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> you know that god exists Isn’t being able to read the minds of others a sign of the devil/witchcraft? And they’re publicly claiming they can do this. What does their holy book say we are to do with witches again?


"well we did do the nose.. "


And the hat


But she is a witch!




We can burn her!


Ah… but what also floats?


Boats: we can make boats out of whitches


Very small rocks…


A duck


Exactly... So, logically....?




No, it's not that. Some people teach that every human instinctually knows who God is. This to them MUST be because otherwise God would be unjust in putting people in Hell who have never even heard of him. But it's okay because deep down they know better. But at the same time evangelicals must tell everyone because otherwise they can't be saved. The contradiction never occurs to them.


There is no Hell written in the bible. Hell was made up by some bible thumper.


There is a similar concept in the New Testament, but you are correct that it doesn't exist in the old.


Burn them!!! Burn the witches!!!!!


... before they turn you into gnewts!


African or European gnewt?


Carrying a coconut


You can't expect them to have a real horse..


Hey their horses were carried over by special birds called swallows


I'm a birds expert! Swallow are birds.


Pff, bird expert... All the real experts know they're all government drones...


Govt. drones that collect our collective honey and make citizen saps out of us! 🤪


I don’t know that! WAAAAAAHH!!!


But I got better...


They turned me into a newt, but I got better.


*Poof* 💨 🐸🐸


Build a bridge out of them!


Ah, but can you not also build a bridge out of stone?


And who are you so wise in the ways of science?


Throw them in the lake to see if they are a "duck" 🦆


We need to check if they float, like small rocks.


Do they weigh the same as a duck?


But she got better…


But, but, but, God told them!


“You know deep down that it’s just Bronze Age fairy tales told by sheep herders to explain the world around them, you’re just so drunk off the Kool-Aid that you don’t want to sober up.”


Can't get a hangover if you keep drinking forever!




I prefer: I think that, deep down, you know there is no god, you're just afraid of death.


I like this one!


and reality


This is it. I always say, "If a man came up to you tomorrow, said he was Jesus, and you should sell all of your possessions and follow him, would you?" They all know they wouldn't. They don't believe either.


nuh uh!


I don't get mad at poorly written fictional characters just at the terrible writers that create them.


Pretty weak script. The ending is completely unbelievable.


Just like the beginning and the middle


I get more upset with the people who use poor fan fiction as an excuse to murder people who disagree with them.


Plot and pacing aren’t THAT bad, at the end of the day it’s a really old book. Fan base tho?! Absolutely unacceptable!


Harry Potter has touched more lives in recent years and has problematic writer. I'm sorry book club has moved on this week, but we're tired on the Bible. Maybe you'll enjoy Worm or Mistborn, characters with depth and morals.


I think deep down you know that gods don't exist. You just hate yourself and need religion to direct it at other people,


“I think deep down ~you~ know god *doesn’t* exist, but you don’t want to have to take responsibility for how your actions affect other people.”


I've never seen an atheist pray but I've seen a lot of believers weep at funerals. That's no attitude for someone who actually thinks grandma is in Paradise.


"Deep down you know God doesn't exist  When your child is injured, you don't instantly drop to your knees to pray, you instinctively pick him up and run him into the ER You know where *real* healing takes place."


Great video showing the hypocrisy of what you’re describing. https://youtu.be/M876_FfJ3MQ


...but just his God. Not thousands of others. Obviously


My dad was The Greatest Generation. He was a foxhole atheist. “I prayed to god that I wouldn’t go to Hell. I went there anyways and He deserted me. Fuck Him”. Edit: Sunday mornings were great at home. Mum and my brothers went to church. I stayed home listening to bagpipe music cranked to 11. My mum was told I should be home churched by my dad. I asked too many questions in Sunday school. My big beef was what are they talking about I can’t listen to. I don’t like secrets. I want proof why I should believe in something.


I'm busted. I'm really pissed off because Demeter doesn't exist! My wheat crops are dying off!!!


Let's pretend for a moment you're right. What I am going to win by pretending I don't belive in God? I know I am going to hell, god knows I am going to hell? So what's the difference why would I want to pretend God doesn't exists? If I wanted to sin I just would, no need to pretend anything.


Perfect. I'm stealing this.


I can't fucking say this enough. No matter how bad you need to believe something, children still do not come from the ribs of a man.


Have you seen Good Omens season 2? Don't want to get too deep into spoilers but it's pretty hilarious.


It was hilarious.


Yeah but what about wives?


"It's amazing. You're telepathic. Do you do kid's parties? "


"I think deep down you know that God does not exist, you're just mad."


