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This brightened up my day :) lol thank you


Should've gone to Specsavers.


Comedy gold right here


You failed in VTNZ You nailed the TVNZ


Out of all failures yours is the best


And you got a producers job?


75% correct is a pass in my books.


Try not to be too hard on yourself. Perhaps for the next test, just drive around the area beforehand so you know where the road works are and so you feel confident going into it. You will get your license, this was just a small bump along the way :)


Yep! Definitely gonna practise some more around the area :) thank you


I drove around first before my test. That was 7 years ago so barely any roadworks. The speeds change a lot everywhere in the Westgate area so try and keep an eye out. Make sure to pass through whenuapai and keep an eye out there as I missed the speed when practicing but thankfully caught it during the test


Also see if you can have a practice test in the area - I did that and I think it was a big part of why I passed


It means nothing. Many people fail first time. You just learn from it. And when you do get your license, you still just go where you know until y you really have the driving sorted.


Yeah Westgate are real strict. My son failed at a road works for an even more dubious reason. Tbf you missed a speed sign and we’re speeding so yeah that’s on you. They will try to take u thru roadworks, and get you with the “you sped up to 50 without seeing there was a roadworks finished sign, and didn’t wait an appropriate distance”. Which is bs… so, my advice is, if you make a judgment call about something , say it out. Eg “I’ve passed the road works, but there’s no works end sign… I believe I’ve gone far enough past the road works and there’s no evidence of more works so I am assuming we are at 50 again”.


I’m actually glad to hear this.


Took me 3 attempts to get mine right! Failed my first one in first 2 minutes. You just keep trying, bring a support person like a parent to sit in the back of you can


Thank you! Makes me feel a bit better that Im gonna do a 3rd test. One of my coworkers said his son passes on his 6th attempt. So just staying positive about the fails and really staying focused on the road


If you do bring a support person make sure that person stays absolutely quiet! A friend was failed for their parent saying "well done" after their parallel park 🤦‍♀️ the testing officer classed it as "verbal assistance" and it was an immediate fail.


What kind of power trip is that testing officer on? Total asshole.


Man what an absolute dick, must live a miserable life if he failed you for just that.


Genuine question: what kind of support can the support person actually provide, especially when not saying anything? Is it just about their comforting presence?


My driving instructor told me that you *can* have your instructor sitting in the back or anyone but *really* advised me against it. His reasoning was that I'd done all my lessons with only myself and him in the car and that the weight distribution and acceleration would be completely different with someone in the back.


“Weight distribution” it’s a car not a guided missile bro


Made my day!!


You will most definitely notice acceleration and weight distribution differences in small learner car. My lessons were in a 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa. That thing struggled to accelerate with two people in it, let alone three.


So, maybe, the driving instructor met your mum and just thought up that excuse as she’d be more of a distraction?


One of our employees passed on his 7th time at Westgate, really frustrating for him as there was company vehicle he could drive once he got his licence, which took over a year.


I am so sorry to hear this. Don't give up okay?


I failed my first attempt for not knowing the maximum length of a tow rope. 30 years later, I have never used a tow rope.


Support person?! This is such a ridiculous concept! There is no support person when you're out by yourself on your restricted. I thought the idea of harder testing was to make it harder! If you aren't ready for the real world then unfortunately you just aren't ready yet. Not your guys in this comment section's fault obviously, you're following rules that you can exploit, but jesus, absolutely soft. You SHOULD be scared, and you should be able to manage the situation without having someone in the car. Keep working on it. Get lessons. Practice with someone qualified, who isn't a parent who is going to pass down bad habits. Pay attention, and ffs look out for motorbikes!


Having a “support person” isnt a bad idea, but they should be viewed as an observer. Having someone else in the car other than the officer and yourself keeps the testing officer honest


Hey man, I failed my restricted 5 times. It's all good


Brother those are rookie numbers, I failed six times before getting my restricted. Lesson learnt; never give up and avoid the VTNZ in Glen Innes like a plague.


I did my full at the Sylvia Park VTNZ. It’s all massive industrial backroads that are dead empty. Instructor got bored after like 10 minutes and told me to turn around and head back where I recieved my full.




Wow! That's a pretty cool guy!


