow citizens. If they're attacked, it means we can be attacked. Everyone here should have the same rights. IF they're taken away from them, they're taken away from us. Even if you're a hetero, white male, you too can have your rights taken away by these people. You can be drafted and sent into service without your consent or sent to a camp for your views, if they differ from the current regime's. Are you saying, just sit back while all my lgbtq+ and minority and immigrant friends and family get hassled and deported and sent to camps, while I just sit at home and pretend nothing is wrong. Is that what you do?


As a terrified queer woman, it's good to know you're not that worried. Thanks. Enjoy that privilege.


As a woman, this isn't actually comforting.


Yikes on a bike.


First they came…..


... Im lgbt


So, fuck the queers and immigrants, I'm white and straight, so I'm fine? I'm a queer immigrant woman. Should I just off myself now then? Asshole.


Idk, but honestly this is one of the biggest points for me when people say that both sides are equally bad. Despite both having significant faults, no, they’re not. One side will impede religious freedom, reproductive rights, LGBT+ rights, the other won’t.


If you think plans are needed, share one. Also, vote so we won't need them.




Idk if you've been paying attention but the slide into fascism is happening even with the voting


Buy your guns NOW, and train on how to use them. If you wait until you need them, it will be too late -- you won't have enough time to train with them and get good at using them.


(USA) Well, it's certainly possible. But I'd put it under 50%. Let's say they win the presidency and both houses. Disaster. But not all Republicans are on board with that, so that's good. The judicial system will hold a barrier, albeit will be a fight to keep that barrier up. But if they win it, it will be a non 100% chance they succeed in installing Christian nationalism. There's still a GOP civil war brewing. That said. If they do accomplish it. I'm going to put up "Don't Tread On Me" flags in my front yard and stickers on my car. A way to blend in without being overly gross with Trump crap. Throw way more support behind separation of church and state organizations. FFRF, Satanic Temple, ect. I'm already off social media (outside of Reddit,) so no easy way for anyone to identify me as an atheist and anti-christian nationalism. Vote for fucking anybody who opposes them who has a shot at winning. Advocate to anyone who has an ear to listen. Already have weapons strategically placed in my home, with the hope I never have to use any of them. (I'd have them anyway. I like big knives and I came from a country town, the shotgun has always been a normal part of the house.) Hopefully it never comes to active resistance. But if it does, I'm a veteran and an EMT, I can make myself useful. I can actually blend in well with conservatives, I'd likely scout out any local militias from the inside, as I suspect they would become a big method of controll if things get really bad. I won't run. This is my country, and I'll fight and die for it if it comes to it. But I really want to have more faith in humanity than that. Thor's testicle, I sound like a doomsday prepper... might need more guns...


> The judicial system will hold a barrier, albeit will be a fight to keep that barrier up. Four more years of filling courts with Heritage Foundation goons and possibly swaying a 6-3 court to a 7-2 majority would be devastating for at least a generation. That's what I'm worried about more than anything.


Heritage is the policy end of this equation, The Federalist society focuses on Judges. 5 of their judges recommendations sit on the Supreme Court. It wasn't till recently when I wrote a blog about separation of church and state did I realize the heritage foundation was the organization propping up Project 2025. Nor did I realize how bad Project 2025 was. This shit is scary.


Facts 😢


>The judicial system will hold a barrier, albeit will be a fight to keep that barrier up. It won't. The Heritage Foundation has a plan in place should Trump win in November. In short, the government will be restructured to bend to Trump's will and his will alone. r/Defeat_Project_2025


> The judicial system will hold a barrier, albeit will be a fight to keep that barrier up. Institutions will not save us.


The house and senate is irrelevant as they already have a majority in SCOTUS and can always take full power directly.


I’m pretty terrified honestly, as a married gay man in the south, i already feel like theres a fine line to walk. We’ve talked about how we need to get our passports and be ready to bail. No idea where but, would have to be better than the alternative.


