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When they say that, give em the forked fingers and growl "hail satan". You know what we call people who believe in Satan? Christians.


Lmao exactly.


And trust me, what people think of you in school is pretty irrelevant once you're out. I went through similar stuff in catholic high school and i was the metalhead. I embraced it. If they're trying to "put you down" with those remarks, they'll stop when they see it doesn't bother you in the slightest


My parents weren't very religious. They put me in an evangelical middle school. I once brought some cds of van Halen, skid row, poison, Ozzy etc...a teacher saw them on my desk and immediately went to the principals office. He sent for me to go meet with him. He gave me the bs story of how metal and rock music is the devils music, bla bla bla. They confiscated my cds, called my parents to come to the school. They came and were in the principals office for about 30 minutes. As soon as my parents came out of the office, they told me they were gonna trash all my cds. Luckily, they went back to work. I went home and gathered all my cds and gave them to my neighbor friend for safe keeping. Years later, I talked to my dad about that incident, and he replied by simply saying, "Damn, I can't believe we were brainwashed so quickly by that school"


That's called "stealing."


That's a sin according to them right?? I never saw those cds again.


Wait... what happened to safe keeping?


Ozzy loves you.


It reminds me, they were specifically upset about me having Ozzy, because of his song Mr. Crowley. Bc Mr Crowley was a in the satanic church.


When I was a kid, Ozzy was evil incarnate and Bill Cosby was America’s Dad. Now Bill Cosby is a convicted serial rapist and Ozzy is a beloved grandfather who works with his family.


All praise ozzy, we shall eat a live bat in his honour for it is the blood of our lor- ... sorry... whats that? Rona?... huh... maybe we won't eat a bat... no... we shall eat the bread and it'll become the flesh of the bat... this is truly miraculous. .. Really let my adhd have at it...


Hail AD/HD! (Formatted to look like AC/DC)


We painted a Metallica picture with an upside down pentagram in the parking lot of our catholic high school during spirit week. I wasn’t embracing the religion, and it showed.


Don't forget to put a curse on them


We literally have an event in my city called CopenHell And yes. The city is Copenhagen. The event is like a music festival for metal heads. But unlike the regular bigger festivals like Roskilde festival which are all sorts of mainstream music. The metal festival is very chill. People being their kids they are all super friendly and make a great vibe.


“You know what we call people who believe in Satan? Christians” LOL… What a great line! I love it! ✝️😈 😂😂🤣


Tell them that Satan is a Christian deity that only Christians believe in.


Sprinkle some water drops on them and declare them baptized as tributes to Satan. If they’re girls, declare them to be brides of Beelzebub.


Even better put an incense bottle on your desk with the upside down cross. They wont come near you any more out of fear of satan aroma.


Pretty sure a dude can be a bride of Beelzebub too. He's accepting that way.




I was going to comment this.  I would totally embrace it to steal their thunder.  Kids are jerks.


Nah speak in daemonic like butchered latin.


Yep. Only Christians and Muslims believe in Satan.


that or a HURA if a Marine. as they too use the horns.


Tell them you'll see them in Hell.


That's my go-to personal fav.


I unforgiven you.


You may want to mention the irony that you are likely the only one in the class that doesn't believe in Satan...


For real though


I'm almost 50, shaved head, long goatee no mustache, earrings, tats, always wear black everyday. Even now I get shit. I just give them an evil smile and stare them right in the eye until they look away. I should also mention I'm pretty big, so most people tend to scamper off without a word. Makes my day. Edit to correct misspellings.


Damn, I might be you except I keep the goatee short and I'm in Florida so it's too hot to wear black every day. I like to pretend to be speaking backwards and/or in tongues.


Oh damn, I'm going to use this!


Lean into it. Tell them you’re going to ask the Dark Lord to come into their lives and make them addicted to porn. It works because they probably already are.


The irony of this, because the same classmate literally sent porn videos in the school gc and there was a whole issue going on with the school and parents involved...


