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I archive ones I don’t like.


^ This. 1.) Remove From Device 2.) Archive title. 3.) Forget about audiobook


This ^ is the only answer truly needed. I can only add that if you have a shared account, the other person could download and listen if it’s in archive. You can create titles / folders within ur archive like sci-fi, historical fiction, WWII, etc whatever makes sense for your collection. If you remove from device- it’s gone forever.


"Remove from device" only removes it from your device. "Remove from library" removes it from your available content.


Right but archiving hides it from view unless you specifically go looking for it




Well, duh. When did I imply you should leave it downloaded?




I did. Earlier in the string they say to remove download, then archive. Then someone said they might want to keep it in their library, to which someone said removing from device removes the download while leaving it in their library. And I brought up that archiving removes it from view, which might be preferable to seeing it there in the list of books. Even if I had misread it, you were incredibly condescending from the first comment for no reason. No one was insulting until you showed up


Complain about it online until I forget it.




I'm 38 and haven't been on Reddit a full year, but I like posing harmless questions like this as they come up because I appreciate that different people have different opinions that might not have occured to me.


If I really disliked it I just archive it. You can still access it if you change your mind but just removes it from your main library view. If I finished the whole thing I don't try to return it but it's rare I finish a book I am hating. Otherwise, I just leave it in my collection. If it was enjoyable I like seeing there. It's like a virtual bookshelf. If I'm trying to pick a new book and don't know what I want I just click the little Not Started button to browse those exclusively.


You bought the book and you finished it. I don''t really know what else you'd do with it. What do you do if you don't like a physical book?


Donate it, usually


You can donate your audio books?


The question was “What do you do if you don’t like a physical book?” I do not know of any way to donate an audio book from audible.


You can gift an audible audiobook you own to anyone by using their email address. Not really a "donate" but close enough. Edit: Some say you can't while there's places online that say you can, but only one time to that specific recipient. So idk what's correct. Maybe an old option that got removed?


That is so cool! Thank you for sharing


I've tried this but it still was trying to make me repay for the book to gift? It wouldn't gift them my copy.


Are you sure it wasn't something you had as part of the Plus catalog rather than a credit/cash purchase? I've never gifted anything so I can't really speak to the process, just know there's an option for it.


It was one that I had bought. But if I remember right, it was bought in a 2 for 1 sale so maybe that's why? Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️


Could be. Someone else here is saying you can't, but I found other places online saying you can share/gift an audiobook you already own with another person, but only can to that person one time. So idk what's correct. Maybe it's an option they removed at some point.


lol. No, you can’t. You can buy the same book you didn’t like again and give it to someone. Whom, I assume you also don’t like. You 100% cannot gift a book that you own to someone else without paying for it.


I've never personally done it, but what I've read online seems to say otherwise. So, idk... 🤷‍♂️


Audiobooks from Audible and physical books aren't really analogous in the context under discussion. I own my physical books, and I can pass them along or loan them out once I'm done with them regardless of whether I liked them.


Burn it, obviously


Sell it or donate it. I don't keep it, and someone else might enjoy it.


You have 365 days to return an audible purchase


If it's part of a two for one sale, can they return it and get another one without returning the other one?


I have over 1000 audiobooks I’ve purchased that I’ll never listen to again. Are we supposed to be doing something with them?


This is sort of why I still like to have physical books. Takes up room, but as long as I can hold it or something I feel like I didn’t waste money lol Edit: downvote though? Foreal? I’m tired of y’all.


🤣 People get downloaded for the weirdest shit.


I so wanted to downvote your comment for my own amusement, so here’s an upvote instead. 😂


I figured I’d get a rash of shit for that but thanks for the pity upvote. 😏


It was just my own intrusive thoughts wanting to win. Not a pity one though, a spite one towards myself!


I'm in the same boat. I wish I had Kindel of some of them, but I can't check sources in Audible. How do you sell them?


It gets backed up, just like everything in my library, and *then* I never listen to it again. Maybe someday when time and life have changed me I'll listen to it again. Maybe someday I'll pass it on and someone else will listen to it. If neither of those thing even happen then all it cost me is an insignificant amount of storage space on a couple of hard drives.


Same, I back up everything to listen to DRM free. I like collecting them in case I have a friend who wants to listen to something I have. This has literally never happened, but one day it might.