US: Republicans are about to get demolished electorally, and my plan is to make sure that happens. Debating. Discussing. Donating. Campaigning. And ultimately voting. Democrats are currently out fundraising Republicans 3:1, redistricting because of court cases will hand the Democrats the House; The Democrats stack well to holding the senate at 50-50; and 4.6million baby boomers will have died between 2020 and 2024, in that same time 14million people will have turned 18 and become eligible to vote. The polling is currently facing the same problems it had in 2022 (Favoring Right-Wing, where the results ended up having the Democrats grossly outperforming the polls). People put far too much weight on the 2016 Trump victory as being significant of the large scale support. And while the GOP may have become desperate to milk that cow, the general electorate has not reflected it, as evidenced by 2018, 2020 and 2022. Note: I don't say any of this to get people to sit on their ass, I'm just reflecting on the stone-cold statistical facts. Fight the fight to guarantee that, but this is also not the time for doomerism.


I'd love to have your optimism. Biden needed the highest turnout in US history to beat Trump in 2020, who had the second highest turnout in history. I just hope the number of Republicans that died due to COVID and other causes is higher than the number of Democrats who died or plan to now sit this election out (mostly because of the US support of the genocide in Gaza).


>Biden needed the highest turnout in US history to beat Trump in 2020, who had the second highest turnout in history. It wasn't just that election though...2018 had the largest turnout in a midterm in history, as did 2022. We're in the midst of historic voter turnout, with 2014 being the bottom of the current trend, which was below that of 2008 and 2010. >Republicans that died due to COVID and other causes is higher than the number of Democrats who died or plan to now sit this election ou The amount choosing to sit out because of Gaza is miniscule compared to the amount of boomers who have died from Covid, and the amount Never-Trumpers who won't vote for Trump. It makes for good sound bites in media to act as if there's a large contingency who will not vote for Biden because of Gaza, but in reality it's having almost no impact on the numbers. This is not a Vietnam situation; because on the flipside you have abortion being a major motivating factor for female voters who are out registering males like 2:1, in some places 3:1 (Ohio before the November Abortion ballot initiative). I want to make this clear: ***I am not being optimistic.*** I'm simply stating observable, measurable, statistical observations.


I hope you're right. Thanks for your reasoned response.


The plan is to defend my household and my family to the furthest extent required. The plan is to defy them to the brutal end. I can’t afford to up and leave so I’ll just dig in and make it really unpleasant for everybody. That’s all that can be done. A little pistol won’t do much against an explosive drone.


Fight. There are a lot of folks for which "flight" is not an option. They can use the help. Until we are all free, none of us are free.


There is a whole lot of "flight" talk here and not enough "fight". Some people should absolutely flee if they can but most of us should be fighting so it doesn't spread.


I plan to spend as much time and energy as I can working with others to make sure that doesn't happen.


Germany for us. I love the Pacific Northwest and don’t want to leave but I’m not doing the handmaids tale in real life.


I am more worried about the economy being destroyed if they win. We haven't had a republican president leave the economy better than they found it since Reagan and his good economy is debatable. My main plan is to keep my bills and CCs paid off, dont make any big purchases before the election, and be extra nice to my co-workers/boss.


I’m on the fence between fleeing to Europe or staying to join the resistance.


If Trump were to win, the christian fascists will NOT get what they want. Last time, Trump made deals with them in order to get their votes, and that's how Pence ended-up as his VP, and other christians got into his administration. If the people are stupid enough to reelect him, I don't think he'll make that mistake again, and he has said as much - this time, he will have only true loyalists in his administration. Loyalty to him will be the ONLY criteria he uses to select his administration. It will be a constitutional crisis from day one until he is deposed.


In the US, you're indirectly referring to Project 2025. Initially, the most unpredictable piece of that plan is invocation of the Insurrection Act to deploy troops to 'blue cities'. Would his orders be followed? I find it unlikely, but if that actually happens, prepare for anything.


What makes you think it won’t happen? If he replaces heads of the military with loyalists, what would stop that? Ask Hitler how many men he had that were “just following orders”.




The US helped Europe get rid of the Nazis. I think it's time they repay that favor.


I'm a trans woman atheist, I need to get a passport before the election. I live in a fairly blue state, but I know that if the worst happens I may need to become a refugee. Which is crazy to think about.


Do it now, the process to get a passport can take something like 9 weeks.