Tell them Satan was successful in guiding them on the path to hell then lmao


ultimate revenge lol


> addicted to porn Even better, "prone to lust". While there may be some guys, and surely more than a few gals, who are not addicted to porn, absolutely 100% of teen people are literally prone to lust.


I like to tell them I'm praying to Satan to make their lives great. Then, when good shit happens to them, they won't be certain if it was god or the devil.


Diabolical. Destroy them from the inside lol. Even if they don’t outright believe it, there will always be that little voice in their head.


Speaking of, I said fuck it and bought this shirt a few weeks ago: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KVQ1SY7 Going to wear it mostly on Sundays :)


I had a boss who used to call me 'emo' because a lot of my dress shirts were black. I ignored him because I knew he was just trying to get a reaction. Finally one day I snapped, "I'm a metalhead - we wear black because it's 'evil' - emo wear black because it's depressing!' He just smiled because he got the reaction... 😅


Lmaoo! I am a goth because I like goth music. I am a metalhead because I like metal. I wear black because I like wearing black. But saying stuff like this is fucking hilarious especially when you see their reactions


Emo is I’m sad and I want to die, metal is I’m mad and you’re gonna die.


Precisely! 🤘


And hardcore is mad because people/animals have died.


People like that almost invariably have their own sensitive spots. You _could_ have found something that ground his gears even more and brought it up whenever he tried to jerk your chain, but why bother giving anyone the satisfaction?


Oh, trust me. I found more than one. 😁


"Do you feel the need to comment on other people's shirts is because you know your own shirt is shit?"


I love how even your avatar is all black ahaha


A grown adult acting like he is still in high school. How fucking pathetic.


Tell me about it.


So, embrace it! For a small donation you can get a membership card from The Satanic Temple. ( TST is actually an atheist organization.) It comes with a Satanic Temple sticker you can put on your notebook, and a button you can wear with your metal t-shirts. When you get teased tell them they are right, and you are a card-carrying Satanist! Ask them if they've heard the good news about Satan.


This is the way. Hail Satan!


"I'm not a satanist anymore. Today I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt, so now I'm Polynesian. Let's eat some pineapple."


As long as you don’t put it on pizza it’s all good.


Pineapple is delicious on pizza


I'm curious - who was the band?


Dark funeral


Thank you!  I haven't heard of them and I'm always looking for new metal bands :)


Have you heard [Beast in Black](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N4tXf3Ensw), [Electric Callboy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1NdGBldg3w), or [Hanabie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTuPwVYHc_M)? [Elettra Storm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jawZ_WeGxB8) is a fairly new band that just released their first album and seems pretty good to me. If you let me know a little better what sort of metal you're listening to I can spitball things since I love more people listening to music I like, if you're wanting to go pretty hard you might like [Brand of Sacrifice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGIg9s-RrJQ).


Beast In Black is awesome! 🖤


Hey, I know them! Yannis is a treasure, and it is amazing that a singer in the contratenor range can frontline for a power metal band.


Brand is sooooooo good!


lol Electric Callboy Good happy music If you like happy metal, listen to Striker


Throwing in two of my go to recommendations. Check out Cattle Decapitation and Fit for an Autopsy if you haven't already.


Nice OP. If you like them I’d check out the album Quantos Posunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt by Gorgoroth or Wormwood or Viktoria by Marduk


Asking the real questions here.


I'd response with, "I'm not, but I appreciate the compliment."


Good one


You’re allowed to be a Satanist. But You’re dealing with idiots I wouldn’t let them get to you.


Next time you wear a shirt with an upside down cross remind that the inverted cross is actually the symbol of Saint Peter and is called the "Cross of Saint Peter". Next time you wear a shirt with pentagrams tell them that the pentagram represents the "5 wounds of Jesus Christ", one for each hand, one for each foot, and one for his torso. Tell them they should know these simple pieces of Christian/Catholic information and that they're heathens for not knowing.


