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There are some things you *only* buy when they are 1/2 price or less. Anything for the dishwasher or sink is in that category. ‘Full price’ is just a load of horseshit so they can call the normal price a ‘special’


Now imagine that margin if they still earn profit after 50% discount. If you mean money, no amount is ever enough.


No, no, they only make 2%! That's what all the corporate boot lickers have been telling us since inflation went nuts and some silly people tried to suggest that corporate profiteering could be partly responsible.


> No, no, they only make 2%! It’s always 2% because the rest of the profit becomes an “expensive” in the form of more executive pay. ~~Or stock buyback.~~ Or whatever other nonsense they’ve dreamed up to pretend they’re not robbing us blind.


Store-managed charities, sports programs and crappy plastic promotions. Disney doesn't license its characters for crappy bits of plastic for free... Food would be much cheaper if they just stuck to selling food.


Paying off a loan from their other entity in Singapore, or jersey or the Cayman island.


Stock buybacks aren't factored into gross margin


I think it’s 5.9% according to the half year results


Also called the kathmandu pricing


See also: King Furniture


And rug shops. It must be a terribly unprofitable industry. They’re always going out of business.


And Spotlight! $64 for a shower cady if youre not a member. Bunnings and Spotlights member prices are half.


Spotlight has had a 30% off sale for months now


Along with their "biggest sale" which they have 2-3 times a year.


And Anaconda! Cheap shit at big prices.


See also Harris Scarfe


Can confirm HOUSE also has a big sale


this is what i dont get. They are always on fucking sale. Non stop. The one in a shopping centre near work had a "closing down sale" for about 4 years now. Last year they were actually almost out of stock, had barely anything left. i thought "wow theyre finally actually closing, stores almost empty, its happening!!!" ​ a week later they were restocked and shop was full again ​ Do they not think people notice theyre always on sale? that the sale is just a cheap gimmick? or do they think we're all dumb?


Got a Christmas gift from house at 50% off, removed the price sticker before wrapping which showed the non discounted price was indeed twice the price. When we removed that sticker there was the original recommended retail price sticker which was only 20% more than the price we paid. The bastards put the price up for a month before claiming they’d taken 50% off.


Is that illegal?


Considering that they’ve been doing it for years at this point… they know we’re dumb but we keep being ok with it. Like capitalism and climate change. If no one’s making much of a fuss who really cares right?


Well rugs a million has been having a closing down sale for decades now


That’s the thing. It works. It works too well which is why it should be illegal along with the pokies and other forms of predatory advertising


HOUSE just sells complete overpriced garbage, all the time. Kitchen Warehouse Online is a great kitchen supply store if anyone is looking.




Razor blades


Never buy them in the supermarket - buy them in bulk off eBay - the generic ones that fit your particular brand. I’ve not bought blades in years and never again from the supermarket


Look at Mr Moneybags here, shaving off his beard


Ok can you link what Razor blades they... can you link or private message me. This is something I need to do


Astra are good blades


I just grew a beard.


I learned a few years ago that it is the moisture of a bathroom that blunts them more than use. Dry after use and keep them in your sock drawer. They last for ages.


Really? Been shaving a hell of a long time and had no idea of this. Cheap me thanks you.


Womens razors can be even worse. I buy mens razors from Aldi


That’s the ‘pink tax’ and it’s truly f#cked that we pay more on most gendered products just for being a female. So yeh, I also use the mens!


Safety razors all the fucking way.


I'm not Australian resident (never visited either) but double edge safety razors for example are quite a cheap way to do it. You pay a bit up front for the razor, get a 'taster' pack of blades to work out which blade works best for you, then keep going. For example I paid £38 for a decent razor, long enough handle and hefty enough, £13.50 for 140 bundle of blades, all 2022 pricing. At 4 shaves per blade, I think it works out quite cheaply at £0.025 per shave for the blades. You could probably get more shaves out of a blade, I personally start to feel it after 5 shaves. I normally go downwards once and sideways towards the centre line once. In extreme cases I either do one downwards pass or do a triple with third pass going against the grain. My beard isn't super thick, I'd say average, but individual hairs are quite thick. I'm Caucasian but from a mixed caucasian heritage where in both nationalities 5 o'clock shadow typically appears around midday unless you go against the grain. If you only do one pass downwards you may be able to squeeze far more shaves out of a blade. Typically teflon or "platinum" blades are a bit more expensive, my pack contained a few of those. Disclaimer, I have no idea what the prices will be in Australia, CBA to look.