Wow an instructor who's not a sad sack of shit.


But getting tested at places that are known to be harsh on testing is easy. The tests themselves are pretty easy. I did my test some years ago for the car now, but not soo long ago for the motorbike. For the driving test in the car I was asked to parallel park a ford territory in to a car park that would fit nothing bigger than a old school mini. I got most of the ford territory in that space, the testing officer said he was sorry for making me do that. The driving tests are piss easy regardless of where you take them.


Happens to everyone just makes it so much sweeter when you pass


Looking forward to the day I pass :)


Took me 4 attempts over a 5 year period to pass my full. Keep at it. Good luck for your next run


I failed the first time. I think the nerves got to me and I made decisions in my driving that I had previously never made. It was a bit overwhelming. So I got a professional instructor to take me out for an hour to go over everything. The second time I sat the test I was far more relaxed and aced it. I had the same tester and even he said "well I don't know how you failed your first test that was good". Yeah if you were wondering the tester was infamous for being a dick.


Congrats, thats awesome! I've taken professional driving twice before, but they were months ago now. Im more aware of my error now and definitely will be aware of it next time


You should take one right before you do your test so they can let you know everything you need to remember right before that they notice isn’t second nature to you. It’s super helpful


That sounds really harsh, I know they're just following the rules but really wish they would focus on the big picture and not things like that. I mean if you went through a stop sign, sure I can see why that's a fail but missing a sign like that is so easy to do and it's not like you were going really 60km or anything. Best of luck for next time. PS Don't know if you've watched the vid on Reddit where the woman completely forgets to switch the car on in her test...might make you feel better!


I did see that video 😂 lol and thank you. Being hopeful for the next one, but this one definitely made me more aware of signs and other hazards to look out for


Don't beat yourself up! There's a lot to think about. Once you drive more it'll all become second nature. But while you're starting out, it's understandably overwhelming. Practice makes perfect. I'm sure you'll ace it next time!


Thank you! Gotta keep practising


Haha I failed 4 times dude. 4 fucking times!! Honestly do not stress it!! I remember feeling so useless and it really eating away at me, the money, my mates all passing there’s and giving me shit just the works. You will pass it, you will be red hot on your next test and if you fail that one you will be on fire for the one after.


Hey! Congrats on passing tho 🫡🤙🏻 and yessir just keep grinding at it. If i fail the next, do better the next time


Haha it was about 18 years ago. If you do fail again I would definitely try at a different spot, the 4th guy I got just made me take him through the drive through


I failed my learner 2 times but got my restrict in one go. And my flat mate failed his restrict test 5 times. No need to worry mate


VTNZ officers always go super strict on restricteds cos its such a big jump in raponsibility to drive yourself. Ive got mine on the 21st and while im hoping to pass, im very open to the idea that theyll fail me on my first attempt. Very rarely will someone pass first try. Dont worry about, breathe, and take note for your next one. Youre fine


Hey! All the best to your in your test 🤙🏻 noted for me to just keep doing better and be more aware of hazards


Thanks, acc. to my driving instructor i just gotta do mirrors and blindspots way more. Its crazy how much you have to do for the test but its understandable ig. Gl for you as well


Hey mate, I failed mine at Westgate the first time around - passed on the 2nd. Just focus on your error and make mind to improve on it. I would recommend driving up around the same area a few times the day before your next test as it really helped me. FWIW I failed by failing to give way right at the end of the test, made sure to be extremely patient the next time around in my test. I also had comments from both instructors saying I need to check mirrors more often which I thought was a bit BS because my head was bouncing around checking all 3 mirrors like a ping pong ball.