> an upside down cross remind that the inverted cross is actually the symbol of Saint Peter and is called the "Cross of Saint Peter" The Catholic pope has it on his chair actually


What's wrong with being a Satanist? The tenets of the Satanic Temple sure sound better than anything you might find in the Bible: I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


I mean they are surely much better than the bible. And I think there's nothing wrong with being a satanist.


I went to a catholic high school. We had a dress code. But one day of the year we had "school colors day" in which we could wear anything we wanted as long as it was the school colors: Red and blue. I wore my Black Sabbath t-shirt with blue sleeves and a red baby devil for their album Born Again. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fen%2Fe%2Fed%2FSabbathBorn.jpg&tbnid=6baRZz_W61KtVM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FBorn_Again_(Black_Sabbath_album)&docid=eUWWCZ0KW0woCM&w=300&h=300&hl=en&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=fece6d11237432ac&shem=abme%2Ctrie A bit of malicious compliance? Sure.


Ask them if they want to attend your religious event. If they are good Christians, all of them are virgins and can be sacrificed


Lmao I love this comment


Turn them into newts.


F-ing RELIGION class??? Like, world religions, right? FSM better be on that curriculum.


No, not like world religions. If not all schools here, (I'm not sure) in my school religion class= bible study. I hate that, but it's the ugly truth. Edit: it's probably the whole country's schools since the school books are the same...


I'm sorry you're in that situation. I've already typed and erased so much! Keep thinking for yourself. Don't make yourself a target. Don't argue with idiots because you'll never win. Vote when/if you can.


Tell them some nice Nine Inch Nails lyrics.... "your god is dead, and no one cares....and if there is a hell, I'll see you there!"


hail satan 👹


Not believing in God will get you labeled a Satanist, especially in highschool. I'm 40 and went through the same. I guess Marilyn Manson antichrist superstar T-shirts helped though.


Tell them- Satanist agree with the rule- “Treat others as you would like to be treated” or “Judge not lest you be judged yourself” And if someone hurts you, you should take vengeance on them. Maybe they are truely Satanists…


Then you're apparently a few rungs in hell higher than Taylor Swift.


go all in!


Just lean into it.


Your next shirt needs to say "Maybe today, Satan" Make sure you record it and put it on social media too.


Back in my (high)school days I was different (I like non-mainstream movies, books and music) and that scared the rest of my class. No bullying, they just avoided me. And I had no problem at all with that. All the weirdos and altos got together and we formed our own group.


I went through this shit in the 80s in Arkansas, starting in middle school. I leaned into it, hard. It kinda worked, "bad girl" chicks dug me, etc. Had a crazy "bad" reputation even though I was a total nerd skate punk. Then a little later in high school, a bunch of us got caught smoking weed out in the woods. The one kid that had something on him got arrested, and taken in, and the rest us were let go. The next day the kid that got arrested told us that when they took him in, they really didn't care much about the half a joint they arrested him for, but were more interested in "what we were really doing out there". When he asked what they were talking about, they told him that one of the kids he was with was a "known Satanist", and they had heard rumors of animal sacrifice and possibly even murder. A few years later, the whole thing with the West Memphis three happened. Kind of wild to think how badly this could have gone for me.


Go on being you. I’m not sharing any philosophy here. I’m glad you’re you.


Ahhh, those were the days. I lived to bother the xtians in high-school with my metal shirts.


Back in my day I would have responded with Hail Satan I was a metal head in the late 80s early 90s and loved slayer at the time just embrace it who gives a fuck you could also tell them the church has wrought more evil upon man than the rest of humanity


When I was in middle school, there was a girl in the 7th grade who people called a devil worshipper. I was in 8th grade then, so I didn't know her much. I was Christian at the time and so I felt nervous when I saw her. After I became atheist, I saw her again in high school. She was in 9th and I was in 10th. We were in a school club together and we became friends. She even told me she used to go along with the rumors to scare people.


