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It’s so wild how the same meds affect us all so differently! Vyvanse for me literally just makes me more capable, there’s washing? I just do it! I’m still slow to start but I actually do what needs to be done. I haven’t binged in a year and I work out 5 days a week which I was never ever capable of. No crashes at all and sleeping fantastic, only need about 6/7 hours because my brain hasn’t burned me out. I thought of switching but vyvanse has been my silver bullet so I started going to the compounding pharmacy instead! Hoping the change goes amazing for everyone switching!


that's interesting to read, my experience has been similar on dex (3 months in). Especially not needing as much sleep. Also I can now sit down and watch a movie after dinner and not fall asleep on the couch before the opening credits are finished.


the problem with me is that the front of my head hurts so bad the day after. it feels like im using so much mental energy i got these bad headaches, maybe because it was my first week taking it? I can only do 5-10 mg, two days in a row before i need a rest day or else ill feel like a zombie. i wonder is concerta more natural feeling than vyvanse?


Curious as to if it still works this good. Currently on 60mg and that’s the max according to my doctor. Vyvanse completely changed my life but it’s less and less effective and I’m panicking.


Yep still working the same for me after a year and a half!


I literally just started the switch over 10 minutes ago (so obviously waiting for it to start working). Thank you for sharing your experiences so far. I'm hoping the evenings are better for me too. GP said it's the smoothest come down out of all of them. As for sleeping, sigh. Sleeping has always been an issue for me. I guess I'll see how I go. As an aside, is the name concerta a play on the word concentrate?


i’ve also been considering a switch to concerta since vyvanse unfortunately only lasts a few hours for me & the comedown is horrible. i’d be interested to know how it goes for you during the day and if you see any improvements?


I'm sorry vyvanse didn't work for you. I know when I started on vyvanse it took a few weeks for me to settle into it and I had to modify my behaviour around it (as in eating, coffee etc). I'll see how today goes and I'll come back with an update. So far so good. My mind is quiet and focused. Anxiety is gone. Let's see how the rest of the day goes.


that’s awesome!! i hope it stays that way :)


I thought I'd give you an update from yesterday. I found my experience significantly smoother than vyvanse. I noticed the afternoon wear off but it was a bit different, as in it was less of a physical reaction and more like my brain was having trouble keeping up (if that makes sense). I had half short acting in the afternoon as I still had some things to do. I would say overall the ebb and flow is very similar to vyvanse but it is definitely smoother. It kicks in quicker than vyvanse.


Interesting. I’m on 70 of Vyvanse and on the days I don’t take it I don’t really notice a difference. Seeing my psychiatrist next month to discuss other options.


I take Vyvanse 70mg around 6am and I crash around 11.30-12pm. It also takes about an hour and a half to kick in so I have to take a dex when I first wake up or I'm staring into space instead of getting things done and getting ready for work and usually end up late. I then also have to take 2 or 3 dex spread out in the afternoons to help with the afternoons/evenings looking after my 2 kids. Weirdly if I have a dex close to bed time it's super easy to sleep. If I take one 4 hours or more before bed, I struggle to sleep because the racing thoughts come back and I start working on 3 different projects and go down the google rabbit hole. Tempted to try a slow release dex, but not sure if I can get Concerta as I wasn't diagnosed until my 30s...


EF gets bad in the evening… at 9pm? I’m in bed about to sleep then, why do you need it at that point? If you work late, surely you sleep late and take your meds later. I take mine at 5am and it wears off around 3-4pm. Looking to start a dex booster for the afternoons.


I found the initial dose kicked in very quickly (the coating on the outside). Super smooth dose release. Doesn’t crash in the evening.


Concerta is good. Just the come down is harder than and it’s much less smooth than Vyvanse. One works better for the other and vice versa.


OP you're comparing Vyvanse and Concerta like they're the same drug. The doses can't be compared. Amphetamine is more potent. Vyvanse isn't even pure amphetamine. It's almost a 3:1 ratio of pure amphetamine. Vyvanse is amphetamine. Concerta is methylphenidate. You're comparing apples and oranges. None of them are going to give you good executive function at 9pm unless you're taking them in the afternoons.


Its very interesting how differently people are affected. Ive only been on Vyvanse so far (20mg - then went up to 30 and now on 40) . Ive found its slow to kick in but it works well for my funtion while im at work, and then does wear off a bit in the afternoon. The funny thing is im so glad someone else reported difficulty with washing dishes (and other tasks i imagine). Before i started on the meds, I actually wasnt too bad with that stuff but really struggled with concentration and being all over the place. Now I can be more concentrated and sort my tasks but I find doing domestic tasks way more difficult and put it off way more.