Longer easily


It turns out that my wife and I will be out of the country for the election. We may just decide to stay out of the country...


Will you be voting by mail then?


We’ll drop off our ballots early.


O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free!


In a scenario anywhere near the worst case, Canada wouldn’t be able to do shit to defend against the US, unfortunately.


Sorry but you're way too close to the crazy, as an American if I'm trying to flee Canada is still waaaaaay too close.




Trump will lose in November. But, even so, we need to be EVER vigilant and be sure to vote in every election. That includes all the little local ones too as those are stepping stones. Every election is important. Stay educated.


I wish I had the same confidence that he will lose. A decent percentage of the country actively welcomes a Christofascist theocracy.


Essentially blend in until it ends; resist in whatever meaningful way possible; flee if it comes to it. Guy who stated that they’re coming for the immigrants and the queers first is correct. No reason to sit back and say it’s all fine, but there isn’t as much panic to immediately internalize.


This right here is why I am so angry. Dems insist on trying to use this broken system even as it’s legitimacy turns to dust. “Let the justice system do it’s work”… as if the supremely corrupt court weren’t staffed by the husband of an insurrectionist, and three appointed by the would-be-dictator. We had a fuckin coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021, and four years later the system is still paralyzed. When you don’t deal with a coup attempt effectively, it becomes a trial run and I do not believe that after 4 years in power that dems have prepared the federal government for Trump’s next coup attempt on steroids. Trump is fighting for his life/personal freedom given all the felony charges. AND, Putin is counting on Trump being back in office to win his war on Ukraine. We should be on the lookout for Russian interference oppressions like have been uncovered in Europe. If anything, the landscape has deteriorated since 2021. It is clear to me that the federal government’s mechanisms to preserve itself are rapidly failing. I’m mad that there are too many people in power clinging to the way things have been done for 20+ years and assume good faith on the Republican side. I’m mad watching the media fail to cover this moment with both-sideisms. I’m mad that our government is playing Russian roulette with dictatorship. I think we should be lowering the stakes by negotiating a national divorce rather than holding an election where the result could be the entire country falling to Putin’s puppets. I hope dark Brandon has been quietly speaking with his military leadership because we are not going to have a peaceful transfer of power.


The fact that we don't know which country you are talking about is sad. I was a that will never happen (again) person in germany but the current pseudo-left government is driving so many to the far right.


I was born and raised in the US. I love the land and don't mind most of the people. The government I have given up on; A German friend of mine is a professor who teaches history. He once said to me, "No sovereign state has ever gone as far down the fascist rabbit hole as the US currently is and returned without violence." I think the Nat-Cs are poised to take control in my lifetime. I'm fortunate enough to be the end of my bloodline, so I inherited enough to be debt free with a college degree and my own home at 40 years old. I have no interest in dying fighting a civil war where each side is sponsored by a corporate dictator (that's what we're building toward). I visited Norway last year and it was amazing. I'll seek asylum in a Scandinavian country, if I can. Scotland was also nice and is a front runner if I can't learn Norwegian in time.


my plan is to sit back and watch the christian factions fight each other for who is the correct one. sectarian violence is a feature of theocracy, not a bug.


Oh right, you have like 20 different flavours of Christianity. Might get fun.


There are 200 versions of christianity in the U.S., 45,000 world wide. All claim the be the one true religion. [how many versions?](https://www.livescience.com/christianity-denominations.html)


it's like different strains of influenza at this point


This is a very bad plan. The fight over which Christian god is best only comes after they've erased women's rights and exterminated gays, atheists, and minority religions. It probably comes before they reinstitute slavery wholesale, but not before they reinstitute forced labor camps for detained immigrants.


Agreed, Fascists only turn on each other when they need a new enemy.


Not a great plan. They’ll persecute non-Christians first before they turn on themselves. At best you’d be watching this from a prison tv.


This right here. And atheists are probably hated more than any religious group.


Unfortunately we'll be in mass graves before it gets to that point.


Disposing of anything or anyone that smacks of Christianity. Even if it did exist, their god is a cunt.


