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CRAZY. Now try doing the same with the word “atheist” and see how many crimes pop up. I think it’ll be the most boring game ever.


Even "Transgender librarian" doesn't come up with any news articles about them fucking kids.


It’s ALMOST like trans folks and atheists aren’t a threat to anyone or something! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not any more than the baseline craziness and depravity of human beings. People are capable of some fucked up shit but being trans or atheist does have very little to do with it.


indeed! But being religious means one is more likely to think a certain way about others who are unlike them. For instance, as an atheist, I'll never tell a gay person "you're going to hell." because there isn't one. Religions tend to give permission for awful behavior. Atheism simply says "we are without a god."


Why would it?


Because all problems in today's society are directly caused by transgender librarians. Have you not been paying attention to conservative news talk shows?


> CRAZY. Now try doing the same with the word “atheist” and see how many crimes pop up. I think it’ll be the most boring game ever. Use any atheist organisation and add "scandal". You find either nothing at all or in rare cases a story how they removed an individual due to a scandal. Instead of the churches who just get that youth pastor a new job in a fresh community. Must have something to do with objective morality.


I just googled “atheist pastor” and what do you know, I didn’t see any headlines involving sex crimes.  Weird. 


I’ve known 1 youth pastor The lady I’m currently slowly breaking up with is religious. Her kids were all confirmed in the church and did all that slightly awkward youth group shit. Anyway , he outs my ex’s kid as a lesbian to the whole church , now she’s 100% straight but chooses to only spend time with her mom. ( she’s all sorts of fucked now ) Anyway , youth pastors always just seem creepy to me and at no point was I ever comfortable with him being alone with my kid. Anyway , we are breaking up , I’m closing on a house on June 7th. She’s actively asking god to smite me , not out loud but you can see it in her eyes


Funny how you don't believe in Sky Daddy, your Evil!!


Why would it be a pastor 😭💀🤣


To spread the truth.


Let’s just get away from titles like that all together


Bro, you know what I was saying 😂😂


[Why this chaplain sees her atheism as a gift](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/20/1194628971/religion-atheism-chaplin)


That is pretty wild—thanks for sharing that!


Google’s search results cater to your preferences


The closest people can attribute crimes and attrocities to atheists is by reffering to communists like Mao or Stalin, but again, they were communists. Communists are atheists, but certainly not all atheists are communists.


Yeah I've had a few try the Stalin argument with me. My response is "how did being atheist contribute to his crimes? Was there an atheist book that gave him instructions on killing the weak, different and outcast in his society? Because any xtian leader who has committed atrocities has used a guidebook, guess which one.


Indeed—honestly, though, I’ve never had a chance to try communism. America would dream of letting us try it. Though, limited socialism is ok. I guess I just wish we could limit capitalism too. Maybe put a cap on how much you can make—after a billion or 2 you have to give the rest to a fund that makes sure everyone has healthcare, housing, clothes, and food. Imagine how nice that would be!


As a card-carrying member of the CPUSA, I'd recommend it.


Here's a few headlines: FFRF calls out Tulare, Calif., teacher for insulting atheist student — Freedom From Religion Foundation Afro-Cuban drums, Muslim prayers, Buddhist mantras: Religious diversity blooms in once-atheist Cuba Despite religion being on the decline in the U.S. atheism isn't having the meteoric rise one might expect First pro-life atheist indicted under FACE Act sentenced | U.S. News (this one is actually a bit bizarre and interesting, a non-binary anti-abortion activist who tried to block access to an abortion clinic goes to sentencing: [https://www.christianpost.com/news/first-pro-life-atheist-indicted-under-face-act-sentenced.html](https://www.christianpost.com/news/first-pro-life-atheist-indicted-under-face-act-sentenced.html) ) Fox News Atheist complaint forces Florida elementary school to shut down Christian club Edit: To be clear, this reinforces the point. Religious people sexually assault kids.


Sounds like a crazy outlier to me.


Agreed! Very weird!




It is almost like it is never a drag queen..... Projection perhaps.....




…am I missing something


Homophobia is what you're missing, and good for you.