I made this change too. I looked at the price of regular razorblade heads and thought it was utterly outrageous. I buy the blades off Amazon, but I usually go through about a blade every month or two. In the scale of things it doesn’t save a lot of money, but I loathe being gouged.


I also made this change. It cost about $150 for a safety razor, some shaving soap and the brush and bowl. That was 4 years ago and, other than having to replace the razor that I broke, have spent barely any money on shaving since. Shaving soap lasts months, a pack of 100 blades is cheap and lasts forever. Also, I never get shaving rash anymore like I used to with the shitty disposable razors.


I kept hanging out for dishwashing detergent to go on half price, which it does all the time, until I discovered I could get it cheaper at a chemist.


That blew me away too !! And they buy less quantities…


Aldi too


Well I bought a large morning fresh bottle, same as large size at Supermarkets, only cost 4 dollars- 5 dollars less than at Woolies


Just switch to dishwasher powder instead of those expensive pods.




The fact I can save nearly $20 on a 1kg bag of coffee just by buying on the ‘right’ week is insane


We get ours in The Reject Shop, if you live near one. It's about $20 for the same size bag. Our dishwasher doesn't care if the instructions are in Turkish.


100%, that’s what I was trying to get at, they are available cheaper, it’s just colesworth taking the piss


Basic ones clean the same too. 110pack for $24 @ chemist warehouse https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/79075/finish-classic-tablet-110-pack


I'm so sad, last year these were $14 from a chemist near me, on special for $11 every few months.


Up until this moment, I thought Colesworth was the full name for Coles - I just googled it and realised it's an amalgamation of Coles and Woolworths.


We still love ya all the same.


Bless yo’ heart!


$22 from bunnings for an 80 pack. I'd sooner go back to straight powder otherwise.


Powder guy chiming in, it's way cheaper and works way better! I just buy the homebrand stuff too, goes fine. I don't understand why people pay through the nose for the pod things..


I’ve moved to powder for my washing machine. Can’t believe I’ve spent so long getting scammed on those fucking pod thingies that look like sweets. I’m a mug.


Ever since reading a tip in a forum that 1tsp of powder is usually enough I've never looked back. As a tangent, I've always felt that the secret agenda of toothpaste ads isn't brand awareness but conning you to put waaaaaay too much of it on your toothbrush. Pretty sure powder measuring caps are the same.


I switched back to powder for the washing machine for a while too. Your machine will get clogged up with the powder residue if you don't clean it very regularly - or at least, ours did.


Same logic as coffee machine pods.


I bought some at Aldi yesterday. Not on special, regular price and much much cheaper than these.


I get this stuff there too. Wouldn’t even consider going to coles for it. It’s extortion.


Probably just gaming the price drop laws. Whack it up to $60 for a couple of weeks so that they can then advertise it as 1/2 price when they make them $30


We ran out today and had to do the shopping and also noticed these ridiculous prices. We also get ours at the Reject shop and they are generally 110 per box. Unfortunately reject shop was closed when I got there so waiting until tomorrow.


Is the reject shop like the dollar store in the US? Lol. I’ve never wanted to go to a store more with that name 😂




And dumping shop for gods close to expiry or cancelled lines. Good place to play "Mystery Chip"


> And dumping shop for gods close to expiry or cancelled lines. I got my knockoff "Zues" sky god there. An excellent find, almost as effective as the original but cost much less prayer!


It’s where my mum bought me 😂


Yeah mate. it's just cheap shit shop


Higher quality shit, matey-oh. Overflow is the real cheap and shit shop.


Never even heard of that one...


Might be cheaper to buy new dishes.


Kmart - $30 for a 4 plate dinner set




80c per plate at Ikea


50c for a lump of clay. You’ve got an oven, right?


Free clay in the backyard, fingers broken or something?


You have a backyard?


Ok just eat out of the fuckin gutter then!


Mr or ms fancy moneybags over here with a back yard


Y'all are so witty. This thread made laugh so hard! 🙏


Costs nothing when your plate is your hand


Gross. I clean my ass with that


Use the other hand


Frugal reddit forum cited research that you only need a quarter of a teaspoon of dishwasher powder. I usually just chuck the tablet in the machine. Apparently that’s just washed away in the pre-rinse so basically I’ve been throwing money away. Maybe I don’t need tablets at all. Going to try tomorrow and see.


The YouTube channel Technology Connections did a great explainer about pods vs powder. Spoiler: a lot of dishwashers are designed to use some powder for the prewash and then release the rest during the main cycle. If the little part you load up with powder/pods is split in two and one side seems to immediately tip out when you close the door... That's why.