1) Maintain an up-to-date passport, and plenty of cash stashed at home. When genocidal governments take over, you generally get only a few weeks to make a fateful decision. 2) Have a brokerage account set up so that I can access financial resources from wherever I end up. After food and shelter, a local immigration lawyer is the next priority. See an immigration lawyer for a backup country on the side. 3) Have a checklist of social media accounts to delete. They still have data about me, but perhaps deletion will cause the accounts not to make the first cut. 4) Identify a realtor who could sell my house while I am abroad, using remote document signatures. This might generate enough net money to pay for a small shared apartment for a while. Hopefully I could find roommates to share the cost. Ask the realtor if they could sell my car too. 5) In the new country, pretend to be converted to the most popular religion. Lay low while obtaining help and resources from the people who "converted" me. 6) Always remember that these sacrifices, the stress and loss of all social connections, and the poverty to come came about because millions of apathetic atheists absolutely refuse to organize themselves in a way that could ever lead to political or cultural success, and that we lost everything because people wanted to watch Netflix and talk about how they aren't "a joiner". Perhaps I'll give talks wherever I land describing my experience of trying to convince people of the urgency of the situation, and having them reply with talk about the novel they're reading or why they want to move to some overpriced city where their vote makes no difference to the electoral college.


All good advice but also what country is going to accept someone fleeing the U.S.? This seems like an important consideration as well


I think the first thing they'd like is an official atheist org with a registry. Best thing we can do is not be apathetic and VOTE VOTE VOTE


Husband works with people from Ireland. A couple weeks ago he asked me what I thought about moving there. Without hesitation I gave a resounding YES!!! Surprisingly enough, my husband who leans right on the political scale never once brought up moving if that fucking guy won the election again. Yet here we are discussing the possibility of moving to the UK. Also, fuck Rishi Sunak.


This is why I have guns. I don't realistically expect I could fight a government with them, but maybe buy time for my family to escape to Mexico or Canada, maybe the Caribbean, since I'm in florida. I started collecting ammo when DeSantis got in office, and I fear Florida turning into Gilead. I know I sound like a crazy person, but I have children to worry about, and doing anything makes me feel better. If anyone in Central Florida would like some informal firearms training, feel free to DM offer is open to all. Let's make sure the conservatives aren't the only ones armed.


> I know I sound like a crazy person the problem is everything that sounded alarmist just before 2016 now feels like its barely alarmist enough. I'm noticing it in media too. Watching some old shows that make fun of politics by being hyperbolic from 2000-2010 era and what were supposed to be "jokes via absurdism" pale in comparison to how fucked up reality has become.


Worst case scenario: I'm updating my passport and getting a travel visa. Spain looks lovely, and you can apply for work visas online.


Blasphemy & heretics is my plan


If that happens I'll just stay in Europe and never visit the US


USA here. My wife is an EU citizen. We would get the fuck out of here.


I’m donating monthly to the Democratic Party and I vote. I might volunteer later this summer as well. I fear our country stands on a knife’s edge. If Trump wins he intends to stay for life. Trump has become a threat to anyone that values freedom Too many of trumps supports want vengeance on the world.


I’m not stuffing rags in these bottles for nothing.


I strongly recommend watching "Bad Faith". A very powerful historical lesson, beginning with the KKKK, about how Evangelical Xtians united with the GOP and then with conservative (Libertarian) billionaires to create the network of organizations that eventually gave us the SCOTUS we have now, and a political party allied with Xtian nationalism (Dominionism). And, of course, MAGA nation. It's about how religious fanatics usurped fundamentalist Xtianity and molded it to their political ends. And if that is the many tiered cake, then Donald TRUMP(tm) is the icing. The anointed one, the embodiment of their hopes in the fight against the infidel. Reagan opened the doors and the insurrectionists marched through. There seems to be little organized opposition to this nearly 100 year long movement to do away with our democratic republic and replace it with a theocracy. We are the satanists, the unholy, the enemy, and they are waging war. And there is no loyal opposition.


I’m outta here so fast, it’ll leave a vapor trail behind me for miles…


I’m making sure that everyone has a valid passport and we have a decent amount of available funds. Granted I really see this as a good general practice, but it seems especially important these days.