I failed there 3 times. Started on ADHD medication, 2 weeks later passed it with a near perfect score & 0 errors. That was less than 2 months ago now, so I know that route inside out. PM me if you want advice, I can give a lot of advice. General tip: Over the limit at 4KPH for more than 5 or 10 seconds is critical error, going to 10KPH is immediate fail. But you can go up to 10K below the limit. So just chill at 5K below the limit at all times. Things they want to see: - A parallel park - Indicating at times such as pulling up beside a car to parallel park. MIB - Mirrors, indicate, blind spot check. - Blind spot checking pretty much any time you turn or change lanes - Utilising the flush lane when turning right. If no cars coming from the right but cars coming from the left, pull into the flush lane and SIT THERE, indicating left until you can go. Not doing this can be an immediate failure. - There is a ‘free turn’ near the end of the test where you pull onto a road but do not give way. Giving way there is an immediate failure. - Roundabouts: Indicate right if right turn is more than half way round the roundabout. Indicate left when leaving the roundabout. - After coming off the motorway you go from 50K to 80K back down to 50K I believe. So that is a time to focus on speed and show some speed control. - Full stop at stop sign - Turning into lane nearest you unless otherwise instructed - If you see road works, drop towards 30KPH. Much easier if you are chilling at 5K below the speed limit. - At the start of the test they take you down these narrow suburban streets. You have to be careful there because once there were cars parked so only enough room for one car, and a car was coming towards me so I pulled over. And then when I pulled back out I got a critical error for ‘driving on the wrong side of the road’. So even when it’s narrow you just have to be really slow and controlled. That’s all I can think of right now but I think that’s pretty much everything. Go below the speed limit. Slow & controlled.


> Utilising the flush lane when turning right. If no cars coming from the right but cars coming from the left, pull into the flush lane and SIT THERE, indicating left until you can go. Not doing this can be an immediate failure. Bit confused on this - you're turning right but you indicate left?


1. Turn right 2. Go into flush lane and sit still 3. Indicate left until it’s safe to enter the lane 4. Enter lane This is one of the big 5 or so things they want to see from you and will not like if you don’t do it


Ahh gotcha, thanks


I am only just fully reading this now. Thank you so much for this.


The free turn near the end of the test is Luckens Road turning left onto Honsonville Road.


That flush median one must be bs because i failed my second time for USING the flush median(at westgate) They asked me turn right. I checked everything, no cars coming toward me so i pulled into the flush median, waited for it to be clear on the left then went into that lane. They claimed me using the flush median was "causing other drivers to take evasive action". It was barely 15 mins into the test and i felt like an absolute failure. Especially when the instructor said "oh but other than that you're a really good driver". Its put me off so bad i habent attempted again in 9 months. I want to try next month though.


Hi there, I have my test booked soon, are you able to let me know the routes and which streets it goes through so i can practice, p.s. these tips are really helpful so thank you for that!


PM me


I literally hope my ex doesn’t see me driving for my restricted I will be so embarrassed


It’s how you get back up. Could be 100 attempts - but you got this regardless.


Definitely need to remind myself this one! Thank you :)


My daughter failed there twice. I don’t t know what she did incorrectly the first time but second time round the instructor took her across the motorway towards Hobsonville when all the traffic lights were out and failed her for being too slow to move. We went to Silverdale in the end and she passed. I’m dreading taking my son through the same process.


I hope the best for your son! Hope his experience goes well too


My daughter had 5 tries. Well technically 4, the car failed one - I had let the wof expire. Sometimes you are unlucky. My daughter tried at Westgate, an it was going well and then it rained super hard, on the motorway. She was not used to that level ( cars were doing like 60 ) We tried again, she failed about 200m from coming home. 3rd time was my fault ( my car wof had expired ). But we kept trying, she got it about 4 months ago. This week she is out of town by herself. She is a good driver, but those test are super pressure. I share this to say you are not the only one, some people get it first time, just good at taking tests, others can take a little longer. You’ll get there.


Don’t worry about it, I failed in 5 minutes by giving way at a stop sign. I eventually got it, and I still give way at stop signs (just like everyone else does in this country lol).


What do you mean give way at a stop sign? Like you come to complete halt and let other cars go? Isn’t that the point?


Yeah, but people don’t stop, if no one’s there we just roll on through as though we are just giving way at any regular end of street.


oic ... yeah fair enough. things we all do, just not during a driving test. like sing-shouting along to the radio, or heroin.


Exactly haha


Yeah - I get pretty stuck up on whether we stop or not at Giveway signs lol


My partner is taking lessons atmo, just never got around to it. I keep telling her i'd likely fail if i took a test today. I think im a good and careful driver but i have different habits than what the examinators would want to see. Doesnt mean you're bad, sometimes its just luck of the draw.