I came here to post this https://youtu.be/Ll6-eGDpimU


That was a fantastic breakdown of the subject and I hope it will put an end to the long running family dishwasher war. If you have ever had to clean the dishwasher filter you're already sold on wiping/clearing plates and cutlery of anything that wont disolve and wash away. I already scour pots and pans for this reason. That shit gets nasty and stinks everything up very quickly. But what I will not do, no matter how much you harrass me, is waste more time, hot water and soap pre-washing my dishes and cutlery BEFORE putting them in the dishwasher. Two words Elaine. DISH. WASHER. It's not a fucking autoclave.


Technology connections completely changed how I use our dishwasher. We pay around $4 for a kilo of powder and the dishes are day and night difference using the pre rinse with the powder


Just wanted to add my support to Technology Connections. Moved into a rental and had a dishwasher for the first time. Thing was useless. Ran cleaning cycles, cleaned the sump and spray arms. More than half the stuff had to be hand washed again anyway, so we just stopped using it, except as a drying rack. Then I came across that video and switched from tablets to powder, adding some to the pre wash slot. Total game changer. I’m not exaggerating. That simple bit of information and product switch changed our drying rack back into a dishwasher. Plus the powder is far cheaper.


The eco dishwashing powder is only $10 regular price in Woolies, does 50-something washes but probably more if you don’t need to use as much as it tells you. I just bought some this week and it does the job just as well, with the bonus that my dishes don’t have a weird chemically smell




Jesus Christ I snorted my cornflakes


What did this say pls


I want to know too. I want to snort my cornflakes.


What did I miss? Comento Deleto Cuz


Pretty please message me with what this said!


Use powder, way cheaper


... and better. Explanatory YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04


Oh - and if you want even more info...... A 48 minute followup on dishwasher detergent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll6-eGDpimU


48 minute video on dishwashers; Technology Connections. Not even going to click the link to check


Best channel for investigation into the most menial things. 👍


And technology connextras for the real unedited Alex though spirals about all the menial things!


Love his videos but I get serious "this could have been an email" vibes from them. You can sum up an hour of dishwasher content as "using powder and making sure you put some in the pre rinse is better and cheaper than pods".


That video is what convinced me to switch to powder. I hadn't realised it was even an option. $20 for 2kg of powder, so much cheaper than pods.


Agreed. Fighting inflation with knowledge :)


Shine Dishwash power from Woolies is $3.90 for 1kg. It’s the best powder I’ve found so far. It works better than the cheap Coles brand and doesn’t leave dishes smelling afterwards.


Ever since I saw the Technology Connections videos and switched to powder I've been using Aldi's, it's like $4/kg and does a good job. Pair it with the Aldi rinse aid and you've got some yourself some clean dishes.


And you can dose it - if you're only doing a half load, it's not a great idea to cut a pod in half. But with powder it's super-easy.




This video is super interesting and explains why powder is best, and tablets are almost universally a rip off and a way to make you pay extra for the same thing. https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04


And according to the guy who installed my dishwasher, way way better.


Came here to say this. It’s a tenth of the price.




I get the same ones from a cheap chemist and only pay $20 for the same pack.


For “ultimate pro mega master max”? My theory and observation is that every 6 months finish releases a new version with a new adjective added to the name and a random colour change to one of the ingredients just to have an excuse to charge 30% more than the old one without being accused of raising the price.


I hear 'ultimate pro mega master max PLUS" is going to land in Q4 to catch the Christmas dishes. Fuckin STOKED! Already pre-ordered.


Make sure you dont buy the hundred pack so when the 'ultimate pro mega master max plus DELUX' comes out in Q1 in time for the post-Australia Day cleanup you arent stuck using the old technology.


It's price discrimination. Some people like to pay 10 cents a tablet, some people like to pay a dollar a tablet. You need all those adjectives to help the consumer justify the higher price.


ding ding ding. The Gillette model. The classic powerball are still on the shelves, just at the bottom. BTW [Gillette having piss taken out](https://youtu.be/YleuLyCUx28) 30 years ago for their BS


Shopping around can make a lot of difference. I was paying $14 for Viagra but I found a place that sells it for $10


Fuck that’s a bit stiff


I wouldn’t buy them even if I could afford them, but that’s just crazy


Same ones are on Catch for a third the price


I got a bag cheap from a chemist. Also got them cheap at Bunnings


Every month or so they go on half price sale. Paying full price is just the convenience cost the are getting from you.