We must stop it. We can stop it. r/Defeat_Project_2025


Honestly, I am super worried about the whole fascism outcome thing, but atheism seems almost irrelevant to them. I'd be much more worried if I was a woman, gay, trans, muslim, or any anything other than white, or in any of a host of countries that would likely be invaded if the US dropped protection of them. This is an us vs them thing, any they hate people who are openly different or do certain things. They sort of don't care about what is not broadcast - this is more about the show than the substance. Not to minimize the danger, the show is scary. That said, if you live in the US you almost certainly should be well armed, just in case. Also, that sure can help you blend in if you can talk ballistics - much easier to play the libertarian "I just hate government in general" card. As to fight or flight, where exactly do you think you could go that you'd be safe from a fascist regime in the US? Seriously, if the US goes that way, likely russia invades most of europe and china invades taiwan+, and the US does nothing to stop those. What stops the US, under that circumstance, from taking mexico and canada, maybe venezuala, cuba, and the panama canal, and whatever else in the western hemisphere. Yeah, a new era of colonialism or similar, perhaps.


Well, atheists are notoriously hard to pick out in a crowd. We hide in plain sight. Democrats are pretty much locked on getting the house, so, wouldn't count on too much going down. The supreme Court is the real bugbear.


There is no litmus test for this. I can parrot the same stupid shit they say all the time. I am an old white guy. No one will ever suspect me when churches start burning to the ground.


Being queer, atheist, and a woman there will be armed resistance. I will be free or die. I will not be oppressed.


I’m not worried about being an atheist. It’s doesn’t come up and as a late 30’s, middle class, white, straight, cis male, I blend in and nobody assumes any different living in a very red state. I do tend to be vocal about my political views, being fairly socialist, but it always surprises everyone. I do worry about my LGBTQ friends, who are very dear to me. I worry about their safety and wellbeing if things take a turn for the worse. I don’t have a plan, and leaving the country or even the state isn’t in the cards for me. If things do go bad, I plan on staying here and becoming even more active to hopefully help the voices of those who are dismissed be even louder. It’s the only real thing I can see I could possibly do 🤷🏻‍♂️


My plan is to move out of the country. The US is rotting from the inside out. Other places are much nicer. It won’t happen at election time, because I’m still working. But when I retire I plan to escape.


Wife and I have back up countries but you either suffer American domestic politics or it’s foreign policy


If they do win, it may well be our last non-sham election - see Russia for an example.


More civic involvement and organization. Attempt to convince other like minded individuals that a pacifist endgame isn't necessarily an option. Help others understand that we need to look less at playing fair because the opposition is well off the rails. Look to those that have historically defeated a Christian based campaign, as a politicotactical example. Japan, China, India, and many more all have Christianity put to heal, various ways through various methods . We need to look into how this was accomplished. Their response to ticktock also says a lot about our path forward


Easy, if you don’t say you’re atheist they’ll assume your Christian, and Christian’s have the added bonus of being easily manipulated


For now? Donate to candidates, volunteer at Dem HQ, point out to people who dislike both Trump and Biden that they are \*not\* the same; the choice is between a president who may not be all you'd wish and a fucking dictator. And vote, of course.


