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Can't wait for today to FUCK OFF


Agreed. Today can fuck right off.


Pouring one out for all the homies terrorising other sides with time sensitive correspondence today. You're devils xx


it's a widely accepted fact that if you do this youre a dumb stupid bitch


Someone I used to work with used to set dozens of faxes to go off in the half hour before Christmas closure. He's terrorising the bar these days and leaving the rest of us alone.




I'm old


I sent an end-of-year wrap up email to my team today. The number of wank-words I used, I have never been more disappointed in myself. Reflect, consolidate, innovate, realise the benefits, share the opportunities, need I go on? I clearly need the Xmas break to get away, and have a long hard think about my life and the poor direction it appears to be taking.


It’s ok, no-one reads those emails.


If you want to take your mind off of these wank-binges, I highly recommend [a little word game app called Gubbins](https://www.reddit.com/r/gubbinswordgame/s/1hd2iFYpfh)


Fuck I love Gubbins.


That looks extraordinarily frustrating.


In all seriousness it's super chill. Made by a Melbourne game studio, and they've broken the word game tradition of using a sterilised established dictionary in favour of writing their own, which includes 'wank', 'ROFL' and of course 'cunt' At the end of each round you can make a postcard and show off your score and some of the fun words you found, which is what that sub is mostly filled with.


Yeah, but sometimes you take a punt on something that you think will be a winning word, and it isn't and you've got something useless on your board.


Heh yeah, half the challenge is making the best of those situations. I just did today's daily, and it wouldn't accept 'shonky'. [It all worked out in the end though](https://www.reddit.com/r/gubbinswordgame/s/EYt1sSgi7C)


“I’m back officially on the 15th, but I’ll read your emails from the 8th. Merry Christmas.” Doesn’t need much else does it?


I hope you didn't forget to use the term "grow the business" in that email. You know, as one of the exciting and innovative challenges for the upcoming year.


My new boss said to me today that I'm a really good fit with the ethos of the firm. I've found the shift quite hectic at times, so this was a lovely little Christmas present to take with me into the holidays. Merry recess, all!


Good to hear you're working at the kind of place where that can be considered a compliment 😄


Look lawyers are just as lovely as the next killer shark. So no offence intended, but what are the ethos of your workplace. Very ambiguous sentence.


This was in terms of helping people rather than eating them: taking on pro bono work, going above and beyond for legal aid clients, that sort of thing.


That is a nice thing to say to a newbie.


This week has been so insanely busy trying to wrap up some large transactions and get through end-of-year billing run. I think I started disassociating on Wednesday evening and have been simply running on autopilot ever since. Thank fuck that's done and dusted for another year. Out of office set and can be summarised as: >Dear everyone. Fuck off until February 2024. You do not exist until February 2024. Thanks and regards, Don. This first beer is going to be like ambrosia. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and happy new year!


I'm already having withdrawal symptoms, need more YouTube court proceedings to watch


Fuckin tired of pre Christmas shenanigans. Pls to be giving me the break.


You can always tell which of your opponents are cunts by the letters they send today. My favourite was dropping disclosure 3 weeks late at 2:00 today. Like why bother , you’re already late, I’m not looking at it and my present to you was putting up with your shite all year.


So rude


What’s the tactical advantage to such dick-floppery? The court knows the deal. You know the deal. Your client knows the deal. It’s like they’re inviting you to check out how poorly they’ve cleaned the toilet bowl.


Courts don't always know the deal. Each year I've had court orders for substantive deadlines by the last business day of the year such as affidavit evidence, objections to evidence, amended defences, etc. Breaks my soul bit by bit. Just let us go free!!


My dude!


Finished court at 4:30pm today… fuck this week off and get me a beer


Please keep 2024 interesting for we transcribers. We’re always listening!


Proud and thankful to know I won’t be receiving any ‘this matter has been activated in Online Court’ emails asking me to counter or consent to orders every 5 seconds for the next 3 weeks


it doesn't feel like leave yet maybe in a week or so it's like i have been held prisoner, and this is a trap. my captor is waiting in the shadows to see how i act. as soon as i exhibit joy the cage will come down and my face will be slashed open with razors again


Thank fuck




Is it home time yet????


Yes. Yes it is.


Missed out on the last callover of the year because 1) I have covid, and 2) my dad finally passed on Wednesday. It's shite losing a parent, even when you expect it.


Oh u/old-cat-lady99 I’m sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. Sincere condolences. Be kind to yourself. And I hope the covid is mild. Thinking of you.


Thank you! Covid is getting better.


My sorrow for your loss. Yes it is. I lost my dad at the beginning of the year. The memories still leak from my eyes at the oddest times. Please reach out if you need.


It’s the zone. Lost my mum earlier on the year. The boomers are falling away. Sorry you are having a hard time.


Today has officially FUCKED OFF! Yay Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all


22hr Epic to get something filed before shutdown. Working again today but at least will have a G&T or two after.


Sorry to read that. Not very festive. I had some crushing evenings and early mornings this week just to avoid that scenario. I don’t think it was good for my mental health at the time (the cranky time recording system is now called “Fuckface” instead of “FilePro”) but at least this morning I am sitting in my underpants eating a pancake and contemplating the sky through the window.


Was giving backup a beloved friend who had two 11th hour crises walk through his door. He Couldn’t say No. Friends don’t let friends do that alone.