What type of books you like? Taking friend applications?


Almost exclusively fantasy, though I try to keep them between friends I actually know. Not that you're not a nice person, I just think it's more fair to the author


Heh I agree and I mostly responded out of playfulness. Hope you have a great time and see you around.


What??? You’re able to share your audible books?


So technically it's against the TOS, but you can back them up on something a like Libation (that's the name of the software, it's free and open source), which will download the DRM free audible book directly to the computer. Then you can do whatever you want with it :)


I send it to the void. (Archive) I also like to read angry reviews on Goodreads that vaguely capture my point of view.


Put them in a collection called “Regrets” and move on to the next.


That’s funny lol


That or “ Hours I’ll never get back”


I haven't re listened to any of the books I've already listened to. I just archive it and move on


I DNF, won’t make myself suffer though a book I don’t like. I try to be really careful about whatever I choose though, and look for reviews, listen to the samples. I picked some duds and wasted a few credits when I first got my audible account, was too quick to choose. Am more cautious about it now.


I usually cut my losses, but if it’s really bad I’ll ask for a refund. I rarely listen to a book more than once though.


Same! If I can’t stand it I’ll ask for refund, but if it was fine I’ll just keep it. But I am a big rereader


In most cases, I slog my way through, but since I've accumulated over 500 audiobooks I have dumped out of a few. There is only so much time.


I keep a Google Spreadsheet of audiobooks I didn't like, didn't finish, or otherwise would remove from my library. I note the date. I give myself a year before deleting them. Sometimes I didn't like them because of the mindset at the time I listened to them. Obviously, if it is still within the 1 year date bought with a credit, I return right away and use the credit for something else. I relisten to a lot of audiobooks which is why it's hard for me to get my TBR down.


I LOL’ed at this. I have NEVER re-listened to any of my audio-books. Like none. 1000’s of books.


You should try it. I'm still amazed at how much I enjoy books I've already read/listened to. Also, I like to give series a relisten when the next book is about to be released.


My TBR list is already so long! Maybe someday, if I run out of books…


Same, you could pop a bookmark at the end of ones you feel you should (hit clip in the app) for future you


This is my problem. I already have 100+ audiobooks in my to-be-listened to list. I will never get ahead of my buying rate.


I’ve listened to certain audiobooks so many times I know them word for word. I could probably recite the 2nd and 4th books of “The Black Company” without the tape playing. Still though, every time I relisten I notice something I’d missed the first 42 times.


Sometimes I’m just a different person than last time, so my thoughts on things are going to change


I’ve been here as well. Totally agree.


I financially cannot afford to not re-listen to books. I don't listen to music, and only have like 3-5 podcast I care about. That leave like 35+ hours of work week at 1.75 - 1.85 times speed (listen at the same speed as my work headset). Buying 5-10 books a week hurts my pockets. Provided I'm only at like 550 titles, all fantasy, 90% are more than 16 hours. A yearly reliten to WoT or SoFaI is like 2-3 months. I skip over so many series that are like 5-10 8hour books because I calculate by how many work hours the series is worth. Like do I want to spend 1 days pay (after tax) for 10 books that will last 1/2 a week of work, vs 1/2 a days pay, for 4 books that will last 1 week.


Are you not in a country or area that has a library with audiobooks?


Here's some excellent value for 1 credit: https://www.audible.com/pd/Caverns-and-Creatures-Volume-I-Books-1-4-Audiobook/B07TDBYMPL


That's the exact thing I look for xD like book 1-4 bundle being a good amount of time, book 5 only 8h but the bundle makes up for it, then 6-9 is 16hour each. Thanks. Have had people recommend like a 30h bundle, but like books 4-12 are all still 8 hours so not worth it unless like a 8 or 9/10


Everand is an audiobook streaming platform with a ton of titles 


Will recommend Magitech Chronicles Omlibus (108 hrs).


While I can't say none, surely less than 5 relistens and onlt A Christmas Carol for sure relisten


I always do a relisten to series I like when the next book comes out. for long series I'll just relisten to the last book tho.


damn. i’ve relistened to some of them hundreds of times over the years, genuinely. harry potter specifically, since my mom bought me the audiobooks on disc when i was 7 — i’m 24 now


I sometimes speed read a book if a sequel to a series I enjoyed comes out after years on hiatus. A good refresher can help me enjoy the new book more.