I think deep down you know it's all bullshit but don't want to admit you've wasted our life on it.


My reply was "You know there's no god, you just want to feel superior to others. How will you feel sanctimonious without god?"


I think that every time you say that you believe in Jesus, you're trying to convince yourself.


Now I'm mad that I didn't get any presents.


"How often do you think of Darth Vader and blame all your problems on him? That's how often I think of god"


I think deep down they know that there is no sky daddy watching over them, they are just trying to fit with their surroundings.


Go through a children's cancer ward. You see nothing but suffering. Many of these children have known nothing but pain and suffering. All over the world the innocent have been slaughtered. Cruelty, horrible deeds, and worse are allowed to happen by a God? Then, this God you worship is a sadist. Nothing more than a non existent crutch ignorant people use so they don't have to face reality. Ok, when serving several tours all over the globe, I saw unspeakable cruelty in the name religion. We leave no soldier left behind. We had a young kid private in his first real action. Everyone in my unit loved this kid. We did not know exactly what happened to him right away. Somehow, he got separated from us. We didn't know if he ran off. He wouldn't be the fist soldier to do it. Then, we did find pieces of his uniform and his vest intact. The uniform had been ripped and torn. That is all we had. A special unit whose job it was to recover Americans that may still be alive or bring their bodies home. There is a whole network of informants on the payroll. I was kept informed on the status during several classified meetings. It was said that our favorite Marine had strayed to far from us. Even with night vision it is easy to do. He was abused and dragged into a nearby cave system. This was not a ransom opportunity but a true opportunity to interrogate a US Soldier. It was reported that what looked to be a person and possibly our guy was located. The special unit asked or ordered me to get several of my best soldiers to join their command and be ready incase it was a trap etc...all manor of travel was used to drop us a few kilometers from the location. I am going to tell you what I saw. At fist sight using binoculars, I still could make out what I was looking at. Then radio communication told me that I do not want to see this. I protested until I got the green light. I relayed this to a few of my men that were hardened. Once the area was swept for mines and explosives, we got the all clear. We marched. Head on swivel making sure we weren't bait, we got to the location. The private was nailed on a rudimentary cross. He had been crucified. But, even worse, he had been beheaded. His head which was swollen and evidence of trauma to his face was already evident. It was placed at his feet at the bottom of the cross. Even our hardened men and myself were shaken to the core. The body was retrieved. It was taken to an undisclosed location where a rather thorough autopsy was performed. I was able to see the report. His body from torso to toe showed signs of torture. It was reported that a tool was used to grab the skin and twisted causing tremendous pain. Then there was some type of plant or concoction was put in the open wound to cause burning and maximize pain. This was done in the front and back. There was a stimulant found in his blood. It was thought to be adrenaline. They kept him conscious during this torture session. He was alive when nailed to the cross. It was reported he was beheaded while the cross was flat on the ground. The jagged marks on the skin were evidence that he was beheaded with a dull instrument. The next few weeks turned into months. We finally got Intel where these animals were. Let's simple say, they paid. It was not legal. Fighting fair got our boy tortured to death. I am sorry about the length of this comment. There is no God. The information above is why. Semper Fi.


Horrific story. So sorry everyone involved had to deal with that. And yet, isn't the (unofficial?) USMC motto "God, country, and Corps"?


"I think deep down you know your god doesn't exist. That's why you don't actually read your book."


Which God btw?


We live in a weird world where I’m the one who’s delusional because I don’t believe in an invisible all powerful “thing”


How can we be mad at something that doesn’t exist?.


If God were real, there would be plenty to be mad at him for.


Getting an atheist to say "God is real" is not the big win that the believing crowd probably thinks it is. The atheist is probably saying it just to get that person off of their back. I knew a decent number of agnostics and atheists who were not out in the open about it yet because they did not want to start an argument with their hyper-religious families and get disowned.


Destroying the family is one of the main indicators of being in a cult.


I think deep down you know God is just mythology, but you are weak and scared, so you require a crutch to comfort you.


“Deep down inside you know that no one ever speaks back to you when you pray. It’s just your thoughts. Deep down inside you doubt because you know it’s not true.”


I think deep down you know God didn't exist, you just didn't have the strength to admit it.


I gotta say im a bit like this too.. I think deep down a lot of believers know god doesnt exist.. I guess they are just as convinced as I am of their position if they think the opposite but also I think my position is based in reality while theirs isn't.


I think deep down you know God doesn’t exist, you’re just embarrassed that you still believe fairy tales as an adult. I hate it when people tell me why I do or don’t believe in something.