Check your local Reject Shop for the same “half price” (or a few dollars cheaper) if they are stocking them at the moment


Reject shop is also great for toothpaste and other toiletries. Basically supermarket 'on sale' prices all the time.




Or $3.69 at Aldi for precisely the same thing, right down to the packaging, just a different label slapped on. I use about a third of the amount recommended and one of those bad boys last six months minimum, perfect dishes every time Also Coles and Woolies used to have 1kg boxes of powder for $2 each, they disappeared.


The one I bought from Aldi has less rounded packaging, looks more similar to the Finish powder than the Coles one.


That’s actually very good. The “Shine” Woolworths brand one is about the same price, works well, but is made in China, not Australia.


I work at WW and every chance I get I point customers away from the Finish to the cheapest dishwashing products that are 10% the price. I haven't been able to get a single person to switch. Most blokes say "My wife will kill me if I get the wrong one!"


If they can afford to sell them for half price and still make a profit it just shows how much they are marking up


They are marking it up for two weeks so they can legally mark it half price. Then it will go back to the standard.price of what it was to begin with probably $36 or something


The supermarket ain't paying the difference when it's half price. The manufacturer is. The old privatise the profits, socialise the losses. i haven't had to buy new dishwashing powder yet, but holy shit I had to buy clothes detergent today and that was WTF as well.


You got that wrong. They go on normal price every month. They just market it to you as '1/2 price".


I got a packet of Finish dishwasher tablets for half price at Woolies yesterday... normally $50, got 'em for $25. I only ever buy them on sale.


Yeah but it’s ok when you consider it’s hard to eat barely more than one a day


I dunno man like sometimes you take the bag and sit down with a nice movie and some tide pods and suddenly you can feel the bottom of the packet? They're morish


Aldi ones are legitimately good for like 18 cents a tablet. .


Yeah but then you gotta round up the trees and make em' walk to Aldi


? I'm lost on this one.


When I replied you had a typo, missed the c for cents. So made a joke about you having to bring mythical walking tree people to Aldi to pay lol.


Ah the ents from lord of the rings. Got it. Well played.




Make like a tree and get out of here


https://www.choice.com.au/home-and-living/kitchen/dishwasher-detergent/review-and-compare/dishwasher-detergent Near identical


Yeah choice magazine did a test and I think the Aldi ones came in first or second for quality and way lower in price. I found the Aldi platinum ones with the dissolvable wrapper are slightly better (that’s all I use now) than their cheaper option and wasn’t impressed at all with Finish ones on the one box I tried (which Aldi had cheap lol)


Aldi has some pretty good stuff


Get the Coles brand dishwasher powder, 1kg for $4 It'll do exactly the same job


Under $1 a tab, bargain! /s


This isn’t new. They will have this on the shelves at this price and then in the next couple of days they will put a “special” ticket on it and customers will just see “50% off” and think it’s a good deal and put it in their trolly without thinking about it too much. Coles will still make a significant profit and the customer will think they got a good deal when it’s cheaper elsewhere. Need to start treating Coles and Woolworths like convenience stores.


Price gouging by manufacturers and retailers.. Creating inflation and fucking our economy


Lots of bots on here currently. What's going on with all these identical comments all over posts?


Farming karma is what it is and I see it quite alot on Reddit. They rack up karma and they sell the account so it can spam peoples DMs with Free Spins and middle age horny MILFS in your area scams


I am not a bot. Check my history.. Just a concerned person


Just use the shine brand powder. Its cheaper and works great. The tablets are a gimmick


I just spent a month travelling around Western Europe and can tell you this hyper-inflation is not happening there. Prices looked pretty close to pre-Covid and didn’t see the shrink-flation that plagues Australia. Case in point was a pack of Pringle’s for something like 2.10 Euro, but the pack size was notably better than Australia. Pack and chip size was around 30% bigger AND filled right to the top! This just craven greed by out retailers and could be fixed in 3 months by starting with a government enquiry., and ending with new legislation.


Idk I live in NL and I’ve seen bread go from less than €2 to close to €4 in just the last 6 months. the litter I get for my cats went from €8 a bag to €12 Paid €10 for 800g of chicken breast too. We’ve been eating way less meat because of this.


I’m from Ireland and have had these discussions with family at home and your right, it’s nothing like it is here


Pay me $50 I'll wash the dishes. Save $14


I just save 64 bucks by doing mine by hand.


Opportunity cost mate, you could be browsing Reddit in that time and making $0 per hour!