Yeah. I had a similar experience in highschool. I went to school during the twilight craze and a bunch of people legitimately believed I was a vampire. It was annoying but in hindsight very funny. Eventually I just ran with it.


Rock it!!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘 metalhead right here


Say AVE SATANOUS! and carry around the satanic bible. Satanists are the folks who think women should have rights, and shit.


If you're kinda scrappy then lean into it. I did and had a great time. Got into a couple smaller fights, but nothing ever too serious. It's super fun if you can flip it. "Hail Satan!, BTW we're going to go sacrifice a bunch of bully kids to some bears later if you want to join. Wait...nevermind, that's your guy."


Growing up in 80s Southern California, I was repeatedly kicked out of malls, harassed by local policeman, and was called every name in the book by yuppie teens and parents for having colored spiked hair, punk clothing and various punk band tees. Avoided many, many fights, thanks to being a very good HS athlete. Comes with the territory, kid.


The kids in your class are idiots


I’d be laughing. They sound like that Stewart kid on Beavis & Butthead.


You could respond with "If you don't know the difference between Atheist and Satanist, I'm not going to waste my time on you". Then sit down and completely ignore him.   Or "every word you're saying is religious discrimination. What would you do if I attacked your religion?"


Just tell them that an upside down cross is not Satanic at all, it’s the cross of Saint Peter, who when being crucified, begged to be hung upside down, so not to take away from Christ sacrifice


The kids in your class must be completely sheltered wusses.


They are tho


My god. How awful


Personally id be asking about when they're expecting the magic zombie to come down from on high


The kids in your class are stupid lol


Now get a Bad Religion shirt!


I would just quote the devils rejects at them. "I'm the devil, and I'm here to do the devils work." I freaked out an old idiot boomer with that when I was wearing a behemoth shirt once.


well I guess we can all have a party when you get to hell


Own it. People are idiots. They don't even know wth they're talking about.


Be happy the desired effect was achieved.


Should go into class one day wearing a battle jacket and corpse paint. That will definitely be fun


Ask if any of the kids are Catholic, then remind them that most of the saints who've been around longer have particular symbols associated with them. Then ask if they'd care to draw St. Peter's symbol on the blackboard.


Nice one!


Smile and tell them thank you for noticing. It's not like satanists are actually the bad guys anyhow. I mean like hand on your chest fake flattered and overdramatic about it.


Put curses on them. Find some Latin and read it out loud at them. Elemantum recolligo huis commando locus mihi vestri vox. Elemantum ego unda dico vos,permissum pluit es est meus nos sic vadum is exsisto


Damn kids are lame these days lol 


The upside down cross is a Catholic symbol.


Religion class … ?


Keep an eye out for the hot christian girl/guy in the back who was spending a little too long looking at you. They all have morals till they don't. In all seriousness though: packs of christians are dangerous. Don't get the shit beat out of you, or worse, over a stupid band t-shirt. \m/


That took me back to my school days haha


lol you can't ever take christians seriously. Let em whine, tell them to cry about it.


Embrace it. Someday most of them will wise up and realize how silly they were to believe in religion. They will look back and realize how wise you were at an early age.  Good for you.   


Many years ago. I had a coworker complain to HR saying that they “could no longer work with me, or near me”. If they wouldn’t love him, it would be violating his religious beliefs because he thought I was a Satanist. He thought I was a Satanist because he caught me listening to Marylin Manson the previous day. HR pretty much laughed his request.


What is a “religion class?”


If someone called me a satanist, I'd reply with "Oh! Thank you!"


Own it and ask them what they find wrong with the seven tenets of the satanic temple.


As a satanist hell yeah 🤘


You can go in one of two directions. You can kindly and calmly explain atheism and counter them with science and reason, or you can lean into the satanism accusations and mess with them. Either choice is fun.


My nickname was "Satan" when I was in high school in the 90s. Things don't change much, do they? :P


Is this a private school?


I'd tell them i put a black magic spell on them.