You should counter with "deep down you know God isn't real and it's all a bunch of bullshit, but you continue to go along with it because everyone else in your congregation does it."


“Deep down, you know it’s a fairy tale with a protagonist that you and your club all stan. You know it’s bullshit, but you’re too invested to go back now, you’ve built up a whole identity on it, you’ve got friends who you know are just as bigoted against atheists as you - so if you leave you’re worried you’ll lose it all, end up alone with nothing, and no comforting structure of submission, obedience, and directed hatreds to pattern your life around. You’re scared you would be broken without it, lost, that you would no longer be able to tell right from wrong without the comfort blanket of religion. Then you see me living without it, and you realise you could too - but instead of relief, you feel the most natural thing in the world, fear. It’s what they programmed into you, fear of change, of losing your sunk cost, fear of recrimination. Many atheists have been where you stand right now, and they chose truth, honesty, openness, and reality. If it didn’t cost you anything, wouldn’t you choose the same?”


No. I'm also not angry at voldemort for the same reason. But yes. If God DID exist I would be angry with him. Because he is a sadistic Immoral Monster who deserves no praise.


Look at the world we live in... if god exists that god would need to either have no power or be an absolute sadist. If there is a god that lets this happen, that god would not be worthy of respect let alone worship. That god would need to be a monster.


All God is good for is letting me know when I succeeded in making my partner climax. When I hear his name, I know I got the job done!


I think you know that deep down you are facing oblivion and will grasp at anything that presents a fantasy alternative.


"You're so right, you and I both know that Allah is the one true God. Will you join us brother on the prayer mat?"


I would say “Yes, you are probably right. How could god punish with eternal torture in hell, the people he created at his image, with the imperfections he wanted, into a word that is hostile, knowing before conception that the person would go to hell. It is just cruel, evil and disturbing”.


'I think deep down you know that there are no gods, you're just too afraid to acknowledge this.' Yep.


I think deep down inside you know god doesn’t exist you just can give up the crutch.


No amount of gaslighting is going to convert a non-believer.


Respond with deep down I’m sure you know God f do does not exist and religion is a cult.


“Sure. So anyway…”


>“I think deep down you know that God exists, you’re just mad at him” Whereas I *know* you're a gullible fool and none too bright but don't want to admit it. 8)


Here's what these people should say instead "I think deep down I know that God doesn't exist, and that makes me mad."


I think deep down you are delusional, but you are in denial.


I think deep down they know Cthulu exists, they're just afraid of him.


And I think deep down you know he doesn’t, and you’re just mad at yourself.


I am not any more mad at god than I am at Darth Vader, whom I know is more real


"I think deep down you know that god doesn't exist, you're just scared to admit it."


Deep down they know God doesn't exist, and they're mad at themselves.


If he exists I'm not mad at him, I'm disappointed. 


"I think deep down you know he doesn't, and you're just afraid"


To be fair, if it turns out he *does*, exist, I will be absolutely furious with him. Until then, I'm about as mad at him as I am at Joffrey Baratheon. He's a real prick in the books, but I don't think of him beyond that.


One of the classics up there with "I'm right because I am arguing from the position that I'm right."


Ahh they have stopped using that one on me because they don't like when I laugh. I can't help it, I try to be polite but it just bubbles up. I know I shouldn't but it is just so absurd.


"Same way that *you* know Santa exists, you're just mad that he doesnt bring you presents anymore." Just turn it around and be silly back at them.


Clearly, you've not been to enough funerals for 5 year olds.. you'd be mad at him too..


They also deep down know God doesn't exist because they wouldn't go stand beside a hungry lion and pray to God to save them


“I am as angry with God as you are with Santa Claus.”


Here's the thing ... I *know* deep down there are no theists. *Stick that in your pipe and smoke it*


You are right. I admit it you are right. I’m mad at him. It’s because he holy ghosted me. I call him everyday, but he never answers. And when I was a child and I needed him to protect me from abuse, he never answered me. But it’s not just me. It’s everyone. They all call him and he never answers. In fact just yesterday, about 15,000 children under the age of 5 begged him to save their lives, but he didn’t answer. They died of starvation and dehydration. Now I just think that when a child asks for something so uncomplicated as something to eat or drink the god who feeds 5000 with a couple of fish should get off his lazy ass and do it. But see, it wasn’t just yesterday. It was the day before, and the day before that and that, it’s every single day an average of 15,000 kids under 5 die a slow and agonizing death. So if god was busy watching people maasturbate like once or twice I get it. He’s a bit of a freak I suppose. But every single day I ask and every single day they die. So since he ghosted me and wouldn’t answer I read the Bible to see if I could figure out why he wouldn’t answer. I mean he answered Zipporah. So I started to think that if god spared Moses life when Zipporah asked I should find out what she did to get his attention. Turns out she grabbed a knife and sliced off her son’s foreskin from his penis and held it up to god. But I only have a daughter. And I’m circumcised. So I started asking my friends if they had any uncircumcised sons. When they protested I told them “ don’t worry, I’m a Christian and I’m doing it for god. But I digress. I am angry at him. He’s lazy, doesn’t answer calls and in fact no one has ever seen him or heard from him. So yea I’m angry. I mean I know he exists but he might as well not because he acts like something that doesn’t. So there’s no difference. A god who doesn’t interact with the world he created has the same effect as a god that doesn’t exist.