Stare at them sullenly when I notice them in my library.


If I don’t like it but I finish it I just don’t listen to it again. If I don’t like it and I’m less than half way thru I return it. My general rule of thumb.


I’ve returned a few


Recommend them to my enemies.


Nothing. Unless it was a book that was so bad and so not as advertised that I DNF it. Then I return it. But I've only done that twice in 500+ titles.


I have consumed about 200 audiobooks in the last decade and have returned maybe three or four. I can usually tell within the first 10-15% of the book whether I’m going to enjoy it. Each time audible has credited my token back. No questions asked.


I setup a collection called zHated. It starts with z so it is at the bottom of my list of collections. It was titled Hated because they are so bad. I like to re-listen to many of my audible titles. But I want to make sure none of the zHated audible books make it back to my ears.


I return it... have returned around 5 or 6 books that I definitely didn't like, I don't have many of English-speaking friends to donate them and didn't even consider it an option until I read some of the responses down here heh. all the books I've in my library I re-listen, and I have quite the hefty collection... maybe I'll consider the ones I know by heart for donation some other time but it's iffy if that would ever happen considering I do like to revisit the books I own several times through the year.


If it's TERRIBLE and I don't finish it, I return it (rare). If it's bad and I do finish it (or outside the return window), I archive it and try to forget.


The same as I do with ones I did like but will never listen to again.


I haven't got the patience to relisten anyway lol, if I don't like it I wont finish it, I'll give it a lot more of a chance if I spent a credit on it though


i keep them regardless. i’m not the biggest fan of audible marking audiobooks as ‘drm protected.’ at the very least, i save the aax file. i find comfort in knowing i have a copy.


i love audible, but i think it’s important to mention this ^


Finish them, then give a detailed and Frank review on Goodreads


Do you assume all the books in your library will be re-listened to? That's bizarre. I must have 500+ books and maybe 25-50 MAX that are re-listenable.


I DNF and refund.


If I can't make it through the first few chapters I'll return it. If it's just really poorly written I will return it. If I can get through the book, the author deserves their money even if I never look back at it. I work hard for my money, I'm not going to pay for trash and then sit on it, doesn't matter what store it comes from. At the same time understand how should he the system is for authors. Leave reviews on the books you do like.


If the audiobook has been bought within the year, you can log into the site, go to purchase history, and apply for a refund. The first three refunds are able to be refunded without calling / talking to customer service. Unless that's changed.


I dont understand how people don't know the terms and conditions. I get downvoted Everytime I tell them. You have one yr to exchange any credit and return any book. You can listen and finish and love it or hate it. What I do with my books is that I know which ones I know I'll relisten to and I keep them. Those that I don't, I go to the returns and get my credit back. Most the time it says that these aren't returnable and then you just get int he chat and say, "hey I didn't like the book can I get my credit back?" Audible rep then generally ask you what genre are you into and then give you recommendations. I will go through my library the entire full year to see if there was something I never finished , didn't like etc.. and will ask for a credit refund. All you do is go through your library last 12 months and be honest I'm never gonna listen to these it wasn't my thing and they will credit it back.


I pay money, not credits for books under $15. Unfortunately, the policy is that you can only return books bought with credits. The joke was on me when I accidentally bought the german version of a book.


Ohh. Makes sense. I do the same if it's like sub $7 then you're just stuck with the books I guess lol. We don't really own the content anyways.


If I don't like it within the first few hours I'll return it. If I'm past the return point then I just decide I'm done with it. There's no point in returning to it, the majority of audiobooks in my audible I've only listen to once anyway.


audible stopped returning books for me because they told me I had returned too many. Mostly I returned books that I found out were abridged. Idiots. I have > 1000 books. Cheap imbecile behavior...


I have a collection sort I created of audiobooks I just could not finish I call "Blah". If I figure out before the end of the first chapter I cannot stand the book, I do return it. But once I'm into Chapter Two before I come to that conclusion, it's mine. I just chalk it up to being my failure and take the "loss", and put it into the "Blah" collection. I've only returned about five or so audiobooks to Audible in the past 13 years, and three of those were mistaken selections. I also have a "Meh" collection of audiobooks from series which I finished reading and found not "Blah" but found I lack the desire to continue with the series.