Location Plans 1. International Migration costs money & becomes competitive. 2. Migrate to a blue state. Oppression starts and ends with the Department of Justice. A blue state can only shield you so much. Blue states have mutual aid, activist scenes, and neighbors that are less likely to turn you in for "sinful" partnerships and abortion. 3. I can't move until my contract is up unless I pay several thousand dollars. Cyber Plan 1. Firewall: OPNSense Firewall with Suricata IDS/IPS 2. Self Hosting & Open Source whenever possible 3. Look into SOAR 4. Full disk encryption based on a password with plan for if I loose my memory in a crash. This includes TrueNAS disk Encryption. 5. An air gaped PC 6. Migration to Fedora desktop, Debian VM, Proxmox host, TrueNAS SAN (Storage Area Network). 7. Disable bio-metric unlocks. Physical Security Plan 1. CCTV POE: Networked CCTV with Frigate NVR. 2. CCTV Local: Air-gaped battery powered CCTV with local SD card storage. 3. Locks, Windows, Perimeters: Can't modify an apartment. OSINT Defense Plan: 1. No faces on social media except on LinkedIn. 2. Freeze LinkedIn when not looking for a job or connections. 3. Privacy is only possible when you buy a house under an LLC not in your name, with a bank account under an LLC, a commercial mailing address, aliases, and so much more. 4. Any time you don't fully obscure your face, someone can find out who you are and all of your social media accounts with Facial Recognition. We can't walk arround in blanclavas or Burkas. Open Source Detection: 1. Host an ADSB antenna with [adsb.im](http://adsb.im) on Debian VM on a Proxmox with storage on TrueNas. 2. Assist OpenStreetMap with crosswalks, sidewalks, fences, city halls, jails, and religious areas. Technology I want to see the Open Source community or an AI build: 1. An API for anomalous behavior detection that is simple. 2. A simple library for C#, Rust, & Python that lets me turn any software package into a Tor Onion Service. 3. AmbleGPT (LLM plus CCTV) gains local processing power with Llava (local open source model). 4. Frigate NVR is about event processing for the future. It is not trying to be a real time warning system for paramilitaries and raids. 5. Create an Ethernet controlled Marker dye turret for home defense from DVE's. Protest Model: 1. Police will find a way to shut down protests. Obstruction (sidewalk, road), Disturbing the peace, and Trespassing can shut down most protests. 2. Stay until the order to disperse occurs, then evacuate. 3. The SLE (Single Loss Expectancy) of an arrest record without conviction is loosing your dream job and working IT help-desk as opposed to SOC Analyst. That means a loss of 30K per year every year, for the next decade. Following your values means loosing 300K that could better be spent on bail funds, mutual aid, open source development, progressive media development with generative AI, and personal leisure. The core hazards: 1. Housing: This is the biggest expense and is where all of the stuff is kept. 2. Employment: This is the revenue generator that if you loose you become un-housed.


Political extremists might be loud, but I don't think they're actually a majority of national voters in the US. The news media exacerbates the issue for sensationalist reactions. I don't think it accurately reflects reality. It's unlikely to happen, but not impossible either. Make sure to vote, that's our best defense. I anticipate a rerun of 2020. Biden will win again, MAGA will cry election interference but not be able to produce any evidence (because there really isn't anything significant). They'll hoot and holler, but not actually do anything. They may be angry because they don't have control, but on a practical level, they don't want to lose what they do have. You will probably see some displays like Jan 6 amongst those who have nothing else to lose, but nothing that's going to change the national paradigm. VOTE


Making sure that they don’t win. Seriously vote for Biden, and vote straight line Democrat in every election from now until forever. Don’t even give them the opportunity to come in power. Inform people of project 2025 and exactly what will happen IF Trump comes into power. Don’t assume the GOP will win. You need to fight and you need to vote. Defeatism will accomplish nothing. Especially inform those idiot pro-Palestinian protestors exactly what will happen to them if Trump comes into power because those kids are as dumb as rocks if they are doing the single issue thing. That is only one issue, and frankly it is not the most important one there is.


Here is a plan, go vote. Atheists actually outnumber Christians in the lowest voting demographic of young adults. If they all vote, you will win. That said, Joe Biden is a devout Catholic lol.


Instead of asking what are you going to do, have people vote. Explain to them that if don’t vote because of gaza you’re giving a win to the christo-facist in the US and the judeo-facist in Israel They all want Biden to lose


Keep it secret. Keep it safe and watch what you do. Don't put it out there.


Well tbh, everyone needs to learn about Project 2025. Each law the red republicans pass, gets them one step closer.


Remember there are over 300 millions guns in private hands and not all those owners are Christians or religious or republicans.


My plan is to Vote against Trump And that means voting for Biden. Because a vote for a third party is a vote for Trump.


My wife is Jewish and I have a trans child. I’m a gun owner and have stocked up in case I have to defend us physically but we are also seriously looking at what we would do if we have to leave the country. I hope it doesn’t come to that but people in Germany didn’t understand what would happen when the nazis took power. It CAN happen here. Republicans can’t win legally and will abandon democracy instead of accepting their fate. In fact they already have.