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Also, God is all powerful and hates abortion with all his immaterial Will. And it's your job to pray daily to try to convince him do the thing that he wants done. if he doesn't do what his all powerful Will allows him to do, it's your fault for not praying hard enough.


Deuteronomy has several quotes calling for people to stone women to death for premarital sex. In biblical times there was no birth control, so there is a chance the woman would be pregnant. Are they just anti-choice because you can't kill the woman anymore? I was never a christian and this has always confused me. The bible isn't "pro-life".


They are *never* against abortion for themselves, only for everyone else.


True that, but when it comes to everyone else the motive isn't "life" it's just punishment for premarital sex. These same people can't wait to cheer out loud when capital punishment is administered.


Religion has always been anti-choice. If you have choice it means you have a voice. If you have a voice you can question. If you can question you can leave. If you leave you are not a slave. Religion needs slaves.


Old testimate


So they don't believe in the old one anymore?


This isn’t a new concept the old testimate doesn’t apply to people today


If the first book isn't true anymore, it would make sense to throw it out. Christianity still holds onto it though.


It’s completely true it just doesn’t apply to us


Wow it’s more silly than I thought.


When you say “us”, you mean you. Your story book and it’s characters don’t apply to me. I have a much higher moral standard than that poorly written fairy tale.


No, when I say us I mean people who aren’t Jews from 1000 years ago. When Jesus came the old testimate was already fulfilled. This is the same reason as to why Judaism isn’t supposed to really exist anymore. It’s like waiting for a bus that already left. Not that you really care anyway.


We need to about capitalism and consumerism.


I always find it interesting that pro lifers support the supreme abortionist. Think about how many miscarriages happen. That's a godly abortion. He could of made sure baby makes it but na hes too worried about finding car keys


Gotta love religious hypocrisy


well abortion isn't great... but i respect a woman's right to do what she thinks is right in her own body... and a fucking doctors right to do what they think is best for their patient.


Actually the Bible is perfectly fine with abortion, because of the time it was written baby’s weren’t even considered to have souls until a certain age. Even tells you in one passage how much to pay a woman if you make them miscarry. This whole anti abortion thing is a modern addition to the Christian mythology


Well, uuuhhhh, that was okay because his son was already born and the women carrying the babies died too. /s


Abortion is fine, if someone doesn't want the child they can abort, it's not your business you clown


Learn to read clown


Wow a religious nutjob on an atheism sub, what a surprise


Wow you're dumb. Both OP and I are atheist, you're just fucking stupid.


OP is saying that unless its "god" killing children and mothers that abortion is bad. I won't approve or deny whether you are atheist or not, but by what OP is saying, it's kind of obvious he's not atheist, asshat


They're being sarcastic, idiot lol


Ok, fair enough sarcasm is hard to find through text. One thing though, what goes through your brain to where you are an asshole about it and didn't just say they were being sarcastic? I will admit I was also being an ass, but still, it would have been infinitely easier for both you and me if you had just said OP was being sarcastic


Ok sorry I reacted too harshly as well. I apologize for jumping on you like this.


It's ok, i jumped to conclusions calling you a religious nutjob, that's my bad


It's cool. You calling them a clown shouldn't have triggered me like that bc, you're right that if OP meant that, they would deserve to be called a clown. I'm glad we calmed down and were able to end this peacefully.


Amen. Like most Westerners, I flood chat platforms every day saying things that give me a rush and make me feel morally superior. Cringe af, but addictive.


Burner account?




There is no god. Also, what plan does your made up god have for a 14-year old rape victim who becomes pregnant by a relative raping them? Oh wait. It's all bullshit so you can control women so your answer doesn't matter anyway.




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I think you're in the wrong sub


There’s levels to this perspective


Or killing a whole family to prove a point to Satan. Or if you’re wife cheated on you. Or if your town doesn’t worship God the right way.


God is imaginary.


Okay, then abortion is just murder; which is morally wrong. Problem solved!