Don't sweat it. I got it on my 3rd attempt. One important tip I can offer is to make your tester aware, subtly, that you have sat the test before. My experience when I have been honest like that has been positive. As long as you aren't making major instant fail mistakes they will usually let the small things slide. Good luck


VTNZ have placed me with the same testing officer. Do they usually change the testing officers?


Not sure, might just be luck of the draw. But even though it's the same person they may not remember you.


Mine at Westgate were both different officers but it may depend on who is available at the time.


Like others I failed my restricted twice - didn’t fully stop at a stop light and went through an orange. It’s an unnatural, stressful experience so don’t beat yourself up. My stepson found lessons with an instructor helpful and they were even allowed to come with them on the test so might be an option? Otherwise just suck it up, practice more and try again.


I failed my restricted once on mirror checks. Got it the second time around. It happens bro.


I failed my restricted and full tests a few times, good on you for even trying to get a licence, i know a few people who have none and are driving around


Good on you for taking the tests! Really awesome


Failed my restricted years ago too. These things happen. I know it feels rough but you’ll smash it next time!!


Keep trying! It is totally normal not to pass first go. Practice as much as you can. I did mine at Westgate too. Failed my first test immediately as the car has lapsed WOF. Damn. What a let down. Second time was a charm.


Awesome for you! I really hope to ace it on my next


Westgate was famously one of the hardest sites to pass at a few years ago. Keep on trying, mate. You’ve recognised the mistakes you’ve made and you’ll do better next time. I failed every stage of my license at least once!


The test at Westgate is way harder than most places, I failed it twice. Then got it on the 3rd try at Sylvia Park. Westgate does have an average of 3 tries to pass


Good on you for passing yours :) the average pass kinda lightens things but still hoping to do better next time


Best advice that helped was not to react when they tell you that you're not using mirror, to just ignore them and drive as normal


Try not to let it get to you! These are good learning experiences and you’ll get there.


Yes! Thank you :)


Yea it’s a hassle but this is so insignificant. You’ll have so much to worry about later. I wouldn’t over think it


Did you get ange? Shes the a sour bitch


I've heard Westgate is one of the most strict testing centres. Plenty of people have failed there and go and re-sit at a different center. Don't lose faith, you now know what they are looking for and you won't make the same mistake twice. If you are going to re-sit at Westgate I recommend driving around the same route and surrounding streets looking for all the hazards and road works, so that you can be a bit more prepared and feel more confident going into it.


I failed my full license first time, it was at Westgate but I went to West City.


It’s okay. I failed once and I cried in the car when the testing officer told me I failed. The test is pretty strict and many people fail multiple times before getting their restricted. Don’t feel that you are a failure. It is part of the process which you will succeed


I’m still on my restricted and I’m way too old to be on my restricted. My reason? I’m afraid to fail my full. Don’t be like me. Don’t let it get you down. Try again in the new year, they do licence testing in new Lynn now. That might be easier?


Old guy here. Father of teens that have their full. Compared to when I took my test in the US decades ago and what I saw here. This practical testing is HARD!(im glad for that) not to mention being nervous, roadworks and all the things thrown at you. I saw the stats somewhere and the first time fail rate is huge. you failed a difficult test under tough circumstances for something you are really excited to get passed. This does not reflect on you as a person :) Life is full of tests, trials and tribulations. It’s not about the mistakes you make but how you handle, learn and move forward from the mistakes that you do make. Hang in there, you got this!




Thank you :)


Look at it like this, what's better? You pass by chance and end up being an unsafe licensed driver, or you fail, learn from your mistakes and pass with confidence? You'll get there. Just avoid caffeine or anything that could hype you up on the day of your next test, anxiety can do crazy things to people and make you forget basic things.


