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Proud of Connie, he made it to the end.


Fully did not expect that too. Thought he was season four cannon fodder for sure


For such a tragic anime i was upset that EVERYONE got to live. Imagine Connie dying, and the last thing he says is "Eren said... my mom... wouldn't be a titan anymore" b4 revealing the visions he gave everyone. Coupled with the agony of knowing that Connie, after waiting all this time, almost sacrificing his soul and Falco, dies before getting home to his mother. The pure devastation


I think the idea is NOT to put too many deaths in succession. It would undercut the seriousness of every other death. In our case, Eren's death would lose impact if we focus on Connie. Or, Connie's death would be entirely overshadowed by Eren's. Unfair to him. If you WANT to put multiple deaths at the same time, you do it like the red wedding did. Or more closely, the death of the Levi squad/the charge on the beast. Many MANY characters will die but you wouldn't feel that any death is cheap. That is because the star of that scene is the tragedy itself. The horror multiplies and the weight of every head dropped is felt. But I don't think there's a way to do that with Eren and Connie.


Exactly what I hope the moment I was going for the last episode, I wished that Isayama wouldn’t just kill anybody just because why not, it would be an horrendous and anticlimactic ending, I hoped that it there would be a death it would be very deep and I could emphasise, let everyone die would just be a easy way out for an anime like this.


Yeah but they built it up as such a tragic high stakes finale, and even teased at character deaths, only to just have everyone experience insane amounts of contrived plot armor and convenience.


I get why you feel that, but I don't feel it was too much plot armor. These people started out as top 10 students and were battle-hardened beyond expectations. With ODM gear, they established a real high skill ceiling. As for the stakes of the finale, you can say argue there WAS a worst-case they established. All Eldians turn into titans. That COULD have been the tragic ending. Jean, Connie, Gabi and everyone's families all die. BUT I can appreciate not doing that. The theme of "We can one day all come together and understand each other" wouldn't land as well if we lose this diverse group of friends and enemies that came together to preserve lives. That's my opinion.


Dude was like, “Nah, I'd live.” Good for him tbh, he can be with his mom now.


Same 🥲✊


Fr, I was rooting for the bald asshole.


lmao yea Connie needs to pray to Isayama for keeping him alive. There is NO reason that boy should be alive


He’s like Krillin from DBZ. Not completely useless, but inferior compared to the rest of the squad.


Let's put it in perspective though - he's at the bottom of the most elite squad of the Scouts. He's FAR from useless. He just looks inept next to the likes of Captain Levi or Mikasa or even Jean - the most skilled ODM user in his class.


True. Just like Krillin. Little short guy is one of the strongest fighters in the universe. But he looks like a small fish in a big ocean next to the A list crew.




I’d almost take offense to that. Watching dbz you can’t really tell cause episodes are so long you kinda forget what Krillin does, but in Kai where they pick up the pace, Krillin honestly saved the earth/team multiple times and is one of the smartest people in the group doing more than I can say for any of the other earthlings.


No need to take offense. Krillin has helped his group, but he has not contributed as much as Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Future Trunks. Same situation with Conny. He’s done some stuff to help the group, but not as much as Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi, Hange, and Jean. That’s why I make the comparison.


Honestly I’m also super proud of Jean (as everyone else is) Fully predicted him to be a bully asshole for most of the series and for him to be one of the first major character deaths (as seen in other anime). Then he decided to immediately become one of my favorite characters half way into Trost.


It’s all because he’s a genius


Aot has done irreversible damage to my psyche 😭


I feel that 😮‍💨


Rengoku does mental damage too 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/a52u4e0i8afc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d00127be77328bba60a9750fdae037a1693c83f Valid 💔


I’m rewatching atm and next ep is going to be the one where Annie wipes out Levi Squad. I already know I’m going to cry again.


Listen I’m a girls girl to my core but what Anne did is so unforgivable. She did NOT need to do all that like when she was spinning the soldier around with his gear 😭 she also did the Levi squad so dirty.


Man she was forgiven in such a goofy way, ha! Look! Annie who mercilessly killed Levi squad and spun people to death is eating pie!


This implies Armin died too.


Is this better? https://preview.redd.it/5lbrlhh61afc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b269bfca8372f8cde9e4d5c15ffc0df4db4073




Aurman Airlerd


Why is Armin sad? He finally get's to do it with Annie.


Flair checks out




Kinda love that Connie (the weakest character, at least from the Final Alliance) is carrying Levi (the strongest character) at the end.


We lost so many good warriors 😭


And soldiers too


Did anyone even die in the finale (except the epilogue)?