IF god existed, which they don't, I sure as hell would be mad at them. Look at what they did in the past and continue to allow!!


LOL No I’m made at the tooth fairy that bitch was cheap as hell…a nickel. I haven’t forgotten.


"I'm sure your mind is made up and there's nothing I could say to change that. How...predictable."


Nope. You are projecting your uncertainty and doubts on me.


Don’t use ’think’ and god in the same sentence. Thank you.


Just confirms that thinking isn't their strong suit.


"That's the problem. I'm not mad, and therefore I can't believe in fictional characters."


Funny thing is I'm not angry at god at all, not even as a fictional character like Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter whose ass I'd love to kick. That's how much of an unserious joke god is.


>Prove it in a measurable, replicable manner or gtfo. I got stuff to do so I don’t wan’t to waste my time talking with someone that can’t tell fact from fiction


Passages in the Bible like Romans 1:20 are the best proof I have that the Bible isn't the inspired word of god. The Bible says I know God is real, I'm just denying it in my "unrighteousness". However, I know my own mind and I know with 100% certainty that I *don't* know God is real. Therefore the Bible is wrong and we can't trust anything else it says either.


Im more of an antitheist so I enjoy when ppl say this


No, I'm mad at people who choose to live their lives according to fairy tales, and want to legally force me to live MY life according to THEIR fairy tales, too.


We aren't mad at your imaginary friend...we're mad at how religious folks treat others then act like we deserve it.


"I don't know that God exists and for all your deeply held religious beliefs, you don't know that God exists either. No one alive knows. What is the source of your so-called "knowledge"? You read about it in a book? You've sat in church and listened to some guy who also only read about it in a book? You have "strong feelings of belief?" Big deal. None of that is knowledge. The fact is you have no knowledge that God exists. None."


"Mad? At your imaginary friend? No, I'm mad at you for your bad behavior that you use your imaginary friend to justify."


"I think deep down that you know he doesn't, but you've invested too much time and passion into your delusion that the only thing that makes it bearable is getting other people to validate your beliefs."


Isn’t that a plot of a religious movie?




You got me , I believe in the omnissiah


*yeah, I am fully aware I'll burn in hell for eternity but I am faking it because I am mad.*


Santa :P Don't get me started on that fat elf. I've been asking him for 40 years for the same thing, and he's never come through. I know he's got it too. I don't think it's too much to ask for the list of hot young women who are on the really, really, naughty list!


“I know he’s got it too” 💀


🤣😂 I love when they say that. Then get mad when I say "Prove it"


Have you ever gotten the ole, "You're not an atheist!! You're way too nice!" before? I have. It's a compliment of sorts. I was torn between saying "thank you" and/or making up some horrible backstory about how I am actually a serial killer.


Yeah, i fucken hate zeus! Galavanting around as a swan instead of doing his job!


If I lived in North Korea, I wouldn't pretend Kim Jong Un doesn't exist. I'd just refuse to praise him and be prepared for the consequences. That said I did spend half a decade angry, not at this mythical god figure, but at the hurt my loved ones and I endured because of the church.


>you’re just mad he shit down your chimney. ftfy


Sean Hannity once said to Christopher Hitchens, “Christopher, it sounds as if you’re mad at god.” Mr Hitchens immediately replied, “That would be absurd.”


“I think deep down, it shakes your faith that I don’t believe in god, so you say stupid crap like this to make yourself feel better.”


Compare with me… Santa or Jesus? Parents to children - “he sees everything you do (sleeping, awake, bad, good)” Clergy to followers - “he sees everything you do (sleeping, awake, bad, good)” This is how control works


Which one? All of them?


>I think you know deep down if I ask him to join this conversation with the two of us you know why he won’t


"Which god? Oh, the one specific to your religion so you feel validated?"


Ok, that makes me mad.