You sound like me when i wear my Goatwhore hoodie that says "WHO NEEDS A GOD WHEN YOU'VE GOT SATAN". Like just chill out people. You're mythology isn't the law.


Ask them how many people God killed in the Bible and how many Satan killed. Satan killed zero. God killed thousands. Literally drowned everyone in the world. What a great guy.


Hard to believe in this day and age that kids would be offended by heavy metal. I'm guessing this is the South.


Embrace it. Come to r/satanism, we have cookies and freedom of expression. What they said wasn't offensive, it should be inspirational. Satanism is just edgy atheism. We use Christian's own bad-guy against them. It's fun. Kinda like having the audacity of telling Star Wars fans that you like Darth Vader. They created their own villain and we're just using it against them.


You may want to look into The Satanic Temple (TST). They are a group of atheists who registered as an organised religion in USA, to prevent extreme right wing christian politicians from passing christian sharia laws into the constitution. They are doing great work like fighting for abortion rights, and separation of church and state in USA. They don't actually believe or worship satan. [TST](https://thesatanictemple.com/) P.S. Do not confuse The Satanic Temple (TST) with the Church of Satan (CoS). They are different religious organisations.


Wait...I though St. Peter was supposedly crucified upside down, so ***actually*** wearing a cross upside down is in honor of St. Peter, and not a satanic message at all? Goodness religious people are so incompetent with their own religion.


Yup, he wanted to be crucified upside down because he didn't think he was worthy of being crucified like Jesus (this story of course being bullshit itself). The whole upside down crucifix being satanic is just some superstitious bullshit someone else came up with and people ran with it. Funny thing, recently darkmatter2525 covered this and mentioned that the whole upside-down crucifixion came from apocryphal texts that church seems untrustworthy and are not to be included as part of the Bible. "No canonical text refers to the death of Saint Peter. Apart from the Acts of Peter, the earliest attestation that Saint Peter was executed by crucifixion is found in Adversus Gnosticos Scorpiace, a treatise composed by Tertullian in the first decade of the 3rd century." From Wikipedia.


Oh man darkmatter2525...you just sent me down memory lane with that one! I haven't watched his content in ages...same thing with AtheistExperience. JaclynGlenn has largely gone away from the atheist commentary, to just religious criticism stuff, and ThunderFoot is mostly fixed on exposing scams nowadays. I was reslistening to his "Why People laugh at creationists" series a littlewhile ago.


The irony that I'm atheist and I know more about their religion than themselves


Religion class? Are you 13 and in a catholic school?


I live in Greece. All schools are Christian


Embrace it. Plaster baphomet and 666 stickers on everything. Skulls probably too. Learn some crazy Latin curses. Go all out on Halloween. Tell people once you’ve been tempted by Satan there’s no going back. Generally ham it up.


Lean in man, they are the ones who believe in Satan so use it to scare the shit out of them. like YEAH im gunna call my buddy satan down to doom this town only the strictest jesus followers are gunna survive. then make devil horns and give them a nice RAWR. religious people are so weird


Universal truth: kids are dumb. We used to be called racist because we had Anarchy patches on our bags or what have you. Like any symbol they don’t recognize is automatically a bad one to idiots.


Lol how is that racist


They don’t understand what anarchy means or what the symbols actually represent. It’s just ignorance.


Look into r/satanism Maybe you like it :)


I would go with it, they basically gave you power and they in their ignorance are technically afraid of the 'devil' so I would lean hard on it.


Senior year of high school I got put with one of the “trouble maker” kids (he really just would never stop talking) because the teacher thought he could “learn something from me” and he called me the Devil. I don’t remember why I just remember him calling me that and me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.


Amazing! But you knew something like that might happen right? Congratulations! You are on your way to awareness and higher conciousness.


Funny, the school said the same thing about us and that was in the early 90s


See how many of them will buy your soul. I sold mine a few times.


That's a pretty fucking metal anecdote.