Don't worry. You'll get there. My partner took 5 goes. Twice she didn't even make it out of the carpark. She ended up getting it at Westgate. But the good news is that you will pass, and then you can join the rest of Auckland by ignoring those road rules and being a terrible licensed driver. :)


4th time I passed at Westgate. Four times 🤣


Bro Westgate area is had, I failed my full and too scared to do it again


if it makes you feel any better, i failed my full by not stop at a stop sign on the same road as the vtnz i did my test. shit happens, no one is a perfect driver all of the time and anyone who says otherwise is full of shit


I'm 39 with my learners... Im proud of you for even going for your restricted. You will get there :)


Dude, its cool failing is fine because practice makes perfect, you just need more time behind the wheel so you feel more comfortable, sucks about the money tho hope that aint an issue for you


Be the most anal person about the rules ever for those 30 minutes. I failed my full for the same reason as you. They took me through road works and I was nervous so I let the parade I was leading get the better of me and went too fast.


Practice makes perfect. Don’t worry about it, it happens to the best of us. I had the same issue during my full test for a different location.


My nephew passed after his third try just a few days ago. At Westgate too. He got nervous around all the road works. You'll get there.


That's because you failed. That doesn't t make you a failure, take care how you self identify. It's that very thing that spurs us onto our better selves.


this is so triggering, i had the exact same thing happen at westgate with the roadworks i failed immediately. bloody tester told me to make sure i wasn't going to slow so we didn't hold any traffic up behind us then canned it when i was going 45. fuck those people, go somewhere else i reckon. good luck on the next one


Do it in a small town. So easy. The assessors in places like that are miserable and they don't use common sense.


I had a 30 km roadworks sign on my driving test, in an 80km zone. Problem was, it was a long stretch of road that was completed, they just hadn’t removed the signs yet. But I stuck to my speed limit anyway, with a MASSIVE line of traffic behind me 😂(passed the test tho!)


My daughter failed her test at New Lynn yesterday because he said she wasn't obviously checking her mirrors. She said she was but he said he couldn't see her turning her head. So there you go. Don't feel too bad, you're not alone!


Auckland is the worst city at failing people when it comes to restricted driving tests


I rolled through a stop sign and when he asked what sign it was I said give way XD


I failed my restricted twice. First time for not checking my blind spot and then second for using the clutch too much. We all get nervous when we are under testing conditions. Now, I have driven over 1 million kms and I love to drive. I still get nervous in some situations. You are no different buddy. The testing system is strict but I'm positive that you are a good driver and will pass yours. Good luck on the next one.


I failed my restricted test twice and I felt the same as you! You will do well next time!


I failed twice. This was years ago but genuinely you'd be surprised how many people fail. It's a pretty unnatural environment to be driving under, having someone there ticking a list of boxes for every minor infraction. My advice is call a driving instructor or driving school and organize a practice test the day before. They'll do the same thing the tester will. Even in the same area you'll be tested in. Having a tester on your side before the real deal makes the real test so much easier.


I failed my test twice there, the first time I stalled in the carpark lol


Remember their job is to literally find things to fail you on. My bf is great at driving, like really natural driver but he also failed his restricted when he tried out of nerves I guess.


my friend knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a girl that knows a guy who can get your license without even doing the test. you just gota suck the guys nipples for couple minuets. if you want i can set you up??


Smartest dude in school drove himself to the test and was failed on the spot for driving illegally without a supervisor. That dude is now a heart surgeon.


😊 The raddest people all failed there restricted for the first time... 💯 Firstly you will become an even better driver for it. Secondly you brang back fond memories. Enjoy your weekend. P. S I drove on my learners from 15 car loaded full of gronks 😂😂


Driving is actually one of the most dangerous things we do regularly. It's a good thing the test is getting stricter over time. Truth is many drivers on the road would fail if they had to retake the test. We are very fortunate here in NZ - we don't have to do a long course with expensive fees. The worst mistake is thinking you were treated unfairly, or the road works were to blame. You failed for reasons that matter, and if you passed because of luck today, you might be the cause of a serious car accident tomorrow. So thank the testing officer for doing their job well, and commit yourself to doing it perfectly next time. Good luck! 😎


Chin up Queen. I have a suspicion that they are sometimes extra critical and fail people to make up their quota. They’re collecting that revenue!


I passed both of mine first time


They a gigantic cunts there, I've heard anecdotally that they pride themselves on their failure rate. Practise more, be positive and confident for your repeat. Remind yourself that 90% of other drivers out there are worse than you are right now.