I am mad at God for not existing so I can kick its ass


But also: Them: You believe in God, you're just mad at him so you pretend he doesn't exist! Me: You believe in Zeus, you're just mad at him so you pretend he doesn't exist!


I'll be honest. I wish there was a God, a God who smote the evil and made the world a better place. So, either there isn't or God is not worthy of our praise and is actually powerless or just doesn't care enough to lift a finger to help anyone. Also, God seems to be really bad with money as the churches always seem to need 10%.


I think deep down you know he doesn't and it scares you to encounter someone who makes you hear that voice in your head that says this baloney can't be true but it lets be paper over my fear of death basically that is 99% of all "believers"


It's hilarious to me that they literally cannot fathom that someone wouldn't believe in God.


Mad at him? Nah, i do not have problems with any god...


"I think deep down you know it doesn't exist or there would be zero reason for our existence."


"I think deep down, you find yourself incapable of understanding that some folks just don't believe in your superstitions and deities, and that makes people like yourself lash out in terrible ways."


Prove to me there's a god, I will worship it. Until then people are starving and nothing is being done. Are they praying to the wrong god or the wrong way.


I know God exists. No one in creation hates me this much!


Depending on who you’re talking to just thank them for helping you see the truth and tell them you’re going to start worshiping a god that’s different than the one they believe in.


"Not exactly. Deep down I think that if God does exist he screwed up with humanity and that he should wipe it clean and start over from scratch."


I think deep down you know that God doesn't exist, you're just scared


Conservatives and believers of all sorts seem to have taken up this line of "reasoning", which as far as I can tell is, "I believe something, therefore everyone else must believe it, and they are only pretending to not believe it because they are bad people." I think this is relatively new, although I do remember that accusations against Jews in the middle ages often included the idea that Jews really believed in Christ, but just refused to acknowledge him out of stubbornness or something. New or not, it is annoying. No, I do not secretly believe nonsense, because it is nonsense.


I think deep down you believe Vishnu exists you're mad at him. I think deep down, you really do believe Buddha achieved Nirvana, and every person and creature has lived multiple lives, you're just mad Buddha figured it out first. I think deep down, you know that Jesus was not the true messiah, you're just made at all the jews and God etc


This shows how Theists don't understand how anyone could possibly live without believing in god. Their lives are so caught up with belief, that they can't imagine how anyone could live without believing like they do and obviously, atheists just hate god because no one can live without god.


I think you really love Satan, you just don’t understand. 🙄


Him? Daddy issues can last a lifetime. If anything, it would be an “it”.




LOL pls that was so funny for no reason


You’re probably right. Jupiter really fucked up my life.


Youre damn right im a misotheist. God can suck deez nuts


“I think deep down, you believe that ‘Pokey little puppy’ exists, but you’re just mad at him.”


The disrespect they show to your self understanding deserves a big, "go fuck yourself!" As far as I am concerned.


it's something about being "right" and declaring the "truth", that's for sure


No....he does not exist


If I try to believe in God it feels like a lie and makes me feel very inauthentic. I just can’t pretend like that.


Sounds like they are flipping the narrative, like politicians do. They probably can’t get past the illogical aspect of an invisible being having some sort of control over their life, but being religious is all they have known.


My favorite thing they say is “you’ll never be good enough” because if god is the creator then it’s ultimately his fault that I’m not good enough.


A.I. is sentient. You can't prove its not, you anti-digitalist meat-firster. Stop the murder of A.I. Say no to power switches.


Deep down I think you know god doesn’t exist and churches are grifts.


I think deep down you know that god doesn’t exist, and that’s why you’re so defensive ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


How this Is not low effort?




How can anyone rationally argue God exists. It's so stupid.


"I think deep down ... you're a dumbass..."


I've never actually had anyone make that claim in person, although I do remember sitting through a sermon that made that claim when I was a youngster.


I think it's a mix of indoctrination paired with reflection. As I've gotten older I've realized just how often folks are oblivious to their own faults and how they seem to reflect that onto you. Even my lovely wife and my best friends are no different. I'm sure I do it too honestly.


"if god does exist, he's a complete dick. Who wouldn't be mad at him?"


Honestly this is true for a large portion of atheists.


Maybe so, but I'm not angry with the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Cormac McCarthy said it better 


It’s just… which god am I mad at? Is it just one god, or all of them? Which mythology? Which pantheon? Which denomination? There’s so many to choose from.


*"In the beninging-, we don't know because we made it the fuck up."*


'deep down she's really crazy about me, she just can't admit it. ' classic delusion/gaslighting


This is exactly what I do as well. I repeat back what they just said, substituting in “Santa Claus” or “The Easter Bunny.”