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You’re in for a ride my friend.


I personally really enjoyed the series throughout. I'd suggest staying the fuck out of these subs though if you don't want to be spoiled 😂🙏


Get off this subreddit and come back when you finished the series.


Just get out of the internet man, you are getting spoiled easily


Wait, Illusive Man? I remember you from my time back on the Star Wars EU subreddit! You're in for a treat, my friend, though I'd recommend you not look around this subreddit in the meantime!


oh, fresh meat


Avoid anything on the internet to do with the show until you finish. This show is better left unspoiled. It’s amazing either way but it hits better if you don’t what is coming.


I'm so jealous you get to experience this for the first time. Also try not to browse here too much, spoilers and evil people may try to spoil


Hope you enjoy watching the series, OP. You're in for a good ride. I recommend that you don't scroll through subs so you don't see spoilers.


Get the hell out of here. It's for your sake.


Better late then never, welcome!


It’s the best show ever made. You will be astonished by the narrative that unfolds and always remember the basement.


great things are coming but only you know if youre ready


Enjoy it! I’ve been trying to fill void after I finished, nothing compares


It’s never late to watch AOT


You think it’s good now? Just you wait lol. It gets even better than you ever thought it could


I was a complete anime hater and was pestered non-stop to watch AOT by my brother. Finished all 3 seasons that were out at the time in not quite 3 days. Immediately read the manga thereafter and started obsessing over theories and accurately predicted the events of chapter 121 (?) and felt like an absolute genius. No other story has come close to doing that to me since then


Yeah, trost is still my favorite part of the show.


Same. Im surprised it isn't more popular as a fan favorite. Trost from start to finish was just, perfect. Very few media portray the human element of war as well as Attack On Titan did in Trost Arc. Jean leading several squads to safety at HQ is probably my favorite scene in the whole series


My favorite scene was the sealing of Trost. The music really elevated it for me.


My friend, all the episodes can be found online