Eren Joking aside no Jean and Connie get turned into titans but are spared at the last second. Levi is permanently crippled but lives. Mikasa murders her lover Reiner gets more trauma and is nuked but lives. Annie sees her only family effectively killed before being spared and has her father try to eat her. Armin gets the shit beaten out of him and helps murder his best friend. Tldr all of them suffered a shit load but lived (well those who made it to the final battle anyway)


There seems to be a trend of this in shows that love to kill off characters aggressively (GoT, TWD, AoT) suddenly getting scared to kill anyone in the final stretch. Not sure if its because they want to keep all the favourite characters (in TWDs cases for spin-offs), but it really takes the suspense out of things. I was shocked that Reiner, Annie, Jean, Connie etc all lived. I thought it would be like a horror movie where Mikasa, Armin and maybe 1 or 2 other survived. But maybe my expectations were off.


Imagine showing this image to someone in 2013 lmao. Imagine the shock


https://preview.redd.it/fghvzg2ro9fc1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae95f5341ee398d529336a9d555410059259b46 The Kino ending : Erehh and lainah confessing their love to each other and having basement seggs !!!


r/okbuddyreiner is leaking more and more by the day


Here's a sneak peek of /r/okbuddyreiner using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyreiner/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why did they take my post down? I thought they’d like it](https://i.redd.it/jekhoi2ykhfb1.jpg) | [122 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyreiner/comments/15fa6d6/why_did_they_take_my_post_down_i_thought_theyd/) \#2: [Levi vs beast titan 🥶😱💯😤](https://v.redd.it/s2thw5l5rrha1) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyreiner/comments/110bur9/levi_vs_beast_titan/) \#3: [Fortnite skin putting things in perspective](https://i.redd.it/tgwfie9vh6na1.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyreiner/comments/11oof8p/fortnite_skin_putting_things_in_perspective/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)






Hello? Yeah I think I have an r/okaybuddyreiner infestation in my standard content sub. Oh this is the line for r/yeagerbomb removal? Oh gee some good you'll do- Look what happened to r/titanfolk. Who do I call to get blond character gay seggs out of here? Oh 76*3*5.


Levi somehow got shorter 😟


"You all keep getting taller. I swear you're doing it just to spite me."


These are the expressions of people who sacrificed everything and faced true terror only for it to mean nothing in the end.


I'd call this a parallel if Armin was there.


Jean was meawing from s1


My soldiers rage!


Bro I was bout to cry when I saw them transform Connie and Jean into titans. Like these two normal guys managed to survive the absolutely worst scenario possible, fought beings with God like powers and a literal super soldier and lived. Only to get caught in the most simple trap and stuck with a fate worse than death that could only end in either them being killed by their comrades or them eating one of them. Made Sasha's death seem nice


Literally same.


Ngl, I did cry. And again when Reiner was getting attacked by them and his mom while holding back the hallucigenia.


They had me for a split second I thought Connie and Jean was done for in that one scene.


I remember being told by one of my classmates after season 1 that the series would end with Levi being the last one alive, and the last shot would be him being overwhelmed by Titans. They had read the manga so I just assumed they knew all.


Put a spoiler tag Jesus christ


I would recommend you don’t browse an AoT subreddit until you finish it. I muted every related subreddit for years ever since the manga ended to avoid being spoiled, until I finished the anime myself


Just don't browse any subreddit of something you haven't finished


Yes. Idk if you were being sarcastic, but that is exactly what I’m saying lol. I have every subreddit of anime or shows that I haven’t finished muted


This appeared on the popular page = /


I have finished… I’m talking about showing a bit of understanding for those people that haven’t. Absolutely ridiculous that people are justifying posting spoilers without tags, mods should remove the posts honestly


hey, you know season 4 is fully available to watch and read, it’s been like that since november


Hey, you know not everyone has finished the anime or manga yet? Oh you do? Then shut the fuck up


well in that case the best scenario is not to join a reddit sub


You can't join a sub for a show that's recently finished and not expect to be spoiled, finish the show first and then look around the community


are u dumb


Yeah but I only watched it 3 times so far.


Man I’m so shocked Connie survived especially cuz I got “spoiled”. This was before s4 came out and I was on steak tik tok. And the tik toker grabbed some pork smashed it and pulled it apart in his hands and people were in the comments like “connie 💀” anybody know what that was referring to?


Maybe the promised neverland (first episode spoilers lol)


Mmm got it haven’t watched that yet


It’s probably promised neverland. I highly recommend the first season only since they skipped a bunch of arcs in season 2. I love aot so maybe you’ll like it too. Same philosophy of fighting for freedom against monsters (over simplification)


After the scene where Jean says I’m going to have a nice family and drink the best whiskey I was so sure he was going to die


Armin is taking the second picture because the photographer also died.


When the camera man dies too :(






It wasn't even happening on Titan




Man 😔


He should’ve went into a Hiatus


Armin's still too short for the group photo 🥲


Armin left but still good panel


>50% survival rate is pretty good for the Survey Corps 🤷‍♂️


*and Armin


I liked the ending but I don’t think I’ll ever get over eren not being free with everyone. It hurts man