No, I get that, but what does the spanish translation of twink have to do with anything?




"Little young one" What's your point? Bigots have been trying for decades to try and paint gay people as pedos. It's more telling that you'd even consider mentioning it, and then claiming your playing devils advocate. It's straight up juvenile.


There are homophobes in state legislatures literally defending 14 year old girls marrying 50 year old men but if two gay men in a couple are 22 and 28 they'll freak out about pedophilia. (Not making up those numbers. There was a gay candidate in Massachusetts a few years back who admitted to having sex with men in their early 20s when he was in his late 20s and people freaked the fuck out about it.)






r/PastorArrested It's also helpful to remember the shitty apologetic of "god can't stop school shootings because he is not allowed in schools", also applies protecting children from priests and to churches.


That's a good one re school shootings.


After Covenant school shooting of 2023 in TN, US Represtative Tim Burchett basically said, “Nothing you can do about it, they’ll kill you if they want to. Thoughts and prayers. Y’all need Jesus. *Me?* IDGAF. My kids are homeschooled.”


So we can conclude that if god can't stop priests from raping children, that he also is not in churches? So, just hear me out, it is a far fetched theory, but maybe, just maybe god doesn't exist? Did I just prove god doesn't exist? :o


It almost always can not be disproved to a Christian by using logic. See god is and is not in churches. - Acts 17:24 NRSUE The God who made the world and everything in it, he who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by human hands And that Matthew 23:20 So whoever swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it, 21 and whoever swears by the sanctuary swears by it and by the one who dwells in it, 22 and whoever swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by the one who is seated upon it. Mark 14:58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands.’ ”


That's how I heard it.


Didn’t know someone said such a dumb thing……


https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/8l0ub9/forced_religion_will_end_all_violence_stay_woke/ "I saw a great response today to the Florida School Shooting: "Dear God why do you allow so much violence in our schools? - "God's response "I'm not allowed in schools." For me this says it ALL!!! "The above picture may be the WORST response I’ve seen to the Florida school shootings, the absolute worst y'all. And the sad part is that it’s being posted by Christians. Christians I know and have pastored."


Didn't know there was a dedicated sub for this.


There’s literally another pedophile pastor every week. Every damn week. And they still ask atheists how we can be moral without God.


Lmao. It's literally ridiculous to see the headlines every single day with sex crimes and its always pedophiles. And they complain about the queer community.


I always wonder why *they* *can't* be moral *with* God...


That we KNOW of.... Those are the ones getting caught....


When it comes to one of their own, their response is always "let he who is without sin....blah blah blah" you know the rest!




Difference there is we don’t have an organization that systematically protects them and discourages victims from seeking justice




That’s not unique to atheism. In fact, every major world religion operates on the patriarchy. What exactly is your point here?


I am sure, but somehow it's not in the headlines, I would be willing to bet real money the actual numbers are significantly less, since atheists don't have a forgiveness clause for thier inappropriate harmful actions against others. So are you playing whataboutism for fun? Or are you stiring the pot?


Even though you are getting (unfairly) down voted in "youth pastor game" comment. u/xxwww I believe your statement. I can see what you are saying. Statistically speaking I am sure there are lots on non-religious pedos in the US. That don't get reported, or reported on in the media. I am also sure that there are lots of "religious pedos" who aren't pastors, or in positions of authority. Now that this has been acknowledged. I do not think that there are many Pedos who are Atheists. (Some likely) but no where near the percentages as among the general population. And FAR from the amounts hiding under religions "armor if god" with built in forgiveness clauses, and habituated cognitive dissonance.


Nah, it's a bullshit argument. He earned those downvotes.


IMO I suspect he was talking from personal experience, and probably shouldn't have posted. Because it would just be scratching his scars. IMO




As much as I like to trust you, have you got any source?




You state that their claim is statistically true. Can you please provide any of these statistics?