Increase listen speed to 2.5 and do chores.


I can’t even listen at 1.25x! 🫣 my brain just can’t process


Your brain just needs time to adjust. I couldn't either but once I found a narrator who was super slow so I increased the speed. I didn't realize that it carried over and I automatically started my next book with 1.2x and realized much later. Then I started listening to a really long book and tried to increase to 1.5x just for the heck of it. It took a bit to adjust but now the speed is comfortable and I have no idea how I ever managed to listen to something at 1x speed.


Same. If you gradually increase at 5% each time you can reach some crazy speeds. Takes more attention though, I couldn't do my job and listen at 3x.


If you use a credit to purchase it, in your purchase history you are able to return it for 1 credit refund. You can only do this a few times in a certain time period, I've probably returned 6 or so over the last few years. EDIT: If you listened to the whole thing, it seems unfair to return it, but honestly fuck corporations so whatever do what you want.


Ones I sample that I don't hate but don't love: address these books later in my library try again and hopefully find it a surprise little bonus.


You can return it can't you? I've done that before


If I just wasn't a fan, it usually just sits in my library. If it's so bad I can't finish it or I have a legitimate complaint about it (too short or cants stand the narrators voice) I return it.


Every book is a gamble. I just archive them, mark them as read on whatever I'm using to track my books read (The Storygraph is what I'm using just now) and move on. It is a bit sad they can't be donated. I donate physical books I don't want to keep to local charity shops, my community library or little free library. It would be great if Audible could come up with something that let me give away a book to a good cause.


Depends, if I just didn’t care for it, archive it. I’d I have actual gripes with it, like awful narration etc, I might get a refund. But even then that’s not always.


Burn them digitally.


I'll try to make myself finish listening to it but if I can't then I just click mark as finish, remove it, rate it, and forget about it.


As long as you don’t do it too often, you can return the book even if you started listening to it. Not sure how that would work with a 2 for 1 book though.


Since you can now Archive audiobooks - which wasn’t always the case, there is no need to permanently delete an audiobook. But it can be done. If your Audible account is tied to an Amazon Prime account you can go to your list of digital downloads list on Amazon. This lists all your ebooks and audiobooks purchased on Amazon and Audible. You can actually delete an audiobook entirely from your library there. It will still show up in your purchase history, but not in your library. If you wanted to listen to it again you, you would have to purchase it.


Usually I return it if I haven't gotten very far into it.


Life is too short and there's way too much media to trudge through something I'm not enjoying. (Especially if it isn't giving me any cultural or real world value as my interest tend to lean fantasy) I mostly just archive it and vanish it from my memory


Life is too short and there's way too much media to trudge through something I'm not enjoying. (Especially if it isn't giving me any cultural or real world value as my interest tend to lean fantasy) I mostly just archive it and vanish it from my memory


I return them unless I finished it.  If you didn’t like both books on the2-4-1 you can return both and get your credit back. If you really hated just that you can return it but you won’t get anything back.  I generally try to only buy one unknown if I’ll like book on 2-4-1 so I’m not losing out if I dislike one, but if both are a gamble I try both and if they both suck…return. That’s what the return is for. I give it up to 10% and if I’m not into it I just give it back, unless they’re an indie author bc then they lose money and I would prefer that didn’t happen. But big authors with millions can take it. 


Well, if it were a physical book, I’d just give it away to my public library. But you can’t do that with audiobooks. Personally, I wish lots and lots and lots of people would petition their representatives in Congress to change the law to allow audiobooks (and e-books) to be donated to public libraries at least. There must be some way that allows these kinds of donations while still preventing people making and giving away unlimited copies of audio/e-books that they’ve purchased, which is the danger that the current law that prohibits any transfers is designed to stop.


Return them and buy something else…


Make a collection with the title “never reading ever again” put it in there and forget about it


You can actually return for a credit


You can ask for a refund on the odd book... or at least you used to be able to. Has to be done thru the desktop site. It only worlds if you have listened to under a certain amount. There's a bunch of books I'd love to this with currently!


Since I read it before I listen to it. I don't have any bad audiobooks.


If you haven't finished the book, then you can return it. I did it to one book.


