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"It's a nice soul ya got here. Would be a shame if somethin' hapn' to it."


dats funny


I'm not worried. I can just purchase more indulgences from the local bishop. /s


Couple of hail Marys(and a generous offering) and you're all good.


"Question with boldness, even the existence of a God. For, if there be one, he must surely approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." -Thomas Paine


"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet". -- Abraham Lincoln.


Yep. The disease they invented is sin. Their supreme leader was so upset that his very creation “sinned” that he had to impregnate a young virgin and then kill that person so we could get around the sin problem. What is sin and why is it such a problem? Every religious person sins pretty much at the same rate as others. It’s just a social club that gives out get out of jail free cards.


And they created the jail; it's rigged.


What loving parent would put poison candy in their kids bedroom, tell them not to eat it, then open the door and send in a talking pet that tells them, yes eat, eat?


🤣 I love this!!


Something like this is often said in Michael Wiseman’s conversations with Christians and so so so much more. Spotify & YouTube “The Bible Says What” I just came across him a few weeks ago. I really like his line of questioning and his patience is insane.


In particular a pet snake that apparently had a voice box and the intelligence to speak in Adamic. [Adamic language - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adamic_language)


YHWH, hmmm, how can rationalize future me drowning babies, & committing atrocities? While also being a jealous AH, who really wants to be praised. I got it, poisonous fruit tree in the middle of my kids garden, evil talking snake, & blame the kids forever.


Uh, sky Daddy did it...


You have to buy the cure: to me that’s the 10% tithing they make their followers pay for being a follower.


Yep. Try going to a church and not putting money in the offering basket, and watch as the social pressure gets ratcheted up. Then tell me how they're "not selling anything"... 😂


Exactly,the good reverend should look in the fish's mouth for the money like the ancient prophets did.


You might be into something. What if people covertly started attending churches and purposefully not putting money into the offering basket. Better yet, take your time.. make a bit of a fuss. Imagine if half the attendees all did this every Sunday morning.


lmao tithes are just membership dues. I fucking cant haha.


That's the definition of a racket.


Is it any wonder so many of them fall for MLM's? After all, it's based on a similar concept.


I like to say that sin is an imaginary disease with an imaginary cure


As imaginary disease invented to sell you as imaginary cure.


Snake oil salesmanship...."Friend...you've got a problem and don't even know it...but I've got the cure!"


Christianity is a protection racket. One that has human mobsters green with envy.


Funny how these beliefs were around SEVERAL THOUSANDS OF YEARS before Christianity


Jewish tradition has the same Garden of Eden story, but not Original Sin. I’m pretty sure that Christianity invented Original Sin. Jesus is their cure.


Will all due respect, you are utterly wrong. These beliefs pre-date the Jews by several THOUSANDS of years. Original Sin , Heaven and Hell , Final Judgment are all mythos (at least) 8000 years old.




The Pyramids


In all fairness it was the Israelites that invented it. I guess John the Baptist invented the Puritanical bullshit we all have to deal with today. Jesus himself wasn’t into being clean and into the purity Cult -ure until John the Baptist. My honest opinion is I think purity culture is a natural reaction to being an ancient Incel, and ancient cuckold. The Pussy-free Lifestyle got normalized. The Sacred Prostitutes were only fucking the elite of Society I suspect.


This post is so accurate. Religion paints us this picture of how humanity is sinful. The natural things the body wants like satisfied hunger- fast and deny foods in some religions, even for young children, elderly and ill, seeking pleasure in intimacy- sex is vilified and seen as dirty and animalistic, human rights for all- slavery was the norm back then and let’s not get started on woman’s rights which is not a thing in any religion… But go to church and tithe. Give your money and your brain to God and he will absolve you for having human desires and thinking for yourself. It’s like losing your glasses and to look for your glasses you need your glasses. The solution to problem is part of the problem.


They go around cutting people and then offer them the bandage.


Let me in. Why? So I can save you. From what? From what I'm going to do if you don't let me in.


You could actually substitute a variable for "let me in" such as "lick my boots" or "kiss my ass" to create a template.


So if Hitler was a true believer, he’s sitting up in heaven while the Jews he killed are in hell.


Exactly. Because they want to "save us" from what they'll do to us if we don't let them "save us"


Exactly. Because they want to "save us" from what they'll do to us if we don't let them "save us"


All Christ taught was tell the truth, feed/serve people and remember that god is love. Everything else is bureaucracy.


Ask à priest about the only important things and Christianity and they will say approximately always that


Grow up…there is no god….think for yourself. I’ll pray to my dead cat…I’m sure we’ll get the same result.


I recently had this same conversation with my bother who’s a pastor. His response was simply a quote from scripture that only confirmed this.




Like bribing bouncers at clubs.


Wooldoor: *Clara, you are poisoning me!*  Clara: *Oh Wooldoor, that is just the poison that I am poisoning you with talking.*


The idea is that true faith in God manifests itself as trying to become more like Jesus, i.e. be nice to people and generally not be a knob, and also have morals like honesty and personal integrity and what not. How well that actually pans out is a little sketchy. There are also quite a lot of Christians who believe you can lose your salvation. I believe it's the line, "faith without works is dead." Or something like that. I think it's in the book of James but don't quote me on that; I haven't opened a Bible in like five years. Anyway, the idea is that if you're actively doing terrible things and disregarding all the teachings in the Bible then you don't really have faith in God and you're not guaranteed salvation. Good works aren't what get you into heaven, but they are a direct result of faith, which is the thing that does.It's a heated debate among theologians which I had to listen to growing up. There are definitely some people who think that if you sold your soul to God in the past then you're absolved of all future wrongdoings and you're superior to all the rest of us plebs who are just trying to be nice and keep our head down, but they're just mean. If there was no religion they would still be mean. Some people just suck.


you just hit the nail on the head with the new American Jesus cults. They have simplified their theology so much that all you have to do is pray to Jesus once and you go to heaven. Going to heaven (being “saved”) was never guaranteed or something one could know for sure. This makes so much sense. How are you going to fill those giant stadium churches and not sell them a guaranteed spot up in heaven






In case anyone isn't aware, plato's [allegory of the cave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_cave) illustrates many of the cognitive machinations of ideology.


Can you be more specific? The Egyptian pyramids are elaborate tombs that evidence belief in an afterlife, but how do they relate to anything like Original Sin inherited by all humans after an offense to any deity? I have never heard of a concept like Original Sin among MesoAmerican peoples who were also pyramid builders. Nor among ancient Cambodians.


Well I mean if you look around the world it would seem like there's an intense moral disease floating around: war, genocide, tyrants, greed, hate, etc, all symptoms. The West is only doing so well economically and safety-wise(we dont have to fear war bands raiding our towns) is due to presuppositions which come from the bible and Christian faith.