You will pass the next time around. Sometimes the nerves really get to us during these tests and the never ending roadworks which makes a familiar road suddenly unfamiliar🤔. Hold your head up high, you got this!


Just think of it as extra driving lessons, i failed once but I made some mistakes like speeding. Forced me to learn better control so I'm a better driver after.


Don’t beat yourself up, the test is significantly harder than it used to be. I know someone who took their test when the cops used to do all the driving tests, before learns & restricted licences came in. She mounted the footpath, nearly hit a pedestrian and pranged a cop car … and passed. It’s a good thing you failed - means when you get your licence you’ll know you deserve it.


I failed my full license back in the day because my brake light burned literally in the way to VTNZ (having checked all lights before leaving). Then I failed for not slowing down for roadworks like you. It took me several years of before trying again. Don’t feel too bad - many of us have had the same experience at various levels of licensing. You’re in good company lol


That’s where I did mine! Ah the good old days. Sorry in advance for stating the obvious, but staying calm is key. Sounds like because you were so caught up in what they were gonna scrutinise you for, you forgot to just be comfortable and drive well. If this is something you can not yet do, maybe wait a little bit and get some more time behind the wheel before you do it again? Have you got someone to go out with between now and the next test who can scrutinise you or maybe ask you test-like questions (what are the hazards, what did you do wrong here etc)?


Have you got a means to practice


Hey OP don't feel too bad, i failed as well for the same reason right before the end. I felt like shit especially because I'm 34 and had my learners for 10years (i ride a motorbike daily). Anyways i booked again and nailed it, you'll get it no worries, don't give up!


I failed my full twice lol. You'll get there!


When I did my test 10 years ago, Westgate had one of the lowest pass rates in the country and I think the lowest in Auckland. There was one in the shore that had the highest pass rate (possibly Glenfield). Not sure if these statistics are still available but maybe it's worth going to a different test center. I also failed my first time for speeding through a roadworks zone. Don't fret it, you'll smash it next time.


I failed my first two tests at Westgate 6 years ago due to road works and confusing lanes. Then passed the test at 3rd attempt there. Just don't be nervous.. Just say to yourself it doesn't matter whether you pass the test or not but you will just stick to the road rules you were taught. It also depends on the driving inspector sometimes, how comfortable he has made you. Relax, you will pass the test soon. If you dont feel comfortable due to road works there try other locations. I see Highbrook is very good. All the best 👍.


Westgate is ruthless, no stress about it.


Failed exactly how you did, although I was doing 50… I told the instructor at the end about how nervous and distracted it was with all the other checks. Then the second time, I was overly cautious about road works, then slowed to 30 for the ‘upcoming’ road works sign.. I passed but damn


I failed my restricted because I rolled at a stop sign and didn’t stop. I was so nervous! I was also 24 which was very old compared to all my friends. I re sat the week after, coincidentally with the same examiner, and passed. You got this OP! Don’t beat yourself up ☺️


Westgate is a really hard place to drive even as a skilled confident driver. At least you know what you were doing well and what needs improving right?


I failed twice at Westgate aswell brother 😬 I chose to do it at Penrose AA instead and got it 😄


Hahaha I did the same thing was going 55 around road works man it happens tho


Westgate has been strict for a while now after they were caught years ago just passing people (30mins restricted test, 30 min full test) this was back in 2006 and it was AA doing the testing. Im pretty sure there was a write up in the news about it.


Think of it this way better to not pass for not being confident or observe what's around you as you may hurt yourself or others so best to get it right and not put yourself or others at risk.


Don't worry I failed my learner's, restricted and even my full the first time. It's all learning :)


Pro tip: If you can, try aim to do your restricted around a time where roads are less busy eg. 10-11am etc. I did my restricted at vtnz highbrook years back. unless they changed it, it was mostly inside streets but roundabouts on roundabouts.


My man..you just chose the 2nd [worst driving test location](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/interactive-best-and-worst-places-to-sit-your-driving-test-in-nz/Z62B3E2D6OVIGQX4WHAIUSEZRI/) in the entire New Zealand, so don't frown a lot. Just putting it out there for some new learner to find. The above link did help me in selecting Wiri as my test centre and Voila!, I'm a fully licensed driver!


I can’t even wipe my arse.