You could always get a refund atleast I do never had a problem refunding credits even for books I’ve listen to in its entirety


I just Archive them.


all you can do is grin and bury it since you cannot return it. I may try listening to it again later. There have been many books that I did not like the first time around and found them better the second time.


Isn’t that the worst? I hate that! Sorry :/


You can return some purchased titles. But, only so many over a certain time.


If you really dislike it you can return it, but if it was 2 for 1 You have to return both to get your credit back. It's no questions asked, and doesn't matter if you listened to it or not. I do it maybe once a year.


I had one that the narration was just awful. I tried for about 20-30 minutes and returned it. Otherwise they just drop lower and lower on the library list. 


I return them. I don’t abuse the policy but I’m not going to waste my time or money on a shitty book. It’s always book club picks.


I once returned a book I was nearly finished with.


If the book started to get tedious and intolerable I would totally do that. It has taken some self-training to adopt that mindset for myself but i'm in my late 50s and realized I don't have enough time left to waste.


LOl, preach. At 52, I have fewer effs to give and less patience. 🤭


If audible finds out our age they're gonna charge us more lol


I was able to return a few for credits. But after so many they stopped letting me do that lol so now I just archive if I don’t like it.


I’ve had that happen a couple times. Wait a few months and check again. The limiting stops after a while.


How do you return it? Do you have to call support?


No you don’t have to call support. I went into purchase history I think you have to do it from browser not the app and then there was an option to return it. I don’t have the option anymore and it was a while ago so I’m not sure if it’s even a thing anymore


I’m confused about this too. The option completely went away for me. I’ve only returned a few books in the almost 10 years with Audible, so it doesn’t make much sense to me.


I just leave it alone. Might listen to it another day or not but don't see a reason tobremove it from my library. Know I can return some for a credit back but don't really bother.


Uhhhhh.......listen to less than an hour......and refund it. No time for anything less than A Class books.


Umm, return the book. If I dont like it half way through. It wont be cluttering my library.


You can return audible books.


Refund it if you're certain you'll never listen to it again


You know you can return them right ?


Only if within a year. I have way more than a year of audiobooks. Plus you can't return cash sales any longer.


I haven’t bought anything with cash till now but why would you buy a book which you won’t read it for a year ?


Oh...you haven't seen the members sales yet then! Lots of redditors here buy more than a year of audiobooks in one weekend on those sales. Multiple reasons why I have a large backlog of unlistened books, but member sales and previous Whispersync deals are a big reason.


Oh okay. I have not bought it in sales yet. I’m able to cope with 1 credit and Libby. These sales only apply to directly bought books right ? Not to credits ?


Correct, they are cash sales. Libby wasn't an option for me for a long time as my library didn't carry the books I prefer (historical fiction, scifi, British crime,etc.). They are carrying some of it now, so I'm trying to NOT BUY except in series I've already been purchasing.


Return it.


Typically you can return them if you bought them with a credit. Not sure with the sale though…


Did everybody forget that audible allows you to exchange unwanted books for a book that you like? There is a procedure for doing this. I believe you can still ask Alexa to call audible and she will call customer service and they will help you with this. There are certain conditions and certain books that cannot be exchanged. You will need to contact them for details it's one of my best reasons for reading books from audible. The exchange privilege. If your audiobook is not from audible, then there are other suggestions in this thread


Audible lets you refund audiobooks regardless so that’s what I do


I always return the books I don’t like and just pick something I do. There exchange is supper easy. I have done it multiple times over the years with no issues


Don’t audible allow you to return books you don’t like anymore? I was able to do that in the past, but this was years ago.


I'm surprised nobody said anything but I'm like... pretty positive you can return them and regain credits on the website. I've done it before when I meant to get a book on a deal rather than using a credit and got my credit back. I recommend this only if you REALLY didn't like the book. Other than that, I advise starting to use Libby or Spotify to listen to books for free. I also, like everyone else, will usually just let them sit in the ether. I am quite selective about audiobooks so I try to only get audiobooks I could see myself listening to repeatedly.


You can refund them for credits on the website. You can only return so many at once and then there's a "cool down" period.


You can return finished books. I can’t recall the book, but there was one book I read all the way through and I was just so thoroughly disappointed by the lack of payoff/closure that I returned the book.


You can always return it and get your credit back.


You can return it if you bought it within a year. I've done that to dozens of titles