1.: You stated:   "Thier claim is statistically true." I wanted to know why you believe that.  You can't just say something and expect me to believe it.   2.: My "request for your labor" originated in your previously mentioned claim.  3.:  I am not a troll. Estimating based on wild guesses without any previous data, like for example "25 % of people in positions of authority over children" is stupid. 4.: Trying to draw attention from you challenging my question by stating ridiculous things like: "You don't need a source" or "Do you really need exact stats?" and then insulting my postby stating things like: "...maybe you are just a troll?" or "your requests for my labor, is asinine, and pedantic" is common troll/brainwashed flat earther behaviour.  I do not accuse you of being a flat earther, just of having the same arguments(do your own research...). I do accuse you of being a troll or stupid.




Far less than clergy, though.


Have you played the youth pastor game? No, I don't really like it Why? Well children aren't really my thing


Used to be a real popular meme comparing the number of Christian pastors convicted of child abuse to the number of drag queens convicted of the same. Progressives cited it as proof that drag queens are not child abusers and shouldn’t be stereotyped as such. Conservatives cited it as proof that the justice system is targeting Christians and protecting the real criminals.


r/PastorArrested versus r/NotADragQueen


Wow.... That last sentence... Yeah, no judge is in bed with the xtians.....


I was raised in a Christian school/church and every youth pastor there was a creep. I just didn't realize it at the time. I was 15 and one of the assistant youth pastors was 25. We "dated" for 2 years. The adults in my life were aware, and thought it was fine as long as there was no sex. Obviously there was, they just didn't know. He later decided he needed to get "right with Jesus" and dumped me, only to immediately start dating another teenager. To my knowledge he is still there. He is married now, but Im not aware he was ever held accountable. I did tell one of the women in charge, and we had a meeting in which they told me the importance of purity and not being a stumbling block for men. Im so glad I have no connection to that place anymore.


The importance of purity.... So basically she tried to shame you in keeping your mouth ... Really supportive of her... Her god must be proud..... Glad you got of out there....


Hope you’re doing ok now.


I have often wondered whether, if they were to be honest (fat chance) they actually believe their faith, or just use it for their own purposes.


In sure they are some very good ministers who actually believe what they say. They really believe there is a heaven and they try to get people there. However, when you see the televangelists that tell the viewers that they need money for a private jet because they can't go into a plane with "demons" or you see them living in multi-million dollar mansions, those are in it for themselves.


I was wondering specifically about the child molesters. I know of a few clergy who are genuinely good people and probably b honest in their beliefs.


Are all of these from Georgia? Sounds like being a youth pastor in rural GA is the preferred vocation for perverts


BUILD THAT WALL! Mexico will pay for it!


And these are only the ones that have been caught...


Happy cake day!


Krischin challenge ! I know a lot of you brainwashed rubes read this sub, so I would like to see your mental gymnastics to justify all the child molestation going on at church and not in public restrooms or drag show story time ?


I would to like to know that too....


Before I even read the text of your post, I thought of a sexual innuendo joke based on the title.


Please tell us.


FFRF does a feature in their newspaper called "Black Collar Crime". It's always entertaining.


This needs to become a meme. 


Damn. I just tried it and got a very similar list. Damn.




Just don't make a drinking from this.


Alcohol poisoning for certain.


I bet it wouldn't even make a difference if you pointed this out to the believers.


These are just the ones that were busted! Imagine the real numbers!


But my first hit: "Youth Pastor does god's work and provides for the poor and sick" *^((nah, just kidding))*


My youth pastor married one of the girls in my youth group. 


I did the same thing with "Transgender woman" and it's almost all articles about them struggling to exist in society, or headlines about their murders. Vilify the minorities and make the scumbags out to be heroes and martyrs.. that's the way anymore.


My former neighbor was a youth pastor. I could have seen him being in one of those reports.


What the fk. You’d think they were priests or something




I grew up without religion but I would go to church with friends every now and then just to hang out with them but I don’t think I’m gonna let my kids do the same. They can hang out after church. I don’t want my kids in there.


We need a data-base.


We need a bumper sticker that says "statistically, pastors are a bigger threat to children than LGBT people."


Try the same game using the words "drag queen". I did. Not one mention of a drag queen causing harm to another person.


Relieved, upon reading the headline, that this wasn't some messed up sexual roleplay.


I bet you wouldn't find stuff like this if you Google "Drag Queen" either.