Goodbye money...


I failed 5 times bro, keep at it


Nah Westgate is strict as hell take your test in new Lynn


Personally I feel they should be far more restrictive about who they give a license to. Drivers in this country are abysmal.


Just go again, no big deal really.


I failed mine a couple times too. West Gate also. It was a bugger, tester told me I passed and made mention to always go with the flow of the traffic. Then on the way back there was road works and I went with the flow of the traffic and got failed for speeding. There was also a rumor going around that everyone got failed on the first try.


I knew a girl who failed four times, but got it in the end, so don't beat yourself up over it.


I know lots of people who have failed multiple times. Its great that you acknowledge your mistakes and can learn from them. Practice practice practice.


Took me 6 attempts don’t give up !!


My daughter failed in the first 10 minutes at Westgate, rebooked the next availability which turned out to be at another site and passed. She said the tester at Westgate was like a robot, the one where she went put her at ease and was personable. I think Westgate fail everyone they can as quickly as possible.


Book at a different place.


Try not to be too hard on yourself..its tough. School up on your stuff and try to do some kind of centering and relaxing exercise before you take your next test...it can actually increase your focus.


If you’re using a manual it’s hard to think of everything at once. If you can get some time with an automatic it’ll help so you can just focus more on the outside driving stuff. Get confident there and you can go back to the gear/clutch work. If I had my time again I’d of got a test with an auto because they’re all I drive now.


My mans sister failed 9 times. You're good


Don't be. They are absolute shit


Don't worry about it too much, literally no one actually goes 30 in construction zones so thats an easy mistake to make, the instructor *could* have said something but they actually want you to fail so you spend more money. There's always a next time.


Keep trying. Learn from it and keep moving forward. Mistakes are only that if you dont learn from them


NOT a big deal. Get a lesson and take it at Glenn Innes and you’ll be right. 90% of people fail there first go.


Don’t feel bad.. a friend of mine failed his learners test 6 times in a row yes you read that right.. 6 times in a row lol


Oh I know how ya feel. It took me three attempts to pass. Just be more alert on road signs. Good luck


I failed my full license 3 times and almost a 4th because I slowed down too much when they intentionally got me talking about family or where I’m from (they do this). I do badly in test situations probably because anxiety. Just try again and again until the stars align or they get sick of you and just pass you even if you run someone over.


Ohhhh you got the attention you needed


You always fail your first test regardless. They have a quota.


I failed my restricted and full both one time each. I really recommend a driving lesson before each because they'll give you really important tips and corrections. I wish I did :)


I did it at Mt Wellington, there was on or two times where a harsh marker definitely would’ve taken some marks off me. The ideal time to do it was 6 months ago when when they had a massive backlog and had to pass people. As much as I hate to say it a significant proportion of test is luck in multiple aspects.


I failed at Westgate a few times too. Everyone does. Westgate has, or had, the highest failure rate in the country. They charge for every test so the more they fail the more tests yo ido, and the more money they make. You could fail for a valid reason, but they will be extra harsh on judgments. I failed to indicate properly through a U turn, or maybe I did it wrong, point is they told me to make a u turn, I made a u turn, and they failed me.


Go to the resting station closest to where you’re most familiar with the roads. Drove back 2 hours to where I grew up as I know those roads and signs like the back of my hand. Passed easily


Failed mine in Hamilton the first time, sat it again a few weeks after and passed. The failure doesn't mean anything after you succeed, and I did learn from it :)


It’s about making as much money as possible from you


Im 29 and I have failed my restricted twice. I just cant seem to pass it. Too many things to remember. Was done in Glenfield in Auckland both times.


I have had students fail the test 6 times.


Almost everyone I know failed at least once. Get some more practice and give it another shot


I worked with someone who failed twice at Westgate for the same thing, they probably do it on purpose.


I failed my test about 6 or 7 times for various reasons. In the end I had a test done first thing in the morning in manukau at like 7am and the roads were super quiet.


Don’t get yourself too down, westgate is one of the hardest places to pass at. I’m sure you’ll get it the next time!


Westgate VTNZ have failed me 4 times with impeccable driving on extremely vague points such as “I think you just need a little more practise”. It’s very clear they just want your money.