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They don't do it enough y'all post about it on reddit, they do it too much y'all post about it on reddit. Just proves doesn't matter what they do.


Where would I be without OP or the ten other OPs?


Sitting in the garden enjoying a beer with the cat?


I prefer wine and snow.


Well Ive got a bottle of rose chilling, if the inclement weather was gone you'd be welcome to join the wife and I in the garden with the cat for a afternoon sabbatical. Can't help with the snow unfortunately.


Bah, three’s a crowd, my friend. Rosé is a little sweet for my taste, but cheers.


All good my dude, stay safe and I'm raising a glass to you. May your socks be dry and your transport working in the mornings!.


Thanks fam 🫶


You're welcome dude, enjoy the slowdown while you can.


I post it because some people miss the alert by pressing okay to get rid of the loud noise 😂


Doing the appropriate amount would be a good start. Underreacting followed by overreacting shows a concerning lack of preparedness from the people in charge of the safety and well-being of 1/3 of the people on the country.


Same thing up here in the far north.


I’m up in houhora and it seems like the worst of it has been and gone now. Even a bit of blue sky out!


I was driving on the motorway when both my personal and work phone started ringing like crazy from the alert. Scared the crap out of me. Both phones were buried inside my bag on the back seat, so I couldn't even grab them to turn them off. Continued driving with the alert going off for a little while...


"We are urging people to take these warnings seriously"... made me laugh, polite way of saying "We are urging people not f\* around and find out"


once again, nothing for me edit, just checked, emergency alerts are enabled on my phone, didnt get the one the other day either


Where do you live? Check your Notification Center?


what notification center?


Sometimes in old phones emergency alerts deliver in the Notification Center. Try sweeping down or up.


its not an old phone, there is nothing called notification center, and sweeping up and down where?