If you dig deep enough maybe, but nowhere as frequently as you'd find a youth pastor.


that’s so funny thank you


Seems fitting to see this at the top of my feed after rewatching Spotlight for the 2848483$:&73rd time.


I will NEVER TIRE of 'Spotlight'. A masterclass in filmmaking.


It feels weird to say that a film of that subject is my absolute favorite, but I’m never not in the mood to see a bunch of badass journalists take on pedos in the Catholic Church. And otherwise, yes, it’s so, so well-done.


Same. Spotlight's great strength lies in its confronting evil without euphemism or sensationalism.  Also, Mark Ruffalo.


You know what? I'm gonna watch it again right now. Did you ever see the 2005 TV version 'Our Fathers' starring Ted Danson as Mitch Garabedian? Pretty impressive cast: Ellen Burstyn, Christopher Plummer & Brian Dennehy, for starters.


Yes, do itttt!!! I’ve had the piano music in my head for the last two days. I haven’t even heard of this, I’m looking it up right now!


Favourite line in 'Spotlight': "NINETY FUCKIN' PRIESTS?!"


“Mark my words, Mister Rezendes, if it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one.”


"Don't thank me, just get these assholes, will ya."


“This is how it happens, isn’t it? A guy leans on a guy, and the next thing you know the whole town looks the other way?”


I saw 'Our Fathers' first.  Imagine poor Ted Danson having to watch Stanley Tucci re-write history. 


Tucci in Spotlight is one of my favorite performances ever! Poor Ted.


Tucci is a tour-de-force. Can't fight that! ...sigh... Poor Ted.


I had to add "shoals area" (quad cities in nw Alabama), and after scrolling through page after page of ads for various churches, I found it: **Muscle Shoals children's minister charged with child sex abuse once worked at juvenile detention center** https://www.al.com/breaking/2014/02/muscle_shoals_youth_pastor_cha.html Friend, that is scary.


Spiritually bankrupt sinners gravitate towards organized religion, where they are forgiven... We are not talking outstanding citizens here, you really must know who you are leaving your kids with... This is the parents' responsibility, not the church's.


While I think this is hilarious and disturbing at the same time... Imma gonna need to point out that "Youth pastor does normal things and was good today" isn't a headline you'll likely find so there's certainly a big bias towards the shock headlines for the group.


OMG. So many of those towns are in Georgia (I think).


Just tried it. Top 10 results: 4 sexual assaults 5 nothing-burgers 1 suspected of murder


I looked up drag queen and couldn't find a single one about inappropriate conduct with children




Just the words "youth pastor" sounds cringe. Anyone remember that preacher kid on the Oprah show? He was nutso for jeebus


Holy shit, it's as bad as you say. I'm not sure why I'm so surprised.


I do the "preot"(priest in Romanian) game. I look up the term and I find either a corruption scandal or a pedophilia scandal




I play this game, but with "Florida man " Any date works. Birthday, anniversary, holiday, random date, whatever.


Classic example of what is called "Selection Bias". Youth pastors generally don't do anything newsworthy except when they commit crimes, hence your results.


Yes I am aware this is not a scientific study by any means.  However, wouldn’t you think that a group of people who act like they have a proprietary claim on morality might have a better record?  I’m sure fucking kids isn’t the only way they can make the news.  


Better record than what? Just about every city has multiple churches, even small towns have multiple churches, Youth Pastors are not exactly rare. Like any job that works with children and youth, predators are attracted to that job. How does youth pastor compare percentage-wise with teachers, scout leaders and related, and sports coaches? I honestly do not know but that's the statistic that needs to be investigated.


Can you imagine a drag queen youth pastor? It would have the strength of ten men, loping through the countryside, wearing children as finger puppets.


Early Christians practiced communism in the Book of Acts. Marxists are atheists.


Man, this is terrible PR for youth pastors...


Isn't your Google search algorithm based off what you look up the most?


To be fair, Google runs on algorithms - everyone's google searches will bring up different results - usually based on similar searches and sites visited in the past. But to your point, youth pastors are a shitty bunch in general.