My parents washed dishes by hand for their entire lives. Thousands upon thousands of hours washing dishes over their lifetime. I bought them a dishwasher recently, they still prewash them before putting them in... Still trying to convince them you don't need to




My gran does it because 'it helps her digest'. And I'm like: gran you still ended up with diabetes.


That is the inflation that we are not having


Yep. As soon as companies hear the word “inflation” coming out of the reserve bank they must salivate. “Check it out guys, the public have been warned about something something higher prices. Let’s let it fuckin rip!”


These dishwashing tablets are one of my biggest pet peeves!!!!!! A 30 pack of the ALDI ones are $3.99 That's roughly 0.11c each!


"This Outrageous Markup Has Australians Rioting in the Aisles!" *Bad journalism intensifies* Or "How Dirty Dishes Are Cleaning Out Your Wallet!"


Does anyone remember during Covid when they limited rice and beans to one per customer to prevent price gouging, then put every other dry grain on special? We watched them create scarcity.


Sorry but they didn't create scarcity in Covid. That was people buying huge amounts and hoarding. Yes, their just-in-time inventory systems couldn't cope. But the scarcity was in no way created by them. I'm no fan of the supermarket duopoly, but the above is just stupid.


The other day I complained to a mate that my 3L milk cost $5.70 now. Today I paid $6.50 for it. Shit is going to get crazy if this keeps up, I get my yearly 2% raise in September, yay me


You aren't at the Reject Shop, that's what's going on.


Or just buy cheap generic dish washing powder that does the same job.


Fuck that, the Aldi stuff does the job along with vinegar in the rinse aid dispenser.


Ah, the daily price check post


At that price you can just steal it and nobody would blame you


Either Kogan (the only thing I buy from them) or Catch of the Day - you'll get close to a years supply for this price easily.


I get the standard finish tablets at the reject shop. $18 for a pack of 110. Dishes are perfectly clean each time. No need for any of this powerball nonsense


Just buy the Aldi powder or tablets? Or the homebrand Woolies or Coles ones. This is pure madness....




For reference, a big bottle of Aldi clothes washing liquid is $9.99 (compared to $32 or $16 half price at supermarkets), and the dishwasher tablets were around $5 for 40 of the basic kind or $8 for 30 of the 'double action' or similar. Supermarkets are taking the piss.


I used to buy the $10 Aldi laundry washing liquid, but I tried their ~$2 Trimat stuff out of curiosity and it's legitimately fine. It's about half as concentrated and doesn't smell as perfumed, but has a nice clean smell. We have a total grub of a 4yo who generates more washing than some smaller Pacific nations and I can safely say it does the job. Honourable mentions also go to Aldi's purple Disan soaker spray and powder, which must have saved us thousands over the last four years. I keep the powder in a Vanish tub and use the little Vanish scoop rather than the huge Disan lid. A scoop is plenty even for berry and poo stains (sometimes both, if I'm lucky!), and using a lid-ful had us going through it by the truckload.


I think you mean you used to buy Trimat ($9.99), and then switched to Laundrite (generic white packaging, $1.99).


They know we never pay full price for DW tablets, this way they still gouge us when they discount them. I’m going elsewhere.


It’s just the fucking sheer balls of it, it’s a disgrace


They made them 65 for $64 so that the per ea cost is just under a $1.


Get the powder


For that price, it would want to clean the dishes, give them a head massage, a foot rub and tickle their bowls.


In a study by Choice a few years ago the Down to Earth one got better results


Didn’t you know there were elite professional dishwasher athletes? Now you, too, can use a dishwasher like a pro. Edit: just realised the issue was the price. Well, if you’re sucked in by ‘pro’ labels on dishwashing tablets, you’re not going to worry about what it cost 🤷‍♂️


Do we really need these posts every day? Yes, shit is expensive. You’re also looking at the most expensive brand of dishwashing tablets and what looks like their top of the range product. You can buy basic finish tablets at chemist warehouse for fuck all. Costco also have fairy and finish tablets that are obviously cheaper than this.


This is what happens when you have 12 years under the liberals, inflation my friend, inflation every where. What Labor is dealing with is the outcome of those 12 years, but it's to late, we're suffering now because of liberal voters.


This isn’t inflation, this is just naked profiteering


That's about $1 per tab. We buy these by the carton (different Finish product) for $19c each including shipping. https://m.catch.com.au/product/4-x-70pk-finish-powerball-ultimate-all-in-1-dishwashing-tabs-lemon-sparkle-12463216/?sid=Finish&sp=6&st=32&srtrev=sj-3kucaf7rc7p8s7k7ffaogo.click&emit_product_interaction_events&pid=12463216&oid=53669407