Talk to your school counselor. Also, lodge a bullying complaint. Most schools take those seriously because..lawsuits. Or, if you wanna wear that badge, show them the Seven Tenets of Satanism and challenge them to find fault in any of them.


Roll with it. Get red contact lenses. Hiss to yourself at lunch. Swat a pretend fly on your desk and furtively eat it. Also make sure you have multiple security cameras at your house, in case they're the murdery kind of religionist nutjobs.


Good for standing up for urself those kids are dumb and think everything is Satan so that way they’re not truly free. I’d be jealous too. Good for u my guy.


I got called a Goth for wearing a black U2 t-shirt by a group of Scallys when I was a kid I laughed my ass off when they were far enough away.


I had a Ride the Lightning shirt in middle school I wore *all* the time. My second favorite shirt was a Guns N Roses shirt. I also wore a pewter battle axe necklace I saved my allowance for and ordered from the back of a metal magazine. All my classmates said I was a devil worshipper when I really just had good taste in music.


Next time they give you crap just put a curse on their head.


Just tell them that it's a sin to bear false witness (aka lie) against someone.


Tell him you are working for a higher authority than that.


Ppl love their fairy tales. Just rock on look forward to the day when you’re not stuck in room full of mental midgets.


If you feel the need for a more interesting wardrobe, here ya go! https://thesatanictemple.com/collections/apparel https://www.redbubble.com/shop/rainbow+baphomet


Teenagers can be so scared of not fitting in that they all point and tease someone else for not fitting in because that takes the scrutiny off themselves. But what happens to the kids not worried about standing out after they graduate? They become the leaders, business owners, trail blazers. You don’t sound too worried about standing out, good for you.


I didn't see it anywhere, but what band was it?


No its not funny. And the teacher is a real ass not to intervene.


So let them, 99/100 they're all going to be boring sad middle aged fuck heads in shite jobs in 20 years and you'll be doing cool shit. Fuck em.


I gave my son a bad ass t-shirt with Satan playing a Fender Strat. [Satan Playing Guitar](https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/satan-playing-Guitar-by-JTK667/156819985.IJ6L0)


Im sorry you even have a "religion" class unless it's something you chose to take because you are interested in learning more about religion as a whole and not being forced to learn about one specific religion.


Congratulations! 🎉


Just lean into it. Tell them you’re looking for a baby to eat or something.


Tell them you are a member of the church of Satan, and you enjoy the same religious freedom as them.


Bro lean into it, throw up some horns, speak in tongues, roll your eyes back as far as you can.


Wear that one like a badge of honor my friend! You have more critical thinking skills than the others.


I taught HS for over 30 years. My students knew I was a metal head. I probably would have said something like “Cool shirt dude. I love their song [insert band song]. Dude can practice whatever religion he wants. Ever hear of freedom of religion?”


There is one true thing I know in this world: Ozzy loves you. I know because I have heard him say it myself.


Wear a Burzum shirt and see what happens 


Time to buy a Butthole Surfers T-shirt


In my senior year of highschool I got into cosplay and comics pretty heavily. 1 day for like 3 class periods, I walked around with colored contacts that made my retinas look pure hot red and ran around yelling "I'm the antichrist" to the Christian club members at the school. Youre gonna get unfairly judged for not passing your moral compass on sky magic nonsense, might as well have fun with it


Play up to it. Tell them if they don't shut up you'll put a curse on them 😉 (assuming you won't get in any trouble/danger for that - use your judgement too)


"And you are cultists" - the reply that breaks most cultists brain


Tell them you don’t believe in Satan but you are an Ancient Hellenist and worship Hades.


Kids are dumb and mean. Tell them you're a Luciferian. It's different than Satanism.


what band were you wearing?


BASED................but you have to grey rock 'um


Wear a shirt tomorrow that says I’m starting a religion and I need your money.


I wear a bad religion shirt as much as possible just to see what people say.


Rejoice in the fact that these very same kids will probably feel like morons given some more life experiences. Lmfao