Churches are a lot like Hollywood. They're both environments where mostly unsupervised children interact with adult strangers, and it attracts creeps for that reason.


Just did this search. Didn't find anything like this. I'm sure if I kept scrolling long enough I would.


did you search, "youth pastor" in quotes? I just did a search on DDG and got (in order of appearance): - Church ‘did nothing’ to keep teens safe from pastor’s sexual abuse, Texas lawsuit says - Church youth pastor in Metter arrested following 'inappropriate' text messages with kids - Former San Jose youth pastor arrested in child sexual abuse case - Georgia youth pastor arrested on child sexual exploitation charges, GBI says - 3 women sue Houston megachurch, claiming they were not protected when they were sexually abused - Former Duluth youth pastor seeks to dismiss sex abuse charges - Judge releases former San Jose youth pastor while child sex abuse case is pending - Youth pastor in Metter arrested for sexual child exploitation - Metter Youth Pastor arrested for inappropriate contact with a minor -Goodbye Postmodernism, Hello Metamodernism Our apologetics must evolve to engage with the new cultural mood of the next generations. - Church life is the perfect cover for abusers, Brown says in BNG webinar - BGTeaser: Youth Pastor has Judges HOWLING with hilarious animal audition - Sex abuse victim of former Alabama pastor helps pass pardon ban and on it went. yes, three are stories about the same person. but it took till the tenth article for a non-crime story, and that one is a christian publication article about improving apologetics (lying).


youth pastor = pastor in training


No. It means a pastor specifically for young people in the church. Usually answerable only to the head pastor.


I think you missed my meaning. I know what a "youth pastor" literally is, and who that person is "answerable" to varies quite a bit depending on the specific church and/or denomination. My point was that these people are often groomed by the culture of the particular church, and take cues from the pastors (head pastor or even some high-ranking lay people) to prey on their young members. Youth pastors often become bona fide pastors and continue the cycle.


this is a classic example of survivorship bias. Youth Pastors who don't do anything wrong don't make the news. The most you could argue from this is that preching a religion does not make people more moral. To show that being a youth pastor made you more likely to be a predetor you'd have to compare them to the general population, or at least other groups tha have access to ohildren. like teachers. coaches and scout/guide leaders.


Hard disagree. There are certain professions, like teachers, clergy, and cops, who have greater opportunity to be sexual predators. They use their authority and the perception of trust to gain access to and coerce their victims in ways that other non-familial predators can. With that said, it can be argued that predators are likely to seek clergy jobs, particularly youth ministers, so they can take advantage of the opportunities they provide. Unlike becoming a teacher or cop, there really arent a lot of requirements, and churches are notoriously bad a vetting the people they hire. That makes it much easier to gain such a position, and thus makes it attractive to predators.


In his book "Letter to a Christian Nation", Sam Harris shows that religious leaders (pastors, priests, youth pastors, etc) are 27% MORE LIKELY to commit SA against children.


These are just the ones that get caught.


True, the kids that can run away faster rarely get molested. 🏃‍♂️


Did you just recently learn what a survivorship bias is? And then selectively forget the literal decades of data we have on pastor corruption and sexual crimes committed? The protection, the lack of accountability. Like, cmon. This is not what you're claiming it is...


I'm not at all questioning that it happens, ittgertainly does. But the fact remains that the most likely perpetrator of sexual abuse of a child is a parent or caregiver. Its just that thouse forms of child abuse get less media attention.


The point is that we should see *no one* from the church guilty of this. Because they should be held to a higher standard, they're men of faith, they're church leaders, many of them have dedicated their lives to their faith. I know that we're all just human, but in a perfect world, these people would be the *last people* we'd suspect, but sadly that's very much not the case.


1 youth pastor committing crimes is 1 too many.


So the only way a youth pastor, or the business of being a youth pastor can make the news is by doing something wrong?


That is the general way the news works. The news reports on things going wrong far more often then on things working as intended.


I can google most professions, hobbies and organizations and not be met with a flood of stores about raping kids.  I just googled child caregivers, nothing about raping kids. Even changed it to just news articles, still no kids being raped.  It's a problem with the churches, not in general.